St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL

Page created by Derek Jackson
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
St. Thomas of Villanova
A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish Information
                                                                                  PARISH OFFICE
             MASS SCHEDULE
                                                                  1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
   Visit for registra on.
                                                            Phone: 847-358-6999; Fax: 847-934-4919;
           By appointment only.                                                  Parish Office Hours:
                                                                            CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
                                                         Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor              
                                                         Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor   
NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome!                       Deacon John Breit, Business Manager    
Visit our website to download               Deacon Tom Dunne, Minister of Care     
our registra on form or call the Parish Office             Jeff Walczynski, High School Youth Dir. 
for more informa on about our Parish.                    Jeanne Slatkay, Music Director         
                                                         Suzie Walczynski, Bulle n Editor/Outreach
BAPTISM: Visit our website                  Sheila O’Shea, Admin. Assistant        
to fill out a request form for a bap sm or call
the Parish Office for more informa on.
                                                         Ann Duffey, Admin. Assistant            

MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the                                                      STV SCHOOL
celebra on of marriage should be made at                             1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
least six (6) months prior to your planned                  Phone: 847-358-2110; FAX: 847-776-1435;
wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for
more informa on.                                 Mary Brinkman, Principal                       
                                                 Stephanie Hardy, Assistant Principal           
BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Our RCIA (Rite              Alice Scardina, Admin. Assistant               
of Chris an Ini a on of Adults) Process is for
adults who were never bap zed in any faith,                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
who were bap zed in another Chris an faith                               1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074
but wish to become Catholic or who were
                                                                          Phone: 847-358-2386;
bap zed Catholics but never received the
Sacraments of Confirma on and Eucharist.          Owen Walsh, Religious Ed Director              
Contact the Parish Office for more info.
                                                 Lisa Lechowicz, Religious Ed Asst. Director    
COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND:                                  __________________________________________________
No ministers are allowed to bring communion
to the homebound at this me.
                                                                     Priests                                  Pastoral Council
Parish Office to add your name to the sick list.             Rev. Kris Janczak, Pastor                     Pam Maloney, Co-Chairperson
Due to pa ent privacy (HIPAA Law,) only the           Rev. Marcin Zasada, Assoc. Pastor                   Barb Howell, Co-Chairperson
ailing person, or in case of their incapacita-       Msgr. John Canary, Weekend Assoc.                        Deacon John Breit
 on, the person delegated for the medical            Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor Emeritus                         Lexine Cramm
care, can add their name to the sick list.            Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus                           Ann Johnson
                                                                                                              Norbert Krogstad
PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL:                             Permanent Deacons                                   Steve Lundell
Contact the Parish Office to add a name of                      Deacon John Breit                                   Gay Sladky
someone serving in the military, so our faith                                                                Rev. Marcin Zasada
                                                             Deacon Mark Duffey
community can pray for their safety and
service.                                                     Deacon Tom Dunne
                                                            Deacon Bill Karstenson
FUNERALS: Please contact our Parish Office                    Deacon Len Marturano
for more informa on to plan a funeral service.                Deacon Rich Willer

