Strategic Plan and Charter - 2019 Tū mai Te Ahūmairangi, tū mai hoki tātou - Northland School

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Strategic Plan and Charter - 2019 Tū mai Te Ahūmairangi, tū mai hoki tātou - Northland School
Strategic Plan and Charter
         Incorporating the 2015 – 2019 Strategic Plan

         Tū mai Te Ahūmairangi, tū mai hoki tātou
 As Te Ahūmairangi stands, we also reach for great heights
Strategic Plan and Charter - 2019 Tū mai Te Ahūmairangi, tū mai hoki tātou - Northland School
Northland School
A community of kind, curious,
creative, confident and active
Strategic Plan and Charter - 2019 Tū mai Te Ahūmairangi, tū mai hoki tātou - Northland School
Our Students
At the start of 2019, 82% of our students identify as Pakeha/European, 8% as Māori, 2% Pasifika and 6% Asian with an equal gender mix across the school.

We recognise the Treaty of Waitangi as a founding document of New Zealand and acknowledge the special status of the tangata whenua. The school aims to give practical effect to
the Treaty as it implements the National Education Goals. The Board meets with members of the Māori parent community each term and reports to them on the progress of Māori
students as a group.

The school acknowledges the cultural backgrounds of all of its students and actively seeks to incorporate elements of these in school programmes.

The majority of families live within a Ministry of Education designated enrolment zone with a small number of families also located in surrounding suburbs. The enrolment scheme
identifies a Home Zone from within which all children have an automatic right of enrolment at the school. The process for seeking enrolment from outside the Home Zone is outlined
in the school’s Enrolment Scheme.

Student Learning
Student achievement is a result of the combined contributions of the students, teachers, family and whānau and community.

As a teaching staff we:
      Give all students the opportunity and encouragement to develop a wide range of academic, social, recreational and cultural skills and to extend the boundaries of their
         learning and thinking.
      Expect that students will develop as self-motivated, independent learners and thinkers, who can work effectively in a co-operative team environment.
      Recognise that students are individuals who learn at different rates and in different ways.
      Expect our students to demonstrate on-going growth through all Learning Areas of the New Zealand Curriculum with a particular emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy
         especially in the first four years of schooling.
      Expect our Year 8 students to be well prepared for their secondary education. They will leave with well-developed skills in various learning areas and will be able to use the
         New Zealand Curriculum key competencies to high levels across a range of learning areas and situations.
      Expect high standards of student achievement in relation to literacy and numeracy.
      Encourage high levels of student attendance and follow-up on all unexplained absences. We work closely with a very small number of families where attendance may be
         of a concern and provide support where necessary.

School Organisation
Northland School is a Decile 10 Wellington urban full primary school with an end of year roll of approximately 350 students. The school is organised into four Teaching Teams with
composite classes from Year 3.

