Sustainability of the Italian Healthcare System and of the presently active hospitals: a methodological proposal for a systematic assessment of ...

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Sustainability of the Italian Healthcare System and of the presently active hospitals: a methodological proposal for a systematic assessment of ...
Ann Ig. 2022 Jul 21. doi: 10.7416/ai.2022.2540. Epub ahead of print

Sustainability of the Italian Healthcare System and of
the presently active hospitals: a methodological proposal
for a systematic assessment of humanization of paedi-
atric care and areas
T. Felicino1, M. Gola2, M. Buffoli2
Received: 2022 April 4
Accepted after revision: 2022 July 6
Published online ahead of print: 2022 July 21

Key words: Social sustainability, Systematic assessment of humanization, Paediatric care and areas
Parole chiave: Sostenibilità sociale, Valutazione sistematica dell’umanizzazione, Aree pediatriche

    Introduction. In paediatrics, the word “humanization” means to care for the whole patient’s family. It is
    vital to preserve a balanced relationship between family members to help the healing process for the young
    sufferer. How do we ensure that all the strategies adopted up to now have positively reached their objectives
    of humanization? How then can we measure hospital users’ perception?
    The purpose of this research project is to identify the main factors that influence users’ opinion about the
    quality of environment in paediatrics through a qualitative analysis on users’ well-being. Monitoring the
    humanization level achieved by hospitals and testing the effectiveness of spaces devoted to host young
    people, may be considered essential phases in gathering new useful evidences as well as to identify potential
    emerging guidelines.
    Methods. Operative measurements were supported by the LpCp-tool, an effective tool that includes a
    questionnaire-based investigation and a processing software. The tool was then adapted to the specific
    explored field. The investigation was applied in three hospitals in Lombardy Region (Italy).
    Results. The most influent factors in users’ perception were the space comfort and the standards of security
    services. Hospital staff generally had a worse opinion than patients/visitors on all items. Under no
    circumstances must users’ involvement relevance be overlooked.
    Conclusions. The research highlights the relevance of the environmental well-being and involvement of users’
    in the decision-making processes, as well as the absolute requirement of a multicultural context.

  Department of Business Sciences - Management and Innovation System / DISA-MIS, Master DAOSan, University of Salerno,
Fisciano (SA), Italy
  Department ABC, Design & Health Lab, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Annali di Igiene : Medicina Preventiva e di Comunità (Ann Ig)
ISSN 1120-9135
Copyright © Società Editrice Universo (SEU), Roma, Italy
2                                                                                  T. Felicino et al.

Introduction                                      tool examines existing healthcare facilities
                                                  in which design and structural restrictions
    The humanization of space in healthcare       imposed by the design could affect and
environments may offer a significant strategy     limit quality levels, focusing on user’s
to improve mental and physical well-being         perception and involvement (11). The
of patients and workers (1, 2). Several           developed methodology and the adaptation
experts scientifically demonstrated that          to pediatric functional units aim to outline
social aspects and design approaches could        a multidimensional evaluation tool, which
influence the healing process of patients         considers the importance of environmental
(3). The implementation of humanization’s         conditions in healthcare processes (12,
principles in pediatric care is an ongoing        13).
process implying that care should be
addressed not only to the child as a patient      Articulation of the Tool
(4), but even to the whole family (5-7).              Starting from the LpCp-tool applied
Despite all norms and qualitative standards       to generic healthcare settings (10), the
achieved, the hospitalization continues to        research group improved its contents for
represent a difficult experience for the young    paediatric spaces. The new tool consists of
users, especially considering the “clean          three questionnaire models: one for patients/
break” from everyday habits and activities        visitors (P/V), one for the medical staff (MS),
(8). Moreover, environmental perception           and one for the hospital’s administrative
depends on both physical and emotional            staff (AS); and of a spreadsheet able to
factors, thus different opinions from staff       process the data, to rank the quality, and
to visitors could be helpful to define the        to indicate suitable and effective strategies
best design solutions for the most common         to better supplying solutions for the most
requirements as space comfort, way finding,       critical indicators (10). The questionnaires
positive relationships, safety, and security      are composed of an introductory section
(9). How could we measure users’ perception       - including general information about the
to improve the quality of healthcare systems?     participant, such as sex, age, nationality,
Starting from the previous considerations,        occupational role, etc., and a list of questions,
this article presents the results of the          aimed at investigating users’ perceptions and
application of a qualitative tool that took       experiences in the healing spaces, divided
place in some pediatric departments in Italy,     into four parts: well–being, social aspects,
in particular in the North of the Country,        safety & security, health promotion (14-16).
and some useful evidences from the data-          Specifically, the criteria investigate (9):
analysis.                                             1) well–being: to evaluate the level
                                                  of overall well-being, with regard to the
                                                  paediatric areas. This with the aim to
Methods                                           improve the level of attention paid to the
                                                  well-being within the hospital, considered as
   The investigation was pursued through          a workplace and a service provider. Aspects
LpCp – tool (Listening to people to Cure          as materials, colours and light have a positive
people), an effective, reliable, and replicable   effect on the psycho-physical well-being,
evaluation tool – already validated on            improving staff performance and helping
previous case studies in generic healthcare       patient’s recovery;
settings - able to support the active hospitals       2) social aspects: to evaluate the social
in decision making and to improve their           cohesion inside the paediatric area. This
comprehensive sustainability (10). The            with the aim to encourage participation and
Social sustainability of paediatric areas                                                     3