                                                 Bulle n deadlines: Ar cles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publica on date.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Worship at STV
     All who wish to a end Weekend Mass will be required to sign-up.
                             NO WALK-INS, PLEASE!
Signup to a end weekend Mass will open on Thursday mornings at
9:00am. Look for a Flocknote with the link to signup for Mass or signup on
our website:—under the Reopening tab.
• Each individual person wishing to a end Mass must be registered.
• If you (or if you know someone) are not able to register online due to a                We are aware of the concern with the
    lack of computer / internet access, please call the parish by 5pm on                  rising cases of COVID-19, especially in
    Friday at 847-358-6999 . Someone will get back to you and help you                    the states that are currently on a
    register, if spots are available.                                                     quaran ne list for our area.
• Pre-Mass registra on is needed for contact tracing if someone gets sick.
                                                                                              STATES NOT ON QUARANTINE
    A endance records will be destroyed every 14 days.
• Seats will be sani zed before each Mass.                                                              Maine
• Masks must be worn and social distancing will be observed at all mes in                              Vermont
    the Church and building.
 NOTE: While we are excited to resume public Mass, the Archdiocesan dispensa on              ALL other states are currently on
 for Spiritual Communion remains. There is no Sunday Mass a endance requirement                  quaran ne for our area.
 at this me. If you feel sick, State and Archdiocese guidelines ask that you remain at
 home. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, please do not feel an obliga on to join       We ask that if you have traveled for
 us physically in the church. If you are considered part of the 'vulnerable popula on',   more than 24 hours in any quaran ned
 we welcome you to join us IF you are comfortable to do so. We desire to be reunited      state, please refrain from a ending any
 with you, but we understand the seriousness of COVID-19.                                 liturgies at St. Thomas of Villanova for
                                                                                          14 days out of cau on and compassion
WEEKDAY MASS                                                                              for your fellow parishioners.
Every Tuesday & Thursday - 8:00am
                                                                                          We want to reiterate that we con nue
Come celebrate Mass and receive the Eucharist with us! No pre-registra on
                                                                                          to do all that we can to follow the
is required for weekday Mass. However, you will need to sign in upon arrival.             guidelines provided by the Archdiocese
PLEASE arrive early to allow enough me. Doors will open at 7:40am. The                    of Chicago to keep you as healthy as we
doors will be closed once Mass begins, so please don't be late.                           can when you come to St. Thomas of
                                                                                          Villanova to worship. Adhering to these
ADORATION                                                                                 prac ces has been extremely helpful
Join us each Wednesday from 6pm - 7pm in church for silent prayer before                  thus far. We have worked so hard to
                                                                                          make our Church a safe place to pray in
the Holy Eucharist. Just like daily Mass, no pre-registra on will be required.
                                                                                          the midst of this pandemic.
However, you will need to sign-in when you arrive. You are invited to come
pray for the en re hour or just a li le while - whatever fits your schedule.               Remember, too, that the Archdiocesan
                                                                                          dispensa on for Spiritual Communion
OTHER SERVICES                                                                            remains. There is no Sunday Mass
Reconcilia on is available by appointment only. Leave a voicemail message                 a endance requirement at this me.
at the Parish Office - 847-358-6999 and one of the priests will return your
call. We con nue to celebrate Bap sms, wedding and funeral Masses.                        Together, let us pray for a swi end to
                                                                                          the coronavirus pandemic that afflicts
                                                                                          our world, that our God and Father will
MASS INTENTIONS                                                                           heal the sick, strengthen those who care
If you would like to have a Mass celebrated in honor or memory of someone,                for them, and help us all to persevere in
please either call 847-358-6999 or email Dona ons                    faith. Amen.
can be mailed to our Parish (1201 E. Anderson Dr, Pala ne, IL 60074) or
dropped in the offertory box, if you a end Mass. If you are reques ng a
par cular date, please contact us at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the
inten on. Thank you.
St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News


 Please visit our
  for reopening
informa on and
 registra on for
 Mass and other

                             The number of Masses and services we can offer and the number of people allowed
     Facebook!               in church will be directly ed to how many volunteers will be available to set-up,
                             greet/usher and clean-up before and a er each service. Three teams to choose from:
    Saint Thomas of          • Set-up team: 18 years or older.
                             • Gree ng team: Must be 18 -65 years old.
Villanova Parish- STOV       • Cleaning team: 18 years or older. High schoolers allowed with permission of parents.

                                      To volunteer or receive more informa on about volunteering, email:

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Parish News
The Advent season begins today! Take me to reflect on how you will use the next four
weeks to prepare your heart for Christmas. Visit and click on
"ADVENT RESOURCES." You will find many resources to help you journey through the
season of Advent. There are virtual Advent calendars, suggested books to read, life-saving
gi ideas, even weekly advent reflec ons wri en by seminarians from the University of
Saint Mary of the Lake. During this unusual me in our world, allow this Advent to help
you grow closer to God as you wait for the birth of our Lord.

For those of you who would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconcilia on / Confession, please call the Parish Office at
847-358-6999, or send an e-mail to asking for a priest to call or email you back to arrange
confession. You don’t need to wait un l the last moment, but if you need to go to confession, please do it soon. For as
you know, the season of Advent and Christmas will be much busier for us. Even if we can plan a parish reconcilia on
service, we will do that only by registra on and not everybody may be able to register.

