The Structural Interplay between Critical Cultural Awareness, Institutional Identity, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Teaching and Job Performance of ...

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The Structural Interplay between Critical Cultural Awareness, Institutional Identity, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Teaching and Job Performance of ...
The Structural Interplay between Critical Cultural Awareness,
    Institutional Identity, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Teaching and Job
                      Performance of EFL Teachers
                            Hassan Soodmand Afshar1a, Mahsa Moradifar2a


    ARTICLE HISTORY:                         The present study explored the relational patterns of critical
                                             cultural awareness, institutional identity, self-efficacy,
    Received September 2020                  reflective teaching, and job performance of Iranian EFL
    Received in Revised form December 2020   teachers. To this end, 300 Iranian EFL teachers from different
    Accepted December 2020                   private language institutes were selected based on
    Available online December 2020           convenience sampling and took part in the study by
                                             completing the critical cultural awareness questionnaire, the
                                             teachers’ sense of self-efficacy scale, the institutional identity
                                             questionnaire, and the reflective teaching questionnaire.
                                             Moreover, 1500 EFL students (i.e., five students per teacher)
                                             were randomly selected from teachers’ classrooms to take
    KEYWORDS:                                part in the present study. A Structural Equation Modeling
                                             (SEM) analysis was adopted, the results of which revealed
    Critical cultural awareness              that all the predictor variables except critical cultural
    Institutional identity                   awareness predicted EFL teachers’ job performance.
    Self-efficacy                            However, self-efficacy was found to be the strongest
    Reflective teaching                      predictor of Iranian EFL teachers’ job performance. The
    Job performance                          implications, grounded in the findings of the study, are
                                             presented and discussed in more detail in the paper.

                                                                          © 2020 IJSCL. All rights reserved.

  Professor, Email: (Corresponding Author)
  Tel: +98-813-8292530
  MA, Email:
  Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran
The Structural Interplay between Critical Cultural Awareness, Institutional Identity, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Teaching and Job Performance of ...
H. Soodmand Afshar & M. Moradifar/ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021   ISSN 2329-2210   15

 1. Introduction                                                 Another important teacher-related variable
                                                                 thought to determine success in L2 learning is

          s teachers play an effective role in                   the concept of self-efficacy (Brouwers &
          educational settings, they have recently               Tomic, 2003), which is defined as “people’s
          gained attention in education (Akbari,                 judgments of their capabilities to organize and
 Kiany, Imani Naeeni & Karimi Allvar, 2008).                     execute courses of action required to attain
 Accordingly, during the past few decades,                       designated types of performances” (Bandura,
 numerous research investigations (e.g., Brown,                  1986, p. 391). A highly efficacious teacher has
 2001; Darby, 2008; Soodmand Afshar &                            better planning and pays more attention to
 Hamzavi, 2017; Tschannen-Moran & Johnson,                       students’ needs (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk
 2011) have inspected various teacher-related                    Hoy, 2001).
 features and their possible relationships with
 and/or effects on educators’ performance and                    Another important factor in teacher education is
 their students’ accomplishment. The four most                   reflective teaching, which is regarded as a
 significant ones include critical cultural                      teacher-related variable that basically plays a
 awareness, institutional identity, self-efficacy,               vital role in problem-solving and decision-
 and reflective teaching.                                        making processes (Akbari, 2007). As
                                                                 Pennington (1992) holds, the aim of reflective
 The development of critical cultural awareness                  teaching is to suggest a movement in teacher
 (CCA) is regarded as one of the significant                     education wherein teachers analyze their own
 events in foreign language instruction                          practices and consider alternative choices for
 (Houghton, 2008), which basically aims at                       attaining their goals.
 fostering      intercultural       communicative
 competence (ICC). According to Byram                            Another factor is job performance in teacher
 (2012), CCA might consist of two different                      education, which is regarded as the most
 dimensions, i.e., social and psychological.                     important criterion for educational outcomes
 These dimensions help teachers in focusing on                   and failures (Ryeau, 2007). As Viswesvaran
 how culture and the social context of language                  and Ones (2000) state, many organizations
 influence       interactions.       Consequently,               utilize the notion of job performance as a vital
 individuals who become more aware of the                        benchmark to detect their employees' possible
 distinction that underlies culture will become                  obstacles and easiness at work involving their
 better trained to participate adequately and                    strengths and weaknesses in order to anticipate
 effectively in intercultural relationships.                     the most appropriate teaching courses which
                                                                 lead to promoting their job performance.
 Another influential factor in the field of
 language learning and teaching is the notion of                 2. Theoretical Framework
 identity that incorporates “how one perceives
 oneself and how one is perceived by others. It                  The concept of CCA is defined as “the ability
 also includes how one positions oneself in                      to critically analyze one's social and political
 relation to the existing background (native                     world on multiple levels” (Kreisberg, 1992, p.
 culture) and the new settings (target culture)”                 19). CCA, supported by the intercultural
 (Wang, 2010, p. 51). According to Morita                        competence concept, is also defined as “the
 (2004), teachers’ identity captures educators’                  ability to interact effectively with people from
 definition of themselves concerning their                       cultures that we recognize as being different
 professions. The concept of teachers’                           from our own” (Guilherme, 2000, p. 297).
 institutional identity, as one of the main kinds
 of identity, is defined by Hogg (2006) as                       Most teachers agree that cultural awareness is
 teachers’ status of identification with the                     an essential factor in EFL contexts; however,
 institutes, colleges, or schools wherein they                   they are in doubt about how to manifest cultural
 teach. Similarly, Hogg (2006) maintains that                    knowledge or expose students to culture in a
 institutional identity is considered as the                     purposeful, practical, and unbiased method
 relevant juncture of the concept of social                      (Stapleton, 2000). Moreover, Sercu (2002)
 identity theory.                                                points out that autonomy is the main element of
                                                                 cultural awareness course development. In
                                                                 addition, a key element that is omitted at
                                                                 promoting cultural awareness includes
The Structural Interplay between Critical Cultural Awareness, Institutional Identity, Self-Efficacy, Reflective Teaching and Job Performance of ...
16                                             Critical Cultural Awareness

