Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College

Page created by Christian Myers
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
drouin secondary college news


                                                                    EDITION: 89
DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021                   PAGE 19

                                   Swimming Carnival PAGE 16

                        We value: Achievement, Respect, Commitment, Community
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
Team Report                                     Matt Jobling        Diane Croft     Rob Monk          Michael Wilson Susan Gilmore
Welcome to all students and families to the 2021 school year          To say I’m impressed by what I’ve seen so far is an understatement.
and what we hope will be a much better year than the extended         The level of preparation and organisation by staff has indicated to
disruption we all had to contend with last year.                      me the commitment of the college to ensuring the learning growth
                                                                      and experience for students is paramount.
Unfortunately, we are already enduring a snap lockdown as a
circuit breaker action for the next three days due to the latest      I have met with the school captains Amity, Ashley, Ashlea and
COVID cases in Melbourne. Our staff and students have made            Emily, who are all excited for the year ahead and looking
a rapid transition to learning remotely with tasks and activities     forward to their important role within the college. The Student
                                                                      Representative Committee will be meeting soon and it will be
being put online to support students through the lockdown. We
                                                                      great to hear what they are looking forward to this year.
will continue to try our best to communicate with families any
updates or changes as we become aware of them. We are                 We have 1237 students on our roll at this stage which is 70
looking forward to everyone being back on site on Thursday.           more than the same stage last year. To accommodate the
                                                                      extra students, we have added more portable classrooms and
College Principal Deb Gentle is currently on long-service leave       reconfigured other spaces to fit in extra staff.
and I will be the Acting Principal in her absence for Semester 1.
I am amongst 28 new and returning staff to DSC this year and          On Monday we held the Year 7 BBQ which was attended by
                                                                      over 300 family members. After a presentation of some key
can relate to the nerves and excitement of the other new staff
                                                                      information and an overview of what students will experience in
and new students to the school.
                                                                      Year 7 everyone was able to head to the canteen for an outside
Returning Staff                                                       BBQ. Then there was a chance to meet with Learning Group
                                                                      teachers in the Learning Centre and an opportunity to find out
Simone Farmer          Year 7 Assistant / English / Humanities        more information with ICT and library staff about resources
Shane Nicholas         Arts                                           available to support our students. Thank you to all the parents
Madeline Stanton       Arts / Year 7 LG                               and carers who were able to attend and for showing their
New Staff                                                             support in building a relationship with the school.
Candice Atkinson       Dance / Drama                                  Thank you also to the staff who contributed to the presentation,
Jack Barnes            Health & PE                                    displays, catering and gave of their time to meet with families
                                                                      of students. A special thanks to our student musicians who
Julia Behr             Science / Year 7 LG
                                                                      performed during the BBQ.
Kate Blair             Science/ PE
Danielle Bourke        English/Humanities                             The following day was our annual swimming sports and again
                                                                      this was a very successful event. With participation levels high,
Emily Burrows          MYLNS / Tutor Teacher                          there were non-stop events throughout the day with many strong
James Giltrap          Science                                        displays of swimming ability and plenty of fantastic examples
Sarah Groves           Humanities / Year 9 LG                         of persistence and determination of which students can be very
Samantha Halm          English / Humanities / Year 7 LG               proud. Behind the scenes staff did a great job of setting up
                                                                      and the VCAL students ran an all-day BBQ that had a constant
David Hughes           Tutor Teacher
                                                                      stream of customers. The weather added to the day as there
Evan Ipsen             Maths/PE                                       was a bright and fun feel from start to finish.
Taneon Jones           Maths/Science
                                                                      The core values of Achievement, Respect, Commitment and
Travis Jones           Arts/Teacher Tutor                             Community have been admirably on display through the events
Wenni Li (Ashley)      Japanese                                       held so far and we will continue to actively strengthen these
Dekea Mclean           French / Humanities                            through our actions as the year progresses.
Kellie Pugh            Teacher Tutor                                  We are mindful that this year we will need to be supportive and
Meredith Savage        Teacher Tutor                                  understanding of each other as the impact of 2020 is still with
Adyn Tocknell          Humanities (Blackwood Annex)                   us and the effects can emerge in unexpected ways, sometimes
                                                                      through our tolerance levels and reactions to situations. The
Paul Walters           Maths / Year 7 LG
                                                                      school and the Department of Education are focusing on
Alice Mckellar         Intervention                                   catching up students with their learning, encouraging healthy,
Lauren Mclean          Sport                                          active and happy kids, and connected schools. It is with these
Tristian Wilden        IT                                             important goals that we have been planning for the year ahead
Jordan McMahon         Inclusion                                      and know that we will need to adapt as circumstances change.
                                                                      We ask for your continued support of the school in these
Amanda Ralph           Inclusion                                      endeavours and look forward to a successful year ahead.
The staff have been very welcoming and supportive and so too          Matt Jobling
have the students who have gone out of their way to say hi and        Acting Principal
have a chat.

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College

Ashlea Murdica, Ashley Snell, Emily Little, Amity Stephens

                LAWSON                   PATERSON                DENNIS           GORDON
                 Ava Forbes              Mackenzie Fort         Alice Horsburgh   Lauren Comber

                Sophie White           Jack Tenace-Greenall     Bailey Keegan      Bill Gibbons

                Larah Thexton             Trent Fritzlaff        Sophie Ridler    Charlotte Axtell

                 Isla Thorpe              Tillie Naprelac         Jack Smith      Shyan Mitchell

                                             DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
Principal Team's Report
The role of the College Council is very important to the
running of our College. It is the key policy making body
and establishes the direction for the College. Our College
Council is made up of seven parent representatives,
three staff representatives, the Principal, two student
representatives and up to two Community representatives.
                                                                We have the following positions available in 2021:
I encourage all parents to consider themselves or encourage
other parents or community members to put their hand             • Two (2) Parent positions which are 2 year tenure
up for this important parent role at the College. All great
                                                                 • Two (2) Student Representatives
schools have a committed and strong council with full parent
representation. Please contact Ms Josie O’Connor for further     • Two (2) Community Representatives (who do not need
information if you are interested in these positions.              to be parents but cannot be Department of Education &
                                                                   Training employees).

An election is to be conducted for members of the Drouin Secondary College Council.

Nomination forms may be obtained from the College General Office and must be lodged by 4.00pm Friday, 5th
March 2021.

The ballot, if required, will open on Tuesday 9th March and close at 4.00pm on Friday 12th March, 2021.

Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations will be posted at the College. The terms of office, membership
categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:

 Membership Category                       Term of Office                            No. of Positions

 Parent Member                             23rd March 2021 - 22nd March 2023         Two (2)

If you are interested in nominating yourself or another parent, please contact the Business Manager, Ms Josie O’Connor as
soon as possible.

E: josie.oconnor@education.vic.gov.au or Ph: 5625 1002

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
Our leadership team consists of the following members. Please make contact with your child's Learning Group Leader or Learning Culture
Leaders if you have any questions or concerns.
 POSITION                                              STAFF MEMBER              EMAIL
 Principal (Acting)                                    Matt Jobling              Matthew.Jobling@education.vic.gov.au
 Assistant Principal Year 7(Acting)                    Diane Croft               Diane.Croft@education.vic.gov.au
 Assistant Principal Year 8-9                          Michael Wilson            Michael.Wilson2@education.vic.gov.au
 Assistant Principal Year 10-12                        Rob Monk                  Rob.Monk@education.vic.gov.au
 Associate Assistant Principal Inclusion/Wellbeing     Susan Gilmore             Susan.Gilmore@education.vic.gov.au
 Business Manager                                      Josie O’Connor            Josie.OConnor@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 7 Learning Culture Leader                        Andrew Walsh              Andrew.Walsh@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 7 Learning Culture Assistant                     Simone Farmer             Simone.Farmer-Birkenbeil@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 8/9 Learning Culture Leader                      Adam Stevens              Adam.Stevens@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 8 Learning Culture Assistant                     Laura Croft               Laura.Croft2@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 9 Learning Culture Assistant                     Erin Warner               Erin.Cusworth-Warner@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 10-12 Learning Culture Leader                    Jessica Dunn              Jessica.Dunn3@education.vic.gov.au
                                                       Rachel Davies             Rachel.Davies2@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 10 Learning Culture Assistants
                                                       Natalia Gunning           Natalia.Gunning@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 11 Learning Culture Assistant                    Amy Forbes                Amy.Forbes@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 12 Learning Culture Assistant                    James Firth               James.Firth@education.vic.gov.au
 Student Wellbeing Officer                             Anne Wilson               JessieAnne.Wilson@education.vic.gov.au
 Student Wellbeing Officer                             Casey Kamphuis            Casey.Kamphuis@education.vic.gov.au
 Student Wellbeing Officer                             Tori McKay                Victoria.Mckay2@education.vic.gov.au
 School Nurse                                          Kaz Thurgood              Karen.Thurgood@education.vic.gov.au
 Teaching & Learning Leader                            Teresa Fanning            Teresa.Fanning@education.vic.gov.au
 Teaching & Learning Leader                            Jayde Werner-Duffield     Jayde.Werner-Duffield@education.vic.gov.au
 Teaching & Learning Leader                            Rhonda Martino            Rhonda.Martino@education.vic.gov.au
 Learning Specialist                                   Nella Marx                Sebastiana.Marx@education.vic.gov.au
 Learning Specialist                                   Jo Brauman                Joanne.Brauman@education.vic.gov.au
 Learning Specialist                                   Scott Hasley              Scott.Hasley@education.vic.gov.au
 Learning Specialist                                   Leah Sloss                Leah.Sloss@education.vic.gov.au
 Learning Specialist (Acting)                          Janelle Dorian            Janelle.Dorian@education.vic.gov.au
 Sport Coordinator                                     Kathryn Buckland          Kathryn.Buckland@education.vic.gov.au
 Librarian-Literacy Leader                             Jenn Davies               Jenn.Davies@education.vic.gov.au
                                                       Brie Brooker              Briani.Brooker@education.vic.gov.au
 Arts Coordinators
                                                       Madeline Stanton          Madeline.Stanton@education.vic.gov.au
                                                       Sarah Longden             Sarah.Longden@education.vic.gov.au
 English Coordinators
                                                       Corissa Rieschieck        Corissa.Rieschieck@education.vic.gov.au
 Food Technology Coordinator                           Rosemary Allen            Rosemary.Allen@education.vic.gov.au
                                                       Laura Burton              Laura.Burton@education.vic.gov.au
 Humanities Coordinators
                                                       Leanna Kotsakis           Leanna.Kotsakis@education.vic.gov.au
 Language Coordinator                                  Erin Warner               Erin.Cusworth-Warner@education.vic.gov.au
 Materials / IT Technology Coordinator                 Ben Stein                 Benjamin.Stein@education.vic.gov.au
                                                       David Axford              David.Axford@education.vic.gov.au
 Maths Coordinator
                                                       Carmen Daldry             Carmen.Daldry@education.vic.gov.au
 PE/Health Coordinator                                 David Sharpe              David.Sharpe@education.vic.gov.au
 Science Coordinator                                   Andrew Bohni              Andrew.Bohni@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 8 Hands on Learning Coordinator                  Bernie Walsh              Bernie.Walsh@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 9 Trade Pathways Program Coordinator             James Belfield            James.Belfield@education.vic.gov.au
 Year 10 Vocational Immersion Program Coordinator      Anna Firth                Anna.Firth@education.vic.gov.au
 VCAL Coordinator                                      Carmen Daldry             Carmen.Daldry@education.vic.gov.au
 Careers/Pathways / VET Coordinator                    Jayden King               Jaydyn.King@education.vic.gov.au
 Careers/Pathways                                      Kylie Downey              Kylie.Downey@education.vic.gov.au
 Inclusion Coordination                                Jenni Johnson             Jenni.Johnson@education.vic.gov.au
 Inclusion Assistant                                   Luana Crampton            Luana.Crampton@education.vic.gov.au
 Literacy & Numeracy Intervention                      Aleasha Innella           Aleasha.Innella@education.vic.gov.au
 Instrumental Music & Choir Leader                     Yolette Stewart           Yolette.Stewart@education.vic.gov.au
 Transport (Bus) Coordinator                           Elisa Fitzsimmons         Elisa.Fitzsimmons@education.vic.gov.au
 OHS Representative                                    Maureen Hickman           Maureen.Hickman@education.vic.gov.au
                                                DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
In 2021, we have moved to a 5 period day. The regular bell times for class are the same every day. Remember to collect
your books for Period 1 and 2 before school, Period 3 and 4 at recess and Period 5 at the end of lunch.

Year 7, 8 & 9 students will have Period 0 with their LG Leader on Mondays and Fridays only.

Adjusted bell times eg for assemblies or house meetings, are posted in Daily Notices on Sentral.