To meet our publisher's deadlines, bulle n submissions are due as follows:
        •   DEC. 20 Bulle n—Ar cles due Monday, December 7
        •   DEC. 27 Bulle n—Ar cles due Friday, December 11
        •   JAN. 3 Bulle n—Ar cles due Tuesday, December 15

     Have YOU signed up for STV Flocknote emails?
             Sign-up online at:
       Want the latest news from St. Thomas of Villanova? Looking for the link to register for Masses?
        Sign up for Flocknotes! It's our way to stay connected during this constantly changing times.
                        For questions or more information about Flocknote, email

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
STV School News

          We are celebra ng STV
          School is 200 strong! With
          the addi on of our new
          li le kindergartener, we
          went from 199 to 200
          students. Let's go Vikings!

               An Opportunity to Help Students, Our School and Yourselves
St. Thomas of Villanova School just passed the 200 mark for enrollment for this school year. We have been able to wel-
come more than forty new students with the help of the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship Program. Thanks to our gener-
ous donors, we con nue to grow our enrollment. The Tax Credit Scholarship provides a terrific opportunity to help us
to introduce students, who would otherwise not be able to afford it, to a quality Catholic educa on.

A group of generous donors at the Archdiocesan level have agreed to pool their resources so again this year they will be
able to match funds donated for individual schools at a 2:1 ra o. This means that for every dollar donated through Em-
power Illinois in the name of St. Thomas of Villanova School, we will receive two dollars in matching funds besides the
donated funds for our 2021-2022 scholarships

Donors can receive a 75% Illinois State tax credit for dona ng to needs based scholarships through the Illinois Tax
Credit Scholarship Program.

This is a huge opportunity for students and families. You can provide a St. Thomas of Villanova School educa on to
children from low-income families while receiving a state tax credit for yourself. It’s a Win-Win situa on.

                                   Visit to learn more or
                 contact St. Thomas of Villanova School at 847-358-2110 or marke

                                    Need a pie for the Holidays?
                                         STV FSA Fundraiser - $15 per pie
                                        Get your pie card now un l December 18th
                                          Cards Valid at any Bakers Square
                                            Each card is valid for 1 whole pie.
                                                 No expira on on cards
   Please contact Melanie DeLorenzo ( or 989-621-8410) to get cards. No contact purchase and
  delivery of cards available. If you have a special pie you want, please call Baker Square ahead of me to reserve your pie for
Thanskgiving or Christmas. Pie cards good for pie only; carrot cake and cheese cake not included. Make checks payable to STV FSA.

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Thank you, STV!

St. Angela's School sent pictures of their scholars wearing the dona ons from our successful Winter Clothing
    Drive. As you can see from their 'smiling' eyes, the students were so excited for their new outerwear.
                                           THANK YOU AGAIN—STV!

                   Check out the pod from our Veteran's Exi ng Homelessness Collec on!
               It was filled to the edge with the tremendous amount of dona ons from you.
                                 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY—STV!

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
   2020 FISCAL YEAR SUNDAY SACRIFICIAL GIVING                                          SACRIFICIAL GIVING
     Date       Weekend            On-Line        Weekly           Over / Under      DURING OUR REOPENING
                Collec on          Giving          Total        Budget: $19,230.00

