The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger

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The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
events happening
across the UWT
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Graduating class of
2022 senior gift
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The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
2        May 23, 2022          THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NEWS

                                  The benefits of community engagement
The Husky Volunteers is a service in which students can give back to their communities as they help out in various ways.
By Leslie Gonzalez Cruz                 ety, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Pud-                                                                                                                                                              PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE
News Reporter                           get Sound, Catholic Community
                                        Services, Emergency Food Network,
    The Husky Volunteers is a pro-      Lemay America’s Car Museum and
gram about community engagement         the Tacoma Public Library.
meant to provide opportunities and          These particular services develop
encouragement to students who seek      students’ skills in retail merchandis-
volunteer services.                     ing, customer service, as well as pro-
    Volunteer services can be found     viding one-on-one mentoring for lit-
through UWT programs and can be         tle boys and girls, while engaging in
done on and off campus. The ser-        community aid such as helping low
vices of the program include unpaid     income eldery and disabled adults.
work at non-profit organizations,           “Get out there and show husky
clubs or groups.                        pride,” are words of encouragement
    To honor a student’s volunteer      from Jeremy Tirador, a student cen-
service, three service medallions are   ter coordinator who motivates stu-
available depending on the student’s    dents to participate in the program.
amount of hours. For 100 hours              As students give back to the com-                   ing engaging with the community                         Romero. Afterwards students then                          http s : / / c a l e n d l y. c om / hu s k y -
students will receive a silver medal,   munities, they take part in actively                    and how the program helps students                      register their hours along with com-                   vo lu nt e e r / i nt ro du c t i on - t o - s e r-
while students achieving 200 receive    engaging with the community in                          meet new people.                                        pleting reflections about their experi-                vice?month=2022-05
a purple medal and students accom-      ways they have not before along with                        To sign up for volunteer services,                  ences and engagement for graduation                       To view what off-campus oppor-
plishing over 300 hours receive a       making a difference.                                    students must complete orientation                      to receive their service medallions.                   tunities are available for volunteers:
gold medal.                                 “It’s fun and you can engage with                   offered at the start of the quarter or                      To schedule an appointment for              
    Some off-campus opportunities       the community. You get to know the                      can schedule an appointment with                        orientation with volunteer coordina-                   volvement/volunteer-opportunities
include the American Cancer Soci-       community,” Tirador said, describ-                      volunteer coordinator Gabriella                         tor, Gabriella Romero:

                                                                                                                                         Graduating class of 2022
                                                                                                                                               senior gift
                                                                                                                                With the latest graduating class, UW Tacoma has opened up
                                                                                                                                        funding for the Senior Class Gift for 2022.
                                                                                                                            By Andrew Anderson                                                    attle campus as far back as 2004. Last year’s grad-
                                                                                                                            News Editor                                                           uating class of 2021 at UWT chose to support the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Rosa Franklin Endowed Fund, which provides
                                                                                                                                With the end of the most recent school year,                      broad-based support for students enrolled in the
                                                                                                                            the 2022 graduating class at UW Tacoma has                            UW Tacoma School of Nursing and Healthcare
                                                                                                                            begun their funding for their Senior Class Gift,                      Leadership and helps to promote diversity, equity
                                                                                                                            an expression of Husky Pride and appreciation.                        and inclusion within the program.
                                                                                                                            The 2022 class at UW Tacoma has chosen to
                                                                                                                            support the creation, etching and design of a                            Questions and concerns can be sent to Cha-
                                                                                                                            “You Belong Here” engraving on the W monu-                            na Lawson at:
                                                                                                                            ment grounds on the Tacoma campus.
                                                                                                                                The current funding goal is at $6,000 with                           Students wanting to know more information
                                                                                                                            10% of the fund raised at the time of this article                    in general about the Senior Class Gift of 2022
                                                                                                                            being published. Those who contribute by May                          can visit:
                                                                                                                            31 are prioritized to receive limited quantity                        get-involved/for-students/senior-class-gift/.
                                                                                                                            mementoes. This can include a commemora-
                                                                                                                            tive pin at a minimum donation of $20.22 and                             Those wishing to donate to fund the Senior
                                                                                                                            a Senior Class Gift Medallion at $50. The me-                         Gift can do so at the following link: https://
                                                                                                                            dallion can be worn at commencement, as well.               
                                                                                                                                The Senior Class Gift is a program shared                         paign/you-belong-here-engraving.
                                                                                           PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE
                                                                                                                            across all three campuses beginning with the Se-

        The Ledger
                                                                            le                              Office: MAT 151                                              Managers                                                   Design


                                                                                                          Phone: 253-692-4428                           Distribution Manager..............Raj Kumar            Page Designer...............Trisha Carandang