Northland School will forward a copy of the updated charter including student achievement targets to the Ministry of Education by the first day of March.
Strategic Plan – 2019 Action Plan
To meet the school’s Student Achievement Expectations the Board, Staff and Community have identified the following objectives as part of the 2015
– 2019 Strategic Plan.
                                                                       Curriculum Objectives
    All students achieve to high personal standards
    The school curriculum is comprehensive, reflects the New Zealand Curriculum and the Northland community, and gives priorities to literacy and numeracy
    All students work in collaborative supportive classroom environments.
    Curriculum Development Goals                                                            2019 Action Plan
    To review and redevelop data           Develop new schoolwide assessment procedures to show target student progress over time that will allow for
     gathering and assessment                deeper analysis and reporting of student achievement.
     practices that show student            Use of e-asTTle to provide baseline data for Target groups in mathematics and writing.
     progress over time.                    Work alongside other schools in Te Kāhui Ako o Te Whanganui-a-Tara to develop shared/common approach to
                                             assessment procedures and data gathering.
                                            Use differentiated PATs to provide more detailed information of individual student ability.
    To introduce the digital               Provide opportunities for professional development in the implementation of the digital technologies
     technologies curriculum                 curriculum.
                                            Promote professional development opportunities that support innovative use of ICT in classrooms.
                                            Develop a school curriculum for the digital technologies curriculum.
                                            Provide a digital citizenship programme for Years 3 – 8.
                                            Review the use of IWBs within classroom programmes.
   To review and rewrite the  Plan an extensive review of the Northland School curriculum that utilises earlier reviews of writing, mathematics,
      Northland School curriculum to         reading, science and Health and PE.
      reflect the school’s new vision       Redevelop the school’s ICT programme to reflect the digital technologies curriculum.
                                            Update the school’s Special Needs and Gifted and Talented sections of the curriculum.
                                            Review and update the school’s assessment procedures to reflect changes in assessment requirements.
                                            Introduce the school’s vision within classroom programmes.
   To enhance student wellbeing  Work closely with two secondary schools and two primary schools to establish Te Kāhui Ako o Te Whanganui-a-
      and facilitate student transition.     Tara with a focus on student well-being and transition.
                                            Provide release time for Across School Lead Teacher and Within School Lead Teacher to work closely with
                                             Northland School staff and other schools involved in the Kāhui Ako.
                                            Provide additional release time for Associate Principal - Pastoral to develop support programmes.
                                            Review attendance data and analyse by gender and ethnicity for trends.
Personnel Objective
 Capable and engaged staff who the deliver the school curriculum in a collaborative approach.
 Curriculum Development Goals                                                           2019 Action Plan
 Provide leadership opportunities  Provide staff with an appropriate environment and resources for teaching and non-teaching time
  for teaching staff.                 Fund professional development to meet school annual plans and personal teacher goals
                                      Fund professional development to meet leadership development needs for team leaders
                                      Provide opportunities for teaching staff to lead curriculum reviews and lead professional development in
                                       mathematics, writing and digital technologies
                                      Provide a support programme for a provisionally certificated teacher and an overseas trained teacher to reach
                                       full registration.
 Strengthen curriculum delivery in  Initiate ALiM programme in Teams 2, 3 and 4.
  the teaching of mathematics         Provide opportunities for maths PLD Team to support teaching team members.
                                      Set up a dedicated maths lead team to guide ongoing school development. Work closely with maths facilitator
 Strengthen curriculum delivery      Use “teaching as inquiry” principles to focus on reflective teaching practices
  and improve student learning and  Teaching staff undertake classroom observations during CRT once each term
  achievement through Self Review     Provide feedback to staff as part of the classroom review observations and mid and end of year appraisal
  processes and effective              process
  performance management.
 Maintain a positive and collegial   Review professional development and performance management policies with staff
  work environment in which staff     Discuss with staff the findings from the 2018 NZCER Teacher and Workplace Practices. Revisit survey in September
  feel respected, supported and        with time provided for all teaching staff to complete.
  included in decision making         Discuss and implement where possible suggestions for improvement in physical environment and ways to address
                                       workload issues.
                                      Provide opportunities for the Associate Principal - Pastoral to lead professional development of support staff and
                                       provide feedback on their performance.
                                      Provide opportunities for teaching staff to visit and observe other classrooms
                                      Ensure that all new staff complete an induction programme with support from Team Leaders and Associate
                                      Review planning expectations for classroom teachers.
 Investigate Innovative Learning     Visit schools using ILEs effectively
  Environments, collaborative         Provide opportunities for teachers to trial ILE approaches
                                      Provide opportunities for reflection and discussion amongst staff
teaching and the pedagogy that           Provide professional development of ILE pedagogy once construction of the new building is confirmed.
 underpins this approach

                                                             Resource Management Objective
Northland School grounds and facilities are safe, supportive of 21 st century learning and welcoming to students, staff and members of the community
          Property Goals                                                                  2019 Action Plan
 To maintain an up-to-date  Undertake a twice yearly, or more frequently if required, Health and Safety check of grounds and buildings
  schedule        of       property  Meet monthly with staff Health and Safety Committee to discuss issues
  maintenance and improvement           Prepare a maintenance schedule and complete repairs as necessary
 To start construction of a new  Work alongside project managers, architects and construction company as building project progresses.
  classroom block that meets the  Develop alternative school organisation plans as the building project progresses. Provide information to families
  changing needs of education            and staff well in advance of proposed changes.
 To plan for a new playground          Develop a new 5YA and 10YPP to meet Ministry of Education requirements.
                                        Install a new junior playground before the old playground is demolished.
                                        Develop designs for a new playground that links in with the building project. Continue with fundraising endeavours
                                         including grant applications when appropriate.
           Finance Goals                                                                   2019 Action Plan
 To maintain sound financial  Manage school expenditure within budget
  management       systems     that  Maintain reserve funds (working capital) at a minimum of $75,000
  support the school and future
  school communities.

