Page created by Guy Garrett
            24040 A RMADA R IDGE R OAD , A RMADA , MI 48005

                                 G UIDING L IGHT
                January 10, 2021— Baptism of the Lord

             Mass Schedules                             We the faithful of St. Mary Mystical Rose Parish are a Catholic Community in the
                                                         Archdiocese of Detroit. We serve God through His Begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
   Saturday……………………………….4:00 pm                         with the empowerment and the strength of the Holy Spirit: to celebrate the Holy
      Sunday ……………………… 11:15 am                          Sacraments and Worship, Christian Service and Faith Education, to evangelize
                                                        and practice our faith in active stewardship--with the faith, spirit and humility of
Wednesday and Friday…….………………………...…..9:00am                               Mary, the Rose of God and our Patron Saint.
Days of Obligation and Solemnity Feast Days…….
                                         As announced

             Parish Office Hours
                   9:30 am—3:30 pm

PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We joyfully welcome new
members to our parish. Please register at the parish
office during business hours. We also ask that you
let us know if you plan to move from the parish.

INFANT BAPTISM: Parents must be registered and
regularly attending the Sunday Eucharist to begin
Baptism preparation. Baptismal Preparation is held
by appointment. Call the parish office to schedule a
date. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on
the first and third Sunday of every month.

MARRIAGE: If one of the engaged couple (or their
parents) is registered at St. Mary’s arrangements
may be made personally by the couple at least six
months in advance. 8-10 months is preferred.

SICK CALLS: We are happy to visit the sick and bring
Communion to them. Please notify the parish o f-

ANNULMENT PROCESS: If you are contemplating
filing for an annulment; know that it is a healing
process. It takes up to 18 months for the Tribunal
to complete each case, so please take that into
consideration. Call the parish office for more infor-
St. Mary Mystical Rose                                          RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC
                             Parish Directory
Parish Office Phone ............................................ (586) 784-5966    Archbishop Vigneron has announced the gradual
Emergency calls .................................... (586) 784-5966 ext. 101       return to Mass for all Parishes beginning May 19th.
                             Parish Office Hours                                   All other events have been suspended at the di-
                                  Tuesday                                          rective of the Archdiocese of Detroit and the Gover-
                              9:30am-3:30pm                                        nor’s “Shelter in Place.”
Pastor .................................... Rev. Christopher Talbot
Associate Pastor ……………….. Rev. Steven Mateja                                       The parish office is open on Tuesday from 9:30 to
Deacon ……………………………… Deacon Richard Rhein                                           3:30. The voicemail and the email are monitored on
                                                                                   a regular basis so please feel free to leave a message.
Bookkeeper………………….……… Ronald Dulecki
Coordinator of Religious Ed…….. Kim Glowicki                                       The church is open for personal prayer every Tues-
                                                                                   day and Thursday from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm and
Parish Secretary …………………...Diane DeSmet-Muhsam                                     every Sunday from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm. Please
                                                                                   remember to practice social distancing.
Music Director…………...Tony Berdych (586-784-9763)
RCIA Coordinator……………………………….Karen Klapatch                                        Our parish continues to need your support in order
                                         to pay our bills and maintain the parish buildings.
Bulletin Editor ………………………Diane DeSmet-Muhsam                                       We ask that, to the best of your ability, you continue
                                     to make your weekly offertory donations, either by
CSA Chairperson………………………………..Karen Klapatch                                        mail or, if you are coming to church for private
                   Parish Council/Commissions                                      prayer or for Mass, you can drop your envelope in
                                                                                   the basket that is provided for this purpose in the
Parish Council Chairperson……….……..Michel Flanigan                                  church.
Parish Council Co-Chair……….………………..Mary Berger
Parish Council Secretary……………………….Missy Darling
Members at Large………..…Evelyn Girardot/Kathy Bolio
Vicariate Representatives……………….…Karen Klapatch/                                       SPIRITUAL COMMUNION
………………………………………………………….Mary Kruczynski                                                        PRAYER
Christian Service Chairperson….………….Karen Klapatch
Christian Service Co-Chair……..……..….Mary Kruczynski
Finance Council………...……………………………..Brett Petrill
Worship Com./Rel. Ed…....Heather Gerst/Kim Glowicki
Usher Coordinator…………………...…………. Mike Murphy
Lector Coordinator…………………..…….Kimberly Glowicki
EME Coordinator…………..……………..…… Karen Klapatch
Sacristan Coordinator………………………… Cindy Sowinski                                    My Jesus, I believe that you are present
Altar Server Coordinator……………………...Heather Gerst                                  in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you
Knights of Columbus…….Mel Campbell(810-543-0913)                                  above all things and I desire to receive
AHG………….Janine Gilchrist (
AHG Parish Rep…………………………………….Kim Glowicki
                                                                                  you in my soul. Since I cannot at this
Boy/Cub Scouts……………………………..……..                                                   moment receive you sacramentally,
Prayer Shawl Ministry………………………….Pat Grudzinski                                    come at least spiritually into my heart. I
Fragrant Rose Prayer Group ……Mary Wolak/Dolores                                   embrace you as if you were already
Food Pantry………………………………....Randi Poole                                            there and unite myself wholly to you.
                                                    Never permit me to be separated from
Hospitality Coordinators …………….Maria Rickert-Kittell                              you Amen.
……………………………………………………………...Joyce Mrosz

