The Return Volatility of Publicly and Privately Owned Real Estate

Page created by Perry Wagner
The Return Volatility
                         of Publicly and
                         Privately Owned
                         Real Estate

The marketless value     THE    D E B AT E   ABOUT       whether pri-
                         vately owned real estate has a lower return
of real estate.          volatility than its publicly owned counter-
                         part has been going on for a long time. It
                         began when academics analyzed the then-
                         newly compiled National Council of Real
                         Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)
                         return series for unlevered real estate prop-
                         erties in the 1980s. These studies found
                         that the returns derived from the
                         NCREIF index had extremely low volatil-
                         ity, as well as very low correlations with
                         stock and bond returns. This led some to
PETER         LINNEMAN   proclaim that privately owned real estate

                                                   REVIEW           5
was a “can’t lose” investment, providing         Instead, the NCREIF total return in 1990
portfolio diversification with almost no         was 2.3 percent, with negative returns reg-
return volatility, and average returns not       istered only in 1991 (-5.6 percent) and
much different from stocks. Efficient            1992 (-4.3 percent). These numbers were
investment frontier research seeped into         in stark contrast to the reality experienced
investment practice, which suggested that        by private property owners. Since the dis-
privately owned real estate should com-          connect between NCREIF and the market
prise almost 100 percent of an “efficient”       reality was too great to be explained by dif-
portfolio.                                       ferences in property or management qual-
     As the 1990s dawned, investors              ity, savvy observers quickly realized that
assumed that high-quality privately owned        the NCREIF data was at best problematic,
real estate could never fall substantially in    and at worst bogus.
value. But the early 1990s demonstrated              The early 1990s witnessed the emer-
that private real estate assets had substan-     gence of major publicy owned REITs.
tial return volatility, with values eroding by   Faced with the complete absence of debt,
20 percent to 50 percent during the first        and plummeting property values, many
half of the decade. As the chairman of           major private owners of real estate went
Rockefeller Center, one of the nation’s          public in order to recapitalize their proper-
prime core assets in the mid-1990s, I dis-       ties, paying off maturing debt with IPO
covered all too well the volatility of private   proceeds. Overnight, high-quality real
real estate returns. Yet, the NCREIF data        estate was exposed to public market scruti-
failed to reveal significant negative returns.   ny and pricing, with many of the finest

Figure 1: NCREIF Quarterly Returns

property portfolios trading on the NYSE.        properties, with returns to managers cap-
These REITs were managed by real estate         tured by the asset management companies.
professionals with expertise equal to, or           Returns to REITs, as proxied by the
better than, NCREIF asset managers.             National Association of Real Estate
Thus, any differential return performance       Investment Trusts (NAREIT) Equity
between the NCREIF index and REITs              Index, and NCREIF should be highly cor-
could not be attributed to either product       related, as the key determinant of their
or management quality.                          returns is the profitability of core quality
    A third investment vehicle, real estate     properties. REITs offer institutional
private equity funds, evolved to help equi-     investors a transparent and liquid real
tize real estate investments. These non-        estate investment alternative to direct own-
traded limited partnerships, with seven-to-     ership. Since the mid-1990s, funds have
ten-year investment lives, use high lever-      flowed into REITs from traditional core
age, frequently own foreign and lesser-         real estate managers, causing many core
quality properties, and often pursue devel-     managers to go out of business.
opment/redevelopment strategies. While          Institutional investors were not only disap-
the returns for these vehicles are not sys-     pointed in the performance of real estate
tematically reported, it is not be surprising   versus their expectations, but also angry
that the return history for these higher-       with managers who hid how badly their
risk, lower-quality, value-add investment       investments performed.
vehicles substantially diverges from that of        Yet, based upon studies of NCREIF
either NCREIF or REITs, as their returns        returns, many researchers, managers, and
do not generally reflect the performance of     investors continue to believe that privately
core U.S. properties.                           owned real estate has almost no correlation
                                                with the returns of REITs, stocks, or
                                                bonds. For example, from the first quarter
       NCREIF VS.         NAREIT                of 1990 through the first quarter of 2004,
                                                the correlation of NCREIF’s return with
NCREIF index properties are unlevered,          that of NAREIT was -0.04, while with
while REIT’s are approximately 50 percent       S&P 500 it was 0.01, and with long bonds
levered. In addition, REITs own both the        -0.10. In addition, the standard deviation
company’s real estate as well as the profit     of quarterly returns for this same period
stream generated by management (net of          was 3.4 percent for NCREIF, versus 10.5
executive compensation). In contrast, the       percent for NAREIT, 11.3 percent for
NCREIF index reflects only returns on           S&P 500, and 6.9 percent for long bonds.

