Page created by Marilyn Lambert
HEALTHY LIFESTYLES                            Fitness – Kickboxing/Fitness                         2D Art
                                                     Semester – 1040                                      Semester – 2102
Health Education                                     Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      Grade: 8
Semester – 1000                                      *Fee: $10.00                                         *Lab Fee: $15.00
Grade: 8 – Required                                  Kickboxing is a non-contact, martial arts-based      Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
                                                     aerobic workout. Other aerobic workouts will
Students will develop skills needed to improve                                                            Foundations 1
                                                     be introduced (circuit training, weights, and
their quality of life. They will study problem                                                            This class continues the development of skills
solving and coping skills; stages of growth and      plyometrics).
                                                                                                          and concepts introduced in Art Foundations 1.
development and maturation; positive healthy                                                              The different drawing methods will continue to
lifestyles; high risk lifestyles; disease                                                                 be emphasized (freehand, mechanical, grids,
prevention; sex respect values; emergency                                DANCE
                                                                                                          imagination, and still-life), with an introduction
procedures and first aid care.
                                                     Polynesian Dance I                                   to painting, including watercolor and acrylics.
PE 7                                                 Semester – 1041
Semester – 1020                                      Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      3D Art
Grade: 7                                             *Fee: $10.00                                         Semester – 2104
Students learn to develop positive attitudes         The intent of this course is to give students        Grade: 8
regarding physical activity and healthy              awareness and reverence for the physical             *Lab Fee: $15.00
lifestyles. They will improve flexibility,           body and its athletic, and expressive                Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
strength, agility, balance, speed and                capabilities. Students will experience these         Foundations 1
endurance. They will develop skills in               elements through the study of Polynesian             This class introduces the skills and
volleyball, basketball, soccer, flag football, and   styles of dance (Hawaiian, Tongan, Samoan,           craftsmanship of creating three-dimensional
other team sports.                                   Tahitian and Maori).                                 works of art. We use recycled material to
                                                                                                          create many of our projects. The primary focus
PE 8                                                 Polynesian Dance II                                  of this class will be to encourage students to
Semester – 1021                                      Semester – 1041                                      use problem solving skills and see the
Grade: 8                                             Grades: 8, 9                                         possibilities for creating works of art other
Students learn to develop positive attitudes         *Fee: $10.00                                         than using paper and pencil.
regarding physical activity and healthy              Prerequisite: Styles of Dance from 2021-22
lifestyles. They will improve flexibility,           or Polynesian Dance I                                Art Foundations 2
strength, agility, balance, speed and                The intent of this course is to give more in-        Semester – 2105
endurance. They will continue to develop skills      depth awareness and reverence for the                Grade: 9
in volleyball, basketball, soccer, flag football,    physical body and its athletic and expressive        *Lab Fee: $15.00
and other team sports.                               capabilities. Students will experience these         Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
                                                     elements through the study of advanced               Foundations 1
PE 9                                                 Polynesian styles of dance (Hawaiian, Tongan,        This class continues the development of skills
Semester – 1022                                      Samoan, Tahitian and Maori). this course is to       and concepts introduced in Art Foundations 1.
Grade: 9                                             give students awareness and reverence for            The different drawing methods will continue to
Students will develop skills and techniques in a     the physical body and its athletic, and              be emphasized (freehand, mechanical, grids,
variety of sports, games and fitness activities      expressive capabilities. Students will               imagination, and still-life), with an introduction
with an emphasis on individual sports.               experience these elements through the study
                                                                                                          to painting, including watercolor and acrylics.
Emphasis is also placed on leadership,               of Polynesian styles of dance (Hawaiian,
courtesy, respect, sportsmanship, and physical       Tongan, Samoan, Tahitian and Maori).
                                                                                                          Painting/Printmaking (ADV Art Found 2)
fitness.                                                                                                  Semester – 2106
                                                                                                          Grade: 9
Semester – 1040
                                                                     FINE ARTS                            *Lab Fee: $20.00
                                                                                                          Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
Grades: 8, 9                                                                                              Foundations 1 AND 2D Art
This course will introduce the basic postures,                   FINE ARTS VISUAL                         This class in an introduction to painting with
stretches,    breathing    techniques,    and                                                             watercolors and acrylics and beginning skills in
relaxation methods of yoga. Yoga seeks to            Art Foundations 1                                    printmaking. Painting includes wet media with
improve mental health through activities such        Semester – 2101                                      the process such as transparent and opaque
as meditation, progressive relaxation and            Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      painting with some focus on color. The
other stress management activities.                  *Lab Fee: $10.00                                     printmaking part of this class teaches how to
                                                     This class is designed as an introduction to the     make fine art prints using the studio process of
Fitness – Zumba/Dance                                Visual Arts with an emphasis on the different        relief, etching, stencil and mono printing. This
Semester – 1040                                      methods of drawing. Other topics include             course encourages students to create and
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      shading, color theory, and art history. This class   learn about composition and the steps to
*Fee: $10.00                                         is a prerequisite to the next level of art classes   completing a work of fine art.
This class utilizes fun exercise programs to         at the junior high level. Students must pass Art
increase fitness. Zumba uses easy steps and          Foundations 1 for “successful completion,”
high energy Latin and international music.           allowing advancement to the next-level art
Other dance styles will be introduced.               classes.
                                                                                                          *Subject to change according to DSD Fee
Ceramics                                                                  BAND                            Band Level 2 – Concert
Semester – 2112                                                                                           Full Year – 2210
Grade: 9                                             Beginning Band -- Brass                              Grades: 8, 9
*Lab Fee: $25.00                                     Full Year – 2204                                     Eligibility: Successful completion of Beginning
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art           Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      Band, or by audition
Foundations 2 OR 2D Art OR 3D Art                    This fun class provides beginning instruction on     Intermediate instruction on band instruments,
This class is an introduction to basic ceramic       trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone,            including saxophone, with emphasis on
art. This studio course teaches students how to      and tuba. No experience needed. Beginning            independent musicianship and music theory.
build pottery using the pinch, slab, and coil        Band performs at 2 concerts per year, plus a         This band performs at 2 school concerts, a field
techniques. All ware will be kiln-fired and          field trip performance at a neighboring junior       trip to local elementary schools, and at district
glazed. This course will challenge student’s         high. Students provide their own instrument          festival.
imaginations as well as their ability to create      and music book; some instruments are
                                                     available for rental from the district ($95/year);   Band Level 2 – Percussion
functioning and aesthetically pleasing works.
