Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance

Page created by Kevin Casey
Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Training Brochure
  East Anglia Service Hub

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
About Us
    The Early Years Alliance is the largest and most representative early year’s membership organisation in
    England. A registered educational charity, we represent 14,000 member settings and support them to deliver
    care and learning to over 800,000 families every year.

•   We offer information and advice.
•   We produce specialist publications.
•   We run acclaimed training schemes.
•   We campaign to influence early year’s policy and practice.

    Our vision
    Our vision is a society where every child enjoys the opportunity to learn through play. We believe families
    should be at the centre of policy making and empowered to become fully involved with their child’s learning
    and development.

    Our mission
    To support early years providers deliver high quality, affordable and sustainable care and learning to families,
    and to ensure that all children, regardless of background, are given the best possible start in life.

    How we achieve this
    We work with Alliance members to:

•   Provide high quality training support and advice.
•   Champion childhood and children’s right to play
•   Advocate for children, families and all childcare providers
•   Put the family first to enhance children’s life chances
•   Encourage safeguard-led practice
•   Raise standards and quality of childcare
•   Ensure families have choice and information to make the right decision about the childcare they need

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Welcome to the Early Years Alliance Spring 2020 Training Brochure. If you are
interested in attending a training session or event, please follow the steps below.

   1        Please take a note of individual course code and costs

            To book a place on a course, please complete and return the attached
   2        booking form and send it to: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk.
            If you require an invoice or receipt please request this at the time of
            booking. Separate booking forms for the First Aid courses and In-house
            training are included.

            To make an online BACS payment and pay directly into the North of
   3        England Service Hub account use the following details:
            Sort Code: 60-12-14 Account Number: 28005228
            Please ensure that you identify your payment with the name of the
            setting and course code which needs to be paid immediately to secure
            your place.

            Alternatively, you can post a cheque immediately to the address on the
   4        booking form.

 Early Years Alliance Membership
 If you are interested in becoming an Alliance member which enables you to qualify for the
 reduced training member rate, then please visit our website on:

 As a member you can access a range of free online training and benefits, please see the
 Membership Benefits poster at the back of this brochure.
 Example Alliance membership rates are from:

    •   Childminders                            £46 per annum
    •   Early Years Settings (one site)         £106 per annum

                                 Tea and coffee are provided.

               If the course is over a full day you are asked to provide your own

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Workshops                                          5-7

Workshop Plus+                                     8

Summary of Early Years Courses and venue details   9-10

Exploring the Education Inspection Framework       11

Superheroes at Play                                12

Exploring Emotional Experiences                    13

Promoting Communication & Language                 14

Quality Teaching & Learning                        15

Yummy, Yummy in my Tummy                           16

Building Bridges for Transition                    17

In-house training                                  18

Member benefits                                    19-20

Booking Forms/ cancellation policy                 21-23

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
       All of which can be delivered in-house

 To make it easier to find which workshop support
your teams’ development each workshop is colour
    coded to show which area of the Education
  Inspection Framework it supports you to meet.

             Quality of Education

           Personal Development

           Behaviour and Attitudes

       Leadership and Management

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Quality of Education
•   All shapes and sizes
•   British values
•   Building bridges for transition
•   Cultural capital
•   Early years gardening
•   Effective school readiness
•   Enriching babies’ playtime
•   Exploring the Education Inspection Framework
•   Help me grow
•   Hold my hand – creating a safe environment
•   Information, communication and technology in the early years
•   Maths garden
•   Meeting the needs of 2 year’ olds
•   Mud kitchens
•   Promoting communication and language in the early years
•   Quality teaching and learning in the early years
•   Safeguarding awareness (level 2)
•   Safeguarding designated person (level 3)
•   Science in the early years
•   Supporting children for whom English is an additional language
•   Sustained shared thinking
•   Up, up and away
•   Understanding schemas and how children learn
•   Voice of the child
•   Working with children with SEND – an introduction
•   Working with children with SEND – policy and practice