                                                                          REVIEW          7
As a result, many observers argue that          part of a REIT’s valuation), or as a result
institutional investors should own real         of leverage, or because short-term capital
estate both publicly and privately, with        movements are insufficient to arbitrage
publicly owned real estate providing liq-       public versus private pricing. However,
uidity, and privately owned real estate pro-    the return differences between NCREIF
viding return stability and diversification.    and NAREIT are not small, temporary,
    But these results cannot be correct, as     or occasional. In five of the past 14 years,
buildings are inanimate objects, which          the annual returns for NCREIF and
do not know whether they are publicly           NAREIT are of opposite signs.
or privately owned. Further, most core          Moreover, the average absolute difference
properties are managed by high-quality          in the annual returns of these series is a
managers, whether the properties are            staggering 1715 basis points, with this
publicly or privately owned. Therefore,         difference being fewer than 600 basis
large return discrepancies between public       points in only two years. For example,
and private real estate ownership are not       1998 REIT returns were shocked by the
theoretically credible. Of course, minor        Russian ruble crisis, yielding a -17.5 per-
return differences between public and           cent return, while the NCREIF return
private real estate can arise due to the val-   was 16.2 percent, a gap of 3370 basis
uation of management teams (which is a          points!

Figure 2: Annual Total Returns

Figure 3: Return Disparity between NAREIT and NCREIF (Basis Points)

       W H AT ’ S   GOING       ON?

                                                cash streams. While anomalies can exist,
The best research on the differences            they will be arbitraged, particularly given
between NCREIF and NAREIT returns               the large number of opportunity funds
has been conducted by Joe Gyourko, first        with the broad mandate to simply generate
in a paper with Don Keim, and more              risk-adjusted real estate returns. If return
recently in a paper in the Wharton Real         differences are consistently as divergent as
Estate Review. He finds that NCREIF             these series indicate, there should be no
returns are predictable based upon historic     shortage of “smart money” to arbitrage the
REIT returns. Specifically, today’s REIT        differences. In addition, REITs’ property
returns foretell the NCREIF returns that        acquisitions and dispositions would arbi-
will be registered roughly 18 months from       trage large differences in “Wall Street vs.
now. As has been stated before, since           Main Street” values. Yet, during the past
buildings are inanimate, and since their        14 years, in spite of the extraordinary dif-
quality of management is roughly similar,       ferences in NCREIF and NAREIT
this relationship cannot be due to signifi-     returns, few REITs were taken private,
cant differences in property level cash         very few major positions in REITs were
flows, risk profiles, or management.            taken by opportunity funds, and almost
    One need not be a believer in perfectly     no REITs liquidated their portfolios.
efficient markets to feel that it is incon-         The primary reason why large return
ceivable that capital markets so inefficient-   discrepancies between NCREIF and
ly value public versus private real estate      NAREIT exist is simple: the data are