     conversion of one’s own identity, tensions,              Viswesvaran and Ones (2000) state that many
     anxieties, prejudices and attitudes (Sercu,              organizations utilize the job performance
     2002).                                                   concept as a vital benchmark to detect their
                                                              employees' possible obstacles or easiness at
     The literature shows that identity requires more         work involving their strengths and weaknesses
     attention due to manifold reasons, one of which          in order to anticipate the most appropriate
     is the fact that we can investigate various              factors influencing their employees’ job
     aspects of teaching through the analytic lens of         performance. According to Soodmand Afshar
     identity (Olsen, 2008). MacLure (1993), states           and Doosti (2016), several factors such as work
     that identity can be considered as a reinforcing         engagement and organizational commitment
     factor in teachers’ professional lives, even a           might affect job performance.
     “resource that people use to explain, justify and
     make sense of themselves in relation to others,          Several studies have been conducted
     and to the world at large” (p. 311).                     investigating the role of CCA in EFL teacher
                                                              education. For one, Soodmand Afshar and
     The notion of self-efficacy is defined as “beliefs       Yousefi (2019) investigated 150 Iranian EFL
     in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the        teachers’ perceptions of CCA in terms of
     courses of action required to manage                     academic degree, teaching context, and
     prospective situations” (Bandura, 1995, p. 2).           professional development programs. The
     Furthermore, teacher self-efficacy is defined as         participants all filled out the CCA
     “the teacher’s belief in his or her capability to        questionnaire. Fifteen participants attended a
     organize and execute courses of action required          semi-structured interview, in addition. The
     to successfully accomplish a specific teaching           findings showed that EFL teachers’ perceptions
     task in a particular context” (Tschannen-                of CCA located at a medium level, that the
     Moran, Woolfolk Hoy, & Hoy, 1998, p. 22). In             higher the academic degree of the participants
     fact, the self-efficacy of teachers helps them to        was, the higher engagement they showed in
     find out a pattern for their behavior, emotion,          CCA, that the EFL teachers in the private sector
     and thought (Bandura, 1989). Thus, self-                 reported higher levels of CCA than their
     efficacy means the understanding of one’s                counterparts in the public sector, and that local
     capabilities in doing something and the amount           teacher professional development programs did
     of awareness of what kinds of actions one can            not highlight culture instruction in general and
     do and finding out the needed motivation in              CCA in particular.
     task performance.
                                                              Pishghadam, Hashemi, and Barzi (2013)
     The concept of reflection is defined as an               conducted a study to determine the factors
     “active, persistent, and careful consideration of        underlying the Home Culture Attachment Scale
     any belief or supposed form of knowledge in              (HCAS) and to confirm, via Structural Equation
     the light of the grounds that support it, and the        Modeling (SEM) analysis, these factors. They
     further conclusions to which it tends” (Dewey,           distributed the scale among 374 English
     1993, p. 9). Dewey (1933) holds that reflective          language students in Mashhad, Iran. The
     thought generates a continuous consciousness             findings yielded five underlying factors for
     in the situation wherein the ideas have been             culture attachment which incorporated
     formed. Furthermore, Dewey (1933) states that            religious attachment (e.g., keeping fast, making
     reflectivity is not about blindly accepting other        a pilgrimage, going to a mosque, etc.), western
     peoples’ opinions, but making progress by                attachment (e.g., one’s tendency towards the
     means of real attention to experience,                   western style of dressing or appearance, one’s
     knowledge, and thought. According to Akbari              tendency for western culture, etc.), Iranian
     (2007), reflective teaching displays itself as a         attachment (e.g., learners’ love of Iranian
     feasible solution to the dilemma when there is           historical monuments, orientation towards
     disagreement and disorganization between                 national traditions and culture, etc.) cultural
     theoreticians and practitioners. The teaching            attachment (e.g., learners’ tendency towards
     profession has been illustrated as complicated           Persian literature, their orientation to traditional
     and situation-specific (Sparks-Langer &                  culture, etc.) and finally artistic attachment
     Colton, 1991), which calls for the need to attend        (e.g., learners’ attachment to western stories
     more to reflection.                                      and movies compared to Persian ones).
H. Soodmand Afshar & M. Moradifar/ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021   ISSN 2329-2210    17