                                                     please reserve an instrument with Mr. Poulter        Full Year – 2213
                                                     before paying. 125 minutes of home practice          Grades: 8, 9
3D Design
                                                     is required each week. Additional information        Eligibility: Successful completion of Beginning
Semester – 2118
                                                     will be sent to those who register.                  Band Percussion, or by audition
Grade: 9
                                                                                                          *Fee: $95 Instrument Use
*Lab Fee: $15.00
                                                     Beginning Band – Woodwinds                           All percussionists who have successfully
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
                                                     Full Year – 2205                                     completed the Beginning Band/Percussion
Foundations 1
                                                     Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      class should register for this course. Continuing
This class introduces the skills and
                                                     This fun class provides beginning instruction on     instruction on drums, mallets, timpani,
craftsmanship of creating three-dimensional
                                                     flute, oboe, bassoon, and clarinet. (Students in     auxiliary percussion, drum set, and percussion
works of art. We use recycled material to
                                                     this class may audition to learn saxophone or        ensemble music. Students pay a $95 district
create many of our projects. The primary focus
                                                     bass clarinet during second semester). No            use fee to use school instruments. Joining with
of this class will be to encourage students to
                                                     experience is required.        Beginning Band        Concert Band, these students perform at 2
use problem solving skills and see the
                                                     performs at 2 concerts per year, plus a field trip   school concerts, a field trip to local elementary
possibilities for creating works of art other
                                                     performance at a neighboring junior high.            schools, and at district festival.
than using paper and pencil.
                                                     Students provide their own instrument and
                                                     music book; some instruments are available for       Band Level 3 – Symphonic
Commercial Art 1
                                                     rental from the district ($95/year); please          Full Year – 2220
Semester – 2123
                                                     reserve an instrument with Mr. Poulter before        Grades: 8, 9
Grade: 9
                                                     paying. 125 minutes of home practice is              Eligibility: Successful completion of
*Lab Fee: $15.00
                                                     required each week. Additional information           Intermediate Band, or by audition
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
                                                     will be sent to those who register.                  Advanced instruction on band instruments
Foundations 2 OR 2D Art
                                                                                                          with       emphasis       on    interdependent
This class is designed for those who are
                                                     Beginning Band – Percussion                          musicianship and composition. This course
interested and enthusiastic about art,                                                                    satisfies Fine Arts requirements for high school
                                                     Full Year – 2206
including those who are considering a career in                                                           graduation. This band performs at school
                                                     Grade: 7
the Visual Arts. Projects will be given in the                                                            concerts and assemblies, a field trip to local
                                                     *Fee: $65 Instrument Use
areas of drawing, painting, and illustration with    This fun class provides beginning instruction on     elementary schools, and at district and state
the purpose of developing skills for use in a        percussion instruments, including bells, snare       festivals. This band composes the soundtrack
career in art. Students will be able to use          drum, and timpani. Beginning Band performs           for a silent film.
pencil, colored pencil, ink, drawing, colored        at 2 concerts per year, plus a field trip
chalk and pastels, watercolor, acrylic, and oil                                                           Band Level 3 – Percussion
                                                     performance at a neighboring junior high.
paint.                                                                                                    Full Year – 2224
                                                     Percussion class is challenging and usually          Grade: 9
                                                     works best for students who have piano               Audition Only
        FINE ARTS PERFORMING                         experience (2+ years is recommended). Class          Prerequisite: Successful completion of
                                                     size is limited, and preference is given to          Intermediate Band Percussion, or by audition
Music Exploration                                    students who complete a percussion pretest           *Fee: $95 Instrument Use
Semester – 2316
                                                     and return registration materials promptly.          All percussionists who have successfully
Grade: 7
                                                     Students provide their own percussion kit, and       completed the Intermediate Band/ Percussion
*Lab fee: $3.00
                                                     book and pay a $65 District Instrument use fee       class should register for this course. Continuing
An introduction to music, including history,
                                                     to use school percussion instruments. 150            instruction on drums, mallets, timpani,
vocabulary, musical styles from around the
                                                     minutes of home practice is required each            auxiliary percussion, Latin percussion, drum set
world, and basic notation/music literacy. We
                                                     week. Additional information will be sent to         and percussion ensemble music. Students pay
will sing every day, and play instruments
(recorders), but only in a limited way-this is not   those who register.
a performing group.

                                                                                                          *Subject to change according to DSD Fee

a $95 district use fee to use school                  Choir 2 – Singers                                    2. A few cellos and basses are available for rent
instruments. Joining with Symphonic Band,             Semester or Full Year – 2307                         from the district on a first come first serve
these students perform at school concerts and         Grades: 8, 9                                         basis. This orchestra class performs three times
assemblies, a field trip to local elementary          *Fee: $15.00                                         throughout the school year.
schools, and at district and state festivals. They    Prerequisite: Choir Level 1 OR choir teacher
help compose the soundtrack for a silent film.        approval
                                                      Students will focus on musicianship and              Orchestra 2A
Band Level 3 – Jazz                                   performance techniques. Students will build          Full Year – 2407
Full Year – 2225                                      on skills developed in Choir Level 1, exploring      Grade: 8
Grades: 8, 9                                          more complex music ideas such as scales,             Prerequisite: Orchestra 1, or two-years
Prerequisite: By Audition Only                        triads, and arpeggios. Students will participate     playing experience
Focused, accelerated instruction in jazz styles       in singing a variety of choral music every class     This class emphasizes rhythm, intonation, and
and improvisation. Open by audition only to           day. This course can be taken for a full year or     broadening technique for the intermediate
students playing saxophone (doubling clarinet         one semester.                                        violin, viola, cello, or string bass student. At
or flute), trombone, trumpet, bass, piano, and                                                             least two years of previous orchestra
percussion. Guitarists are sometimes added            Choir 3 – Belle Voix                                 experience is encouraged. Students provide
but must play and read music at an                    Full Year – 2310                                     their own instrument and Essential Technique
intermediate level. Students must be                  Grades: 8, 9 (Girls)                                 Book 3. A few cellos and basses are available
concurrently enrolled in another large music          Audition Only                                        for rent from the district on a first come first
ensemble, preferably Symphonic Band (for              *Uniform Fee: $75.00                                 serve basis. This orchestra performs at school
bass players, Orchestra is the preferred              As an elite group of women, Belle Voix will          concerts, assemblies, and in district/state
concurrent class). Jazz Band meets daily at           perform to the highest standard in choral            festivals
7:00 am and is a “for-credit” class with an           music. Students will not only sing every class
Honors approach. Students learn to compose            period, but will also continue their education in    Orchestra 2B
& improvise music! This band performs at              music literacy, history, and sight-reading skills.   Full Year – 2408
school concerts and assemblies, in the                They will learn advanced vocal skills to prepare     Grade: 9
community, and at district and state festivals.                                                            Prerequisite: Orchestra 2, or three-years
                                                      them to compete in Solo/Ensemble Festival in
                                                                                                           playing experience
                                                      the spring. Students will be responsible for
                     CHOIR                                                                                 This advanced class is for students that have
                                                      purchasing a choir uniform at the beginning of       had at least three years of orchestral playing
                                                      the school year.                                     experience. Independent musicianship, music
Choir 1 – Men’s Choir (Tenor/Bass)
                                                                                                           theory, vocabulary, posture, and personal
Semester – 2305                                       Choir 3 – Concert Choir                              growth are emphasized in preparation for high
Grades: 7, 8, 9 (Boys)                                Full Year – 2310                                     school orchestra. Students provide their own
*Fee: $15.00                                          Grades: 8, 9                                         instrument and Essential Technique Book 3. A
Focusing on beginning basics for music literacy       Audition Only                                        few cellos and basses are available for rent
and singing techniques, men’s choir is a great        *Uniform Fee: $75.00                                 from the district on a first come first serve
way to get started in the Syracuse Jr. High           As a mixed choir of men and women, students          basis. This orchestra performs at school
music program. Students will learn proper
                                                      in this course will perform to the highest           concerts, assemblies, and in district/state
performance posture, rhythmic and melodic
                                                      standard in choral music. Students will not only     festivals.