                                                                         Review Objective
Northland School uses self review systematically to improve its policies, practices and curriculum plans, Charter and education practices.
           Review Goals                                                                        2019 Action Plan
 To maintain an annual curriculum  To undertake a major review of reading in Terms 2 and 3
  review programme over a four  To review the arts curriculum
  year cycle                             To review the classroom use of Interactive Whiteboards
 To maintain a three year cycle of    To review:
      review of major policy areas of               o Personnel policies and procedures
      Board responsibilities                        o NAG 7 and 8
                                           To review assessment procedures

                                                                   Community Objective
Families, whanau and the community are actively engaged.
           Community Goals                                                                2019 Action Plan
     To provide regular opportunities     Hold community information meetings and provide regular parent updates as construction progresses with the
      for consultation with and             new building project.
      involvement of the school            Hold parent information evenings on literacy for parents with Year 1 children
      community.                           Raise the profile of the Board of Trustees in the parent community and amongst staff.
                                           Consult with the school community and seek feedback on the Sexuality Road programme
                                           Consult with the school whānau group four times per year
     To enhance communications and        Value and acknowledge the contributions by our volunteers from the school and wider community
      build relationships with and         Support the work of the Home and School Committee with its community focused activities and fundraising
      among the school and wider            events
      community.                           Publish a school contact directory
                                           Redevelop the school website and review its content
                                           Enhance communications with the school community by exploring the use of Team or class blogs, and the use of
Treaty of Waitangi Objective
 Northland School acknowledges
   Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi is the bicultural foundation of Aotearoa New Zealand
   The unique position of Māori as tangata whenua, by:
           o Partnership
           o Participation of whānau
           o Protection
      Treaty of Waitangi Goals                                                            2019 Action Plan
 To build relationships with our  Consult with the school whānau group each term, arranging special meetings when required and inviting new
  Māori whanau and tamariki                families who identify as Māori to attend
  Māori,                      through  Build wider community links: Look to outside expertise and leadership to help reach our goals eg: storytelling, te
  whakawhanaungatanga (concept             reo and tikanga, build on local iwi and hapū connections, build resilience through support networks
  of inclusiveness), and to recognise  Consult with the school kaumatua and kuia to utilise their expertise, advice and guidance
  the importance of whānau, hapū  Celebrate Matariki across the school including dawn vigil and shared meal
  and iwi.                                Enhance the opportunities for kapa haka performance and participation in Māori cultural events
                                          Employ a kapa haka tutor
                                          Promote te reo Māori through the inclusion of Te Kupu o te Wiki on the school website and in the weekly
                                           community newsletter

 To find connections, using a Māori    Use of whakapapa, and storytelling about the world, people’s relationship with the world, with people and with
  lens, within all subjects.             life, to add value to our curriculum and to have consistency of our messaging and values – utilise people with

 To value and promote tikanga          Provide learning opportunities in tikanga Māori and te reo Māori in every classroom
  Māori and te reo Māori in a           Use of te reo Māori on the school website and in the newsletter eg: te wiki words, karakia, school whakataukī
  genuine, natural engaging way on       etc
  a daily basis.
Cultural Diversity Objective
Northland School is enriched by being open and inclusive accepting difference and valuing diversity
      Cultural Diversity Goals                                                         2019 Action Plan
 To promote awareness,                 Team planning provides, where appropriate, opportunities to showcase and develop cultural understanding,
  acceptance, and understanding of       awareness and inclusiveness
  cultural diversity within             Use resource base within each class to celebrate cultural differences
  Northland School and the              Ensure awareness within the school community of policies and procedures which promote cultural acceptance
  Northland School community             and inclusiveness.
                                        Create an environment in which all cultures are valued for the contributions they bring
 Encourage and foster educational      Consider educational opportunities both within and outside of the classroom that promote engagement with
  and learning opportunities within      diverse cultures
  the school that celebrate cultural
Northland School

                     2019 Targets for Raising Student Achievement

1.1      Writing
1.2      Mathematics

1.1      To increase the number of students achieving at or above expected levels of
         achievement in writing
Baseline Data
Schoolwide writing data from December 2018 showed 26 % of Year 5 students were not                     To raise the level of writing achievement in Year 6.
meeting end of Year 5 expectations. 74% were meeting or exceeding expectations.