                         Personal Development
•   British values
•   Building bridges for transition
•   Building good relationships for 2 year’ olds
•   Cultural capital
•   Exploring emotional experiences
•   Enriching babies’ playtime
•   Help me grow
•   Supporting children for whom English is an additional language
•   Sustained shared thinking
•   Voice of the child
•   Working with children with SEND – an introduction
•   Working with children with SEND – policy and practice
•   Yummy, yummy in my tummy

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Behaviour and Attitudes
•   Building good relationships for 2 year’ olds
•   Promoting positive behaviour
•   Supporting children for whom English is an additional language
•   Superheroes at play
•   Time for boys
•   Voice of the child
•   Working with children with SEND – an introduction
•   Working with children with SEND – policy and practice

                     Leadership and Management

•   Charity essentials
•   Domestic abuse and violence awareness
•   Effective supervision and appraisal in the early years
•   Exploring the Education Inspection Framework
•   GDPR
•   Health and safety, risk assessment
•   Inspiring and Motivational Leadership
•   Managing your Ofsted inspection
•   Safeguarding awareness (level 2)
•   Safeguarding designated person (level 3)

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Workshop Plus+
                          Be inspired
                          Enhance the Experience!

Any training attended shouldn’t be seen in isolation – it’s there to bolster and enhance your
knowledge and practise, so don’t let the learning stop at the door.

For the learning process to continue, to be reflected upon, to be shared with your colleagues
and embedded within your setting after the training day is over, some further work and
thought may be needed.

        Workshop Plus+ has been developed to take the learning a step further.
   All participants now have the option of booking additional support alongside the
                                  training workshop.

The additional support can be provided in-house to:
  • reinforce the learning to the whole staff team;
  • focussed support with the workshop participant on a 1:1 basis
  • to be able to answer any follow up questions regarding the concept of the training;
  • to aid self-reflection and provide more practical support to draft development plans or
     facilitate discussion.
  • or can be tailored to meet any bespoke need

All Workshop Plus+ support would be designed to meet your individual needs to maximise
the impact and ensure your time and energy is rewarded, and all from as little as £70….


  To find out more please call us on 01954 231751 or email eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Summary of Early Years Courses
Code      Date        Workshop             Venue           Time      * Member    Non-    Delivered      Ofsted
                                                                         Cost   Member      by        judgemen
                                                                                                        t area
 RP5     Tuesday    Superheroes at     Norwich            6.00pm –   *   £35     £50     Tracy
5663C      28th     Play               Professional       9.00pm                         Joyce
         January                       Development
 EXP     Tuesday    Exploring          Hythe              1.30pm -   *   £35     £50     Heather
5660C      28th     Emotional          Community          4.30pm                         Wooldridge
         January    Experiences        Halls,
 RP5     Monday     Superheroes at     Havers             1.00pm –   *   £35     £50     Dianne
5661C       3rd     Play               Community          4.00pm                         Borien
         February                      Centre, Bishop
 EIF     Monday     Education          The Place,         2.00pm –   *   £35     £50     Dianne
5654C      10th     Inspection         Pitsea Leisure     5.00pm                         Borien
         February   Framework          Centre, Basildon

 PCL    Thursday    Promoting          Thurrock Mind,     1.00pm –   *   £35     £50     Dianne
5668C      13th     Communication      Grays              4.00pm                         Borien
        February    & Language

 YYT     Monday     Yummy, Yummy       Springfield        1.15pm –   *   £35     £50     Dianne
5669C      24th     in my Tummy        Parish Centre,     4.15pm                         Borien
         February                      Chelmsford

 QTL     Tuesday    Quality            Abby               2.30pm –   *   £35     £50     Tracy
5664C      25th     Teaching &         Neighbourhood      5.30pm                         Joyce
         February   Learning           Centre, Thetford

 RP5     Monday     Superheroes at     The Cressett,      10.15am    *   £35     £50     Tracy
5664C      2nd      Play               Peterborough       – 1.15pm                       Joyce

 QTL     Monday     Quality            Springfield        1.15pm –   *   £35     £50     Heather
5659C      16th     Teaching &         Parish Centre,     4.15pm                         Wooldridge
          March     Learning           Chelmsford

 EXP    Wednesday   Exploring          The Cressett,      1.15pm –   *   £35     £50     Tracy
5671C      18th     Emotional          Peterborough       4.15pm                         Joyce
          March     Experiences