    UWT’s weekly student publication                                                                      Email:                          Web Manager.................Morgan Morgans             Page Designer..................Anuvir Dhaliwal

    May 23, 2022 | Vol. 26, Issue 31                                                                                                                    Layout Manager..............Morgan Morgans
                                                     Office Hours:
                                                 Monday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
                                                                                                Editor-in-Chief ..................Madeline Hiller                      Staff Writers                                                   Art
                  Tuesday 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. &                        Managing Editor .................Madi Williams          News Reporter..........Leslie Gonzalez Cruz            Illustrator ...............................Jaida Noble
                                                   10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.                          News Editor....................Andrew Anderson          Opinion Columnist............Anthony Krejci            Photographer......................Alexa Christie
               Wednesday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.                        Opinion Editor .....................Remi Frederick      A&E Columnist....................Angelo Alegre
                                               Thursday 8 a.m. - 9 a.m. &                       A&E Editor..................Josephine Trueblood
                                                    11 a.m. - 5 p.m.                                                                                    Film Critic..............................Ryan Mantle
                                                                                                Copy Editor.................................Raj Kumar
            @uwtledger                          Friday 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

                                                      Zoom Link:                                                                                                                                                                   Advisor
            @uwtledger                         https://washington.zoom.                                           Cover Art
                                                  us/j/91636229141                                             by Alexa Christie                                                                               Publications Manager............Daniel Nash
The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                  THE LEDGER         May 23, 2022              3

  End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus
With the end of the school year around the corner, the clubs and organizations of UWT are working hard on their
                                 end-of-the-year events to see off the students.
By Andrew Anderson                                      The Center for Equity and Inclusion will be            ment, is an award ceremony for outstanding          found at their Facebook @uwtsab.
News Editor                                          working on hosting the Umoja Celebration Fri-             students. It will be hosted on Friday June 3 with      Other upcoming events include Drop-in
                                                     day May 27 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at William W.            the doors opening at 5:30 p.m. at UWY 303/304.      Mindfulness Meditation with PAWS, the 2022
    The UWT campus is constantly hosting             Philip Hall (WPH), which celebrates the diverse           Any wishing for more information about the          Grad Experience events across campus this
events and activities from the multitude of clubs    student populations graduating from UWT. The              event can find it at:    week and the 2022 Global Engagement Confer-
and organizations on campus. Many host recur-        celebration is open to all graduating students            involvement/oscars.                                 ence that will be taking place until May 27.
ring events such as the In-Person Japanese Les-      and registration is open at:             Along with other events, the Student Activ-        Students who wish to look at any and all up-
sons and Tea Time events by the Office of Global     com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScaC7GHWFLS2i7D-                     ities Board will also be hosting a Pride Week       coming events for this school year or the next
Affairs and the Daily Yoga sponsored and run by      CM5wNIqUbEn-dqNAIrEK-luB3MuXJQO-                          from May 23-25. Throughout the week they            can keep up to date and learn more at: https://
The Whole U, the latter of which can be joined       hOg/viewform. Questions about the event or                will have LGBTQ-centered events around cam- Questions can
online at       registration can be sent to                pus. Questions for this can be sent to sabuwt@      be directed to the CSI at
virtual-fitness-classes/.                               The OSCARs, hosted by Student Involve-        while details and announcements can be
    With the school year coming to an end, some
organizations have set up larger events meant to
host students and community members alike to
celebrate the graduates and the end of the year.
Two of these events are the Sound of Summer
block party and Umoja Celebration hosted by
the Center for Student Involvement. The Sound
of Summer is also aided and run by other school
clubs and organizations.
    The Sound of Summer block party is due to
take place Thursday May 26 from 12 p.m. to 4
p.m. It will be run by the Center for Student
Involvement as well as the Registered Student
Organizations. The event will feature games run
by various RSOs where students can win tickets
and exchange them for a chance to win prizes
such as a star projector, a Fall 2022 Parking Pass
for UWT and an inflatable kayak.
    As well the event will have food trucks from
The Man BBQ and Vego Eats as well as a pho-
to booth for students. Live music will also be
there with talent such as musical artist Jordan
Salazar. The event is planned to happen on the
Prairie Line Trail with the main location being
the UWT Court 17.
    Students who want more detail or updates
to the block party can find them on the Student                                                                                                                                                 PHOTO BY ALEXA CHRISTIE
Activities Board Instagram @uwtinvolvement.          A photograph of students part of the Office of Global Affairs having one of their weekly Tea Time events.

