THE COLOGNE WISO FACULTY - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne

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THE COLOGNE WISO FACULTY - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
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           Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences,
           University of Cologne
           FACT SHEET 2023/24
           Updated October 2022
THE COLOGNE WISO FACULTY - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES                                                       ACADEMIC INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                 FALL TERM 2023/24
Exchange term (bachelor or master level)                                     Class format: Lectures and seminars                 9 October 2023* – 2 February 2024
The Faculty‘s course offer for incoming students                             Grading: Based on written exams, written            Exam period until 28 February 2024**
comprises a comprehensive range of bachelor                                  papers, project work, oral exams, active partici-   Early leavers: 9 October – 16 December 2023
and master courses taught in English as well as                              pation in class, or a combination of the above      (including exam period)
a number of bachelor courses taught in German.
                                                                             Exams: Either on the last day of classes or         CEMS term & lecture period: 1 September
Early leaver option                                                          during the two to three weeks after the end         – 15 December 2023 (optional late electives:
Students can be nominated for an early leaver                                of classes                                          December 2023 – mid-February 2024)
exchange by their home coordinator only if                                   Course load: 4−5 courses per term (30 ECTS)         Pre-semester German language course
the academic calendar at their home university                                                                                   (optional): September 2023
                                                                             Language requirements: CEFR level B2 in
conflicts with the dates at the WiSo Faculty.
                                                                             English or German                                   Exchange nomination deadline: 1 May 2023
Students finish their term abroad in December,
which means they will have a tighter workload,                                                                                   Application deadline: June 2023
additional assignments and shorter deadlines.                                PROCEDURES
                                                                                                                                 SPRING TERM 2024
CEMS term (master level)                                                     Students are nominated by the international
                                                                             office of their home institution.                   1 April* – 12 July 2024
The WiSo Faculty offers high-quality CEMS MIM                                                                                    Exam period until 31 July 2024**
courses, a diverse range of business projects                                Nominations must be submitted via the WiSo
and skill seminars, and a highly-rated block                                                                                     CEMS term: End of March – 31 July 2024**
                                                                             Exchange Platform (WEX). Coordinators are
seminar for CEMS students. All courses are                                   informed by email.                                  Pre-semester German language course
taught in English.                                                                                                               (optional): March 2024
                                                                             The ZIB WiSo Incomings Team contacts the
                                                                             nominated student(s) directly and guides them       Exchange nomination deadline: 1 Nov 2023
                                                                             through the application process.                    Application deadline: December 2023

                                                                                                                                 *Orientation days take place prior to the official start of lectures.
                                                                                                                                 **For some English taught courses, an earlier departure may be possible.
                                                  FAL L TERM
        Sep            Oct                 Nov                      Dec                  Jan        Feb
 Pre-semester German                        Fall term / lecture period including exams
   language courses          Early leaver term

                                                 SPRING TERM
        Mar            Apr                 May                      Jun                  Jul        Aug

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Photo: Lisa Beller
 Pre-semester German
                                     Fall term / lecture period including exams
   language courses
THE COLOGNE WISO FACULTY - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
                                              ESTIMATED MONTHLY LIVING COSTS                                                            LANGUAGE COURSES
Doing Business in Germany –
The Future of Mobility in the                 Accommodation: €300−700                                                                   Students have access to one free pre-semester
Energy Landscape                              Class materials: €30                                                                      (March/September) or weekly semester-long
                                                                                                                                        intensive German language course
Programme dates: 8 – 19 May 2023              Food: €200
Nomination period: 1 Dec 2022 –               Leisure activities: €100−250
15 January 2023                               Health insurance*: €100                                                                   STUDENT SUPPORT
Students can choose one of two tracks:        Social contribution: €320 per term**                                                      The ZIB WiSo Incomings Team is the
Track 1: Automotive or                                                                                                                  students’ main point of contact for their
Track 2: Sustainable Transportation                                                                                                     exchange experience. It works with each
                                              UNIVERSITY FACILITIES                                                                     student to try to connect them with the
Updating our popular format to include the
latest developments in the energy, mobility   The University offers a large variety of sports                                           services and support they need:
and automotive sectors, this intensive 12-    activities. All facilities, including an on-campus                                        Enrolment support starting in November/May
day short programme for international         student gym, and courses are either free of
                                                                                                                                        Course registration support: students are
(E)MBA students from selected partners is     charge or can be used for a very low fee.
                                                                                                                                        guided through the online registration process
an excellent opportunity to become            Students have access to numerous dining halls                                             shortly before the semester starts
acquainted with the specificities of German   and cafés with a good price/quality ratio.
                                                                                                                                        Information and support in finding
business practices.                                                                                                                     accommodation in Cologne
CISU-MBA − Cologne International              NETWORKING                                                                                Support with topics related to disabilities
Summer University                             The PIM and CEMS Student and Alumni                                                       (physical and otherwise) as well as conditions
                                              Club Cologne organises parties, sport events,                                             that could affect their academic success
Programme dates: 31 July – 10 Aug 2023
Nomination period: 15 February –              workshops in cooperation with companies,                                                  Orientation days in the week before classes,
31 March 2023                                 excursions, and regular meetings                                                          including academic information sessions,
                                              Corporate contacts: Benefit from the                                                      guided campus tours and social events
Two-week summer programme for inter-
national (E)MBA students from the WiSo        University’s career services, regular workshops                                           Buddy Programme: Student ‘buddies‘ from
Faculty‘s partner universities with a focus   in soft skills, guest speeches from industry                                              Cologne help international students during
                                              professionals, and courses offered by company                                             their stay at the WiSo Faculty and in Cologne
on Leadership and Diversity. Next to the
academic programme, cultural and social