 BBT      Friday    Building Bridges   Shoebury           1.00pm –   *   £35     £50     Heather
5662C      20th     for Transition     Nursery,           4.00pm                         Wooldridge
          March                        Southend

 PCL     Monday     Promoting          Hyndman            1.00pm –   *   £35     £50     Heather
5670C      23rd     Communication      Centre, Bury St    4.00pm                         Woodridge
          March     & Language         Edmunds

 BBT     Tuesday    Building Bridges   East Anglia        2.00pm –   *   £35     £50     Tracy
5667C      24th     for Transition     Service Hub,       5.00pm                         Joyce
          March                        Cambridgeshire

Spring 2020 Training Brochure - East Anglia Service Hub - Early Years Alliance
Venue addresses:

        The Place                 Springfield Parish Council   Hythe
        Pitsea Leisure Centre     St. Augustine’s Way          Community Halls in
        Northlands Pavement       Springfield                  Partnership
        Pitsea                    Chelmsford                   1 Ventura Drive
        Basildon                  Essex                        Colchester
        Essex                     CM1 6GX                      Essex
                                                               CO1 2FG
        SS13 3DU
        Havers Community Centre   Shoebury Nursery             Norwich Professional
        1 Knights Row             Delaware Road                Development Centre
        Waytemore Road            Shoeburyness                 144 Woodside Road
        Bishop’s Stortford        Southend-on Sea              Norwich
        Herts                     SS3 9NS                      NR7 9QL
        CM23 3GR
        Abbey Neighbourhood       The Cressett                 East Anglia Service Hub
        Centre                    Rightwell                    Century House
        Exeter Way                Bretton                      Market Street
        Abbey Estate              Peterborough                 Swavesey
        Thetford                  PE3 8DX                      Cambridge
        Norfolk                                                CB24 4QG
        IP24 1EE
        Hyndman Centre            Thurrock Mind
        Hospital Road             152 Bridge Road
        Bury St Edmunds           Grays
        IP33 3JT                  Essex
                                  RM17 6DB

Training Workshop

Exploring the Education Inspection

  This workshop supports setting managers/leaders to     Monday 10th February
  understand the requirements of the new framework.
  By attending participants will have the chance to          2.00pm – 5.00pm
  explore terms such as ‘intent, implementation and
  impact’ as they are encouraged to consider what the            The Place
                                                           Pitsea Leisure Centre
  curriculum looks like in their own provision.

                                                          Alliance members: £35
                                                            Non- members: £50

                                                        For details please see course
                                                            summary on page 9

               For more details and booking information
                 Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                          Tel: 01954 231751
Training Workshop

                    Norwich, Bishop Stortford, Peterborough

The workshop will enable you to:
   •   Discover how to support children’s learning and development through superhero play
   •   Help practitioners to provide a platform for children to learn about rules within groups and teams
   •   Help practitioners to develop boisterous play in a safe way, managing the risk
   •   Demonstrate how to encourage children to detect signs and learn from body language

                                                                           Tuesday, 28th January
                                                                               6.00pm – 9.00pm
                                                                      Norwich Professional Development

                                                                            Monday 3rd February
                                                                                 1.00pm – 4pm
                                                                           Havers Community Centre
                                                                               Bishops Stortford

                                                                             Monday 2nd March
                                                                               10.15am – 1.15pm
                                                                                 The Cressett

                                                                             Alliance members: £35
                                                                              Non- members: £50
For more details and booking information
                                                                        For details please see course
  Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                                                                              summary on page 9
           Tel: 01954 231751

Training Workshop

      Exploring Emotional Experiences
                                  Colchester, Peterborough

By attending this course it will give you as a practitioner a better understanding of children’s social and
emotional development and build skills such as emotional resilience and conflict resolution in a nurturing

   • To give participants the skills to build resilience and risk             Tuesday 28th January
       taking opportunities                                                       1.30pm – 4.30pm
   • How practitioners can create opportunities to team build and              Hythe Community Halls
       support each other                                                            Colchester
   • Support and improve behaviour through teamwork
   • Help practitioners observe play effectively to assess, record           Wednesday 18th March
       and plan for different stages of development                               1.15pm – 4.15pm
                                                                                    The Cressett

