The Bilateral Ovariectomy in a Female Animal Exacerbates the Pathogenesis of an Intracranial Aneurysm - MDPI

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The Bilateral Ovariectomy in a Female Animal Exacerbates the Pathogenesis of an Intracranial Aneurysm - MDPI
The Bilateral Ovariectomy in a Female Animal
Exacerbates the Pathogenesis of an
Intracranial Aneurysm
Mieko Oka 1,2,3 , Isao Ono 1,2,4 , Kampei Shimizu 1,2,4 , Mika Kushamae 1,2,5 ,
Haruka Miyata 1,2,6 , Takakazu Kawamata 3 and Tomohiro Aoki 1,2, *
 1    Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Research Institute, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center,
      Osaka 564-8565, Japan; (M.O.); (I.O.); (K.S.); (M.K.); (H.M.)
 2    Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) from Japan Agency for Medical Research
      and Development (AMED), National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Osaka 564-8565, Japan
 3    Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo 162-8666, Japan;
 4    Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo 606-8507, Japan
 5    Department of Neurosurgery, Showa University, Tokyo 142-8666, Japan
 6    Department of Neurosurgery, Shiga University of Medical Science, Shiga 520-2192, Japan
 *    Correspondence:; Tel.: +81-6-6170-1070 (ext. 31022)
 Received: 24 April 2020; Accepted: 28 May 2020; Published: 31 May 2020                             

 Abstract: Considering the poor outcome of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to the rupture
 of intracranial aneurysms (IA), mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of IAs, especially the
 rupture of lesions, should be clarified. In the present study, a rat model of IAs in which induced
 lesions spontaneously ruptured resulting in SAH was used. In this model, the combination of the
 female sex and the bilateral ovariectomy increased the incidence of SAH, similar to epidemiological
 evidence in human cases. Importantly, unruptured IA lesions induced in female animals with
 bilateral ovariectomy were histopathologically similar to ruptured ones in the presence of vasa
 vasorum and the accumulation of abundant inflammatory cells, suggesting the exacerbation of the
 disease. The post-stenotic dilatation of the carotid artery was disturbed by the bilateral ovariectomy in
 female rats, which was restored by hormone replacement therapy. The in vivo study thus suggested
 the protective effect of estrogen from the ovary on endothelial cells loaded by wall shear stress.
 β-estradiol or dihydrotestosterone also suppressed the lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of
 pro-inflammatory genes in cultured macrophages and neutrophils. The results of the present study
 have thus provided new insights about the process regulating the progression of the disease.

 Keywords: intracranial aneurysm; subarachnoid hemorrhage; estrogen; female; endothelial
 cell; macrophage

1. Introduction
     Considering the devastating outcome of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) due to the rupture
of an intracranial aneurysm (IA) [1,2], the development of a novel therapeutic strategy to prevent
the rupture of IAs is mandatory for social health. Mechanisms underlying the rupture of lesions
should, therefore, be clarified. Thus, we attempted to find a cue from well-established epidemiological
evidence. Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated a higher incidence of SAH in older
females or postmenopausal females [3–8]. Based on the necessity of clarifying underlying mechanisms

Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 335; doi:10.3390/brainsci10060335                
The Bilateral Ovariectomy in a Female Animal Exacerbates the Pathogenesis of an Intracranial Aneurysm - MDPI
Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 335                                                                          2 of 11

of the rupture of IAs, we examined whether sex difference is indeed present, and if present, why, using
the already-established animal model of IAs [9].

