Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines

Page created by Marvin Duncan
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
vol.1 2010

             The Magazine of Jardine Matheson

                      Creativity Focus in 2010 Pride in Performance Awards
                                                                 > page 3

                                  One Central Macau Sets New Standards
                                                             > page 8

                                           Multiple Honours for Wellcome
                                                              > page 21

                                                   Jardine Matheson Group –
                                                   A Focus on Southeast Asia
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
Becoming Even Stronger
As we enter the Year of the Tiger, the Group remains in a very strong financial position
and well positioned to take advantage of opportunities for growth.

This is especially so in East Asia, which is widely seen as the engine of global growth
and where the Group has a major presence. As the feature on pages 12-19 reflects, our
business activities in Southeast Asia in particular have increased significantly over the
last decade. In addition to our traditional markets of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand
and the Philippines, we have also developed a major presence in the important
Indonesian market and become active in Vietnam, Brunei and Cambodia. The Group
is keen to expand in all of these countries when suitable opportunities present
themselves and to grow stronger as the Region prospers.

Anthony Nightingale
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
At the Centre 2
Creativity Focus in 2010 Pride in Performance Awards
Asia Pacific Regional Board Meeting
Group in Strong Financial Position …

                              Leadership 6
                              Mandarin Oriental Opens in Barcelona
                              One Central Macau Sets New Standards
                              JLT Raises Profile of Risk Management in Asia
                              Special Events to Launch the New Mercedes-Benz
                                 E-Class in Singapore …

Feature 12
Jardine Matheson Group – A Focus on Southeast Asia

                              Performance 20
                              7-Eleven South China Celebrates 17th Anniversary and
                                550th St0re
                              Multiple Honours for Wellcome
                              Group Companies Shine in Service and Courtesy Awards
                              Spotlight on Kia in Singapore and Vietnam …

                              Spirit 26

                              MINDSET Funds Ongoing Support for Sichuan
                                Earthquake Victims
                              Dairy Farm CARE Raises Funds for MINDSET
                              JETS Team Brings First Matilda Sedan Chair Race
                                Victory for Jardines
                              Guardian Celebrates Anniversary with Charity Bonanza …

People 32
Senior Group Finance Appointments
Gold Bauhinia Star for Honorary Chairman of Maxim’s Group
Group Leadership Coaching Course Helps to Transfer Expertise …
Enterprise at Work … Jardine Engineering Corporation
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
Creativity Focus in 2010 Pride in
Performance Awards

 Customer   Marketing     Successful    Innovation         Business
  Focus     Excellence   New Venture   and Creativity   Outperformance

Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
At the Centre  
Creativity Focus in 2010 Pride in Performance Awards
The judging panel for the 2010 Pride in                 Director Anthony Nightingale, “so we are
Performance (PIP) Awards will be looking                not only seeking entries that demonstrate
for a greater element of creativity from                excellence in their categories but are also
this year’s entries.                                    looking for an added spark of ingenuity
                                                        and originality.”                           Innovation and Creativity, and Business
“Creativity in business is becoming                                                                 Outperformance. Entries had to be
more and more important as a means                      The five award categories for the 2010 PIP submitted by 8th January and judging
of maintaining competitive advantage,”                  Awards are Customer Focus, Marketing        is currently underway with the results
said Jardine Matheson Group Managing                    Excellence, Successful New Venture,         to be announced on 8th March 2010.

Asia Pacific Regional Board Meeting
The Jardine Matheson Group’s 2009                       Following an overview of the                            & Carriage Group Managing Director
Asia Pacific Regional Board meeting                     Group from Managing Director                            Ben Keswick gave presentations.
brought together board members,                         Anthony Nightingale, Group Director
chief executives of the major                           Lord Leach of Fairford, Jardine                         Professor Michael Enright and Duncan
business units and country chairmen                     Matheson China Representative                           Sparkes of the British Embassy in
at the Mandarin Oriental, Sanya on                      Adam Williams, Hongkong Land Chief                      Beijing spoke on the outlook for
Hainan Island.                                          Executive Y K Pang, Group Finance                       China while Ian Hannam of JP Morgan
                                                        Director James Riley and Jardine Cycle                  Cazenove covered capital markets.

Centre left: Jardine Matheson Group Chairman Sir Henry Keswick and (right) Managing Director Anthony Nightingale with board members, chief executives of the major
business units and country chairmen at the Group’s 2009 Asia Pacific Regional Board meeting.

Group in Strong Financial Position
The Jardine Matheson Group’s Interim                    The effects of the global economic                      Hongkong Land’s commercial
Management Statement covering                           downturn on individual businesses                       property interests are performing
the period from 1st July to 11th                        have varied. Improvements have been                     well. Dairy Farm’s major retail
November 2009 shows it to be in a                       seen recently in a number of Jardine                    businesses continued to show
strong financial position with net debt                 Pacific’s businesses, in particular in its              growth. In the face of weakness
remaining low and the Group’s overall                   engineering and construction activities.                in both the corporate and leisure
trading conditions becoming more                        Jardine Motors’ Hong Kong and mainland                  segments, occupancy levels remained
positive. The Group’s earnings have                     China businesses have seen increased                    poor at Mandarin Oriental’s hotels.
continued to improve and for the period                 demand. Jardine Lloyd Thompson is                       Astra’s performance reflects the
under review were ahead of 2008.                        producing a satisfactory performance.                   strength of the Indonesian economy.
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
Michael D Ruslim
                   The President Director of Astra International, Michael D Ruslim, has passed
                   away following a short but severe illness.

                   “Pak Michael was a good friend and trusted colleague,” said Jardine
                   Matheson Group Managing Director Anthony Nightingale. “He will be hugely
                   missed by all those who knew and worked with him.”

                   Mr Ruslim first joined Astra in 1983 and became its inspirational leader
                   following his appointment as President Director in 2005. He will be
                   remembered for his many outstanding achievements and his community
                   involvement, especially in supporting the development of Indonesia.

                   Group Managing Director of Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JC&C) Ben Keswick said
                   that the Boards and management of JC&C and Astra were shocked and deeply
                   saddened by the news of Mr Ruslim’s sudden death.

                   “Pak Michael played a significant role in developing Astra’s businesses and
                   steering it through challenging economic conditions to its present strong
                   financial position,” said Mr Keswick. “During his time as President Director,
                   he provided excellent leadership to the 116,000 employees of Astra and made
                   a positive contribution to Indonesia.”

                   Mr Ruslim is survived by his wife, Ibu Trisni and two children.

Harry Wilken
                   Harry Wilken, Company Secretary of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited,
                   has died after being taken seriously ill when about to return from London
                   to Bermuda.

                   A larger than life character, Mr Wilken first joined the Group in 1972 in Hong
                   Kong as an accountant. In a career spanning 38 years with Jardines he was
                   based mainly in Hong Kong, apart from spells in Hawaii and the Philippines,
                   until 1995 when he moved to Bermuda to take up the position of President of
                   Jardine Matheson International Services and act as the Company Secretary of
                   a number of the Group’s London-listed companies.