 Different studies have also been conducted on                   that satisfied teachers had a better performance
 teachers’ self-efficacy. For instance, the                      in their job in contrast to dissatisfied teachers.
 relationship between self-reported English
 proficiency level and classroom management                      According to Aaronson, Barrow, and Sander
 styles of teachers and their efficacy belief was                (2007), teachers are the most crucial elements
 investigated by Ghasemboland and Hashim                         in education and are believed to shape the
 (2013) in the Iranian EFL context. The results                  learners’ academic achievement. Therefore, it
 indicated a positive correlation between                        is significant to explore the teacher-related
 perceived efficacy and proficiency. The study                   variables and identify those which are more
 also reported a high correlation between                        associated with their job performance.
 personal teaching efficacy and each of the
 styles as well as overall classroom management                  Concerning the importance of CCA, Byram
 styles. However, no significant relationship                    (1997) holds that the concept of CCA must be
 was reported between general teaching efficacy                  included in different teaching programs in
 and styles. Moreover, adopting Structural                       general, and foreign language teaching
 Equation Modeling, Fathi and Saeedian (2020)                    programs in particular, so that students and
 examined the role sense of efficacy and                         teachers can elucidate their ideological
 resilience of 213 Iranian EFL teachers played in                viewpoints and engage with others
 predicting their burnout. They found that,                      intentionally. With regard to the significance of
 compared to teacher resilience, teacher self-                   institutional identity, Gu and Day (2007) argue
 efficacy was a stronger, but negative predictor                 that identity, especially institutional identity
 of teacher burnout, which is typically assumed                  has a significant effect on such different
 to have a reverse relationship with teacher job                 teaching issues and features as teachers’
 performance.                                                    commitment and promise. In addition, it would
                                                                 be useful to know the status of the teachers’
 Similarly, various investigations have been                     institutional identity and its relationship with
 conducted on teachers’ reflective teaching. For                 other teacher-related variables that can develop
 example, Mohammadi and Mulmir (2016)                            several dimensions of teaching (Azimi, 2012).
 explored the relationship between Iranian EFL                   Thus, analyses of teachers’ institutional identity
 teachers’ reflective teaching, self-efficacy, and               might result in better consideration of teaching
 their success based on learners’ attitudes.                     theories and practices.
 Twenty-eight EFL teachers and 168 EFL
 learners from different language institutes in                  Moreover, pertaining to the significance of
 Tehran took part in the study by completing the                 teachers’ sense of efficacy, it is believed that
 Self-efficacy Questionnaire (Tschannen Moran                    teachers’ self-efficacy is associated with a
 & Hoy, 2001) and the Reflective Teaching                        multitude of positive teaching behaviors and
 Inventory (Behzadpour, 2007). Then, 168 EFL                     learning outcomes (Henson, Kogan, & Vacha-
 learners were randomly selected out of the                      Hassa, 2001), which might eventually lead to
 teacher participants’ students to complete the                  effective teaching. Additionally, concerning the
 Successful      Iranian     English      Teacher                significance of reflective teaching, Farrell
 Questionnaire, developed and validated by                       (2001) argues that reflective teaching requires
 Moafian and Pishghadam (2009). The findings                     instructors to use and improve their cognitive
 indicated that both reflective teaching and self-               (and, of course, metacognitive) abilities which
 efficacy relatively predicted EFL teachers’                     could result in improving their practices.
 professional success.                                           In spite of the significance attached to the
 Different studies have been conducted on                        variables mentioned above in relation to (EFL)
 teachers’ job performance. For one, Soodmand                    teacher education, to the best of the researchers’
 Afshar and Doosti (2016) examined the effect                    knowledge, few studies, if any, have explored
 of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction on Iranian                  the causal association between these constructs
 English teachers’ job performance. In so doing,                 in a single study, especially in the EFL context
 64 Iranian English teachers and 1774 of their                   of Iran. The present study was thus an attempt
 students were asked to fill out the Successful                  to fill the gap felt in this respect and address the
 Iranian English Teacher Questionnaire (Moafian                  following research questions.
 & Pishghadam, 2009). The findings indicated
18                                            Critical Cultural Awareness