                                                                          REVIEW          9
wrong. This was vividly demonstrated                  Many have noted the so-called
during the Russian ruble crisis, when            appraisal lag in valuing NCREIF proper-
REITs fared terribly, while NCREIF regis-        ties. However, the NCREIF return meas-
tered returns well above average. Yet            urement problem is much deeper, as
almost no public to private arbitrage took       most observers fail to appreciate how the
place, even though the return data indi-         appraisal process, even when well done,
cate that such activity would have been          generates meaningless valuations for
highly profitable. No opportunity funds          evaluating return volatility and correla-
took advantage of the option suggested by        tions. In fact, the appraisal process guar-
the data. Nor did entrepreneurial REIT           antees that NCREIF’s appraisal-driven
operators see an opportunity to go private.      returns will have very low volatility. Since
Instead, the market clearly believed that        the appraisal process, rather than private-
there was no significant return differential     market real estate pricing, creates near-
between public and private real estate.          zero volatility in measured returns, near-
Like Sherlock Holmes’ famous “dog that           zero return correlations with REITs,
didn’t bark,” the market’s silence demon-        stocks, and bonds are no surprise, as
strated that the return gap is fiction rather    these assets have considerable return
than reality.                                    volatility. Specifically, if the returns for
                                                 stocks, bonds, and publicly traded real
                                                 estate are essentially random walks
       VA L UAT I O N      ISSUES                reflecting relatively efficient market pric-
                                                 ing, NCREIF’s near-zero appraisal-
NAREIT pricing and returns reflect mar-          induced volatility will necessarily show
ket pricing by third parties investing in        little return correlation.
publicly traded securities, and thus have             How does the use of appraised prop-
no notable measurement error. It is also an      erty values produce this result? The vast
investable index, with several index funds       majority of NCREIF properties have a
readily available for investors. In contrast,    value appraisal only in the fourth quarter
the NCREIF index is neither investable           of each year. This contrasts dramatically
nor a market-priced index. Specifically, it is   with private property markets, where
impossible to create a portfolio that con-       properties are constantly valued (though
tains the NCREIF properties, and                 not appraised) by owners. Opportunity
NCREIF property prices are very rarely set       funds, entrepreneurial owners, and high-
by third-party investors. Instead, they are      wealth families constantly evaluate their
established by appraisals.                       property values. Anyone who has worked

with these owners knows that, over the          without accurately measuring quarterly
course of a year, the values of privately       value changes. But if the preponderance
owned properties rise and fall, depending       of core properties is appraised only in the
on leasing, market sentiments, rumors           fourth quarter, the return registered for
about new developments, macroeco-               NCREIF is by definition basically the
nomic hopes and fears, and capital mar-         same in the fourth, first, second, and third
ket animal instincts. Many private own-         quarters, as NOI does not change appre-
ers exploit these value movements by            ciably quarter-by-quarter. The fact that
either selling or refinancing their proper-     the recorded returns are basically the same
ties at opportune times, or by holding          over a four-quarter period provides no
their properties while waiting for better       information about whether the actual
market pricing. This is the reality of pri-     quarterly returns were the same, and
vate markets. Companies such as Eastdil,        merely reflects that no attempt was made
Secured Capital, and Goldman Sachs              to determine whether asset prices changed
make their livings from the volatility of       quarter-to-quarter. This is the first source
private real estate markets.                    of NCREIF’s return smoothing.
    Consider what happens to a real estate          Imagine what would happen if
return series if the value of a core proper-    NAREIT quarterly returns were meas-
ty is recorded only on the last day of each     ured simply by dividing the quarterly div-
year. Since a core property’s Net               idend by the fourth quarter cap rate.
Operating Income (NOI) generally varies         Since NAREIT dividends change rela-
relatively little throughout the year, so too   tively little quarter-to-quarter, this
will the measured return if the property        approach would record little REIT return
price remains unchanged for four quar-          volatility. Gyourko’s research notes that
ters. For example, if the property has a        during the first three quarters of the year,
quarterly NOI growth rate of 1 percent          NCREIF returns register little volatility
(4.06 percent annual rate), and an 8 per-       for private real estate. But savvy private
cent initial cap rate, the registered quar-     owners know this is not the case. A point
terly returns absent quarter-to-quarter         of reference is provided by (incorrectly)
price changes over the four quarters of the     calculating NAREIT returns as the quar-
year are 2.02 percent, 2.04 percent, 2.06       terly dividend plus appreciation, divided
percent, and 2.08 percent, respectively.        by the closing year-end stock price.
Hence, for NCREIF’s large pool of core          Figure 4 reveals that this exercise notably
assets, it is almost impossible to have         reduces the volatility of NAREIT’s quar-
much quarter-to-quarter return volatility       terly returns.

