Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19 - Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service

Page created by Jeffery Barnett
Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19 - Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service
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                              Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19
Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19 - Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service
Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19                 2


                                                                 almost double that of the static population.              Below are the Officers in charge of this station.

                                                                 Torquay has a higher proportion of elderly/retired
                                                                 persons compared to the national average. Torquay
                                                                 has a significant and growing number of migrant
                                                                 European workers employed within the lower paid
                                                                 service sector industries. Approximately a third of the
                                                                 adult residents of Torquay are in receipt of some form
                                                                 of benefit (DWP) and a higher percentage of people
                                                                 are unemployed.                                           Watch Manager     Watch Manager      Watch Manager
                                                                                                                           Dave Nott         Jim McGuiness      James Tribble
                                                                 Torquay is the largest town in the Torbay area and        Blue Watch        Green Watch        Red Watch
                                                                 has an extensive tourism and leisure industry. There
                                                                 is significant holiday trade based around many hotels,
                                                                 bed and breakfasts, restaurants, nightclubs, theatres
 This plan presents the risks in your area and                   and other tourist attractions. The Marina attracts
                                                                 many boating enthusiasts and a large infrastructure
 the actions that Devon & Somerset Fire &
                                                                 has developed to support this. Torquay is accessed
 Rescue Service (DSFRS) will take to make the                    primarily via the A380/A379 and a main line rail link
 community safer. Our actions are a mix of                       with two railway stations. On the outskirts of the town
 activities based on prevention, protection and                  there are villages, parishes and extensive areas of       Watch Manager     Watch Manager      Local Risk
                                                                 open fields and woodland, which can present               Guy Watkin        Malcolm Mushing    Manager
 emergency response, all undertaken by the
                                                                 additional risks. In September 2007 Torbay received       White Watch       Retained           Rod Schneider
 people that are best suited for each activity.                  international recognition for its rich geological,
                                                                 historical and cultural heritage; it became one of just
 Torquay Fire Station is located within the Western              57 areas around the world to be endorsed by
 Command. The local Authority is Torbay Council, which           UNESCO as a Global Geopark.
 has unitary status. The station ground also covers an                                                                     To discuss the content of this plan with a
 area outside of Torbay, which form parts of Teignbridge                                                                   member of the fire service, please use the
 and South Hams District Councils. It covers an area of
                                                                                                                           contact details below:
 approximately 56.23 square kilometres and a
 population of 67,871. Approximately 1% of the
 population is made up of small ethnic groups composed                                                                     Name: Local Risk Manager Rod Schneider
 primarily of Asian, Black, Eastern European and other                                                                     Tel: 01392 456888
 ethnic groups.                                                                                                            Email:

 The population figure will rise significantly with the influx                                                             For more information please visit
 of visitors during the holiday seasons. During the very                                                         
 busy summer months, the population can swell to                                                                                                                             V1.0 Published April 2018
Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19              3

Our Response
                       The map opposite shows an estimate
                       of how long the fire engine will take to
                       reach residents in Torquay from the
                       time they make the call. It will naturally
                       take us longer to get places further
                       away from the station.

                       Residents of Torquay should take the
                       following precautions to help keep
                       them safe from fire:

                             Fit a working smoke alarm
                             Take care when cooking and
                              never leave cooking food
                             Plan and practise your escape
                             Make a bedtime check
                             Don't overload your electrics
                             Put cigarettes right out
                             Use candles carefully
                             Have your chimney swept
                              regularly                 V1.0 Published April 2018
Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19               4

Prevention and Protection
We maintain a very simple philosophy that prevention is better than cure and we recognise that risk reduction begins with safe behaviours at home, at
work, or on the road, and this leads to a safer society for all. We have developed a community safety strategy to focus our work and set our levels of
resourcing where we have most risk. Using our knowledge, along with that of local organisations and partners we will target those people and
properties that are more likely to be affected by fire and other emergencies, according to our risk analysis and risk profiling. The risks identified at
Torquay station have been identified below, our prevention and protection work will be prioritised accordingly.

  Dwelling     Business        Road        Community        Water       Development
                                                                                             &          Heritage
   Fires        Safety         Safety      Resilience       Safety      & Community

Risk Key

VERY HIGH           HIGH       MEDIUM           LOW         VERY LOW                                                                                                           V1.0 Published April 2018
Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19            5

Our Incidents
The activity information for this local community area is shown in the tables below.

Incidents attended (within station area)

                                                                                                                                   Five Year
             Station - 17 Torquay                                     2012/13          2013/14   2014/15   2015/16    2016/17

All Fires                                                               253             280       182       231         209           231
   Fires where people live (primary)                                     61             62        55        66          60            61
   Fires where people work and visit (primary)                           81             58        45        51          55            58
   Fires - outdoor and refuse fires (secondary)                         104             153       77        112         94            108
   Chimney Fires                                                         7               7         5         2           0             4
All False Alarms                                                        390             372       307       315         303           337
   False Alarms - Automatic Fire Alarms                                 240             237       184       203         226           218
   False Alarms - Good Intent                                           132             125       106       101         70            107
   False Alarms - Malicious attended                                     18             10        17        11           7            13
All Special Service Calls                                               231             236       190       227         233           223
   Co-Responding                                                         1               3         0         1           9             3
   Road Traffic Collisions                                               38             28        26        51          39            36
   Flooding & Water Rescues                                              31             21        10        18          22            20
   Other Special Service calls                                          161             184       154       157         163           164
All Incidents                                                           874             888       679       773         745           792
All Incidents minus False alarms                                        484             516       372       458         442           454
All Incidents minus False alarms and Co-Res.                            483             513       372       457         433           452

 Station Availability
  In the 12 months from April 2016 to March 2017 the station was able to
                      crew the following appliances
                                                                  % Hours
                                           Hours Unavailable
 Fire Engine 1 Wholetime                            0               100.0%
 Fire Engine 2 Wholetime / Retained               210.75            97.6%
 Fire Engine 3 Retained                           7168.25           18.2%                                                                                                        V1.0 Published April 2018
Torquay Risk Profile 2018/19                       6

Station Response Activity:

The table below shows the number of times the local fire station was called out (which may or may not have resulted in attending an incident). It also shows the
number percentage of calls on and off the station ground.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               5 year
                                                Station - 17 Torquay                                        2012/13   2013/14                                   2014/15       2015/16         2016/17
Total Turnouts                                                                                               1437      1404                                       924          1026              1005                1159
Turnouts to incidents on Station Ground                                                                      1301      1240                                       791           875               821                1006
% of Turnouts to Incidents on Station Ground                                                                90.5%     88.3%                                     85.6%         85.3%             81.7%            86.7%
% of Turnouts to incidents not on Station Ground                                                             9.5%     11.7%                                     14.4%         14.7%             18.3%            13.3%

Station Demand 2012/13 - 2016/17*
The graphs below demonstrate the peak demand on the station in terms of time of the day and month of the year. (*Incidents in station area, not including false
alarms or co-responding)

Hour of the day                                                                                                           Month of the year

                               60                                                                                                                          90
                                                                                                                              Annual Number of Incidents
  Annual Number of Incidents

                               40                                                                                                                          60
                               20                                                                                                                          30
                                0                                                                                                                           0
                                    0   1   2   3   4   5    6   7   8   9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23                                              Jan   Feb    Mar    Apr     May      Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec
                                                                               Hour of Day                                                                                                             Month of Year
                                                            5 yr Average - Stn 17        2016/17 - Stn 17                                                                            5 yr Average - Stn 17        2016/17 - Stn 17                                                                                                                                                                                                              V1.0 Published April 2018
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