THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter

Page created by Herbert Molina
THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
March 2019 | Spring Edition | For more information, visit

                                                                           20 YEARS
                                                                           How It All Began: The Man Who Said Yes

                                                                           Prior to 1999, the fate of homeless animals
                                                                           in Quincy was uncertain. While some
                                                                           dogs would be claimed by their owners,
                                                                           most of them were euthanized; cats were
                                                                           not even on the radar. In the meantime,
                                                                           Milton and Scituate had already begun
                                                                           their partnerships with their animal control
                                                                           departments to find homeless animals a
                                                                           forever home, and it seemed to be working
                                                                           well. So, a group of well-intentioned women
                                                                           from Quincy and the South Shore took
                                                                           the fate of the homeless animals into their

                                                                           Don Conboy was on the job for only two
                                                                           months when he was approached by ...

                                                                           Continue ⟩⟩

THE MICKEY FUND                            SUCCESS STORY                              UPCOMING

A CAUTIONARY TALE:                         KATHERINE AND SAGE,                        THE KITTENS ARE
ANA THE FROZEN CAT                         BEN AND LOUIE                              COMING

We are all pulling for one of our          Two love stories that we will never        5 Ways you can help us help them
latest residents to make a full            forget.                                    this year.
recovery. If it weren’t for another
amazing good Samaritan, Ana
would never have survived.

page.9                                ⟩⟩   page.10-11                            ⟩⟩   page.13                            ⟩⟩
THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
Questions or comments? Email                                                  Spring 2019

the group. “I was not happy that I        taking a chance, because some             believing in us. Thank you for saying
had to deal with so many animals,         of these animal advocates can             yes, and letting us do the work we
so I agreed that as long as they took     be off the wall. I was lucky that         love to do. Thank you for all of your
care of the extra cats, then we could     we only had that one hiccup and           support over the last twenty years.
get along.” There were only three         we survived that with minimal             You has always be a great supporter
other volunteers at the time. Sharon      problems. Through the years I have        of QAS, and have been a fantastic
and Marilyn took care of the cats,        had tremendous people on the              partner.
and Robin was the only dog walker.        QAS board, in management and
                                          of course the volunteers. I did not
Kristie Henriksen of Siro’s was a big     even think about how long this
supporter of the movement. She            would succeed. When I think of all
held the first fundraising that raised    the great people who have come
$20,000 which was used to purchase        through the front door, and the
the central air unit. “I never had to     friends I have made; it makes my job
work in the shelter without air. I do     great. The shelter has come a long
not know how the animals survived,        way. I look forward to a new building,
it must have been sweltering.”            and more great years of cooperation
After the fundraising, more people        between Animal Control and the
became aware of the issue, and            Shelter. It was a marriage made in
more volunteers began showing up.         heaven.”
Things started to get organized. In a
short few months we grew from 3 to        QAS would not be here if it weren’t
about 35 volunteers; taking care of       for Quincy Animal Control Officer
the cats and walking the dogs.            Don Conboy. The only way that QAS
                                          got off the ground was to get Don
Don recalls, “I was told that I was       to buy into the idea. Thank you for       Don Conboy, Animal Control Officer

                                              VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT

                      THE LONG TIMERS 1999–2004

                                         Why They Stayed In Their Own Words

For the last twenty years, our            In 1999, the Quincy Animal Shelter        56 Broad Street was The City of
volunteers have made their way            started to take shape as an all-          Quincy Animal Control building ,
to 56 Broad Street to feed, groom,        volunteer organization. People            aka the dog pound. The building
comfort, clean up after, cuddle, walk,    wanted to help. In June of 1999,          was designed to house dogs on a
train, medicate, and hopefully say a      the first fundraising event was           short term basis, it was not meant
cheerful goodbye to our dogs and          held at Siro’s Restaurant at Marina       to be used as a shelter. When it was
cats,then send them off to live a         Bay. It was well attended by folks        built in 1988, cats were not even
happy life with someone new.              who wanted to stop the City from          considered.
                                          euthanizing homeless dogs and
For the last twenty years, our            cats. A sign-up sheet made it official,   That same group of women who
volunteers have shown up for their        and the volunteers started showing        started the relationship with Quincy
assigned shifts; after a long day at      up in August; there were only about       Animal Control, also approached
work, regardless of the weather, be       35 of them back then. Today, we           Mayor Jim Sheets with a proposal:
it on Thanksgiving or Christmas; or       have about 190 volunteers!                “If we get a group of volunteers
just because they need some cuddle                                                  together to do all the work, will you
time. They come because they love         The first wave of volunteers had no       stop euthanizing animals?”
the work. They do it for the animals      formal animal care experience; they
and for themselves. They used to say      just loved animals and wanted to          Thankfully he said yes. The
a purr or a tail wag is our paycheck!     give them a chance.                       euthanasia room was dismantled

THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
Spring 2019                                                      For more information, visit

