Page created by Aaron Floyd
 We believe in creating places that
breed a culture of togetherness and
 human familiarity, where people
  are naturally inspired to gather
and communicate. Few experiences
capture the warmth and authenticity
 of cohesive communities than the
cultivation, preparation and sharing
  of a delicious family-style meal.

        JODIE W. MCLEAN,
   Chief Executive Officer of EDENS



              SUNDAY SUPPER   3   UNION MARKET
               LEADERSHIP (WEL)
  The WEL program is designed to identify, cultivate and
advance the next generation of women business leaders by
providing access to the tools and financial training needed
to open and operate thriving, scalable culinary businesses.

    Initiated by Jodie W. McLean, CEO of EDENS, one of the nation’s leading
     retail real estate companies, this ground-breaking fellowship program is
                 under the direction of the James Beard Foundation.

                            SUNDAY SUPPER   4   UNION MARKET
Under the direction of CEO Jodie W. McLean, EDENS               The 2021 ten-week program, now created in
has been a driving force behind designing and                   conjunction with Cornell University, includes
launching the Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership                sessions on negotiating, design thinking, business
(WEL) Program, a ground-breaking program of the                 and financial models, funding your businesses,
James Beard Foundation (JBF).                                   and more. In addition to live virtual sessions led
                                                                by Cornell faculty from across the university,
The James Beard Foundation’s WEL program is an                  James Beard staff, and other subject matter expert
advanced educational, training and networking                   facilitators, WEL students will be able to select an
program for business owners in all areas of the                 elective from Cornell’s External Education program.
hospitality industry. Launched with Babson College
in 2017, it is one of the Foundation’s Women’s                  Targeted to women chefs/owners of one or more
Leadership Programs. Each annual cohort is comprised            restaurants or food businesses looking to expand
of 20 participants. WEL alumnae form a strong and               and grow, the curriculum for this 5th cohort
broad community, with regular opportunities to                  is addressing advanced business and finance
connect with each other and JBF.                                concepts while also providing gender-specific
                                                                training and leadership development.

                                          SUNDAY SUPPER   5   UNION MARKET
         On June 5, 2022, Sunday Supper will take place
                   at DOCK 5 in Union Market District.

                  A benefit for the James Beard Foundation’s
                Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Program

You’re invited to take a seat at the table                  SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2022
and join makers, creatives and business
                                                            Time:       5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
leaders, along with the chefs, artisans,                                Cocktails, Seated Dinner,
civic leaders and community advocates                                   Dessert Reception, and
who are shaping our food-ways and                                       more.

championing our small businesses.                           Location:   DOCK 5
                                                                        1309 5th St NE,
This annual summer celebration is rooted                                Washington, DC
in the tradition of gathering at the table                  Attire:     Sunday Casual
to honor the people and passion behind
                                                            Attendees: 400+ guests — including
great food. As with any true family meal,
                                                                       community, civic and
diners come together around communal                                   business leaders; artisans,
tables to connect and share ideas.                                     chefs, culinary advocates,
                                                                       and entrepreneurs

                                 SUNDAY SUPPER   6   UNION MARKET
BECOME A                                 PLATINUM $25,000
                                         • Premium brand recognition throughout event, including event website,

                                           program, step and repeat and digital displays
                                         • Social media collaboration on Union Market channels (110K followers),
                                           brand mention in two social media posts
                                         • Full page ad in event program
As a sponsor you will not
                                         • Opportunity for branded event experience (photo booth, live music,
only support the lives of WEL              branded cocktail napkins, attendee giveaway, etc.)
participants, but of the entire          • Name featured on a reception lounge area

culinary community. Sunday Supper        • Signature cocktail named after sponsor

is designed to provide unforgettable,    • Sponsor table of twelve(12) tickets

intimate engagement between
stakeholders and thought leaders,        GOLD $15,000                                                                         SILVER $10,000
                                         • Logo placement in event materials including                                        • Logo placement in event materials
while also offering organizations a
                                           event website, program, step and repeat and                                          including event website, program,
platform to amplify their commitment       digital displays                                                                     step and repeat and digital displays
to supporting women business             • Social media collaboration on Union Market                                         • Brand recognition of sponsorship
                                           channels (110K followers), brand mention in                                          from emcee
leaders and entrepreneurs.                 one social media post                                                              • Six (6) tickets
                                         • Half page ad in event program
                                         • Brand recognition of sponsorship from emcee
                                         • Signature table of eight (8) tickets

FOR MORE INFORMATION                     BRONZE $5,000                                                                        FRIEND $1,000
ON SPONSORSHIPS,                         • Logo placement in event materials including                                        • Name recognition on event
                                           event website, program, and digital displays                                         website and in program
                                         • Brand recognition of sponsorship from emcee                                        • Two (2) tickets
                                         • Four (4) tickets
Elizabeth K. Harnik
202.902.2698                             *Inclusion for these items above are in accordance with receipt of logo and any other requested collateral by press deadline.