  Nov 1        $ 12,246.00         $ 3,841      $ 16,087.00         ($ 3,143.00)
                                                                                      PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR
                                                                                     SUPPORT FOR OUR CHURCH!
  Nov 8        $ 12,502.00     $ 6,260.00       $ 18,762.00         ($ 468.00)       Our weekend collec ons are vital to
  Nov 15       $ 10,610.00     $ 5,401.00       $ 16,011.00         ($ 3,219.00)     provide the income which pays our Parish
                                                                                     Family’s opera onal expenses and the
  Nov 22                Not available due to early bulle n deadline.                 salaries of our STV staff. We definitely
  Nov 29                                                                             need and appreciate your sacrificial offer-
                                                                                     ings. Here are various ways to contribute:
                         YTD Totals
                                                                                     1.   If you a end Mass, place your
                      YTD Budget             $ 384,600.00                                 dona on in the offertory basket or
                      YTD Actual             $ 371,335.76                                 box located at the church entrance
                                                                                          or exit.
                      Over / (Under)         ($ 13,264.24)
                                                                                     2.   Sign up online using GiveCentral.
                                                                                          • Click “FIND YOUR CHARITY”
                                                                                          • Type St. Thomas of Villanova in
                                                                                             the search box and click on our
                                                                                          • Choose a fund to donate, enter-
                                                                                             ing the frequency, date range and
                                                                                             dollar amount, then click “ADD
                                                                                             TO MY GIFT BASKET.”
                                                                                          • You may click “CHECKOUT” at any
                                                                                               me, or add more dona ons.
               CHRISTMAS GIFT TO OUR PARISH                                               • Click “CONTINUE,” then
                                                                                             “COMPLETE PROFILE” to register.
Along with your Sunday offering, our collec ons on Christmas, Easter and                   • Complete the registra on form,
                                                                                             then click “REGISTER AND CON-
other Holy Days provide the income which pays our Parish Family’s                            FIRM GIFT.”
opera onal expenses. We definitely need and appreciate your sacrificial                     • You’re registered! Look for a con-
offerings in the Christmas envelope. To meet our goal of $100,000, we                         firma on email from GiveCentral.
suggest that each Parish household donate a gi of at least $175.00. For
                                                                                     3.   Use the Archdiocese of Chicago Uni-
some, this might be impossible. For others, a larger gi might be a fi ng                   versal Offertory Program online.
expression of thanks and of praise to God for all of His blessings, especially            Visit our website: and
the gi of His Son. If possible, you might increase your Christmas gi in the               click on the GIVING PAGE to find this
                                                                                          link. If you do choose to donate
name of those parishioners who cannot give as they would like because of
                                                                                          through this universal program,
their current financial situa ons.                                                         please be sure to select "St. Thomas
                                                                                          of Villanova" to credit your gi .
To provide your Christmas dona on electronically, use GiveCentral.                   4.   Mail your sacrificial offering envelope
                                                                                          directly to our Parish Office:
     THANK YOU for all your sharing of Treasure, Time and Talent which                         St. Thomas of Villanova
       enables our Parish Family to proclaim Jesus in so many ways.                              1201 E Anderson Dr
                                                                                                  Pala ne, IL 60074

                        Your Finance Committee                                                     THANK YOU!

St. Thomas of Villanova - A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL
Angels for Angela's Program

Christmas Giving Program

Our Weekly Prayers
       MASS INTENTIONS                                                              FOR OUR SICK
Monday, November 30
                                                    MaryAnn Acton             Judy Gott               Alan Loden              Dick Samojla
8:00am  John & Agnes Suchak                         Barbara Amato       Edward Grygowski           Ron Magnuson              Jane Samojla
                                                      Lisa Antonelli        Janet Hedrick          Alexa Rae Mang            Shirley Serena
