The CDCC Presents the Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast

Page created by Debra Leonard
The CDCC Presents the Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
Vol. 45, No. 12                                                                                              January 2022

                                      The CDCC Presents the Annual
                                       Economic Forecast Breakfast
                                         As business leaders          our community’s businesses         or the expertise to delve          As THE essential resource
                                      well know, there are so         depends on several variables:      into these matters before        for the development of
                                      many details involved in        current trends, an accurate        their budgets are due and        businesses in Central
Cornerstone Member:                   owning and operating a          analysis of the market, the        their fiscal predictions are     Delaware, the Central
Managing debt with                    business! There are so          rate of inflation, the effect of   expected. Having someone to      Delaware Chamber of
Dover Federal                         many facets to creating a       the gross domestic product,        help with those predictions      Commerce is here to
Credit Union                          solid business model, not       supply and demand, and the         and with translating the facts   help! The CDCC’s annual
                                      the least of which is the       unemployment rate – just to        into laymen’s terms would be     Economic Forecast
............................Page 3    development of a strong         name a few! All too often, our     a great help to the leaders of
                                      financial plan. Planning for    local business owners do not       our business community.
                                                                                                                                                    Continued on Page 17
                                      the financial well-being of     have the time, the vocabulary,

                                                    Levy Court Helping Businesses;
Cornerstone Member:
L&W Insurance
controls chaos
                                                        Grant Period Now Open
                                                                                                                                          American Rescue Plan Act
 ...........................Page 3                                                                                                        of 2021 which were allocated
                                                                                                                                          for Kent County will be used
                                                                                                                                          to fund these new grant
IN THIS ISSUE...                                                                                                                          programs.
100 Years at the                                                                                                                            Kent County Tourism
                                                                                                                                          Corporation and the
Murphey School                                                                                                                            Central Delaware
..........................Page 10                                                                                                         Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                                          presented proposals to
Home & Garden Show                                                                                                                        the Commissioners of
                                                                                                                                          Kent County Levy Court in
coming soon                                                                                                                               October and went back on
                                        Kent County Levy Court        9. The vote was unanimous          with banquet facilities. In
........................... Page 15   officially voted to help        to provide $2 million for          addition, a $3 million grant     Nov. 9 with details for a direct
                                      small businesses and the        grants to be given to those        program will be provided to      path forward with both grant
Tre Sorelle hosts                     hospitality businesses in       in the hospitality industry        small businesses within the
                                                                                                                                                    Continued on Page 18
ice rink                              the county on Tuesday, Nov.     for hoteliers and those            county. Proceeds from the
..........................Page 16

                                       The CDCC’s January Triple Play Event!
                                        On Wednesday, Jan. 26, the    Showcase and a Member              attendees and enter the          Education, Legislation,
                                      Central Delaware Chamber        2 Member Expo. This is an          business card drawing to be      Marketing and Networking.
                                                                      evening you won’t want to          the next CDCC Member of          The displays will help guests

                                      of Commerce members and

                                      guests are invited to an        miss!                              the Month or win door prizes!    understand how the Chamber

 c t
                                      evening offering three events     Mixers are a great               Mixers help our area’s           assists its members in each
                                      all wrapped up into one.        opportunity for CDCC               businesses to stay connected.
                                      This amazing networking                                                                                       Continued on Page 19
                                                                      members and their guests             The annual Showcase

                                      event, which will be held       to meet other business             event is designed to help
                                      at St. Andrew’s Lutheran        owners and collect qualified       members and prospective
                                      Church in the Great Hall,       leads in a casual setting.         members fully understand
                                      425 N. DuPont Highway in        Complimentary refreshments         the value that a CDCC
                                      Dover, will feature the CDCC    will be provided. Don’t forget     membership brings.
                                      January Sunset Business         your business cards – you          Information tables will
                                      Mixer, the annual CDCC          can share them with other          feature our four pillars:
The CDCC Presents the Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
2                                                                                                                                                                               Chamber Connections, January 2022

                                       Dina’s                                                                                       Calendar of Events
           Digest                                                                       PRESIDENT
                                                                                      DINA VENDETTI

                                                                                                           Thursday, Jan. 6
                                                                                                            Leadership Central Delaware
                                                                                                            8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                            Economic Development Day

                                                                                                                                                                                 Thursday, Feb. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                  Leadership Central Delaware
                                                                                                                                                                                  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Government and Politics Day
                                                                                                           Thursday, Jan. 6

       The Start of Something New
                                                                                                                                                                                 Thursday, Feb. 3
                                                                                                            Kent County Open for Business                                         Kent County Open for Business
                                                                                                            8:30 – 10 a.m.                                                        8:30 – 10 a.m.
                                                                                                            Kent County Levy Court                                                Kent County Levy Court
    As the holidays come to an end and we                    As we start this new year, I would like to    Tuesday, Jan. 11
                                                                                                            CDCC Board Meeting                                                   Tuesday, Feb. 8
find ourselves packing away decorations,                  encourage each of you to re-examine the           7:30 – 8:30 a.m.                                                      CDCC Board Meeting
making changes in our address books                       benefits that come with your membership           Faw Casson                                                            7:30 – 8:30 a.m.
for next year’s cards and making plans                    and make sure that you are taking                                                                                       Faw Casson
                                                                                                           Tuesday, Jan. 11
to correct the damage done by eating too                  advantage of them. Do everything you can          Young Professionals Social
                                                          to remain engaged with us, so that we can                                                                              Wednesday, Feb. 9
many holiday goodies, we stand together                                                                     12 – 1 p.m.                                                           Coffee Coaching
at the beginning of a whole new year. 2022                support you.                                      (TBD)                                                                 8 – 9 a.m.
spreads out before us like an unwrapped                      We will begin 2022 with some wonderful        Wednesday, Jan. 12                                                     CDCC Conference Room & via Zoom
gift!                                                     opportunities for learning and networking         Coffee Coaching
                                                                                                            8 – 9 a.m.                                                           Wednesday, Feb. 9
  I would like to begin this new year                     – please take advantage of them! The              CDCC Conference Room & via Zoom                                       Marketing Committee Meeting
with a few thank you’s. Thank you, Judy                   Economic Forecast Breakfast sponsored                                                                                   10 – 11 a.m.
                                                          by BIG Investment Services on Jan. 13 at         Wednesday, Jan. 12                                                     CDCC Conference Room & via Zoom
Diogo, for 17 amazing years of incredible                                                                   Marketing Committee Meeting
leadership at the helm of this organization.              Maple Dale Country Club will be filled with       10 – 11 a.m.
                                                          pertinent information about the health                                                                                 Thursday, Feb. 10
Because of your work, the CDCC has                                                                          CDCC Conference Room                                                  Member Orientation
grown exponentially in what it can do to                  of the economy at the federal, state and                                                                                8:30 – 10 a.m.
                                                                                                           Thursday, Jan. 13
assist and support its member businesses.                 local levels. This event has the potential        Economic Forecast Breakfast                                           CDCC Conference Room & via Zoom
The Chamber has become an influential                     to greatly assist you as you plan for the         7:30 – 9:30 a.m.
voice for the business community. Your                    economy’s anticipated impact on your              Maple Dale Country Club                                              Tuesday, Feb. 15
                                                          businesses.                                                                                                             LCD Steering Committee Meeting
commitment and dedication to the Chamber                                                                   Thursday, Jan. 13                                                      12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
has placed it in a wonderful position, poised                On Jan. 26, we will gather at the Great        Member Orientation                                                    CDCC Conference Room & via Zoom
for a healthy and strong future. Thank you                                                                  12 – 1:30 p.m.
                                                          Hall at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church from         CDCC Conference Room & via Zoom
for your legacy of work and your impact on                4 – 7 p.m. for our Sunset Business Mixer.                                                                              Monday, Feb. 21
the future of Central Delaware.                                                                            Tuesday, Jan. 18                                                       Presidents’ Day
                                                          This mixer is also the host of the annual                                                                               Office Closed
                                                                                                            LCD Steering Committee Meeting
   Thank you to the CDCC Board of                         CDCC Showcase semi-annual Member 2                12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Directors and the Search Committee for                    Member Expo. Feel free to bring guests who        CDCC Conference Room & via Zoom                                      Wednesday, Feb. 23
giving me the opportunity to lead this                    may be interested in learning more about                                                                                Ambassador Committee Meeting
                                                                                                           Wednesday, Jan. 26                                                     4:30 p.m.
amazing organization. Thank you for your                  the benefits of a Chamber membership and          Ambassador Committee Meeting
support and encouragement as I begin this                 introduce them to us! This is also a great        4:30 p.m.                                                            Wednesday, Feb. 23
new adventure with all of you. I am excited               way to learn about what fellow member             St. Andrew’s LC Great Hall and Gathering Space                        Sunset Business Mixer
to jump in and work hard to maintain our                  businesses do and what they have to offer.       Wednesday, Jan. 26                                                     5 – 7 p.m.
role of serving as THE essential resource                    The new year promises to bring many         Sunset Business Mixer
                                                                                                                                                                                 Monday, Feb. 28
for the development of businesses in                      events, activities and learning opportunities 5 – 7 p.m.                                                                CDCC Executive Committee Meeting
                                                                                                         St. Andrew’s LC Great Hall and Gathering Space
Central Delaware. And thank you, business                 – stay tuned to our publications for all                                                                                8 – 10 a.m.
members, for all your kind words and well                 the latest. The time has come to start        Thursday, Jan. 27                                                         CDCC Conference Room
wishes as I assume the responsibilities                                                                  Capital Reception
                                                          unwrapping this new year! And let’s, you       5 – 7 p.m.
as your President. Please stay in touch                   and me, approach it with the wide-eyed         Roma Italian Restaurant
with me and your Chamber staff as we                      hopeful anticipation of children as they
move forward and help us to continue to                   tear into packages. We are so happy to be
understand how to best serve you. You are                 entering 2022 with each of you!
the heart of our organization.                            Happy New Year!