                                                     8.45am – 8.50am                     5 mins travel time

 Monday & Friday only for Years 7, 8, 9              8.50am – 9.00am                     10 min
 Tuesday & Thursday – Staff Briefing

                                                     9.00am – 9.05am                     5 mins travel time

 PERIOD 1                                            9.05am – 10.05am                    60 mins
                                                     10.05am – 10.10am                   5 mins travel time

 PERIOD 2                                            10.10am – 11.10am                   60 mins
 RECESS                                              11.10am – 11.30am                   20 mins

                                                     11.30am - 11.35am                   5 mins travel time

 PERIOD 3                                            11.35am – 12.35pm                   60 mins
                                                     12.35pm – 12.40pm                   5 mins travel time

 PERIOD 4                                            12.40pm – 1.40pm                    60 mins
 LUNCH                                               1.40pm – 2.25pm                     45 mins

                                                     2.25pm - 2.30pm                     5 mins travel time

 PERIOD 5                                            2.30pm – 3.30pm                     60 mins

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
From the General Office...
FEES                                                                DOES YOUR CHILD NEED TO
A reminder that all fees for 2020 are now overdue. To set
up a payment plan for fees, please contact the Business             LEAVE THE SCHOOL EARLY?
Manager, Josie O’Connor to make an appointment. Only                A reminder that if your child needs to leave during class
Year 7 and 12 camps can be added to payment plans.                  time or any other time during the school day they are
Payment plans are available to all parents/guardian at DSC.         required to bring a signed note which is to be presented at
Statements will be mailed out towards the end of this term          their LCC office.
once all the elective subject charges have been added. This         Please note that we require parent permission for students
year’s Curriculum Charges are due by the end of Term 1              to be collected by someone other than their parents/
2021 if no payment plan is in place.                                guardians, as listed on our records. Persons listed as
                                                                    emergency contacts also require permission from parents/
                                                                    guardians to collect students.
CAMPS, SPORTS AND                                                   Please call ahead if you have an unscheduled appointment

                                                                    in plenty of time, this enables staff to locate the child and
                                                                    make sure they are ready when you come to collect them.

APPLICATIONS                                                        If a student feels unwell, they need to go to their LCC /
                                                                    Sickbay where they can be cared for. If your child calls you
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) helps                  during the day, tell them to go to their LCC / Sickbay. The
eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and     College will call you if they need to be collected.
sporting activities.
If you have a valid means-tested concession card, such
as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care             ANNUAL PRIVACY REMINDER
Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or are a temporary               Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and
foster parent, you may be eligible. There is also a special         parent personal information for standard school functions
consideration category for asylum seeker and refugee                or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy
families.                                                           Policy.
Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary             Please take time to remind yourself of the school’s collection
school students and $225 for eligible secondary school              statement, found on our website https://www.drouinsc.
students. Payments are made direct to the school to use             vic.edu.au/repository/policies/privacy%20collection%20
towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and                  statement.pdf
sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
                                                                    For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’
If you applied for CSEF through Drouin Secondary last year,         Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is
you do not need to complete an application form this year,          also available in nine community languages:
unless you have a new student starting at DSC or there has
been a change in your family circumstances.                         •   Amharic
                                                                    •   Arabic
If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact the
school office on 5625 1002 and ask for an application form.         •   Dari
                                                                    •   Mandarin
You can also download the form, and find out more about
the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education         •   Somali
and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web                •   Sudanese
page. The form is also available on the DSC website.                •   Turkish
                                                                    •   Urdu
Check with the school office if you are unsure, and please          •   Vietnamese
return completed forms to the school office as soon as possible.

                                              DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
Parents can now give permission for some activities via the        If you having trouble logging onto the portal or
Parent Portal.                                                     do not have your access code, please contact Paul
                                                                   Gorton in the IT Department and he will talk you
Your will receive an email notifying you that your child has an
                                                                   through the process.
activity waiting to be approved on the Parent Portal in Sentral.
                                                                   We hope this saves students, parents and staff time. It will
To view video instructions for how to approve an activity via
                                                                   also save us a few thousand sheets of paper each year.
the Parent Portal Click Here.
OR follow the steps below:
1. Login to the Parent portal of Sentral                           Cheryl Taafe
                                                                   Excursion Administration Officer
2. Click on the link at the top right of the page for Portal
   Version 2.
3. At the top of the page you will see "Activity Permission
   Slip" Click "View Details" and approve the activity.

                                              DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
Australia Day Awards
Congratulations to Year 10 student Charlotte Smitthett and DSC teacher Bernie Walsh who both received Australia Day
Awards. They were recognised for their contributions at the Baw Baw Shire Australia Day awards on Tuesday 26 January at
a special event at the West Gippsland Arts Centre in Warragul.
The annual awards ceremony honour and recognise those who give back to the community every day without seeking
recognition. All winners are nominated by fellow community members.

Young Citizen of the Year                                       Australia Day Medallion
– Charlotte Smithett                                            – Bernie Walsh
Described as always caring, kind and consistently thinking      As a teacher at Drouin Secondary College, Bernie goes
of others, Charlotte is always representing the community.      above and beyond for his students. Bernie’s unique teaching
As a member of the 1st Drouin Scouts, she’s participated in     style and dedication to providing the best possible learning
many community fundraisers, organised nights with her scout     experience is evident in the way he interacts with his students,
troop to clean up around the town and won’t hesitate to help    helping to set them up for a bright future. Anyone who has
others when they need it. Charlotte has also received her       had the opportunity to learn from him or work alongside him
Australia Scout Medallion, which is a significant undertaking   will know that he is a passionate, driven and resilient teacher
and a credit to her excellent attitude.                         who has made a significant contribution to our community.

                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Swimming Carnival PAGE 16 - DATE: MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY 2021 - Drouin Secondary College
Canteen Email and Phone Ordering
Students have the option to place Recess and Lunch Orders via email. Parents will also have the option to order and pay
by phone. The current system of coming to the Canteen and filling out an envelope is still available.