                                                                                                                                                                            The Ledger is
                                                                                                                                                                            Hiring for the
                                                                                                                                                                            school year!
                                                                                                                                                                           Go to Handshake
                                                                                                                                                                            to see all open
                                                                                                                                                                            positions and

                                                                                                                                                                              June 30, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                5:00 PM
The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
4       May 23, 2022            THE LEDGER                                                                                                                       OPINION

    Three great history podcasts to enjoy
                this summer
History podcasts do what high school history class couldn’t; they make it fun.

By Anthony Krejci                          sprang forth. A raging inferno of an-     is working to become a professional
Opinion Writer                             ger swept the old world of the Middle     Napoleonic historian. As a result,
                                           Ages away, and laid the groundwork        his narrative can be a bit on the ac-
    I am a history major, so it goes       for the modern, egalitarian age we        ademic side from time to time. His
without saying that I love history. I      know today. Many concepts we take         style is structurally very good, but it
recognize that this isn’t the case for     for granted like citizenship, trial by    could use a little more personality if
a lot of you here on campus. Some of       jury, separation of powers and equal-     you ask me. However, that is the only
you may even outright hate history.        ity before the law were forged in this    criticism I can offer, everything else
    As a future history teacher, I         inferno.                                  is outstanding.
lament the way such an essential               The story begins with somewhat
                                                                                                THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND
subject is often taught. From a pure-      of a prequel, the English Civil War of
                                                                                          This excellent podcast by David
ly entertainment perspective, history      1640 to 1660. From there it follows
                                                                                     Crowther is my absolute favorite.
can be a wonderful source of escap-        the revolutionary spirit to the Amer-
                                                                                     This man is a delight. I have never
ism that gives even the best fiction a     ican Revolution, the French Revo-
                                                                                     felt the personality of a podcaster as
run for its money.                         lution, and many more until finally
                                                                                     much as when I listen to Crowther.             PHOTO COURTESY OF MIKE DUNCAN VIA SPOTIFY
    More importantly, there are two        ending nearly three centuries later
                                                                                     He is no professional historian, just
crucial lessons that are taught from       with the Russian Revolution of the
                                                                                     a highly dedicated amateur, or as he
history. Firstly, that egalitarian val-    early 20th century.
                                                                                     often says “Just a bloke in a shed, who
ues really are best in the long run, it        Duncan is an excellent storytell-
                                                                                     likes a bit of a cast now and again.”
really is in our best interest to make     er, his writing and narrative style are
                                                                                          In his own unique and humble
room for one another. Secondly, our        superb, and following this amazing
                                                                                     way, Crowther has accomplished
collective lifetimes are merely the        story of western history is truly a
                                                                                     what so many historians fail at. He
current chapter in the book of hu-         delight. More importantly, this story
                                                                                     makes history fun, he makes it per-
man history. We have a crucial re-         shows just how hard people fought
                                                                                     sonal, and he makes it engaging. Pro-
sponsibility to write our pages well.      for the rights we take for granted to-
                                                                                     fessional historians may have better
The laws of the future are based on        day, and just how fragile they can be.
                                                                                     academic credentials, but I have nev-
the actions of the present.
                                                        THE AGE OF NAPOLEON          er experienced anyone accomplish
    If you ever have been interested
                                               This excellent podcast by Everett     what Crowther has in quite the same
in brushing up on your history, but
                                           Rummage is best to start after you        way.
don’t have time in your schedule to
                                           finish the French Revolution sec-              The story of the podcast is the
take a class, or if you are like me and
                                           tion of Mike Duncan’s “Revolutions”       story of England from the final days
are an avid fan always looking to dig
                                           as you cannot tell the story of the       of the Roman occupation in the 400s,
deeper, well now is a great time to
                                           French Revolution without Napo-           and is currently in the 1600s just
check out some of the many quality
                                           leon. In fact, Napoleon wouldn’t have     before the English Civil War. It is a
history podcasts.
                                           been the Napoleon we know today           very fascinating story, especially the
    If you don’t know where to start,
                                           without the French Revolution.            Wars of the Roses of the 1400s which
here are a few of my favorites from
                                               Duncan’s narrative on Napoleon        many of you may already know, was
over the years.
                                           is limited to the direct role he plays    George R.R. Martin’s inspiration for
                REVOLUTIONS                in the French Revolution, which is        the “Game of Thrones” series.
    Mike Duncan is an absolute gi-         only a brief glimpse of the man. By            Crowther may not be the most
                                                                                                                                 PHOTO COURTESY OF DAVID CROWTHER VIA SPOTIFY
ant in the tiny, niche world of his-       contrast, Rummage’s story is very         efficient storyteller when compared
tory podcasting. Way back in 2007,         much a biographical and personal          to Duncan or Rummage, but he is
Duncan set the standard for what           overview of the entirety of Napo-         by a long shot the most enjoyable
a history podcast should be with           leon’s life.                              one I have come across. If you are a
his award-winning “The History of              From episode one on, Rummage’s        fan of old-timey English slang, this
Rome.”                                     listeners get to experience the full      podcast is a treasure trove. His dry
    I will always love “The History        breadth of Napoleon’s “Breaking           English humor is hilarious. He often
of Rome” as it was the first podcast       Bad”-esque character arc. Napoleon        interrupts the narrative to tell some
I ever listened to. Yet objectively,       began his career as an idealistic and     self-deprecating joke about what a
“Revolutions” is the better show by        starry-eyed revolutionary. A firm         fat, incompetent middle-aged En-
any measure.                               defender of egalitarianism and de-        glishman he is.
    In “Revolutions,” Duncan takes         voted to the Revolution’s “Jacobin”            So, the next time you are driving
his listeners on a journey through the     cause, early Napoleon can almost be       to work or doing some dishes, in-
Age of Revolutions and beyond. Our         described as a proto-socialist. It is a   stead of putting on an album, tune
famous revolution was only one of          remarkable journey, to follow Napo-       into one of these stories. After all, it
many that occurred in the late 18th        leon’s evolution episode by episode.      is your story, it's the story of us, and
to 19th centuries. By the late 18th            Much like Walter White from           it’s a pretty good one to boot.
century, the collective consciousness      “Breaking Bad,” Napoleon begins to
of the common and downtrodden              taste power and respect, and initial-
came to realize that the world had         ly with good intentions, he takes the
changed, and that their selfish and        first steps toward the feared, respect-
ineffective rulers needed to change        ed and hated man he would become.
as well, or else.                              A current graduate student at the
    From the depths of despair, pov-       University of North Texas, Rum-
erty and illness, the will of the people   mage is a lifelong Napoleon fan and                                                  PHOTO COURTESY OF EVERETT RUMMAGE VIA SPOTIFY
The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
OPINION                                                                                                                                                           THE LEDGER        May 23, 2022               5