                                                                          REVIEW         11
Figure 4: NAREIT Quarterly Returns

    In fact, the standard deviation of        When an “unbiased” appraiser (they may,
NAREIT quarterly returns falls from           like unicorns, exist somewhere) is engaged,
10.5 percent for actual NAREIT returns        their methodology for a core, stabilized
to 7.0 percent when this method is            property is to divide “stabilized” NOI (a
employed. Thus, if investors want lower       second smoothing) by the cap rate of recent
REIT return volatility, and to look more      transactions for comparable properties.
like NCREIF’s, they should only look at       The period for which the appraiser seeks
the REIT stock prices on the last day of      comparable sales transactions is typically 24
each year!                                    months. Over this 24-month period, the
                                              appraiser will generally find five to eight
                                              comparable property sales. The cap rate
     QUADRUPLE        SMOOTHING               selected by the appraiser is usually the
                                              mean (or sometimes median) of the cap
The NCREIF measurement error story            rates for these transactions. Rarely do
does not end here, as NCREIF’s fourth-        appraisers give more weight to more recent
quarter value generally reflects appraised—   transactions, or evaluate cap rate trends.
as opposed to market—property prices. To      Thus, although each comparable property
see how the appraisal process even further    sold at a specific cap rate, at a specific time,
undercuts return measurement efforts, one     the appraisal cap rate is an average (a third
must understand the appraisal process.        source of smoothing), which eliminates the

high and low valuations that existed in the           The nature of the appraisal process
market; that is, it eliminates pricing volatil-   means that even in the fourth quarter, the
ity. The appraiser’s rationale for cap rate       registered NCREIF value fails to reflect the
averaging is that the market conditions that      prevailing market pricing, reflecting
existed when those properties were sold are       instead the average of market conditions
better or worse than those that exist “in         that prevailed over the preceding two
more typical markets.” Further, the               years. In fact, what NCREIF records as
appraisal for a property this year will gener-    “today’s cap rate” is actually the mean cap
ally re-use approximately half of the com-        rate about 12 months earlier; that is, at the
parable sales transactions of the previous        midpoint of the appraiser’s time period.
year’s appraisal. Thus, this year’s cap rate is   Hence, NCREIF fourth-quarter valua-
mechanically linked to last year’s cap rate,      tions effectively reflect “stabilized” NOI
introducing a fourth source of NCREIF             divided by the average cap rate a year ago.
return smoothing.                                 Quadruple-smoothed, with a lag.
     Note that the appraisal methodology              This appraisal smoothing and lag not
adopts the position that while higher and         only reduces measured return volatility,
lower cap rates than average existed, they        but also almost necessarily eliminates any
are of no relevance to a property’s               correlation with market return series.
appraised value. In fact, every property          This is because if actual returns follow a
was transacted at a cap rate higher or            random walk, inducing a one-year lag,
lower than the average, indicative of then-       the lagged series is uncorrelated with the
current market conditions. Stated bluntly,        original series, as the lag wipes out all cor-
the appraisal process eliminates—not              relation with all random series. Since
reveals—the truth about how properties            stock, bond, and REIT returns have been
are priced in private markets. In effect, the     shown to basically follow random walks,
appraised value, far from being the market        even if true private real estate returns were
value, is, in effect, a marketless value. That    highly correlated with these series, the
is, it is a value net of the vagaries of the      NCREIF appraisal lag would wipe out
market. Tellingly, no property is ever            the correlation. The impact of lagging is
bought or sold at the appraiser’s cap rate.       vividly demonstrated by the fact that the
Yet many researchers use the NCREIF               correlation between quarterly S&P
return as if the cap rates used to value its      returns and the eight-quarter moving
properties reflect private property market        average of S&P returns is a mere 0.16
prices. But by design, this is absolutely not     from 1990 through the first quarter of
the case.                                         2004. Thus, a series, which by definition