STUDENT ON-LINE ORDERING                                      PARENT PHONE ORDERING
To place an order email – canteen@drouinsc.vic.edu.au         Parents are welcome to call the Canteen between 9:00am
All orders MUST be placed through your student’s school       and 11:00am ONLY to place and pay for a lunch order for
email address. PAYMENT IS TO BE MADE ON PICK-UP.              their child. Phone 5625 1002 and select the option for the
All orders by email need to be in by:
                                                              Payment will be required at the time over the phone by card.
  • Recess      9:00am (prior to the start of school)
                                                              An email will be sent to the student confirming an order has
  • Lunch       11:30am (at the end of Recess)                been processed for pick-up.
In your email include:                                        The Canteen Menu is available on the College website
  • Your name and LG                                          https://www.drouinsc.vic.edu.au/
  • Your food choice – include any dietary requirements       If you have any questions or concerns, please do not
    (eg. Gluten Free)                                         hesitate to speak to us.
  • Any drinks or snacks                                      Thank you
  • How you plan to pay - Cash / EFTPOS / Voucher
                                                              Sue and Louise
A return email will be sent confirming that your order has    Drouin Secondary College Canteen
been received and how much it will cost. If your order
is incorrect or you did not order these items, contact the
Canteen via email immediately to avoid incorrect charges to
your family account.

Parents/guardians of students, who do not have student        The Department does not hold insurance for personal
accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost       property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay
of medical treatment for injured students, including the      for any loss or damage to such property.
cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other
transport costs.                                              Personal property is often brought to school by students,
                                                              staff and visitors. This can include mobile phones,
Parents/guardians can purchase insurance policies from        calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on
commercial insurers.                                          school premises. As the Department does not hold insurance
                                                              for personal property brought to schools and has no
The College cannot advise parents/guardians on whether to     capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property,
purchase a student accident policy / ambulance cover, or      we discourage bringing any unnecessary or particularly
which policy to purchase.                                     valuable items to school.

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
The Year 7 team has had a great start to the year with 255 students successfully navigating the first weeks of many to come at
Secondary College. The teaching staff are enjoying their classes already and we are getting to know each other slowly. There
is a lot to learn at this new stage - Sentral, Moodle, LGs and LCCs. Ask your child if they know what these terms mean!
The Year 7 Camp is scheduled for Monday February 22nd – Wednesday February 24th at Camp Rumbug (subject to COVID
restrictions). Further details, such as what to bring, will be sent home shortly.

Our Year 7 Learning Culture Centre team this year are:

Andrew Walsh              Di Croft                     Simone Farmer            Melissa Tyrrell           Shelley Watson-
Year 7 Level Leader       Assistant Principal          Assistant Level Leader   Year 7 LCC Administration Davie - 7A

Simone Farmer             Rea Webster-Lawson           Andrew Bohni             Rob Shurey                Samantha Halm
- 7B                      - 7B                         - 7C                     - 7E                      -7F

Rick Emery            Paul Walters          Julia Behr              Lei Shangguan     Megan Ryan            Madi Stanton
- 7G                  - 7H                  - 7I                    - 7J              - 7K                  - 7K

The Learning Group Leaders, Di Croft (Assistant Principal), Melissa Tyrrell (Year 7 Administration Assistant) and I look
forward to working with you all in 2021.

Andrew Walsh
Year 7 Level Leader

                                                DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
The staff have been busy preparing for students return to school and while operations will go back to somewhat normal, there
have also been some recent changes to comply with the department’s recommendations, including the need for students to be
wearing masks until further notice.
This year’s first cycle of reports will be available shortly and it will be a great opportunity to gauge your student’s progress.
It should provide some guidance in how well the students have been doing after returning from last year’s interrupted remote
learning period. The term ahead has plenty happening with the swimming sports which has just been completed, interschool
cricket, the Year 9 day at THE SUMMIT and much, much more.

Adam Stevens
Year 8/9 Level Leader

Our Year 8 & 9 Learning Culture Centre team this year are:

Adam Stevens                Michael Wilson               Laura Croft               Erin Warner               Sharon Page
Year 8/9 Level Leader       Assistant Principal          Year 8 Assistant Leader   Year 9 Assistant Leader   Administration Assistant

Year 8

Thomas Lyons            Laura Croft           Raminder Sandhu        David Trew           Raj Siva              Ben Stein
- 8A                    - 8B                  - 8C                   - 8D                 - 8E                  - 8F

                                                  DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Year 8 Continued

Angela Patten           Bernie Walsh            Angela Dong           Scott Hasley   Matthew Cox
- 8G                    - 8H                    - 8I                  - 8J           - 8K

Year 9

Leanna Kotsakis         Sam Widdowson           Deborah Coffey        Dave Axford    Sarah Longden
- 9A                    - 9B                    - 9C                  - 9D           - 9E

Tim McKone              Louise Jones            James Belfield        Erin Warner    Sarah Groves
- 9F                    - 9G                    - 9H                  - 9I           - 9J

We all look forward to working with you all in 2021.

                                         DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS

  Jessica Dunn                 James Firth               Amy Forbes              Natalia Gunning              Rachel Davies
Senior School Leader       Year 12 Level Assistant    Year 11 Level Assistant   Year 10 Level Assistant     Year 10 Level Assistant

                Rob Monk                Maureen Hickman               Carmen Daldry                 Anna Firth
              Assistant Principal      Senior LCC Administration       VCAL Coordinator            VIP Coordinator

We are looking forward to working with all of the students and parents this year in the Senior School and we are sure we
will have a productive year, full of learning and opportunities for personal, social and emotional growth and development.
A particular warm welcome to all of the Year 10 students and parents, and new students and families who join the Senior
School this year.  
We are looking forward to building relationships with the young people in our care and encouraging them to reach their
goals as they work towards completing their VCE or VCAL certificates or finding an apprenticeship or traineeship at the end
of 2021 or beyond.
We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the 2021 Senior School Team.
The Year Level Assistants at Years 10, 11 and 12 are the first port of call for any questions or concerns for our Senior
students, or feel free to contact Dr Jessica Dunn.

Please remember to inform the front office if any of your contact details change eg address, phone number, email,
emergency contacts etc. It is very important that the College is able to contact families in case of an emergency and also
for teachers to communicate with you about your child’s learning and wellbeing. Update your details via the Sentral Parent
Portal, call the front office or email drouin.sc@education.vic.gov.au.

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Careers News...
DSC Careers Website
Students in every year level will be making greater use of
the DSC Careers Website in 2021. There is a wealth of
information on the site for students and parents/guardians.
Students are able to use templates to write resumes and
                                                                     Head Start
cover letters as well as seek information about options such         Congratulations to Harry who is undertaking Year
as VCE, VET and VCAL, pathways to TAFE and university                11. Harry recently signed up for a Head Start
courses, interview tips and much more. Go to https://www.            Apprenticeship and will be undertaking Cert III
drouinsccareers.com/                                                 Electrotechnology Electrician working with local business
                                                                     AWB Solar & Electrical.
2020 Year 12 students
The last month has seen many of our 2020 VCE and VCAL
students receive offers for a wide range of university and
TAFE courses while others have gained apprenticeships
and traineeships or fulltime employment. We wish our
2020 alumni all the best and encourage them to contact
the College with news of their future successes.

