SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens

Page created by Rose Mitchell
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens

                                                                                         NORTHAMPTONSHIRE'S COVID-19
                                                                                                             THIS IS AWARDED TO

                                                                                            MOULTON PARISH
                                                                                            COUNCIL COVID-19
                                                                                           VOLUNTEER SUPPORT
                                                                                        For their hard work and dedication supporting their community

                                                                                                        during the Covid-19 pandemic

                                                                                          ELAINE O'LEARY                               AUTUMN
                                                                                           CHIEF EXECUTIVE                              2020

     Gig in the Gardens                 Moulton Parish Council                   Health & Wellbeing
 Keeping everything crossed for        become the proud owners of           See how Moulton has been helping
10th July 2021 SAVE THE DATE         Moulton Library see pages 20 & 23        its residents see pages 17 - 22

 Moulton Parish Council - 01604 642202 – info@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk – www.moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk
               Moulton Community Centre, Sandy Hill, Reedings, Moulton, Northampton, NN3 7AX
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
Web Design that gets you noticed

                                It’s election time at Moulton Parish Council!

           Expressions of interest are welcomed from anyone who is over 18 years old.

    As a councillor representing your community you will help keep it a great place to live
  and work. You will be supported in your role and will be expected to undertake training.
   You should be comfortable working electronically. You should have a positive outlook
               and a can-do attitude and be willing to work as part of a team.

                       If you are interested in joining the council, please contact:

      The Parish Council currently meets in the evening on the first Tuesday of every month.
                    If you care about your community and would like to help
                make a real difference then why not become a Parish Councillor?

2 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
               elcome to the Spring/Summer 2021 edition of Moulton
               Scene. At the time of writing, the year ahead is still very
               uncertain. However, the vaccine programme is being rolled
                                                                                    Moulton Scene
 out at speed, and we can only hope that in the coming weeks and/or
 months we will receive the good news that life can get back to some
 kind of normality. Over the last couple of months, face-to-face group
 activities/clubs have had to temporarily stop, however many of you have
 still carried on as best you can, using online meeting tools and have still        Edition 1 - 2021
 had lots of news to report!
 Lots of contributions in this issue are about how so many village groups           The next edition of the Moulton Scene
 and individuals have taken the time out to help others during this                 will be published at the beginning of
 pandemic, and we thank you for all the help and support you have given             September 2021 and will cover the
 to others. Big thanks, as always, to all contributors and advertisers, the         period 1st September to 28th February
 Moulton Scene is nothing without you!                                              2022.
 Should you wish to get in touch for the next edition, please email:
                                                                                    Advertisements, editorials and diary
                                                                                    dates to be submitted by 23rd July 2021
                                                                                    to admin@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk
          Useful Telephone Numbers
     GENERAL                                                                        T: 01604 642202
     Moulton College                                                 01604-491131
                                                                                    E: admin@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk
     Moulton Surgery                                                 01604-644126
     Moulton Volunteer Car Scheme                                    07484-907438
                                                                                    ADVERTISING COSTS (incl. of VAT):
     Moulton Parish Church – Pete Collins                            01604-495393
      email: admin@moultonchurch.co.uk
                                                                                    Half page Colour (183 x 130mm)            £175.00
     Carey Baptist Church – Rev. Stuart Dennis                       01604-491966
     Moulton Evangelical Church – Steve Pollock                      01604-404202

     COUNCIL SERVICES/COUNCILLORS                                                   Quarter page B&W (88.5 x 130mm) £60.00
     Moulton Parish Council                                          01604-642202   Quarter page Colour (88.5 x 130mm) £90.00
      email: info@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk
     West Northamptonshire Unitary Council (from 01.04.21)
      email: futurenorthants@northamptonshire.gov.uk
     Daventry District Council                                       01327-871100
                                                                                    Eighth page B&W (88.5 x 62mm)              £35.00
     Daventry District Councillors:                                                 Eighth page Colour (88.5 x 62mm)           £52.50
      Mike Warren email: mwarren@daventrydc.gov.uk                   01604-781082
      Daniel Cribbin email: dcribbin@daventrydc.gov.uk               07986-240144
     Member of Parliament: Chris Heaton-Harris                       0207-2197048
      email: chris.heatonharris.mp@parliament.uk
                                                                                    Payment is required with your
     Northamptonshire County Council                                 0300-1261000
      Or online at www.northamptonshire.gov.uk
                                                                                    Moulton Parish Council, Moulton
     Northamptonshire County Councillor:                             01604-843275
      Judy Shephard email: jshephard@northamptonshire.gov.uk
                                                                                    Community Centre – Sandy Hill,
     ELVIS – Abandoned cars                                          08456-121999
                                                                                    Reedings, Moulton, Northamptonshire,
      email: elvis.recovery@northantspolice.uk                                      NN3 7AX
     Police – (please dial 999 in an emergency)                      101
     Daventry Rural North Safer Community Team                       101            T: 01604 642202
      email: sct-daventryruralnorth@northants.police.uk
                                                                                    E: info@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk

                                       “Welcome to Moulton”                         W: www.moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk

                                         The pack is an invaluable source of
                                       information for all new residents and is     Printed by: ONEFOURSIX
                                              available FREE of charge.             T: 01604 419776
                                         Please contact the Parish Office on

                                                                                    E: info@onefoursix.co.uk

                                                       or email:
                                                                                    Copyright Moulton Parish Council 2020.
                                                                                    No part of this publication may be reproduced
                                                                                    without permission of the Parish Council. The
                                            info@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk        content is not necessarily the view of the Parish
                                                      for a copy.
                                                                                        spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene          | 3
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
3     Editorial                            38 Moulton Volunteer Car Scheme
                                           39 Food Donation Point
                                           SCHOOLS, COLLEGES,
2     Election Time at Moulton Parish      LIBRARY NEWS
5     Chairman of the Parish Council –     23 Moulton Community Managed
      David Aarons                            Library
5     Elections at Moulton Parish          23 Moulton Primary School
      Council                              25 Moulton College
6     Your Local Council Needs You -       25 Moulton College – Volunteers
      Make a Change and Become a              Wanted to Support Lateral Flow
      Councillor                              Testing