    Thank you to the CDCC                                                   An Industry Exclusive
                                                                                                             Published monthly by the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce, the first accredited Chamber of Commerce
    Cornerstone Members!                                                 CDCC Marketing Package!
                                                                                                             in Delaware. We represent the interests of the small business community. Over 800 businesses support CDCC.
                                                                                                                                                             OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                                             Executive Committee Chairperson...................................................................Brian J. Stetina, Faw Casson
                                                                                                             First Vice Chairperson........................................................................... Dana F. Wattay, Wattay Accounting
                                                                                                             Vice Chair, Economic Development...........................................Christina M. Lessard, Lessard Builders, Inc.
           Hospitality                                                                                       Vice Chair, Organizational Development..............................Jesse C. Keleher, Harrington Raceway & Casino
                                                                                                             Vice Chair, Community Affairs: .....................Dr. Cornelia Johnson, Delaware Technical Community College
                                                                                                             Vice Chair, Legislative Affairs: ............................. C. Scott Kidner, C.S. Kidner Associates/Capitol Strategies
                                                                                                             Vice Chair, Military Affairs................................................................. Evans Armantrading, Jr., CNU Fit, LLC
                                                                                                             Treasurer............................................................................ Chaz M. Rzewnicki, Dover Federal Credit Union
              Banking                                                                                        Vice Chair Smyrna/Clayton..............................................................Lincoln D. Willis, The Willis Group, LLC
                                                                                                             Past Chairperson.............................................................................. Shane E. Breakie, Chesapeake Utilities
                                                Casino/Entertainment                                             (USPS 462-490)                                                  BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                                                                                        Kim I. Adams, Mountain Consulting, Inc.
                                                                                                                  Central Delaware                      H. Scott Connell, Merrill Lynch/Bank of America
           Engineering                                                                                         Chamber of Commerce                      Dilton “Dee” Gibbs, Kraft Heinz
                                                                                                               435 N. DuPont Highway                    Jackie R. Griffith, Delaware State University
                                                                                                               Dover, Delaware 19901                    S. Ryan Halpern, Eye Specialists of DE
         Manufacturing                              Insurance                     Real Estate                      302-734-7513                         Timothy R. Horne, Dover International Speedway
                                                                                                                                                        Ryan D. Horsey, Parkview RV Center
       435 N. DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901                                                                                                           Konrad LaPrade, Delaware State News
       P: 302.734.7513                                                                                            POSTMASTER:                           Richard A. Mohnk, Bayhealth Medical Center – Kent Campus
       E:                                                                                       Send address changes to                   Anthony A. Rohrer, Dover Downs Hotel & Casino
                                                                                                                  Chamber News,                                      HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS AND GUESTS
                                                                                                              435 N. DuPont Highway,                    Robin R. Christiansen, Mayor, City of Dover
                                                                                                                 Dover, DE 19901                        Hon. Jeffrey W. Hall, Commissioner, Kent County Levy Court
                                                                                                                                                        Col. Matthew S. Husemann, Commander, 436th Airlift Wing
                                                                                                                                                                                ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF
                                                                                                                 Subscription Price:
                                                                                                                                                        Dina C. Vendetti, President
                                                                                                                  $20.00 per year                       Cristal R. Brenneman, Executive Assistant & Director of Special Events
                                                                                                              (included in membership dues)             Cindy A. Friese, Assistant for Special Events and Sponsorships
                                                                                                                                                        Sarah M. Geesaman, Administrative Assistant
                                                                                                              Periodical Postage Paid at                Leah M. Gray, Coordinator of Membership Sales & Retention
                          The CDCC  is theisessential
                               The CDCC               resource
                                             THE essential      for growth
                                                            resource for theof                                    Dover, DE 19901                                                      CDCC CONSULTANT
                                                                                                                                                                                    Judy Diogo, Past President
                              engaged businesses
                             development           in Central
                                          of businesses        Delaware.
                                                         in Central Delaware.
                                                                                                                                                                   Member Chamber of Commerce of the United States.
                                                                                                                                                                    Chamber Connections production and layout by:
                                                                                                                                                                               Delaware State News
The CDCC Presents the Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
Chamber Connections, January 2022                                                                                                                                             3

                                                      Cornerstone Members

                                                      Holiday Debt? A Credit Card
                                                      Balance Transfer May Help
   During the holidays, big fun often          During your new card’s initial           multiple payments into one monthly         • How high is the standard APR after
comes with bigger spending – and             low-rate period, the transferred           bill, saving you time and the hassle of      the introductory period?
lingering credit card debt in the new        balances will accrue less (or no)          juggling multiple bills and payment        • Will I trigger a penalty APR if I miss
year. If you’re carrying balances on         interest, so you can focus on paying off   dates.                                       a payment?
high-interest cards, a credit card           this debt. Balance transfers can be a      3. Switch to a Card with Better Terms:
balance transfer could be a smart way        smart way to:                                                                         • Does the card have a balance
                                                                                        You can also win by switching to a           transfer fee? How much is it?
to cut down on your interest, not to         1. Save Money and Banish Debt              credit card with a lower standard APR
mention financial stress.                    Faster: More than half of American         and fewer fees.                            • What about other fees, like annual
                                             cardholders carry credit card debt,                                                     fees, late-payment fees, and
How Balance Transfers Work                                                              4. Help Improve Your Credit: Missed          over-limit fees?
                                             and one in 10 owes more than $5,000.       payments and over-dependence on
   Credit card balance transfers are         With rates averaging around 17% –
a type of debt consolidation that lets
                                                                                        credit can hurt your credit score.         Make High Interest History
                                             and some approaching a whopping            A balance transfer can be a great
you shift unpaid balances from one           30% – it’s easy to see why balance                                                      If you’re looking for a quicker way
                                                                                        first step toward paying off existing
card to another. This can be a valuable      transfers are appealing. Just think: If                                               to pay off credit cards, transferring
                                                                                        balances, improving your spending
financial strategy when you transfer         you’re carrying $5,000 in credit card                                                 balances to our low-interest Dover
                                                                                        habits, and boosting your credit.
balances from high-interest cards to         debt, with a moderate 15% APR, you’ll                                                 Federal Mastercard Credit Cards is a
one with a lower annual percentage           be on the hook for $750 in additional        Once you have successfully paid off      great way to do it.
rate (APR).                                  interest in just a year. With a good       your balance, be mindful of how you
                                                                                                                                     You’ll enjoy a 0% APR on transferred
                                             balance-transfer offer, you could          use your credit card moving forward
   Often, to attract new business,                                                                                                 balances for one year with a transfer
                                             secure a low rate for long enough to       and try to pay your credit card bill in
financial institutions will offer a credit                                                                                         fee as low as 3%. Plus, our cards offer
                                             pay off that debt – without having to      full each month.
card with a 0% or low introductory                                                                                                 low standard APRs, have no annual fee
APR on transferred balances. To take         worry about hundreds of dollars in new     Check the Fine Print                       and is backed by Dover Federal’s great
advantage of this money-saving offer,        interest.                                                                             local service.
you would complete the financial                                                          As with any financial product,
                                             2. Simplify Your Finances: When you
institution’s process to move existing                                                  be sure to read the fine print when
                                             transfer all your high-interest balances
balances over to your new card (then,                                                   considering a balance-transfer card.
                                             to one credit card, you combine
if desired, close your previous cards).                                                 Ask yourself these questions:

