Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training

Page created by Allen Leonard
Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training
Sutton and District Training                       Sutton &
Prospectus 2021 - 2022                             Training

Full & Part Time Courses for students aged 16-18
(or 19-25 with an EHCP)
Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training
Welcome                                                                                          How to apply

                                                                                                 How to apply

                                                                                                                Make an enquiry online at:
                                                                                                                telephone 020 8687 5225.

                                                                                                                Upon receiving your enquiry, we will contact you
                                                                                                                either by phone or email to make an appointment
                                                                                                                for you to complete an application form and to start
                                                                                                                the interview process.

                                                                                                                During your interview, we will complete your
                                                                                                                application form and discuss any questions you
                                                                                                                may have regarding your chosen course and other
                                                                                                                aspects of the Study Programme. You will have the
                                                                                                                opportunity to meet the vocational tutor and show
                                                                                                                you around our provision.

                                                                                                                Once the interview process is complete and we have
                                                                                                                taken up any references which may be required, we
                                                                                                                will contact you by letter detailing our decision.

We are now in our twenty first year              Ofsted say Sutton and District Training are a
and have had the privilege of working            ‘GOOD’ Training Provider (March 2017)
successfully with young people and adults                                                                       Looking forward to meeting you and helping you
in South London and the surrounding                                                                             plan your next step in achieving your vocational
areas.                                                                                                          ambition.
                                                      020 8687 5225
Our main focus is to ensure our students
are supported to achieve and progress by    
undertaking courses which are suitable
for their needs. Our training environments
are both friendly and supportive and are
within close proximity to all transport links.
We hope to meet you soon, so please feel
free to contact us.

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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training
Rosehill                                                                                                                  Rosehill

Plumbing                                                                                                                     Multi-Skills
                 Student Story                                                                                               Ascentis Employment in The Construction Industries
                   My experience at Sutton & district training   Morris is a teacher who pushes his students passed their
                   has been perfect. My name is Teon, I am       limits, encourages them not to give up, provides them       The Ascentis Diploma in Skills for Employment
    18 years old, and I am writing to recommend Sutton           with real life knowledge as well as plumbing knowledge      in the Construction Industries provides the
    & district training to any person looking to pursue a        and turns his students into plumbing craftsmen. From        student with an excellent introduction to the
    career in plumbing. So far, I have accomplished so many      when I started to know, I can confidently say that I have   occupational areas within the construction
    things in such a short space of time from passing exams,     picked up an excessive amount of information practical      industry.
    performing and articulating my craft within the practical    and theory knowledge and skill, with the help with
    side of things. On November 25th when I started, I was       my tutor. I am thankful for the skills I have developed     This will enable students to make informed
    nervous, timid, and hopeless since I joined late and had     in 6 months within my period attending Sutton and           decisions on whether to progress with further
    no knowledge and was in a room with classmates who           district training. If it was not for Kim for selecting      training and employment within these areas.
    already have knowledge and had previously studied            me for an interview and if it was not for Morris for
    level 1. Morris, my tutor, made me confident and             accepting me into the course despite having passed          The qualification also promotes the
    recommended me sources such as tools to buy so I can         issues with students who misbehaved for realising           development of wider employment skills,
    practice things such as pipe bending, cutting pipe with      that I am hardworking, determined and different from        emphasising the importance of appropriate
    hacksaws and more. Morris also recommended me a              the previous students. I highly recommend Sutton and        conduct and PPE within a work area, customer
    plumbing level 2 book that I can use throughout my years     district training to anyone who has passed the enrolment    service, customer care and safe working
    to prevent me from forgetting the information. He done       month which is September to enrol because the amount        practice.
    this to help me revise and pick up information quickly       of support I received was magnificent. Since I have been
    also gaining experience more quickly so I can catch up       here, I haven’t looked back since and haven regretted the
    with the rest of the class.                                  decision I had made.
                                                                                                                             Level 1 Diploma features:
                                                                                                                             Introduction to Construction Work
                                                                                                                             • Painting & Decorating
                                                                                                                             • Tiling Operations
                                                                                                                             • Principles of Health & Safety
                                                                                                                               andling and Storing Materials and                        Parent Feedback
                                                                                                                                                                             The support that Matt has given Liam over the lockdown period
                                                                                                                             • Personal Work Skills                          was amazing. Matt knew that Liam would struggle, and Matt was in
                                                                                                                             • Introduction to Self-Employment               contact with Liam constantly. (Thank you Matt)
                                                                                                                             • Electrics
                                                                                                                                                                             The report I received about Liam was brilliant, made me very proud.