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. IA Models of Rats and Histological Analysis of Induced IA
     All of the following experiments, including animal care and use, complied with the National
Institute of Health’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and complied with the
National Institute of Health’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved
by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular
Center (Approved number; #18010 and #19036). The present manuscript also adheres to the ARRIVE
(Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines for reporting animal experiments.
     Ten-week-old male or female Sprague−Dawley (SD) rats were purchased from Japan SLC (Slc:SD,
Shizuoka, Japan) (n = 62 in total). Animals were maintained on a 12-h light/dark cycle, and had free
access to feed and water. To induce IAs, the rats were subjected to ligation of the left carotid artery,
the right external carotid artery and the right pterygopalatine artery, and systemic hypertension by
the combination of a high salt diet and the ligation of the left renal artery under general anesthesia
by the intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg, Somnopentyl, Kyoritsuseiyaku
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and the inhalation of Isoflurane (1.5%–2%, #IYESC-0001, Pfizer Inc.,
New York, NY). In some female rats, the bilateral ovariectomy was also applied [9]. Immediately
after the above surgical manipulations, animals were fed chow containing 8% sodium chloride and
0.12% 3-aminopropionitrile (#A0408, Tokyo Chemical Industry, Tokyo, Japan), an irreversible inhibitor
of lysyl oxidase catalyzing the cross-linking of collagen and elastin. Animals that died within one
week after the above surgical manipulations were excluded from the analyses. At 16 weeks after the
surgical manipulations, blood pressure was measured by a tail-cuff method without any anesthesia
and was calculated as an average of three measurements. Animals were then deeply anesthetized
by an intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium (200 mg/kg), and transcardially perfused
with 4% paraformaldehyde solution. The circle of Willis was then stripped from the brain surface
and an IA lesion induced at the anterior communicating artery or the posterior communicating
artery was dissected as a ruptured or unruptured lesion, according to the macroscopic observation
of whether the clot or hemosiderin deposition was present around IA lesions. Here, ruptured
IAs were exclusively induced at these sites examined in the model [9]. All the dead animals after
at least one week of surgical manipulations were autopsied to examine the onset of SAH due to
rupture of induced IAs. Histopathological examination was done after Elastica van Gieson, which
visualizes the internal elastic lamina using 5-um-thick frozen sections. The size of induced lesions was
analyzed using the slices with the maximum area selected from serial sections using ImageJ software

2.2. Immunohistochemistry
     At the indicated period after the aneurysm induction, 5-µm-thick frozen sections were prepared.
After blocking with 3% donkey serum (#AB_2337258, Jackson ImmunoResearch, Baltimore, MD, USA),
slices were incubated with primary antibodies, followed by incubation with secondary antibodies
conjugated with a fluorescence dye (Jackson ImmunoResearch). Finally, fluorescent images were
acquired using a confocal fluorescence microscope system (FV1000 or FV3000, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan).
     The following primary antibodies were used: mouse monoclonal anti-CD68 antibody (#ab31630,
Abcam, Cambridge, UK), rabbit polyclonal anti-myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibody (#ab9535, Abcam),
rabbit polyclonal anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha antibody (#ab6671, Abcam), mouse monoclonal
anti-smooth muscle α-actin (SMA) antibody (#M0851, Dako, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA).
     The following secondary antibodies were used; Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated donkey anti-mouse
IgG H&L antibody (#A21202, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated
Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 335                                                                         3 of 11

donkey anti-rabbit IgG H&L antibody (#A21206, Thermo Fisher Scientific), Alexa Fluor 594-conjugated
donkey anti-mouse IgG H&L antibody (#A21203, Thermo Fisher Scientific).

2.3. Stenosis Model of the Carotid Artery of a Rat
     Female rats underwent a bilateral ovariectomy and sham operation, and were then maintained for
7 days before subjecting to the model. The left common carotid artery of rats was then ligated using a
10-0 nylon thread with 25 gauge needle put on the side of the artery and stenosis was established by
removing only the needle [10,11]. The post-stenotic dilatation of the carotid artery was observed for
30 min after ligation.

2.4. Hormone Replacement Therapy
     Estradiol valerate (1 mg/kg, #224136400 Pelanin Depot, Mochida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
Tokyo, Japan) was intramuscularly injected every 7 days in a female rat that underwent the
bilateral ovariectomy.

2.5. Cell Line and Culture
    RAW264.7 cell line (#TIB-71), used as a macrophage, and HL-60 cell line (#CCL-240), used as a
neutrophil, were purchased from ATCC (Manassas, VA, USA) and maintained in Dulbecco’s Modified
Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) (#044-32955, FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation, Osaka, Japan)
supplemented with 10% or 20% fetal bovine serum (#FB-1365/500, Biosera, Nuaille, France), respectively.