                                           27 The Moulton Volunteer Car
3     Useful Telephone Numbers                Scheme
3     ‘Welcome to Moulton’ Pack            27 Give Blood
6     Halls to Hire                        27 Volunteers Needed to Listen to
6     Opening Times                           Children Read
10    Moulton Village Festival 2021
10    Moulton Village Festival 2021 –      VILLAGE CLUBS AND
      Art Exhibition                       SOCIETIES
10    Moulton College Alumni
10    Remembrance                          28 Moulton Tuesday Club, Table
12    Full Fibre is Coming to Moulton         Tennis Club, White Tiger Tae
      – CityFibre                             Kwon-Do, Moulton Evening WI,
13    Moulton Parish Council Events           The Monday Club, Northampton
13    Memorial Project                        Whyte Melville Bowling Club,
13    Annual Parish Meeting –                 Moulton Players, Hardy Plant
      11.05.21                                Society Northamptonshire
14    Rotary Beckett Supports                 Group, Moulton Guide Hall,
      Northampton Food Banks                  Moulton Allotments CIC,
15    Vespaccino – From Lockdown to           Moulton Morris, Moulton &
      Latte in 6 Weeks                        District Gardeners’ Society,
15    The Telegraph Inn                       1st Moulton Brownies,
19    Hanging Basket Donations                Moulton Scout Group,
21    Chronicle & Echo Down Your
      Way                                  RURAL NEWS
22    Thank You Moulton Surgery
41    Thank you NHS & Key Workers          34 Parish Footpath Warden
44    What Not to Miss/School Term         34 Action on Climate Change Grant
      Dates                                   & Woodland Trust Free Trees
46    What’s On
47    Census 2021                          OBITUARIES

HEALTH & WELLBEING -                       35 Obituaries
                                           CHURCH NEWS
17 The Covid-19 Volunteer Scheme
18 The Christmas Hamper                    40 Moulton Parish Church
   Donations & Deliveries                  40 Carey Baptist Church
20 Food Donation Point at Moulton
   Church Porch                            INDEX OF ADVERTISERS
20 Moulton Community Managed
   Library                                 43     Index of Advertisers
22 Good Neighbour Volunteer

4 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
From the Parish Council Chairman
             David Aarons
What a year it has been!

An eventful time that none of us is likely to forget.     As a result of the pandemic, councillor-led projects
Coloured by disappointment and tragedy, it also           have been severely limited. That being said, Council
showed how the community of Moulton was able to           and Committee meetings have resumed remotely with
pull together to help neighbours and other residents in   Zoom and there is a link on the PC website to enable
dire need.                                                any member of the public to observe as usual.

Our sympathies go out to families who have lost loved     We have four councillor vacancies which need to be
ones to this terrible disease and to those who have       filled this year. However, assuming 2021 allows us to
suffered directly from it along with their families.      resume ‘normal service’, we shall fill these vacancies
                                                          in May to coincide with elections to the new West
There have of course been moments of relief:              Northamptonshire Unitary Authority. The Parish
                                                          Council welcomes the widest possible participation
• Mary Jane, our Community Connector, has a               from residents of Moulton. If you believe you have the
motivated team of volunteers who really ‘stepped up       time and inclination to represent your community as a
to the mark’, providing food and assistance to those      Parish Councillor, please contact the Executive Officer
requiring help in these difficult times. Thanks go to     (info@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk) to register your
them.                                                     interest. More information about eligibility can be
• Vespaccino, our pop-up café in the park, has given      found on the Electoral Commission website, Moulton
the village a welcome destination for those in need of    Parish Council website and in this Moulton Scene.
company and conversation (or at least as much as is
possible with regulations in place) come rain or shine!   If four or fewer applicants apply, then no election
• The Covid-19 vaccination programme is now               is needed, otherwise an election will take place as
underway at the Community Centre, which is hosting        described.
our local surgery and two others nearby, providing
much-welcomed promise of relief in such difficult         Stay Safe & Keep Well
• On 29th January, Moulton Parish Council completed
the library lease transfer and Moulton Library is now a
Community Managed Library, owned and managed by
the parish council, guaranteeing its future. Our plans
for the library are detailed in this magazine.                 WANTED
Jane Austin, our Executive Officer, and her team
(Claire, Louise, Anne and MJ) have continued to work
through this year, despite having very limited access
to their normal office space. Working from home, with
young children around for some of them, has caused
enormous disruption to their lives but they have
achieved everything we would expect from them in a
‘normal’ year. Thank you team!                                            Do you care about Moulton?

Moulton College has approached the Parish Council                    Do you want to do something positive
regarding a project which forms part of their centenary                     for your community?
year – 2021. We shall be creating a memorial garden in
our central park dedicated to all those who have been                 Can you think, listen and act locally?
affected by conflict, a place to look forward to and                  Elections to Moulton Parish Council
hope for a more peaceful future.                                          will be held on 6 May 2021*

Moulton PC will provide the location and base and                Why not consider becoming a Councillor?
undertake landscaping, as well as seeking any necessary
permissions. Moulton College will be offering designs                    To find out more please visit
for approval and their stonemasonry department will be                 www.moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk
                                                                          *Applications must be submitted by 8 April 2021
creating a suitable memorial and plinth.

                                                                              spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene            | 5
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
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             •    While You Wait Repairs

           For Free Advice on
        Your Computer Problem

      Tel 01604 411444
                  The Computer Doctors Ltd
            1 Sywell Village Northampton NN6 0BQ

  Don't Be Left In the Dark, Call a Bright Spark
 Local Fully Qualified Electrician                                                       Halls to Hire
  BS7671 17th Edition City And Guilds 2382, 2377, 2392 Part P Reg
                                                                                   Moulton Community Centre – 07484-517086
             All Your Electrical Needs                                                  Moulton Village Hall – 07484-517086
                                                                                     Moulton Club – 01604-491823 (evenings)
            Rewires, New Sockets, lights, fault finding,
            outside power, Landlord Certificates, P.A.T                       Moulton Football Club – Mick Clipston – 07547-767477
                                                                               Moulton Parish Centre – Pete Collins – 01604-495393
          Has your Electrical System been tested recently?                 Moulton Primary School – School Secretary – 01604-643061
                     Free Advice and Estimate                             Moulton School, Pound Lane – Site Supervisor – 01604-641600
                 Call Paul on:   07970 812522                                    Moulton Theatre – John Fletcher – 01604-644470
          or email: bright-spark-electrical@hotmail.co.uk                                 Moulton College – 01604-491131
                                                                                        Moulton Guide Hall - 07796-266091
                                                                          Carey Baptist Church Rooms – Elizabeth Baxter – 07979-380725
            Bright Spark Electrical                                         Fernie Fields Scout and Community Centre – 01604-670366