                                        SUNDAY SUPPER            7     UNION MARKET

Marcelle Afram Shababi Chicken               Gina Chersevani Buffalo & Bergen                Johanna Hellrigl                         Nora Pouillon Restaurant Nora
Karen Akunowicz Myers + Chang                Tony Chittum Iron Gate Restaurant               Ingrid Hoffmann Host                     Joy Razo Dauphine’s
Victor Albisu Taco Bamba                     Traci Des Jardins Jardinière                    Iris Jimenez La Casita Pupuseria         Douglas Rodriguez Alma de Cuba
Nate Anda Red Apron Butchery                 Scott Drewno CHIKO                              Yesoon Lee Mandu                         Christianne Ricchi i Ricchi
Camila Arango, Tom Wellings Pluma            Robb Duncan Dolcezza Gelato                     Jamie Leeds Hanks Oyster Bar             April Richardson Delectable Cakery
Juan Manuel Barrientos El Cielo              Violeta Edleman Dolcezza Gelato                 Jodi Lehr Santa Lucia Coffee             Carolina Santos-Neves Comparti Catering
Anna Bran-Leis Taqueria Del Barrio           Zeke Emanuel Host                               Fiona Lewis District Fishwife            Daniella Senior Serenata
Amy Brandwein Centrolina                     Sheila Fain, Sarah Gordon Gordy’s Pickles       Seng Luangrath Thip Khao, Padaek         Nick Stefanelli Masseria
Derek Brown Columbia Room                    Elizabeth Falkner Chef & Author                 Emily Luchetti Marlowe, Park Tavern      Suzanne Simon, Bettina Stern Chaia
Warren Brown CakeLove                        Gabriela Febres Arepa Zone                      Tim Ma Lucky Danger                      Kevin Tien Moon Rabbit
Katie Button Cúrate and Nightbell            Kelly Fields Willa Jean                         Tiffany Macisaac Buttercream Bakeshop    Fabio Trabocchi Fiola
Gabriela Camara Cala, Contramar              Michael Friedman The Red Hen                    Harper McClure Mintwood Place            Susana Trilling Seasons of My Heart
Jen Carroll Spice Finch                      Katsuya Fukashima Daikaya                       Marjorie Meek-Bradley St. Anselm         Zoe Tsoukatos Zoe’s Chocolate
Giane Cavaliere Volt                         Dylan Fultineer Rappahannock Oyster Co.         John Mooney Bidwell                      Robert Wiedmaier Marcel’s
Christina Marie Chambers Black Pearl Tarts   Jose Garces Garces Group                        Hugo Ortega Caracol, Xochi               Bryan Voltaggio Estuary
Aggie Chin Capela                            Ruth Gresser Pizzeria Paradiso, Veloce          Katarina Petonito The Duck & The Peach

                                                                     SUNDAY SUPPER       8     UNION MARKET

EDENS knows first-hand the benefits to an entire organization                               The James Beard Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose
and industry when women have a voice in leadership and policy.                              mission is to celebrate, support, and elevate the people behind
Fostering women’s leadership in the culinary industry is important                          America’s food culture and champion a standard of good food
to EDENS for several reasons in particular: first, we believe all great                     anchored in talent, equity, and sustainability.
connections and community building starts around the table and
much of EDENS’ community is comprised of the culinary industry;                             The James Beard Foundation celebrates and supports the people
and two, we want to be a part of the solution to grow women’s                               behind America’s food culture, while pushing for new standards
executive leadership in the culinary industry and begin to reframe                          in the restaurant industry to create a future where all have
the policy-making process in this valuable community.                                       the opportunity to thrive. Established over 30 years ago, the
                                                                                            Foundation has highlighted the centrality of food culture in our
EDENS is a retail real estate owner, operator and developer of                              daily lives and is committed to supporting a resilient and flourishing
a nationally leading portfolio of 110 places. Our purpose is to                             industry that honors its diverse communities. By amplifying new
enrich community through human engagement. We know that when                                voices, celebrating those leading the way, and supporting those
people come together, they feel a part of something bigger than                             on the path to do so, the Foundation is working to create a more
themselves and prosperity follows – economically, socially, culturally                      equitable and sustainable future — what we call Good Food
and soulfully. We lead with our people, who create our culture.                             for Good™. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the James
Our places are the canvas where we design, curate and engage                                Beard Foundation launched the Open for Good campaign to
with meaningful experiences. We use our voice in storytelling and                           ensure that independent restaurants not only survive, but that the
conversation to express our unique point of view. Our work is bigger                        industry is able to rebuild stronger than before.
than real estate; we are in the business of humanity.
                                                                                            For more information and news from JBF, please visit jamesbeard.org

EDENS has regional headquarters in Boston, Washington, DC,
Atlanta, Miami, Houston, Dallas, and Columbia, SC.

For additional information about the company and its retail real estate portfolio,
visit edens.com

                                                                 SUNDAY SUPPER       9   UNION MARKET
EHarnik@edens.com 202.902.2698
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