                                                                             REVIEW          13
is perfectly correlated with itself, is basi-   average NAREIT price for the preceding
cally uncorrelated with a NCREIF-like           eight quarters. This smoothing and lag-
lagged version of itself.                       ging reduces the standard deviation of
     The fact is that while NAREIT returns      NAREIT quarterly returns from 10.5 per-
reflect actual returns for an investable pub-   cent for actual returns, to 4.9 percent.
lic real estate portfolio, NCREIF returns       Conducting the same analysis with
measure nothing remotely like actual            NAREIT price calculated as the NAREIT
returns for a core private portfolio. The       dividend divided by the eight-quarter
12-month valuation lag is accentuated           NAREIT moving average cap rate results
over the subsequent three quarters, as          in an estimated REIT quarterly return
NCREIF’s appraised values are generally         standard deviation of 5.7 percent.
not changed during these quarters. Thus,            We also recalculate quarterly NAREIT
the cap rate used in the appraisals is ini-     returns, where for the fourth quarter the
tially four quarters out of date, falling to    return is the actual NAREIT dividend
five, six, and seven quarters over the next     divided by the moving average NAREIT
three quarters. As the property values are      cap rate for the preceding eight quarters,
reappraised in the fourth quarter, the lag      plus the percentage increase in that price
once again reverts to four quarters, and the    over the similarly calculated price of a year
process repeats. It is hardly surprising that   earlier, where for the first, second, and
Gyourko’s research consistently finds a         third quarters there is no price change. The
roughly 18-month statistical relationship       standard deviation of NAREIT quarterly
between REIT returns (actual market pric-       returns for this approach is 7.7 percent.
ing) and NCREIF’s lagged returns.                   How do these results compare to
                                                NCREIF? Recall that NCREIF is unlev-
                                                ered, while NAREIT is roughly 50 percent
     IT’S   O N LY   REAL     E S TAT E         levered. To adjust for the different leverage,
                                                we calculated quarterly returns for a 50
To see how quadruple-smoothing-and-a-           percent leveraged NCREIF, at an interest
lag mechanically affects measured returns,      rate of three-year Treasury plus 150 basis
we calculate a variety of incorrectly meas-     points. The standard deviation of this lev-
ured quarterly REIT returns. First, for         ered NCREIF series is 5.2 percent (versus
each quarter, the quarterly return is calcu-    3.4 percent for unlevered NCREIF). This
lated as the sum of the actual NAREIT           levered NCREIF return volatility com-
dividend plus percentage price apprecia-        pares to 10.5 percent for actual NAREIT,
tion, where price is defined as the moving      and 5.7 percent and 7.7 percent for the

smoothed NAREIT series. Plus, one must                        tively measured. Further, smoothed
remember that the use of actual, rather                       NAREIT returns have a much higher
than “stabilized,” NAREIT dividends in                        (though still low) correlation with
these calculations makes NAREIT returns                       NCREIF.
more volatile than levered NCREIF, which                           The best series to measure real estate
uses “stabilized” NOI. Thus, when com-                        returns is neither NCREIF nor the
pared on an apples-to-apples basis, the                       smoothed NAREIT series, but rather the
return volatilities of NCREIF are NARE-                       actual REIT return series. This is because
IT are basically the same.                                    mark-to-market, contemporaneous, arm’s-
     The correlation coefficients of the                      length, non-smoothed pricing is the reality
alternative quarterly return series are dis-                  of both public and private real estate. The
played in Figure 5. Note that smoothed                        truth is that modestly leveraged core real
and lagged NAREIT returns, like both                          estate has a low correlation with stocks and
NCREIF and unlevered NCREIF, show                             bonds, but displays notable return volatili-
little correlation with the S&P 500 or long                   ty, though somewhat less so than stocks.
bonds. This is because the non-volatility                          No one involved in private real estate
induced by quadruple-smoothing-and-a-                         markets will find these results surprising.
lag correlates to almost nothing. In con-                     After all, real estate ownership of core
trast, the mean returns for the various                       assets incorporates many of the dimen-
NAREIT returns are only slightly altered                      sions of high-quality bonds, with superior
by these smoothing calculations, because                      residual value protection because it is a real
the time shifting only slightly alters the                    (rather than nominal) asset. The result is
time period over which returns are effec-                     that non-residential real estate has less cash