collaboration among all hospital’s users          the customer ratings and on the effect of
and to increase the level of attention paid to    improvements that were made, looking at a
the hospitals’ social policies, especially in     minimum resource cost; the ANP (Analytic
paediatric areas (7);                             Network Process) used is the multi-criteria
    3) safety & security: to evaluate the         approach (18). The weight of the different
level of safety and security of users. This       criteria are subdivided into: Well-Being
with the aim to encourage adequate safety         (13%), Social Aspects (38%), Safety &
and security policies, because the indicator      Security (42%), Health Promotion (7%)
considers both the existing regulations and       (9).
the hospital’s policies about these aspects,
especially users’ final perception about all      Hospitals Selection
of them;                                             The first step was to create an index
    4) health promotion: to evaluate the          of healthcare facilities. Referring to the
level of health promotion and sustainable         localization of the research group, the
lifestyle pursued in the hospital and in          activities were applied in Lombardy region,
particular in the paediatric area. This with      Northern Italy. Starting from a wide list of
the aim to encourage the attention paid to        case studies, a hospital of each Local Health
the promotion of salutogenic lifestyle and        Authority was contacted and requested to
disease prevention in hospital policies.          join the survey.
    For each criterion, Table 1 lists all the        According to their availability, the
indicators.                                       investigation was performed in three general
    The percentage of people responding           hospitals, characterized by renovations
is calculated according to the following          in paediatric wards. Furthermore, all the
formula:                                          analyzed healthcare facilities include
    number of positive answers / number of        educational and cultural services, play-
valid answers * 100.                              rooms and psychological support services
    Therefore, each percentage group was          for patients and their families (7).
awarded a score points, based on the amount
of positive answers obtained on the total         Information Gathering Criteria
of valid ones, according to the following            The operative phase was articulated
thresholds: (1) positive answers ≥ 66%, full      in three steps: 1. meeting with hospital
score; (2) positive answers between 66 %          managers and medical staff; 2. visits in
and 33%, half score; (3) positive answers <       the hospital settings for an analysis of
33%, no score (10).                               space configuration, activities carried out,
    Answers with both high and fairly             and the availability of the head nurse; 3.
satisfaction were considered positive.            interviews with patients/visitors (over
The sum of scores obtained concurs to             12 years old patients could complete the
allocate the indicator’s final score (from 0      questionnaires on their own), medical staff,
to 5 points). Marks were given by different       and administrative staff (representatives of
evaluation criteria, each of them has a           the healthcare organization).
specific maximum score, as shown in Table
2.                                                Data Elaboration
    As several assessment tools are structured,      Starting from the questionnaires, the
the final hospital evaluation score (from 0 to    spreadsheet has been articulated in five
100 points) is calculated as the weighed sum      sheets: (a) Administrative staff, (b) Medical
of the scores achieved in all four criteria       staff, (c) Patients/Visitors, (d) Rating of
(17). Weighing process is based both on           total answers, and (e) Comparison between
4                                                                                                  T. Felicino et al.