                   Mr Wilken played an important role in the local community in Bermuda,
                   where many tributes have been paid to him. He was also active in the island’s
                   Scottish community, particularly in hosting the St. Andrew’s Day celebrations
                   in Jardine House.

                   “I had known Harry since he first joined Jardines,” said Group Managing
                   Director Anthony Nightingale. “He will be fondly remembered for his warm and
                   generous personality and for his great contribution to the spirit of the Firm.”

                   Mr Wilken is survived by his wife, Eileen.
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
                                                                                                                                             At the Centre  
Lord Powell Shares
Platform with                                                                              quality of our services, together with
                                                                                           our participation in airport relocation,
World Leaders
                                                                                           have all contributed to us winning this
                                                Jardine Airport Services                   new business,” said Enoch Lam, Chief
                                                Taking Off in China                        Executive of JASG.

                                                Last year marked a milestone for           By 2020, it is planned to have 244
                                                Jardine Aviation Services Group (JASG)     airports in mainland China. A new
                                                as the group’s efforts to expand into      Kunming Airport, which is due to open
                                                mainland China were rewarded with the      at the end of 2011, will become the
                                                establishment of its first joint venture   fourth largest airport hub in China.
                                                partnership in Yunnan, Kunming.
                                                                                           “Through JASL and Yunnan Airport
                                                Yunnan Airport Service Limited is an       Service we hope to play a vital part in
Right: Matheson & Co Director Lord Powell and
World Bank President Robert Zoellick at the
                                                investment with Yunnan Airport Group,      this growth, particularly in Kunming
APEC Leaders’ Forum in Singapore.               which owns 12 airports in Yunnan           which is one of the fastest developing
                                                province and JASG’s ground services        areas of the country,” said Mr Lam.
                                                company Jardine Airport Services
Matheson & Co Director Lord                     Limited (JASL), in which China National    Since 1991, JASL has also been
Powell of Bayswater has shared the              Aviation Corporation (CNAC) has an         contributing to the development of
platform with world leaders at two              equal shareholding. The new company        aviation services at mainland China
separate events.                                is now providing passenger handling        airports through a training programme
                                                services for 16 domestic and six           set up in collaboration with CAAC. This
The first was this year’s Emerging              international and regional airlines at     facilitates the transfer of technical
Markets Summit in London                        Kunming Wujiaba International Airport,     know-how to management staff from
organized by The Economist                      which is ranked the seventh busiest        mainland airports, airlines and regional
magazine where Lord Powell and                  airport in mainland China.                 departments of CAAC. The Hong Kong-
Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister                                                           based programme has trained more
Korn Chatikavanij, a former                     Over the years, JASG has built up          than 150 individuals since its inception.
chairman of Jardine Fleming                     a close relationship with the Civil
Securities in Thailand, addressed               Aviation Administration of China           “Through the programme we
a session on Southeast Asia and                 (CAAC) and mainland China carriers         are contributing to the setting
its prospects. Several Asian heads              as it sought the right moment to make      of standards and spreading best
of government also spoke at                     a major move into the fast-growing         practices throughout the industry,”
the conference.                                 aviation market.                           explained Mr Lam. “We also hope that
                                                                                           we are helping to inspire and motivate
In the second event, Lord Powell                “JASL’s experience in operating in one     future leaders in China’s aviation
and World Bank President Robert                 of the world’s leading airports and the    industry.”
Zoellick joined forces on a panel
at the APEC Leaders’ Forum in                                                                                      A Jardines delegation
                                                                                                                   led by (centre right)
Singapore, which was attended by                                                                                   Jardine Pacific
                                                                                                                   Chief Executive
the Heads of Government of the                                                                                     Adam Keswick
APEC countries including President                                                                                 with management
                                                                                                                   executives of Jardine
Obama and President Hu Jintao of                                                                                   Aviation Services
China. Lord Powell and Mr Zoellick                                                                                 Group’s (JASG)
                                                                                                                   partner, Yunnan
discussed changes to the structure                                                                                 Airport Group, led by
of international relations since the                                                                               (centre left) President
                                                                                                                   Liu Ming visit JASG’s
end of the Cold War.                                                                                               new joint venture
                                                                                                                   operation at Kunming
                                                                                                                   International Airport.
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
Mandarin Oriental Opens in Barcelona

Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
Mandarin Oriental Opens in Barcelona
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group has                       offers highly stylized and creative              and enjoy al fresco dining in the
opened its first hotel in Southern                      interiors by internationally renowned            hotel’s 660 sq. m spectacular garden
Europe, in Barcelona on Paseo de                        Spanish designer Patricia Urquiola.              or relax by the rooftop dipping pool,
Gracia, the city’s most prestigious                     Each of the guest rooms and suites               which has a panoramic view over the
address at the centre of its commercial                 provides highly sophisticated in-room            city’s famous architectural skyline.
and entertainment district.                             entertainment systems, reflective                In addition, The Spa at Mandarin
                                                        of Mandarin Oriental’s renowned                  Oriental, Barcelona offers a wide range
Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona is                         customer-centric technology. The hotel           of holistic rejuvenation and relaxation
housed in the redevelopment of an                       also has a choice of restaurants and             treatments as well as luxurious water
elegant mid-20th Century building,                      bars that are destinations in their own          and heat therapies in a tranquil,
which also incorporates luxury retail                   right. Guests can take advantage of              meditative setting.
at street level. The 98-room hotel                      the temperate Mediterranean climate

Jardine Restaurant Group Acquires KFC in Taiwan
Jardine Restaurant Group (JRG) has acquired the KFC
franchise business in Taiwan from Yum! Brands Inc.

Jardines has a longstanding and successful relationship
with Yum!. JRG currently holds the sole franchisee rights
for Pizza Hut in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and is
developing the Pizza Hut franchise network in Vietnam.
This will be the first time that JRG has operated a KFC
franchised business.

“I am very pleased about this opportunity to expand our
                                                                               Front row centre: KFC Taiwan Chief Executive Officer Ricky Wong, Chief Financial
restaurant business in Taiwan,” said Jardine Pacific Chief                     Officer Hamish Ross (back row – second left) and the senior management
                                                                               team of KFC Taiwan, together with William Lyon (back row – centre), General
Executive Adam Keswick. “The acquisition is in line with
                                                                               Manager, Business Development, Jardine Restaurant Group and Colonel
JRG’s strategy of increasing its presence in the Region.”                      Sanders (back row – far left) celebrate the acquisition of KFC Taiwan.

Extreme Stunts Launch Latest Mitsubishi from JC&C
                                                                                 Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JC&C) showcased the all-new
                                                                                 Lancer EX Ralliart at the Mitsubishi Extreme Drive,
                                                                                 a two-day session of extreme stunts and driving for
                                                                                 motoring fans held at the Changi Exhibition Centre
                                                                                 in Singapore.

