Threat Intelligence Q1 2020 Analytics - AXA XL

Page created by Harvey Newman
Threat Intelligence Q1 2020 Analytics - AXA XL
Threat Intelligence
Q1 2020 Analytics
Overview                                                                         Current Threat Landscape                                                       Key vulnerabilities
This publication provides an overview of our findings and key takeaways          Weaponisation of COVID-19                                                      tech findings
from the threat landscape analysis across all all reports produced for           The COVID-19 pandemic is being leveraged by threat groups for financial,
AXA XL in Q1 2020. Through the AXA XL partnership with Accenture, we             political and espionage purposes. Techniques include phishing, social          Use of outdated infrastructure and insecure protocols
are able to offer a range of services to support our clients’ end-to-end         engineering, malware deployment, vulnerability exploitation and business       Despite awareness of the risks involved in using outdated infrastructure
cybersecurity needs. Our bespoke Threat Intelligence reports are produced        email compromise.                                                              and insecure protocols, 66% of assessed clients were exposed to web server
specifically for AXA XL clients, to identify any cybersecurity vulnerabilities                                                                                  vulnerabilities and several cases of usage of Telnet, HTTP (unencrypted
and threats, and help them to improve their security posture and overall         Key targets: global; government, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, utilities,       web traffic) and FTP were observed. Of the web exposure threats identified,
risk. This summary gives a view of our findings and concludes with some          media                                                                          72% related to vulnerable common web technologies.
actionable next steps to consider.

                                                                                 Ransomware attacks                                                             Sensitive information leakage
                                                                                 We are seeing continued prevalence of extortion malware being deployed         10% companies were found to have sensitive manuals, product diagrams,
                                                                                 creating additional threats of data disclosure. Ryuk and Maze ransomware       or protocols exposed on public online repositories. These exposed
                                                                                 are popular for targeting global organisations. Organisations are often        documents may be a gateway to the exposure of valuable knowledge about
                                                                                 initially compromised by popular and successful Emotet or Trickbot trojans.    the company or intellectual property.

                                                                                 Key targets: global; local government, healthcare, oil and gas
                                                                                                                                                                Insecure remote access
                                                                                                                                                                There has been a surge in remote working activity and subsequent reliance
                                                                                 State actor activity                                                           on related infrastructure as a result of COVID-19. When surveyed, 30% of
                                                                                 An alleged Iranian espionage operation called the Fox Kitten campaign          companies analysed had remote access vulnerabilities, which could lead to
                                                                                 has been active since Q4 2019. It aims to steal information from target        account takeover attacks. While enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA)
                                                                                 organisations to develop access routes and breach other companies by           can block 99.9% of all account takeover attacks, not many organisations
                                                                                 leveraging supply chain relationships from the initial infected corporation.   have deployed it for remote workers.
                                                                                 The campaign leverages unpatched VPN and RDP services on hosts, which
                                                                                 are increasingly being used to support remote working.

                                                                                 Key targets: United States, Europe, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Australia; oil and
                                                                                 gas, aviation, telecommunications.
Key vulnerabilities                                                     Lessons learned from
industry findings                                                       Cyber Claims*
Financial services & retailer industry exposures                        Phishing is still the most common attack vector and was found        Nature of matter
Banks and retailers continue to suffer from exposed bank account,       in approximately 57% of cyber investigations last quarter. The
                                                                                                                                                33% Business email compromise
credit or store card details that are being published or sold online.   second most prevalent attack vector is credentials access through
One in four banks assessed had leaked customer data, 88% of which       vulnerable VPN or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) access, observed        17% Malware
was identified on the deepweb or dark net, with the rest on clearnet    in approximately 15% of cyber investigations. Additionally, 43%
                                                                                                                                                17% Ransomware
public sites such as Pastebin.                                          of investigations involved successful attacks on cloud-based
                                                                        infrastructure and applications.                                        11% Application compromise