      1. Does critical cultural awareness strongly           verified by Atai et al. (2017), adopting an
         predict Iranian EFL teachers’ job                   expert view, pilot testing, and factor analysis.
         performance?                                        They estimated the KMO Measure of Sampling
      2. Does self-efficacy strongly predict Iranian         Adequacy and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity to
         EFL teachers’ job performance?                      be 0.94 and 0.000, respectively. Additionally,
      3. Does institutional identity strongly predict        the Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency
         Iranian EFL teachers’ job performance?              reliability of CCAQ in this study was estimated
      4. Does reflective teaching strongly predict           to be 0.73.
         Iranian EFL teachers’ job performance?
      5. What is a valid model of Iranian EFL                3.2.2. Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale
         teachers’ job performance in terms of their
         critical cultural awareness, self-efficacy,         In order to assess EFL teachers’ self-efficacy,
         institutional identity, and reflective              the Teachers' Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale
         teaching?                                           (TSES) developed by Akbari and Abednia
                                                             (2009) was administered. This instrument is
     3. Methodology                                          composed of 33 items on a nine-point Likert
                                                             scale, ranging from nothing (=1) to a great deal
     3.1. Participants                                       (=9). The potential range of scores was from 33
                                                             to 297. This scale has three main components,
     The participants of this study included 300 (150        namely, ‘Efficacy for instructional strategies’
     male, and 150 female) Iranian teachers teaching         (12 items), ‘Efficacy for classroom
     English as a foreign language at different              management’ (10 items), and ‘Efficacy for
     private language institutes in Kermanshah and           learner engagement’ (11 items). The
     Hamedan provinces, who were selected based              participants were asked to fill this questionnaire
     on convenience sampling. Their age ranged               in about 15 minutes. Akbari and Abednia
     from 25 to 42. Their teaching experience varied         (2009), estimated the reliability of the
     from 3 to 25 years. Both genders were included          Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale to be
     in the study. Moreover, 1500 EFL students (i.e.,        0.93. They also validated the questionnaire
     five students per teacher) were randomly                through an expert view, pilot study, and factor
     selected from the teachers’ classrooms to take          analysis. They estimated the KMO Measure of
     part in the study. The student participants’ age        Sampling Adequacy and Bartlett’s Test of
     ranged from 18 to 30 and both genders were              Sphericity to be 0.92 and 0.000, respectively.
     included.                                               Furthermore, Cronbach’s Alpha consistency
                                                             was run to calculate the reliability of this
     3.2. Data Collection Instruments                        instrument in the current study, which came to
                                                             be 0.83.
     3.2.1.  Critical  Cultural          Awareness
     Questionnaire (CCAQ)                                    3.2.3. Institutional Identity Questionnaire
     In order to assess EFL teachers’ CCA, the               To assess EFL teachers’ institutional identity,
     Critical Cultural Awareness Questionnaire               the Institutional Identity Questionnaire
     developed by Atai, Babaii, and Taghipour                constructed by Azimi (2012) was administered.
     Bazargani (2017) was administered. This                 This questionnaire comprises 34 five-point
     questionnaire includes 37 five-point Likert             Likert scale items ranging from strongly
     scale items ranging from strongly disagree (= 1)        disagree (= 1) to strongly agree (= 5). The
     to strongly agree (= 5). The possible range of          potential range of scores was from 34 to 170.
     scores was from 37 to 185. This instrument has          The participants were asked to complete this
     three main components, namely, ‘CCA in ELT              questionnaire in about 20 minutes. The
     Programs' (20 items), ‘CCA in ELT Textbooks             Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency
     and Materials' (13 items), and ‘CCA in General          reliability of this instrument was estimated to be
     Terms' (4 items). The participants were asked           0.84 (Azimi, 2012). According to Azimi
     to complete this instrument in about 20                 (2012), the questionnaire enjoyed a high
     minutes. The Cronbach’s alpha internal                  validity rate and also its appropriateness for use
     consistency reliability of this instrument was          in the Iranian context was verified in a pilot
     estimated to be 0.75 (Atai et al., 2017).               study. Moreover, Cronbach’s Alpha internal
     Moreover, the validity of this instrument was
H. Soodmand Afshar & M. Moradifar/ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021   ISSN 2329-2210   19

 consistency of the questionnaire in this study                  Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity to be 0.98 and
 was estimated to be 0.78.                                       0.000, respectively. Furthermore, Cronbach’s
                                                                 Alpha consistency was run to calculate the
 3.2.4. English Language Reflection Inventory                    reliability of this instrument. The Cronbach’s
                                                                 Alpha reliability of the questionnaire in the
 In order to assess EFL teachers’ reflective                     present study was estimated to be 0.89.
 teaching, the English Language Reflection
 Inventory developed by Akbari, Behzadpoor,                      3.3. Design of the Study
 and Dadvand (2010) was administered. The
 questionnaire includes 29 items on a five-point                 The design of the present study can be
 Likert-scale format ranging from never (=1) to                  considered correlational since the study was an
 always (=5). The potential range of scores was                  attempt to scrutinize the causal interplay
 from 29 to 145. The participants were asked to                  between Iranian EFL teachers’ critical cultural
 complete this inventory in about 15 minutes.                    awareness, self-efficacy, institutional identity,
 Akbari et al. (2010) reported that this                         reflective teaching, and their job performance.
 questionnaire enjoyed a high- reliability rate of               The predictor variables of the study
 0.91, adopting Cronbach’s alpha internal                        incorporated Iranian EFL teachers’ critical
 consistency index. They also validated the                      cultural awareness, self-efficacy, institutional
 questionnaire through an expert view, pilot                     identity, and reflective teaching. Iranian EFL
 study, and factor analysis. They estimated the                  teachers’ job performance was also regarded as
 KMO Measure of Sampling Adequacy and                            the predicted or dependent variable of the
 Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity to be 0.86 and                    study.
 0.000, respectively. Additionally, the results of
 Cronbach’s Alpha consistency estimation in the                  3.4. Procedure
 present study showed that the instrument
 enjoyed an internal consistency index of 0.74.                  This study was conducted at various private
                                                                 language institutes in Kermanshah and
 3.2.5. Characteristics of Successful Teachers’                  Hamedan provinces. To collect the required
 Questionnaire (CSTQ)                                            data, two samples of Iranian EFL teachers and
                                                                 students took part in the present study. Initially,
 In order to assess EFL teachers’ job                            the second researcher asked the teacher
 performance, the Characteristics of Successful                  participants if they agreed to take part in the
 Teachers’ Questionnaire primarily developed                     study. That is, their informed consent was
 by Moafian and Pishghadam (2009) was                            obtained.
 administered to the teacher participants’
 students. This questionnaire includes 47 five-                  Afterwards, the research instruments, i.e., the
 point Likert scale items ranging from                           Critical Cultural Awareness Questionnaire
 completely disagree (=1) to completely agree                    (Atai et al.,2017), the Teachers' Sense of Self-
 (=5). The potential range of scores was from 47                 Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy,
 to 235. As pointed out by Moafian and                           2001), the Institutional Identity Questionnaire
 Pishghadam (2009), this instrument measures                     (Azimi, 2012), and the English Language
 twelve different constructs, i.e., ‘Interpersonal               Reflection Inventory (Akbari et al.,2010) were
 relationships',      ‘Teaching accountability’,                 distributed among the EFL teachers in two
 ‘Attention to all’, ‘Commitment’, ‘Examination’,                subsequent sessions to avoid the impact of
 ‘Learning boosters’, ‘Creating a sense of                       fatigue on their responses.
 competence’, ‘Physical and emotional
 acceptance’, ‘Teaching boosters’, ‘Class                        In the first session, the Critical Cultural
 attendance’, ‘Empathy’, and ‘Dynamism’. The                     Awareness Questionnaire, and the Teachers'
 participants were asked to complete this                        Sense       of   Self-Efficacy     Scale   were
 questionnaire in about 20 minutes. Roohani and                  administered. In the subsequent session, the
 Darvishi (2015) reported that this questionnaire                Institutional Identity Questionnaire and the
 obtained a high-reliability rate of 0.93. Moafian               English Language Reflection Inventory were
 and Pishghadam (2009) validated the                             administered. Afterwards, 1500 EFL students
 questionnaire through an expert view, pilot                     (i.e., five students per teacher) were randomly
 study, and factor analysis. They estimated the                  selected from the teachers’ classrooms and
 KMO Measure of Sampling Adequacy and                            were asked to fill out the Characteristics of
20                                              Critical Cultural Awareness