2.6. Quantitative Real Time (RT)-PCR Analysis in Cultured Cells
     RAW264.7 cells or HL-60 cells were pre-treated with β-estradiol (E2, 50 µg/mL, #E0025, Tokyo
Chemical Industry) or 5α-Dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 50 µg/mL, #A0462, Tokyo Chemical Industry)
for 24 h or 3 h, respectively. Cells were then stimulated with vehicle (Veh), LPS (1 µg/mL, #L2654,
Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) or TNF-α (100 ng/mL, R&D SYSTEMS, Minneapolis, MN, USA)
for additional 60 min.
     Total RNA was purified from stimulated cells and reverse-transcribed using a RNeasy Mini Kit
(#74106, QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) and a High-capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (#4368813,
Life Technologies Corporation, Carlsbad, CA, USA), according to the manufacturers’ instructions. For
quantification of gene expression, quantitative RT-PCR was performed on a LightCycler 480 (Roche,
Indianapolis, IN, USA) with a TB Green Premix Ex Taq II (#RR820, TAKARA BIO INC., Shiga, Japan).
Expression of Actb (a gene coding β-actin) in experiments using the RAW264.7 cell line, or ACTB in
experiments using the HL-60 cell line, were used as internal controls. For quantitation, the second
derivative maximum method was used for determining the crossing point.
     Primer sets used are listed as follows: forward 50 -CACCTCAGGGAAGAATCTGG-30 and reverse
and         reverse      50 -CTTCCTGGGAAACAACAGTGG-30                 for      Il1b;        forward
(a gene encoding cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)); forward 50 -GCACAGACCTCTCTCTTGAGC-30
and reverse 50 -ACCTGCTGCTGCTACTCATTCACC-30 for Ccl2 (a gene encoding
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)); 50 -ACGACCAGAGGCATACAGGGA-30 and
and          reverse      50 -ATTCAGCACAGGACTCTCTGG-30                 for       IL1B;      forward

for     CCL2         and      forward      50 -CATACTCCTGCTTGCTGATCC-30              and     reverse
Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 335                                                                          4 of 11

2.7. Statistical Analysis
    Data are shown as the mean ± SEM. Statistical comparisons between two or more groups
were conducted using a Welch’s t-test or the Tukey-Kramer method, respectively, with JMP Pro 14
(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). A p value less than 0.05 was defined as statistically significant.

3. Results

3.1. Highest Incidence of SAH in Female Rats with the Bilateral Ovariectomy
     In reference to established epidemiological evidence, the risk of SAH is higher in postmenopausal
or older females than in males and in females before menopause [3–8], we first examined whether the
sex difference in the incidence of SAH could be reproduced or not in a rat model of IAs [9] as in human
cases, to escape many uncontrollable confounding factors. Rats were subjected to an IA model and the
incidence of IA lesions at the anterior or the posterior communicating artery complex and the onset of
SAH due to rupture of IA lesions at each site were examined.
     In male rats, 15 among 18 animals (83.3%) developed IAs at the anterior or the posterior
communicating artery and 3 of these animals had multiple lesions at both artery complex. SAH
occurred in 5 among 18 rats or IA lesions (27.8%) during the observation period of 16 weeks after the
induction (Figure 1a–c). In female rats without the bilateral ovariectomy, 9 among 17 animals (52.9%)
developed IAs at the anterior or the posterior communicating artery and one of these animals had
multiple lesions. SAH occurred in 1 among 17 rats (5.9%) or 10 lesions (10.0%) in total in this group
(Figure 1a–c). In female rats with bilateral ovariectomy, 9 among 14 animals (64.3%) developed IAs at
the anterior or the posterior communicating artery and 1 of these animals had multiple lesions. SAH
occurred in 8 among 14 rats (57.1%) or 10 lesions (80.0%) in total in this group (Figure 1a–c). Although
the difference in sex or the implementation of ovariectomy did not influence the development of
IAs, the combination of these two factors significantly facilitated the rupture of induced IAs in a rat
model. The incidence of SAH per induced IA lesions was thus the highest in female rats with bilateral
ovariectomy in spite of the significantly lower systolic blood pressure in female rats than in male rats
(Figure 1).