                          L&W Insurance Offers the Best of Both Worlds
  As we ponder over the happenings of        agency, it is important for the folks      important to be able to streamline our
the past two years (almost), one can’t       at L&W to continue to find ways to         processes and procedures in order to
help but remember how everything             maintain and improve the strong            be as efficient as possible.”
stopped for a time. The shutdowns            connection their agents have with            Some clients prefer meeting with our
caused by the global pandemic                customers. Meaningful contact is           agents face to face, others are happiest
were almost universal as we locked           at the heart of their success. They        when their insurance transactions
ourselves in and waited for solutions,       are passionate about helping clients       can be completed online. The newest
vaccines, tests and better days. Some        protect what matters to them the most      resources available allow some of
have referred to those weeks and             – especially during times of crisis as     the most “paper-heavy” departments
months as “The Great Pause.”                 they navigate the claims process.          to complete their tasks online. This
  The folks at L&W were not exempt             Clark describes it this way: “We         kind of platform also allows agents to
from the changes that were forced            take great pride in being the ‘calm in     handle some of the details that, before,
by spread of COVID-19, but rest              their chaos.’” The professionals at        had fallen to the clients and their
assured – they didn’t pause for long!        L&W understand what it means to            human resources personnel.
“While everyone else was pausing,            customers to be able to look someone         “While we will always be a hands-on
taking a time-out, we found ourselves        in the eyes, answer questions, provide     service agency, we have to understand
doing just the opposite,” remembered         explanations about a benefit or a bill,    that we are missing the boat if we fail
Chelsea Clark, the agency’s director         and build and maintain those personal      to change with the times around us,”
of organizational culture and                relationships that keep their clients      said Clark. The company’s expansion
communications. “We were doubling            coming back.                               into new locales, as well as their
down on new ways to meet the needs of           L&W’s newest location is in the         technological advancements, will
our customers.”                              historical Holladay House, 3705            enable them to offer their customers       From left, Andrew Watson, Matt
   As a result of their efforts, L&W is      Kennett Pike in Greenville, Del. The       the best of both worlds.                   Meyer, Jennifer Wilson, Connor
about to become the only independent         office will open at the beginning of         L&W is working diligently to
                                                                                                                                   Brown, Chelsea Clark and Brian Jones
agency in Delaware with a footprint          March 2022. The team is thrilled to        navigate a balance between in-person
in all three counties. In March of           add this new office and is excited to      opportunities and online transactions.
2022, L&W will open a new office in          continue their mission of serving as       Their desire is to service clients in
Wilmington. This comes one year              clients’ “Partners in Protection.”         whatever way is most comfortable for
after the agency opened a location in           While plans were in the works for       the client. “Insurance is situational,”
Ocean View, Del. Adding these two            a new office location that would be        commented Clark. “People only spend
locations to their Central Delaware          utilized to meet clients where they        time thinking about when they really
headquarters here in Dover gives them        are, the folks at L&W took a deep          need it. As we know, those are not
a strong presence statewide. With four       dive into learning the ins and outs        always pleasant times. No matter what,
agents already servicing New Castle          the newest programs, software and          L&W will always strive to be the ‘calm
County, this new office will give them       other resources in their industry.         in their chaos.’”
a physical location in which to meet         “The insurance business is not
clients face to face.                                                                     Learn more about L&W Insurance
                                             one-size-fits-all,” explained Clark.       online at             The newest location in Greenville
  As they work to maintain their             “While the availability to meet with
character as a hands-on service              clients is important to us, it is also
The CDCC Presents the Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
4                                                                                        Chamber Connections, January 2022

     Central Delaware is a
Destination Worth Experiencing
   Tourism can be loosely defined as        Class members were amazed by the
the act of finding recreation, relaxation   pure beauty of the nature preserve and
and pleasure outside of the home.           were already making plans to return
Whether traveling to another locale         soon.
to enjoy outdoor fun like camping,
fishing or relaxing in the sun — or           Class participants found another
playing casino table games, cheering        hidden gem just south of the Dover Air
on the trotters — or visiting a museum,     Force Base. Volunteer docents were
restaurant, or other local attraction,      happy to show off the aircraft of the
you are contributing to an industry         Air Mobility Command (AMC) Museum.
that has an enormous impact on              The guides did a great job of explaining
the state’s economy. According to           what the museum has to offer, while
recent statistics, the tourism industry     leading fascinating history, details of
generates hundreds of millions of
                                            famous missions and fun facts about
dollars in tax revenue and serves as
                                            the aircraft. The class was awed to
the 4 largest employer in the state of
Delaware!                                   actually step onto the retired airplanes,
                                            big and small.
  The CDCC’s Leadership Class was
given an opportunity in December to            After a delicious lunch in the warm
learn first-hand the ins and outs of the    and inviting ambiance of Maple Dale
tourism industry in Kent County. They       Country Club, the class headed to
spoke with leaders in the field and         downtown Dover where history came
visited various venues, to experience       alive. They enjoyed a walking tour
some of what Central Delaware has to        around The Green, which provided the
offer both residents and visitors alike.    perfect backdrop for intriguing stories
The class members, even those who
                                            and fun lessons in history. While the
were born and raised here in the First
                                            Cordelia Botkin story about Dover’s
State, were astonished at the variety of
experiences offered right here in their     Chocolate Candy Murder is always a
backyard!                                   favorite, class members particularly
                                            loved hearing the backgrounds of the
   The day opened at the Hilton Garden
Inn with a wonderful comprehensive          real people behind famous names
overview of the tourism industry by         like Loockerman, Ridgely and Caesar
Pete Bradley, the executive director of     Rodney.
the Kent County Tourism Corporation.          Nearby at the Biggs Museum of
He explained the impact that tourism        American Art, class members were
has on the economy. While tourism           introduced to the beautiful museum’s
generates a great deal of revenue,
                                            holdings. From furniture to paintings,
looking at it through the lens of the
                                            each piece told a unique story of its
multiplier effect and considering all the
other industries and businesses that        own.
are needed to support it, clearly shows       The last destination on the Class
the importance of tourism to the state’s    of 2022’s Kent County Tour was
financial portfolio.                        Dover International Speedway
  Next, a guest panel — all leaders in      and the Woodlands. Mike Lewis,
their own right — shared their roles        manager of communications for Dover
and insight on the industry, including:     International Speedway, took the
Cliff Weber (general manager at the         class on a walk on the track itself and
Hilton Garden Inn), Tim White (tasting      explained the ins and outs of racing.
room manager at Fordham & Dominion
                                            The final stop for the day was at the
Brewing Company), Mike Marasco
(owner of Tre Sorelle Ice Cream Parlor      base of Miles the Monster, where class
and Mini Golf) and Juli Maichle of Kent     members learned the story behind
County Tourism.                             the statue and marveled at its size.
                                            They were pleased to see the names of
  The class then traveled to Bombay
Hook National Wildlife Refuge for a         all “Monster Mile” NASCAR winners
driving tour led by refuge manager          around the base of the imposing statue
Oscar Reed. While showing off the           and had fun posing for photographs.
highlights of Bombay’s 16,000 acres,          Tourism Day was an eye-opening,
Reed shared that the group would be         educational day for our group of
just a few of the 100,000 visitors to
                                            emerging leaders. They were eager to
the refuge this year. He explained the
                                            learn more about the area and were
national site’s funding mechanisms,
plus plans for refreshing the               impressed by the leaders who guided
sanctuary’s roadways and breaking           them throughout the day. Many of them
ground on a new visitor center. The         indicated an interest in returning with
team at Bombay Hook concentrates            their families to several of the locations
a great deal on partnering with other       they’d visited during the day — and
entities in the community. During           others couldn’t wait to share what
non-COVID times, the staff travels          they’d learned with their friends and
to area schools and hosts field trips       co-workers. The day’s events shed light
and outdoor education experiences.          on all the incredible things that Central
In addition, “the Hook” partners with
                                            Delaware offers, and class members
Delaware’s Fish and Wildlife Service
                                            felt a renewed sense of pride in the
for their research and expertise in
providing the best environment for the      place they call home!
wildlife who call Bombay Hook “home.”
The CDCC Presents the Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
Chamber Connections, January 2022                                                                                              5