                                                                                 The on-board electronics of the two litre, turbocharged
                                                                                 car, which features technology derived from the Lancer
                                                                                 Evolution series, were the focus of a ‘Slip Sliding’ stunt
                                                                                 routine to demonstrate how they could be applied
                                                                                 when road conditions get out of hand. The Lancer EX
                                                                                 was also put through its paces in other stunts which
                                                                                 included the J-turn, an evasive driving manoeuvre
                                                                                 favoured by James Bond, which spins the car from
The Mitsubishi Lancer EX performs a J-turn manoeuvre.                            reverse to forward in one slick movement.
Thistle Jardine Matheson Group - A Focus on Southeast Asia - Jardines
One Central Macau Sets New Standards
Hongkong Land joint venture                             One Central Macau is providing                          “We were committed to re-creating
One Central Macau is setting new                        discerning shoppers in Macau with                       the shopping experience found in
standards for convenience and quality                   the same convenience and quality                        Hong Kong here in Macau, and with
in shopping following its grand                         they have come to expect from Central                   such eager response from the most
opening in early December 2009.                         in Hong Kong. Many international                        prestigious international brands, we
                                                        brands have opened their first, largest                 can say that we have realized this
The 400,000 square foot, three-level                    or flagship stores in the mall where                    dream,” said Hongkong Land Chief
shopping mall is part of a mixed-                       tenants include Louis Vuitton, Hermès,                  Executive Y K Pang.
used project with Shun Tak Holdings                     Gucci, Fendi, Ermenegildo Zegna,
Limited, which is set in the heart of                   Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, Cartier, Bvlgari                 One Central Macau offers
the city on Nam Van Lake.                               and Burberry, among many others.                        shoppers the ultimate retail and
                                                                                                                lifestyle experience, with access
                                                                                                                to entertainment, fine dining,
                                                                                                                upmarket residential buildings, the
                                                                                                                new Mandarin Oriental Hotel and
                                                                                                                serviced apartments, and leading
                                                                                                                lifestyle and gaming destination
                                                                                                                MGM GRAND Macau.

                                                                                                                “In bringing One Central Macau to
                                                                                                                life, we were able to leverage a track
                                                                                                                record of success in developing
                                                                                                                unique, luxury shopping experiences
                                                                                                                for consumers that demand the
                                                                                                                highest level of quality,” said Mr Pang.
                                                                                                                “We believe that One Central Macau
                                                                                                                is destined to become one of the
Hongkong Land joint venture One Central Macau offers shoppers the ultimate retail experience.                   premier destinations in Macau.”

Jardine Motors UK Unveils Audi’s New Terminal Concept Centre
Jardine Motors has opened the doors of its new
Audi Centre in Tamworth in the West Midlands.

The new world class ‘terminal’ design building
is the first to open in England and one of only
two in the United Kingdom.

The £7.7 million (US$12.5 million) facility
features a 14-car showroom displaying
all of the Audi brand portfolio and
19 workshop bays.

“This provides a great platform for
growth with the ability to operate
a larger vehicle park,” said Jardine
Motors UK Chief Executive Alun Jones.                   Jardine Motors’ pioneering new Audi Centre in Tamworth in the West Midlands.
JLT Raises Profile of                       Runaway Success for Citi Giant Credit Card
Risk Management
                                            A Citi Giant credit card
in Asia                                     launched six months ago
                                            by PT Hero Supermarket
                                            Tbk and Citi Bank in
                                            Indonesia as part of an
                                            ongoing effort to increase
                                            customer loyalty has
                                            proved a runaway success
                                            with more than 130,000
Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) has made
                                            members recruited.
a significant contribution to raising the                                  PT Hero Supermarket and Citi Bank Indonesia executives
                                                                           including (2nd right) John Callaghan, Chief Executive Officer,
profile of risk management in Asia, in                                     Hero Supermarket and (2nd left) Shariq Mukhtar, Citi Country
                                            The Visa credit card
particular through its involvement in                                      Officer, Citi Indonesia launch the Citi Giant credit card.
                                            offers up to 5% cash
the Asia Risk Council (ARC), which was
                                            back on all purchases at Giant               special discounts on selected items
established in 2007 at the instigation
                                            supermarkets and hypermarkets,               every month.
of JLT Asia and then Jardine Matheson
                                            Hero supermarkets and Guardian
Risk Manager Ray Mattholie to address
                                            health and beauty stores as well             “The growing database of credit
issues and challenges relating to the
                                            as 5% discount on own brands and             card members has already started
risk landscape in the region.
                                            0.5% cash back on all purchases              delivering tangible benefits,”
                                            outside the above mentioned                  said Hero Supermarket Marketing
Subsequently JLT and representatives
                                            stores. In addition, members receive         Director Maria Suwarni.
from several other Group companies
played a leading role in the third
annual meeting of the ARC, which
was held recently in Hong Kong              IKEA Opens Expanded Shatin Store
and attended by over 60 senior risk
executives representing companies           IKEA Hong Kong’s expanded Shatin             In preparation for the opening,
from across Asia.                           Store has been opened with a log-            more than ten IKEA Hong Kong
                                            sawing ceremony and lion dance.              staff spent eight weeks in Sweden
“Having attracted 15 participants to the                                                 undergoing special training.
inaugural session, the ARC has since        The new 120,000 sq. ft store is              In addition, a similar number of
grown in profile to the level achieved      located at HomeSquare, Grand                 specialists from IKEA’s headquarters
this year,” said Mr Mattholie who once      Central Plaza in Shatin and features         visited Hong Kong where they
again chaired the event.                    35 display rooms which fuse                  provided valuable help with some
                                            Scandinavian style with unlimited            of the store layouts. Altogether
Contributions from other Group              home furnishing ideas; 7,500 low             over 100 IKEA staff were involved in
representatives included a session          price, good quality items; a 130-seat        the build-up to the opening making
co-hosted by Victor Tse of Jardine          Swedish restaurant and a children’s          the new Shatin Store an excellent
Matheson; Samuel Manasseh of Astra          playground and ball pool.                    source of home furnishings.
International who spoke on developing
                                                                                                                         Centre right: Lars
a supply chain risk management                                                                                           Danielsson, the
                                                                                                                         Consul-General of
process; ‘Practical Risk Management –
                                                                                                                         Sweden and Lucy
Responding to a Crisis’ delivered by                                                                                     So, Manager of
                                                                                                                         the IKEA Shatin
Paul Clarke and Martin Goh of JLT Risk                                                                                   store, participate
Consulting; a review of the uses of                                                                                      in the traditional
                                                                                                                         Swedish log-
‘Catastrophe Modelling’ co-presented                                                                                     sawing ceremony,
by Matt Payne of JLT; and an unusual                                                                                     which marked the
                                                                                                                         opening of the
approach to risk management from Mike                                                                                    expanded store.
Wellsted from JLT on his 250 kilometre
trek through the Namibian desert.
Mandarin Oriental Opens Exciting New Venues in Hong Kong and Las Vegas
Mandarin Oriental has opened two                         offers alfresco cocktails and snacks     and rich violet and gold mosaics,
exciting new venues in Hong Kong and                     with exhilarating views of Victoria      accentuated by LED and optical
Las Vegas.                                               Harbour and the stunning city            fibre lighting.
                                                         skyline. Entering through a red
In Hong Kong, The Excelsior has                          glass door, guests are treated to        At Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas, the
added an extension to its 34th floor                     the breathtaking views through a         first restaurant in the United States
restaurant – ToTT’s Roof Terrace.                        newly constructed glass parapet,         by three-star Michelin Chef Pierre
The brand new outdoor roof terrace                       complemented by wooden decking,          Gagnaire has opened as the hotel’s
                                                                                                  signature venue. Twist by Pierre
                                                                                                  Gagnaire offers an innovative menu
                                                                                                  which infuses the simplicity of classic
                                                                                                  French cuisine with a modern spin,
                                                                                                  relying on the pairing of flavours and
                                                                                                  textures for which Gagnaire is known.