Year 10 students
These students should be thinking seriously about organising
a Work Experience placement for the last week of Term
2: June 21-25. Students can collect Work Experience
Arrangement forms from the Careers Office. Approximately
200 students will be seeking placements so there is hot
competition for places.

With the return to school, it is a good time to remind students
who choose to bring mobile phones to school that they must
have them switched off and securely stored during school hours.

The policy applies to mobile phones, music players, wireless
headphones and non-laptop internet-connected devices.
At DSC this means phones and other devices are to be switched
off and stored in students’ locked lockers from the start of
period one until the end of the school day, including recess and
This will be a six and a half hour mobile phone detox for
students each school day.
If parents need to contact students they can do so via the office.
This is a government policy in place in all Victorian Government

                                               DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
 GORDON            894
 PATERSON          795
 LAWSON            576
 DENNIS            571

 Age Champions
 U/13 Female Champion        AUBREY, Alexandra         LAW    22.0 points
 U/13 Male Champion          PICKERING, Lachlan        GOR 45.0 points
 U/14 Female Champion        NICHOLSON, Alexandra      DEN    60.0 points
 U/14 Male Champion          WELLS, Sam                LAW    56.0 points
 U/15 Female Champion        SMITHETT, Charlotte       LAW    44.0 points
 U/15 Male Champion          GRIFFIN, Patrick          PAT    60.0 points
 U/16 Female Champion        HICKFORD, Jessica         GOR 60.0 points
 U/16 Male Champion          FOWLER, Riley             PAT    34.0 points
 U/17 Female Champion        SMITH, Hollie             DEN    37.0 points
 U/17 Male Champion          GRIFFIN, Riley            PAT    34.0 points
 U/21 Female Champion        SNELL, Ashley             DEN    19.0 points
 U/21 Male Champion          TENACE-GREENALL, Jack     PAT    44.0 points

Records set at this Carnival...
M U/14 50m Butterfly WELLS, Sam LAW 30.73
Old Record: 33.53 WELLS, Sam R (LAW 2020)
F U/14 50m Butterfly NICHOLSON, Alexandra DEN 35.41
Old Record: 35.80 HILL, Melissa (LAW 1998)
M U/21 50m Butterfly GRIFFIN, Riley PAT 27.00
Old Record: 28.84 MARKS, Stephen J (LAW 2004)
M U/14 50m A Backstroke WELLS, Sam LAW 35.81
Old Record: 37.44 MARKS, Stephen J (LAW 1999)
M U/17 50m A Backstroke GRIFFIN, Riley PAT 32.17
Old Record: 34.24 WAINWRIGHT, Julian R (PAT 2015)
M U/14 50m A Freestyle WELLS, Sam LAW 29.90
Old Record: 30.34 GRIFFIN, Riley (PAT 2018)
M U/15 50m A Freestyle GRIFFIN, Patrick PAT 28.81
Old Record: 28.83 GRIFFIN, Riley (LAW 2019)
M U/17 50m A Freestyle GRIFFIN, Riley PAT 26.94
Old Record: 29.39 WAINWRIGHT, Julian R (PAT 2015)
M U/14 50m A Breaststroke WELLS, Sam LAW 40.70
Old Record: 44.51 MORRIS, Trevor M (LAW 2000)
M U/17 50m A Breaststroke GRIFFIN, Riley PAT 36.79
Old Record: 45.73 WAINWRIGHT, Julian R (PAT 2015)
M U/15 50m A Breaststroke GRIFFIN, Patrick PAT 42.89
Old Record: 43.19 MARKS, Stephen J (LAW 2000)
F U/21 100m A Breaststroke JENKINS, Rachael L PAT 1:24.66
Old Record: 1:31.44 HILL, Melissa J (LAW 2003)

                                          DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
The Year 10 Environment Science have been busy planting
native Australian seeds, looking at plant identification and
completing a scavenger hunt in the first week.

                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Australia Day Band Performances
On Australia Day 2021, a cohort of fine student musicians and music teaching staff met at the Drouin Shell for a morning
performance schedule.

Our DSC students performed super well, were very excited to play at the Drouin Shell (even in pouring rain), parents were
there in droves, raincoats, umbrellas and all, and the College was represented beautifully by our students. Rotary was super
excited to see such a great representation of young people involved in the day’s proceedings.

Yolette Stewart/Pete Brown/Wes Hopkins

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Year 9 Health are working on Communication & Teamwork and one of the
activities is back to back drawing.

Outdoor Education Team Building

                                       DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Photographing, Filming and Recording Students
During the school year there are many occasions and             However, if you have decided that you DO NOT want
events where staff may photograph, film or record students      images of your child to be collected or used
participating in school activities and events.                  by our school, please complete the Opt Out
                                                                Notice and return it to the Communications and
In November 2020, the Annual Opt Out Notice for                 Publications Officer at the General Office. Only
Photographing, Filming and Recording Students and Use of        return this form if you DO NOT CONSENT.
Name and Student Work at Drouin Secondary College was
emailed home to families as part of the 2021 Information        Further information is available on the College website
package. If we do not have your email on record, this           in the Drouin Secondary College Use of Name,
package was posted out.                                         Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy.

If you have read this notice and are comfortable with the
school using photos, video or recordings of your child and
their name and student work as described above, you do
not need to take any further action.