Table 1 – List of Criteria, Indicators and Definitions of the LpCp-tool for paediatric areas

Criteria              Indicator                                  Definition
                                                                 Comfort: colours, materials, artificial and natural
                      Comfort level of the spaces
                                                                 lighting, furniture quality
                                                                 Presence of activities/facilities for staff and
                                                                 patients/visitors: sport, leisure, culture, bar/
                      Services and recreational activities
                                                                 restaurant areas, libraries, WI-FI areas, art,
Well-being                                                       exhibitions, etc.
                                                                 Adequate and clear wayfinding and paths within
                      Orientation and intelligibility
                                                                 the hospital and the paediatric area
                                                                 Quality/presence of green areas and outside
                      Green area and views
                                                                 Level of patient involvement in the therapeutic
                      Involvement in the therapeutic process
                      Involvement of all users in the hospital’s Level of patient involvement in the design
                      design phase                               process
                                                                 Discriminatory behavior: all patients and
                                                                 staff are treated with the same care and
                      Discrimination                             professionalism regardless of their race, religion,
                                                                 sexual orientation physical and mental handicap,
                                                                 professional specialization
                      Collaboration between hospital staff       Level of collaboration within hospital staff
Social aspects                                                   Presence and use of spaces capable of
                      Meeting areas                              accommodating meetings between staff and
                      Mediation, translation and interpreting Presence and quality of a mediation, translating
                      services                                   and interpreting service
                                                                 Structure friendliness towards different cultures
                                                                 (presence of directions in different languages, of
                      Attention towards different ethnic groups  spaces that allow people with different cultures
                                                                 to accomplish their own customs, e.g. worship
                      Complementary space to welcome relatives Presence of spaces to give hospitality to patients’
                      of patients                                relatives
                      Theft                                      Perceived security with regards to theft
                      Personal safety                            Perceived personal safety
Safety & Security     Hospital services                          Trust in hospital services
                      Hospital infections                        Perception of hygiene standards
                      Vigilance and control                      Presence of security control
                      Prevention campaigns                       Presence of health prevention campaigns
                      Promotion campaigns                           Presence of health promotion campaigns
Health promotion                                                    Presence and use of natural and ecological
                      Ecological products and materials             products and materials, non-toxic, recyclable,
                                                                    with a short supply chain
Social sustainability of paediatric areas                                                                          5

Table 2 - Questionnaires and scores adopted by LpCp-tool assessment

                                                                                      Max        Questionnaires
Criteria               Indicators
                                                                                      Score     P/V    MS AS
Well-being             Comfort level of the spaces                                    +2.0       •      •
                       Services and recreational activities                           +1.2       •      •
                       Orientation and intelligibility                                +1.0       •      •
                       Green area and views                                           +0.8       •      •
Social aspects         Involvement in the therapeutic process                         +0.7       •
                       Involvement of the users in the hospital’s design phase        +0.2              •
                       Discrimination                                                 +0.3       •      •
                       Collaboration between hospital staff                           +0.9              •
                       Meeting areas (presence)                                       +0.6                     •
                       Meeting areas (use)                                            +0.6              •
                       Mediation, translation and interpreting services (presence)    +1.2                     •
                       Mediation, translation and interpreting services (quality)     +1.2              •
                       Attention towards different ethnic groups                      +0.7                     •
                       Complementary space to welcome relatives of patients*          +0.4                     •
Safety & Security      Theft                                                          +1.5       •      •
                       Personal safety                                                +1.0       •      •
                       Hospital services                                              +1.5       •
                       Hospital infections                                            +1.5              •
                       Vigilance and control                                          +1.0       •      •
Health promotion       Prevention campaigns                                           +2.5                     •
                       Promotion campaigns                                            +2.5                     •
                       Ecological products and materials                              +2.5                     •
Note. In case of yes/no answer, the maximum score will be assigned to the “yes” and 0 points to the “no”.
Abbreviations: P/V - patients/visitors; MS - medical staff; AS - hospital/administrative staff.
6                                                                                   T. Felicino et al.