literacy, intonation, sight-reading basics, and
                                                      sing every class period, but will also continue
technical vocal phonation. Students will
participate in singing a variety of choral music      their education in music literacy, history, and
                                                      sight-reading skills. They will learn advanced
every class day. This is a great class for students                                                                          THEATRE
of any grade to start building their musical          vocal skills to prepare them to compete in
vocabulary and understanding.                         Solo/Ensemble Festival, as well as District Choir
                                                                                                           Theatre 1
                                                      Festival in the spring. Students will be
                                                                                                           Semester – 2502
Choir 1 – Women’s Choir (Soprano/Alto)                responsible for purchasing a choir uniform at
                                                                                                           Grades: 7, 8, 9
Semester – 2304 (Girls)                               the beginning of the school year.                    This course will introduce skills in performance
Grades: 7, 8, 9
                                                                                                           and the study of drama. Students will also read,
*Fee: $15.00
                                                                                                           view, and analyze theatrical works. Each
Focusing on beginning basics for music literacy
and singing techniques, women’s choir is a                            ORCHESTRA                            student MUST perform throughout the
                                                                                                           semester. Topics include movement, voice,
great way to get started in the Syracuse Jr. High
                                                      Orchestra 1                                          script writing, script analysis, characterization,
music program. Students will learn proper
                                                      Full Year – 2405                                     rehearsal etiquette, and basic acting skills. This
performance posture, rhythmic and melodic
                                                      Grades: 7, 8                                         is an introductory acting course.
literacy, intonation, sight-reading basics, and
technical vocal phonation. Students will              This class is a continuation of material learned
participate in singing a variety of choral music      in 6th grade beginning orchestra (includes
every class day. This is a great class for students   violin, viola, cello, and bass). Exceptions may
of any grade to start building their musical          be arranged with the teacher on an individual
                                                      basis if the student did not participate in          *Subject to change according to DSD Fee
vocabulary and understanding.
                                                      elementary orchestra. Students provide their         Schedule
                                                      own instrument and Essential Elements Book

Theatre 2                                           that students are at grade level in English        This course not only continues the
Semester – 2503                                     Language Arts reading and writing.                 development of speaking, listening, reading,
Grades: 8, 9                                                                                           and writing skills but also culture, history, and
Prerequisite: Theatre 1                             Spanish 2                                          geography of Spanish speaking countries are
This course will continue to introduce skills in    Full Year – 3120                                   taught through reading selections. It leads to
performance and the study of drama by               Grades: 8, 9                                       the Spanish AP Language & Culture Course and
expanding upon skills learned in Theatre            Prerequisite: Spanish 1                            test.
1. Students will also read, view, and analyze       This course gives students the opportunity to
theatrical works. Topics include movement,          magnify their communication skills in Spanish.     DLI Spanish Culture & Media
script writing, dramatic structure and              Reading outside of class is required. Continued    Semester – 3135
elements, theatre history, Shakespeare and          emphasis will be given to listening, reading,      Grades: 7, 8
classical acting, script analysis, one-act plays,   speaking, and writing. Students will also be       Prerequisite: Spanish DLI students only
and improvisation. There is not an outside class    exposed to more Hispanic culture. Students         The Culture & Media course builds skills in
performance, but students may produce a one-        must achieve a novice-high proficiency level to    cultural-linguistic competencies necessary for
act play at the end of the semester. All work is    continue to level 3.                               successful communication with native
done in class, so attendance is critical.                                                              speakers. Students utilize media and authentic
                                                    Spanish 3                                          texts to learn about the diverse cultural
Musical Theatre                                     Full Year – 3182                                   products, practices, and perspectives of
Semester – 2508                                     Grade: 9 or Heritage Speakers                      countries. The topics and tasks for the 7th and
Grades: 8, 9                                        Prerequisite: Spanish 2                            8th grade years, along with careful support for
Prerequisite: Theatre I OR any Choir Course         This course is an opportunity for students to      students to reach proficiency targets, lead
*Fee: $30.00                                        increase their confidence in communicating         intentionally to the Spanish AP Language &
This class is designed to orient the student in     information and expressing ideas in Spanish.       Culture course content.
all aspects of theatre production with an           Students will also broaden their understanding
emphasis on performance. Students will learn        of grammar concepts and culture. Continued         Chinese 1
the skills of performance as well as production.    emphasis will be given to listening, reading,      Full Year – 3310
This class will produce and perform in a school     speaking, and writing. Reading, speaking and       Grades: 7, 8, 9
musical outside of class time. Students will be     listening practice outside of class time is        This is an introductory course in Chinese
required to audition for roles as part of the       required. Students must achieve an                 emphasizing listening comprehension, reading
class. These auditions will happen before the       intermediate-low proficiency level to continue     and writing in pinyin, and speaking. Students
class starts. Rehearsals will also be held          to level 4.                                        will learn how to communicate basic
outside of class, and the student will be                                                              information in Chinese. Chinese culture is also
required to attend.                                 Spanish 3 DLI Honors                               taught.