       Penny Hunt                                  Health Professions                 Opening Times
                                                   Council Registered
                       OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE

       B.Sc (Hons). Pod. MChS
                                                                        POST OFFICE (located inside YOGI STORES):
                                                                        Mon-Sat: 7am – 8pm Sun: 7am – 1pm
       For all your PODIATRY/                                           MIDLANDS CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY FOODSTORE MOULTON:
                                                                        Mon-Sat: 6.30am-7pm Sun: 7.30am-2pm
                                                                        MEMBERS SERVICES, MIDLANDS CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY
       • Footcare for the Elderly                                       Mon-Tues: 9am-12pm Wed: CLOSED Thurs: CLOSED Fri: 9am-
       • Diabetic Foot Assessment                                       12pm
       • Sports Injuries                                                Sat: 9am-12pm Sun: CLOSED
                                                                        MOULTON PHARMACY:
       Friendly mobile service in the Northamptonshire area             Mon-Fri: 9am-12.45pm & 2pm-6pm Sat: 9am-12.30pm
                                                                        Sun: CLOSED
  T:   01604 405515                        M:     07904 061269
6 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
SINCE 1997                   2 W E S T S T R E E T, M O U LT O N

                                        BECKY TOONE                       &      GEORGINA REES
                                        01604 494600                         J A C K S O N G R U N D Y. C O M

   30hrs                                                                   Northampton
Childcare                                                                 Moulton Lodge, Moulton Way North
 T: 01604 790440                                                            Northamptonshire, NN3 7RW
    www.childfirst.co.uk       The introduction of 30 hours childcare & development will radically
                               reduce parents costs. If you work and are eligible then your costs of
                                           a full time place will be substantially less.
                                A wonderful Georgian Lodge situated within 3 acres
                               of land and forest only 10 minutes from Northampton
                                town centre and right next door to the Moulton Park
                                                   Business Park.

                                  Hidden away from the main roads we are a truly
                               homely building where children feel comfortable and
                               at ease with a huge range of opportunities on offer to
                                  cook, rest, build, create, read, imagine and learn.

                                Then there is the outside, and what an outside it is!
                                  Here the children are encouraged to take risks,
                               develop confidence and self esteem and explore their
                                  natural surrounds no matter what the weather.

                                                                                  spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene   | 7
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
Cloudy2Clear, A Local                                                                                                            All C2C
  Family Service With A Smile                                                                                                      employees
                                                                                                                                   operate a
                                                                                                                                   strict social
  I think we can all agree that the sooner we see the back of 2020
  and this dreadful Corona Virus the better. That said, there are
  also some heart warming positives that we can take out of this                                                                   policy.
  situation. It has often been said that we can only really get to
  know one another and realise what is truly important in times of
  crisis. I think few would argue that in this case what has proven
  to be important is local community spirit and family.

  When talking to Trevor & Wendy Skidmore the owners of
  Cloudy2Clear Northampton & Oxford it became clear that these

                                                                       Have Your Windows
  values have been held for over 13 years. Since buying the local
  franchise in 2006 they have remained true to their core values of

                                                                          Steamed Up?
  supporting the local community whilst introducing their 2 sons
  Lloyd & Ross into the family business along with Dan, Mark & Jo
  as demand for their service has grown.
                                                                                     Replace the pane, not the frame!
  The Cloudy2Clear service is a money saving one that only            All glazing backed by our

  requires the glass to be replaced and not the whole window once                                  “I really liked the fact
  the unit has failed. Wendy commented “we were able to assist                                     that they were a local
  our community through the last financial crisis in 2008 due to the
                                                                                                    family run business”                        We are a
                                                                                                              Janet Beard                    Trusted Trader
  savings that can be made when using our service. Unfortunately
  we might be going through something similar again soon and the         Social distancing in operation                 Faulty locks, handles or hinges?
  public can rest assured that we will be there to help again”.                                                               Priority freephone

  For a free quotation please call 0800 61 21 118 or visit                                                                  www.cloudy2clear.co.uk

  cloudy2clear.co.uk.                                                  Love Your Home - Protect Your Windows - Save Money

          MOULTON                                                     David Brandon
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                                                                                    Telephone: 01604 646461

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      www.moultonminibusandcoachservice.co.uk                                                         www. go ingspar eno r t hampt o n. c o m

8 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
ADDERS                                                T&&J Plumbing and
                                                                                    and Maintenance
                                                                          All aspects of property and garden maintenance:
                Accountants Limited
                                                                         • Plumbing (24 hour call out)
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                 Support                                                     11 Touraine Close, Duston, Northampton, NN5 6SA
               l Business Start Ups
               l Taxation Planning
               l Self Assessment Returns                                                         Unit 1, Grove Farm, Grove Farm Lane
               l Inland Revenue Investigations                                                                               NN3 7TG
               l Investment, Mortgage and Will                                                                      Tel: 01604 642348
                 Advice Arranged                                                                                  Mob: 07708 410905

               l Personal and Corporate tax
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               Tel 01604 492534                                      No event is complete without a cake. Bespoke cakes designed

               Fax 01604 642290                                      and created for parties, weddings and anniversaries.

                                                                     Private classes available in Cookery & Sugar Craft.
               60 Ashley Lane, Moulton, Northampton NN3 7TJ

               For further information please see our website:       www.choicenorthampton.co.uk
               www.adders.co.uk                  Reg No: 07639764

                                                                        K. WORLEY (BUILDING & GARDENS)
                                                                      Local family business with over 40 years professional experience
                                                                      in construction & garden work, including:
                                                                      • Mini-digger with qualified operator available
                                                                      • Driveways, blockpaving, edgings, gravelling, slabbing & patios

               Darren Cooke                                           • Building work & repairs, footings, drainage, concreting
                                                                      • Fencing, turfing, tree felling & clearance
     Gas and Central Heating                                          • Dismantling & removal of garages, outbuildings, sheds, etc.