                                                                                          Live4Life Baw Baw Shire was
                                                                                          launched in 2020 and is
                                                                                          delivered in partnership with all
                                                                                          secondary schools and other
  Students must wear masks indoors as well as on public                                   education providers in the
  transport. Below is the Department's guidance as of 4/2/21.                             Shire as well as six community
                                                                                          agencies. The lead agent is
  Following the Government’s announcements regarding new
                                                                                          Latrobe Regional Hospital.
  statewide restrictions that came into effect at 11:59pm on
  Wednesday 3 February, there is new guidance for schools             Live4Life is the only mental health education and
  regarding the wearing of masks. People aged 12 and over             youth suicide prevention model designed specifically
  must wear a fitted face mask when in public indoor spaces           for rural and regional communities. Live4Life
  unless there is a lawful reason not to.                             communities deliver Teen and accredited Youth
                                                                      Mental Health First Aid training in schools and
  Students aged 12 or older must wear a face mask indoors
                                                                      the wider community, create local partnerships to
  when at school, unless they are attending a primary school,
                                                                      lead conversations about mental health that reduce
  an Outside school hours care (OHSC) program or an
                                                                      stigma, and promote young leaders as mental health
  exception applies.
  Children under 12 years of age and students at primary
                                                                      The Live4Life Baw Baw Crew is made up of students
  school or attending an OHSC program are not required to
                                                                      from each of the participating secondary schools
  wear face masks.
                                                                      (Drouin, Warragul, Trafalgar & Neerim South, St
  School staff are not required to wear face masks while              Paul’s & Chairo). The Crew coordinate mental
  teaching or caring, but those who wish to do so, can. Staff         health promotion activities throughout the year.
  must wear face masks in indoor areas of the school when
                                                                      We will be advertising for students in Year 10 to
  not teaching or caring.
                                                                      join the Crew this month. For more information
  Visitors to school sites must also wear masks when indoors.         please contact Kaz – Drouin Secondary School
  UPDATE: As of 13/02/21 face masks must also be worn                 Nurse or Tanarly Hood, Youth Officer at Baw Baw
  outdoors unless exempt.                                             Shire 1300 229 229.

                                           DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Welcome back to Dr Efrant
We welcome back to the Doctors in                                          Dr Efrant Harnean
Schools program, Dr Efrant Harnean
from Central Clinic. Dr Efrant and
Nurse Laraine will attend the College
on Tuesdays between 10am and 2pm.                                          Dr Efrant’s education includes a Bachelor of
                                                                           Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery attained
                                                                           through Melbourne University. He then went
Students can make appointments
                                                                           on to complete a Diploma in Child Health
through an online booking system                                           in 2010 and a Post-Graduate Diploma of
available via Sentral. There will also                                     Surgical Anatomy in 2012.
be one hour during lunchtime where
                                                 Since 2009, Dr Efrant has been doing rotations in General Surgery,
students can ‘drop in’ without an
                                                 Emergency Medicine, High Dependency Unit, General Paediatrics,
appointment.                                     Intensive Care, Urology, Vascular Surgery, Paediatric Surgery,
                                                 Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Gastroenterology and Liver Transplant
The Doctors in Schools Program is                Unit and Neonatology, at mostly Eastern Health but also including
a valuable service for our college               Ballarat Base Hospital, Frankston Hospital, Monash Children's, Monash
community supporting the health and              Newborn, Caboolture Hospital and Royal Children’s Hospital.
wellbeing of our students. We at DSC             Special Interests:
are very excited about the opportunity           •   Adolescent Health                 •   Skin Cancer
for students who might normally have
                                                 •   Asthma                            •   Travel Medicine
trouble accessing a GP to see one here
at no cost, and without the need to              •   Child Health                      •   Breastfeeding & Infant Colic
travel.                                          •   Dermatology                       •   Behavioural Paediatrics:
                                                                                           Constipation, Fussy Eating,
                                                 •   General Medicine
If you have further questions that                                                         Eneuresis, Sleep Disturbance,
                                                 •   Men's Health                          Global Developmental Delay
are not answered by the fact sheet
attached to this newsletter or the email,        •   Mental Health                     •   Weight Loss Counselling
please contact Assistant Principal               •   Occupational & Corporate          •   Smoking Cessation
Diane Croft.                                         Medicine
                                                                                       •   Alcohol Dependence
                                                 •   Preventive Medicine
                                                                                       •   Eczema

                                                                           Dr Efrant also speaks Bahasa Indonesia

                                                                           Laraine Harrison

                                            DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
                                                               DOCTORS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS

HELPING VICTORIA’S YOUNG PEOPLE ACCESS HEALTH                    •   Your independence – whether you live at home with a
CARE                                                                 parent or carer, or support yourself
The Victorian Government is making sure young people are         •   The seriousness of the treatment
receiving the health support, advice and treatment they          •   Whether you understand why the treatment is
need to reach their full potential.                                  needed, what it involves, and things that might go
                                                                     wrong (like side effects from drugs, or other
The $43.8 million Doctors in Secondary Schools initiative is         complications).
delivering on the Government’s election commitment to
fund general practitioners (GPs) to attend 100 Victorian         You can consent to the treatment if the GP thinks you
schools to provide medical advice and health care to those       understand the advantages and risks of the treatment.
students most in need. This initiative will also provide for
modern, fit-for-purpose rooms where required.                    If, after considering these things, your GP believes you are
                                                                 able to weigh up the advantages and risks of the treatment
This brochure provides answers to commonly asked                 and then make a decision, you will be able to give consent.
questions about access to this program.
                                                                 If the GP determines that:
AM I ALLOWED TO GO THE GP BY MYSELF?                             • you do not have the maturity to see him or her alone,
Yes, there is no law in Victoria that says you have to be a           and
certain age before you can visit a general practitioner (GP)     • you are unable to make your own decisions about the
on your own. In most circumstances, you can make an                   health issue you are seeing them about, the GP will get
appointment to visit a GP via the Doctors in Secondary                your parent’s or carer’s consent before continuing
Schools Program on your own. If you go alone, your GP will            with your treatment.
need to make sure you are mature enough and able to              They will usually talk with you first about how they will
understand any medical advice or information they give           have that discussion with your parents or carers.
you during the appointment.
                                                                 WILL YOU TELL MY MUM AND DAD OR CARER ABOUT THE
The GP will chat to you about why you are there and decide       MEDICAL ADVICE AND TREATMENT?
if you are able to consent to treatment yourself, or if they     If the GP decides you are mature enough to see them
think your parents or carers should be involved.                 alone, make your own decisions and consent to any
Sometimes the GP will want to talk to your parents or            treatment, he or she is usually not allowed to tell your
carers so they can better understand what is going on in         parents or carers that you saw them or anything that was
your life and how they can help.                                 talked about during your visit, without your consent. This
                                                                 is called confidentiality. They are also not allowed to say
WHEN CAN I CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT?                         anything about your medical appointment even if your
There is no fixed age at which you can consent to medical        parents or carers ask for information. However, if you are
treatment on your own. It always depends on what kind of         under 14 years of age and listed on your parents’ Medicare
medical treatment you need, and whether your GP thinks           card or have a duplicate Medicare card, your parents will
you fully understand what is involved. When your GP              be able to access information from Medicare (online, on
decides whether to give you medical treatment, he or she         the phone and via mail) about your appointments. For
will consider:                                                   example, they will be able to access information showing
• Your age and maturity                                          the date of your appointments and the name of the
                                                                 medical practitioner that you have seen. If you are