 2                    Us on Facebook: St. Mary Mystical Rose                        January 10, 2021
Happenings in and around our Parish
               Calendar of Events                                      FOOD PANTRY
Monday, January 11, 2021
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max Church        Personal care & many other basic products
Tuesday, January 12, 2021                             that we ask for are an important part of
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max Church        providing our guests the essentials they
6:30 PM        Faith Formation Class                  need as most government aid doesn't pro-
Wednesday, January 13, 2021                           vide nonfood products.
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose
Thursday, January 14, 2021
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max Church        Forehead Thermometer
Friday, January 15, 2021                              Binders and Clip Boards
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose            Dry Erase Boards or chalkboards (any size)
Saturday, January 16, 2020                            Sanitizer/Hand soap
4:00 PM        Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose            Dishwasher tabs/cleaner and dish soap
5:30 PM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max               Laundry Supplies (Detergent, bleach, fabric
Sunday, January 17, 2020
7:45 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max
9:30 AM        Faith Formation Class                  Cleaning Supplies (Multi surface, floor,
10:00 AM       Mass—St. Francis/St. Max               wipes)
11:15 AM       Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose            Paper products (paper towel, tissue, toilet pa-
12:30 PM       Mass—St. Francis/St. Max               per)
                       (Spanish)                      China Markers, Wax Pens, or Window Mark-
          ——————————————                              New unused moving boxes
Monday, January 18, 2021                              Packing Tape/Scotch Tape
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max Church        Large Garbage Bags
6:00 PM        Food Pantry Partial Distribution       Plastic Multi drawer organizers and storage
Tuesday, January 19, 2021                             bins
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max Church
6:30 PM        Faith Formation Class                  We welcome any kind of donation and in most
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose            cases can match up items with a specific fami-
Thursday, January 21, 2021                            ly in need.
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max Church
Friday, January 22, 2021
9:00 AM        Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose            "Our  Community Pantry is growing and changing as
Saturday, January 23, 2020                            we move into 2021. We need volunteers willing to
3:15 PM        Private Confession—St. Mary Mystical   help in a few areas. If you are interested in helping in
               Rose                                   any of the following ways, please reach out to one of
4:00 PM        Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose            our coordinators:
5:30 PM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max
Sunday, January 24, 2020                              County/Target Pickups (1x/week Regularly Scheduled)
7:45 AM        Mass—St. Francis/St. Max
9:30 AM        Faith Formation Class                  Sorting/Date Checking (1-3x/week Regularly Sched-
10:00 AM       Mass—St. Francis/St. Max               uled)
11:15 AM       Mass—St. Mary Mystical Rose
12:30 PM       Mass—St. Francis/St. Max

January 10, 2021                                                   Us on Facebook: St. Mary Mystical Rose   3
Stewardship—Faith Formation
                             Jesus Wants
                             to be Invited
                             into Your
                             Home and
                             Family, Sign
                             Up for Today.
                                                     Statue of Our Lady of Fatima shown with image on wall.
You and your family are invited to Enthrone the
Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home after Holy        PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY:
Mass is celebrated on Sunday, January 17, 2021.      Last Name:
When Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary Ala-        _____________________________________________
coque, He told her that He would bless the homes
                                                     First Name:
where an image of His Sacred Heart “shall be ex-
posed and honored”.                                  _____________________________________________
At St. Francis-St. Maximillian, you will stay        Spouse and Children:
after the 10:00AM Sunday, January 17 Holy
Mass with Father Steve who will lead you and         _____________________________________________
your family in a short ceremony (30 minutes) in-     Street Address:
cluding where Father will bless the 8”X10” Sa-       _____________________________________________
cred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of
Mary image shown to the right and salt for your      City, and Zip Code:
home.                                                _____________________________________________
At St. Mary Mystical Rose, you will stay after
the 11:15AM Sunday, Januaary 17 Holy Mass            Cell phone for texting appointments:
with Father Chris who will lead you and your         ___________________________________________
family in a short ceremony (30 minutes) includ-      Yes, to Our Lady of Guadalupe __________ (I have one
ing where Father will bless the 8”X10” Sacred
Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary im-      statue, will make arrangements with each of you..
age shown to the right and salt for your home.       Yes, to Our Lady of Fatima____________( I have sever-
If you wish, your family can be photographed
                                                     al statues)
with Father and we will email the photo to you
for you to mark the occasion and retain a keep-      Do you want the Our Lady of Fatima statue to visit your
sake.                                                home, delivered on Monday, January 18 in the AM and
Those who wish can also have the statue of Our       picked up Monday, February 1 in the AM.
Lady of Fatima (or Our Lady of Guadalupe)            YES_____             Not this time_____
come visit your home and family for two weeks                
by appointment only. You need to sign up for         The Men of the Sacred Heart has a 55 year
both the Enthronement ceremony that will feature
a personalized Ceremonial Book with your family      history in Michigan, and over 110 years
name on it, and for the statue to visit you home.    old Internationally.