                                              Naomi Judd’s struggle can help others
  The death of Naomi Judd hit country fans everywhere, but her death does not have to be in vain. It can help others by building
By Madi Williams                                  Not only was Judd trying to tackle
Managing Editor                              her depression but she was also going
                                             through physical changes due to her
          TW: talk about suicide             treatment for her depression. In 2016
    On April 20, 2022 country music          she said that “Medications caused her
lost one of the best, Naomi Judd, who        face to swell and her hair to fall out,
was a part of the country duo group          lithium caused her right hand to shake,
“The Judds” with her daughter Wyn-           and that she looked horrible.”
onna. The two were to get inducted                This led to her being an advocate
into the Country Music Hall of Fame          for others working with the Nation-
the day after Naomi died of “the dis-        al Alliance on Mental Illness and
ease of mental illness” were the first       the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital
reports of her death, with later reports     “to try to reduce stigma and get the
of a fatal self-inflicted gunshot wound      word out about treatment for mental
as the cause of death.                       illness,” Judd wrote in 2017.
    It was interesting to read the head-          “So I know now that there are al-
lines saying that Judd died of mental        most 44 million people in America
illness versus by suicide like many          that experience mental illness in a
other headlines have been in these           given year, if you’ve got a pulse, then
events. As I am a curious person, I de-      you’re fighting some battle, whether
cided to take a deep dive into Naomi         it’s a diagnosis of depression, like
and see what I could find out.               16 million people, or one of anxiety,
    An NBC News article by Kalhan            like 42 million people, or something
Rosenblatt about Judd goes into              else. And there’s power in numbers:
detail about her mental health. It           it means that there are other people.
says that the end of the Judds’ “Last        You’re not alone,” Judd had stated
Encore” tour in 2012 is when her             about the number of people battling
depression took over. In her book            mental health.
“River of Time: My Descent into De-               In 2018, Judd and Dr. Daniel R.
pression and How I Emerged with              Weinberger published a letter titled
Hope” she goes into detail about her         “Love Can Build a Bridge” which dis-
depression and how it got worse after        cusses the fact that suicide is a pre-
the tour when suppressed memories            ventable death.
of her childhood re-emerged.                      Part of the letter says “For every-
    In the NBC article, Judd stated “I       one mourning the death of someone
would come home and not leave the            who committed suicide, an inevitable
house for three weeks and not get out        question arises: Why did this hap-
of my pajamas and not practice nor-          pen? Unfortunately, we don’t have
mal hygiene. It was really bad.” The         very good answers.” The closing of the
article continued with “Judd said she        letter states “In fact, the federal gov-
was immobilized during her depres-           ernment spent more money last year
sion as her muscles atrophied from           to study dietary supplements than to
lack of movement. An elevator was            understand why Americans decide to
installed in her home to help her tra-       take their own lives," the pair wrote.
verse the floors of the house.” With a       "It’s about time we do better.”
family history of depression, she was             Naomi Judd battled with depres-
later diagnosed with treatment-resis-        sion most likely her whole life and
tant severe depression and she stated        it came at her full force in 2012, to
“Treatment-resistant because they            the point where she thought that her
tried me on every single thing they          family would be understanding and
had in their arsenal. It really felt like,   supporting her in killing herself. She
if I live through this, I want some-         fought the battle and she was an advo-
one to be able to see that they can          cate for her own illness. I would agree
survive.” During this time she spent         that she lost her battle with the dis-
time in psychiatric wards to help            ease of mental illness as her daughters
with her battle.                             Wynonna and Ashley stated in their
    During 2012 when her depres-             statement after her death.                                                                                                        PHOTO COURTESY OF WIKIMEDIA COMMONS
sion hit after the “Last Encore” tour,            Naomi and Wynonna were a              Naomi Judd
her suicidal ideation became to be           powerhouse in country music win-
too much and she convinced herself           ning Best Country Performance
                                                                                        Country Performance by a Duo for          your heart and mine, love can build
that her family would understand             by a Duo for their song “Love Can                                                                                             If you or someone you know is in
                                                                                        “Mana He’s Crazy” in 1985 the same        a bridge, don't you think it's time?
her reasonings for wanting to die.           Build a Bridge” in 1992. Best Coun-                                                                                         crisis and need additional resources:
                                                                                        year they were nominated for Best         Don't you think it's time?”
She said in an interview with Peo-           try Performance by a Duo for “Give
                                                                                        New Artist.
ple Magazine “It’s so beyond making          a Little Love” in 1989. Best Country                                                                                        Call the National Suicide Prevention
                                                                                            I feel that ending this article                                                    Lifeline at 800-273-8255
sense but I thought, ‘Surely my fam-         Performance by a Duo for “Grandpa
                                                                                        with a verse from “Love Can Build a
ily will know that I was in so much          (Tell Me ‘Bout the Good Ol’ Days) in                                                                                               text HOME to 741741
                                                                                        Bridge” is a fitting tribute and ending
pain and I thought they would have           1987. Best Country Performance by a
                                                                                        to this article.
wanted me to end that pain.’”                Duo for “Why Not Me” in 1986. Best                                                                                              visit
                                                                                            “Love can build a bridge, between
The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
6       May 23, 2022               THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                     OPINION/A&E