                                                                                                                                                                             Matt keeps me updated very regular regarding Liam’s progress. I
                                                                                                                                                                             have regular contact with Matt.
                                                                                                                             Level 2 Diploma features:
                                                                                                                                                                             Thank you for all your hard work this year.
                                                                                                                             Introduction to Construction Work
                                                                                                                               erforming Carpentry and Joinery
EAL Plumbing                                                     City & Guilds Plumbing Studies                               operations                                                 Intergrated Youth services, Sutton
Level 1 Diploma                                                  Level 2 Diploma                                             • Performing Dry-Lining operations
                                                                                                                                                                                          Matt kept in touch with Aaron and professionals
                                                                                                                             • Principles of Health & Safety                 involved with him throughout lockdown and during this Academic
• Above Ground Drainage                                          •H
                                                                   ealth & Safety in Building Services                                                                      year. He has attended social care meetings where he has fed back to
                                                                                                                               andling and Storing Materials and
• Copper Pipework                                                 Engineering                                                                                                the professional network on progress. He has supported Aaron fully
• Plastic Pressure Pipework                                      •D
                                                                   omestic, Industrial and                                                                                  by offering 1-1 sessions in the College and telephone support. He
                                                                                                                             • Personal Work Skills
                                                                  Commercial Plumbing                                                                                        has kept Aaron’s Mum informed as to where he is up to in his work
• Low Carbon Steel Pipework                                                                                                  • Introduction to Self-Employment
                                                                 • Cold Water Systems                                                                                        and when he is required into College.
• I nstallation, repair and maintenance of                                                                                  • Maintenance of modern buildings
   Plumbing Systems                                              • Domestic Hot Water Systems                                                                                Verbal feedback has been given during professional correspondence.
                                                                                                                             • Impact and use of buildings
• Plumbing Science                                               • Sanitation                                                                                                SEN Annual Review has been held. From a professional capacity
                                                                                                                             • Tiling
                                                                 • Central Heating Systems                                                                                   communication has been 100%.
                                                                                                                             • Painting & Decorating
                                                                 • Drainage Systems

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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training

Hairdressing & Barbering

City & Guilds Introduction to the                               City & Guilds Hairdressing
Hair and Beauty Sector                                          City & Guilds Barbering
Level 1 Diploma
                                                                Level 2 NVQ Diploma

City & Guilds Hairdressing                                      City & Guilds Hairdressing
and Barbering                                                   City & Guilds Barbering
Level 1 Diploma
                                                                Level 3 NVQ Diploma
The programme is designed to develop and
practice the skills needed for a future career                  To gain the skills you need to work in a
in either the hairdressing or beauty therapy                    hairdressing salon or barber shop - our
industries.                                                     qualifications cover a wide range of skills from
                                                                shampooing, cutting, perming and styling to
The course content will enable you to gain                      advanced colour correction.
a general understanding of the range of
treatments and services available within both                   A Hairdressing NVQ is for anyone who is
industries.                                                     serious about a hairdressing or barbering
                                                                career. There are options to suit individual
                                                                needs and aspirations - and if you are already
                                                                working in hairdressing, you could develop

                 Student Story
                                                                your skills to become a senior stylist.