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                                                                         For information or a FREE quote call Karl on:
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                                                                                         ANY TI ME                         EV E N I N G

                                                                                         spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene               | 9
SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Gig in the Gardens
Village Information, Events, Local News

Announcement from Moulton Festival
Due to the current Covid situation and
uncertainty around timelines on social
interaction, Moulton Village Festival will not
be advertised this year in the traditional ways.
For updates and real time information on all
developments, please follow us on Facebook

Thank you for your continued support.


Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the Art
Exhibition will not be able to go ahead in its
usual format. We are working on possible
alternative ways that the 50th Anniversary of
the Festival can be celebrated in a safe way for
villagers to enjoy. This will of course all depend
on what Covid restrictions are in place at the
time. More details will follow nearer May.

Celia Flowerday


November lockdown hit just as we were ready          and just before lockdown we managed to lay
to remember those who lost their lives during        our wreaths and display our flags in church. Our
times of conflict. Remembrance Day is a very         members were sent the link to watch the live
important event in Moulton Scout's, Guide's and      stream service and a Just Giving page was set up
BBOB’s calendar, where we parade around the          for the Royal British Legion and shared on the
village and join together with the village for a     village social media pages by leaders and parents.
church service and act of remembrance at Moulton     Thank you to all who donated, we raised £255. As
Parish Church.  Although it wasn’t what we           an act of remembrance, several leaders did walk the
wanted it to be, the vicar, Nicholas, and Moulton    parade route in uniform at some point during the
Parish Church were extremely accommodating           course of the day.

10 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
l   Ofsted Outstanding
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                                        l   Qualified, experienced practitioners
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                                        l   Healthy eating award

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                 Stone Well Cottage Day Nursery 14 Church Hill Moulton Northampton NN3 7SW
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                                                                  Garden a Garden
                                                                           little neglected,  wish you could
                                                                                    a little neglected,  wishhave
                                                                                                              you itcould
                                                                                                                      looking its itbest,
                                                                                                                           have           but its
                                                                                                                                      looking  don‛t quite have
   We are proud to be a family owned business offering the                                  the time
                                                                               but don’t quite   havethen………………..
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                                                                                Lawns:- Mowing;        Pruning;
                                                                                                  Edging;         Cutting
                                                                                                            Turfing;       Back;Aerating;
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                                                                                                                         07765 694131
                                                                                                    Or Home 01604 408885
                                                                                                For a no hassle free estimation
                                                                                         Registered                   2021
                                                                                                    at Sheerwater Drive, N’pton•NN3
                                                                                                                                    5HU.     scene      | 11
                                                We are currently rolling out our fibre
                                                network through the town, with thousands
                                                of premises already connected. The result
                                                will be a fit-for-purpose and future-proof
At CityFibre, we believe full fibre broadband   digital infrastructure that will provide huge
is transformational, offering unrivalled        and wide-ranging benefits to the entire
speeds and reliability. This is why we’re       community for years to come.
investing over £40m in bringing future proof
technology to Northampton and delivering        We are rolling out a hybrid approach to
a town wide network that will give almost       build in Moulton, which means we are using
every home and business access to next-         as much existing telecoms infrastructure
generation full fibre connectivity. This        as possible, ie ducts and poles to minimise
will deliver Gigabit speeds (of over 1000       disruption. We may also be putting up new
megabits per second up and download),           poles so homes can be connected aerially.
making Moulton one of the best-connected        Where we do have to build we try to deliver
areas in the Country.                           each as quickly as possible, with works in a
                                                street usually only taking a few days, though
Digital connectivity has really come to         sometimes this can be longer depending on
the fore over the last year with many of        site conditions.
us switching to home-working or home-
learning and relying more heavily on online     Once the above steps have been completed,
platforms to keep ourselves entertained,        you're ready to connect. To check the latest
access essential services, do our shopping      updates and to register your interest visit
and keep in touch with loved ones.              https://www.cityfibre.com/residential.

12 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021

Looking back to when we last published Moulton                 Some time ago we were approached by a number of
Scene, I’m not sure many of us could have imagined             residents who wished to see another War Memorial in the
that in 2021 we would still find our lives controlled by       parish that was accessible to all. After a search for suitable
government rules and restrictions to help prevent the          sites, it was agreed that the Public Gardens in the village
spread of COVID-19. But here we are, still surrounded          centre would be an ideal place to site a new Memorial.
by an element of uncertainty but, with at least an
element of hope on the horizon as the vaccination              Although the Gardens are locked overnight, it is felt that
programme picks up speed and more and more of us               the site can provide space for events to take place safely
receive a level of protection from this virus.                 and enjoys a measure of security with the gardens locked
Along with a desire to return to some element of
normality and being able to meet with and hug our loved        Moulton College is celebrating their centenary in 2021
                                                               and wish to work in partnership with the parish council
ones, we are all craving a return to a time where we
                                                               and create a meaningful legacy, in the form of a Memorial
can enjoy our favourite social events, from live music to
                                                               with work carried out by Moulton College stone masonry
theatre productions, cinema visits and the much-loved
fetes, festivals and community focused activities.
                                                               Moulton Church are in full support of the project and
Well, we’re definitely with you on that one! All of us at
                                                               have offered to act as liaison between the parish council
Moulton Parish Council can’t wait for a return of our          and the Church communities within Moulton. The church
favourite events at the Community Centre, like our             will be involved in the dedication of the site and will
popular Indoor Car Boot Sales, Craft Fairs, delicious          include the Memorial as part of the Remembrance Day
Food and Drink Festivals and our delightful Christmas          Service.
Cracker. As things stand, we aren’t permitted to host
these types of events, however, in the spirit of positivity,   During recent discussions with Moulton College, we have
we have planned a couple of indoor events for summer           removed the word ‘war’ and the joint initiative will be
2021, which we really hope will be allowed to go ahead.        referred to as ‘The Memorial Garden Project’. We wish to
These are:                                                     create a memorial that is dedicated to all who had been
                                                               affected by war and use of words such as ‘peace’ and
Indoor Car Boot Sale                                           ‘remembrance’. The memorial will not detail individual
Sunday 13th June 2021 9.00am to 1.00pm                         names but will be a generic non-denominational memorial
                                                               for all.
The Summer Local Produce and Craft Fair
Sunday 15th August 2021 10.00am to 2.00pm                      We are in early talks with Moulton College to determine
                                                               the design of the Memorial and will publish drawings/
For more information, or to book a table at either             plans as soon as they are available. The Memorial is likely
of these events, please contact Anne on: events@               to be approximately 2m in height and will feature designs
moultonparishcouncil.org.uk                                    of a Dove and Poppy. Moulton College Horticultural Dept
                                                               will assist with designing the landscaping around the
In terms of our outdoor events, we really missed our           Memorial.
fantastic Gig in the Gardens in 2020, as we had planned
an amazing couple of days for you all. The good news is        We look forward to sharing further details with you as
that we are aiming for a return of the event on Saturday       soon as we can.
10th July 2021, in the Public Gardens, so get the date
in your diary now. We will have live music, children’s
entertainment, a licensed bar and food vendors. We’ll
give you more details nearer the time of the event,              Annual Parish Meeting to be held on
assuming it can go ahead.
                                                                  Tuesday 11th May 2021 at 7pm at
We really look forward                                              Moulton Community Centre.
to a time when we can
all socialise together as a
community once again.                                                This is an open meeting and all
In the meantime, please
continue to stay safe.                                              residents are welcome to attend.