                                             OPINION: We need respect from religion
                                                         As an atheist among the religious, I’m tired of the lack of respect.
                                                                                                                                            By Remi Frederick                                 It’s like seeing an advertisement for
                                                                                                                                            Opinion Editor                                a product, every day. There’s nothing
                                                                                                                                                                                          you can do about seeing it; it just con-
                                                                                                                                                “I still hold you up to God every day.”   tinues to be shown to you and people
                                                                                                                                            This is a quote from a birthday card that     talk and gush about it. The ad is for a
                                                                                                                                            my sister received. I’ve received similar     product you don’t need or even want to
                                                                                                                                            quotes from family members as well.           buy. When you try to communicate this
                                                                                                                                                Though the words in the cards are         with those around you who like the ad,
                                                                                                                                            meant to be kind, I’m really tired of         you are made to be the one offending
                                                                                                                                            hearing things similar to the message         them and you become ostracized.
                                                                                                                                            in my sister’s card. I’ve been told that I        This is incredibly similar to how it
                                                                                                                                            have no morals or that I’m a bad per-         feels to be nonreligious in a society fu-
                                                                                                                                            son because I don’t believe in a god or       eled by piety and run by devout people.
                                                                                                                                            a higher being.                                   It’s not even a choice; not a con-
                                                                                                                                                I do my best to not offend people         scious one at least. I’ve just never felt
                                                                                                                                            who are religious, but that respect isn’t     like there was a god of any type. None
                                                                                                                                            given to me. When people find out I’m         of it has ever really made sense to me
                                                                                                                                            not spiritual, they immediately think         and that’s okay.
                                                                                                                                            less of me. People have tried to tell me          I was raised around religion. Though
                                                                                                                                            that I’ll change my mind and that I’ll        my parents aren’t religious, I am Jewish
                                                                                                                                            grow into religion.                           and we went to synagogue for a few
                                                                                                                                                I don’t rub my lack of religion in        years. I’ve read the Bible and the Torah
                                                                                                                                            anyone’s face. Why is it so hard for peo-     and was in Sunday school during the
                                                                                                              ILLUSTRATION BY JAIDA NOBLE   ple to do the same? I don’t want to be        time I went to synagogue.
Religion is seen here as a set of ads constantly being flashed to you.                                                                      told that Jesus loves me. I don’t want to         But, I’ve just never felt like I could
                                                                                                                                            hear that I’m going to hell. Quite hon-       believe in any religion so I classify my-