                                                                Level 2 & 3 qualifications can be undertaken as
                                                                an NVQ or as an Apprenticeship, in the Sutton
    Since joining SDT hairdressing in September 2020            District Training purpose-built salon or in an
    everyone has seen a change in my attitude towards           outside salon.
    my education. Before SDT I did not really want to be
    in school, and my attitude and behaviour showed that.       NVQs are assessed at work or in a realistic
    Coming to college is enjoyable, the tutors do everything    working environment. For each unit, an
    they can to help me reach my full potential. I am looking   assessor observes you carrying out different
    forward to returning next year to complete my Level         services and checks your understanding. This
    3 and I’m already planning on returning the following       information will be recorded in your logbook,
    year to do barbering.                                       which then provides formal evidence of your

                                                                For these qualifications, you will practice
                                                                hairdressing, learn the knowledge required and
                                                                organise your own study. You will record your
                                                                achievements in a logbook packed with hints
                 Student Story                                  and tips from industry experts.

    This is my second year attending SDT. I really enjoy
    coming to college and I’m so happy to be returning
    again next year. I did not get on at school and never
    really got the support I needed either. The tutors at
    SDT are very supportive in every aspect and I have
    achieved a lot because of the support they give

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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training
Sutton                                                                                          Sutton

Games                                                                                            Creative
  Design                                                                                              Media
                                                                                                 Essential Digital Skills                                The objectives of this qualification are to
                                                                                                                                                         enable Students to:
                                                                                                 Entry Level 3
                                                                                                                                                         • Understand how to protect devices and data
                                                                                                 Level 2
                                                   RSL Games Design & Creative Media
Academic Year                                                                                    Creative Digital Media Skills
                                                                                                                                                         • Communicate socially and professionally using

                                                                                                 Level 1, 2 & 3                                          • Apply digital skills in personal and business

If you have ever played a video game,              Game Design Topics:                           The pandemic has changed the workplace for

                                                   • Plan and Produce Work to a design Brief    ever, with a shift to remote working for many.          • Use digital resources to facilitate own career
then at one point, you must have thought                                                         What impact will a ‘hybrid’ way of working have         progression.
                                                   • Understanding the Games Industry
“I wonder how that works.”                         • 2D Game Design
                                                                                                 on how we communicate, connect and create?
                                                                                                 People with digital skills will be vital to companies   Artificial intelligence, is playing an increasing role in
                                                   • 2D Game Production                          who use technology to enable multiple modes of          modern businesses and is about teaching machines to
We can show you how!                               • Sound Production for Computer Games        working.                                                do jobs, predict, and make decisions based on detailed
                                                                                                                                                         computation of past examples.
                                                   • 3D Modelling for Computer Games
Sign up to our new Game Design course and learn                                                  If you have an interest in communication
                                                   • Story Development for Computer Games       technology, social media applications, data, tools      Digital Marketing can include things like pay-per-
how creators behind your favourite games do it!                                                                                                          click advertising, search engine optimisation, email
                                                                                                 and collaboration features, that person could be
                                                                                                 you.                                                    marketing, as well as the strategy to bring them
Our Level 1 & 2 courses, from our venues in
Carshalton and Letchworth, are perfect for those   Optional Video Gaming Teams:                                                                          together.
                                                                                                 These courses will have a strong emphasis on the
looking to pursue their passion academically.      EOB Academy will also work with you to        personal and social skills needed to be successful      Social Media management tools, performance
                                                   create video gaming teams and you will        in the workplace, combined with english and             measurement, new channel research, brand presence/
                                                   have the option to travel and take part in    maths they will enable you to be work ready             voice, influencer marketing, and paid vs organic all
                                                   competitions, develop your own video gaming   with the skills needed for the whilst     play a part in connecting with prospective and current
                                                   brand and meet pro-players.                   providing a nurturing environment to grow.              users.