that summer, July 1999.                  Auntie Peg makes sure everyone
                                         who makes a donation is properly
Over the last twenty years we have       thanked no matter the amount; she
had an amazing group of dedicated,       is the brains behind QAS wear and
passionate and talented people lend      Auntie Peg’s Attic Treasures. “I was
a hand. Some have moved on, but          retired and wanted to help care for
many have stayed.                        the cats waiting for homes. I stayed
                                         because of the wonderful people I
We have three volunteers that            work with (who are my family) and
have stayed on since 1999: Former        have the same goal of caring for the
Shelter Director Sandra Sines said       wonderful animals that come to            Sandra Sines with Sailor, in front of
“I decided to go to the Siro’s event     us. My greatest joy is meeting our        56 Broad St.
because I love animals. I had no         adopters who are giving a loving
idea when I signed up to become a        home to these animals in need of
volunteer that it would change my        one.”
life forever. Through my work at the
shelter, I have gained so much! From     Kit Burke came along in 2000. A
the dozens of animals I have fostered    German Shepherd lover, Kit remains
or adopted to all of the lifelong        one of the longest board members,
friends I have made; I committed         serving as our fourth President. Kit
myself to helping animals. I have        always focuses on the well being of
always said the shelter is the best      the animals while they are at the
place on earth; helping animals and      shelter. She made it her mission to
people too. Walking through that         understand what the animals and
door was one of the best days of my      volunteers need and how the shelter
life.”                                   could best provide for all of them. Kit
                                         now serves as Shelter Director.
Jean Ellard signed up to help dogs.
Although she had no formal canine        One of our most dedicated
training experience, she was really      morning volunteers is Kim Moses.          Jean Ellard with Fenway. Fenway
good at it! With time and training,      She explains. “I always wanted            just got his good citizen certification.
she would ultimately become a            to work with animals. I became
professional dog trainer with a          disabled from work in 2002. I had
passion for Pit Bulls. Jeanie makes      my mornings to myself so started
sure our dogs receive the best care      looking into volunteering at an
we can offer and that the time they      animal shelter. I live in South Boston
spend with us is as stress free as       but the bigger shelters in Boston
possible. “A QAS founder told me         were not no kill at the time. I only
about the shelter. I was training my     wanted to volunteer at a no kill
dog Suzi’Q. She asked if I would help    so that’s how I found QAS. Over
train the dogs at QAS and the rest       the past 15 years I have met many
is history. What I love the most is to   people who love animals just as
see a scared animal learn to trust       much as myself. I’ve made many
and open up, to see a dog learn a        friends and a few have become like
new command, to see the magic            family. I love our mission to help the    (Left) Kit Burke, (Middle) Sandra
when a person finds their new            cats and dogs and the occasional          Sines, (Right) Janet Parisi at the
family member or a shy dog come          roosters, chickens and bunnies. My        QAS annual dinner 2007.
out of its shell, seeing a family take   favorite part of the week are my
their newest family member home”.        Wednesday and Thursday mornings
                                         shifts. When a cat is very sick or so
Peg O’Brien also signed up; soon to      scared and confused that we can’t
become known as “Auntie Peg”,she         even walk by their cage QAS doesn’t
would be involved in absolutely          give up! We give it our all to get
everything. While she shares her         them to a better place. The joy I feel
home with cats, she also has a heart     when they get to find their forever
for dogs and people. Auntie Peg          home is an awesome feeling.”
soon became everyone’s friend and
confidant. She remains a dedicated                                                 (Left) Peg O’Brien and (Right)
board member, bookkeeper, foster         Jen DeBeneditto, who is a Monday          Margaret Kinsella
mom and part time psychiatrist!

THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
Questions or comments? Email                                                  Spring 2019

                                         night dog walker, signed up              visit to the shelter, “The recycling
                                         because, “I like pets, and while a       area was near the outdoor dog
                                         career in animal care was not really     kennels and I would feel so sorry for
                                         an option I thought that shelter         the dogs that I had to try to help. I
                                         work would fulfill that need and I       went into the shelter that day and
                                         could meet like-minded people. I         a volunteer showed me around.
                                         stay because of the interaction with     I remember there was an office
                                         the animals and to help give back to     cat that greeted me. I was shown
                                         the community as there are a lot of      around and it surprised me that the
                                         pets in need and who need love. The      shelter did not smell and all animals
                                         best joy is seeing a dog or a cat find   had bedding food and water. When
                                         its new forever home and you can         I went in for my orientation I saw a
                                         tell it’s love on both sides.” Jen has   large, Maine Coon type cat being
                                         also supported the shelter with her      kissed goodbye by the volunteers.
                                         many non-animal talents, including       It was going home with its owner
                                         art and photography.                     who recently was able to rent an
                                                                                  apartment after living at Father
Jen DeBeneditto                          One of the toughest jobs at QAS          Bill’s for months. The volunteers
                                         is trying to help feral cats. This       had given this woman a “shower” so
                                         daunting task has been managed by        that she and her cat would have the
                                         an army of one, Janet Parisi. Though     necessities to start over. (See story of
                                         she started as a dog walker, she has     Katherine and Sage in this issue).
                                         spent most of the last twenty years
                                         crawling under porches, searching        Joanne does cat care and meds
                                         sheds and abandoned cars trying          and has been a Friday morning
                                         to trap feral cats. The goal is to get   regular for years; as well as devoted
                                         them medical attention, spayed or        board member. “I continue to
                                         neutered and in some cases, find         volunteer because I realized that the
                                         them a home. She also responsible        volunteers make the difference and
                                         for setting up networks of caretakers    that animals do respond to love and
Janet Parisi taking care of kittens in   who feed and monitor the homeless        kindness. What makes me happiest
the shelter                              cats in their neighborhoods. No easy     is when a longtime resident finally
                                         job; yet she did it year after year      gets adopted.”
                                         to help cats in need. Jan has also
                                         served on the board of directors and     Margaret Kinsella, has driven more
                                         has been a generous supporter of         kittens around Quincy than any
                                         QAS since the very beginning.            other volunteer on the planet or
                                                                                  at least it seems that way! ”I went
                                         Patti Sherman wanted to help             to the shelter because my friend,
                                         with a small grassroots shelter          Nancy Peterson, volunteered at the
                                         in need of volunteers vs a larger        Shelter and always talked about it.
                                         well established one. “The joy of        When I retired, I decided to give it a
                                         volunteering with dedicated people       try. I always loved animals and had
                                         who put their heart and soul into        cats of my own. I did cat care; then
                                         making the shelter work 7 days a         Shelter Director Treasa Downey was
Kim Moses                                week, rain or shine.                     looking for people to foster kittens.
                                         What brings me the most joy is           I decided to give it a try. Next there
                                         seeing dogs and cats especially the      was a need for people to help the
                                         older, special needs ones go home        Foster Team. So guess what? I then
                                         with loving new families.” Over the      became the Foster Manager for
                                         years Patti has worn a lot of hats;      many years. Now I am just part of
                                         she was our marketing manager, is        the team. I love the Shelter for all
                                         an experienced dog walker, mentor,       that they do for the animals in their
                                         shift leader, adoption greeter and       care. Many of the volunteers go
                                         Patti is known for her being friendly    above and beyond to help them. I
                                         to everyone and making new               stay at the Shelter in part because of
                                         volunteers feel welcome.                 the many friendships I have made.
                                                                                  Also I hope one day to see the new
Patti Sherman                                                                     Shelter.” Because of Margaret’s
                                         Joanne McCarthy recalls her first        commitment to our Foster care

THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
Spring 2019                                                       For more information, visit

program, years later it is still a way     is “OUTS”, especially when a dog/
to allow us to care for many more          cat who has been with us awhile
homeless cats.                             finds a home. We are lucky to have
                                           such a devoted group of Adoption
Most of our volunteers do not given        Representatives.” Her weekly report
themselves enough credit for what          lets everyone know who the new
they do because they just love doing       arrivals are and when they leave we
it. Suzanne Gauthier is one of them.       know where they are going to live
She signed up after adopting two           out there new lives.
cats in late 2000. “I was impressed by                                              Joanne McCarthy
the caring staff and I believed in the     Karen Guiney was lead to the
mission. I still believe in the mission    shelter by a stray cat that hanging
and am still impressed by the              around her house. She called the
commitment and compassion of the           Patriot Ledger to place a “found” ad
volunteers who accomplish so much          in the paper. Shortly after she got a
with such modest resources. What           call saying that someone just place a
brings me the most joy is seeing           “lost” ad for the same cat. The owner
and hearing all the success stories,       of the cat rewarded her with a gift
including my own as the adopter of         card that she decided to donate
two cats and one dog.                      to the shelter and that is how she
                                           found out about QAS! Karen starting
Over the years I stayed because of         volunteering and adopted two cats        Suzanne Gauthier
the flexibility in being able to try new   from the shelter. Karen cares for
roles and to adjust my commitments         our cats and writes some of the cat
as my jobs and life changed. I             bios that help get them adopted. “I
currently manage the Guardian              love spending time with the animals
Angel Cage Card program.” Thanks           and especially seeing cats who are
to Suzanne, the Guardian Angel             frightened at first and then watch
Cage cards are very successfully           them come out of their shells and
and allow us to help more animals.         become total sweethearts”.
She has actually had many roles
over the years, she was responsible        As you can see there is a common
for many successful Open Houses            thread amongst our volunteers. They
and of course for her one of a kind        do this work for the animals: they       Mary Helen Mahoney
chocolate raspberry brownies!              are humble, have worn many hats,
                                           do whatever is needed, and they
Mary Helen Mahoney started at QAS          have made lifelong friendships. The
after she adopted Bear, one of our         greatest joy for all of them comes
senior dogs. She wanted to thank           when they see our dogs and cats
the shelter for him in a tangible way.     leave 56 Broad Street for forever. (We
“I started as a dog walker, added          certainly do not mind if they come
fostering kittens, adoption rep, and       back for a visit)
then meds team. For a number of
years I did all four. After some health    Thank you for staying and thank you
problems, I needed to cut back to          for your commitment!
adoption rep and an occasional                                                      (From left to right) Kim Moses, Kit
meds shift, which I still do. The                                                   Burke, Margaret Kinsella, and Sue
most joy comes from hearing the                                                     Schroepfer
stories from our adopters of how an
animal has impacted their lives. I
stay because I love the animals and I
can’t adopt them all.”

One of the most anticipated shelter
emails we get each week is INS and
OUTS. Sue Schroepfer took over as
the author in 2007. “I took over the
task of compiling and sending out
to volunteers the shelter’s weekly
INS & OUTS report. My favorite part                                                 Karen Guiney

THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
Questions or comments? Email                                                Spring 2019

                                      VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT II

                                      AND THE WINNER IS:
                                      Well it is the animals of course! Everything we do here at QAS is to make
                                      the lives of homeless animals better. That is why we are so lucky to have our
                                      very own Raffle Queen Lynda Southerland in our presence. Not only is she
                                      one of our favorite cat care volunteers, she is a former board member, event
                                      coordinator and she runs a really awesome raffle! A QAS volunteer since
                                      2008, Lynda has raffled off a long list of special items including tickets to
                                      all of our Boston sports teams, concert tickets and the latest, tickets to see
                                      Hamilton! Lynda has raised more than $32,000 in the process. Additionally,
                                      she has been involved with Cause 4 Paws, The Friends of QAS which raised
                                      $7,000 for a new shed and she organized our Project Catwalk Fashion show
                                      that raised $15,000 in 2016. The secret for her success is her passion. Lynda
                                      is always looking for ways to raise money for the shelter. Her enthusiasm is
                                      infectious! Her ideas are creative. The best part is that she does it all for the
                                      animals. Thank you Lynda!
Lynda Southerland


Save The Date:
The Save ′em All Ball

We are celebrating our 20th
Anniversary in style on Saturday,
October 26 at the Tirrell Room.


QAS has a new website!
We launched our new website
around March 1st. The new site is
designed to be a resource with
useful information and links
regarding animal welfare, resources
on adoptions, surrenders and ways
individuals can help QAS. Users
will notice a clean, crisp redesign
highlighting our new logo and
image. This endeavor could not be
completed without the volunteer
website design team: Amy Conrad,
Khrystyna Reyes, Adam Fehnel,
Dennis Gibbons, Andrea Huang, and
Peter Helms.

THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
(617) 376-1349
                                                                                                P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269

MEMBERSHIP & DONATION FORM                                                                                 DID YOU KNOW?

Support the Quincy Animal Shelter and you will be saving the lives of hundreds of
                                                                                                           Your company
dogs and cats. Each year, QAS rescues, rehabilitates, and finds loving homes for                           may match
unwanted animals, saving many from a life on the streets and an uncertain future.                          your donation
All proceeds go towards animal care and operation of Quincy Animal Shelter. Your
donation is tax deductible.                                                                                If your company has a
                                                                                                           Matching Gift Program,
                                                                                                           your gift could be
                                                                                                           doubled, and twice as
    Annual Memberships                                 Your information
                                                                                                           many animals could
                                                                                                           benefit! The match
As a member, you will receive QAS’                   If you’ve moved or changed your address,              could be based on your
periodic newsletter to keep you informed             you can use this form to update us.                   monetary donation or
of QAS happenings and be invited to our                                                                    the volunteer hours you
annual meetings.                                     Total amount enclosed: $                              serve.

     Individual, $25                                 Your name                                             Please check with your
                                                                                                           company’s Human
     Senior (60+), $15                               Company (if applicable)                               Resources department.
                                                                                                           If they’ll match your
     Family, $50                                                                                           charitable donations
                                                                                                           or volunteer hours, ask
                                                     Address                                               for a form and mail it to
                                                                                                           us at:
    Donations (Non-membership)
                                                                                                           Quincy Animal Shelter
                                                     City                                                  ATTN: Matching Gift
Quincy Animal Shelter thanks you for                                                                       Program
donations of any amount.                             State               Zip code                          PO Box 690088
                                                                                                           Quincy, 02269-0088
Non-membership donation amount                       Email
                                                                                                           We are so very grateful
$                                                    Phone number                                          when we receive
                                                                                                           your donations. Your
The Mickey Medical Fund                                     I want to remain anonymous                     contribution help us to
for extraordinary medical care                                                                             give the care that our
                                                                                                           special residents need
$                                                                                                          24/7, 365 days a year.

Wesley’s Wish Feral Cat Fund                         INSTRUCTION                                           Quincy Animal Shelter
for the care of feral cats                                                                                 is a public charity
                                                     1. Please make your check payable to:                 classified as exempt
$                                                       Quincy Animal Shelter                              under section 501(c)(3)
                                                                                                           of the Internal Revenue
                                                     2. Mail the check along with this form to:            Code. Our tax ID
                                                        Quincy Animal Shelter                              number is 31-1703439.
                                                        P.O. Box 690088                                    Questions? Call us at:
                                                        Quincy, MA 02269                                   617-376-1349.

The Quincy Animal Shelter (QAS) is a nonprofit organization designated under section 501(c}(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is
recognized as a Massachusetts charity. The Quincy Animal Shelter will not share your contact information with any third party.
THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
(617) 376-1349
                                                                                                P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269

                                                                        Tribute Gift

GUARDIAN ANGEL                                                        1. I would love to donate $
                                                                             In memory of                In honor of
Quincy Animal Shelter offers multiple ways to make
a donation in honor of your loved ones. Our Guardian
Angel Cage & Kennel Sponsorships are available for 3, 6,              2. If you want QAS to notify them of this donation,
or 12 months. It can be dedicated to a family member,                 please provide their physical address or email.
friend, or pet. You may also make a Tribute Gift in
someone’s name.                                                       Name

All proceeds go towards animal care and operation of                  Email
Quincy Animal Shelter. Your donation is tax deductible.

 Guardian Angel Cage & Kennel Sponsorships

A Guardian Angel card will be placed on a cage or
kennel indicating your support. We can also include a                   Your information
photo that you provide!
                                                                      If you’ve moved or changed your address, you can use
1. Where would you like it to be placed on?                           this form to update us.

    Cat cage                Dog kennel                                Total amount enclosed: $

                                                                      Your name
2. How long would you like?
                                                                      Company (if applicable)
    12 months               6 months                3 months
    $300                    $150                    $75               Address

3. Name & message to display on the card?
                                                                      State                      Zip code

                                                                      Phone number
    Card example

                                                                             I want to remain anonymous


                                                                      1. Please make your check payable to:
                                                                         Quincy Animal Shelter
                                                                      2. Mail the check along with this form to:
                                                                         Quincy Animal Shelter
    Photo included                                                       P.O. Box 690088, Quincy, MA 02269

The Quincy Animal Shelter (QAS) is a nonprofit organization designated under section 501(c}(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is
recognized as a Massachusetts charity. The Quincy Animal Shelter will not share your contact information with any third party.
THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
Spring 2019                                                        For more information, visit

                                                                                      WISH LIST
A CAUTIONARY TALE:                                                                    All brands & sizes are welcome

ANA THE FROZEN CAT                                                                    unless otherwise noted.

                                                                                      ! Paper towels
 We are all pulling for one of our         month. Kit believes that if it weren’t
 latest residents to make a full           for so many people stepping up             ! Bleach
 recovery. If it weren’t for another       to the plate Ana would never have
 amazing good Samaritan, Ana               made it this far.                          ! Fancy Feast adult & kitten
 would never have survived her                                                          canned food, for our
 ordeal. Ana was found outside nearly      Ana’s story is reminder that animals,        shelter residents
 frozen to death during one of our         like humans, do not fare well in any
                                                                                      ! Natural Balance or Red
 severe cold snaps in January. Animal      type of extreme weather. We have
                                                                                        Barn food rolls
 Control Officer Bruce DiBella knew        no idea if Ana got lost or if she was
 the situation was dire and made           an outdoor cat, but one thing we           ! Yesterday’s News cat litter
 arrangements to get her urgent            know for sure this is one of many
 vet care. Shelter Director Kit Burke      excellent reasons to keep your cats        ! Dry cat food for our feral
 consulted with Dr. Kristin Scott          indoors!                                     pantry (open bags are OK!)
 who offered to take Ana to her
 hospital where she monitored her          Please consider making a donation          ! New cat toys, furry mice,
 closely. Ana needed a lot of care and     to the Mickey Fund to help Ana get           and scratch pads.
 attention to make sure she did not        the medical care and medication
                                                                                      ! Interactive dog toys like
 succumb to profound hypothermia.          that she needs and help her have
                                                                                        Buster Cubes & balls
“Her body temperature did not even         a happy ending. The Mickey Fund
                                                                                        (no tennis balls)
 register on the thermometer, she          helps us pay for non-routine medical
 was dehydrated and had an upper           care and for special cases like Ana.       ! NEW plastic litter boxes
 respiratory infection, she need IV                                                     & plastic litter scoops with
 fluids and antibiotics to fight off her                                                tags and stickers.
 infection” said Dr. Scott.                                                             (not used please!)