                      Leadership Through Service:
                                     After Successful Book Drive,
                                   LCD Prepares Maintenance Project
  A significant part of our Leadership       On Thursday, Dec. 16, class members      Civic Organization (DEMCO). Class
Central Delaware curriculum each           gathered at Dover Federal Credit           members will be involved in painting,
year requires class members to work        Union to clean and pack the book           cleaning and landscaping to enhance
together on projects that will benefit     donations. They then traveled to           the appearance of this community
the community. These Community             the Read Aloud Delaware office at          facility that provides programs for
Impact projects help the fellows           Treadway Towers in Dover where they        hundreds of families and youth.
to apply their newly acquired and          were thrilled to deliver 2,592 books         Class members are seeking
continuously developing leadership         (that’s 1,269.6 pounds!) to Nicole Hill,   donations of materials or funding to
skills to real-life situations that will   Read Aloud’s Kent County coordinator.      assist them in their work. In addition
help other members of the Central            These books will be distributed          to providing class members with the
Delaware community. These project          throughout the community at schools        opportunity to learn leadership on the
requests are submitted each year by        and State Service Centers, as well as      job, each of these projects promises
nonprofit member businesses and are        at community events like the Delaware      to impact many lives here in Central
voted on by class members during           State Fair, Dover Days, Rider Pride        Delaware.
their Opening Retreat.                     Day, I Love Smyrna Day and others.           To donate or offer any assistance
  One of the projects chosen by the        Donated books are also used to             to LCD Class of 2022, please contact
LCD Class of 2022 involved a book          replenish the agency’s in-house book       the CDCC Office at (302) 734-7513.
drive for Read Aloud Delaware. Under       collection used by volunteers in their
the leadership of project managers,        Volunteer Reading Program.
Beatrice Smith and Leigh DeSantis,           Class members felt so good about
the class worked together to plan          their efforts and the difference they
and promote this effort mainly in the      will make for Central Delaware’s
month of October. Book bins were           young readers. They all agreed it was
placed in several locations and people     a great day and a great way to give
were invited to donate their gently        back.
used reading materials to this worthy
cause. Throughout the month, a steady        Soon they will embark on their
stream of books found their way to the     second project for the year. This
boxes! In addition, one class member       project is for the United Way of
held a book drive competition at his       Delaware and will involve upgrades to
workplace that yielded many boxes of       a building that the United Way shares
books.                                     with the Delaware Multicultural and
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6                                                                                                                          Chamber Connections, January 2022

There was quite a crowd of participants!                                          The CDCC Board led a rousing rendition of ‘Frosty the Snowman.’

Mayor Christiansen had some very special helpers to light up that beautiful       City Hall decorations are always beautiful.

Wesley United Methodist Church provided their annual          Extended shopping hours gave more time to shop – and
living nativity.                                              to give!

                    A Capital Holiday Celebration
  Central Delaware kicked off the         as the Christmas season is ushered      Levy Court, Kiwanis Club of Dover,       The decorated store windows added
holiday season in fine fashion at the     in. This effort of so many coming       Main Street Dover, Miller Premier        a great touch to the downtown.
Capital Holiday Celebration held          together to create a memorable event    Services, Restoring Central Dover,
in downtown Dover! The event was          is a testimony to the true meaning of   Robbins Hose Co. No. 1, The Salvation
hosted in collaboration with Dover’s      “community.”                            Army Bell Ringers, Tom 92.9 FM,
First Friday Celebration on Friday          We would like to extend our           UNITED Church, Alex Vaughan, WBOC
evening, Dec. 3, in front of City Hall.   heartfelt gratitude to the sponsors,    16 / Fox 21, Wesley United Methodist
The festivities featured crafts for       businesses, organizations and           Church and Gigi Windley.
kids, a food drive for local pantries,    volunteers who worked together to         We would also like to thank those
Christmas caroling, the lighting of the   coordinate this marvelous celebration   who added voices and dancing to
beautiful city Christmas tree and the     of the holiday season in downtown       our event: CDCC Board of Directors
arrival of Santa Claus. A very large      Dover: Central Delaware Chamber         and Representatives from Dover Air
number of onlookers gathered in front     of Commerce, Chesapeake Utilities       Force Base, City of Dover’s Mayor &
of City Hall for this annual festive      Corp., City of Dover, City of Dover     City Council, Delaware State News,
occasion.                                 Parks & Recreation, City of Dover       Kent County Levy Court and Wesley
  This familiar start to the holiday      Police, City of Dover Public Works,     Preschool & Playcare.
season is the result of a collaboration   Delaware State News, Dover Place          And thank you, First State
of efforts from the City of Dover, the    Senior Living Community, Dover Public   Manufactured Housing Association,
Downtown Dover Partnership and            Library, Downtown Dover Merchants,      for your generous donation to the food
the Central Delaware Chamber of           Downtown Dover Partnership, First       drive!
Commerce. Volunteers from all over        State Manufactured Housing Assoc.,
the area come out to lend a hand          Councilmember Bill Hare, Kent County                                             Mayor Robin Christiansen officiated
                                                                                                                           the lighting of the tree.
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                                                                                                                   Master of Ceremonies, Gigi Windley,
                                                                                                                   made the festivities look so easy.

The Downtown lights are so pretty.

                                                                                                                   Look at those eyes!

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree with the Delaware   A jolly moment with members of the city council.             From left, Jen Allen, Margaret Young
State News!                                                                                                        and Cristal Brenneman and many
                                                                                                                   donated goods from the food drive!

The songs of the children always add so much to the   Caroling by local dignitaries is a favorite portion of the
event.                                                event.

                                                                                                                   The Newshound was even dancing!

Merry Christmas from the CDCC Team.                   Downtown Dover loves to light it up!

                                                                                                                   Santa made a list and checked it
                                                                                                                   twice – and Mr. Mayor’s been very
Santa arrived right on time!                          Diane Laird provided beautiful live music downtown.          nice!
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8                                                                                         Chamber Connections, January 2022

          Celebrating the Holidays
             – Chamber Style!
      Smiles and grins, delicious food,         entertained everyone.
    jazzy holiday music, a warm,                  Networking and door prizes found
    welcoming atmosphere … all are              their place in the celebration, as well
    components that contributed to the          as a 50/50 drawing. With 150-plus
    festive, holiday feel of this year’s CDCC   people in attendance, it was easy to
    Christmas party. Hugs and laughs,           connect and re-connect with colleagues
    handshakes and photos, conversation         and exchange holiday greetings.
    and re-connecting all signaled high
    spirits as Central Delaware’s business     The Chamber extends a special
    community gathered to celebrate the      “thank you “to all of you who were
    holiday season.                          able to attend this year’s Christmas
                                             party. We would also like to share
      Joe & Kristin Garramone and their      our gratitude with the folks at Roma
    team at Roma Italian Restaurant/Sul      Italian Ristorante for opening the
    Tempo Cocktail Lounge truly turned       restaurant to us and making us feel
    the CDCC’s annual Holiday Party into a so much at home. A special thank you
    “Festa di Natale delizioso” (a delicious also to our generous sponsors and
    Italian Christmas party)! Beautiful      contributors for making this evening of
    authentic Italian foods marked the       celebration possible: Artisans’ Bank,
    occasion – meatballs, antipasto          Bally’s Dover Casino Resort, Pike
    platters, pasta and a variety of other   Creek Mortgage Services, Inc., Weiner
    delectable treats. In addition, guests   Benefits Group, CNU Fit, Comcast
    enjoyed a sampling of wines and beers. Business, Excel Business Systems,
    The staff worked hard to ensure that     Hilton Garden Inn, Horty & Horty, PA,
    everyone was well taken care of and      Leadership Techniques, LLC, Merrill
    felt very much at home.                  Lynch – Connell, Carey, & Associates,
      Jazzy renditions of classic Christmas Mid Atlantic Scientific Service, Pratt
    carols added to the ambiance of the      Insurance and Secure Data.
    evening. The Joe Baione Trio wowed         The team at the Central Delaware
    the crowd with their talent and skill    Chamber of Commerce wishes all of
    as they performed tune after tune of     you a Buon Natale and a Felice Anno
    holiday favorites. Guests were singing   Nuovo (that’s Italian for a Merry
    along and tapping their toes as the trio Christmas and a Happy New Year)!
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The CDCC Presents the Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast
10                                                                                          Chamber Connections, January 2022

                                                  Member News

     The Murphey School’s executive director, Michael Kopp, is excited to celebrate 100 years!