                                                                                 spring/summer 2020
                                                                                               2021 • moulton scene     | 13

In the last issue of Moulton Scene we reported     This was no mean feat as many of our usual
how the residents of Moulton had generously        fundraising activities have had to be cancelled
supported the #StreetbyStreet collection of food   due to COVID restrictions. However, we
which the Rotary Club of Northampton Becket        were fortunate over Christmas to be able to
(Rotary Becket) had organised locally to provide   organise our annual Santa Sleigh visits around
much needed supplies for Northampton Hope          Northampton (including Moulton Leys) which
Centre during the pandemic.                        were really well received by the children who
                                                   did not have many opportunities to see Santa
As the various lockdowns moved from Spring to      over Christmas. Over 11 nights, Santa and his
Summer and then to Winter it became obvious        helpers saw hundreds of children and received
that there was a long term need to support         donations of over
the Hope Centre and other food banks in            £4,500 which
Northampton (including Weston Favell Centre        will be used in
Food Bank and Re-Store).                           2021 to support
                                                   continuing weekly
Through both individual Rotarian’s fundraising     food deliveries
efforts and Club fund-raisers, Rotary Becket       and other
raised over £10,000 to specifically fund           activities in the
a continuing food supply, making weekly            local community.
deliveries of purchases (from shopping lists
provided by the food banks) from the cash          For more details of our activities, please
and carry. From April to December, Rotary          visit www.rotarybecket.org.uk. The Club
Becket has purchased and donated in excess of      membership already includes a number of
£17,000 worth of food.                             Moulton residents, but we are always looking for
                                                   volunteers and potential members. We can be
                                                   contacted via our web site.

Loading up at the Booker Cash & Carry              Delivery to Food Bank

14 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021

The story of Vespaccino in the Public                   The amazing branding was designed, the pitch was
Gardens by Eamonn Byrne                                 found and less than six weeks after the van arrived,
                                                        Vespaccino sold her first coffee in Moulton Public
Vespaccino is a family business run by myself,          Gardens.
my wife Jess and, increasingly, by our 5-year-old
daughter Grace! It was born from a combination of       It is a real pleasure to
a long-standing dream and an unexpected lockdown        spend every day in
project. Having worked in the theatre industry as a     the park, meeting and
company manager, I have toured with many shows          chatting with the you all
and musicals. My touring espresso machine meant         and being able to offer,
that the company office quickly became the social       what has become, a
hub for the cast and crew. “Eamonn’s company office     much-loved facility. The
coffee shop” was born quickly and became well           positive response and
known throughout the theatre industry.                  feedback from the people of Moulton (and beyond!)
                                                        since August has been over-whelming.
In March 2020 when lockdown happened, the
theatre industry ground to a halt. I looked to my       We are very proud of Vespaccino and we are truly
previous career as a car mechanic and began to          grateful to all the people, without who’s help and
restore and sell small classic cars. This was how I     support, it may never have happened.
stumbled upon “Violet” the Vespaccino van in a
dusty lock-up in Leicestershire. The idea was to        We look forward to serving your daily coffee for a
restore her to sell, but with                           long time to come.
the ongoing closure of the
theatre industry it seemed
a more sensible idea to
convert the van into a coffee
cart. The van was refitted
and made ready.

                                                        Saturday Menu:
                                                        Our popular burgers, pizzas, Tandoori chicken flat
                                                        bread, cod & chips, scampi & chips, vegan options
                                                        and a kids menu.

                                                        Sunday Menu:
                                                        Selection of roast meats, vegan and vegetarian
                                                        roasts. Served with roast potatoes, chef’s
Whilst we are in lockdown and are not able to           Yorkshire pudding, selection of vegetables and real
operate normally, we are offering a collection          gravy.
takeaway service.
                                                        Desserts are available and include hot and cold
This is available every Saturday ​4.30pm-8pm and        options.
Sunday 12pm-3pm. All takeaways must be pre-
ordered by phone or through messenger, on the           Our takeaway service has always been a great
day or days in advance and you will be allocated a      success and we would like to thank everybody for
collection time slot. Our food is all homemade and      your continued support through the difficult times. If
freshly cooked to order, served hot and ready to eat.   the demand and support is there, we will extend our
                                                        opening days and times of our takeaway service.
Contact us on 01604-648228, michael@                    Menus will be posted online or on our facebook
thetelegraphinn.com or through our facebook page:       page.
The Telegraph Inn, Moulton.
                                                                        spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene   | 15
Ideally suited for parties, meetings, training courses,         All larger rooms are equipped with tables, chairs, PA
                         social events, etc.                             system, lectern, flip chart and 4K 86” interactive
     Rooms to hire - Ground floor: main hall and small hall            presentation screens. Staging and sound equipment
   (additional spaces available to hire in the evening - library           available on request at an additional charge.
     and café space). First floor: two function rooms, two           Fully equipped kitchen with catering size stove and oven.
               meeting rooms and a small kitchen.                    Complete range of catering packages available – drink
         The main hall and the small hall can be joined                     trollies, buffet lunches and sit down meals.
                    together for larger events.                                   Lift available to first floor rooms.
                Staffed bar available with hall hire.                              Large car park with 100 spaces.
               Pre-school, café and library on site.