Tuesday, December 1                                   Baby Aubrey            David Hicks           Elayne Maruska             Virgilio So o
8:00am  Trinidad Salcedo                           Helene Behrman         Barbara Kerlin       Baby Benjamin Mauro         Kris na Sromek
                                                      Alex Bingham            Mary King           Brunilda Melendez        Richard Steelman
         Tom & Mary Yadron                       Catherine Brodnam         Roswitha Kist           Joanne Moser           Joseph Suchowski
         Bonifacio Quiaoit                           Carmen Cline       Mary Alice Kobler            Paul Moser            JoAnn Swanson
        In Remembrance of Families                     Jason Dean           Susan Kordell            Jeff Moskala              Robert Szo
                                                      Dan DeGroot             Frank Koss             Lana Murley             Sharon Tadsen
        from Our Lady of Angels School Fire
                                                         Nona Dix          James LaCapra            Earl F. Nicholas          Jack Treanor
Wednesday, December 2                              Jeanne Formanski         Louis LaCapra        Baby David Paprocki      Alfreda Wasilewska
                                                     Forseth Family        Sue Langowski              Amie Parisi           Luke Wilberding
8:00am For Our Military Personnel                   Steve Fortunski          Gene Lazich            Larry Peterson         Susan Wilberding
Thursday, December 3                                     Bill Gerl      Mary Margaret Lazich        Emily Piscitelli      Deacon Rich Willer
                                                      Phil Gerould          Robert C. Lee             Jean Pope              Fr. Ray Yadron
8:00am  Fr. Donald Fenske                           Tommy Glaser             John Lenz             Brad Rohrssen          Charmaine Zuchel
         James Garofalo                              Grace Gorska          Harold Lewis           Rosalyn Rubino             Erin Zwadoo
         Bonifacio Quiaoit
Friday, December 4
8:00am For World Peace                                                   IN SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
Saturday, December 5                          Lord, bless the men and women of our military as they answer the call to serve our na on and
                                              defend our freedom. Protect and heal them-- body, soul, mind and spirit--especially those in
5:00pm  Barbara Krueger
                                              harm's way. Most of all let them know your love; that you are with them, and that you will
         Joanne Walczynski                   never forsake or abandon them. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
        Int. for Deacon Andy Ma jevic &
                                              U.S. Air Force                   •   MAJ Jon Meier
        fellow Seminarians                    • A1C Arick Duffey                •   CWO2 Timothy O’Cain          U.S. Navy
                                              • MSGT Dan Fialek                •   CPT James Ruetsche, Ranger   •  LT Jeremy Adams
Sunday, December 6                            • MSGT Ma hew Grelck                                              •  LCDR Kevin Brandwein
                                              • Lt Col Ross A. Mol             U.S. Coast Guard                 •  CMDR John-Paul Falardeau
7:30am Mass—POLISH                            • SrA Joshua Olszak              •  CPO Nick Gaines               •  CAPT Jason Haen
                                              • MAJ Ma hew Walz                •  LT Kevin O’Brien              •  PO3 Caleb Harrington
9:00am  Bob Maruska
                                                                                                                •  PO2 David Holley
         Lynn Vernsten                       U.S. Army                        U.S. Marine Corps                •  PO1 Konrad Otachel
                                              •  Lt. Col Bernade e O'Shea      •  LCpl Nicholas G. Dean         •  AP James Steininger
         Marie Kay                              Bland                         •  WO2 Thomas Grygowski
         Isabel del Mar                      • SFC Brian J. Dankowski         •  SGT Cameron Miller            And all those serving in the
                                              • SPC Jack Davis                 •  SGT Kyle Rich                 Middle East.
         Magdaleno del Mar, Sr.              • SSG Christopher M. Fedrick     •  CAPT Jake Schlenbecker
         Rev. Bob Palen
11:00am Mass—POLISH
                                                                              OUR FUTURE PRIESTS
        DAILY READINGS                             Pray for all Transi onal Deacons and Seminarians as they con nue their priestly
Mon: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11;                               forma on, especially: Deacon Andy Ma jevic and AJ Sales
     Mt 4:18-22
Tue: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13,
     17;Lk 10:21-24
Wed: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37                                Pray for the First Week of Advent
Thu: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-                   Dear Jesus, you are the HOPE in our messy world.
     27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27
Fri: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14;
                                                         This Advent, help us slow down, listen to our voice and
     Mt 9:27-31
                                                                   focus on what's really important.
Sat: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6;
     Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8
Sun: Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85:9-14;
                                                          We place our hope in you as we prepare our hearts to
     2 Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8
                                                               celebrate your birth on Christmas. Amen.