                                                    Full Year – 3132
Stage Craft                                         Grade: 7                                           Chinese 2
Semester – 2514                                     Prerequisite: 6th Grade Spanish DLI and            Full Year – 3320
Grades: 8, 9                                        heritage speakers                                  Grades: 8, 9
This class will offer classroom instruction, as     This course continues the development of           Prerequisite: Chinese 1
well as hands-on experience, in all aspects of      speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.   This course gives students the opportunity to
theatre production. Students will learn the         Narratives and dialogues are used to teach         magnify their communication skills in Chinese
basics of set design and construction, costume      structure and vocabulary. Culture and              by reviewing past material and adding new
design and construction, stage lighting, and        geography of the native country are taught         vocabulary. Students will also be exposed to
sound. Students will also have some                 through reading selections. Students must          more Chinese culture. It emphasizes listening
responsibility for proper maintenance of all        achieve an intermediate-mid proficiency level.     comprehension, speaking complete sentences,
backstage work and storage spaces. These                                                               and reading and writing in pinyin.
students may be asked to assist with school         Spanish 4 DLI Honors
plays, musicals, assemblies, and other              Full Year – 3142                                   Chinese 3
programs.                                           Grade: 8                                           Full Year – 3330
                                                    Prerequisite: Spanish 3 DLI Honors and             Grade: 9
                                                    heritage speakers                                  Prerequisite: Chinese 2
                                                    This course continues the development of           This course gives students the opportunity to
      WORLD LANGUAGES                               speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.   magnify their communication skills in Chinese
                                                    Narratives and dialogues are used to teach         by reviewing past material and adding new
Spanish 1                                           structure and vocabulary. Culture and              vocabulary.
Full Year – 3110                                    geography of the native country are taught         Students will also be exposed to more Chinese
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                     through reading selections. Students must          culture.      It     emphasizes       listening
This rigorous introductory course in Spanish        achieve an intermediate-high proficiency level.    comprehension, speaking complete sentences,
emphasizes listening, reading, speaking, and                                                           reading Chinese characters, and writing stories
writing. Students will learn how to                 Spanish 5 DLI Honors                               in pinyin.
communicate basic information in Spanish.           Full Year – 3152
Hispanic culture is also taught. Students must      Grade: 9
achieve a novice-mid proficiency level to           Prerequisite: Spanish 4 DLI Honors and             *Subject to change according to DSD Fee
continue to level 2. It is strongly recommended     heritage speakers                                  Schedule

Chinese 3 DLI Honors                               biographies, and novels in class and out of          continues the development of skills in reading,
Full Year – 3332                                   class.                                               writing, speaking, and listening. Writing is
Grade: 7                                                                                                emphasized while improving vocabulary and
Prerequisite: Immersion Students and/or a          English 7 Honors                                     research skills. Many standards will be graded
score of I1 on AAPPL test.                         Full Year – 4005                                     on the level of understanding shown in project-
This course continues the development of           Grade: 7                                             based assessments. Students in an honors
speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.   Honors courses are designed for college prep         course can expect increased reading and more
Narratives and dialogues are used to teach         or pre-AP classes students may take during           complex texts, less review and practice, and a
structure and vocabulary. Culture and              their high school years. The main emphasis is        higher work completion expectation
geography of the native country are taught         on reading and writing, both nonfiction and
through reading selections.                        fiction. The class also includes grammar,
                                                   spelling, plays, and public speaking. Students in
Chinese 4 DLI Honors                               an honors course can expect increased reading                  SOCIAL STUDIES
Full Year – 3342                                   and more complex texts, less review and
Grade: 8                                           practice, and a higher work completion               Utah Studies
Prerequisite: Chinese 3 DLI Honors                 expectation.                                         Semester – 4500
This course continues the development of                                                                Grade: 7
speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.   English 8                                            The introductory course for social studies in
Narratives and dialogues are used to teach         Full Year – 4030                                     Davis School District. Curricular content
structure and vocabulary. Culture and              Grade: 8                                             consists of key themes and concepts drawn
geography of the native country are taught         This class continues to build skills in reading,     from the social sciences of geography, history,
through reading selections.                        writing, speaking and listening. Students work       economics, and government. Each of the
                                                   with various types of literature including short     concepts is explored using Utah-specific
Chinese 5 DLI Honors                               stories, plays, and novels. They learn sentence      examples. Literacy, historical thinking, and
Full Year – 3352                                   and paragraph development, including                 spatial skills are developed through the study
Grade: 9                                           grammar,       spelling,   capitalization   and      of the concepts in the abstract and real-world
Prerequisite: Chinese 4 DLI Honors                 punctuation. Students also learn the                 Utah examples. The course focuses on the
This course not only continues the                 composing process of prewriting, drafting,           reading of both informational text and
development of speaking, listening, reading,       revising and editing.                                authentic, or primary source, material.
and writing skills but also culture, history and
geography of the native country are taught         English 8 Honors                                     Utah Studies Honors
through reading selections. It leads to the        Full Year – 4035                                     Semester – 4504
Chinese AP Language & Culture Course and           Grade: 8                                             Grade: 7
test.                                              Honors courses are designed for college prep         The introductory course for social studies in
                                                   or pre-AP classes students may take during           Davis School District. Curricular content
DLI Chinese Culture & Media                        their high school years. The main emphasis is        consists of key themes and concepts drawn
Semester – 3335                                    on reading and writing, both nonfiction and          from the social sciences of geography, history,
Grades: 7, 8                                       fiction. This course continues to build skills in    economics, and government. Each of the
Prerequisite: Chinese DLI students only            reading, writing, speaking, listening, and the       concepts is explored using Utah-specific
The Culture & Media course builds skills in        analysis of various types of literature while        examples. Literacy, historical thinking, and
cultural-linguistic competencies necessary for     reviewing the basics of sentence and                 spatial skills are developed through the study
successful communication with native               paragraph development. Students in an honors         of the concepts in the abstract and real-world
speakers. Students utilize media and authentic     course can expect increased reading and more         Utah examples. The course focuses on the
texts to learn about the diverse cultural          complex texts, less review and practice, and a       reading of both informational text and
products, practices, and perspectives of           higher work completion expectation.                  authentic, or primary source, material.
countries. The topics and tasks for the 7th and                                                         National and global context are additional
8th grade years, along with careful support for    English 9                                            levels of application of the coursework.
students to reach proficiency targets, lead        Full Year – 4055                                     Current events are studied as well.