After spending 10 days at Canton                                                      ! Gift cards to Pet Supply
Veterinary Hospital, Ana came                                                           Plus, Petco, Walmart, any
back to QAS to further recuperate..                                                     local super markets!
Our volunteers are caring for her
                                                                                      ! Postage stamps.
now. Ana was suffering from GI
issues and needed to undergo an                                                       ! High efficiency (HE)
abdominal ultrasound to rule out                                                        laundry detergent
a more serious problem. The good
news is Ana does not have a mass or                                                   ! Cascade ActionPacs
any other big issues. The downside                                                      dishwasher detergent
is that she will need to be on meds
for the foreseeable future (maybe
forever) that runs around $65 a            Ana, the frozen cat

                         THE MICKEY MEDICAL FUND
                         Mickey was a puppy born from one of our            Mickey’s human momma turned pain into
                         first stray dogs, Momma. Mickey was a fun          action, and set up the Mickey Medical fund
                         loving pit bull that was adopted by a QAS          in his honor. The goal was to make sure that
                         volunteer. It was love at first sight. He was      if an animal could be saved, QAS would have
                         happy in his new home and loved by his             the money at hand to save them. QAS has
                         family. All in sudden, Mickey’s young life         provided above and beyond veterinary care
        Mickey           was taken by antifreeze, a known poison            for animals that have suffered traumatic
                         to family pets. His family was devastated,         injuries (Like Ana, the frozen cat), needed
                         because there was nothing that could be            dental care, has chronic skin problems. You
                         done to save him.                                  name it. If we can save a life, we do it.

THE SCOOP - Quincy Animal Shelter
Questions or comments? Email                                              Spring 2019

                         SUCCESS STORY – IN MEMORIAM

                KATHERINE AND SAGE

                                                                                            ASK HAILEY
                                                                                            *Hailey is a fun loving
                                                                                            Chihuahua rescued from
                                                                                            QAS many years ago, she
                                                                                            helps other pets navigate
                                                                                            the challenges of living
                                                                                            with human beings.

                                                                                            Dear Hailey,

                                                                                            I’m one of the lucky
                                                                                            ones for sure but I
                                                                                            need your advice. I was
                                                                                            “rescued” a few months
                                                                                            ago after a few lousy
                                                                                            weeks out on the street.
Sage                                                                                        I don’t even know
                                                                                            what happened, one
                                                                                            minute I have a home,
This is the story that         door to QAS. There was         one day. We even threw        next minute I’m lost.
taught us that we do not       one big problem- Sage          them a little shower! Our     Thankfully I ended up at
just help animals, we help     could not stay there. So       volunteers got together       a shelter. It took a week
the people too.                we were asked to help,but      and bought things for         to find a nice home. The
                               QAS was not allowed to         both of them. This is one     woman who adopted
We did not find Sage in an     board animals. Katherine       of our fondest memories;      me, (let’s call her
alley, she was not brought     had no other options. Sage     it helped shape what QAS      Marcy) just loves me.
in by a Good Sam. She was      would come to QAS to           has become” recalls Kit       We are getting along
not given up because she       find a new home. “I had        Burke and Sandra Sines        fine; plenty of food
was not wanted. Nothing        to give up Sage, my heart      who recently reminisced       and treats and I have a
even close to that. Sage       was shattered, I would         with Katherine about Sage     warm bed. Sometimes,
was brought to us in           come to visit her and she      at the Holiday Craft Fair.    I get to sleep with her.
the most unfortunate           would turn her back on                                       Seems too good to be
of circumstances. Sage         me and growl. We were          Sage passed away              true. I do not ever want
had a home, she had a          both a mess”. Sage was         peacefully on January 12,     to be homeless again.
wonderful person who           a very pretty tiger cat,       2016 at the age of 22 after   The problem is she
loved her since 1998. Sage     she was a big girl, who        spending 18 years with        spends all of her money
was not homeless, but          had already had one near       Katherine. “Not a day goes    on me trying to make
her human was about to         tragedy when she was           by that I do not miss her,    me comfortable. How
be. Sage and Katherine         hit by a car and had a hip     she was more than family,     can I tell her she does
had enjoyed three years        replaced. Sage stayed at       she was my confidant, she     not need too? I don’t
of happy times. Then           QAS for months. No takers.     was my Sage”.                 need fancy dog beds,
suddenly Katherine’s life      In October things turned                                     sweaters or bowls. I just
turned upside down and         around for Katherine and       This brought out the          love her.
through no fault of her        she was able to take Sage      best in all of us at QAS,
own she became ill which       home. The volunteers were      sometimes animal              Signed,
led to her being evicted.      elated! “We had all secretly   advocates forget the          Satisfied Samoyed in
She was lucky to find a        wished Sage would not          people and only think of      Scituate
place at Father Bill’s which   be adopted, and that           what the animal needs.
is a people shelter next       they would be re-united                                      See Hailey’s reply on