Informacje po polsku
                                                            I NIEDZIELA ADWENTU – Umiejętność czuwania
                                                Jezus odszedł do Ojca, a swój dom, czyli Kościół, pozostawił naszej trosce. Pan
                                                powierzył nam ‘staranie o wszystko’, a obdarzając życiem, powołaniem i misją,
                                                ‘każdemu wyznaczył zajęcie’. Do nas należy uważność i czuwanie oraz ciągła go-
                                                towość serca na spotkanie z Jezusem, teraz sakramentalnie, a kiedyś twarzą w
                                                twarz. Czuwanie uwrażliwia nasze serca na rozpoznawanie Bożego działania w
                                                nas i pośród nas. Dewiza wielu świętych może się stać również dla nas inspiracją
                                                na tegoroczny Adwent, jak też na całe życie: ‘Żyj tak, jakby każdy kolejny dzień był
                                                twoim ostatnim dniem życia’.

                    Czy klękać przed telewizorem? Czy trzeba się przeżegnać przed ekranem?
Co podczas konsekracji i podniesienia w trakcie mszy oglądanej   transmitowanym wydarzeniu. Krótko mówiąc, chodzi poniekąd o
w telewizji? Możemy zostać na przysłowiowej kanapie czy też      to, czy po prostu chcę zobaczyć ‘jak to tam wygląda’, czy też
należałoby wstać lub nawet uklęknąć przed ekranem?               pragnę łączyć się duchowo ze wspólnotą modlącą się nawet
                                                                 tysiące kilometrów od biurka, na którym stoi mój laptop lub tele-
Większości z nas zdarzyło się pewnie oglądać transmisje różnego wizor.
rodzaju uroczystości religijnych za pośrednictwem telewizji lub
internetu, albo słuchać ich przez radio. Korzystamy z takiej     Istotną rolę odgrywa też w tym wszystkim nasza osobista wrażli-
możliwości najczęściej wówczas, gdy z jakichś powodów nie-       wość, której nie należy lekceważyć. Klękanie prze ekranem to
możliwy jest nasz bezpośredni, osobisty udział w interesującym oczywiście lekka przesada, która może wywołać uśmiech na
nas wydarzeniu. Mogą to być bardzo różne sytuacje – od pobytu naszej twarzy, ale wielokrotnie miałem okazję widzieć starszych
w szpitalu po niemożność pozwolenia sobie na podróż w odległe ludzi unieruchomionych w ścianach swoich mieszkań, którzy
miejsce czy – jak obecnie – wprowadzenie stanu zagrożenia epi- słysząc ‘bierzcie i jedzcie’ klękali prze telewizorem lub radiood-
demicznego.                                                      biornikiem z takim przejęciem, że budziło to we w mnie
                                                                 wzruszenie zamiast rozbawienia.
Eucharys a oglądana lub odsłuchiwana przez radio nie jest
jednak wcale aż taką nowinką, jak mogłoby się wydawać. Np.       Oglądanie czy słuchanie transmisji mszy nie zastąpi oczywiście w
polskie radio od 1980 roku co niedzielę transmituje tak zwaną    żaden sposób rzeczywistego w niej uczestnictwa. Gdy nie mamy
‘mszę świętą radiową’ nadawaną z kościoła Świętego Krzyża w      takiej możliwości, warto pamiętać przede wszystkim o praktyce
Warszawie. Transmisja radiowa mszy dla chorych, cierpiących,     komunii duchowej, która pod względem duchowym ma nie-
odosobnionych, uwięzionych, internowanych i pełniących służbę skończenie większe znaczenie i wartość niż najuważniejsze na-
wojskową była jednym z postulatów ‘Solidarności’. Umożliwiło ją wet śledzenie przekazów medialnych. Na czym ona polega?
jednopunktowe porozumienie zawarte między Urzędem do             Otóż: ‘najpierw należy wzbudzić żywą wiarę w obecność Jezusa.
spraw Wyznań a Episkopatem Polski oraz dekret prymasa            Można w tym celu odmówić akty wiary, nadziei i miłości, albo
Wyszyńskiego. Od trzydziestu siedmiu lat mszy radiowej słuchają posłużyć się inną modlitwą spontanicznie przez siebie ułożoną.
co niedziele tysiące katolików w kraju i za granicą.             Następnie należy ufnie otworzyć swoje serce na Boga i odmawi-
                                                                 ając modlitwę Ojcze nasz przyjąć pokorną postawę dziecka
Rozwój technik przekazu medialnego przynosi w tym wypadku        Bożego. Kiedy osiągniemy taki stan ducha, wówczas należy po-
wiele dobra. Dla ogromnej rzeszy ludzi możliwość uczestniczenia prosić Jezusa, by przyszedł do naszego serca i zamieszkał w
choćby w taki sposób w celebracjach religijnych jest nieocenioną nim.Następnie odmawiamy, tak jak w czasie mszy świętej
pomocą i radością. Czasem mamy jednak wątpliwości, jak           Baranku Boży i wyobrażamy sobie przychodzącego do naszego
powinniśmy się wówczas zachować. Czy wypada pić herbatę np. serca Chrystusa. W ciszy tego duchowego wydarzenia należy
podczas papieskiej homilii, której słuchamy na żywo przez inter- trwać przez kilka chwil. Potem uwielbiamy Boga i dziękujemy mu
net? A co podczas konsekracji i podniesienia w trakcie mszy      za otrzymaną łaskę. Tak przyjętą Komunię duchową można pow-
oglądanej w telewizji? Możemy zostać na przysłowiowej kanapie tarzać wielokrotnie w ciągu dnia. Bardzo przyczynia się ona do
czy też należałoby wstać lub nawet uklęknąć przed ekranem?       duchowego postępu.’
Mam przeżegnać się, gdy słyszę w radio słowa błogosławieńst-
wa?                                                              Samo oglądanie mszy w telewizji czy też słuchanie jej przez radio
                                                                 nie zastępuje więc rzeczywistego uczestnictwa w Eucharys i,
Wiele zależy od nastawienia, z jakim oglądamy czy słuchamy       choć może być pomocne w dokonaniu aktu komunii duchowej.
transmisji. Inne zachowania będzie dyktować nam zwykła
ciekawość, inne pragnienie uczestniczenia w jakiś sposób w

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