           Celebrating a Century of Helping Children
       In 1922, Babe Ruth was inarguably          director, Mike Kopp. Now in his 36th      of gratitude, of reunions and of joyful
     the most famous person, the Coca             year at the Murphey School, Kopp          celebration as people who have been
     Cola polar bear made its debut, and          focusses on providing each child with     part of the Murphey School story
     the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated.          a caring, options-loaded program          gather back together on campus. While
     The beginning of the decade known as         that will allow each to develop into      the exact plans are not yet certain,
     the “Roaring 20s” was marked by big          responsible and capable adults. He        the committee has indicated that
     bands and orchestras, a new music            and his wife, Susie raised their three    there will most likely be a banquet
     called “jazz,” big industrial growth and     children in the director’s residence on   of some kind on Friday evening and
     an unmatched social scene. Gasoline          the campus.                               a great gathering of alumni on the
     was only 25 cents per gallon and the            The Murphey School is contracted       campus on Saturday. Community
     cost to mail a first-class letter was just   by the State of Delaware to accept        members are encouraged to mark their
     2 cents. The future DuPont Highway           children between the ages of 8 and        calendars for this amazing milestone
     was only partly completed from               18. The school is set up to house         weekend! Organizers would like the
     Selbyville to Wilmington.                    28-32 children, all who occupy single,    local businesses to take part in the
       In October of 1922, Sanford Sayre          private bedrooms. A nurturing staff       celebration as well and are planning
     Murphey, a successful businessman in         works with the children as the school     to offer advertising and sponsorship
     the coal industry, opened the Elizabeth      provides services to help meet their      opportunities.
     W. Murphey School, named in honor            educational, medical, counseling,           If you are someone with a connection
     of his mother, on 15 acres of land in        health, and recreational needs. An        to the Murphey School either as
     Dover, Delaware. The Murphey School          independent living program serves         a student, the family of a student,
     was designed to provide housing for          to teach important life skills to those   or a staff member — or you are a
     children with no parents and no place        children ages 16-18. For those ages       community supporter of the school
     to go.                                       18-22, a transitional living program      and its mission and would like to
       His choice of the word “school”            helps them to find housing, obtain a      become involved in the celebration,
     had to do with his view on education.        driver’s license, learn how to purchase   please contact Mike Kopp at mkopp@
     Education, according to Murphey, was         a vehicle, learn the importance of a Look for updates
     something that takes place 24 hours          savings account, and other necessary      to come regarding the details of the
     per day, not just within the confines of     life-long habits that will ultimately     celebration and ways to become
     a classroom. Originally from Dover, he       enable them to be not only productive,    involved. Also look for stories
     spent most of his life in Colorado. He       but also have a competitive edge as       regarding the history of the Murphey
     was known for his great compassion.          they enter adulthood. the independent     School in the Delaware State News
     Murphey was also instrumental in             living and transitional living programs   throughout the year.
     building the current Presbyterian            provide for 78 teens and young adults,      Please join the Central Delaware
     Church of Dover, in honor of his father      nine of whom live in Murphey School       Chamber of Commerce in
     who served as a Presbyterian minister        buildings.                                congratulating the Elizabeth W.
     during the Civil War.                           A century of care and assistance       Murphey School on 100 years of
       “For 100 years, the Murphey School         is certainly worth celebrating! Plans     helping children and in thanking
     has been in business doing what we           are currently in the works for a 2022     them for the important role they
     can to provide for and take care of          centennial celebration on Friday and      play here in Central Delaware.
     children,” said the school’s executive       Saturday, Oct. 21-22. The hope is that
                                                  this will be a weekend of reminiscing,
Chamber Connections, January 2022                                                                                                                                                                    11

                                        CDCC Member List by Business Category
                       Ringing in a new year with all of our
                           amazing Chamber members!
                                                Bold indicates a Cornerstone Member | * indicates a 5 Star Member

                                                                                       as of Dec. 15, 2021

55+ Adult Communities                        Bakeries                                            Business Services                                   Lighthouse Construction, Inc.
Noble’s Pond*                                La Baguette Bakery & Catering*                      BBSI                                                Richard Y. Johnson & Son, Inc.
                                             Bavarian Bakery & Deli                              Better Business Bureau Serving DE                   Teal Construction, Inc.
Benchmark Builders
                                             Bea Delightful                                      Centric Business Systems
Ingleside Homes Inc.                                                                                                                                 Construction Equipment
                                                                                                 Genesis Billing Services LLC
Luther Towers of Dover                       Banks & Credit Unions                               U.S. Small Business Administration
                                                                                                                                                     Burke Equipment
                                             Dover Federal Credit Union – Headquarters*                                                              Iron Source
Westminster Village                                                                              Small Business Development Center
                                             Del-One Federal Credit Union*
Accountants, CPAs & Tax Service                                                                  Smith, Cohen & Rosenberg LLC                        Construction Management
                                                                                                 ZenBusiness                                         Delmarva Veteran Builders
Faw Casson*                                  Artisans’ Bank
Wattay Accounting – Smyrna*                  Citizens Bank                                       Camping                                             Consultants
Raymond F. Book & Associates, PA, CPAs       Cooperative Credit Union Assoc                      Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park at Delaware Beaches     Barzey Enterprise LLC
First State CPAs                             Dover Federal Credit Union – Smyrna                                                                     Environmental Alliance Inc.
Horty & Horty, PA – Douglas R. Phillips      Fort Sill National Bank
                                                                                                 Car Wash & Detailing                                Eunity Solutions
Jefferson, Urian, Doane & Sterner, PA                                                            Detailing by WENDELL*
                                             M&T Bank – Dover Main                                                                                   Goeins Williams Associates Inc.
Liberty Tax Service                                                                              Coastal Car Wash
                                             PNC Bank                                                                                                Ocean Marine Nav Inc.
Luff & Associates, PA                                                                            Westside Car Wash/Clean Car, Inc
                                             Provident State Bank
Mitten & Winters, CPA                                                                                                                                Contractors – General
                                             Shore United Bank – Camden                          Carpet, Tile & Flooring                             Brooks Machines
S&G Accounting & Tax Services                Shore United Bank – Dover                           Paul Edwards Carpet
Sandra S. Gulledge, CPA, PA                                                                                                                          Moore Seal, Inc.
                                             TD Bank – Limestone
TAX-E LLC                                    Tidemark Federal Credit Union – Milford Branch      Catering                                            Sunnyfield Contractors, Inc.
Wattay Accounting – Milford                                                                      Guzzy-Q Competition BBQ & Catering LLC              W.D. Pressley, Inc.