patients/staff answers. By inserting answers        4.90/5.00; c) safety and security 5.00/5.00;
in the spreadsheet, the humanization score          d) health promotion 5.00/5.00.
has been appointed to the hospital and                  The last hospital (hereinafter referred to
critical areas have been identified.                as H3) is the major hospital in the northeast
                                                    part of the region. It is located in a recently
                                                    completed building (inaugurated around 10
Results and Discussion                              years ago). Its Pediatric Unit has a capacity
                                                    of 25 beds (11 single rooms and 7 double
    To be effective, the tool must generally        rooms). Questionnaires were distributed to
be distributed to a significant percentage          10% of patients/visitors (171/1,700) and
of hospital users (at least 10% of medical          staff members (5/50). An overall score of
staff and 10% average daily patients) (10).         73.5/100 has been achieved in this facility.
Nevertheless, uniformity of answers detected        The partial ratings of the four areas were the
in bigger sample (CASE A) made it possible          following: a) well-being 4.10/5.00; b) social
a reduction of the minimum percentage               aspects 4.00/5.00; c) safety and security
(from 10% to 5%).                                   3.00/5.00; d) health promotion 5.00/5.00.
                                                        Concerning well-being criteria, the
Results by Hospitals                                section “wayfinding” was perceived as a
    The first hospital (H1 referred below) is a     critical issue. Presumably, this is related
large hospital, built in 1939. Its pediatric ward   to the fact that the re-design of buildings
was renovated in 2014 and has a capacity of         usually creates disorientation in user’s mind
36 beds, almost everyone in private rooms           (considering the fact that they are pediatric
(not including intensive care unit - ICU).          patients, and they recognize the hospital
Questionnaires were distributed to 10% of           as a place different from other types of
patients/visitors (171/1,700) and members of        environments). Furthermore, the entire
the staff (5/50). An overall score of 96.6/100      wayfinding system rarely meets the most
has been achieved in this case study. The           common expectations of users.
partial ratings of the four areas were the              Social aspects were perceived as the
following: a) Well-being 5.00/5.00; b) Social       weakest criterion, containing the largest
aspects 4.60/5.00; c) Safety and security           amount of critical issues in need of
5.00/5.00; d) Health promotion 5.00/5.00.           improvement, especially for medical staff.
    The second hospital (H2 referred below)         More specifically, Figure 1, which compares
is one of the most important hospital in            all the answers, shows that one of the worst
the North-East of the region. It is located         result has been achieved by the section
in a recently built facility, which became          “hospital staff involvement”; in any case, it,
operative at the end of 2012. It has 1,200          has not got a satisfactory score.
beds. The survey was conducted in the                   This fact was probably linked to the deep
Pediatric Surgery Unit, which has a capacity        structural changes that medical and hospital
of 17 beds; this partial selection was due to       staff dealt with in the recent years, such as
the temporary unavailability of the Director        hospital relocation, skills outplacement, and
of General Pediatrics. Questionnaires               new rules. Similarly, another not entirely
were distributed to more than 5% of                 satisfactory result was reached by the section
patients/visitors (58/1,047) and to 10% of          “collaboration between hospital staff”, which
staff members (6/50). An overall score of           means that management communication
99.1/100 has been achieved here. The partial        strategies need to be improved as well as
ratings of the four areas were the following:       workers involvement policies. The section
a) well-being 5.00/5.00; b) social aspects          “quality of mediation & translating services”
Social sustainability of paediatric areas                                                                         7

Figure 1 – Comparison of the answers for each hospital: scores and percentage of responses (* main critical areas or
in need of improvements)

was ranked just after. If communication                     into account the individual multi-factories,
could be considered a key component both                    especially considering the extraordinary
in care and in healing process, other than in               migratory phenomena affecting the Italian
the relationship among staff members and                    Country, nowadays. Too often healthcare
patients, multicultural competences must be                 professionals solely rely on voluntary groups
“a set of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and              for cultural and linguistic mediation. Starting
consistent practices” (12). It is challenging               from the activation of broad-spectrum
to readapt consolidated attitudes, taking                   health literacy processes, probably it will
8                                                                                           T. Felicino et al.