     Successful Teachers’ Questionnaire (Moafian                relationships    between    the   variables.
     & Pishghadam, 2009). The student                           Additionally, to find a valid model of the
     participants’ informed consent was also                    interrelationship among variables, a SEM
     obtained. The correlations between the                     analysis was applied.
     variables mentioned were estimated and the
     calculations needed were performed.                        4. Results

     3.5. Data Analysis                                         4.1. Descriptive Statistics of the Scores
                                                                Obtained from Various Instruments
     The research questions were answered through
     the Pearson correlation and Structural Equation            The descriptive statistics related to the scores
     Modeling (SEM) via AMOS 24. Pearson                        obtained from the instruments of the study are
     correlation was used to explore the                        presented in Table 1.

     Table 1
     Descriptive Statistics of the Scores
                                              N       Minimum       Maximum         Mean        Std. Deviation
             Reflective Teaching             300       74.00         145.00         105.03           12.25
                 Self-Efficacy               300       97.00         204.00         146.57           25.00
         Critical Cultural Awareness         300       90.00         161.00         123.01           15.76
             Institutional Identity          300       89.00         170.00         124.19           16.15
               Job Performance              1500       101.00        225.00         173.64           23.50

     As indicated in Table 1, the mean and standard             4.3. Results of the Confirmatory Analyses
     deviation for EFL teachers’ reflective teaching
     were 105.03 and 12.25, respectively, for self-             For the confirmatory analysis, SEM was used
     efficacy, M = 146.57 and SD = 25.00, for                   to identify whether the final model was in
     critical cultural awareness, M = 123.01 and SD             harmony with the hypothesized model and also
     = 15.76, for institutional identity, M = 124.19            to report the final model accordingly (Lei &
     and SD = 16.15, and for job performance, M =               Wu, 2007). The hypothesized model is shown
     173.64 and SD = 23.50.                                     in Figure 1.

                                                       Figure 1
                                   The Hypothesized Structural Model of the Variables
H. Soodmand Afshar & M. Moradifar/ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021   ISSN 2329-2210   21

 4.4. Results of the Structural Relations                        index (CFI) with the cut-value greater than .90,
 Analyses                                                        and the Root Mean Square Error of
                                                                 Approximation (RMSEA) of about .06 or .07
 To explore the structural relations, the                        (Schreiber, Nora, Stage, Barlow, & King,
 suggested model (Figure 1) was tested using                     2006). Figure 2 shows the model of
 Amos 24 statistical package. A series of fit                    interrelationships among variables. To assess
 indices were examined to assess the model fit:                  the strengths of the causal relationships among
 the chi-square magnitude which should not be                    the variables, the standardized estimates were
 significant, Chi-square/df ratio which should be                examined. Moreover, Table 2 shows the
 lower than 2 or 3, the good fit index (GFI), the                Goodness of fit indices.
 normed fit index (NFI), and the comparative fit

                                                      Figure 2
                                   The Model of Interrelationship among Variables

   Table 2
   The Goodness of Fit Indices
                             X2/df                 NFI                GFI                CFI            RMSEA
     Acceptable fit            .90               >.90               >.90             .05). Figure 3 shows the model of
 lie within the acceptable fit thresholds.                       interrelationships among variables after
 Therefore, it became evident that the model                     modification. Additionally, Table 3 shows the
 needed modification. To modify the model, the                   Goodness of fit indices after modification.
 non-significant path from critical cultural
22                                              Critical Cultural Awareness