                                             WSFS Bank – Camden Branch
                                                                                                 Pizzadili’s Deli and Catering/Winery                Yencer Builders, Inc.
Advertising                                                                                      Saladworks
Delaware Indoor Advertising Network, LLC                                                                                                             Copiers & Copy Services
                                                                                                 The Catering Company
Effectv                                                                                                                                              Affordable Business Systems
LOCALiQ Delaware                                                                                 Cement, Concrete, Sand, Gravel & Stone              Delmarva Printing Inc
                                                                                                 Atlantic Concrete Co., Inc.                         Excel Business Systems
Agri-business                                                                                    Porter’s Sand & Gravel, Inc.                        Staples Copy & Print
302 Aquaponics
                                                                                                 Chambers Of Commerce                                Cosmetics
Aircraft                                                                                         Delaware Black Chamber of Commerce                  Merle Norman Cosmetics
Boeing                                                                                           Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
Alcohol Distributors                                                                             Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                                                                     Key 2 Clarity Counseling Services
N.K.S. Distributors, Inc.                                                                        Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                     Dental Care
All Natural Products                                                                             Child Development                                   All Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
EUPHORIC HERBALS                             Banquet & Meeting Facilities                        Boys and Girls Club of Delaware
                                                                                                                                                     Alpine and Rafetto Orthodontics
Hempworx/MDC – Surowiec                      Dover Elks Lodge #1903                              Essential Beginnings Behavior & Learning Services
                                                                                                                                                     Care First Dental Team – Robert R. Coope, DDS
                                             Evergreen Farms                                     Precious Moments Preschool & Childcare Center
                                                                                                                                                     Family Dental Associates
Antiques                                     Heritage Shores
Skocik’s Discoveries and Collectables                                                            Chiropractors                                       Lawrence A. Louie, DMD
                                             St. Andrew’s LC Great Hall and Gathering Space      Dover Family Chiropractic
Apartments, Condominiums & Townhomes Barber Shop                                                                                                     Dermatology
                                                                                                 Dover Health Care Center
                                                                                                                                                     Burke Dermatology
Blue Hen Apts LLC                            Supreme Hair Design
Colonial Investment & Management Co., Inc.                                                       Churches                                            Disability Services
Westover Companies – Lake Club Apts          Beverages                                           CenterPoint Church
                                                                                                                                                     Choices for Community Living – Delaware
                                             Double D Tap House LLC                              Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church – Dover
Architects & Planners                        Pepsi Bottling Ventures of Delmarva                 The Salvation Army                                  Dry Cleaners/Laundry
Becker Morgan Group, Inc.*                   The Golden Fleece Tavern                            Tracy Palmer Ministries, Inc.                       Capitol Cleaners & Launderers, Inc.
                                                                                                 Union Baptist Church, Inc                           FOLDS LLC
Assisted Living Communities                  Bookkeeping, Payroll & Business Services            UNITED Church
Brookdale Dover                              Payroll Management Assistance                                                                           Economic Development
Dover Place Senior Living                                                                        Wesley United Methodist Church
                                             Profit Launch Bookkeeping                                                                               Delaware Division of Small Business
State Street Assisted Living                                                                     Cleaning – Industrial & Commercial                  Delaware Prosperity Partnership
                                             Brewery                                             Clean Sweep Custodial Services, LLC                 Downtown Dover Partnership
Attorneys & Law Firms                        Fordham & Dominion Brewing Co.                      Office Pride Commercial Cleaning                    Kent Economic Partnership
Delaware State Attorney General’s Office     Mispillion River Brewing                                                                                World Trade Center Delaware
Barros, McNamara, Malkiewicz & Taylor, PA                                                        Cleaning – Residential
Hudson, Jones, Jaywork & Fisher              Brick Supplies & Hardscaping Services               Merry Maids
Law Offices of Bonnie M. Benson              Delaware Brick Co.
Parkowski, Guerke & Swayze, PA                                                                   Coffee – Products/Services
                                             Builders – Developers – Management                  The House of Coffi
The Malmberg Firm, LLC
                                             Lessard Builders, Inc.*
Auction Services & Auctioneers               Caruso Homes, Inc                                   Commercial Leasing
Spence’s Bazaar & Flea Market, Inc.          D.R. Horton                                         Carroll Properties, LLC
Stephen R. Harrell Auctioneer, LLC           Green Diamond Builders, Inc.                        JBA Greentree Properties LLC
                                             K. Hovnanian Homes of DE, LLC                       KRM Development Corporation
Automobile Dealers & Service                 Lenape Builders, Inc.
i.g. Burton & Co., Inc.*                                                                         Communication Services
Hertrich Family of Automobile Dealerships    Building Materials                                  Heritage Sports Radio Network LLC
Holden Dodge, Inc.                           Pole Building Supplies                              Magnum Electronics, Inc.
Kent County Motor Sales Co.                                                                      Community Program
                                             Business & Economic Development
C.F. Schwartz Motor Co., Inc.                                                                    Delaware Crime Stoppers
                                             Delaware Department of Labor
Willis Chevrolet, Inc.
                                                Employment and Training*                         Computer Repair & Services
Automobile Parts – Manufacturing Rep         Business & Executive Coaching                       Bob Johnsons Computer Stuff, Inc
High Horse Performance                                                                           Secure Data Computer Solutions, Inc.
                                             Elevations Unlimited*
Automobile Repairs & Body Service            Jonathan L. Parker & Associates, LLC                Construction
A2Z Services                                 The Growth Coach of Northern Delaware               George & Lynch, Inc.*
Firestone Complete Auto Care                                                                     All States Construction Company, Inc.
                                             Business Consulting
Pugh’s Service                                                                                   Delaware Contractors Association
                                             iDIMENSIONS Alignment for Success
Background Searches                          SCORE Delaware                                      Delmarva Pole Buildings
John H. Brothers                                                                                 Emlyn Construction Company
12                                                                                                                                                    Chamber Connections, January 2022