intentionally to the Chinese AP Language &         Grade: 9
Culture course content.                            This class continues the development of skills
                                                   in reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary, and
                                                   listening. Students study a variety of literature,
                                                   including Shakespeare and Homer. There will
         LANGUAGE ARTS                             be much reading expected both in and outside
                                                   of class. Many standards will be graded on the
                                                   level of understanding shown in project-based        *Subject to change according to DSD Fee
English 7                                          assessments.                                         Schedule
Full Year – 4000
Grade: 7                                           English 9 Honors                                     US History
The main emphasis is on reading and writing,
                                                   Full Year – 4060                                     Full Year – 4510
both nonfiction and fiction. The class also        Grade: 9                                             Grade: 8
includes grammar, spelling, plays, and public      The main emphasis is on reading and writing,         United States History covers events and issues
speaking. Students read short stories,             both nonfiction and fiction. This course             from the Age of Exploration through

Reconstruction and the Western movement,             AP Human Geography                                   8th Grade Math
emphasizing the 18th and 19th centuries.             Full Year – 4590                                     Full Year – 5100
Topics covered will include, but are not limited     Grade: 9                                             Grade: 8
to: exploration, colonization, Revolutionary         AP Test Fee: Approx. $96.00 (fee set by AP           The course of instruction will focus on the
War, constitutional issues, nation building, Civil   College Board)                                       following areas: Identify slope and use that to
War, Reconstruction, and western movement.           The AP Human Geography course introduces             write linear equations; identify functions as
Emphasis of this course is on the 18th and 19th      students to the systematic study of patterns         linear and nonlinear and write equations for
centuries.                                           and processes that have shaped human                 linear functions; simplify expressions and solve
                                                     understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s        equations using various methods; solve
US History Honors                                    surface. Students learn to employ spatial            operations with rational numbers, irrational
Full Year – 4514                                     concepts and landscape analysis to examine           numbers and radicals; simplify radicals with
Grade: 8                                             human socioeconomic organization and its             emphasis on square roots; apply the
United States History covers events and issues       environmental consequences. They also learn          Pythagorean Theorem and its converse in real-
from the Age of Exploration through                  about the methods and tools geographers use          world applications.
Reconstruction and the Western movement,             in their research and applications. The aim of
emphasizing the 18th and 19th centuries.             the AP course is to provide students with a          8th Grade Math Honors
Topics covered will include exploration,             learning experience equivalent to that               Full Year – 5105
colonization,        Revolutionary            War,   obtained in most college-level introductory          Grade: 8
constitutional issues, nation building, Civil War,   human geography courses. Students prepare            The course will cover the three critical areas
Reconstruction, and western movement.                to take the AP Human Geography test in May,          listed in 8th Grade Mathematics Course and
Emphasis of this course is on the 18th and 19th      potentially earning college credit.                  add extra topics and concepts that would
centuries. Viewing historical documents,                                                                  interest an advanced middle school student.
writing document-based questions (DBQ),                                                                   Concepts will be explored in greater depth with
current event exploration and presentation,                                                               increased use of contextual situations. This
and projects are part of the Honors experience.                                                           course will have increased rigor and advanced

World Geography
                                                                        MATH                              content that will challenge the minds of high
                                                                                                          ability students.
Full Year – 4520
Grade: 9                                             7th Grade Math                                       Secondary Math 1
World Geography will explore how to use              Full Year – 5000                                     Full Year – 5200
geography as a tool to better understand the         Grade: 7                                             Grade: 9
world in which we live. Students will learn to       Math 7 will provide students with an engaging        This is the first of three courses you will take
evaluate and question the why and where of           and diverse experience in learning math. This        throughout your high school career. It is a
spatial perceptions that are read, seen, and         class will build upon previous concepts and          mixture of geometry, algebra, probability, and
heard. Students will understand the world in         teach new ones including solving expressions         statistics where we will focus on developing a
spatial terms, the human and physical                and equations, probabilities, inequalities,          solid understanding of functions, compare and
characteristics of places and regions, and how       ratios and proportions, geometry, and number         contrast between linear and exponential
physical processes shape the earth's surface.        sense. These concepts will be applied to real        relationships, explore different geometric
Students will also understand how human              life situations so students can understand the       concepts and master the solution of linear
activities shape the earth's surface, the            importance of them. Students will also               equations while delving into solving systems of
interaction of physical and human systems,           sharpen critical thinking and logic skills.          equations and inequalities. Math is a unique
and will use geographic knowledge to connect                                                              subject because it builds upon itself. This class
to today's world. The course will include map        7th Grade Math Honors                                is the basics, and we will work hard to create a
skills with physical and human geography             Full Year – 5005                                     solid foundation while filling in gaps as needed.
essentials, beginning with North America,            Grade: 7                                             We will practice and work on real-life projects
South America, Europe, and their connections         Math 7 Honors will provide students with an          to truly develop an understanding of these
to other world regions.                              engaging and diverse experience in learning          mathematical concepts.
                                                     math. This class will cover what the Math 7
                                                     class covers but will delve deeper into each         Secondary Math 1 Honors
World Geography Honors                               concept. Students will experience more               Full Year – 5205
Full Year – 4524                                     exploration into how math affects every part of      Grade: 8, 9
Grade: 9                                             our lives. Students must be willing to put in the    The course will cover all the concepts in the
This course covers all the material taught in        effort it takes to do this.                          Secondary Mathematics 1 course. Concepts
World Geography but adds emphasis to                 7th/8th Grade Math Honors Accelerated                will be explored in greater depth with
developing writing skills and higher levels of       Full Year – 5105                                     increased use of contextual situations. In
thinking. In-depth research, study, and              Prerequisite: Students must meet district            addition, it will include concepts dealing with
problem solving regarding different regions of       qualifications through a portfolio or COGAT          vectors and quantities of vectors and matrix
the world will be addressed and analyzed.            test.                                                operations and their applications.