                                                                                                  Located on the 23rd floor of the
                                                                                                  hotel, the Adam D Tihany-designed
                                                                                                  restaurant seats 74 and features a
                                                                                                  dramatic glass staircase leading up
                                                                                                  to a suspended wine loft. More than
                                                                                                  300 gold globes illuminate the space,
                                                                                                  appearing to float in the air across
                                                                                                  the ceiling. Elevated tables allow
                                                                                                  every guest a view from the floor-to-
                                                                                                  ceiling windows that overlook the Las
Twist, the new Pierre Gagnaire restaurant at Mandarin Oriental, Las Vegas.                        Vegas Strip.

Special Events to Launch the New Mercedes-Benz E-Class in Singapore
The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class                            The new E-Class models were also
saloon and E-Class couṕe were the                       on show at a JC&C jewellery making
centre of attention at a number                          workshop held specifically for female
of special events held by Jardine                        customers. Participants at the session
Cycle & Carriage (JC&C) to mark the                      were given the opportunity to design
models’ official launch in Singapore.                    their own silver jewellery and each
                                                         received a sales kit highlighting the
In addition to an exclusive                              attributes of the new E-Class.
introduction for media and business
partners, Mercedes-Benz customers                        Meanwhile JC&C Mercedes-Benz
and the public were invited to view                      customers enjoyed a live screening
the new E-Class over a period of four                    of the second Formula One night race
days with the added attraction of                        in Singapore. Guests could also enter
entertainment from jazz and classical                    a lucky draw to guess the winner of
musicians. Altogether more than                          the race and the fastest time. Prizes
3,650 people flocked to see these                        included Formula One goodie bags
                                                                                                  Jardine Cycle & Carriage held a private viewing of the
exciting additions to the Mercedes-                      and a cap signed by Lewis Hamilton.
                                                                                                  new Mercedes-Benz E-Class at its Mercedes-Benz
Benz portfolio.                                                                                   Center in Singapore.
Leadership 11
Superior Customer Services for World’s Largest                                         7-Eleven Singapore
Passenger Jet                                                                          Adds Value at the
                                                                                       World’s Largest
Jardine Airport Services Limited              A new operations procedure had to
(JASL) became the first ground                be implemented to deal with the          CNG Station
handling services company in Hong             superjumbo plane and leading up
                                                                                       7-Eleven Singapore is providing
Kong to handle the world’s largest            to the day of the inaugural flight,
                                                                                       convenience for customers of C-NERGY
passenger jet when Singapore                  the JASL team worked tirelessly to
                                                                                       at 50 Old Toh Tuck Road in West
Airlines inaugurated its A380 daily           ensure that all passenger handling
                                                                                       Singapore, which, with 46 pumps,
service between Singapore and Hong            processes were in place at check-in,
                                                                                       has a place in the Guinness Book
Kong last year.                               boarding, flight operations and load
                                                                                       of Records as the world’s largest
                                              control for the aircraft.
                                                                                       compressed natural gas (CNG) station.

                                              “These meticulous preparations
                                                                                       In collaboration with C-NERGY, which
                                              contributed to a successful operation
                                                                                       is operated by Union Gas Pte Ltd,
                                              and on-time departure of the
                                                                                       7-Eleven has customized its 24/7
                                              superjumbo jet,” said Enoch Lam,
                                                                                       convenience store at the station to
                                              Chief Executive, Jardine Aviation
                                                                                       cater for the specific needs of the
                                              Services Group.
                                                                                       consumers using it. For example,
                                                                                       taxi drivers make up to 90% of the
                                              Of the 14 commercial airlines to have
                                                                                       customer base and the hot food
                                              ordered the A380, ten are customers
                                                                                       offered by the 7-Eleven food service
                                              of Jardine Aviation Services.
                                                                                       counter has been well received by
                                                                                       drivers wanting a quick meal while
                                              “The professional readiness of JASL
                                                                                       filing up their tanks. The station also
                                              enables us to move forward with
                                                                                       serves nearby residents and 7-Eleven
                                              the industry as more airlines seek
                                                                                       has made available a variety of
                                              efficient alternatives and begin to
Passengers checking in for their journey on                                            household products and drinks for the
                                              operate the superjumbo,” added
the inaugural A380 flight from Hong Kong                                               convenience of these customers.
to Singapore.                                 Mr Lam.

                                                                                       “7-Eleven’s collaboration with
                                                                                       C-NERGY showcases our desire to be
JLT Expands UK Employee Benefits Activities                                            a leading convenience chain store that
with Acquisition                                                                       evolves with the times,” said 7-Eleven
                                                                                       Singapore Chief Executive Officer
Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) will             as a strategically central part of the   Victor Chia.
strengthen its market position in             JLT Group.
UK employee benefits and add
significantly to its expertise and            “It is a complementary deal,
capabilities through the recent               playing to our strengths and
acquisition of HSBC Actuaries and             adding capabilities in important
Consultants Limited (HACL).                   professional fields,” explained JLT
                                              Chief Executive Dominic Burke.
The acquisition brings together two
market leading employee benefit               In the year ended 31st December
consultancies with synergy in both            2008, HACL, which employs some
culture and client offerings. It also         440 staff, had revenues of circa
underlines JLT’s determination to see         £40 million (US$64.3 million).
its employee benefits business grow
                                                                                       Left: Singapore MP Seng Han Thong tours the
                                                                                       new 7-Eleven store with 7-Eleven Singapore Chief
                                                                                       Executive Officer Victor Chia.
Jardine Matheson Group –
A Focus on Southeast Asia