Manufacturing industry exposure                                                                                                                 6% OT/ICS
There has been a significant quarter-on-quarter rise in web             33%                                                                     6% Unauthorised access to
vulnerabilities identified for those Manufacturing clients assessed.    of the cyber investigations last quarter were related to Business
Manufacturers were also more exposed to Internet-facing                 Email Compromise (33%).                                                    information
infrastructure and web application weaknesses than other industries.
                                                                                                                                                5% POS / Cred dump
They appear behind the curve on aspects of security despite higher
business interruption exposures related to attacks on Operational                                                                               5% Fraud
                                                                        of the investigations included Ransomware attacks, while a further
Technology and Internet of Things footprints, which are increasingly
                                                                        17% included commodity malware. These incidents far outweighed
becoming more connected.
                                                                        other cyber attacks investigated due to the significant business        Attack vector
                                                                        disruption they caused, predominantly in the Manufacturing and
                                                                                                                                                57% Phishing
                                                                        Health sector.
                                                                                                                                                15% Credentials access
                                                                        RDP vulnerabilities were found to account for 50% of successful
                                                                                                                                                14% Unidentified
                                                                        Ransomware attacks.
                                                                                                                                                7% Network access

                                                                                                                                                7% External exploit

                                                                        * Based on US figures only
4 Key takeaways

  Be aware of phishing emails                                Increase your focus on                                      Reduce the likelihood of                                  Proactively monitor data
  and provide training to all                                cybersecurity tasks related                                 exposure to Ransomware                                    breach and disclosure of
  employees focusing on:                                     to remote working                                           attacks:                                                  sensitive data
     Greater awareness of phishing, their “lures”,
  n                                                           Patch and update VPNs, network infrastructure,
                                                             n                                                            Decommission insecure technologies (FTP, Telnet,
                                                                                                                         n                                                          Monitor all data breaches in the public domain

     methods for success and potential business impact.         and remote-working devices.                                 HTTP) and replace with more secure alternatives           and on dark web forums, to identify and remediate
     Due to increased misinformation and targeting,
  n                                                           Conduct security log reviews, attack detection
                                                             n                                                            (SFTP, SSH, HTTPS).                                       exposure of sensitive information.
     use only trusted sources for up-to-date, fact-based        activity, and incident response and recovery                Ensure regular online and offline backups of key
                                                                                                                         n                                                          Actively monitor corporate brand activity and

     COVID-19 information.                                      preparation to anticipate the impacts of potential          business systems are undertaken and actively              sensitive data disclosure related to the company
     Verifying the authenticity of the sources of emails
  n                                                           cyber attacks.                                              tested.                                                   on social media, Clear net (public Internet) and
     electronic communications (email and voice)                Use MFA and strong passwords to reduce the
                                                             n                                                            Actively test incident response and business
                                                                                                                         n                                                          Dark net.
     before making decisions related to financial               success rate of remote account takeovers.                   continuity plans with ransomware scenarios.               Subscribe to cyber threat monitoring services to

     transactions, e.g. making payments, donations              Test business continuity plans and VPN limitations
                                                             n                                                            Ensure antivirus and active threat detection
                                                                                                                         n                                                          gain greater awareness of threats and proactively
     and/or transferring funds.                                 to ensure they are optimised to support changes in          software is updated and running across your               identify and remediate them.
     Avoiding links and attachments from unsolicited
  n                                                           demand.                                                     enterprise.
     emails and not revealing personal financial

As part of the AXA XL partnership with Accenture there are a number of pre-breach services available which may help with these key takeaways (fees apply for selected services).

For more information, please click here.
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                         Accenture logo, and other Accenture trademarks, service marks, and designs are registered or unregistered trademarks of Accenture and its subsidiaries in the United States and in foreign countries. © 2020.

        AXA XL is a division of AXA Group providing products and services through three business groups: AXA XL Insurance, AXA XL Reinsurance and AXA XL Risk Consulting. AXA, the AXA and XL logos are trademarks of AXA SA or its affiliates. © 2020
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