                                                     This class will cover 8th grade material at an
                                                     accelerated pace but at the same rigor as the
                                                     full year classes. This course is for high ability
                                                     students that want advanced mathematics              *Subject to change according to DSD Fee
                                                     courses in high school.                              Schedule

This course will include elements that will         Integrated Science 7 Honors                           Biology
prepare students to take calculus in high           Full Year – 6001                                      Full Year – 6200
school. This course will have increased rigor       Grade: 7                                              Grade: 9
and advanced content that will challenge the        *Lab Fee: $10.00                                      *Lab Fee: $15.00
minds of high ability students.                     Uses the Integrated Science 7 standards.              This is a full year rigorous course designed for
                                                    Students will work at an accelerated pace, with       students to learn about, examine, and
Secondary Math 2 Honors                             more in-depth information, to further develop         investigate life processes that occur on the
Full Year – 5305                                    science as a process of obtaining knowledge           Earth.      These investigations will include
Grade: 9                                            and analyzing outcomes based on observable            organisms that are microscopic and multi-
Students must have taken Secondary Math I           evidence. Students will develop the ability to        cellular, living and dead. This course will be
or Secondary Math I Honors previously to            formulate hypotheses, design and carry out            rigorous in nature and pace. Before electing to
enroll in Secondary Math II Honors. This            strategies to test them, and evaluate results.        take this course, students should consider their
course prepares students to eventually take         This course is designed to prepare students for       individual abilities to work at a fast pace and
AP Calculus and/or AP Statistics, and very          advanced high school courses.                         comprehend in depth processes and
likely earn college math credit, before                                                                   discussions of biological life
                                                    Integrated Science 8
graduating from high school. Students will
                                                    Full Year – 6100                                      Earth Science
gain a strong foundation in geometry,
                                                    Grade: 8                                              Full Year – 6300
trigonometry and second year algebra as well        *Lab Fee: $10.00                                      Grade: 9
as some work with statistics. This is a college     Eighth grade standards describe the constant          *Lab Fee: $10.00
prep level course that will teach students          interaction of matter and energy in nature.           This class meets the general science
critical thinking skills, and strong work ethic,    Students will explore how matter is arranged          requirements for ninth grade and counts for
while preparing them for Secondary III Honors       into either simple or complex substances. The         high school graduation. This course is a grand
and college entrance exams. Students will           strands emphasize how substances store and            overview of the many systems that interact on
need a graphing calculator for this course. We      transfer energy, which can cause them to              our unique and amazing planet, Earth. The
suggest the TI 84 + edition.                        interact physically and chemically, provide           main topics covered in the course are the origin
                                                    energy to living organisms, or be harnessed           of the universe and our Sun (Astronomy), the
                                                    and used by humans. Matter and energy cycle           formation and internal structure of our planet
                                                    and change in ecosystems through processes            (Geology), and the interaction of the
                                                    that occur during photosynthesis and cellular         atmosphere (Meteorology), hydrosphere
                  SCIENCE                           respiration. Additionally, substances that            (Oceanography), and biosphere (Ecology). This
                                                    provide a benefit to organisms, including             course builds upon student’s experience with
                                                    humans, are unevenly distributed on Earth due         integrated science seven and eight and is the
Integrated Science 7                                to geologic and atmospheric systems. Some             springboard to success in higher level high
Full Year – 6000                                    resources form quickly, allowing them to be           school science offerings. Along with gaining a
Grade: 7                                            renewable, while other resources are                  broad understanding of the systems at work on
*Lab Fee: $10.00                                    nonrenewable. Evidence reveals that Earth             our planet, two main goals of this course are:
Science 7 is an integrated course, meaning that     systems change and affect ecosystems and              1.) Students will practice the skills of using
the standards taught will cover several             organisms in positive and negative ways.              science as a process for obtaining knowledge
different topics within the realm of science.                                                             based on observation and evidence, and 2.)
The main topics in seventh grade science are        Integrated Science 8 Honors                           Students’ curiosity will be sustained as they are
forces and motion, Earth’s geologic history and     Full Year – 6101                                      shown the many ways that earth science is
processes, the structure and the function of        Grade: 8                                              relevant and impacts our society and daily life.
living things, the genetic inheritance of traits,   *Lab Fee: $10.00
and the evolution of species over time. We will     Uses the Integrated Science 8 standards.              Earth Science Honors
also focus on science skills known as the           Students will work at an accelerated pace, with       Full Year – 6301
“Science and Engineering Practices” which           more in-depth information, to review the              Grade: 9
include      analyzing     data,     conducting     process of obtaining knowledge and analyzing          *Lab Fee: $10.00
investigations, developing models, using            outcomes based on observable evidence.                This is a course that explores Earth, space,
mathematical thinking, asking testable              Students will gain awareness of the                   geological change, the interaction of
questions, obtaining and communicating              increasingly international context of scientific      atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere
information, and engaging in argument from          activity, its impact and limitations as well as the   through the lenses of Science and Engineering
evidence. The overall ‘big ideas’ of science can    constant evolution of scientific knowledge and        Practices and Cross-Cutting Concepts. This
apply to all aspects of school and life. These      understanding. This course is designed to             course builds upon students’ experience with
are taught as the “Cross-Cutting Concepts” and      prepare students for advanced high school             integrated science in grades seven and eight
include cause & effect, patterns, stability &       courses.                                              and is the springboard for success in both
change, scale & proportion, systems, matter &                                                             Honors and Advanced Placement high school
energy, and structure and function.                                                                       courses of biology, chemistry, geology, and

                                                                                                          *Subject to change according to DSD Fee

Child Development                                  Word Processing
      CAREER & TECHNICAL                           Semester – 7410                                    Semester – 7575
                                                   Grade: 9                                           Grade: 7
       EDUCATION (CTE)                             *Lab Fee: $5.00                                    In Word Processing, the student will master
                                                   This course is designed to help students           touch operation of the computer keyboard.
College and Career Awareness (CCA)                 understand the normal growth and                   Correct finger positioning, by touch on the
Full Year - 7050                                   development of children from infancy to            keyboard, and good technique will receive
Grade: 7 – Required                                preschool age. Topics taught include               primary emphasis. The student will also learn
*Class Fee: $12.00                                 parenting, heredity, birth defects, human          simple word processing skills such as
College and Career Awareness (CCA) offers          reproduction, pregnancy, health and safety,        formatting simple documents in Microsoft
exploration and preparation in college and         and guidance techniques. Students will have        Word. Each student will strive to get 35 WPM
career pathways focusing on jobs that are          the opportunity to experience hands-on             with 97% accuracy on a 2-minute timing as a
high skill and high demand, as well as             parenting using a computerized Real Care           minimum goal for the semester. Keyboard
                                                   Baby.                                              covers will be used throughout the semester.
satisfying and financially rewarding. The
                                                                                                      This is a good prerequisite for the required
College and Career Awareness (CCA) course is
                                                   Sewing Construction and Textiles                   eighth grade Digital Literacy course.
designed to help students identify their
                                                   Semester – 7433
interests, abilities, and skills. Through                                                             Creative Coding
                                                   Grade: 9
application-based lessons, students will utilize                                                      Semester – 7743
                                                   *Lab Fee: $10.00.
technology, develop foundational skills, and        Students are also responsible to pay for          Grades: 7, 8
explore careers. The course provides               consumable materials                               This course is designed to attract and reach a
information regarding additional courses and       This course introduces students to basic           broad and diverse range of students, including
training related to each student’s career field    sewing, design, and construction skills. These     those who may not have never considered
of interest to help align their future class       skills prepare students for fashion, and appeal    programming. Students learn how to code by
choices.                                           industry as well as entrepreneurial                working in a real software development
                                                   opportunities. Students will sew apparel and       environment to design, program and publish
Digital Literacy                                   accessory projects. It is recommended that         mobile apps and games. Learning to code by
Semester – 7537                                    students have previous sewing experience.          creating real products, students discover how
Grade: 8 – Required                                                                                   to make amazing things and have an impact on
*Fee: $7.50                                        Interior Design                                    their world.