                                                                                                                                                         User Experience This is the art of making sure that
                                                                                                                                                         apps, websites, and other digital channels are intuitive
                                                                                                                                                         and enjoyable to use and plays an essential role in
                                                                                                                                                         driving sales through online shopping.

                                                                                                                                                         Web Analytics means being able to quantifiably
                                                                                                                                                         track the successes and failures of their digital
                                                                                                                                                         initiatives. The digital skillset involved in collating and
                                                                                                                                                         making sense of this data is web analytics. Things
                                                                                                                                                         like benchmarking, audience segmentation and
                                                                                                                                                         measurement all fall under the remit of web analytics.

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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training

Our ESOL course is suitable for young people who are           Additional qualifications are delivered in Functional Skills
new to the country or have been living in the UK for a         maths and ICT at all levels.
short while and for whom English is a second or additional
language.                                                      Enrichment activities encourage our students to learn more
                                                               about the UK through visits to places of interests,
Following our City & Guilds ESOL Skills for Life programme,
students can work from Entry 1 to a Level 2 qualification.     such as museums and well known UK landmarks. Cultural
Focus is on developing their Reading, Writing, Speaking and    walks and trips to the coast and into the country are also
Listening skills. The ASDAN Diploma in Personal Progress       well received. Sporting and performing arts activities help
qualification is also available to enable some students to     build confidence, team work skills and encourage an interest
access the ESOL Skills for Life Course at a more appropriate   and participation in the local community.

Introduction to UK Living                                      Enrichment
                                                               One of the fun and satisfying aspects about teaching
Students undertook a historical tour of
                                                               ESOL students, is showing them the sights and places of
London, visiting Westminster Abbey, Whitehall,
                                                               interest around London and also exchanging ideas about
Buckingham Palace, Kew Gardens and saw the
                                                               our customs with theirs. From Christmas decorations and
changing of the Guard. They learnt about the
                                                               pancake races to pumpkin lanterns and Red nose day, we
historical past of each location and went onto
                                                               have enjoyed them all. We have also teamed with the Attic
investigating modern London.
                                                               Theatre Company for drama workshops to further develop
Students took a trip along the South Bank                      language skills and to enhance confidence building.
visiting Tate Modern where they researched
ideas for an art project they completed in class.
Kew Gardens was enjoyed by all and students
loved the vibrant atmosphere of Borough
Market where they sampled food and drink
from the stalls.

These trips help the students with travel                                     Student Story
planning, team working and communication
skills. They can immerse themselves in new                      My name is Nam, I come from Vietnam. I came to the
cultures and exciting experiences that support                  UK two years ago and came to study art Sutton District
their ability to feel settled.                                  Training. Corina virus came and we all had to study at
                                                                home, it was a long time away from college but now we
                                                                are back.

                                                                At SDT l’ve have learnt English, maths and ICT. When I
                                                                arrived at SDT I couldn’t speak English, I felt very shy.
               Student Story                                    After studying for a long time, I have learnt to speak
                                                                English and I feel confident. I’m happy about that and I
 My teacher is helpful, she understands all the students.       will continue to improve and learn more.
 The games we play in class have helped me learn new
 words and how to spell them. The small classes a good          At SDT there are five teachers, they are friendly and
 because students have a lot of the teachers’ time              kind. Derek teaches me about maths and Geraldine
 and are learning more, we watch videos and follow              teaches me English. Derek is a funny, handsome man
 instruction, we use flash cards, these all help me to          with a big belly. Geraldine is so kind, she’s older but
 learn English.                                                 still looks young and fresh. In class she is serious with
                                                                students which helps me and my friends pay attention.
 I love it when we go outside and visit different places in     Everyone is wonderful.
 and around Brighton, I am learning about the new area
 I live in. We have been to museums and the countryside         In nearly two years of study I have made lots of friends
 where we took photos.                                          who are sociable and fun. The facilities at the college
                                                                are very good quality and I happy with it all. I really
 I love this college, all the staff are helpful and kind and    want to say thank you to my teachers and friends at
 understand us all.                                             SDT.