                                                                               Alliance members: £35
                                                                                Non- members: £50

                                                                           For details please see course
                                                                                summary on page 9

                     For more details and booking information
                       Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                                Tel: 01954 231751
Training Workshop

            Promoting Communication &
                             Bury St Edmunds, Thurrock

The aim of the workshop is to help early years settings promote
good communication and language development in young children.
                                                                  Thursday 13th February
Objectives:                                                          1.00pm – 4.00pm
   •   The importance of language                                        Thurrock Mind
   •   Identifying influences on children’s language                        Grays
   •   Expected patterns of development
   •   Exploring supportive approaches to promote language            Monday 23 March
       development.                                                   1.00pm – 4.00pm
                                                                       Hyndman Centre
                                                                       Bury St Edmunds

                                                                    Alliance members: £35
                                                                      Non- members: £50

                                                                  For details please see course
                                                                      summary on page 9

                   For more details and booking information
                     Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                              Tel: 01954 231751
Training Workshop

       Quality Teaching and Learning in
                  Early Years
                                Thetford, Chelmsford

    By attending this workshop you will gain a
    greater understanding of:
                                                        Tuesday 25th February
       •   Your role in supporting children’s             2.30pm – 5.30pm
                                                       Abbey Neighbourhood Centre
       •   What exactly are Ofsted looking for?
       •   How effectively are you evaluating the               Thetford
           quality of your practice
       •   What does best practice look like              Monday 16th March
                                                           1.15pm – 4.15pm
                                                        Springfield Parish Council

                                                          Alliance members: £35
                                                           Non- members: £50

                                                       For details please see course
                                                           summary on page 9

               For more details and booking information
                 Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                          Tel: 01954 231751
Training Workshop

   Yummy, Yummy in my Tummy

 The workshop will enable you to:

    •   Support staff to plan how food is presented in
        the setting, taking account of the many ways      Monday 24th February
        food is part of a children’s day                    1.15pm – 4.15pm
    •   To consider current trends, issues and            Springfield Parish Council
        guidance for healthy eating                              Chelmsford
    •   To ensure healthy eating principles, inclusive
        practice and enjoyment are at the heart of
                                                           Alliance members: £35
                                                             Non- members: £50

                                                         For details please see course
                                                             summary on page 9

                For more details and booking information
                  Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                           Tel: 01954 231751

Training Workshop

     Building Bridges for Transition
                         Southend, Cambridgeshire

    This workshop will ensure practitioners understand
    the importance of providing a strong transition for        Friday 20th March
    children. Practitioners will leave with:
                                                               1.00pm – 4.00pm
     • An increased confidence in working in partnership        Shoebury Nursery
    with parents and colleagues (both internal and              Southend-on-Sea
    external) during transitions
                                                             Tuesday 24th March
    • An improved understanding of how the EYFS
                                                              2.00pm – 5.00pm
    supports children’s transitions access to a forum to
    share experiences, concerns and success stories          East Anglia Service Hub

                                                             Alliance members: £35
                                                               Non- members: £50

                                                           For details please see course
                                                               summary on page 9

                 For more details and booking information
                   Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                            Tel: 01954 231751

Inhouse Training

We are pleased to be able to offer a range of 3 hour workshops that can be delivered in-house to
Early Years settings by one of our experienced tutors.

You can choose from the range of workshops that the Early Years Alliance are currently delivering
(all are marked as * in the Training Brochure) or you can request specific subjects to meet the
needs of your setting.

Workshops can be delivered in your setting or at a venue provided by you. This is charged
at the normal workshop rate in the brochure

                                                                 ‘This is by far the best training!!
Cost: (All handouts and certificates are included)                    The tutor gave time for
                                                                 questions/experiences and was
Members:                                                                   so engaging’
Minimum cost of £210.00 for up to 7 practitioners
Any additional member of staff at £20.00 per person                      In-House Training
Non-Members                                                                 Delivered to:
Minimum cost of £280.00 for up to 7 practitioners.
Any additional member of staff at £30.00 per person                     Isleham Pre-school
                                                                          September 2019
Please note, your setting will be invoiced before the training
                                                                         Voice of the Child
is delivered.