                                                        Figure 3
                           The Model of Interrelationship among Variables after Modification

      Table 3
      The goodness of Fit Indices after Modification
                                  X2/df              NFI           GFI             CFI             RMSEA
         Acceptable fit             .90          > .90           > .90            < .08
            Model                  2.98              .91            .91             .90              .07

     As demonstrated in Table 3, all the fit indices           variables and the effect sizes. The closer the
     (i.e., chi-square/df ratio (2.98), RMSEA (.07),           magnitude is to 1.0, the higher the correlation
     NFI (.91), GFI (.91), and CFI (.90)) lie within           would be, and the greater the predictive power
     the acceptable fit thresholds. Hence, it can be           of the variable is.
     stated that the model had a perfect fit with the
     empirical data after modification.                        4.5. Results of the First Research Question

     As indicated in Figure 3, an estimate is shown            To answer the first research question (i.e., to
     on each path. This standardized estimate is the           examine the correlation between EFL teachers’
     standardized coefficient or beta coefficients (β)         critical cultural awareness and their job
     coming from an analysis conducted on                      performance), Pearson correlation and Path
     standardized independent variables. It explains           analysis were adopted. Table 4 shows the
     the predictive power of the independent                   results of Pearson correlations.

     Table 4
     Results of Pearson Correlation between EFL Teachers’ Critical Cultural Awareness and their Job Performance
                                                                                    Job Performance
      Critical Cultural Awareness             Pearson Correlation                         .15**
                                                 Sig. (2-tailed)                           .00
                                                        N                                  300
     **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
H. Soodmand Afshar & M. Moradifar/ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021   ISSN 2329-2210   23

 As the results in Table 4 indicate, there was a                 4.6. Results of the Second Research Question
 significant positive relationship (r = 0.15, n =
 300, p < .05) between EFL teachers’ critical                    To answer the second research question, (i.e., to
 cultural awareness and their job performance.                   explore the association between EFL teachers’
 However, as the model before modification                       self-efficacy and their job performance),
 demonstrated (see Figure 2), critical cultural                  Pearson correlation and Path analysis were run;
 awareness did not predict Iranian EFL teachers’                 the results of the former are summarized in
 job performance (β = 0.08, p >. 05). Therefore,                 Table 5.
 the first null hypothesis was maintained and this
 path was removed after modification (see
 Figure 3).

 Table 5
 Results of Pearson Correlation between EFL Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and their Job Performance
                                                                                Job Performance
         Self-Efficacy                    Pearson Correlation                        .27**
                                             Sig. (2-tailed)                          .00
                                                    N                                 300
 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

 As shown in Table 5, there was a significant                    4.7. Results of the Third Research Question
 positive relationship (r = 0.27, n = 300, p < .05)
 between EFL teachers’ self-efficacy and their                   To investigate the relationship between EFL
 job performance. Moreover, as Figure 3 shows,                   teachers’ institutional identity and their job
 self-efficacy predicted Iranian EFL teachers’                   performance (i.e., to answer the third research
 job performance significantly positively (β =                   question of the study), Pearson correlation and
 0.22, p < .05).                                                 Path analysis were adopted. The results of
                                                                 Pearson correlation are presented in Table 6.

 Table 6
 Results of Pearson Correlation between EFL Teachers’ Institutional Identity and their Job Performance
                                                                                Job Performance
       Institutional Identity              Pearson Correlation                         .25**
                                              Sig. (2-tailed)                           .00
                                                     N                                  300
   **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

 As indicated in Table 6, there was a significant                4.8. Results of the Fourth Research Question
 positive relationship (r = 0.25, n = 300, p
24                                             Critical Cultural Awareness