Spring 2019                                                     For more information, visit

                                         SUCCESS STORY – IN MEMORIAM

                                         BEN AND LOUIE

At QAS finding the perfect home for      Louie. So on that Tuesday night in      treated him, gave him medications
all of our dogs or cats is our number    January 2008 Ben adopted Louie          and gave him love. Then you gave
one job. There is nothing better than    and they became life partners. Ben      him to me. Best gift ever. He was
watching them go off to their new        brought Louie home with him to          special. He gave and got a lot of
home. It is what makes us come           Plymouth were they would spend          love.”
back day after day and year after        the next 3,949 days together Ben
year. This is just one of many special   signed Louie up for his own QAS         There is no question that Ben and
stories; the story of Ben and Louie.     membership every year and he            Louie were a perfect match; the
On a Tuesday night in January 2008       would send beautiful hand written       stuff adoption dream are made of.
a man met a cat and both of their        notes thanking QAS for giving him       The letters written by Ben about
lives changed forever.                   Louie and say how happy he was          the bond that he and Louie shared
                                         to have him. In 2018, Ben mailed        could melt the coldest of hearts and
In July of 2007 Seymour, a stray cat     a donation to the shelter from          of course bring tears to your eyes.
from Sea St, was brought to our          Louie “celebrating 10 years of home     While it is sad that Louie is gone,
shelter in rough shape. Seymour was      ownership”. Ben visited the shelter     there is pure joy in knowing that
about 7 years old and FIV positive.      and told stories of how he and Louie    this cat who was barely surviving
He was a handsome big boy with           were enjoying life and he brought       outside alone and in need of shelter,
hazel eyes. Despite the efforts of our   some toys for our cats.                 medical care and most of all love
wonderful adoption reps, he would                                                got everything he needed. He got
sit patiently waiting for a home for     Sadly, Louie passed away late last      it from the Good Samaritan who
six months.. Maybe he knew that          year.. Ben would write “Louie is gone   brought him to us. He got it from
good things come to those who            and I am heartbroken and I am at        our veterinarians and volunteers
wait. Then Ben Nichols walked in.        a loss at how to deal with it. Louie    who cared for him before he was
Ben was willing to take a chance         was in tough shape when he was          adopted and most of all he got it
on Seymour who would become              brought to you. You took him and        from his partner Ben.

                                                                                 (Left) Louie, (Right) A goodbye to
                                                                                 Louie in a newspaper by Ben.

  Submit Your Success Story! Did you adopt from QAS? If so, please tell us your success story! Don’t forget to
  attach photos! Send your story to

Questions or comments? Email                                                     Spring 2019

TRIBUTES                                                                                          From Nov 2018 - Jan 2019

                               The $25,000 Challenge: The results are in!
                     We want to thank every donor who made our $25,000.00 Challenge a such a
                     huge success! Thanks to your generosity we received an amazing $48,250.00
                     in addition to the $25,000 match. We are most grateful to our Special Angel
                     who made this possible. Many thanks for helping us to continue our mission
                                of saving animals and finding loving homes for them.

KIDS THAT CARE                            Roisin Barrios by Gina Favata              THANK YOU TO OUR
                                          John & Constance Brennan by Colleen
They share their birthdays with           Russo
donations to the shelter animals          Robert Brooks by Gary Caruso, Susan &
                                          John Stevenson                             Canton Veterinary Hospital, Canton
Nina Rowley B’Day                          Jimmy DeWever by Sande & Larry            Dr. Jo Traveling Vet Clinic, Weymouth
                                          Young                                      South Coastal Veterinary Hospital,
                                          Ann Eliasson by Christine Schultz          Weymouth
IN HONOR OF                               Pat Fisher by Harold Crowley Jr.           Veterinary Urgent Care Center, Quincy
                                          Mary Folan by Daniel Tinney, Helen         Weymouth Landing Cat Clinic,
Tara, Amy, Jill & Mike Baker by William   Flaherty, Janet Southworth, Paul           Weymouth
& Pamela Baker                            Deschenes, The Noonan Family, William      The Cat Mobile, Sailsburry
Christine Baldwin by Hans Reimer          Pannella, Melodie Olson, Ginger Jackson,
Jennifer Hemmerdinger (Volunteer) by      Cyndy Peruzzi-Broadwater, Leah Peruzzi
Hemmerdinger Family                       & Betty Lamach, Linda Koch Bowes           SCHOOLS WHOSE
Helen by Ellen Higginbottom               Marie Friel by Susan Conway
Marc & Kel Larson by Denise Larson &      Photography
                                                                                     SUPPORT HELP THE
Carol Gannon                              Janet Gray by Benjamin & Linda Butcher     SHELTER
Sandra Morse by Elise Williams            Elizabeth “Betty” McLean by Quincy
Cathy Parsons (Volunteer) by Elizabeth    Animal Shelter                             Atherton Hough School, Quincy
Xenelis                                   Helen Marks-Klemme by Leslie Lord,         Broad Meadows Middle School, Quincy
Nina Rowley B’Day by Ashley & Nathan      Lisa Arya                                  Central Middle School Students, Quincy
Boutin, Ama Okey-Igwe                     Kathleen MacMillan by Ann Swike,           Flaherty Elementary School, Braintree
Patti Sherman (Volunteer) by Debra        Christopher Rogers, Lisa Arya              Frolio Middle School, Abington
Malinics                                  Gina Marie Mersch by Tom Murphy            Lincoln Hancock Swim Club, Quincy
Addison Ti by Jennifer Lavey              Nicole Noseworthy by Barbara               Merrymount School, Quincy
Debbie Weisman Clasie (Volunteer) by      Lawrence, Quincy Animal Shelter            Montclair School Student Council,
Vivian & Dan Weisman, Noreen & Steve      Rick O’Hare by George & Susan O’Hare       Quincy
Weisman                                   Joanie O’Leary by Studio Ten Hair Salon    Snug Harbor School, Quincy
Lory Zimbalatti (Volunteer) by Amy        Irene & John Rogers by Susan Leyden        Thomas Nash Primary School,
Carlezon                                  Carrie Smith by Katherine Freer            Weymouth
“Droge” by Linda Stern                    June Wuerth by Viginia Salvaggio           Woodward School 6th grade class &
“Max” by Natalie Vlahovic                 “Buddy” & Gladys by Cathy Noble            Animal Welfare group, Quincy
“Precious” by Priscilla Pulgini           “Charlie” & “Sage” by Natalie Vlahovic
Shelter Cats by Rosemarie Gallo           “Fluffy II” by Enid Lubarskys
                                          “Goblyn” Schroepfer by Suzanne             THANK YOU TO
                                          Gauthier, Sue Schroepfer
                                                                                     BUSINESSES WHO
IN MEMORY OF                              “Louie” by Benjamin Nichols
                                          “Mandy” by Valerie Solimini                SUPPORT US
Matthew Alessi by Marilyn O’Maley,        “Marley” by Alice Daly
Linda Alessi                              “Norville” Gauthier by Susan Schroepfer    Almquist Flowerland, Quincy
Diane Alongi by Bartlett Consolidated     “Shadow” by Tony Vento                     Big Y, Quincy
LLC, Lynn Hostash, Duxbury High School,   “Warrior” & “Martini” by Susan   
Steven Rusco, Pittsburg Hays Bald Eagle   Schroepfer                                 David Ellsworh Design
Watchers                                  “Willie” by Carolyn & Joseph Leuchte       Fratelli’s Pastry Shop, Quincy