Education & Training                                Food Service / Products / Vendors               Bayhealth Medical Center                          Peter A. Oldziey
Children & Families First                           Spanglish Foods, Inc.*                          Blood Bank of Delmarva, Inc.                      Ronald B. Outten
Delaware Division of Libraries                      Dija’s African Food Market                      Delaware Health Information Network               Vaughan
Energy Leadership, LLC                              Five Star Home Foods                            Delaware Hospice, Inc.                            MGeneral Frank Vavala
Everyday Hero CPR & First Aid                       HAASS’ Family Butcher Shop                      Delaware Imaging Network                          Vendetti
Leadership Delaware, Inc.                           Shay’s Supreme Vending                          Delaware Prostate Cancer Coalition                Steve Welde
Leadership Techniques, LLC                          Shore Smoke Seasonings, LLC                     Dover Behavioral Health System
                                                                                                    ExpressCare Walk In Medical Centers
                                                                                                                                                      Industrial Parks
POLYTECH Adult Education
The People’s Platform
                                                    Food Trucks                                     Gracious Heart Nursing Services, LLC
                                                                                                                                                      Vepco Park, Inc.
                                                    Falling off the Bone BBQ and Fish Fry           Heart to Heart Health Services LLC                Information Technology
Educational Services                                Shay’s Seafood & Soul                           Laura’s Choice                                    BDK, Inc.
Delaware AeroSpace Education Foundation             Woody’s on Wheels                               Nephrology Associates, PA                         Progressive Software Computing Inc – PSCI
Electricians & Electrical Supplies                  Fuel, Oil & Gas                                 Orthopaedic Consultants                           Wagamon Technology Group, LLC.
ShureLine Electrical*                               Service Energy / Poore’s Propane                Silver Lining Home Healthcare                     Xpress Computer Systems
All American Electric Service LLC                   Suburban Propane, LP                            Westside Family Healthcare
Dover Electric Supply Co., Inc.                                                                     Hearing Aids
Nickle Electrical Companies
                                                    Funeral Services                                                                                  L & W Insurance Agency
                                                    Bennie Smith Funeral & Limousine Services       Beltone Hearing Center                            Legal Shield – Jason King*
Towles Electric Inc.                                                                                Heating & Air Conditioning
                                                    Torbert Funeral Chapel                                                                            Allstate Insurance – Michael Tolliver
Embroidery                                          Trader Funeral Home, Inc.                       Atlantic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc.   Avery Hall Insurance Group
Creative Logo Apparel                                                                               Barkley Heating & Air, LLC                        Carey Insurance Group
                                                    Furniture                                       Midstate Fuel & Services                          Conner Strong & Buckelew
Emergency Response Provider                         Johnny Janosik, Inc.                            Schlosser & Associates Mechanical Contractors     Enoch Stevenson Insurance
Fireside Partners, Inc.                                                                             Service Unlimited, Inc.                           Liberty Mutual Insurance
Employee Benefits                                   Delaware Shoppes                                                                                  Pfister Insurance / Hilb Group of Maryland
                                                                                                    Home Health Care
Delmarva Benefit Group                                                                                                                                Pratt Insurance, Inc.
                                                    Glass & Mirror                                  Americare Home Solutions*
                                                                                                                                                      Regulatory Insurance Services, Inc.
Energy Consultant                                   Go Glass*                                       Home Instead Senior Care*
                                                                                                                                                      State Farm Insurance
Affinity Energy Management                                                                          Lean On Me Caregiving, LLC*
                                                    Golf & Country Club                                                                                   Bennett Ins. Agency Inc.
                                                                                                    Senior Home Help LLC*
                                                    Jonathan’s Landing*                                                                               Transamerica Agency Network
                                                                                                    Affinity Home Care Services, LLC
                                                    Maple Dale Country Club                                                                           Weiner Benefits Group
                                                                                                    Christiana Care Visiting Nurses Association
                                                    Government                                      Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care                 Insurance – Commercial
                                                    State Representative Andria L. Bennett             of Delaware                                    Staples & Associates Insurance
                                                    U.S. Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester                                                           Williams Insurance Agency Inc.
                                                                                                    Home Improvements
                                                    State Senator Colin Bonini                      Bright Side Exteriors*                            Insurance – Health
                                                    State Representative William Bush               Ace Handyman Services Dover                       Humana – Kimberly Hopper*
                                                    Town of Camden                                  All American Gutter Protection                    Sack Health Benefit Advisors, LLC*
                                                    Governor John Carney                            All Around Maintenance, LLC                       Aetna
                                                    U.S. Senator Thomas R. Carper                   Builders Integrity, Inc.                          Allen Ins. Assoc Inc. t/a Allen Ins. Group
                                                    State Representative William J. Carson          Ferris Home Improvements                          Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware
                                                    Town of Cheswold                                Ken Stockslager & Son, Inc.                       Humana – Lisa Parker
                                                    U.S. Senator Chris A. Coons                     Precision Garage Door of Delaware
                                                    Delaware Department of State                    Renewal by Andersen                               Interior Decorators & Designers
Engineering &                                       Delaware National Guard                                                                           Decorating Den Interiors
Construction Management                                                                             Homeless Shelter
                                                    Delaware State Auditor Kathy McGuiness                                                            Internet Solutions
Century Engineering, Inc.                                                                           Central Delaware Housing Collaborative
                                                    Office of the State Treasurer                                                                     Comcast
KCI Technologies, Inc.                                                                              Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing
                                                    City of Dover                                                                                     Telepathy Networks, LLC
Landmark Science and Engineering
                                                    State Senator Bruce C. Ennis                    Hotels/Motels/Accommodations
Mountain Consulting Inc.                                                                                                                              Investments/Securities
                                                    Delaware Employer Support                       HOME 2 Suites / Axia Management
Entertainment & Recreation                             of the Guard & Reserve                       Bally’s Dover Casino Resort*                      ABI Security Group, Inc.
Harrington Raceway & Casino, Inc.                   Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long                  Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center          Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
Board and Brush Creative Studio                     City of Harrington                              Best Western Galaxy Inn                           Rochester Capital, LLC
Camp Adventureland                                  Kent County Levy Court                          Brighton Suites Hotel                             Janitorial Supplies
Courtside Pickleball & Tennis Club                  Kent County Sheriff                             Capital Inn of Dover                              Action Unlimited Resources
The Delaware State Fair, Inc.                       State Senator David G. Lawson                   Comfort Inn – Rehoboth                            State Janitorial Supply Co.
Delaware Thunder Professional Hockey Group          State Representative Sean M. Lynn               Comfort Inn & Suites Dover
Dover International Speedway                        State Representative W. Shannon Morris          Comfort Suites – Dover                            Jewelry
Dover Skating Center                                State Senator W. Charles Paradee                Fairfield Inn & Suites                            Sayers Jewelers & Gemologists Inc.*
First State Improv LLC                              State Representative Charles S. Postles Jr.     Hampton Inn – Milford                             Jeweler’s Loupe
Flyover Fun Park, LLC                               State Representative Bryan W. Shupe             Hampton Inn – Dover                               Knights Fine Jewelry Ltd.
Smyrna Opera House                                  Town of Smyrna                                  Hilton Garden Inn                                 Junk Removal
Winter WonderFEST – Festival of Cheer               State Representative Jeffrey N. Spiegelman      Holiday Inn Express                               JDog Junk Removal*
                                                    State Representative Jesse R. Vanderwende       Holiday Inn Express – Harrington
Entertainment Production                            State Senator David L. Wilson                                                                     Landscaping
Affinity Entertainment DE LLC                                                                       Eagle Hospitality Group, LLC
                                                    State Representative Lyndon D. Yarick               MainStay Suites                               G’s Down Too Earth Landscaping
Environmental Services                              Graphic Design                                  Residence Inn, Dover                              Shortcutz Lawn & Landscape Co
Miller Environmental Group Inc                                                                      Sleep Inn and Suites                              TMP SERVICES, LLC
                                                    Splash! Designworks*
                                                                                                                                                      Todd’s Lawn Care Service
Event Planning                                      Blue Dogg Design                                Housing Information
TAG Events                                                                                          Dover Housing Authority                           Legal Services
                                                    Gymnastics                                                                                        Law Office of Karen Y. Vicks, LLC
Farm Equipment                                      Fly High Cheer and Tumble*                      Visions of Hope HM, Inc.
Taylor & Messick, Inc.                              Stick It! Gymnastics                            Human Resource Services                           Libraries
                                                                                                    Connect Delaware                                  Dover Public Library
Farm Market                                         Hair & Nail Services                                                                              Friends of the Duck Creek Regional Library
Black Swamp Artisanal Market, LLC                   ARTT Studio 4 Hair                              DelMarVa SHRM
Fifer’s Farm Store                                  bombshell hair studio Inc.                      Ice Cream                                         Life Insurance
                                                    Donnell Fears Salon for Men & Women             Tre Sorelle Dolce Ice Cream & Mini Golf           The ALI Group
Financial Planning/Investments                      My Salon Suite
Diamond State Financial Group*                      René DeLyn Hair Designs                         Incorporating Service                             Lobbyists
Merrill Lynch*                                                                                      A Registered Agent Inc.                           C.S. Kidner Associates/Capitol Strategies
                                                    Sovereign Beauty
Primerica – Erlene George*                                                                          Corp1, Inc.                                       The Willis Group, LLC
Wealth Management Group, LLC*                       Health & Diet Food Products – Retail            Incorporating Services, Ltd.
                                                    Taking Healthy Back Together with Juice Plus+
BIG Investment Services                                                                             PARASEC – PARACORP Inc.                           Delaware State Lottery
Black Diamond Financial Solutions, Inc.             Your CBD Store
Compass Investment Advisors, LLC                                                                    Individuals                                       Mailing Services
                                                    Health & Wellness                               Janie Libby*                                      Domestic/International
Edward Jones – Daneman
                                                    Smyrna Nutrition*                               Mishoe*
Edward Jones Investments – Christopher Smith, CFP                                                                                                     Mail Movers
                                                    Butler Health Coaching                          Bailey
Edward Jones – Wearden
                                                    DelMarVa Acupuncture & Wellness Center          Robert M. Berglund                                Manufactured Housing
J.A. Hill Associates                                                                                                                                  & Development
                                                    First State Webfooters                          Sandy Dale
Key Advisors Group, LLC                                                                                                                               First State Manufactured Housing Assoc.
                                                    The Ice House Wellness & Community              Richard Downes
Fire Protection Services                            Jazzercise at the Capital Grange                Emmons                                            Manufacturers
BFPE INTERNATIONAL Fire, Safety & Security          New U Nutrition                                 Albert Evans                                      Independent Metal Strap Co., Inc.
                                                    Next Level Nutrition                            Jim Flood Sr.                                     Juul Labs
Fitness Centers / Personal Trainers
CNU Fit, LLC*                                       Health Services                                 Ray Hall                                          Mohawk Electrical Systems, Inc.
                                                    Post Acute Medical*                             Dan Houghtaling
Florists                                                                                            Mary F. Kaltreider                                Manufacturers and Processors
                                                    Eden Hill Medical Center*                                                                         Kraft Heinz Company
Jen-Mor Florist*                                    Alternative Solutions                           Dan Mikkelson
Chamber Connections, January 2022                                                                                                                                                                     13