   If you are interested in finding out more about in-house training please:
                     Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk or
                    Tel: 01954 231751 to discuss your needs

Member Benefits
Join the largest and most representative
Early Years organisation in England
Early Years Settings:
Our specialist membership for Early Years Settings costs from just £106.00 per
year, and offers a unique package of benefits which includes:

  •   LOCALLY we can offer you the following support, services and discounts.
  •   DISCOUNT on fees for a programme of specialist Early Years Training Workshops.
  •   DISCOUNT on rates for the provision of services such as Payslip Service and bespoke In-House
  •   DISCOUNT rates for our Consultancy Services advising and supporting voluntary managed
  •   FREE Continuous Personal Development approved Distance Learning Training Programmes for your
      whole team, through award-winning training provider Educare - includes access to online training such
          • Effective Safeguarding Practice

  •   Discounted online courses via Educare such as Food Hygiene at £19.50 per person.
  •   An opportunity to have a voice and influence policy and the government’s Agenda through Alliance
      Connect meetings and surveys – views and concerns are then shared with National Staff and Neil
      Leitch CEO who then lobbies government on behalf of members and childcare providers.
  •   FREE Practical advice from our dedicated Information Service team
  •   Access to a competitive tailored insurance package created specifically for early years settings.
  •   FREE confidential 24-hour legal helpline which gives specialist legal advice such as; Employment
      Law, VAT, leases and premises hire
  •   DISCOUNT OF 20% off our extensive range of specialist publications to help you run your group
  •   FREE Publications when you join:
  •   TEN ISSUES of Under 5 magazine per year, packed with up-to-date news and in-depth articles
  •   EXCLUSIVE online members’ area with access to free online seminars

Membership Packages
 Membership Type                                                  Prices from
                                                                (inc VAT) /year
 Early years setting with one
 site*: For pre-schools, nurseries, children centres
 or other Ofsted registered childcare settings

 Baby and toddler groups: For
 unregistered groups or clubs that parents attend with                   £32.00
 their children, such as stay and play sessions or arts
 and craft groups

 Childminders: For childminders registered                               £46.00
 on the Ofsted early years register

 Individuals: For those working or interested in                         £32.00
 the early years sector

 Corporate organisations: For                                           £200.00
 organisations involved in the early years, such as
 local authorities and colleges

 Schools: For schools offering early years                               £52.00

*Membership costs £30 per additional site for settings or groups which operate from more than one

How to Join
Any of the ways below;
   •   Visit the website where you can join online or request an information pack from our National

   •   Ring: Early Years Alliance on 0207 697 2500 and select Membership to request a Membership

Cancellation of Training Courses by Early Years Alliance

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the course will run as planned, the Early Years Alliance
reserves the right to:

   •   Cancel any advertised course if minimum numbers are not reached and offer an alternative or
       a refund
   •   Alter the venue and dates of any advertised course.

Confirmation of any changes will be made by post or email.

Cancellation of Training by the Customer

A customer may cancel their booking for training as follows:

   •   Up to 14 days before the start date of the course - a full refund will be given
   •   If cancelled between 7 and 14 working days prior to the course start date, 50% of the fee will
       be charged.
   •   If less than 7 days (weekends inclusive) before the course start date, then 100% of course fee
       to be paid.

First Aid Courses

A customer may cancel their booking for training as follows:

   •   Up to 14 days before the start date of the course- a full refund will be given
   •   If cancelled in less than 14 days, then 100% of the course fee is to be paid

   The delegate must notify us in writing of any changes to bookings by letter or e-mail.

                                        Our New Privacy Notice

At the Early Years Alliance we take your privacy seriously and are committed to ensuring that your
personal data is protected in accordance with data protection laws and used in line with your

We have published a new Privacy Notice to give you more information about the types of personal
data we may collect about you when you interact with us. It also explains how we’ll store and handle
that data and keep it safe.