Spring 2019                                                       For more information, visit

Frozen Freddie, Quincy
Fox & Hound Wood Grille and Tavern,
Quincy                                         HOW TO
Golden Manet Press, Quincy
Granite Lock Company Inc, Quincy
                                               Make the most of your charitable donation
Inde Salon, Quincy                             in 2018
Jerry Knowles Irish Carpentry, Quincy
Keezer Sportswear, Weymouth                    There have been significant changes made to our tax laws resulting
Lighting & Lamps, Quincy                       in people thinking twice about charitable giving going forward.
L & L Pet Grooming, Quincy                     Most people, however, give to charities to support a worthy cause
Lola Beauty Boutique, Dorchester               not for the financial incentive. But not all is lost under the new tax
Petco Foundation                               law, thanks to an often overlooked corner of the code.
Petco Store, Quincy
Pet Supplies Plus, Quincy                      This provision, which the IRS calls a Qualified Charitable Distribution,
Quirk Auto Dealer, Quincy                      allows anyone aged 70 1/2 or older to donate money from their
Sandy’s Pet Grooming, Quincy                   IRA account directly to a charitable organization without that gift
Stop & Shop, Quincy                            counting as income. Under this provision, you can easily transfer
Superlative Printing, Stoughton                money directly to Quincy Animal Shelter without paying any tax on
Willard Veterinary Clinic, Quincy              that transaction.
XS Brokers, Quincy
                                               And even better, any money you transfer via one of these
                                               distributions reduces the amount you must take in required
Employees of the following                     distributions.
companies donate monthly,
request company grants, or their               Contact your advisor or brokerage firm if you need assistance with
companies match their donation                 these transactions. From there they will either disburse the checks
to help us:                                    directly to us or send the check to you to pass along to us.

AbbVie Employee Fund
American Express
Ameriprise Financial
AT & T                                         ABOUT US
BCD Travel
Berkshire Partners, LLC                        About Quincy Animal Shelter and
BIG Y, Quincy                                  Our Mission Statement
Eaton Vance
General Mills                                  The Quincy Animal Shelter is primarily a volunteer-run organization.
John Hancock                                   The Shelter relies completely on our volunteers and the community
MeKesson Corporation                           for support. Incorporated in November 1999 as a non-profit
Morgan Stanley                                 Massachusetts charity, we are also a recognized charity under
Quincy Mutual Insurance Company                Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. Since
Raytheon Corporation                           1999, the Quincy Animal Shelter has placed more than 7,500 cats
State Street Corporation                       and dogs into loving homes throughout New England. We are
TRUiST                                         committed to finding the right home for every adoptable animal
UBS                                            in our care. Every animal receives age-appropriate vaccinations, is
United Health Group                            spayed or neutered and micro-chipped before being placed in its
VOYA                                           forever home. Delivering this type of care involves many volunteers,
                                               an active and dedicated management, and a lot of money. Our
                                               annual budget runs approximately $250,000 in order to provide
We apologize if we inadvertently failed to     services to the animals in our care and serve the continuous needs
include your tribute or misspelled any name.   of our growing community.
We are very careful to ensure the privacy of
our donors. We do not share or sell names to
                                               Our mission is to advocate for companion animals by providing
a second party. We also do not list anyone
                                               safety until home placement of those in our care, to promote spay
who requests to remain anonymous. Please
let us know if you do not want your name
                                               and neuter programs as a means to control pet overpopulation
to be listed. We receive donations through     and to be the leading community resource for education on proper
company plans, and they do not designate       animal welfare.
your preference. We are always most happy to
acknowledge our donors.