Version: 18/05/2017

                                      DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
                                                                DOCTORS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS

concerned about your appointment being kept                       to make decisions about your own health information. We
confidential, you should talk to the GP about this at the         will talk to you first, if your parent has called requesting
start of the consultation.                                        this information. We will also remind you that if you are
In some situations, the GP may want you to involve your           under 14, through Medicare, your parents will be able to
parents or carers or teachers, and they will discuss why this     access information about your appointments.
is important with you, and may encourage you, or help you
to talk with them. This will be discussed as needed on a          CAN I BRING A FRIEND TO THE APPOINTMENT?
case by case basis.                                               Yes, if you feel more comfortable going with a friend,
                                                                  parent or carer, that is okay.
Also in some cases, your GP might be worried about your
health and safety, or that of others, and may be required         HOW DO I GET A MEDICARE CARD?
to tell your mum, dad, carer or another person. These             Usually you are listed on your parents’ Medicare card. If
include:                                                          you are 15 years or older, you can get your own Medicare
      • If you intend to harm yourself                            card by applying to Medicare Australia. Information about
      • If you intend to harm someone else                        how to do this will be available through the GP at your
      •  If someone is harming you.                               school.
However, in most of these cases the GP will talk with you
first about whom they need to tell.                               For more information please visit:
WILL YOU TELL MY MUM AND DAD IF I HAVE MADE AN                    /pages/doctors-secondary-schools.aspx
APPOINTMENT?                                                      or email Doctors in Secondary Schools at:
We will only tell your mum and dad if you have consented          doctors.in.schools@edumail.vic.gov.au with any
to us doing this or if we think you are not mature enough         questions.

                                                                                              10AM TIL 2PM

                                                                                        LUNCH TIME DROP IN
                                                                                         *NO GUARANTEED TIMES

                                                                                DR. EFRANT                NURSE
                                                                                 HARNEAN                 LARAINE

Version: 18/05/2017
                                                                  ONCE REQUESTED ELISA (ADMIN STAFF) WILL EMAIL
                                                                 WHETHER YOUR APPOINTMENT IS CONFIRMED OR NOT.

                                    DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
                                                        DOCTORS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS

CARE                                                            IS A MATURE MINOR?
The Victorian Government is making sure young people            When the GP decides whether to give the young person
are receiving the health support, advice and treatment          medical treatment, they will consider:
they need to reach their full potential.
                                                                •   Age
                                                                •   Maturity in other areas of their life
The $43.8 million Doctors in Secondary Schools initiative is
                                                                •   Independence – whether they live at home with a
delivering on the Government’s election commitment to
                                                                    parent or carer, or support themselves
fund general practitioners (GPs) to attend 100 Victorian
                                                                •   The seriousness of the treatment
schools to provide medical advice and health care to those
                                                                •   The young person’s understanding of why the
students most in need. This initiative will also provide for
                                                                    treatment is needed, what it involves, treatment
modern, fit-for-purpose rooms where required.
                                                                    options, things that might go wrong (like side effects
                                                                    from drugs, or other complications), and
This brochure provides answers to commonly asked
                                                                    consequences of non-treatment.
questions about access to this program.

                                                                WHAT IF MY CHILD IS NOT A MATURE MINOR?
                                                                In the case of the Doctors in Secondary School program,
Victorian law is clear on consent for medical treatment by
                                                                any young person who wants to make an appointment
a GP:
                                                                with the GP can do so. The GP will decide if the young
•   Young people who are mature minors can consent to           person is a mature minor with respect to the issue for
    their own medical treatment.                                which they are seeking medical treatment. The assessment
•   Young people who are not mature minors cannot give          as to whether a young person is a mature minor may vary
    consent to their own medical treatment.                     for different issues. For example, a GP may decide a young
                                                                person is mature enough to be able to consent to
As is the case in community GP practice, the GP
                                                                treatment for a health condition such as asthma, but may
participating in the Doctors in Secondary Schools program,
                                                                not be mature enough to discuss the risks and benefits of
will assess if a young person is a mature minor with respect
                                                                anti-depressant medication.
to the issue for which they are seeking medical treatment.
                                                                If a GP determines that your child is not a mature minor,
                                                                they will obtain your consent before medical treatment is
Mature minors are young people under the age of 18 years
who are deemed capable of seeking and obtaining health
                                                                CAN I COME TO THE APPOINTMENT WITH MY CHILD?
care for their particular issue. To give informed consent, a
                                                                Yes, parent or carer involvement is encouraged and the
young person must be able to understand what treatment
                                                                program recognises that as parents or carers you are an
involves, what it is for, why it is needed and why it applies
                                                                important source of information and support for your child
to them as an individual. The young person must also
                                                                in managing the issue for which they are seeing the GP.
appreciate the risks associated with the treatment and be
aware of the other options available, as well as the
                                                                WHAT IF I DON’T WANT MY CHILD TO SEE A GP?
consequences of not pursuing treatment.
                                                                You are encouraged to discuss this with your child and with
                                                                the school. Generally, all secondary school aged students
                                                                will be considered mature enough to make a decision to
                                                                see the GP and the GP will then decide whether the
                                                                student is a mature minor for the purposes of seeking
                                                                medical treatment for the presenting issue. This principle

Version: 18/05/2017

                                     DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
                                                       DOCTORS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS

applies just the same if your child was seeing the doctor in   unless it is with your child’s consent, or there are some
a local community general practice.                            other legal reasons for the disclosure of this information.