4           Us on Facebook: St. Mary Mystical Rose        January 10, 2021
Liturgy & Prayer
                                                            PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE IN
                                                            NEED OF OUR PRAYERS ESPECIALLY ………
                                                            Please call the Parish Office at 586-784-5966 to add or update
                                                            list . For information on Prayer Shawls please contact
                                                            Pat Grudzinski at 586-784-5123

Wednesday, January 13, 2021                                  Bob Agius                               Eva Malcolm
9:00 AM    For the intentions in our Prayer Box              Mary Agius                              Camarritta Marshall
           Requested by Fragrant Rose Prayer                 Henry Anderson                          Bonnie McNichol
                                                             Emma Beckham                            Richard McMurray
                                           Group             Gary Bianchi                            Matthew Moreton
                                                             James Bieck                             Sapi Patau’ave
Friday, January 15, 2021                                     Andy Bommarito                          Maria Paukofe
                                                             Marjorie Brohl                          Patricia Palazuk
10:00 AM     The parishioners of St. Mary Mystical           Donna Chumbler                          Donna Price
                                           Rose              Joan Condon                             Mike Rajami
                                                             Carol Fogal                             Ray Rivard
                                                             Jacob Gordon                            Joseph Roberts
Saturday, January 16., 2021                                  James Gottschalk                        Nancy Roy
4:00 PM      +Cesarina Catallo                               David Grudzinski                        Michelle Schapman
                                                             Baby Tucker Hale                        Jake Schmidt
             Requested by the Rick Catallo Family            Baby Will Haskin (King)                 Steve Shore
                                                             Peggy Havelt                            Marge Stelzer
Sunday, January 17, 2021                                     Bill Holloway                           Kera (Witt) Streeter
                                                             Colleen King                            Donna Szyska
11:15 AM    The parishioners of St. Mary Mystical            Amos Kinnard                            Beth Tandesky
                                          Rose               Alex Landuyt                            Anna Viaene
                                                             Rachel Landuyt                          Darlene Voight
                                                             Donald Laskowski                        Jan Vore
                                                             Agnes Maa
      Readings for the Week of January 10, 2021              Carl Malcolm
Sunday      Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
            Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29:1-2, 3-4,                                   PRAY FOR THOSE

3, 9-10                                                     Phoebe Malkowicz
                                                                                            IN THE MILITARY

            or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 (3); Acts 10:34-38 or   Adam S. Girardot
                                                            Sgt Ethan Jacob
                                                                                                               Andrew Richards
                                                                                                              MC2 Jeffery Richardson

            1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11                           Paul Raska
                                                            Fr. Tomek Maka, Lt.
                                                                                                              SN Michael DeClercq
                                                                                                              YNSN Jay Zebelian

Monday Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9;
            Mk 1:14-20                                                            BAPTISM OF THE LORD
Tuesday Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9; Mk
1:21-28                                                     Almighty ever-living God, who, when Christ had
Wednesday Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the            been baptized in the River Jordan and as the Holy
Church                                                      Spirit descended upon him, solemnly declared him
            Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9; Mk      your beloved Son, grant that your children by adop-
1:29-39                                                     tion, reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, may always
Thursday Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11; Mk             be well pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus
1:40-45                                                     Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the
Friday      Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8; Mk     unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Saturday Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15; Mk 2:13-
17                                                                                       Stewardship Offering
Sunday      Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                         for the Weekend of January 2-3
            1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10
                                                              Collection ………………………………...……$3,667.00
(8a, 9a);                                                     Budgeted Amount ……………………….…$4,700.00
            1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42                Thank you for your generosity and continued support!

January 10, 2021                                                                  Us on Facebook: St. Mary Mystical Rose               5
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