     As demonstrated in Table 7, there was a                  basically contribute to improvement and meta-
     significant positive relationship (r = 0.26, n =         consciousness of intercultural competence
     300, p < .05) between EFL teachers’ reflective           which might lead to their better job
     teaching and their job performance. Moreover,            performance and improved teaching practice.
     as Figure 3 shows, reflective teaching predicted         As Menard-Warwick (2008) holds, educators
     Iranian EFL teachers’ job performance                    basically rely on their own cultural awareness
     significantly positively (β = 0.18, p < .05).            as a resource to discuss ideological, linguistic,
                                                              and also cultural issues in their classrooms.
     4.9. Results of the Fifth Research Question              Moreover, it is believed that in order to raise
                                                              CCA, teachers should be stimulated to merge
     As stated earlier, a SEM analysis was run to             language and culture in EFL classrooms and
     answer the last research question of the study,          pass to their students the cultural norms and
     the results of which finally yielded a valid             regulations of the English language as used by
     model already presented in Figure 3, wherein             native speakers (Byram, 2008). However, as the
     all the predictor variables except for critical          results of several studies (e.g., Soodmand
     cultural awareness predicted Iranian EFL                 Afshar & Yousefi, 2019) indicate, Iranian EFL
     teachers’ job performance. Based on the results,         teachers’ critical cultural awareness is not high
     it was found that EFL teachers’ self-efficacy            enough, which might be a plausible reason why
     was the strongest predictor (β = 0.22, p < .05)          the path from critical cultural awareness to job
     of their job performance (see Figure 3).                 performance was not significant in the present
     5. Discussion                                            study as already shown in Figure 2. In other
                                                              words, because Iranian EFL teachers are not
     The main aim of this study was to investigate            highly culturally competent, they might assume
     the relationship between EFL teachers’ CCA,              that CCA would not play a crucial part in their
     institutional identity, self-efficacy, reflective        job performance. Nevertheless, further research
     teaching, and their job performance. The results         is required in this regard to shed more light on
     showed that although there was a significant             the issue.
     relationship between EFL teachers’ CCA and
     their job performance, the findings of path              The results of the second research question
     analysis indicated that CCA did not                      indicated that Iranian EFL teachers’ self-
     significantly predict EFL teachers’ job                  efficacy was significantly correlated with their
     performance. The findings also showed that all           job performance. In other words, when EFL
     other predictor variables (i.e., institutional           teachers’ self-efficacy level increased, their job
     identity, self-efficacy, and reflective teaching)        performance increased as well. It was also
     significantly predicted Iranian EFL teachers’            found that self-efficacy was the strongest
     job performance. However, self-efficacy came             predictor of EFL teachers’ job performance. As
     out to be the strongest predictor.                       Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001)
                                                              maintain, teachers’ sense of efficacy is
     As the results of the first research question            positively related to their performance in the
     indicated, CCA and the job performance of                classroom.
     Iranian EFL teachers were significantly
     correlated. This finding is in line with those of         The findings of the present study in this regard
     Menard-Warwick (2008) and Ennser-Kananen                 are in agreement with those of Schwarzer
     and Wang (2016), both of which concluded that            (1999) and Hanif (2004), who concluded that
     there was a significant relationship between             teachers’ self-efficacy significantly correlated
     teachers’ cultural competence and their                  with their job performance. Moreover, the
     pedagogical practice and job performance.                results are aligned with those of Malmir and
                                                              Mohammadi (2018), who reported that
     As aptly asserted by Byram (1997), CCA is                teachers’ self-efficacy was a significant
     considered as “an ability to evaluate critically         predictor of their job performance and success.
     and on the basis of explicit criteria,                   The results are also strongly supported by the
     perspectives, practices, and products in our own         findings of Soodmand Afshar and Hosseini Yar
     and other cultures and countries” (p. 53).               (2019), who investigated the relationship
     According to Menard-Warwick (2008),                      between attitude towards professional
     educators’ transnational life involvements can           development, self-efficacy, reflective teaching,
H. Soodmand Afshar & M. Moradifar/ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021   ISSN 2329-2210   25

 and job performance of Iranian EFL teachers                     positively related. However, more studies need
 found, based on the results of multiple                         to be conducted to explore the direct
 regression, that self-efficacy was the strongest                relationship      between       EFL      teachers’
 predictor of their job performance.                             institutional identity and their job performance.

 According to Allinder (1994), a sense of                        The possible reason for the existence of a
 efficacy influences the efforts teachers                        positive relationship between the teacher
 basically make in teaching, the objectives they                 participants’ institutional identity and their job
 set, and also their aspiration level. A plausible               performance could lie in the fact that work
 justification for the results in this regard might              engagement and organizational commitment,
 be that educators with higher levels of self-                   as two crucial components of teacher
 efficacy tend to show greater levels of                         institutional identity, influence teachers’ job
 organization and planning (Allinder, 1994),                     performance (Bakker, Albrecht, & Leiter,
 which might improve their job performance                       2011). It is noteworthy that work engagement
 since job performance is considered as “the                     mainly focuses on inclination and capacity to
 extent to which an employee is able to                          work, while organizational commitment
 accomplish the task assigned to him or her and                  basically refers to an expressive reaction of
 how the accomplished task contributes to the                    teachers to their employing institution as a unit
 realization of the organizational goal” (Mawoli                 (Stride, Wall, & Catley, 2007).
 & Babandako, 2011, p. 2).
                                                                 According to Ghafar Samar, Kiany, Akbari, and
 Self-efficacy is also considered as “individual                 Azimi (2011), teachers’ job performance is
 teachers’ beliefs in their own abilities to plan,               influenced by different variables related to
 organize, and carry out activities required to                  them themselves, such as their personality traits
 attain specific educational goals” (Skaalvik &                  and their institution. They add that institutional
 Skaalvik, 2007, p. 612). As pointed out by                      identity affects educators’ practice/performance
 Bandura (1993), teachers with a high sense of                   and the theory of their profession. Furthermore,
 efficacy typically visualize scenarios that                     it is believed that institutional identity is not
 mainly provide a guide and support for their job                realized without individuals’ sense of
 performance, reasoning also supported by                        commitment to the institution wherein they
 Battersby and Cave (2014), who argue that                       work (Crosswell, 2006). The findings of the
 teachers with high self-efficacy are more likely                study also support Puglia’s (2008) theory that
 to accomplish more educational objectives than                  the quality of teachers’ work might be
 their lower efficacious counterparts, which                     negatively affected by their weak professional
 might justify our findings in this respect.                     and institutional identity which could
                                                                 consequently influence the image of the
 Concerning the role of EFL teachers’                            profession.
 institutional identity in their job performance,
 which was the subject of the third research                     The findings of the fourth research question of
 question of the study, the results showed that                  the study showed that Iranian EFL teachers’
 Iranian EFL teachers’ institutional identity was                reflective teaching was significantly positively
 significantly correlated with their job                         correlated with their L2 job performance. The
 performance, which means that when EFL                          findings also showed that reflective teaching
 teachers’ institutional sense of belonging                      could strongly predict EFL teachers’ job
 increases, their job performance increases as                   performance. Thus, based on the findings, it
 well. Moreover, the findings also revealed that                 could be argued that, as Soodmand Afshar and
 institutional identity could strongly predict EFL               Donyaie (2019) rightly maintain, reflective
 teachers’ job performance.                                      practice can be regarded as an effective tool for
                                                                 EFL teachers’ collaboration in their
 The findings in this regard could, partially, be                professional community and their instructional
 corroborated by those of Delima (2015), who                     performance.
 found that there was a significant relationship
 between teachers’ identity and their job                        The findings in this regard are in agreement
 performance. Moreover, Prytula and Weiman                       with those of other researchers in the field (i.e.,
 (2012) concluded that teachers’ professional                    Behzadpour, 2007; Cimer, Cimer, & Vekli,
 identity and their job performance were                         2013; Malmir & Mohammadi, 2018), which
26                                               Critical Cultural Awareness