Feature 13
Jardine Matheson Group – A Focus on Southeast Asia
Having weathered the worst of the              Firmly focused on expanding business         should be many opportunities for
storm caused by the global financial           activities in the Region where               viable expansion ahead, particularly in
downturn, the Jardine Matheson                 opportunities present themselves, the        the newer markets where traditional
Group is currently in a strong position        Group is concentrating on identifying        industries are rapidly being overtaken
and poised to make the most of new             and implementing means of staying            by the development of infrastructure,
opportunities in Southeast Asia.               ahead of its competitors.                    manufacturing and services.
Apart from Singapore and Malaysia
where the Group has traditionally              “This means continuing with viable           “Our long history and experience in
had a major presence and its long              expansion programmes to sustain our          Southeast Asia, the growth of our
association with both Thailand and             leading positions in all our markets,”       business activities in the Region over
the Philippines, there is growth in the        said Group Managing Director                 the last decade and the synergy which
fast-moving and important Indonesian           Anthony Nightingale.                         exists across the Group, mean we
market as well as in the newer markets                                                      are well positioned to become even
of Vietnam and Cambodia, in which the          As the Region continues to show a            stronger in the Region as it prospers,”
Group is now investing.                        stronger economic recovery than              added Mr Nightingale.
                                               many other parts of the world, there
The increasing extent of the Group’s
business activities in Southeast Asia
is reflected in the fact that in 2008 the
Region made up 43% of underlying
profits, compared with 9% in 2000,                                                                 1IJMJQQJOFT
and that percentage is likely to                                                 $BNCPEJB
increase further. The Group also now
employs some 180,000 people in the                                         .BMBZTJB
Region. By far the greatest number                                             4JOHBQPSF
of these – over 144,000 – are in
Indonesia, which over the last decade                                                            *OEPOFTJB
has assumed growing significance
through Jardine Cycle & Carriage’s
investment in Astra.
                                                                Jardines’ Presence in Southeast Asia
                                            Cambodia   Indonesia    Malaysia     Philippines Singapore       Thailand    Vietnam
 Engineering and Construction

 Transport Services

 Insurance Broking

 Property Investment and Development



 Luxury Hotels

 Motor Vehicles and Related Activities

 Financial Services

 Heavy Equipment



 Information Technology
Involved in Indonesia
Through its investment in Astra, the                     services, agribusiness, heavy
leading conglomerate in Indonesia                        equipment and mining,
and the largest independent                              information technology
automotive group in Southeast                            and infrastructure.
Asia, Jardines has been actively
participating in the emerging                            Astra’s automotive business
economy of this extensive island                         comprises the production,
nation. The Group’s older investments                    distribution, retail and after-
in other sectors of the economy too                      sales service of motor vehicles
mean that Jardines is represented                        and motorcycles. It holds 58%
across a broad spectrum of business                      of the country’s motor vehicle
in Indonesia.                                            market through partnerships
                                                         with leading manufacturers
Currently the Indonesian economy is                      such as Toyota and Daihatsu,
                                                                                            Astra subsidiary United Tractors is the leading provider of
benefitting from sound government                        and 46% of the motorcycle          heavy equipment for the mining, construction, forestry and
                                                                                            agribusiness industries in Indonesia.
policies which are committed                             market through Honda.
to strengthening infrastructure,                         Astra also manufactures and
improving the business climate and                       distributes automotive components.            Nusantara is the country’s largest coal
boosting growth. Foreign confidence                      In addition it provides a wide                mining services contractor. In recent
is also rising as reflected in Moody’s                   spectrum of high-quality financial            years, UT has expanded its interest
lifting of the country’s sovereign                       products and services in support              in the coal mining business as a
rating to Ba2 from Ba3.                                  of its automotive businesses and              concession owner. The group is also
                                                         is also involved in retail banking            one of Indonesia’s largest producers
Astra, in which Jardine Cycle &                          through its stake in PT Bank                  of palm oil with plantations covering
Carriage holds an interest of just                       Permata Tbk.                                  approximately 260,000 hectares.
over 50%, is listed on the Indonesia                                                                   As global demand for palm oil rises,
Stock Exchange and is a diversified                      Through United Tractors (UT), Astra           Astra Agro Lestari is involved in every
business group with more than                            is the sole distributor of Komatsu            aspect of the industry from cultivation
150 subsidiaries. Its six core                           heavy equipment in Indonesia                  to harvesting and processing.
businesses are automotive, financial                     and its subsidiary Pamapersada
                                                                                                       Now part of the Dairy Farm Group,
                                                                                                       PT Hero Supermarkets pioneered the
                                                                                                       introduction of modern supermarkets
                                                                                                       in Indonesia in the 1970s. Today it
                                                                                                       is one of the top five retailers in the
                                                                                                       country. Hero serves its customers
                                                                                                       using multiple retail formats,
                                                                                                       which include Hero and Giant
                                                                                                       supermarkets, Giant hypermarkets,
                                                                                                       Guardian health & beauty stores and
                                                                                                       Starmart minimarkets.