                         www.moultonnorthants-pc.gov.uk | bookings@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk
                                   Find us on Facebook: Moulton Community Centre
                                             Bookings Tel: 07484 517086

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16 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
Health & Wellbeing -                                                                                            Mary-Jane Brown
                                                                                                                      Community Connector for

             Community Connector
                                                                                                                        Moulton & Surrounding

Health & Wellbeing has been brought into sharp
focus for us all over the last year, and although                                                THE COVID-19 VOLUNTEER SCHEME
the Community Centre has been closed during the
Lockdowns, I’ve been busy organising activities and                                              I want to say a huge thank you to all our Covid-19
volunteer schemes to reach out to residents needing                                              Volunteers who offered support to residents in our
support throughout the crisis.                                                                   area throughout the pandemic. This was vital in
                                                                                                 helping so many households get through this very
January brought a lovely surprise – I was told that                                              difficult time and ensuring that they were safe and
I’ve been awarded a ‘Rose of Northamptonshire                                                    well.
Award’ by The Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire,
The High Sheriff of Northamptonshire and                                                         We were very fortunate to have received funding
Northamptonshire County Council, after being                                                     for the scheme from the Coronavirus Response and
nominated by Moulton Parish Council.                                                             Recovery Fund at Northamptonshire Community
This award celebrates the contributions of
those ‘unsung heroes’ who live or work in                                                        The scheme supported 119 vulnerable and isolated
Northamptonshire and is a recognition of the hard                                                local households, by shopping, making home-cooked
work and determination shown when faced with                                                     meals, collecting prescriptions, dog-walking and
the unprecedented threat from the Coronavirus                                                    making friendly phone calls throughout the crisis
outbreak - keeping our communities together and                                                  and I know that many new friendships have been
those most at risk safe.                                                                         formed as a result. Waving through windows has
                                                                                                 also become a regular occurrence!
All our volunteers are the unsung heroes in our
community and made it possible for us at the Parish                                              My role was to register, co-ordinate and match
Council to reach out and help so many households                                                 volunteers with households requesting assistance or
in our area. My work is only possible because of                                                 other help needed in the community. The volunteers
the efforts of the volunteers, and I continue to be                                              went out in all weathers to walk dogs, did weekly
amazed at their generosity and kindness.                                                         supermarket shopping or dropped everything to deal
                                                                                                 with an urgent request. Some volunteers also let me
I was so surprised and touched to receive this                                                   know about concerns or issues the households were
award! My work is so rewarding in itself, because I                                              facing so we were able to refer them to the right
feel I’m helping to make a difference, but I couldn’t                                            support services to help them.
do it without all the wonderful volunteers and
working in collaboration with them, Moulton                                                      Volunteers also regularly delivered the Open Letters
Surgery and other support services. Thank you                                                    from the Parish Council to every household in
volunteers! This award goes to you!                                                              Moulton and Moulton Leys, which contained useful
                                                                                                 local and national information, as well as details
We will celebrate the contribution of our volunteers                                             about our support scheme.
in May at Northamptonshire ACRE’s Celebrating
Northamptonshire’s COVID-19 Community                                                            Many volunteers have
Champions event and a Thank You Event at Moulton                                                 also helped Moulton
Community Centre in the Summer.                                                                  Surgery at the vaccination
                                                                                                 sessions, not to mention
Overleaf are some of our volunteer schemes and                                                   donating and distributing
activities.                                                                                      Christmas Hampers and
                                                                                                 taking food donations to
See also the Helping              NORTHAMPTONSHIRE'S COVID-19                                    Weston Favell Foodbank
Hands Section on page                  COMMUNITY                                                 each week.
27 and page 38 for                                    THIS IS AWARDED TO

further details on the               MOULTON PARISH                                              Thank you to all the volunteers for everything
Moulton Volunteer Car                COUNCIL COVID-19
                                                                                                 you have done and continue to do! I know that all
                                    VOLUNTEER SUPPORT
Scheme and page 39 for                   GROUP                                                   the people you have supported are so thankful,
further details on the
                                                                                                 and many have said that this has helped them get
                                 For their hard work and dedication supporting their community

Food Donation Point at
                                                 during the Covid-19 pandemic

                                                                                                 through this very challenging time.
                                   ELAINE O'LEARY                               AUTUMN

Moulton Parish Church.
                                    CHIEF EXECUTIVE                              2020

                                                                                                                spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene   | 17
What an incredible response to our Christmas            All hampers were so beautifully put together, with
Hamper Appeal this year!                                a lot of thought and imagination, bringing a little bit
                                                        of Christmas cheer and sparkle to those who have
In previous years, we delivered around 30 mini-         been isolated all these months at home and reaching
hampers to isolated people in the community at          out to families with some Christmas goodies to
Christmas. This year there was an even greater          enjoy.
desire to reach out to people who have been
isolated for so many months due to the pandemic.        Everyone I’ve spoken to is so grateful to have
                                                        received this kind gesture and wanted me to pass
A total of 82 hampers were donated! 22 fantastic        on their thanks to the volunteers who have donated
larger hampers and presents went to families            and helped deliver the hampers. We had lots of
supported by the charity Homestart and 60 smaller       thank you phone calls, messages and cards sent back
hampers were delivered to single people and             to us:
couples in the area.
                                                        One lady sent a thank you card which says:
                                                        'I just want to thank everybody involved for the
                                                        lovely surprise I found on my doorstep at the
                                                        weekend. I received a fantastic bag full of goodies
                                                        and wrapped surprises. Once again thank you, it
                                                        certainly brightened up my day!'

                                                        And another gentleman wrote:
                                                        ‘A volunteer has just brought me this lovely hamper
                                                        with all its goodies, after a quick look. I am very
                                                        grateful for your kind thought which has brought
                                                        a tear to my eyes and will save this present for
                                                        Christmas Day.’