     revealed that there existed a significant positive         can basically change teachers’ perspective
     relationship between EFL teachers’ reflective              towards their own career and have a significant
     teaching and their job performance. As                     effect on their job performance (Bandura,
     Behzadpour (2007) maintains, reflective                    2005). Hence, not paying sufficient attention to
     teaching can pave the way for EFL teachers’                EFL teachers’ institutional identity and
     fruitful job performance in the classroom.                 reflective teaching, in general, and self-
                                                                efficacy, in particular, might, in turn, lead to
     One plausible reason for this finding could lie            their ineffectiveness to gain success in their job
     in the fact that reflective teaching naturally             performance. The findings of the present study
     makes educators conscious of their classroom               are in line with those of several other studies
     realities and helps them find out the applicable           (i.e., Chacón, 2005; Cheung, 2006; Penrose,
     steps to take in handling their job (Black, 2015).         Perry, & Ball, 2007) which reported that
     Black (2015) adds that EFL teachers’ reflective            teachers’ self-efficacy was a stronger predictor
     teaching is regarded as an essential factor in             of their job performance and success.
     enhancing their actual job performance as well
     as future professional accomplishment.                     In conclusion, it can be stated that although
                                                                there was a significant positive relationship
     In line with this line of reasoning, Behzadpour            between EFL teachers’ CCA and their job
     (2007) asserts that teachers’ reflective teaching          performance, CCA did not significantly predict
     is highly associated with their practices and job          Iranian EFL teachers’ job performance. Also, it
     performance. As aptly pointed out by Bolton                was concluded that both self-efficacy, and
     (2010), reflective teaching typically requires             institutional identity, as well as reflective
     teachers to pay “critical attention to the                 teaching, predicted Iranian EFL teachers’ job
     practical values and theories which inform                 performance significantly positively. The
     everyday actions, by examining practice                    findings also led to the development of a valid
     reflectively and reflexively” (p. 22).                     model of Iranian EFL teachers’ job
                                                                performance in terms of their CCA, self-
     Another possible justification for the finding of          efficacy, institutional identity, and reflective
     the study in this respect might lie in the fact that       teaching wherein all the predictor variables
     reflective teaching provides educators with                except CCA predicted Iranian EFL teachers’
     various opportunities to explore “attitudes,               job performance significantly positively.
     develop management skills, and reflect on the              Finally, it was concluded that EFL teachers’
     ethical implications of practice in classrooms             self-efficacy was the strongest predictor of their
     and thereby encourages teachers to step back               job performance.
     and critically reflect not only on how they teach
     but also on why they teach in a particular way”            The findings might yield some implications. As
     (Javadi & Khatib, 2014, p. 86). Moreover, the              self-efficacy was found in the current study to
     findings of the present study can be supported             be the strongest predictor of the job
     by Pacheco’s (2005) argument that reflective               performance of Iranian EFL teachers, they are
     teaching makes both teaching performance and               suggested to make efforts to amplify their self-
     experience more successful and influences the              efficacy if they seek a higher level of job
     whole realm of EFL/ESL teaching positively.                performance. There are various tools for EFL
     Additionally, Brown and Marks (1994) assert                teachers to improve their self-efficacy.
     that language educators with high levels of job            However, to be more well-informed, EFL
     performance can conduct a successful critical              teachers are suggested to study various sources
     analysis of their own teaching performance in              and dimensions of teachers’ self-efficacy and
     the classroom.                                             the techniques which are available for
                                                                promoting self-efficacy provided by Bandura
     Concerning the last research question of the               (1997), some of which include making a
     study, a valid model of Iranian EFL teachers’              friendly and supportive teaching environment,
     job performance was developed wherein all the              developing their own intrinsic motivation
     predictor variables except CCA predicted their             through reflection, trying to manage their
     job performance. Moreover, the findings also               affective state and developing their emotional
     revealed that EFL teachers’ self-efficacy was              intelligence levels.
     the strongest predictor of their job performance.
     It is believed that high levels of self-efficacy
H. Soodmand Afshar & M. Moradifar/ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 9(1), 2021   ISSN 2329-2210   27

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 the aim of growing more successful educators                          D. (2017). Developing a questionnaire
 who could exhibit higher levels of job                                for assessing Iranian EFL teachers’
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