                                                                                                          PT Tunas Ridean, a listed affiliate of
                                                                                                          Jardine Cycle & Carriage, is one of the
                                                                                                          largest independent motor vehicle
                                                                                                          dealers in Indonesia. It is also a major
                                                                                                          provider of vehicle financing through
                                                                                                          its associate, Mandiri Tunas Finance.
Astra’s extensive automotive business includes the production of cars such as these Toyotas.
Feature 15
                                       A Strong Presence in Singapore
Following on from the long-term        Many Group operations use Singapore                 Land is helping to create Singapore’s
success of its three existing office   as a hub for Southeast Asia and are, or             new central business district on the
buildings in Jakarta’s central         have the capacity to become, market                 waterfront with joint venture iconic
business district, PT Jakarta Land,    leaders in their respective fields. The             developments One Raffles Quay and
a 50/50 joint venture between          city-state’s high standards of corporate            Marina Bay Financial Centre.
Hongkong Land and Central Cipta        governance and administrative efficiency
Murdaya, will this year commence       along with the Government’s objective               Hongkong Land subsidiary, MCL Land,
construction on World Trade            to attract foreign capital and talent and           has more than 40 years experience
Center II. The 60,000 square           further enhance its status as a leading             of building homes in Singapore
metre building will have basement      global city make it conducive to doing              and Malaysia. Last year MCL Land
parking, retail, banking space and     business. The Group’s businesses are                had pre-sales of 264 new homes in
28 levels of offices.                  generally performing well despite the               Singapore, four and a half times the
                                       difficult economic environment of the               number of units committed in 2008. This
Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) has       past year. Most are well positioned for             reflects an increase in demand for units
been operating in Indonesia since      expansion, both organic and through                 in mid and mass-market developments.
1976 and was the first foreign         acquisition, into related businesses
joint venture insurance broker to      or new sectors in line with the                     Dairy Farm operates four key retail
establish operations in the country.   development of the Region.                          formats in Singapore – Cold Storage,
JLT specializes in a wide range                                                            Market Place and Shop n Save
of insurance services and also         Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JC&C)                     supermarkets; Giant Hypermarkets;
provides professional advice in the    continues to look at new growth areas               7-Eleven convenience stores; and
areas of self-funding mechanisms,      in its mature automotive market. With               Guardian health & beauty stores – and
catastrophe analysis, protection       a strong base, which includes the                   is a market leader in each segment.
and disaster recovery.                 Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Kia and                  While Singapore is an established
                                       Citroën marques, JC&C is constantly                 market and new sites, especially for
Following a multi-million dollar       anticipating the needs of its customers             the development of hypermarkets, are
renovation last year, Mandarin         with the introduction of new models                 limited, the group continues to expand
Oriental, Jakarta is positioning       and exciting customer care events.                  and develop. During 2010, it plans to
itself as the most luxurious hotel                                                         open 50 new stores and widen its range
in the city with 272 spacious rooms    Hongkong Land has a high profile in                 of house brands to provide continuing
and suites and several fine new        Singapore. Its first groundbreaking                 good value for customers.
restaurants. Located in the heart of   developments, One Raffles Link and
Jakarta’s financial and diplomatic     CityLink Mall, set new standards for                        Originally opened in 1987 as The
district, the hotel combines           quality, convenience and integrated                         Oriental, Singapore, but renamed
the richness of Indonesian             retail facilities when they were                            following extensive renovation
culture with Mandarin Oriental’s       completed in 2000. Currently Hongkong                       five years ago, Mandarin Oriental,
legendary service.                                                                                              Singapore, continues to
                                                                                                                uphold its position as
Since starting operation in                                                                                     one of Singapore’s best
Indonesia in 1998, joint venture                                                                                luxury hotels. Located
company PT Berca Schindler                                                                                      on Marina Square with
Lifts has been providing lift and                                                                               close proximity to the
escalator solutions for many                                                                                    Formula One Grand Prix
prestigious new developments in                                                                                 track, Singapore River and
the country including premium                                                                                   shopping, cultural and
office and residential towers,                                                                                  underground transport
hotels and mega malls.                                                                                          facilities, the hotel appeals
                                                                                                                to both business and
                                       Jardine Cycle & Carriage’s impressive portfolio of leading automobile
                                       marques in Singapore includes Mercedes-Benz.                             leisure travellers alike.
Gammon, which has had a presence in         and infrastructure sectors. At the same         making inroads into other market
Singapore since the 1980s, has recently     time the company has developed a                segments. In particular, the Schindler
broadened its service offering with the     successful business supplying products          3100 product range is meeting the
formation of foundation and electrical      to overseas markets.                            requirements for multi-generation
and mechanical business units. Through                                                      family living in homes with private lifts.
subsidiary, Gammon Capital, the group       Jardine Shipping Services Singapore
is in the process of completing its first   is a market leader in providing shipping        Singapore is a core hub for Rothschild’s
Public Private Partnership (PPP) project    agency services to clients who range            Asia business. Over recent years this
in Singapore, an important step in its      from leading global shippers, ship              has shown rapid growth in all areas,
strategy of creating sustainable PPP        owners, ship operators and charterers           particularly mergers and acquisitions.
businesses in the Region.                   to local importers and exporters.
                                            Capitalizing on Singapore’s position as         Singapore is the regional headquarters
JEC Singapore started out providing         a global shipping hub, JSS Singapore            of Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT)
Mechanical and Electrical (M&E)             handles all kinds of vessels from the           Asia, which has had a presence
Technical services in 2001. Today JEC       largest tankers to cruise liners.               there since 1969. From this base,
Singapore also offers a full range of                                                       JLT’s strategic business units work
architectural fit out, M&E equipment        With a well-established reputation              closely with offices in Asia and,
and turnkey solutions, as well as high      in the high-end of the market,                  where necessary, around the globe,
value-added services in the building        Jardine Schindler has recently been             leveraging the expertise of the JLT
                                                                                            network. In Singapore, JLT is dominant
                                                                        Hongkong Land
                                                                        joint venture
                                                                                            in insurance broking services
                                                                        developments        for the construction, employee
                                                                        Marina Bay
                                                                        Financial Centre    benefits, property & liability, marine,
                                                                        and One Raffles     professional & executive risks and
                                                                        Quay will form
                                                                        a key part of       wealth management sections.
                                                                        new waterfront
                                                                        central business    Jardine OneSolution (JOS) has been
                                                                                            active in Singapore since 1998 with
                                                                                            a strategy to build its expertise and
                                                                                            capabilities across different industries.
                                                                                            Today it has a strong presence in
                                                                                            the commercial sector and clear
                                                                                            leadership in the public sector.

Stepping into Cambodia
The Jardine Matheson Group has taken its first major step into
Cambodia with the agreement to acquire a 12.25% stake in ACLEDA
Bank (ACLEDA) from Netherlands Development Finance Company.
Originally created in 1993 as a ‘Micro Finance’ NGO entity providing
small loans to retired military personnel, ACLEDA became a commercial
bank in 2003 and is today Cambodia’s second largest such institution.

Jardine Schindler began operations in Cambodia in 2001 and since then
has been focused on establishing the brand and building up market
share. New residential projects and Government plans to develop the
                                                                                   ACLEDA Bank, in which the Jardine Matheson Group has agreed
seaside city of Srihanuville into a leisure resort area are all providing
                                                                                   to acquire a 12.25% stake, is Cambodia’s second largest
good potential for growth, particularly for Schindler escalators and lifts.        commercial bank with 232 branches and over 7,000 staff.
Feature 17
A Market Leader in Malaysia
The Group has had a presence in                                                                                             Giant is a
                                                                                                                            household name
Malaysia for over 50 years. In the                                                                                          in Malaysia
mid-1990s this was strengthened                                                                                             where it is the
                                                                                                                            leading retailer.
with investments in Cycle & Carriage
Bintang, Mandarin Oriental and
Guardian and consolidated further
with the acquisition of Giant in 1999.

Currently there are eight Jardines’
businesses in Malaysia operating in
an economic environment which is
experiencing a lifting of some of the
traditional restrictions imposed on
foreign investors. The Government
is also focusing on industries such
as health care, public transport,                       will open seven new stores as well        Jardine Lloyd Thompson has had
energy, the financial sector and                        as a fresh distribution centre in         a presence in Malaysia for almost
tourism, many of which offer                            Balakong, Selangor.                       30 years. The group specializes
potential opportunities for growth                                                                in the provision of insurance and
to Group companies.                                     Jardine OneSolution (JOS) is the          reinsurance broking services for
                                                        number one distributor of computer        both Malaysian and multinational
Dairy Farm’s retail businesses are                      products in Malaysia with strong          clients and provides innovative risk
leaders of their markets. They                          expertise in merchandising and            management solutions tailored to
operate 35 Giant hypermarkets,                          procurement and an unrivalled             meet clients’ needs.
67 Giant superstores/supermarkets,                      portfolio of international vendors. The
18 Cold Storage supermarkets and                        company has offices in Kuala Lumpur,      Cycle & Carriage Bintang (CCB)
339 Guardian Health & Beauty                            Penang and Johor Bahru.                   is the leading Mercedes-Benz
stores. A key factor in Giant’s                                                                   dealer in Malaysia and last year
success has been its ability to                         Antah Schindler is a well-established     celebrated its 110th anniversary
offer value for money products                          company involved in the installation      as a company. It also sells vehicle
that meet the needs of local                            and maintenance of Schindler brand        parts and accessories and services
consumers. During 2010, Giant                           elevators and escalators.                 close to 70% of the Mercedes-Benz’
                                                                                                  after sales business in Malaysia. A
                                                                                                  recent restructuring has revitalized
                                                                                                  its profitability.

                                                                                                  Located between the iconic Petronas
                                                                                                  Towers and Kuala Lumpur City Park,
                                                                                                  Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur
                                                                                                  is the city’s most distinctive and
                                                                                                  prestigious hotel. The hotel has 643
                                                                                                  rooms and 51 serviced apartments.