improve the current scenario. Consequently,                  addressed to the relevance of psychosocial
a negative perception of workers’ safety                     factors in healing processes, like design,
emerged: these are kind of misconceptions                    privacy and diversified use of spaces in
that can only be overcame within a shift of                  hospital (19). It is undoubtedly necessary
thought combined with real attempts towards                  to create more meaningful connections
cultural integration in everyday life.                       between built and natural environments,
                                                             balancing the perception of the ordinary and
Comparative Results among Hospitals                          extraordinary (16). Another common aspect
   From the data analysis, as Figure 2                       to all the three hospitals was the request for
synthetized, the section “space comfort”                     more attention and protection against theft
results every time as the most influential                   and better standards of Security Services.
factor in comprehensive assessment: positive                 Once more, the worse position has been
reviews (very satisfied + fairly satisfied                   assumed by H3, with respectively 30.9%
> 50%) corresponds to overall hospital                       and 43.2% of negative answers; conversely,
ratings ranging from good to excellent                       the best rating has been reached by H2, with
values. A huge presence of private rooms                     respectively 85.9% and 93.8% of positive
provides positive reviews. The lowest score                  answers. Comparing the answers to the same
was reached by H2, the highest one by H1                     questions provided by the distinct groups,
(93.8% vs 99.4% of positive answers). At                     there are wide differences between the points
the same time, the most problematic sections                 of view of patient/visitors and those of the
were “wayfinding” (max. score for H1, min.                   staff. In fact, health workers generally had
score for H3: 90.1% vs 84.0%) and “green                     a worse opinion than patients/visitors on all
areas” (max. score for H2, min. score for H3:                items. More precisely, medical staff always
73.4% vs 34.6%). The emphasis should be                      complained about the notable absence of

Figure 2 - Comparison between staff and patient’s answers.
Social sustainability of paediatric areas                                                                  9

involvement in decision making processes             evaluation tools of healthcare facilities.
and the lack of safety and security, especially      Speaking about humanization in pediatric
against thefts.                                      care means thinking about a system focused
                                                     not only on the child as a patient, but on
Design Directions for the Implementation of          the entire family involvement. Healthcare
Spaces for Paediatrics                               providers, associations, and managers are in
    All of these observations lead to a series of    a multidimensional process with patients and
evidences which might be relevant to consider        caregivers, in which each user is responsible
better design solutions (2, 20, 21). The first one   of mutual interaction. LpCp-tool has been
is about the strong impact of space comfort          able to identify strengths and weaknesses of
in supporting the healing process: children          the investigated hospitals, reinforcing the link
have unique needs based on age, and their            between built environment and emotions/
perception of reality is affected by emotions.       reactions, once again. Positive feedback has
For this reason, pediatric spaces must be            come to light in those institutions which had
able to meet their individual requirements,          made huge renovations, such as lots of them
including the opportunity to have their family       in the region (26, 27).
around, that can provide a smoother hospital             Hence, the paper demonstrates that
experience, reducing anxiety levels.                 the questionnaire tool can provide useful
    A safe and healing environment, marked           information to identify the main criticisms
by private rooms, wide windows, green and            of comfort and humanization levels and the
reassuring views, can certainly improve              need of enhancement strategies. Currently the
patients’ psycho-physical conditions and             application of the tool, and its validation, in
stimulate a better immune response too.              other (inter)national contexts is in progress,
Complexity, variety, intensity, and all              to guarantee a large-scale application.
the hallmarks of a certain place, play a                 Finally, the current research outlook is that
fundamental role in preserving mental                the adopted survey could be able to promote
balance. Nevertheless, the comprehensibility         an assessment tool helpful to increase
of the building elements, with reference             the top health management awareness
to both patterns and space configuration,            of the crucial role that humanization,
contributes to reducing the feeling of               communication, and active involvement
ambiguity, disorganization and disorientation.       played in the transformation process of the
It could be useful adopting appropriate              Italian National Healthcare System.
strategies as “positive distractions” (22-24),
or those elements that can temporarily divert        Conflicts of Interest
patient attention from his/her condition,            There are no conflicts of interest
such as interaction with nature, arts, games,        Acknowledgements
and appropriate design items for distinct            The authors are grateful to all the hospitals and to all
psychophysical development levels of guests          participants who took part in the survey.
                                                     Sostenibilità del Sistema Sanitario Italiano e degli
                                                     ospedali esistenti: una proposta metodologica per
                                                     una valutazione sistematica dell’umanizzazione
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factor, especially in delicate healthcare
settings, like pediatric wards, yet it is              Introduzione. Nelle aree pediatriche, il termine
not taken into consideration by the main             “umanizzazione” significa prendersi cura di tutta la
10                                                                                                    T. Felicino et al.

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Corresponding author: Maddalena Buffoli, Design & Health Lab, Dept. ABC, Politecnico di Milano
Via G. Ponzio 31, 20133 Milan, Italy
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