3.2. Exacerbation of the IA Pathology in Female Rats with the Bilateral Ovariectomy
     To explore mechanisms underlying the effect of sex difference or the implementation of ovariectomy
in female animals on the onset of SAH, the histopathological examinations of induced IA lesions
were done. The size of induced IAs was significantly larger in female rats with bilateral ovariectomy
than that in other groups (Figure 2a,b). Most IA lesions induced in female animals with bilateral
ovariectomy ruptured, resulting in SAH (Figure 1). Intriguingly, the remaining unruptured lesions
induced were apparently bigger than the ones induced in female animals without the ovariectomy or in
male animals (Figure 2a). Immunohistochemical analyses revealed the accumulation of MPO-positive
neutrophils and CD68-positive macrophages in arterial walls of the lesions, even in unruptured
IA lesions specifically from female animals with bilateral ovariectomy, similarly to ruptured ones
(Figure 2c). Such an accumulation of inflammatory cells was only limited in unruptured IA lesions
from male animals or female animals without ovariectomy (Figure 2c). Consistently, expression
of pro-inflammatory factor TNF-α, which is related with the pathogenesis [12–14], was higher in
unruptured lesions from female animals with bilateral ovariectomy than that in male animals or female
animals without ovariectomy (Figure 2d). In addition, expression of TNF-α in unruptured lesions
from female animals with bilateral ovariectomy was similar to that in ruptured lesions (Figure 2d).
In addition, the presence of vasa vasorum with SMA-positive media, which we identified as a
histopathological characteristic of ruptured IA lesions [9], could be detected even in unruptured
lesions only from female animals with the bilateral ovariectomy, and not in female animals without
ovariectomy or male animals (Figure 2e). The unruptured IA lesion induced in female animals with
Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 335                                                                                                                  5 of 11

the bilateral ovariectomy thus resembles ruptured lesions. In other words, the bilateral ovariectomy in
 Brain Sci.animals
            2020, 10, promotes
                      x FOR PEERevents
                                 REVIEWunderlying rupture of the lesions.                          5 of 11