                                                                                                  Rothschild Malaysia provides a full
                                                                                                  range of corporate finance advisory
                                                                                                  services particularly in the areas of
                                                                                                  mergers and acquisitions and debt
                                                                                                  and restructuring advisory work.
There are more than 300 Guardian Health & Beauty stores serving the health, personal care and
beauty needs of Malaysians across the country.
Well Placed in the Philippines
Jardines’ association with the            Jardine Lloyd Thompson offers specific        Mandarin Oriental, Manila, which is
Philippines dates back to the 19th        expertise in risk management including        located in the central business district
Century but it was not until the early    employee benefits, financial risks,           of Makati, has won many awards for
1970s that the Group began to actively    natural resources, construction,              quality service.
invest in businesses there.               aviation, property & liability,
                                          and utilities. Jardine Shipping
Jardine Engineering Corporation           Services is a leading
(JEC) Philippines’ subsidiary, Jardine    shipping agency.
Distribution, Inc (JDI), markets a wide
range of crop protection products and     Jardine Direct Company
applied construction chemicals from       provides offshore information
leading international manufacturers.      technology support services to
JEC Philippines focuses on providing      Dairy Farm units in Hong Kong,
HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-       Southern China and Taiwan.
conditioning) services for large          Hongkong Land has a presence
corporations. Jardine Schindler           in the Philippines through joint
Elevator Corporation (Philippines) is     venture Northpine Land, which        One of Jardine Distribution, Inc’s (JDI) field staff offers
                                                                               advice and explains the benefits of one of JDI’s crop
among the leading suppliers of lifts,     focuses on middle-income
                                                                               protection products to a farmer in the Philippines, where
escalators and moving walkways.           housing developments.                they are among the leading brands.

75 Years in Thailand
Jardine Matheson has recently             Jardine Engineering Corporation (JEC)         for the export market. Jardine Schindler
celebrated its 75th anniversary in        Thailand has been established for             Thailand has a strong presence in the
Thailand, a reflection of its long        over 40 years and is a market leader in       high-rise segment of the Thai market
association with the country. While       building services with a strong presence      with many long-term customers
the ongoing turbulent political           in the new-build sector. JEC is also          including several of the country’s
situation has curtailed both              focusing on specialist contracting in the     largest real estate developers.
incoming foreign direct investment        transportation and energy sectors. Trane
and domestic consumption, good            Thailand leads the market for large           The legendary Mandarin Oriental,
economic fundamentals and a strong        commercial air-conditioning units and         Bangkok has set the benchmark for
infrastructure mean that there are        is a household name for domestic units        hotel standards in Thailand for many
opportunities for potential growth.       too. The company also produces units          years and in spite of a significantly more

                                                                                                            Set in over 60 acres of natural
                                                                                                            landscape and surrounded by
                                                                                                            the rich heritage of the Lanna
                                                                                                            Kingdom, Mandarin Oriental
                                                                                                            Dhara Dhevi, Chiang Mai has
                                                                                                            established itself as a brand-
                                                                                                            defining destination.
Feature 19
competitive market, continues to                       Jardine Lloyd Thompson Thailand                 Licensed two years ago, JLT Life
protect its leadership position against                has been operating for 36 years and             Assurance Broker is able to take
other luxury brands. Resort hotel                      is actively engaged in the small &              advantage of the rapid growth in
Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi, Chiang                  medium enterprise, affinity, major              the EB sector through a full range
Mai, which opened five years ago,                      corporate, and employee benefits                of products and services for a
has also established itself as a brand-                (EB) segments. It is also the market            variety of clients.
defining destination.                                  leader in the hotel industry segment.

Expanding in Vietnam
Political stability, impressive                        Hongkong Land first
economic growth, an entrepreneurial                    invested in Vietnam some
private sector and a young population                  15 years ago introducing
have turned Vietnam into a                             international construction
marketplace with great potential.                      and property management
Over the last 15 years, Jardine                        standards with two
Matheson has invested in key areas                     office buildings in Hanoi.
of Vietnam’s economy.                                  Currently Hongkong Land
                                                       is pursuing commercial
Through Jardine Strategic, the Group                   and residential projects in
holds a 7% stake in Asia Commercial                    Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC).
Bank (ACB), the largest private bank                                                  The more than 1,500 Schindler elevators and escalators in Vietnam
                                                                                      are maintained by Schindler Vietnam’s specialist engineers and
in Vietnam.                                            Dairy Farm, which              technicians to ensure maximum efficiency and absolute safety.
                                                       entered the Vietnam
Jardine Cycle & Carriage has a                         market in 2006 when its wholly-owned            Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT), which
29% interest in Truong Hai Auto                        subsidiary Giant South Asia (Vietnam)           is headquartered in HCMC with a
Corporation (THACO), which has                         was granted a retail business licence           branch office in Hanoi, has been
grown to become one of Vietnam’s                       to operate supermarkets, is actively            represented in Vietnam since 1994
largest domestic automotive players                    reviewing opportunities to expand and           and received its full broking licence
undertaking assembly, distribution                     to develop other retail formats.                in 2008.
and retail for several international
automotive principals and its own                      With 13 years of experience in the              Pizza Vietnam, a joint venture
THACO brands. It also operates the                     market, Schindler Vietnam is the                between Pizza Hut Hong Kong and
largest sales network in Vietnam.                      industry leader for lifts and escalators.       IFB Holdings, opened its first Pizza
JC&C is actively supporting THACO’s                    In addition, Schindler Vietnam                  Hut in the country three years ago
plans to expand, including areas like                  produces components for Schindler’s             in HCMC. Today there are ten Pizza
automotive consumer financing and                      high-speed elevators for both the               Hut outlets in HCMC, Hanoi and
component production.                                  domestic and export markets.                    Dong Nai.

 Truong Hai Auto Corporation (THACO), in which Jardine Cycle &
 Carriage holds a 29% interest, has its automotive assembly plant
 in Chu-Lai, Vietnam where it is the largest private employer in
 Quang Nam Province with over 3,000 staff.
7-Eleven South China Celebrates
17th Anniversary and 550th Store

Performance 21
7-Eleven South China Celebrates 17th Anniversary and 550th Store
7-Eleven South China has celebrated                    16th October 1992. In the 17 years                      Speaking at the ceremony, 7-Eleven
its 17th anniversary and the opening                   since then, 7-Eleven South China has                    South China Chief Executive Officer
of its 550th store located in New City                 expanded in the region to encompass                     Jenny Lee emphasized 7-Eleven’s
Zhujiang, Guangzhou.                                   the five main cities of Guangzhou,                      commitment to providing convenient
                                                       Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhuhai and                          service and high quality products to
The ceremony was held on the                           Foshan, and is rapidly advancing                        customers according to the corporate
anniversary of the opening of the first                towards the ambitious goal of                           principle of ‘Convenience Everyday’.
five 7-Eleven stores in Shenzhen on                    1,000 stores.

JEC Showcases Green Solutions in Vietnam
JEC partnered with Hongkong Land to showcase its green
solutions at the Green-Biz 2009 event organized by EuroCham
and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and held in Hanoi.