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Photo: Zweimalig
events offer a great opportunity to get to    *If home insurance is not recognised.
know each other and discover Cologne as       **This applies to all students, regardless of university or scholarship status. It gives students access to course registration, and serves as student ID as well as
                                              semester transportation ticket for all local transportation in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It also enables access to the student sport facilities and dining halls.
well as its surroundings.
THE COLOGNE WISO FACULTY - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne
                                                                                                                    International Relations Center ZIB WiSo
                                                                                                                    University of Cologne, WiSo Faculty
                                                                                                                    50923 Cologne, Germany
                                                                                                                    SEMESTER EXCHANGE
                                                                                                                    Incoming students
                                                                                                                    Mr Jens Funk             Mr Christoph Karl
THE COLOGNE WISO FACULTY                             THE CITY OF COLOGNE                                            +49 221 470-7969         +49 221 470-2779
The WiSo Faculty, Germany‘s largest and most         With a diverse population of around 1 million,                 Ms Natasha Turner
reputable faculty of its kind, offers students a     Cologne is a multicultural and dynamic city.                   +49 221 470-1280
vast scope of study fields and specialisations. in   It is home to the fourth-largest trade fair in the             Outgoing students
line with its mission ‘Today‘s ideas. Tomorrow‘s     world, and over 10,000 IT and telecommuni-           
impact.‘, it successfully links excellent research   cation businesses have strengthened its                        Ms Mareike Laub          Ms Jutta Reusch
with contacts to the corporate and business          position as Germany’s ‘media city’. Cologne is                 +49 221 470-1905         +49 221 470-7067
world.                                               famous for its Gothic cathedral, along with a
The central location of the campus and the           multitude of other historic sites and plenty of                Ms Catalina Albu
                                                     green areas. Home to some 100,000 students,                    +49 221 470-7065
Faculty’s focus on internationalisation, counting
over 450 incoming exchange students per year,        the city offers a vibrant night life and a great
                                                     variety of museums, theatres and art exhibitions.              STUDY PROGRAMMES & SHORT
contribute to the Faculty’s reputation as an                                                                        PROGRAMMES
ideal place for an exchange term. The Faculty is
                                                                                                                    CEMS MIM
EQUIS accredited.
The WiSo Faculty offers 7 bachelor programmes                                                                       Ms Alexandra Overath     Mr Philipp Sperber
(3 years) and 15 master programmes (2 years)                                                                        +49 221 470-7971         +49 221 470-1279
including several international and double            TOP RANKED FACULTY
                                                                                                                    Double Master‘s Programmes
degree programmes. Click below for more info.         Graduates favoured by HR managers:
                                                      Top 3 for Business Administration                             Ms Xenia Elbrächter
Bachelor‘s degree programmes

                                                                                                                                                                  Photo: Tobigraphy / Pixabay
                                                      Top 3 for Information Systems                                 +49 221 470-7702
Master‘s degree programmes                            Top 5 for Economics                                           DBiGermany
International Management/CEMS MIM                     Wirtschaftswoche rankings 2022, survey among HR managers of
                                                      Germany‘s major companies                                     Ms Natasha Turner
Double Master‘s Programmes
                                                                                                                    +49 221 470-1283
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