This course is a foundation to the digital world   Semester – 7445
that provides a broad understanding of key         Grade: 9                                           Exploring Computer Science
applications, computing fundamentals, and          *Lab Fee: $10.00                                   Semester – 7760
living online. Students will have opportunities    This course enables students to explore their      Grade: 9
to use technology and develop skills that          creativity in the field of interior                *Fee: $10.00
promote       creativity,    critical  thinking,   design. Identification of the elements and         Exploring Computer Science is designed to
productivity, and collaboration in the             principles of design are emphasized. Other         introduce students to the breadth of the field
classroom and day-to-day life. This course is      topics taught include floor plan evaluation,       of computer science through an exploration of
aligned with international and national            furniture arrangement, kitchen design, color       engaging and accessible topics. The course
standards. The alignment of these benchmarks       schemes, and careers. Students will apply          focuses on the conceptual ideas of computing
will ensure that students complete this course     what they learn through a variety of individual    and helps students understand why certain
as a prerequisite to transition successfully to    projects.                                          tools or languages might be utilized to solve
the 9-12th grade digital studies courses.                                                             specific problems. The goal of Exploring
                                                   Food and Nutrition                                 Computer Science is to develop in students the
FCS Exploration                                    Semester – 7460                                    computational thinking practices of algorithm
Semester – 7403                                    Grade: 9                                           development,     problem      solving,    and
Grade: 8                                           *Lab Fee: $15.00                                   programming within the context of problems
*Lab Fee: $10.00                                   This course will focus on culinary and nutrition   that are relevant to the lives of today’s
This course provides students the opportunity      science. Students will study the course used to    students. Students will also be introduced to
to develop essential skills in various career      obtain     a     UTAH      FOOD      HANDLERS      topics such as artificial intelligence, web
pathways related to Family and Consumer            PERMIT. Students will also gain skills and         development, programming, and physical
Sciences (FCS). Students will explore and          understanding of culinary technology, food         computing.
cultivate skills in the areas of food and          preparation and dietary knowledge for a
nutrition, childcare, interior design, sewing      healthy lifestyle. Laboratory experiences will     Python (Coding)
construction,     entrepreneurship,     family     focus on the science behind food preparation       Semester – 7775
relationships, personal responsibility, and        as we learn about dishes such as, Fettuccini       Grades: 8, 9
career and job-related tasks. A variety of         Alfredo, quick breads, stir-fry, and Ice Cream     This is a basic coding class. Python is a
hands-on projects will be incorporated into        Cake Roll                                          language with a simple syntax, and a powerful
each area.                                                                                            set of libraries.

                                                                                                      *Subject to change according to DSD Fee

It is an interpreted language, with a rich       programs to microcontrollers that perform a         levels. They explore and read about topics of
programming environment, including a robust       variety of tasks.                                   interest, have access to a wide range of books,
debugger and profiler. While it is easy for                                                           eBooks, eReads, short articles, work within
beginners to learn, it is widely used in many     Robotics Technology: Automation and                 small groups, and receive individual help as
scientific areas for data exploration. This       Robotics                                            needed. This class is highly recommended for
course is an introduction to the Python           Semester-7830                                       any 7th or 8th graders with a Lexile score of 800
programming language for students without                                                             or below but is available for 7th graders with a
                                                  Grades: 8, 9
prior programming experience.                                                                         Lexile of 970 or below and 8th graders with a
                                                  *Lab Fee: $10.00
                                                                                                      Lexile of 1010 or below.
                                                  Robotics Technology focuses on what it
                                                  means to live in an automated world.                Creative Writing
   SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY,                           Students will trace the history, development,       Semester – 4335
                                                  and influence of automation and robotics as         Grades: 7, 8, 9
     ENGINEERING, AND                             they learn mechanical systems, energy               Creative Writing explores different types of
   MATHEMATICS (STEM)                             transfer, machine automation, and computer          fiction writing. This course is designed with the
                                                  control systems. Students use VEX V5 to             goal of inspiring students to develop original
                                                  design, build, and program real-world objects       pieces of work. Students should expect to write
                                                  such as traffic lights, toll booths, and robotics   daily and present their work to their
                                                  arms.                                               classmates, both by sharing their writing and
                                                                                                      speaking to the class.
Exploring Technology: Robotics
Semester-7810                                     Transportation Technology: Flight and Space
                                                                                                      Literature Survey
Grades: 7, 8                                      Semester-7821                                       Semester – 4154
*Lab Fee: $10.00                                  Grades: 8, 9                                        Grades: 7, 8, 9
Students learn to build, and program VEX          *Lab Fee: $10.00                                    This course is designed for students who love
robots. Students will practice mechanical         Students will gain an understanding of how          to read about new places, people, and events.
design, construction, programming, and            transportation impacts politics, the                This is an opportunity to travel through time to
teamwork skills. Using VEX building pieces,       environment, society, and the economy. They         explore fascinating places, learn how people
motors and sensors, students will build robots    will become aerospace engineers as they             are solving problems and saving lives, and to
                                                  design, prototype, and test models to learn         meet some of the people who have helped to
that can complete a variety of challenges and
                                                  about the science of flight and what it takes to    shape the way we live today. This class is
obstacles. Students will use a computer to
                                                  travel to space. They solve real-world aviation     designed for students who want to dig deep
program their robot. In this course, students                                                         into topics that interest them. Students will
will work through processes of idea creation,     and space challenges and plan a mission to
                                                                                                      experience reading through many perspectives
planning, logical thinking, analysis, and         Mars.
                                                                                                      and opportunities.
computational thinking to solve problems and
accomplish goals.                                 Engineering Technology                              World Myths, Legends, and Folklore
                                                  Semester-7820                                       Semester – 4405
Exploring Technology: Design and Modeling         Grade: 8, 9                                         Grades: 7, 8, 9
Semester-7810                                     *Lab Fee: $10.00                                    People of the past had belief systems that
Grades: 7, 8                                      Students will explore various aspects of            explained natural phenomena and human
*Lab Fee: $10.00                                  engineering     along    with      technology’s     experiences. Those belief systems have, over
                                                  environmental, societal, political, and             time, become myths, legends, and folklore.
Design and Modeling provides students
                                                  economic impacts on the world. They will            What caused the rising and setting of the sun?
opportunities to apply the design process to
                                                  explore how science impacts technology.             What were the reasons for the seasons? How
creatively solve problems. They learn
                                                  Students will use the engineering design            and why did people fall in love? How were the
sketching, solid modeling, and prototyping.                                                           heavens and the underworld created, and who
Students will print final products on a 3D        process to create a product or system using the
                                                                                                      got to go where when they died? How were
printer. They will also learn how to create SVG   shop equipment.