JEC presented solutions which could be applied to Vietnam’s
development challenges in the energy, water, transport and
construction sectors. The event also included a conference
which brought together key figures from European and
Vietnamese business communities, governments and
consultancies to share solutions for sustainable development
                                                                                              JEC green solutions for sustainable development were on
in Vietnam.                                                                                   show at Green-Biz 2009, which was held in Vietnam.

Multiple Honours for Wellcome
Wellcome has achieved multiple                         2009 Hong Kong CIM Marketer of
honours in the 2009 HKMA (Hong                         the Year and won the Distinguished
Kong Management Association)/TVB                       Marketing Leadership Award, while
Awards for Marketing Excellence.                       Wellcome Group Marketing Manager
                                                       Annie Sin carried off the Best
The company’s ‘One Dollar Does                         Presentation Award.
Matter’ marketing campaign won                                                                                 The HKMA/TVB Awards for Marketing
the Certificate of Excellence in the                   “These awards reflect the industry’s                    Excellence were established in 1986
Campaign Awards division and the                       recognition of Wellcome’s excellent                     and the 2009 finalists included leading
Citation for Outstanding TV Campaign.                  achievements in marketing,” said                        institutions such as MTR, American
In addition, Wellcome Marketing                        Wellcome Hong Kong Chief Executive                      Express, McDonald’s and the Hong
Director Diane Chiu was named                          Officer Alex Tay.                                       Kong Jockey Club.

Wellcome Hong Kong’s ‘One Dollar Does Matter’ advertising campaign caught the imagination of a large audience and won industry recognition.
IKEA Taiwan Inspires                                Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Visits Giant
with Creative Activities                            Flagship Store
IKEA Taiwan has been inspiring its                  Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean paid a special visit to Giant
customers with a series of creative                 Tampines to mark the opening of an overhead pedestrian bridge linking the
activities to mark the launch of its                residents in Pasir Ris town to the hypermarket.
2010 new products and catalogue.
                                                    Led by Giant Merchandise Director Pierre Deplanck and Store General
Television commercials, public                      Manager Vincent Leow, the Giant team extended a warm welcome to Mr Teo
relations promotions and the                        and his team of grassroot leaders from the Pasir Ris – Punggol constituency.
internet have been used to deliver
the key campaign message that IKEA                  “The opening of this bridge has been greatly welcomed by the residents of
Taiwan can offer smart solutions                    Pasir Ris who can now cross over to Giant Tampines more easily to do their
to create a home that suits every                   grocery shopping,” said Mr Leow.
consumer’s lifestyle.

Among the activities, an in-store event
to launch the new catalogue saw
people queuing up to be amongst the
first 380 to receive a new catalogue,
each of which contained the surprise
bonus of a gift voucher. The ‘IKEA
Happiness Bus’ was another success
as it travelled out into the streets
to bring IKEA’s inspirational home
furnishings and 2010 new products to
the attention of potential customers.
In addition, representatives of the                 Centre: Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean is warmly welcomed to Giant Tampines
media were invited to visit the IKEA                as guest of honour at the official opening of the overhead pedestrian bridge in Pasir Ris town.

Hsinchuang store to view firsthand the
latest collection in the IKEA PS (Post
Scriptum) range, which encourages                   Hactl Scores a Hat-trick
new ways of thinking about the
design process.                                     Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals                          SCALA is organized by Asia Pacific’s
                                                    Limited (Hactl) has scored a hat-                      leading industry publication
                                                    trick by winning the title ‘Air Cargo                  Supply Chain Asia to recognize the
                                                    Terminal of the Year’ for the third                    outstanding achievements and
                                                    year in a row at the Supply Chain                      contributions of industry players in
                                                    Asia Logistics Awards (SCALA) 2009.                    the Region.

                                                    “Winning this regional title once
                                                    again signifies our unwavering
                                                    pursuit of service excellence
                                                    and customer satisfaction,” said
                                                    Hactl Managing Director Anthony
                                                    Wong. “It represents the collective
                                                    effort of all our professional and
                                                    seasoned staff who are dedicated
                                                    to delivering the best cargo
The launch of IKEA Taiwan’s 2010 new products                                                              Hactl Managing Director Anthony Wong with the
                                                    handling and logistics solutions to
and catalogue attracted wide attention from media                                                          ‘Air Cargo Terminal of the Year’ award, which the
representatives and customers.                      our customers.”                                        company has won for the third successive year.
Performance 23
Group Companies Shine in Service and Courtesy Awards
High standards of service and courtesy      Pizza Hut Hong Kong won three                          Pizza Hut Hong Kong also achieved a
at 7-Eleven, IKEA and Pizza Hut in          awards – Junior Frontline Level                        high level of excellence by winning five
Hong Kong have paid off with all three      Fastfood and Restaurants category,                     out of the nine awards at the ‘Regional
Group companies winning accolades           and at Supervisory Level, the                          Champs Challenge 2009’, which
in the 2009 Hong Kong Retail                Fastfood and Restaurants and Food                      was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Management Association (HKRMA)              Shops categories.                                      by franchisor Yum! Restaurant
awards, which are regarded as the                                                                  International.
‘Oscars’ of the retail industry.

For the second year running, 7-Eleven
carried off the Junior Frontline Level of
the Supermarkets/Convenience Stores
category. The award was won by Zoe
Kwok of 7-Eleven’s Farm Road store.

Meanwhile Sam Chan, Section
Manager at IKEA’s Causeway Bay
Store won the Specialty Stores
category – Lifestyle (Supervisory
Level). This is the third consecutive
HKRMA Service & Courtesy Award to
be won by IKEA Hong Kong, but the
first at supervisory level.                 Pizza Hut Hong Kong celebrates its success at the Regional Champs Challenge 2009.

Spotlight on Kia in Singapore and Vietnam
Kia has been in the spotlight with the      Koup, attracted so much interest that                  were introduced at the opening of
launch by Cycle & Carriage of a new         some 200 bookings had been made                        the latest THACO Kia showroom, the
model in Singapore and the opening          even before its official unveiling. Some               most modern of its kind in the country.
of another showroom in Vietnam by           100 units were sold over a ‘Wonderful                  The occasion coincided with the
Group affiliate THACO.                      Test Drive’ weekend alone.                             Kia Distributors Conference in Asia-
                                                                                                   Pacific, which attracted some 40 chief
In Singapore, the launch of Kia’s first     Meanwhile in Da Nang, Vietnam, both                    executives from around the Region.
ever two-door coupé, the Kia Forte          the Kia Koup and Kia New Sorento                       THACO Kia is Kia Motors’ fastest
                                                                                                   growing partner in Asia-Pacific with
                                                                            Cycle & Carriage’s     nearly 6,000 Kia cars sold in Vietnam
                                                                            launch in              since the signing of a strategic
                                                                            Singapore of the
                                                                            Kia Forte Koup was     partnership in 2007.
                                                                            a great success.

                                                                                                   Participants at the conference
                                                                                                   discussed business strategy and
                                                                                                   product orientation for Kia vehicles
                                                                                                   in Asia-Pacific in 2010 and were
                                                                                                   addressed by THACO Kia Chairman
                                                                                                   Tran Ba Duong on the investment,
                                                                                                   development and marketing activities
                                                                                                   of the company in Vietnam.
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