                                                        Another lady sent this note:
                                                        'I really felt I must write to thank you for the most
                                                        useful hamper I had delivered on Saturday. This
                                                        came as a most pleasant surprise; the generosity of
                                                        the local folk is overwhelming. Please thank all who
                                                        were involved in any way in my getting this hamper.
                                                        Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and
I also want to say a big thank you to the volunteers    healthy New Year.'
who helped to deliver them as well, which included
a local fire crew, a postman and an estate agent from

Moulton College made a lovely
donation of 20 mini Christmas
Cakes to go into the hampers
and there was a generous
donation of natural handmade
soaps from Fred & Betty Soaps
Moulton which were also added
to the hampers.                                         Angela from Homestart, who came to collect the
                                                        Family Hampers twice a week, wanted to express
Thanks also goes to Moulton                             how grateful the families were to receive these
Brownies for their generous                             lovely Christmas goodies and gifts which were
donation of several smaller                             delivered by Santa himself!

18 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
Hanging Basket Donations
If you are interested in making a donation towards
the Village Hanging Baskets, please complete the
donation slip below and return to Moulton Parish
Council by 7th May 2021. The names of those
who have donated will be placed underneath each
basket, but if you have a specific wording request
or would prefer that your basket was not named,
please let us know.

  Name of Business/Group/Resident:

  Name for Plaque:         (or other wording required)

  Amount: (available from £25 per basket for individuals and £50 per basket for village groups/businesses):

  (please circle amount)           £25              /    £50      /         £75           /         £100
  Please return slip & cheque payment (made payable to MOULTON PARISH COUNCIL) to:
  Moulton Parish Council, Moulton Community Centre, Sandy Hill, Reedings, Moulton, Northampton, NN3 7AX

                                                                                 spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene   | 19
In the Autumn of 2020, many volunteers came forward              The donation point will continue to be at Moulton Parish
to say that they would like to donate food and other             Church Porch for the long term, as long as there is a need.
necessities to families in the area. After speaking to           If you would like to donate, please leave your donations
Homestart, we set up a Food for Families donation point          in a bag or box on the table or basket in the church porch
at Moulton Parish Church Porch, which is open for you to         during the opening times listed.
leave your donations:
Monday – Thursday: 9.30am – 5pm                                  Examples of items you could donate:
Friday: 9am – 4pm                                                UHT milk, breakfast cereals, tea and coffee
Saturday: 10am – 3.30pm                                          Sugar
                                                                 Jam or similar spread
                                                                 Crisps in small packets or multi-packs
Very generous amounts of food, toiletries, toys and              Potatoes, pasta, rice
household items are donated every week at the porch.             Tinned vegetables
Homestart have expressed how much of a difference this           Tinned hot dogs, sausages or tinned pies
has made to the families in need in the area.                    Tinned fish, like sardines or tuna
                                                                 Tinned meats, like spam, corned beef, ham or chicken
During the January/February 2021 Lockdown, we started            Pot noodles
delivering donations to the Weston Favell Foodbank as            Cook-in pasta/curry sauces
Homestart had to close temporarily, but the families they        Tinned tomatoes, beans and pasta (spaghetti hoops, ravioli etc)
                                                                 Tins, packets or cartons of soup
support can access the items they need from there.
                                                                 Squash or juices
                                                                 Tinned fruit, sweet treats like cake, chocolate or biscuits,
Moulton School and Science                                       custard or rice pudding
College also made a large donation                               Toilet rolls, toiletries, soap, baby wipes, nappies and laundry
of food just before Christmas,                                   capsules
which was very gratefully received
by both Homestart and Weston                                     All contributions, big or small, will be gratefully received.
Favell Foodbank.

Some great news - the transfer of the Moulton Library
to a Community Managed Library has gone ahead! All               We want to thank the Moulton Gifting and Giving
agreements were signed and the completion date was               Facebook Group who have made a kind donation of £320
at the end of January. Once we can open safely, we’re            from their Village Fund to go towards First Aid training
planning to increase the use of the library space so that        for library volunteers and CNC Innovations Ltd for their
we have more activities, meetings and groups taking              design and production of volunteer IDs. We will be
place. Moulton Library is a wonderful space for everyone         applying for funding and taking donations at the library to
to enjoy, with little nooks and desks for people to read,        keep this wonderful space open.
meet and study; as well as the Children’s Library which
is in constant use, with mums and tots spending time             I look forward to hearing from you with your thoughts
there as well as Little Acorns Preschool, which is based         and ideas and looking forward to when we can hold a
at the centre. There are already some groups, such as            special opening event for our new Community Managed
Reading and Creative Writing Groups, as well as a Board          Library. Would you be interested in volunteering at our
Games Morning on a Friday morning and other regular              new library? As a library volunteer you can come in on
meetings and clubs. We’d like to increase these sorts of         days and times that suit you and you can choose which
activities and build a ‘hub’ for residents of all ages to use    tasks you’d prefer to do, such as: book stock work, tidying
to loan books, gain information, chat with neighbours,           books and putting them away, welcoming and helping
take part in recreation, events and activities and generally     library visitors, taking part in activities (eg, Children’s
enjoy the facility. I will be based at the library and it will   Rhymetime – for which you can get training) or events.
become a Health & Wellbeing Centre, working alongside            Full training on the Library Computer System is available
Surgery staff and other support services and charities.          (if you wish to use the computers) and we have the
The Library will also be the Moulton U3A Centre. We              ongoing support of the Community Managed Library
had already made great progress before the Covid-19              Co-ordinators at the Library Service. They will be with us
crisis, in introducing a new Moulton U3A to cater for the        in the first few weeks to show us how everything works
growing number of residents within the area who are              and will come to monthly volunteer meetings, as well as
retired or working part-time. This will provide lifelong         always being available at other times to come in or to
learning, acquisition of new skills, sharing of knowledge        speak to via email or phone.
and personal growth for group leaders and attendees.
We also want to ensure the preservation of local history         Please contact Mary-Jane by email:
material. Moulton Parish Council are the trustees of the         communityconnector@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk
Robert Eady Trust, which comprises of 7000 photographs           or phone 07484 907438 for more information and to
of Moulton, plus a significant amount of documents               apply.
relating to local history. Our library can be a place for
people to learn about and research local history.
20 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
A cut out & keep advert!!
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                                                                            &             Chronicle
                     MOULTON PHARMACY
                             HIGH STREET, MOULTON
                                Tel: 01604 643817
                     AND DELIVERY SERVICE
 To save you time, we collect repeat prescriptions from the local surgery
         and dispense them ready for collection at the pharmacy.
   If requested we are also able to deliver prescriptions to your home.
                  FREE MEDICINE USE REVIEW                                  ‘DOWN YOUR WAY’
     If you would like to ask about your medication or any condition,       The village column in the Chron is compiled by Angela Campling.
please speak to your pharmacist, when you next visit your local pharmacy.   Please send your copy, news, information AND PHOTOGRAPHS where
                                                                            appropriate to Angela by Thursday for the following Thursday.
                            Opening Hours:
                 Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. – 12.45 p.m.
                 Monday to Friday 2.00 p.m. – 06.00 p.m.
                                                                            Tel: 01604 644280
                                                                            e: angela.campling@btinternet.com or in writing to:
                 Saturday         9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
                                                                            Dairy Farmhouse, 1 Overstone Road, Moulton, Northants NN3 7UG