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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training

My Futures Programmes                                                                                                                                                                                                        What is a Pathway Programme?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Pathway Programme recognises that many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             young people lack confidence or understanding of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the core skills and qualities that are necessary for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             employment or to get the most out of vocational
                Student Story                                                                                                                                                                                                learning. It also recognises that for many, they may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             not know what career route is the most appropriate
  I have been a student at Sutton                                                                                                                                                                                            or how to realise their potential.
 and District Training for about two                                                                                                                                                                                         		                   Employers will often acknowledge
 years now. I have completed two                                                                                                                                                                                             that academic achievement means little if a
 courses, (Level 1 Health and Social                                                                                                                                                                                         potential employee cannot function effectively in
 Care and Employability Skills), Level                                                                                                                                                                                       the workplace because of poor communication
 2 functional Skills English and Level                                                                                                                                                                                       skills, awareness of health and safety or rights
 1 Maths. I am awaiting results for                                                                                                                                                                                          and responsibilities. Similarly, vocational studies
 my English GCSE and Level 2 Maths.                                                                                                                                                                                          in further education or apprenticeships require an
 If it was not for Nick and the whole                                                                                                                                                                                        individual to be able to manage and organise time,
 Sutton and District Team, I would not                                                                                                                                                                                       work independently and meet deadlines.
 have been able to be where I am now.
 With their help, I have overcome my                                                                                                                                                                                         The Pathway Programme will see students work
 anxiety and I am also more confident                                                                                                                                                                                        towards three City & Guilds qualifications over the
 in my day-to-day tasks.                                                                                                                                                                                                     academic year:

 Sutton and District believed in me                                                                                                                                                                                          •   Level 1 or 2 Certificate in Employability Skills
 when no other college would. Nick
 understood that my priorities were                                                                                                                                                                                          •   Functional Skills Maths up to Level 2 (GCSE resit
 different to the other students as                                                                                                                                                                                              if eligible)
 I am a mum to a little girl but still
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Functional Skills English up to Level 2 (GCSE
 treated me with respect and adjusted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 resit if eligible)
 the timetable and still having the
 upmost faith that I am still able to                                                                                                                                                                                        •   Functional Skills ICT or Essential Digital Skills up
 achieve anything I put my mind to,                                                                                                                                                                                              to Level 2
 even though I am not able to attend
 as many days as the other students.                                                                                                                                                                                         Teaching and learning would involve participation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in a range of practical activities to help embed
 This September I will be starting a                                                                                                                                                                                         skills and knowledge in the context of employment
 level 2 Counselling course which will                                                                                                                                                                                       and independent living. Students will also get
 help me develop personal skills and this                                                                                                                                                                                    the opportunity to gain compliance qualifications
 also give me an opportunity to widenwould                                                                                                                                                                                   relevant to a vocational area such as Emergency First
 my knowledge. I will then be startingnot be                                                                                                                                                                                 Aid, Food Hygiene, a CSCS Card, Manual Handling or
 an Access course in Social Science possible.                                                                                                                                                                                Safeguarding.
 in 2022, which will help me attend a
 university to study Criminology. If it
 was not for these qualifications that I
 have achieved at Sutton and District,                                                                                                                                                                                       How will this benefit the student?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Students will receive work experience to support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             them in a vocational Traineeship in one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             following areas:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Hairdressing / Barbering
                Student Story                                                                                                                                                                                                •   Business Administration / Customer Service
I would say Sutton and District Training (SDT) is not only a college, but also my second home. The environment there is quite peaceful, and the tutors are really friendly. When I first joined the college, I didn’t have
many friends, afterwards I began to make friends through my college. In my opinion, SDT exceeds my expectations of a college because the tutor is really experienced and open for any questions asked by students.           •   IT / Digital Support