        Figure 1.1. The
      Figure         The incidence
                           incidence of  of intracranial
                                              intracranial aneurysms,
                                                              aneurysms, the    the cumulative
                                                                                      cumulative incidence
                                                                                                       incidence of   of subarachnoid
        hemorrhageand   andthethe
                               rate rate
                                     of rupture     of induced
                                           of rupture             lesions. To
                                                            of induced           induce To
                                                                              lesions.    intracranial
                                                                                               induce aneurysms,
      male   (n =  18) or female   Sprague−Dawley          rats  (n  =  31) were    subjected    to  the
        10-week-old male (n = 18) or female Sprague−Dawley rats (n = 31) were subjected to the ligation   ligation   of  the left  carotidof
      artery,  thecarotid
        the left   right external
                           artery, carotid
                                     the right artery  and the
                                                  external       right pterygopalatine
                                                             carotid     artery and the right artery,pterygopalatine
                                                                                                        and systemic hypertension
                                                                                                                             artery, and
      by   the combination
        systemic   hypertensionof aby high
                                        the salt  diet and the
                                             combination      of aligation
                                                                     high saltofdiet
                                                                                        left the
                                                                                             renal    artery.ofInthe
                                                                                                   ligation         some    female
                                                                                                                       left renal     rats
            14), the  bilateral
                  female  rats (novariectomy        was also
                                   = 14), the bilateral         applied. was
                                                           ovariectomy       Animals      were maintained
                                                                                   also applied.     Animals were  for 120    days after
                                                                                                                          maintained    for
      surgical   manipulations.       The   incidence     of intracranial      aneurysms      (a),   the
        120 days after surgical manipulations. The incidence of intracranial aneurysms (a), the cumulative cumulative      incidence    of
      subarachnoid     hemorrhage      (SAH)    (b), the rate  of  rupture   of  induced   lesions
        incidence of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) (b), the rate of rupture of induced lesions (c) or (c)  or systolic   blood  pressure
      (sBP)   (d) blood
        systolic  in each  group; male
                         pressure    (sBP) rats,
                                             (d) infemale   rats without
                                                     each group;             ovariectomy
                                                                       male rats,   female rats(female)
                                                                                                    without  or ovariectomy
                                                                                                                female rats with       the
        or female ovariectomy
                    rats with the (ovariectomized),       are shown.
                                      bilateral ovariectomy                Bars in (d) indicate
                                                                    (ovariectomized),      are shown.        Bars ±
                                                                                                      the mean      inSEM.    Statistical
                                                                                                                        (d) indicate    the
      analysis   was   done  by  the  Tukey-Kramer        method      in (c,d).  * p < 0.05,  **  p <  0.01,  ***
        mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis was done by the Tukey-Kramer method in (c,d). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01,   p  <  0.001.
       *** p < 0.001.
3.3. Disturbance in Endothelial Function by the Bilateral Ovariectomy in Female Rats
 3.2. Exacerbation of the IAabout
      A series of studies    Pathology in Female
                                  IAs has        Ratsthe
                                           clarified  with the Bilateral Ovariectomy
                                                         involvement     of macrophage-mediated chronic
inflammatory responses in the pathogenesis of the disease and also the potential contribution of
       To explore mechanisms underlying the effect of sex difference or the implementation of
wall shear stress to this process [15–20]. To explore mechanisms regulating ovariectomy-mediated
 ovariectomy in female animals on the onset of SAH, the histopathological examinations of induced
facilitation of rupture of lesions, we examined the effect of the bilateral ovariectomy on endothelial
 IA lesions were done. The size of induced IAs was significantly larger in female rats with bilateral
cell function by using the stenosis model of the carotid artery in which the post-stenotic dilatation
 ovariectomy than that in other groups (Figure 2a,b). Most IA lesions induced in female animals with
occurs in response to increased wall shear stress-loading [10,11]. In female rats without ovariectomy,
 bilateral ovariectomy ruptured, resulting in SAH (Figure 1). Intriguingly, the remaining unruptured
the post-stenotic dilatation of the carotid artery could be observed at 30 min after the partial ligation,
 lesions induced were apparently bigger than the ones induced in female animals without the
as expected (Figure 3a). However, in female animals with the bilateral ovariectomy, the post-stenotic
 ovariectomy or in male animals (Figure 2a). Immunohistochemical analyses revealed the
dilatation was partially but significantly restricted (Figure 3a). Importantly, hormone replacement
 accumulation of MPO-positive neutrophils and CD68-positive macrophages in arterial walls of the
therapy by Estradiol valerate restored ovariectomy-induced restriction of post-stenotic dilatation
 lesions, even in unruptured IA lesions specifically from female animals with bilateral ovariectomy,
(Figure 3b). The bilateral ovariectomy thus disturbed endothelial cell function.
 similarly to ruptured ones (Figure 2c). Such an accumulation of inflammatory cells was only limited
 in unruptured IA lesions from male animals or female animals without ovariectomy (Figure 2c).
 Consistently, expression of pro-inflammatory factor TNF-α, which is related with the pathogenesis
 [12–14], was higher in unruptured lesions from female animals with bilateral ovariectomy than that
 in male animals or female animals without ovariectomy (Figure 2d). In addition, expression of
 TNF-α in unruptured lesions from female animals with bilateral ovariectomy was similar to that in
 ruptured lesions (Figure 2d). In addition, the presence of vasa vasorum with SMA-positive media,
which we identified as a histopathological characteristic of ruptured IA lesions [9], could be detected
 even in unruptured lesions only from female animals with the bilateral ovariectomy, and not in
 female animals without ovariectomy or male animals (Figure 2e). The unruptured IA lesion induced
 in female
Brain Sci. 2020,animals
                 10, 335 with the bilateral ovariectomy thus resembles ruptured lesions. In other words,
                                                                                                  6 of 11
 the bilateral ovariectomy in female animals promotes events underlying rupture of the lesions.