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                  Major Credit Cards Accepted                                        www.albionclearance-northampton.co.uk
                                                                                           • Saleable items purchased or
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                                                                                           • Registered          moulton scene | 21
                                                                                                          2021 • Carriers
                                                                                           • Rubbish Build Up Removed
Our Good Neighbour Volunteers who befriend
isolated people in our area and/or help at Health
and Wellbeing Events at the Community Centre
have been staying in touch with each other and the
residents who attend our regular meetings, such as
the Games Morning and Musical Memories. This
has been a lifeline to many of them who have been
staying at home throughout the crisis.                    Moulton Parish Council would
                                                          like to say a massive thank you
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone and             to all our GP’s, clinical and non-
resuming these wonderful events and meetings             clinical staff at Moulton Surgery.
again. Please see details of future dates in the Diary       They have worked tirelessly
Dates below and What Not to Miss, which will come             throughout this pandemic
into effect as soon as we are able to safely welcome        keeping us all safe. On top of
people to participate again.                             their normal workload, they are
Please look out for posters or updates about Health
                                                         now vaccinating our community
& Wellbeing events and other information on my
                                                                    against Covid.
Facebook Page:

Please also email me, Mary-Jane, at:
                                                         YOU ARE DOING A GREAT
communityconnector@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk           JOB AND WE APPRECIATE
or phone 07484 907438 to find out more.                    ALL YOU DO FOR US!

Every Wednesday:
Health & Wellbeing Choir 2pm-4pm at Moulton Community Centre - £5 includes refreshments
Please check with organiser when sessions will recommence

Various Thursdays:
U3A Planning Meetings at Moulton Community Centre - 4th Thursday of the Month, every two months:
Upcoming Dates: 25th March, 27th May, and 22nd Jul
Please phone 07484 907438 to confirm the meetings are going ahead

Every Friday:
Board Games and Cards Morning 10am-12pm at Moulton Community Centre
Please phone 07484 907438 to confirm the Games Morning is going ahead

Various Fridays:
Musical Memories 2pm-3.30pm at Moulton Community Centre in the Main Hall - £2 per person
Steven Brown and his ‘Sidekicks’ sing their way down memory lane with all the old favourites from the 50s,
60s and 70s!
Upcoming dates: 12th March, 26th March, 16th Apr, 30th Apr, 14th May, 28th May, 11th Jun, 25th Jun, and
30th Jul
Please phone 07484 907438 to confirm the event is going ahead

Various Fridays:
Happy Feet Tea Dance 1.30pm-3.30pm at Moulton Community Centre - Ballroom, Sequence and even a
little Line Dancing with tuition available - £3 per person
Upcoming Dates: 23rd Apr, 21st May, and 18th Jun

Please phone 07484 907438 to confirm the Tea Dance is going ahead

22 |   moulton scene • spring/summer 2021
Schools, Colleges, Library News

On 29th January 2021, Moulton Parish Council became the proud owners of Moulton Library. It’s been a hard-fought
battle to keep our library open and accessible to the residents of Moulton and beyond. With the help of Daventry
District Council who, using monies allocated from local housing developments, forward funded the buyout of the
library lease from Northamptonshire County Council. We have signed a Service Agreement with NCC to continue to
provide us with books and resources as now.

When we can reopen, the library will be available for self service, 7 days each week and ‘staffed’ at other times to
provide all the usual services – book reservations, bus passes, etc. As well as providing the usual services we have lots
of exciting plans and ideas for the library space and will be developing our Health and Wellbeing offering to all ages of
our community.

Until we can reopen, we are all being trained on library operations and
procedures and have several volunteers who are keen to help us in the library.
If you would like to volunteer and work with us in the library and can offer some
time, each week, each month or just on occasion we would love to hear from

Please contact us on: communityconnector@moultonparishcouncil.org.uk or
call us on 07484 517086. We have missed seeing you all and cannot wait to
welcome you back to our community centre and library!


Once again, we are delighted to share news from Moulton Primary School with the wider community. Unfortunately,
at the time of writing we find ourselves in another National Lockdown, which brings so many challenges for our school,
families and the community.

As with the previous lockdown periods, the school has stayed open for the children of our critical workers. This time
we have 160 children regularly attending school, which is many more than last time, so in many ways the school is
open as usual with nearly all staff in each day. We are also working really hard to make sure that the children at home
continue to follow their usual lessons through our enhanced remote education provision. Our teachers have embraced
the latest on-line technology to make sure that all the children carry on with their learning. They have learned how to
create video lessons, online resources and hold live teaching sessions – all really important ways of keeping our school

Home learning presents many challenges for parents: supporting several children, juggling devices, balancing work with
wellbeing – whilst at the same time working from home. At Moulton, we are very lucky that our parents and carers are
so supportive and have done such a fabulous job with home learning.

Rose of Northamptonshire
In January, we were excited to hear that Mrs Bastin, Headteacher, had been awarded a “Rose of
Northamptonshire”. This new award was created to recognise and thank individuals and groups in
Northamptonshire who have made a real difference to their community during the coronavirus pandemic.
Mrs Bastin was delighted to accept the award on behalf of the whole school team, acknowledging the
efforts that the school community have gone to support children, parents and staff throughout the

Mrs Bastin attended a virtual presentation event hosted by James Saunders-
Watson, the HM Lord Lieutenant for Northamptonshire. We are a very proud
school to have been recognised in this way.

Despite the challenges of a full lockdown, the school managed to open during the snow in January, helping our critical
worker parents to do their jobs. Learning took place as normal but we did manage a bit of snow play for the children
that were in school.
                                                                               spring/summer 2021 • moulton scene   | 23
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