My course is about Function Skills Level 2, and Employability, I am not British, but I was never excluded from the group. My greatest accomplishment is a Placement with Galliford Try ( UK’s 5th biggest                    •   Property Maintenance Operative (covering
construction company) arranged by SDT, and I am grateful for that. I have completed my course with flying colours. I have developed my soft skills, particularly effective communication, all thanks to my tutor.                plumbing, electrics and building maintenance)
Thanks for having me and supporting me on my future path and career.                                                                                                                                                         •   Early Years / Teaching Assistant

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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training

Functional Skills English, Maths, ICT,              STEPS
GCSE English, Maths

City & Guilds Functional Skills English,            Employability
Maths, ICT                                          Entry Level1 & 2
Entry Level, Level 1 & Level 2

                                                    Sutton and District Training are very excited

OCR English Language, Maths
                                                    to introduce a new provision ‘STEPS’ for our
                                                    students with additional needs. Focusing on
GCSE Re-sits                                        ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ goals, students
                                                    will have the opportunity to work on building
Maths and English are a central part of all         confidence and coping with the everyday
Study Programmes and Apprenticeships. They          stresses in the world. ‘STEPS’ is not exclusively
will be delivered discretely and will also be       for students with EHCPs, applicants will be
embedded within your vocational programme.          considered on a needs basis.
The delivery of maths and English skills uses
real life topics and practical scenarios based on   The Diploma in Employability can be tailored
real life situations.                               to the individual and will cover modules such
                                                    as travel training, accessing local services,
Functional Skills are the essential elements        working as part of a team, and preparing for an
of English, Maths and ICT that individuals          attending an interview.
need to enable them to engage successfully
as citizens and progress to further learning        Within our offer, students will work closely
or employment.                                      with our local partners and take part in work
                                                    experience. We will also encourage fluidity
Functional English, Maths and ICT help              between our vocations giving students the
students reinforce skills in communication,         opportunity to undertake vocational tasters
problem solving, listening, time management         in areas such as hairdressing, plumbing and
and team working.                                   gaming. GCSE’s and FS’s Maths and English will
                                                    also be part of the course.
All students will have the opportunity to
achieve a nationally recognised qualification.      Our provision aims to support the transition
City & Guilds Functional Skills English, Maths      between education and employment. Upon
& ICT qualifications are available from Entry       completion of the qualification students
Level to Level 2.                                   move onto vocational pathways at Sutton and
                                                    District, or work with our LBS partners such
Students who need to re-sit GCSE Maths              as Choice Support and South Thames College,
and/or English will be given the opportunity        working towards employment.
to study for their re-sit(s) alongside their
vocational qualification.                           Our overall aim is to equip our students with
                                                    the skills necessary for work and independent
Grade 4 is the new Standard Pass grade. If          living whilst providing a nurturing environment
students have not achieved a Grade 4 or better      to grow.
in both Maths and English, they will need to
continue studying these subjects.