    Figure        Theexacerbation
                       exacerbationofofthe    thepathology
    ovariectomy.       Ten-week-oldfemale   femaleSprague−Dawley
                                                      Sprague−Dawleyrats      ratswere
                                                                                                                aneurysmmodel.model.At  At
    120     daysafter
      macroscopicimageimage ofofinduced
                                   induced   lesions   (a) (a)
                                                 lesions   andandtheir  sizesize
                                                                     their   (b) in
                                                                                  (b)each   group;
                                                                                       in each       malemale
                                                                                                  group;   rats (n  = 18),
                                                                                                                  rats  (n =female   rats
                                                                                                                             18), female
    without     ovariectomy     (female,      n =  10)  or  female    rats with   the  bilateral
      rats without ovariectomy (female, n = 10) or female rats with the bilateral ovariectomy      ovariectomy      (ovariectomized,
       = 10). Bar, 1.0 mm
    n(ovariectomized,       n =(a).
                                  10). The
                                                1.0 mm arrows     and white
                                                            (a). The    the black
                                                                               arrowsonesand in (a)
                                                                                                     black onesthe in
                                                                                                                        (a) indicate and
    the   ruptured lesions,
      unruptured     and therespectively.
                                 ruptured lesions,  Bars in   (b) indicate Bars
                                                           respectively.           in (b)±indicate
                                                                             the mean         SEM. Statistical
                                                                                                       the mean   analysis
                                                                                                                     ± SEM.was     done
    by   the Tukey–Kramer
      analysis   was done by method.            ***; p < 0.001.
                                   the Tukey–Kramer                 (c,d) ***;
                                                               method.     showp
occurs in response to increased wall shear stress-loading [10,11]. In female rats without ovariectomy,
the post-stenotic dilatation of the carotid artery could be observed at 30 min after the partial ligation,
as expected (Figure 3a). However, in female animals with the bilateral ovariectomy, the post-stenotic
dilatation was partially but significantly restricted (Figure 3a). Importantly, hormone replacement
Brain       by 10,
      Sci. 2020, Estradiol
                   335     valerate restored ovariectomy-induced restriction of post-stenotic dilatation
                                                                                                    7 of 11
(Figure 3b). The bilateral ovariectomy thus disturbed endothelial cell function.

     Figure 3. The Thedisturbance
                         disturbance  of of
                                              post-stenoticdilatation   by the
                                                               dilatation    by thebilateral  ovariectomy
                                                                                        bilateral   ovariectomy in female     rats.
                                                                                                                       in female
     rats.           female
            10-week-old        Sprague−Dawley
                            female   Sprague−Dawley    rats rats
                                                                         subjected  to to
                                                                                                            ovariectomy or    or a
     sham-operation. On
     sham-operation.     Onthethe7th7th
                                     day,day,   animals
                                           animals          underwent
                                                      underwent            the carotid
                                                                   the carotid    ligationligation    and the post-stenotic
                                                                                            and the post-stenotic       dilatation
     was        was for
           observed   observed    for following
                          following    30 min (a). 30Inmin.
                                                         someIn some   animals,
                                                                animals,    hormone hormone    replacement
                                                                                         replacement            therapy
                                                                                                          therapy    (HRT)  (HRT)
     was applied
     applied  after after  the bilateral
                    the bilateral          ovariectomy
                                    ovariectomy             (b). Representative
                                                     (b). Representative              macroscopic
                                                                             macroscopic       images  images
                                                                                                         of the of   the carotid
                                                                                                                  carotid   artery
     artery (pre)
     before  beforeand
                     (pre)  and after
                        30 min    30 mintheafter   the (30
                                             ligation   ligation  (30 shown.
                                                            min) are  min) areThe   shown.    Theof
                                                                                       diameter      diameter
                                                                                                       the carotidof the   carotid
                                                                                                                      artery  was
     artery wasbefore
     calculated   calculated
                         (pre), before   (pre),
                                just after       justand
                                            (0 min)    after
                                                                          the30    min after
                                                                              ligation          the ligation
                                                                                          (30 min).              (30 min).
                                                                                                      Bars indicate           Bars
                                                                                                                        the mean
     ± SEM (nthe
     indicate   = 4). Statistical
                   mean   ± SEM analysis      was doneanalysis
                                   (n = 4). Statistical    by a Welch’s   t***;
                                                                   was done             p < 0.001.
                                                                                     a Welch’s    t test. ***; p < 0.001.