WILL THE GP INVOLVE ME?                                        WHEN CAN MY CHILD GET THEIR OWN MEDICARE
There will be many circumstances where it is desirable or      CARD?
necessary for you to be involved.                              Young people can apply for their own Medicare card when
If your child is not a mature minor, the GP will involve a     they turn 15 years of age. They need to complete an
parent or carer or another responsible adult.                  application form and provide identification, such as a
                                                               student card or birth certificate, as well as details about
If your child is assessed as a mature minor by the GP, the     the card they are transferring from.
GP may see your child alone for the treatment of their
issue, however the GP will often encourage your child to       WHERE WILL MY CHILD’S MEDICAL RECORD BE KEPT?
involve you in their care. This approach helps build           The medical records will remain the property of the
confidence and responsibility in young people as they grow     participating GP’s base clinic.
into young adults, while balancing the need to respect your
child’s emerging right to confidential health care with your   CAN THE GP REFER MY CHILD TO OTHER HEALTH
reasonable expectation about being involved in your            SERVICES IF THEY NEED IT?
child’s health care.                                           Yes. It is anticipated that referrals will be an important
                                                               part of this program. The school program lead and nurse
UNDER WHAT OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES WILL I FIND OUT                 will work with the GP and your child to help support them
ABOUT MY CHILD’S GP VISIT?                                     if any referrals are required. In certain cases, you may
If the GP has determined that your child is considered a       also be consulted and involved in these referrals.
mature minor for the medical treatment being sought,
their health information must be kept confidential and         WHAT IF MY CHILD ALREADY HAS A GP?
cannot be disclosed unless it is with your child’s consent     If your child has an existing GP but would prefer to see the
or the disclosure of the information is otherwise              GP at their school, your child’s medical records can be
permitted or required by law.                                  transferred. This reflects what is currently undertaken in
                                                               the broader community. This is important and encouraged,
The following are examples of when disclosure of health        so that continuity of care is promoted across all the health
information is permitted or required by law:                   providers a young person sees.
                                                               If your child is a mature minor, they can consent to the
•   Your child consents to the disclosure.
                                                               transfer of their medical records.
•   The disclosure is necessary to prevent a serious threat
                                                               If your child is not a mature minor, you can consent to the
    to public health, safety or welfare – e.g. the young
                                                               transfer of your child’s medical records.
    person has a disease which must be notified to the
    Department of Health and Human Services.
                                                               WHAT SERVICES WILL THE GP BE PROVIDING?
•   The disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a
                                                               The GPs participating in the Doctors in Secondary Schools
    serious and imminent threat to any person’s health,
                                                               program will provide young people with the same services
    safety or welfare.
                                                               as those GPs in the community, including management of
    Examples:                                                  physical health, mental health, and sexual and
                                                               reproductive health issues.
•   The young person is at imminent risk of harming
    themselves.                                                For more information please visit:
•   The young person is at imminent risk of harming            http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/health
    others.                                                    /pages/doctors-secondary-schools.aspx
In accordance with these privacy obligations, school staff     or email Doctors in Secondary Schools at:
will not disclose when your child has accessed the GP          doctors.in.schools@edumail.vic.gov.au with any

Version: 18/05/2017

                                    DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
Drouin        2021
                                                                     Ficifolia Festival
                                                               ALL AROUND                                  DROUIN

                                                THE OVAL

                                                        Sat Feb 20th                      4pm tilL late
                                                               ●food vendors ● amusement rides
                                                          ●   Market stalls ● Parade around the oval
                                                          Twilight Movie - 7.30pm-LATE
                                                                         The Croods: A New Age
                                                     COVID Safe Open Air Movie yOU MUST REGISTER FOR a FREE TICKET
                                                                    @ www.ficifoliafestival.org.au

                                                        Fireworks Finale 9pm (approx)

                                                 www.ficifoliafestival.org.au                    drouin ficifolia festival

                     netball clinics
                          Dates: Sunday 14th & Saturday 27th Feb
                          TIME: 10 am                    Come along and see
                          AGES: 8 - 13 yrs old             how much fun
                          PLACE: Drouin Netball Courts netball can be
                          Cost: Free
                                All      Kids      WELCOME
                          all skill levels - all genders - all backgrounds

                             DROUIN SECONDARY COLLEGE - E-NEWS
WEEK 4                                                               WEEK 9
Saturday     20/02    Ficifolia Festival                             Tuesday      23/03     Year 12 Flavorite Tomatoes Excursion
                                                                                            Year 8 & 9 Immunisations
                                                                                            College Council 6.30pm
Monday       22/02    Year 10 Level Assembly - Period 2
                      Year 7 Camp Departs                            Wednesday    24/03     Camp - Lifeskills Departs

Tuesday      23/02    Cricket - Senior Girls                         Thursday     25/03     NAPLAN Practice Test Year 7 & 9

                      College Council - 6.30pm                                              Round Robin - Tennis/Volleyball/Softball/
                                                                                            Baseball (IBM, IG, SBM, SG)
Wednesday    24/02    Cricket - Year 8 Boys
                                                                     Friday       26/03     Camp - Lifeskills Returns
                      Live4Life Crew Recruitment
                      Year 7 Camp Returns                            WEEK 10
Friday       26/02    SSVWG Division Swimming Carnival               Monday       29/03     Excursion - Year 9 The Summit

WEEK 6                                                               Wednesday    31/03     Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews TBC

Monday       01/03    SSVWG Division Swimming Carnival               Thursday     01/04     Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews TBC
                      - Back Up Day                                                         Final Day of Term 1

Tuesday      02/03    8HOL Team Building Camp Departs                WEEK 1 - Term 2
Wednesday    03/03    2021 Youth Leadership Conference               Monday       19/04     Term 2 Commences
                      Year 11 ODE Camp - Mt Hotham Departs

Thursday     04/03    Cricket - Intermediate Boys

Friday       05/03    8HOL Team Building Camp Returns                  STUDENT FREE DAYS 2021
                      Year 11 ODE Camp - Mt Hotham Returns
                                                                        • Monday 10th May 2021
                                                                        • Monday 16th August 2021
Monday       08/03    Labour Day Public Holiday

Monday       15/03    World's Greatest Shave Fundraiser

Tuesday      16/03    Year 12 VCAL Salvation Army Excursion            PLEASE NOTE:
                      Year 12 Aghort Greenhills Nursery Excursion
                                                                       All events are tentative and subject to
Wednesday    17/03    Camp - 400 ODE Geelong Departs TBC               change due to COVID-19 restrictions.
                      Camp - Year 12 ODE Mornington Departs

Thursday     18/03    Cricket - Intermediate Girls

Friday       19/03    Camp - 400 ODE Geelong Returns TBC
                      Camp - Year 12 ODE Mornington Returns
                      Round Robin - Tennis/Volleyball/Softball/
                      Baseball (7BM, 7G, 8BM, 8G)                   * Some images in this newsletter were taken before mask wearing
                                                                    became mandatory.

    2021 TERM DATES                                       Contact Hours: 8.15am – 4.30pm

    Term 1: 27 January to 1 April 2021                    Ph: (03) 5625 1002
                                                          Email: drouin.sc@education.vic.gov.au
    Term 2: 19 April to 25 June 2021

    Term 3: 12 July to 17 September 2021                  UNIFORM SHOP OPEN HOURS
    Term 4: 4 October to 17 December 2021                 Every Thursday 1pm - 6pm                                      COLLEGE
                                                          First Saturday of the month 9.30pm - 12.30pm
You can also read