This is very different to other cohorts across the school where typically 90% of students meet
end of year expectations.

Further analysis of the data showed that:

Boys achievement was less than girls. 9 boys (45%) were not meeting end of year expectations
compared to 2 girls (10%).

 Actions to Achieve Targets                                                                              Led By                                 Resourcing    Timeframe
 Review 2018 data for end of Year 5 expectations, Lexia reports and end of year writing samples to       Team 3 Leader, class teachers,                       Mid-March
 identify students. Analyse student needs including relevant personal information and consider e-        Literacy Lead Team
 asTTle writing elements.
 Initiate a Literacy Lead Team to guide a professional development programme with the aim of raising     Literacy Lead Team                                   End of March
 boys’ engagement in writing
 Review 2018 PLD writing programme and student survey to find key elements that will enhance             Literacy Lead Team                                   End of March
 student engagement in writing
 Develop teaching programme to meet identified student learning needs with a focus on boys and           Team 3 Leader, class teachers,                       End of Term 1
 their engagement and achievement in writing                                                             Literacy Lead Team
 Develop a system to monitor student progress every term and to then discuss next steps                  Principal, Associate Principals,                     End of Term 1
                                                                                                         Team Leaders
 Report to Board of Trustees on student progress in writing for target groups                            Principal, Literacy Lead Team                        End of Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4
 Professional development in moderation of student achievement in writing – use of PaCT, e-asTTle        Literacy Lead Team                                   Terms 2 and 3
 writing, Literacy Learning Progressions and associated exemplars
 Analyse December achievement data to inform progress and planning for 2020                              Principal, Literacy Lead Team                        December
1.2      To increase the number of students achieving at or above expected levels          Targets
         of achievement in Mathematics
                                                                                           To increase the number of students in Years 6 and 8 in 2019 who exceed end of year
Baseline Data                                                                              expectations for mathematics.
Schoolwide Mathematics data from December 2018 showed over 85% of students
were either meeting or exceeding end of year cohort expectations. Some cohorts             To increase the number of students in Year 5 who meet or exceed end of year
had more students exceeding than those meeting expectations.                               expectations in mathematics.

Analysis of the data identified:

In 2018
      21% of Year 4 students did not meet end of year expectations
      Year 5: 90% of students were either meeting (65%) or exceeding
        expectations (25%)
      Year 7: 95% of students were either meeting (69%) or exceeding
        expectations (26%)

 Actions to Achieve Targets                                                                 Led By                            Resourcing        Timeframe
 Review 2018 end of year data for cohort expectations, Numeracy Stages and 2019 PAT         Associate principal –                               End of February
 Maths to identify students                                                                 curriculum, Team leaders and
                                                                                            class teachers
 Identify needs of target groups                                                            Team Leaders, class teachers,                       Mid-March
                                                                                            AP Curriculum
 Develop support programme for target groups – beginning in late March to run in Terms 2    AP Curriculum, class teachers,    Funding for       Mid-March (Teams 2 and 3),
 and 3                                                                                      Maths Lead Team                   mentor support    late April (Team 4)
                                                                                                                              for maths PLD
 Introduce ALiM support programme utilising ALiM trained teachers                           Maths PLD committee                                 End of Term 1 commence,
                                                                                            AP Curriculum, ALiM mentor                          continues for Term 2
 Use regular and standardised monitoring to track progress                                  Principal, AP Curriculum                            End of each term.
 Report to Board of Trustees on student progress for target groups                          Principal, AP Curriculum                            End of each term
 Analyse December achievement data to inform progress and planning for 2020                 Principal, AP Curriculum                            December
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