Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study

Page created by Benjamin Contreras
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on
           over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study

                                             COSMO / ICON User Workshop
                                                      13 January 2022

                  Fabienne Dahinden1, Heini Wernli1, Franziska Aemisegger1, Lukas Papritz1,
              Peter Knippertz2, Christopher J. Diekmann2, MaLhias Schneider2, Stephan Pfahl3

            1 Ins&tute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich
            2 Ins&tute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Ins&tute of Technology
            3 Ins&tute for Meteorology, Freie Universität Berlin

COSMO User Workshop 2022
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Subtropical atmospheric water cycle

         Key component of the climate system
             à greenhouse effect: free-tropospheric humidity
                  (e.g., Held and Soden, 2000; Schmidt et al., 2010)

             à albedo: low-level cloud cover
                  (e.g., Bony and Dufresne, 2005; Stephens, 2005)

         Considerable uncertainty on how low-level clouds are linked to small-scale mixing processes,
         exchange with the free troposphere, and large-scale circula:ons

         Complex interac=ons of dynamical and physical processes that control
         the free-tropospheric moisture variability in this sensi=ve region not fully understood

         The representa:on and coupling of these processes in model simula=ons
         cri=cally influences climate projec:ons

         à be
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Stable water isotopes

        Isotopic composiRon of a water sample
                                                                                    light isotope
         !D =               − 1 (‰)                                                  (99.731%)

        Molecular raRo of isotope concentraRon                                      1H          1H

               "#$%& '()*)+#         ./!"0
         ( =                    =   !
                ,'-"* '()*)+#        .#!"0
                                                                                   heavy isotopes
                                                                         (0.031%)                    (0.200%)
         à Natural tracers of water phase changes
         à Record informaRon about evapora*on and                            16O                      18O
         condensa*on processes during the transport                     1H         D=2H          1H          1H

         of air parcels

                                                                                                        Gat (2010)

ETH Zurich                                   COSMO User Workshop 2022                                             2
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Methods for inves9ga9ng the subtropical water cycle

                                              Eulerian framework

                              equipped with two diagnos=c tools:                                         Lagrangian framework

        Stable water isotopes                                      Moisture tagging                  Backward trajectories
             (COSMOiso: Pfahl et al., 2012)                  (COSMOtag: Winschall et al., 2014)
                                                                                                  à calculated from COSMOisotag
  à insight into moist diaba*c                        à passive tracers represen5ng
                                                                                                    output fields
    history experienced by air                          moisture origina5ng from pre-                (LAGRANTO: Sprenger and Wernli, 2015)
    parcels                                             specified source regions                   à explicit information about
  à limited informa5on about                          à quan5fica5on of rela*ve                      long-range moisture transport
    origin of moisture                                  contribu*on of different moisture            pathways
                                                        sources to a given air mass               à cannot resolve sub-grid-scale
 à direct link between evapora5ve origin of moisture and its isotope signature

 à represents all relevant processes of water cycle (incl. mixing)
 à does not retain explicit transport pathway of atmospheric moisture

ETH Zurich                                                  COSMO User Workshop 2022                                                   3
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Setup for COSMOisotag simula9ons

      •      June–Sept. 2016–2018
      •      12 km horizontal resolution
      •      60 vertical levels
      •      Explicit convection
             à COSMO performs better for many aspects of the
                 hydrological cycle
                 (Vergara-Temprado et al. 2020)
             à more realistic representation of the West African
                 monsoon already with a horizontal resolution of ~10 km
                 (Marsham et al. 2013, Pante and Knippertz 2019)

      •      Boundary data: ECHAM5-wiso

ETH Zurich                                         COSMO User Workshop 2022   4
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Setup for COSMOisotag simula9ons

                                                            surface tracers

                                                            boundary tracers

             Canary Islands

ETH Zurich                       COSMO User Workshop 2022                      5
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Water tracer analysis for the Canary Islands region (CAN)

                                                                                   surface tracers

                                                                                   boundary tracers

                                                                 max. abs. error of
                                                                 tagged +! : 0.28 g kg-1

ETH Zurich                        COSMO User Workshop 2022                                           6
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Backward trajectories for the period of 22–26 July 2018

             7-day backward trajectories started at 600 hPa above the Canary Islands region (CAN)

!D                                                              "!

•    4 d back in Ime

ETH Zurich                                 COSMO User Workshop 2022                                 7
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Uptakes of tagged moisture in the period of 22–26 July 2018

               AFR                            EUR MED

                                                                   black contours: location of
                                                                   the non-stationary Saharan
                                                                   heat low (SHL) in the
                                                                   considered time period

               TRP ATL                        ETRP NATL

                                                                       Lagrangian moisture source
                                                                       diagnosScs using the method
                                                                       of Sodemann et al. (2008)
                                                                       and Pfahl and Wernli (2008)

ETH Zurich                        COSMO User Workshop 2022                                      8
Synop&c variability in specific humidity and isotope composi&on over the subtropical North Atlan&c: a numerical modelling study
Correla9on of !D with frac9on of "! from passive tracers

                                          July–August 2016–2018
Isotope signal good indicator for           600 hPa above CAN
origin of moisture?
à yes!

The higher the frac=on of moisture
origina=ng from evapora=ve source
regions (light coloured tracers), the
higher !D

The higher the frac=on of moisture                                 The higher the fraction of moisture
evaporated from the                                                originating from the extratropical North
Mediterranean, the higher !D                                       Atlantic model boundary, the lower !D

ETH Zurich                              COSMO User Workshop 2022                                          9
Correla9on of !D with frac9on of "! from passive tracers at 600 hPa

                  Where is the isotope signal an indicator for the origin of moisture?

 max. correla=on                           July–August 2016–2018        tracer of max. correla=on (|r|>0.6)

       hatching: r < 0

ETH Zurich                               COSMO User Workshop 2022                                    10

     •       Free-tropospheric moisture budget over the Canary Islands region influenced by
               1) dry, low-!D air from the upper-level extratropical North Atlan=c
               2) humid, high-!D air from North Africa
                  à in agreement with González et al. (2016), Schneider et al. (2016), Lacour et al. (2017), Dahinden et al. (2021)

     •       These two contras:ng circula:on regimes alternate on synop:c :mescales and
             control the short-term variability in specific humidity and isotopic composi:on

     •       Key role of SHL in moistening the free troposphere over the subtropical North Atlan:c in summer
               à moisture from mixed source regions advected at low levels into the SHL
               à dry convec:vely liFed to the mid troposphere
               à transported over the North Atlan=c

     •       High correla:ons of "D and rela=ve contribu=ons from certain passive water tracers over the
             subtropical and tropical North Atlan=c as well as western Sahel
               à Water vapour isotopes are indicators for the origin of moisture

ETH Zurich                                                   COSMO User Workshop 2022                                                 11
Cloud and aerosol distribu/on over West Africa and the eastern
             North Atlan/c showing a typical example of the mid-summer
                         state of the West African Monsoon

Thank you

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