3.4. Suppressive Effect of Sex Hormone on Inflammatory Responses in Macrophages and Neutrophils
      Further, we examined the effect of the sex hormone, E2 (the hormone from the ovary) or DHT
(the hormone from the testis), on inflammatory responses by cultured macrophages (RAW264.7
cell line) or neutrophils (HL-60 cell line). In RAW264.7 cells, although LPS-induced expressions of
pro-inflammatory genes are related with pathogenesis, Tnf (TNF-α) [12–14], Il1b (IL-1β) [21], Ptgs2
(COX-2) [22] or Ccl2 (MCP-1) [20,23]—even with the pre-treatment by E2, the addition of E2 could
significantly suppress expressions of all of these genes compared with those in the vehicle-treated
cells (Figure 4a). The pre-treatment with DHT significantly suppressed expression of Ccl2 among four
genes examined (Figure 4a). In HL-60 cells, the pre-treatment of E2 or DHT suppressed LPS-induced
expression of pro-inflammatory genes (Figure 4b) in RAW264.7 cells. The suppressive effect of E2 was
stronger than that of DHT as well (Figure 4b). Consistently, expression of TNF-α was higher in lesions
(COX-2) [22] or Ccl2 (MCP-1) [20,23]—even with the pre-treatment by E2, the addition of E2 could
 significantly suppress expressions of all of these genes compared with those in the vehicle-treated
 cells (Figure 4a). The pre-treatment with DHT significantly suppressed expression of Ccl2 among
 four genes examined (Figure 4a). In HL-60 cells, the pre-treatment of E2 or DHT suppressed
Brain Sci. 2020, 10,expression
                     335         of pro-inflammatory genes (Figure 4b) in RAW264.7 cells. The suppressive    8 of 11
 effect of E2 was stronger than that of DHT as well (Figure 4b). Consistently, expression of TNF-α
 was higher in lesions from female animals with bilateral ovariectomy than that in male animals or
 femalefemale     animals
            animals         with bilateral
                        without            ovariectomy
                                 ovariectomy   (Figure than    that in
                                                         2d). The      male animals
                                                                     results          or vitro
                                                                              of the in  female  animals
                                                                                               study      without
                                                                                                      suggest    the
ovariectomy        (Figure  2d).  The results of the  in vitro study  suggest   the suppressive
 suppressive effect of the sex hormone on the inflammatory responses in lesions promotes         effect of the sex
 pathology.  on   the  inflammatory   responses  in lesions  promotes   the  pathology.

     Figure         Suppressive     effect
                                 effect     of sex
                                        of the  the hormone
                                                     sex hormone     on expressions
                                                               on expressions            of pro-inflammatory
                                                                                of pro-inflammatory       genes in genes
      cultured     macrophages       or  neutrophils.    RAW264.7     cells  or  HL-60     cells  were
     macrophages or neutrophils. RAW264.7 cells (a) or HL-60 cells (b) were pre-treated with β-estradiol  pre-treated     with
     (E2, 50 µg/mL)  (E2,
                        or50  µ g/mL) or 5α-dihydrotestosterone
                            5α-dihydrotestosterone                    (DHT,
                                                        (DHT, 50 µg/mL)        50 hµ or
                                                                          for 24     g/mL)   for 24 h or 3 Cells
                                                                                        3 h, respectively.   h, respectively.
                                                                                                                   were then
      Cells  were   then   stimulated   with   vehicle  (Veh), LPS  (dose)  or TNF-α    (dose)   for
     stimulated with vehicle (Veh), LPS (dose) or TNF-α (dose) for an additional 60 min. Expressions an additional     60 min.
      Expressions      of  pro-inflammatory       genes   were  examined     by  quantitative
     pro-inflammatory genes were examined by quantitative RT-PCR analyses. Bars indicate the mean RT-PCR     analyses.    Bars±
     SEM    (n =the
                 4). mean     ± SEM
                      Statistical    (n = 4).was
                                  analysis    Statistical
                                                   done byanalysis  was done by
                                                            a Tukey-Kramer         a Tukey-Kramer
                                                                               method.                  method.
                                                                                           *; p < 0.05, **;        *; p***;
                                                                                                            p < 0.01,   < 0.05,
      **; p
Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 335                                                                                        9 of 11