You can view our updated Privacy Notice on our website at www.eyalliance.org.uk
If you have any questions about the Privacy Notice, then please do contact me at:

Early Years Alliance, East Anglia Service Hub

Yours faithfully,

Gary Croxon
Service Manager
Training Course Booking Form – 2020
          Please complete one form for each course you wish to book


Course Title

Course Code


Names of

Setting Name

Name of Setting
Tel. No
Membership No.
(if applicable)
Do you have any
special requirements to
access this training?

Cost of Places Required                     Places       Member        Non-Member             Total
                                                          Rate            Rate
Early Years Workshop                                                                     £

Total Amount Due                                                                         £

I understand that the Early Years Alliance may YES/NO?            (Please delete as applicable)
process, by means of a computer database or
otherwise the above information which I provide, for
the purpose of administering and attending training
with the Alliance. I agree to the Early Years Alliance
continuing to send me training brochures and
information about events which may be relevant to me.
Payment (Payment is due on return of this                Yes/No/Tick                Send to

BACs        Please pay within 2 days of returning this                   By email confirmation to:
(Preferred) form to: Early Years Alliance:                               eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                Account number 28005228
                Sort code 60-12-14
                Please include a Payment reference
                which includes the Course Code and
                the Setting Name
Cheque          Cheques should be made payable                           Early Years Alliance
                to:                                                      East Anglia Service Hub
                                                                         Century House
                ‘Early Years Alliance’                                   Market Street
                                                                         Swavesey, Cambridge,
                                                                         CB24 4QG

In- House Booking Form - 2020
                      Please ensure that ALL the following details are completed.

                                                                     CUSTOMER DETAILS
    Event Date(s):                                                                          Tutor:

      Event Title:

    Organisation:                                                                    Contact Name


       Number of

       Event start                                                                       Event finish
         time:                                                                              time:

                                                     Please tick        Yes         No

            LCD Projector
            Laptop/PC with internet access
            Flip Chart
            Does your setting have on-site parking

 Cost of Places Required                                                       Places                      Rate                      Total
 Workshop at Member Rate (Max 7 staff)                                                      £210.00                            £

 Workshop at Member Rate ( Additional staff)                                                £ 20.00 (per person)               £
 Workshop at Non-Member Rate (max 7 staff)                                                  £ 280.00                           £
 Workshop at Non-Member Rate (Additional staff)                                             £ 30.00 (per person)               £
 Total Amount Due                                                                                                              £
For details of Alliance Membership please visit: www.eyalliance.org.uk/membership

 Payment (Payment is due immediately on receipt of invoice)                                     Tick               Return Booking form to:
 Cheque               Cheques should be made payable to:                                                     By post with cheque to:
                      'Early Years Alliance'                                                                 Early Years Alliance,
                                                                                                             East Anglia Service Hub,
 BACs        Please pay within 2 days of returning this form to:                                             Century House,
 (Preferred) Early Years Alliance:                                                                           Market Street,
                      Account number 28005228                                                                Cambridge,
                      Sort code 60-12-14                                                                     CB24 4QG
                      Please include a Payment reference which
                      includes the Course Code and the Setting                                               By email with BACS payment
                      Name                                                                                   to follow to:

                                     Please post or e-mail the completed booking form to:
        Early Years Alliance, East Anglia Service Hub, Century House, Market Street, Swavesey, Cambridge, CB24 4QG
                                                       Tel: 01954 231751
                                              Email: eastanglia@eyalliance.org.uk
                                          (Early Years Educator)
       This full and relevant accredited level 3 qualification prepares learners to become Early
       Years Educators, enabling them to work and care for children from birth to 5 years and gain
       knowledge of children aged 5-7 years.
       The programme is designed specifically for the work-based learner to fit around work

       •   duration of 12 to 15 months
       •   delivered through a blend of online learning, portfolio building, workplace assessment and tutor
   •       can be funded through an Advanced Learning Loan
   •       discounts available for Alliance member settings

                                     To undertake this qualification applicants must:-
          be 16 years or older; be working or volunteering in an early years childcare environment;
have worked for at least 6 months gaining experience with key children, observations, activity planning and have
                                    regular access to a computer or laptop.

                To find out more contact:
              Early Years Alliance Training Centre

              First Floor, Bridge House, 97-101 High Street
              Kent TN9 1DR
              Tel: 01732 363070 E m a i l : training@eyalliance.org.uk

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