Eagle Group (Metal Masters)                       Alzheimer’s Association – Delaware Valley Chapter   Portable Toilets                                  Texas Roadhouse
Edgewell Personal Care                            American Legion Post 14 & Station 64                Arrow Sanitary Service                            The Boulevard Live Entertainment Restaurant
HandyTube                                         Camden Wyoming Rotary Club                                                                            The Brick-Wood Fired Eats
Procter & Gamble                                  Cancer Support Community Delaware                   Professional Services                             The Skyline Cafe
                                                  CenDel Foundation                                   HearingLife                                       Tomeka’s Homestyle Eatery
Marketing                                         Correctional Officers Assoc. of Delaware            Heartland                                         Top Five BBQ
                                                  Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement         Promotional Products & Services                   Vincenzo’s Pizzeria & Gelato
AHDTV Network
                                                  DE TURF Sports Complex                              Always Advertising, Inc.*
Aloysius Butler & Clark
                                                  Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc.
High Ground Creative LLC                                                                              Instant Imprints of Delaware*                     Scentsy*
                                                  Delaware Community Foundation                       New Image Inc.*
Hook PR & Marketing                                                                                                                                     Special Touch Card Creations*
                                                  Delaware Farm Bureau                                Proforma Dynamic Resources                        A to Z Cycles, Inc.
Martial Arts                                      Delaware Submarine Association Inc.
                                                                                                                                                        Bel Boutique, Inc.
Kaizen Karate Academy                             Dover / Kent County MPO                             Property Management
                                                                                                      First Class Properties                            Byler’s Store, Inc.
                                                  Dover Capital City Rotary
Massage Therapist                                 Dover Downtown Rotary
                                                                                                                                                        Celestial Shoes
AMB Mobile Massage & Wellness Center LLC                                                              Public Relations                                  Chicka Artistica
                                                  Easterseals DE & MD’s Eastern Shore                 PR Delaware LLC
Gerald Reilly IMC                                                                                                                                       Chick’s Saddlery
                                                  First State Community Action Agency
Sheryl Smith Massage                                                                                  Publishing & Investment Research                  Create My Meditation PEACE
                                                  Gals that Give
                                                                                                      FANTINI RESEARCH                                  Dover Army Navy Store, Inc.
Medical                                           Greater Kent Committee
                                                                                                                                                        Eagle Nail & Tool Supply of Milford LLC
American Kidney Care of Dover                     Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity               Radio Stations                                    Goode Products
Delaware Brain and Spine                          Harrington Business Association                     Delaware Public Media                             Knife Guy Josh LLC DBA Cutco Knives
Eye Specialists of Delaware                       Home Builders Association of Delaware               Forever Media Inc.                                Love Bella Creations
Eye Specialists of Delaware – Milford             Independent Resources, Inc.                         IHeartMedia                                       Maxed Out Vape
PA Green Wellness                                 Kent County Republican Committee                    PC ChristianRadio                                 My Roots
The Center at Eden Hill                           Kent-Sussex Industries, Inc.
                                                                                                      Real Estate                                       Sleep Number by Select Comfort
                                                  Meals On Wheels Delaware
Medical Facility                                  NCALL Research, Inc.                                R & R Commercial Realty, Inc                      Sophisticated Scrubs LLC
Encompass Health Rehabilitation                                                                       Dowding Resource Group*                           Steppin’ In Style
                                                  People’s Place
  Hospital of Middletown                                                                              Ceil Jones, Realtor / Myers Realty*               Walmart DC 7034
                                                  Pressley Ridge
Green Clinics Laboratory                          Read Aloud Delaware                                 Shawna Kirlin, Realtor with Patterson Schwartz*   Retirement &
Medical Supplies                                  Ronald McDonald House of Delaware                   Benton Lynn Law, PA                               Elder Care Communities
TidalHealth Lifeline                              True Access Capital                                 Burns & Ellis Realtors                            CompleteCare at Silver Lake
                                                  United Way of Delaware                              Coastline Realty
MediSpa                                                                                               Delaware Association of Realtors                  Roofing
                                                  USO Delaware
Bella MediSpa                                                                                         Harrington Realty, Inc.                           G. Fedale Roofing & Siding – Lewes
                                                  Women in Leadership Development
                                                                                                      Jennifer J., Realtor – Bryan Realty Group         G. Fedale Roofing & Siding – Wilmington
Mental Health Services                               & Empowerment Inc.
                                                                                                      Keller Williams Realty Central Delaware           Miller’s Roofing & Coatings, LLC
A Center for Mental Wellness, Inc.                Nursing Care                                        Kent County Association of REALTORS               Schools, Colleges & Education
NorthNode Group Counseling                        Cadia Rehabilitation Capitol                        Kimberly Willoughby – Patterson Schwartz          Aurora Academy of Hair Design*
Military Housing                                  Courtland Manor, Inc.                               LakeView Realty, Inc.                             Delaware State University*
Hunt Military Communities                         Pinnacle Rehabilitation & Health Center             Leander Lakes, LLC                                Delaware Technical Community College
                                                  Optometrists & Optical Products                     Lisa Pearson, Realtor – Diamond State Realty         Terry Campus*
Military Services
                                                  MyEyeDr.                                            Liza Orlando, Realtor – Diamond State Realty      Academy of Dover Charter School
512th Airlift Wing
                                                  Vision Quest Eye Care Center, Inc.                  McGinnis Commercial Real Estate Co.               Caesar Rodney School District
Air Force Association Galaxy Chapter
                                                                                                      Michelle Fisher, Realtor – Bryan Realty Group     Campus Community School
Dover Air Force Base                              Organizations                                       NextHome Preferred                                Capital School District
Dover Spouses’ Club                               Delaware Motor Transport Assn., Inc.                On The Move Realty, LLC                           First State Military Academy (FSMA)
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)   Jobs for Delaware Graduates                         Patterson Schwartz                                POLYTECH School District
Monuments & Mausoleums                            NAWBO Delaware Chapter                              Remax Horizons                                    Positive Outcomes Charter School
William V. Sipple & Son, Inc.                     Painting                                            The Moving Experience                             The Elizabeth W. Murphey School, Inc.
                                                  CertaPro Painters of Delaware                       Walt Simpson Realty, LLC                          Smyrna School District
Mortgage Companies
Pike Creek Mortgage Services, Inc.*               PPG Paints                                          Real Estate Commercial & Residential              University of Delaware
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation          Sherwin-Williams – Smyrna                           The Emory Hill Companies                          Wesley College
First Home Mortgage                               Snow’s Painting Service, LLC                        The Rivera Group of Keller Williams Realty        Wilmington University
Keystone Funding                                  The Sherwin-Williams Company
                                                                                                      Recreational Vehicle Dealers                      Security Systems
Movement Mortgage                                 Pediatric Care                                                                                        ADT Commercial
                                                                                                      Parkview RV Center
Mortgage Loans                                    Growing Bones Pediatrics                                                                              Advantech Incorporated
Commercial & Residential                            & Neuromuscular Orthopaedic Institute             Recycling                                         Personal Protective Products
Embrace Home Loans                                                                                    Delaware Solid Waste Authority
                                                  Pest/Termite Control Services                                                                         Senior Centers
Meridian Bank Mortgage Center                     Diamond State Pest Control, LLC*                    Rental Equipment                                  Harvest Years Senior Center
Northpointe Bank                                  Activ Pest Solutions                                Diamond State Hot Tub Rentals                     Modern Maturity Center, Inc.
OnQ Financial                                     JEM Pest Solutions Inc.                             Diamond State Party Rental
Robin Miller, Miller Team – Guaranteed Rate                                                           Dover Tents & Events                              Senior Services
                                                  The Terminix International Company LP
                                                                                                                                                        Delaware Senior Medicare Patrol
Motivational & Self Improvement                   Pets – Services & Supplies                          Research                                          Harmony at Kent
Sherry T. Wilkins Hypnotherapy LLC                The Kritter Sitter, LLC*                            Mid Atlantic Scientific Service Inc               Retired & Senior Program of Kent County
Moving & Storage                                  Beaverdam Pet Food, Inc.                            Restaurants                                       Shoes
Berry Van Lines, Inc.                             Contingency K9 Training                             Auntie Anne’s Soft Pretzels                       Red Wing Shoes
Two Men And A Truck                               Fur Baby Pet Resort                                 Bangkok Thai Cuisine Corp
                                                  Super Cichlids                                      Benvenuto, LLC                                    Shopping Malls
Museums                                           Yarn & Bone Pet Supply                                                                                Dover Mall LLC
Air Mobility Command Museum                                                                           Brick Works Brewing & Eats
                                                  Yarn and Bone Pet Supply                            Buffalo Wild Wings/High 5 Hospitality, LLC
Biggs Museum of American Art                                                                                                                            Signs
Delaware Agriculture Museum                       Pharmacies                                          Capriotti’s of Dover, Inc.                        Kent Sign Co.
                                                  Dover Community Pharmacy                            Chaiyo Sushi & Thai Cuisines                      SBT Signs & Graphics
Musicians                                                                                             Chaiyo Sushi & Thai Cuisines – Camden
Delaware Charitable Music, Inc.                   Photographers                                       Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen                         Solid Waste Management
Delaware Choral Society                           C.M. Baker Photography                              Chick-fil-A of North Dover                        RPJ Waste Services, Inc.
Imagine                                           Eric Crossan Photography                            Cool Springs Fish Bar & Restaurant                Spa Services
                                                  Portrait Express                                    Elizabeth Esther Cafe
New Home Builders / Construction                                                                                                                        Sapp’s Massage
                                                  Physical Therapy                                    Grey Fox Grille                                   Staffing & Recruiting
C&M Custom Homes
                                                  Phoenix Physical Therapy                            Grotto Pizza – Dover                              People Ready
Newspapers & Magazines                                                                                Hall’s Family Restaurant                          Premier Staffing Solutions
Independent Newsmedia, Inc., USA*                 Physicians & Surgeons                               India Walk                                        Ready 4 Work
APG Media of Chesapeake                           Bright Future Pediatrics                            JP’s Wharf LTD
   (Adam’s Publications Group)                    First State Orthopaedics                            Kitty Knight LLC                                  State Agencies
Delaware Today Magazine                                                                               Monarcas Inc. La Hacienda                         Delaware DNREC
                                                  Plumbers & Plumbing Supplies                                                                          Delaware Dept. of Labor Div.
Dover Post Co.                                    C&N Services, LLC.                                  LongHorn Steakhouse
Kent County Women’s Journal                                                                           McDonald’s                                          of Vocational Rehabilitation
                                                  JDM No. 1 Plumbing, LLC
Morning Star Publications /                                                                           Mission BBQ                                       Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired
                                                  M&D Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Spec. Inc.
   The Business Report                                                                                Outback Steakhouse                                Delaware River & Bay Authority
Southern Delaware Explorer Magazine               Pole Building                                       Pats Select of Smyrna                             Delaware State Housing Authority
The Open Door                                     Diamond State Pole Buildings                        Pats Select Pizza                                 Steel Fabrication/Steel Structure
                                                                                                      Restaurant 55 / DDEGE Investments, LLC
Non-Profit Organization                           Pools & Hot Tubs                                                                                      MACFAB LLC
                                                                                                      Roma Italian Restaurant
AARP Delaware                                     Dover Pools
                                                                                                      Roma Pizza                                        Sunrooms
Absolutely Flawless Women Inc                     Sparkle Pools Inc. – Dover
                                                                                                      Sambo’s Tavern                                    Quality Builders Inc.
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