by bilateral ovariectomy, which could be ameliorated by hormone replacement therapy [25,26]. In this
report, similar to the present study, the protective role of estrogen in endothelial cell function has been
indicated [26]. Furthermore, in human cases, the protective effect of hormone replacement therapy to
compensate for the defect in functions of the ovary on the onset of SAH was reported [4,27], suggesting
the clinical relevance of the present study. Hormone replacement therapy has adverse effects, such
as the increased risk of breast cancer, ischemic stroke and ischemic heart disease, which makes the
application of this therapy for the treatment of IAs in post-menopausal women controversial. However,
the present study has provided experimental evidence for the potential of hormone replacement
therapy as an option of treatment to prevent the onset of SAH in post-menopausal women.
     Recent experimental studies mainly using an animal model of IAs [28,29] have clarified the
involvement of chronic inflammatory responses in the process regulating the initiation, progression
or rupture of IAs [15,16,18,30,31]. Additionally, hemodynamic force, especially wall shear stress,
is considered a mediator of IA formation and progression, mainly through a series of studies by
computational fluid dynamics analyses [17,32]. In the present study, we clarified the suppressive effect
of E2 or DHT on expressions of pro-inflammatory factors in cultured macrophages and neutrophils
(Figure 4). Additionally, the combination of female sex with bilateral ovariectomy exacerbated
inflammatory cells like macrophages or neutrophils in lesions (Figure 2). Here, the in vitro finding
that the suppressive effect of E2 was stronger than that of DHT may be responsible for the highest
incidence of rupture in female animals with bilateral ovariectomy. Furthermore, in the stenosis model,
the bilateral ovariectomy in female animals disturbed the high wall shear stress-induced post-stenotic
dilatation of the carotid artery (Figure 3), suggesting the malfunction of endothelial cells. Intriguingly,
the results of the present study have implied the role of the maladaptation of endothelial cells to shear
stress-loading at the bifurcation sites as a trigger of molecular events, leading to the progression and
rupture of the lesions. The ovariectomy in female animals, therefore, facilitates the pathogenesis of IAs
in multiple steps by influencing the functions of endothelial cells and inflammatory cells.

5. Conclusions
      To explore mechanisms regulating rupture of IAs, we have used a rat model and revealed the
facilitation of the progression or rupture of the lesions by the combination of the female sex and the
bilateral ovariectomy. Furthermore, we have clarified the point of actions of sex hormone as endothelial
cells and inflammatory cells to inhibit the progression of the pathogenesis. The results of the present
study have thus provided new insights about mechanisms regulating the progression of the disease.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.O. and T.A.; data curation, T.A.; formal analysis, M.O.; funding
acquisition, T.A.; investigation, M.O., I.O., K.S., M.K., H.M. and T.A.; methodology, M.O., I.O., K.S., M.K. and
H.M.; project administration, T.A.; resources, T.A.; software, M.O.; supervision, T.K.; validation, M.O., I.O., K.S.,
M.K. and H.M.; writing—original draft, M.O. and T.A.; writing—review and editing, T.A. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) on
Mechanobiology from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), grant number
JP18gm0810006 and JP19gm0810006.
Conflicts of Interest: M.K. was supported by CREST on Mechanobiology from AMED, grant number
JP18gm0810006 and JP19gm0810006, until 31 March, 2020. The other authors declare that they have no known
competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in
this paper. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data;
in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.

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