                         “The Smile” falls short:
                                                                                                                                            estly, it offends me that even my own         self as an atheist.
                                                                                                                                            family, some of whom are religious,               Religion is okay. I don’t hold it
                                                                                                                                            can’t respect the fact that I am not.         against anyone who believes in any re-

                        Radiohead’s side project                                                                                                Sometimes I feel as if I am at a
                                                                                                                                            breaking point because I keep being
                                                                                                                                            pressured to become religious without
                                                                                                                                                                                          ligion. But it isn’t for everyone and we
                                                                                                                                                                                          should respect that.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Our First Amendment protects
                                       This entire album is an “almost.”                                                                    a thought as to how I might feel about        our freedom of religion. Some may
                                                                                                                                            this pressure.                                not like it but this includes freedom
By Josephine Trueblood                            Skinner’s jazz influence is present      it, but isn’t fully formed as a derivative,
                                                                                                                                                It is everywhere. Every single day I      from religion.
A&E Editor                                    in “Skrting On The Surface,” which at        slightly punk song. On a more positive
                                                                                                                                            am inundated with messages about God
                                              times doesn’t mesh well with Johnny          note, “We Don’t Know What Tomorrow
                                                                                                                                            and how I should believe in something.
    Pretty moments and complex                Greenwood’s arpeggiated trance. The          Brings” is easily the best of energetic
chords do not outweigh the overly tech-       two “behind the beat” parts don’t al-        songs, feeling like a Moog’d-out take
nical, probably overthought sense that        ways play nice together and create ten-      on post-punk. Thom Yorke additionally
the new “The Smile” album brings. Un-         sion that, unfortunately isn’t balanced      showcases a different side of his vocals
like previous Radiohead albums, solo          out by the vocals or accented well by        in this song, as he is more upfront and
and side projects, “A Light For Attract-      the horns.                                   speech-like than his typical, soaring-in-
ing Attention” is generally uncompel-             “A Light For Attracting Attention” is    the-heavens vocal performances.
ling; at its best, an extension of classic    all over the place, trying to do way too          Other tracks on “A Light For Attract-
Yorke-Greenwood grand string parts            much. Punk, math rock, floating ambi-        ing Attention” just weren’t quite there.
and at its worst, forced and mismatched       ent lullabies, grandiose string anthems,     “Pana-vision” has a great chord pro-
math rock.                                    synth-electronic and jam-band tracks         gression but verses feel like a struggle
    “A Light for Attracting Attention” is     like “The Smoke” that make you think         to make a semi-dissonant instrumental
missing something, and that something         - wow, Khurangbin did it better. Most        work with lyrics. Similarly, the vocals
is Philip Selway. This album has down-        of the softer tunes are stronger, and        feel like a vaguely-choral afterthought.
right strange drum mixes. Busier drum         unsurprisingly follow the Radiohead          “The Same” is pure Thom Yorke and
parts met with softer, dull mixes are a       magic formula of Yorke-Greenwood             “A Hairdryer” is a boring drum loop
departure from Radiohead’s signature          style more than the others. “Open The        experimentation. These songs were “al-
effortlessly-powerful electronic drums        Floodgates,” “Free In The Knowledge”         mosts.” The biggest letdown is “The Op-
and sparkly ride parts. Tom Skinner, a        and “Speech Bubbles” all straddle the        posite” - earning the title of math rock
jazz drummer for Sons of Kemet, un-           dynamic line between subdued and             gone bland. The trying-to-be-groovy
fortunately doesn’t live up to Philip         grand, with intriguing electronic noise      tune just falls flat - it is generally boring
Selway’s style and tone, falling short in     and superb string parts from the Lon-        and every instrument competes with
nearly every category.                        don Contemporary Orchestra.                  the others.
                                                  While some of the upbeat songs are            Thankful for more Yorke-Green-
  Really soft electronic                      a tempting idea, they seem to all miss       wood content and displeased with the
                                              the mark. “Thin Thing,” with a song          mismatch that is the album, “A Light
drums, odd pairings with
                                              structure that really falls short, is held   for Attracting Attention” did not fill the
hand drums and general-                       up by Greenwood’s magnificent guitar         Radiohead void. All in all, The Smile
ly meh upbeat parts just                      tone and the outlandish vocal effects.       may just be trying a bit too hard.
                                              “You Will Never Work In Television
make this album scream
                                              Again” has the right idea, but poor and
 for the Selway flourish.                     overly-simple execution. A great build                                                                                                                       PHOTO COURTESY OF THE SMILE
                                                                                                                                            The Smile’s recent promotional photo
                                              is the only thing this song has going for
The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
A&E                                                                                                                                                                         THE LEDGER          May 23, 2022          7