                                                                                                      children taught their manners and how to stay
files that can be used on a laser engraver.                                                           safe? What created Devil’s Tower? Who were
                                                                                                      Pecos Bill, Babe the Blue Ox, and the Green
Exploring Technology: Electronics                     ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES                            Knight? How do cultural myths compare to
Semester-7810                                                                                         Biblical stories? If you are curious about these
Year-7810                                                                                             and other things and would like to explore the
Grades: 7, 8                                      Reading 180                                         pantheons of gods from the ancient world,
*Lab Fee: $10.00                                  Semester or Full Year – 4225                        myths from a variety of cultures, and folklore
                                                  Grades: 7, 8                                        from the United States and other countries,
Through hands-on projects, students will
                                                  students may be pre-selected for this class         join this elective class! All grade levels are
explore electricity, the behavior and parts of
                                                  based on Lexile Score                               welcome!
atoms, basic circuitry design, and sensing
                                                  This is a reading class to help students improve
devices. They will use sensors and actuators                                                          *Subject to change according to DSD Fee
                                                  their comprehension and other reading skills.
to develop systems that interact with their       Students spend time working in a computer           Schedule
environment. Students will code and upload        program that adapts to their individual reading

Part of this class discussion will follow          Study sessions, presentations, and matches           Eligibility: 3.0 GPA/no “U” Citizenship marks,
literature as outlined in the Common Core          will be held in class for the purpose of learning    Counselor Secretary Permission/Signature
Reading Literature Standard 9.                     the rules of the game and to foster a                Counseling assistants file, alphabetize,
                                                   competitive edge. This class helps prepare           organize and help the counselors and
Civics                                             students to compete on the NAL team for the          secretary. Eligible students are expected to
Semester – 4532                                    competition season, which is November                respect issues of confidentiality as they arise in
Grade: 8                                           through February. Participation in the NAL           the counseling office. Attendance is crucial.
This course is designed to help students           competitions is encouraged, but not required.        Peer Tutor
understand the American justice system             Students will also develop effective strategies      Semester – 213
through the study and performance of “mock         and habits to become successful learners and         Grades: 8, 9
trials.” Topics included in this course will be,   improve public speaking skills.                      Peer Tutor students are teacher assistants who
“What is Law,” “How Laws are Made,” “Crime                                                              assist both regular and special education
and Punishment,” “Rights of Citizens in the        Intro to Public speaking                             teachers. Peer tutors mentor students and
Justice System,” “Criminal vs. Civil Proceedings   Semester – 4375                                      assist the teacher, as requested. The peer tutor
in Courts,” and “Trial Procedure.” Students will   Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      will not be asked to discipline other students.
be taught questioning procedures for direct        This course will introduce students to the role      Duties vary according to subject. Students who
examination and cross examinations in our          of effective communication in our world today.       assist teachers will not record grades or
mock trials. Students will take notes, relate      Communication theory and a variety of                attendance. They may do routine clerical work.
current events to the law, perform in mock         methods and mediums will be explored. In             Peer tutors receive pass/fail grade for their
trials, participate in classroom discussions and   addition, students will have the opportunity to      work. Attendance is crucial.
debates, and occasionally be quizzed and           research, prepare and present speeches for
tested on course material.                         several different purposes including to              Library/Media Assistant
                                                   persuade, to inform, and to entertain. Through       Semester – 215
Civics-Mock trial                                  these experiences, students will improve             Grade: 8, 9
Semester-4532                                      public speaking skills and increase self-            Required: Librarian Permission/Signature.
Grade: 9                                           confidence.                                          Library assistants must have a 3.0 GPA on
This course is designed to help students                                                                their latest report card and citizenship that
understand the American justice system                                                                  does not fall below “S.”
through the study and performance of “mock                                                              Library Skills is designed for students who
trials.” Topics included in this course will be,         ASSISTANTS/PEER TUTOR                          appreciate variety in their daily tasks, are
“What is Law,” “How Laws are Made,” “Crime                                                              computer literate, like to read, and enjoy
and Punishment,” “Rights of Citizens in the        Office Assistant                                     spending time in the library. Responsibilities
Justice System,” “Criminal vs. Civil Proceedings   Semester – 210                                       include In-class assignments, checking books in
in Courts,” and “Trial Procedure.” Students will   Grade: 8, 9                                          and out, shelving books, and completing
be taught questioning procedures for direct        Eligibility: Secretary Permission/Signature.         errands and tasks for the operation and
examination and cross examinations in our          Office assistants must have a 3.0 GPA and            promotion of the library.
mock trials. Students will take notes, relate      citizenship that does not fall below “S.”
current events to the law, perform in mock         Would you like to learn how to manage a front
trials, participate in classroom discussions and   office? Students who work in this job are the
debates, and occasionally be quizzed and           face of the school and their attitude, ability and
                                                                                                             RELEASED TIME/SEMINARY
tested on course material.                         proficiency reflect on the whole school.
                                                   Applications for Office Assistant at Syracuse Jr.    Released Time 9 (Seminary)
                                                   High should attend school regularly, be              Full Year – 850
Study Skills                                       friendly, have a positive attitude, and be           Grade: 9
Semester – 400                                     responsible.       An Office Assistant’s duties      No credit is given toward high school
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                    include a variety of office support tasks,           graduation.
This class may only be taken once per year. The    including answering and transferring phone
purpose of Study Skills is to teach specific       calls, relaying information and items to
concepts related to school success, correct        teachers and staff, and greeting students and
study principles for home and school,              visitors who enter the office.                                APPLICATION/TRYOUT
independence, self-motivation, self-discipline,
choices and consequences, and skills for           Teacher Assistant                                    Student Government
lifelong learning.                                 Semester – 211                                       220
                                                   Grades: 8, 9                                         Grades: 7, 8, 9
                                                   Required: Teacher Permission/Signature               Students are selected based on an application
National Academic League (NAL)                     Class is graded on Pass/Fail. The teacher            and election process during the spring.
1st Semester Only – 408                            assistant will be under the direction of one
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                    teacher. The teacher will assign duties to the       Cheerleaders
*Fee: $30.00 charged to all students on the        assistant as needed.                                 221
team                                                                                                    Grades: 7, 8, 9
The National Academic League (NAL) class is a      Counseling Assistant                                 Students are selected based on a tryout
trivia-based curriculum covering all core          Semester – 212                                       process during the spring.
subjects (Math, Science, History, and English).    Grades: 8, 9

You can also read