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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training
Work Experience
                                                                                                                                               Enemy Of
Work Experience
As part of the Study Programme, all students
have the opportunity to undertake work
experience in their chosen vocational area.
Sutton and District Training work closely
with all students in preparing them for their                                                    Enemy Of Boredom are vocational            A place for young people to come and
work placement; ensuring that they are able
to create a good impression at an interview                                                      Creative Digital Media experts; a          feel comfortable while learning together
and have the behaviour and social skills that                                                    solid relationship has been built with     and learning from each other, using video
employers are looking for.                                                                       Sutton and District Training over the      gaming and esports to build futures.
Alongside this, we ensure that all students                                                      years, working on many successful          It’s a place where ideas are shared, and
have successfully achieved the technical skills                                                  projects. Enemy Of Boredom is              individuals can explore their passions
and knowledge of their vocational area to help
them succeed in their chosen work placement.
                                                                                                 continually developing its delivery        with the support of trainers and industry
The work placements can often lead into                                                          alongside Sutton and District              professionals.”
positive progressions, once the student has                                                      training’s quality assurance, with the
achieved their qualification.
                                                                                                 highest level of support offered to        Steve Godwin
                                                                                                 facilitate students every step of the      Creator at Enemy of Boredom
                                                                                                 way.                                       Esports Academy
                                                  For students who are not ready for work
                                                  experience, we organise Industry Talks from    Enemy Of Boredom gets full support
                                                  companies such as L’Oreal, Willmott-Dixon
                                                  Construction Ltd, Ardmore Construction Ltd,    from the team at Sutton and District
                                                  Galliford-Try, United Living and Mears, and    Training. We continue to grow this
                                                  demonstrations from companies such as Tyrone   relationship together over time to
                                                  Lawless and Kacey-May Nash. This gives all
                                                  our students the opportunity to look at the    establish common goals. These goals
                                                  Industry options and feel inspired.            include making digital education
                                                                                                 accessible for all young people at
                                                                                                 many levels and bringing industry
                                                                                                 to the classroom, opening doors to
                                                                                                 help our students progress into their
                                                                                                 following opportunities.

                                                                                                 EOB Academy,
                                                                                                 Letchworth Town Hall, Broadway, Letchworth Garden City SG6 3BF

                                                                                                 Follow your gaming passion academically.
                                                                                                 Get in touch / 07961994000
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Sutton and District Training - Prospectus 2021 - 2022 Sutton & District Training
Industry Placements                                Sutton and District Training
                                                   The Apprenticeship Place
Exciting New Opportunities                         As a Training Provider, Sutton and District   • · School Business Professional L3
                                                   Training have over 20 years’ experience of
Sutton and District Training have implemented                                                    • · HR Support L3·
                                                   supporting local business and schools with
a successful Industry Placement programme                                                        • Employability Practitioner L4
                                                   apprenticeships/apprentices. Currently we
which enables young people to gain the skills
                                                   can deliver frameworks and standards in the
that they need to move into employment.
                                                   following areas:
You will be matched with a placement in the                                                      Traineeships will also be offered throughout
occupational area you want to work in.             • · Property Maintenance Operative L2         the academic year. We offer a flexible training
                                                   • · Digital Support Technician L3             programme where all teaching & learning
A quality industry placement will arm you                                                        is carried out in the workplace. (There may
with the technical skills you will need to give    • · Teaching Assistant L3
                                                                                                 be occasions when you will have to attend
yourself the best possible chance for entering     • · Early Years Educator L3                   training days to enhance your training and
skilled employment.                                                                              education). Sutton and Training has a purpose-
                                                   • · Business Administrator L3
                                                   • · Customer Service Practitioner L2          built Hairdressing salon in Carshalton where
                                                                                                 hairdressing and barbering can take place.
                                                   • · Customer Service Specialist L3
Benefits of a placement include an
                                                                                                 Courses will be bespoke to meet the needs
opportunity for the student to:                    • · Team Leader Level 3
                                                   • · Operations or Departmental Manager L5     of the apprentice and employer. We will also
  evelop their employability “soft skills”                                                      utilise blended learning where possible to
                                                   • · Facilities Supervisor L3
 such as communicating, adapting to change,                                                      make the learning experience as interactive as
                                                   • · Facilities Management L4                  possible.
 teamwork and problem solving.
                                                   • · Marketing Assistant L3
  xperience personal growth: to develop                                                         It is a roll-on roll-off programme, so apprentices
 self-reliance, step outside their comfort zone,   • · Marketing Executive L4
                                                                                                 can start at any time; you do not need to wait
 build confidence and learn about themselves       • · Sales Executive L4                        until September.
 to identify their strengths and preferences
 for future career options.
• Placements will last a minimum of 45 days.
  tudents will improve their ability to gain a
  ikely to result in further opportunities like
 paid employment and apprenticeships.
  tudents will develop their knowledge and
 skills relevant to their course and future
  tudents will have greater understanding
 of what it is like to work in their chosen
  tudents will receive coaching and mentoring
 from a line manager.
  ccupationally specific and focused on
 developing the practical and technical skills
 required for the profession or trade that the
 student is studying for.