  Everything we learned in the latest Monster Hunter digital event
                    “Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak” is finally adding what players thought were missing in the original game
By Angelo Alegre                            subspecies will change the element they      take on single player quests and take       the monster. With this, you can add a         pre-order bonus for anyone who pur-
A&E Reporter                                utilize in battle and update the locale      along friends from the village to aid in    whole different way of playing the game       chases the expansion before the release
                                            they are found in.                           taking down a monster. Each of the dif-     while still in the same quest.                date, which will give you a costume for
    The Monster Hunter Digital Event            Malzeno is the flagship monster for      ferent followers the hunter takes along         Preexisting mechanics in “Monster         both your Palico and Palamute.
of May 2022 showed off a lot of infor-      the massive expansion, “Sunbreak”. It is     will have different weapons specialized     Hunter Rise” have also been shown                 They also showed that for the Nin-
mation regarding the upcoming mas-          an elder dragon, a species of monsters       to their own specific way of fighting.      to be updated alongside the release of        tendo Switch, you can buy three new
sive expansion for “Monster Hunter          that have been seen to be so strong that     The things they can do aren’t just lim-     “Sunbreak”. Prior to “Sunbreak,” hunt-        amiibos which give you even more cos-
Rise: Sunbreak.” This expansion will        they affect the environment they reside      ited to attacking with brute force, but     ers would have to use one of their two        metics for the game, as well as daily bo-
bring you, the hunter, to a new land        in. Malzeno uses smaller monsters to         they can also heal you in battle, place     wirebugs to initiate a wall climb, but        nuses every time you scan them. There
called Elgado Outpost, which is tasked      capture larger monsters and absorb           traps, and even ride the monsters. Be-      now you can do it without the need            will also be a new pro controller design
with the research of Malzeno, a new         their energy, and he can even absorb         sides it being a fun way to interact with   of one. They also have changed how a          specifically for “Sunbreak,” which is
monster, and other monsters.                the energy of the hunter through the         the characters you like in the game, you    mountable monster works to where you          similar to the original “Monster Hunter
    NEW MONSTERS AND MASTER RANK:           use of its “bloodblight,” which slowly       can also earn rewards exclusive to the      can choose to keep attacking a monster        Rise”-inspired pro controller released
    Seregios, the flagship monster from     takes away the life force of the hunter.     follower-type quests, so it won’t hurt to   in a mountable state instead of the game      over a year ago.
“Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate,” makes its          Alongside the various additions to       try it out.                                 making you ride it the moment you                 Overall, the digital event for Mon-
appearance in “Monster Hunter Rise”. It     the list of monsters in “Monster Hunt-           Besides adding another type of          touch them once, which is one thing           ster Hunter was great for people who
is a flying wyvern monster that attacks     er Rise,” the “Sunbreak” expansion is        quest, the expansion “Sunbreak” is          hunters have wanted since day one.            were looking forward to learning more
with its sharp razor-like claws by diving   also set to add Master Rank back into        adding even more to the new wirebug                        NEW PRODUCTS:                  about the upcoming expansion. It gave
down on hunters. It also uses its sharp     the game. This is the highest difficulty     mechanic that was added when “Mon-              In the digital event, they also shared    people new information that they were
scales to attack hunters at a distance      that hunters can take on, and with this      ster Hunter Rise” first came out. There     all the things you can buy relating to        looking for, information they weren’t
and can cause the bleed effect, which       new update, monsters new and old are         will be a new action for each weapon        the massive expansion “Sunbreak”.             expecting, and even more information
hurts the hunter as they try to move.       gaining even more moves to challenge         type, as well as the option to change be-   They have shown that you can get the          that has yet to be shared so that every-
    There were two new subspecies of        the hunter. They have even been seen         tween different wirebug moves during        regular version of “Sunbreak,” or the         one will still be excited for what’s to
already known monsters shown and            chaining two attacks to catch hunters        battle through a new mechanic called        deluxe edition which adds cosmetics           come.
they are Aurora Somnacanth, a vari-         off guard.                                   Switch Skill Swap, which lets hunters       you can only get through the deluxe kit.          [To be released on June 30, 2022, for
ation of the normal Somnacanth, and                  NEW GAMEPLAY ASPECTS:               swap between two presets of wirebug         Although there may not be anything            Nintendo Switch and PC]
Magma Almudron, which is a variation            Follower quests are a new addition       moves. You can use this mechanic while      special for those who get the normal
of the normal Almudron. These new           to “Sunbreak,” where the hunter can          staying still or you can use it to dodge    version of “Sunbreak,” there will be a

                                                                                                                                                                                   PHOTO COURTESY OF MONSTER HUNTER VIA TWITTER
Four hunters getting ready in the new area in “Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak,” Elgado Outpost.
The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
8       May 23, 2022            THE LEDGER                                                                                                                                                                                  A&E

                                                A look back at “The Princess Bride”
                                              “The Princess Bride” is a beloved film that has aged well but not perfectly.