Questions or comments? Email                                                Spring 2019

     WISH LIST                        THE KITTENS ARE COMING
     All brands & sizes are welcome
     unless otherwise noted.          5 Ways You Can Help Us Help Them This Year

                                      It’s like Christmas; it comes the same      and live in a real home often with
     ! Fancy Feast kitten Turkey
       or Chicken food                time every year and yet somehow             children, who love the experience.
                                      it sneaks up on you. Kitten Season          Keeping them healthy and getting
     ! Royal Canin Mother and         at an animal shelter is no different.       them socialized and ready for
       Baby Cat Food and Kitten       Although the official start of kitten       adoption are the goals. Kittens can
       food                           season varies a bit year to year it still   be very fragile especially when they
                                      comes. It can start as early as March       are born outside and do not receive
     ! Clay cat litter                and last until October. Its starts with     any vet care.
                                      a few phone calls ranging from,
     ! Cat toys like furry mice,                                                  Being a foster care provider is
                                      “There’s a pregnant cat roaming
       balls, teasers
                                      the streets can you come get her?”          pretty easy; we have some basic
                                      My cat just had kittens and we              rules to make sure that everyone
     ! Cardboard scratching pads
                                      don’t know what to do” or “I just           understands the commitment and
     ! Gift Cards to pet stores or    found a litter in my shed”! In most         so that everyone is safe. The time
       grocery stores                 cases kittens will come to QAS. The         commitment can be from a few
                                      challenge is that kittens do not stay       weeks to a few months depending
                                      at the shelter, “they are too young         on the circumstance. QAS provides
                                      and the stress level at the shelter         the essentials: food, litter, toys
                                      is too high which puts them at risk         and vet care. If you want more
                                      for illness and they need to be with        information, email Donna at
                                      people as much as they can” says  
                                      Shelter Director, Kit Burke. That           or give us a call at 617-376-1349.
     OUR ADOPTION                     is where our amazing foster care
     HOURS                            families step in, managed by Donna          What can you do to help us during
                                      Knauber.                                    Kitten Season?

     Tuesday & Thursday:              She has a group of people who               1. Become a Foster Family.
     6pm - 8pm                        open their homes and hearts to              2. Donate items from the Kitten
                                      kittens, some with moms and many               Wish List or our Amazon wish list.
     Saturday:                        without. Fostering is a wonderful           3. Adopt a kitten from QAS or
     10am - 4pm                       way to be able to help the nearly 200          another awesome rescue group
                                      kittens that come to us every year.            but, Please Don’t Shop!
     56 Broad Street, Quincy,         When kittens are cared for in a foster      4. Keep your cats 100% indoors.
     MA 02169                         home, they get round the clock care         5. Spay or neuter your cats.

     Please note: animal surrenders
     are by appointment only.

                                                      Dear Satisfied,

                                                      You are very lucky, but so is Marcy. Rescue is a two-way
                                                      street. Sounds like she is thrilled to have you in her life too.
     Got QAS Wear?                                    You have been through a lot and your feelings are normal.
                                                      Stop Stressing. I wouldn’t sweat it. Enjoy the new digs, enjoy
     Yes, we do! Stop by during                       the snacks, most of all the hugs. I draw the line on stupid
     Adoption hours or give us a                      sweaters so you might want to put your paws down on that.
     call 617-376-1349. We have
     hoodies, tees, sweatshirts,                      Best of Luck!
     and more.                                        Hailey

Spring 2019                                                   For more information, visit

QAS NEWS                                                                        VISIT // CONTACT //
                                                                                CONNECT WITH QAS
We have a new president and
three new board members.                                                        INFORMATION
                                                                                For more information, visit

                                                                                56 Broad Street,
                                                                                Quincy, MA 02169

                                                                                MAILING ADDRESS
                                                                                P.O. Box 690088,
COURTNEY O’KEEFE                        SANDRA SINES                            Quincy, MA 02269
Ms. Courtney O’Keefe became Board       Sandra Sines returns to the QAS         (617) 376-1349
President December of 2018, she         Board. Sandra is a former QAS
has been an active Board member         Shelter Director and the current        EMAIL
since May of 2015. Professionally,      Editor of the Scoop. She has been
Ms. O’Keefe has spent the last 25       a volunteer since 1999. She lives
years as a Supply Chain Operations      in Pembroke with her husband
                                                                                ADOPTION HOURS
Executive, working with Global          Marty and her dog Bruin, and cats,
Brands selling and marketing            Destiny, Max, Magic and Baxter; all     Tuesday & Thursday:
Lifestyle Apparel. Ms. O’Keefe, who     QAS Alumni! Sandra enjoys writing       6pm-8pm
resides in Quincy, is the proud mom     and photography. Sandra works for       Saturday:
of two great teens and 2 Dogs.          Quincy Mutual Insurance.                10am-4pm

                                                                                Please note: Animal surrenders
                                                                                are by appointment only.

EMILY DUFF                              JOAN SMOOT

Emily Duff has been volunteering        Joan Smoot of Smoot Associates
as a Dog Walker for the Quincy          in Hanover, has 20 years of senior
Animal Shelter since 2009. She and      level experience in establishing,
her husband, Loudon, have lived in      managing and promoting small           THE SCOOP
Quincy for 18 years, they spend their   businesses. This includes 14 years     SUMMER EDITION 2019:
free time renovating their house        with total P&L responsibility for
which was built in 1880. Emily is an    two successful food industry
interior designer/ spatial planner      businesses. She has worked             2005 - 2009 The Little Shelter
and is self employed. She worked for    in television and radio. Joan is       That Could
years in event production and is now    currently working on launching
the Event Coordinator for QAS. Emily    a website Culinaryadventures.          The Dog Days of Summer
adopted her dog, Sookie, a Boston       net and a informational food           Why it is awesome to have a dog
Terrier, from QAS back in 2010.         blog. Producing teaching videos        in your life!
                                        for a “Key Ingredients” program
                                        demonstrating how to simplify with     More Info about our 20th
                                        tips and cooking techniques.           Anniversary Celebration

                                                                               Meet Our Canine Success Team

This 20th Anniversary Edition of the Scoop
is dedicated in memory of Willow aka Jenny.

 She was one of our first canine shelter residents. Willow, a Belgian
Malinois, spent nearly a year with us before being adopted by a police
                    officer from Northern Maine.
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