18     Sutton and District Training                                                                                                   19
General Information                                                                               Notes

Attendance Times                               Bursary Fund Entitlement
All courses offered require attendance         You could be entitled to a bursary payment of
between 9:30am and 4:00pm Monday - Friday      up to £1200 if you fulfil certain criteria. You
during the academic year. (i.e. beginning of   will automatically be entitled to a payment if
September to the end of July excluding Term    you are:
and Half-Term breaks) A customised timetable
will be created for each student.              • In care
                                               • Care leaver
                                               • Young person in receipt of Income Support
                                                 isabled young person, in receipt of
                                                Employment and Support Allowance, and
                                                also in receipt of Disability

                                               You could also be entitled to a discretionary
                                               bursary if you live with your parent(s) or
                                               guardian(s) and they are on a low income or

                                               Careers, Education Information, Advice,
                                               Guidance (CEIAG) and Pastoral Support
                                               Sutton and District Training have qualified
                                               CEIAG staff to assist you with making decisions
                                               and planning a suitable way forward. We have
                                               a dedicated team who will help you with all
                                               aspects of career guidance, CVs, application
                                               forms and interview preparation.

                                               One-to-one Pastoral support is offered to
                                               ensure you have the opportunity to achieve
                                               your potential and receive extra support as
                                               and when you feel it will be of benefit. Our
                                               all-round support system will enable you
                                               to be successful in a caring and supportive

                                               Course Availability
                                               All applicants will be invited for an interview.
                                               Entry requirements are specific to each
                                               vocational area. Sutton and District Training
                                               reserve the right to withdraw any of these
                                               courses if they prove to be under-subscribed.

20     Sutton and District Training                                                                21
Contacts                                                                    How to find us

Heidi Harper               SP Manager                       020 8687 5225

Matt Stay                  Business Development             020 8687 5225
                                                                                                                                   WE ARE
Lauren Ruthven             Hairdressing Tutor               020 8687 5225                                                           HERE
Lauren Bate                Hairdressing Tutor               020 8687 5225

Elena Peristiani           Barbering Tutor                  020 8687 5225

Reuben Panteli             Project Coordinator              020 8687 5225

Kim Challis                Designated Safeguarding Lead     020 8685 0622                           WE ARE
Nick Cox                   My Futures Tutor                 020 8685 0622

Morris Scarlett            Plumbing Tutor                   020 8685 0622

Patricia Gray              Functional Skills / GCSE Tutor   020 8685 0622

Victoria Douglas           Learning Support Manager         020 3879 8829    ROSEHILL                                 SUTTON
Geraldine Morris           ESOL Centre Manager              020 3879 8829    Sutton and District Training             Sutton and District Training
                                                                             8-12 Rosehill Court Parade Morden        Lawn View, Grove Park
Derek Barrett              Functional Skills Tutor          020 3879 8829    Surrey                                   Carshalton
                                                                             SM4 6JS                                  Surrey
Lucie Challis              ESOL Administration              020 3879 8829
                                                                                                                      SM5 3BB
                                                                             Tel: 020 8685 0622
Sonal Chaudry              ESOL Tutor                       020 3879 8829
                                                                                                                      Tel: 020 8687 5225
Hollie Coton               ESOL Tutor                       020 3879 8829

                                                                                                             WE ARE

                                                                             Sutton and District Training
                                                                             Ash Cottage
                                                                             East Sussex
                                                                             BN2 6DA

                                                                             Tel: 01273 694 626
22     Sutton and District Training                                                                                                   23
Sutton &
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