                                                                                                                                                                             PHOTO COURTESY OF 20TH CENTURY FOX AND VESTRON PICTURES
Westley and Buttercup

By Ryan Mantle                             experience will be more enjoyable.            a bit part as well, and kills it, but those
Film Critic                                    Part of why “The Princess Bride”          are the only women in the movie with
                                           is so comforting is the constant use of       lines. On a positive note, while there
    “The Princess Bride” turns 35 this     dry wit and comradery. I found myself         is a lack of women, there are thank-
year, so I want to take a pause from       smiling every time Inigo and Fezzik           fully no sexist jokes made at their ex-
the blockbusters and revisit this clas-    talked in rhymes to each other. West-         pense. For a movie made in the 1980s,
sic. Looking back at the films of our      ley’s quick wit brings life into all of his   or really in any of the previous three
childhood can be a dangerous game.         scenes, even the ones where his life is       decades, it is surprising.
Nostalgia brings you in only for some      being sucked out with suction cups.               Another issue is that there are
extremely insensitive and cringey              This is a testament to the actors/        no people of color in “The Princess
jokes that ruin the whole experience.      actresses involved. Cary Elwes and            Bride.” While it may be easy to hide
Luckily, aside from an awkward and         Mandy Patinkin deliver the best per-          behind the idea that it is based on
idle threat of backhanding a woman,        formances of their careers as Westley         Western Europe during medieval
there is little of that in “The Princess   and Inigo, respectively. Andre the            times, I don’t buy it. They use fake
Bride.”                                    Giant, a WWE legend, is perfect as            country names which means they
                                           a lovable giant who brings everyone           made a choice to create a world where
                                           together. Christopher Guest provides          white supremacy still exists. The
"The dizzying pace at                      a comedically chilling performance            1980s were a different time where this
   times leads to                          as the dastardly Count Rugen. Peter           choice was more acceptable, but this
     plotholes"                            Falk assumes the role of narrator with        decision certainly hasn’t aged well.
                                           a raspy, yet charming, accent that                “The Princess Bride” is truly an
    The first thing I noticed was just     transports you to Wrigley Field and           enjoyable movie that has stood the
how sped up this movie feels when          puts a hot dog with peppers on it in          test of time. This is not a movie that
compared to modern cinema. The ro-         your hand.                                    you should overanalyze, like I just did,
mance that sets up the plot of the film                                                  because it is not full proof. The plot
is explained by a narrator at a light-                                                   is at warp speed and there are only
ning-fast pace, followed by a five-year
                                            "The Princess Bride"                         three women who talk, but this isn’t
time jump with Buttercup being en-          is truly an enjoyable                        enough to sink the film. The relation-
gaged to another man. Before you can        movie that has stood                         ships are all endearing and the jokes
even breathe, she is kidnapped to kick                                                   all land. The set design and scenery
off the main story.
                                              the test of time"                          are incredible and work to support
    This dizzying pace at times leads                                                    the characters, whose performances
to plot holes, like Inigo seemingly            One thing wrong with “The Prin-           range from good to excellent. If you
knowing everything about Westley           cess Bride” is that it is entirely dom-       need a break from the end of quarter
even though their only conversation        inated by men. Buttercup, played by           grind, this film is sure to bring a smile
together was about fencing. Ultimate-      Robin Wright, is static and serious.          to your face.
ly though, the movie is not asking         She rarely gets her place in the spot-
                                                                                                   STAR RATING: 4.5/5
you to look at it with a fine-toothed      light and the only scene with her and
                                                                                            [“The Princess Bride” is available to
comb. Just accept that things slipped      another woman is a dream sequence
                                                                                             stream on Hulu and Disney+]
through the cracks and move on. The        where she is booed and insulted by                                                                                                PHOTO COURTESY OF 20TH CENTURY FOX AND VESTRON PICTURES
                                           “the ancient booer.” Valerie Kane gets                                                      Top to bottom: Fezzik, Inigo, and Vizzini.
The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger The ledger - End-of-the-year events happening across the UWT campus - The Tacoma Ledger
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