Figure 5: Quarterly Return Correlation Coefficients
                                             Quarterly Return Correlation Coefficients
                             Smoothed         Smoothed       Unlevered      Levered       S&P 500        Long Bonds
                              NAREIT1          NAREIT2        NCREIF        NCREIF
 Acutal NAREIT                 -.16             -.21          -.05           -.05            .40             .08
 Smoothed NAREIT       1
                                                 .55            .14            .15           -.04           -.10
 Smoothed NAREIT2                                               .14            .14           .12            -.24
 Unlevered NCREIF                                                              .99            .01           -.10
 Levered NCREIF                                                                               .01           -.10
 S&P 500                                                                                                    -.09

1 Based upon eight-quarter moving average NAREIT price.

2 Based upon eight-quarter moving average NAREIT price, with estimated price unchanged for four consecutive quarters.

                                                                                                REVIEW              15
stream volatility than the equity and debt       ship. Specifically, this volatility allows
claims on its tenants, since in good times,      institutional owners of REITs to take
tenants expand their space demand more           advantage of momentary mispricings of
slowly than their profits increase, while in     their stocks by selling or shorting when
bad times the reverse is true. In addition,      prices are “too high,” and incrementally
the supply and demand fundamentals of            buying when prices are “too low.” Such
real estate follow unique patterns, further      trading provides an additional margin for
diminishing the return correlations with         well-capitalized institutional investors to
other assets. Similarly, residential real        exploit temporary pricing anomalies. Of
estate follows its own time patterns, as         course, just as is the case for private real
even in poor economic times, population          estate, if one is convinced that REIT prices
increases and absorption generally occurs,       are too high, one can sell one’s entire posi-
although at a slower rate. Also, supply and      tion. Similarly, if one believes that prices
demand patterns for these properties move        are too low, one can hold stocks until
differently from other asset categories.         prices rise. Publicly owned real estate
                                                 allows investors to incrementally alter their
                                                 investment position when they believe
              D AY- T O - D AY                   pricing is too low or too high. In fact,
         R E I T VO L AT I L I T Y               aggressive institutional investors may go so
                                                 far as to short assets when they believe
As is the case with a publicly traded secu-      prices are too high. Thus, far from being a
rity of any company, one is struck by the        negative aspect of public real estate invest-
fact that in any one-hour or one-day trad-       ment, the presence of micro price volatili-
ing period, the price of a REIT (or any)         ty can only benefit well-capitalized long-
stock can go up or down by several per-          term investors. At worst, the institutional
centage points, for no apparent reason. It is    investor can simply ignore such pricing
true that privately owned real estate does       variability, and simply trade out of their
not have such minute-to-minute, hour-to-         holdings on last day of each quarter, in
hour, or day-to-day price volatility, as deals   which case they realize NAREIT returns.
are not struck in private markets on such
an instantaneous basis. The presence of
such price volatility for REITs means                 W H AT ’ S   IT   ALL   MEAN?

investment opportunities are available via
the public ownership of private real estate      There is no magical potion in the private
that are not present with private owner-         ownership of core real estate that elimi-

nates return volatility and correlation with
other assets. The fact that investors contin-
ue to believe this is the case reflects either a
fundamental misunderstanding of the
NCREIF data, or purposeful ignorance
about the realities of real estate markets.
The truth is that high-quality, stabilized
real estate should be a major part of insti-
tutional investors’ portfolios, and that
public ownership provides the same long-
term return patterns as private ownership,
with the enhanced advantages of exploit-
ing temporary mispricings and liquidity.
    Core real estate provides solid long-
term returns, somewhat lower volatility
relative to stocks, and relatively modest
correlation with the returns on other
assets. However, the purported advantages
of private core real estate ownership are a
mirage. What matters are the quality of the
property and the ability of the manager to
execute a viable operating strategy,
whether public or private.
    Private core real estate ownership for
many institutions is a narcotic that creates
the “comfortably numb” illusion of non-
volatility in a harsh and demanding mark-
to-market world. It is one of the few
remaining assets where you can pretend
that your assets have not changed in price,
even when they have. Hopefully, such illu-
sions will soon be a thing of the past.

                                                   REVIEW   17
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