Solihull MBC Enforcement Register A

Page created by Wanda Reynolds
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ A

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Stop Notice
                                                                                                                                                                   Specified    Effective    Appeal      Appeal      Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number          Property Address             Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served      Alleged Breach ‐ Summary                Requirements                                                                            Prohibited
                                                                                                                                                                    Dates         Date      Submitted    heard         Served                 Achieved
EN/2015/50357/CO       72 Binley Close, Shirley         SMBC       26.10.2016   26.10.2016    Change of use of the property to     (i) cease the use of the  6 months.         30.11.2016   12.01.16    Dismissed
                                                                                                  a joint or mixed use as a     property for Class B1 office                                            03.05.2017
                                                                                              dwellinghouse abd Class B1 office purposes; (ii) cease to use
                                                                                               with incidental storage/parking       the property for the
                                                                                                      of motor vehicles.            parking or storage of
                                                                                                                                 motor vehicles otherwise
                                                                                                                                 than incidental to the use
                                                                                                                                     of that property as a

EN/2020/00511/HO   46 Barnfield Drive, Solihull. B92    SMBC       29.07.2021   29.07.2021    (i) unauthorised construction of a    Cease the use of the land       1 week     29.08.2021
                                 0QB                                                             hard surface, and (ii) material   for the parking/storage of
                                                                                                 change of use of the land to a       commercial vans and
                                                                                                 mixed use as a single dwelling     vehicles (i.e. vehicles of a
                                                                                                house and gardens, and for the       design and construction
                                                                                                parking/storage of commercial      intended primarily for the
                                                                                                       vans and vehicles.            conveyance of goods or
                                                                                                                                      materials rather than
                                                                                                                                     private passengers, and
                                                                                                                                    not commonly used as a
                                                                                                                                         private vehicle.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ C
                                                                                                                                                                             Specified                                   Appeal   Stop Notice   Notice     Compliance
Reference Number         Property Address          Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served           Summary Details                   Alleged Breach (Requirements)                         Effective Date Appeal Served
                                                                                                                                                                              Dates                                      heard      Served    Prohibited    Achieved
EN/2019/00065/CU    Village Farm, Coventry Road,    SMBC       14.09.2019   14.10.2019    (i) The material change of use, of (a) Cease the use of the land for airport  Within 1    18.11.2019
                          Solihull. B26 3QS.                                                 the land hatched blue on the          parking; and (b) remove the         month from    NOTICE
                                                                                              attached plan, to an airport    unauthorised portable office and any      when the WITHDRAWN
                                                                                                parking use; and (ii) the      associated structures from the land.    notice takes 19.12.2019
                                                                                             unauthorised depositing of a                                                effect.
                                                                                              portable office on the land
                                                                                           hatched green on the attached
EN/2019/00065/CU    Village Farm, Coventry Road,    SMBC       17.10.2019   17.10.2019    (i) The material change of use, of (a) Cease the use of the land for airport  Within 1    18.11.2019               Yes
                          Solihull. B26 3QS.                                                 the land hatched blue on the          parking; and (b) remove the         month from    NOTICE
                                                                                              attached plan, to an airport    unauthorised portable office and any      when the WITHDRAWN
                                                                                                parking use; and (ii) the      associated structures from the land.    notice takes 28.07.2020
                                                                                             unauthorised depositing of a                                                effect.
                                                                                              portable office on the land
                                                                                           hatched green on the attached
EN/2019/00090/CO   Castle Bromwich Hall, Chester    SMBC       13.11.2019   14.11.2019      (I) The erection of a marquee   (i) Demolish, take down, dismantle and      2 months           18.12.2019
                      Road, Solihull. B36 9DE                                             structure and nassociated toilet remove the marquee, toilet and catering from the
                                                                                               and catering area on the      area from the premises, together with      date this
                                                                                            premises, in the approximate        any support, base and associated       notice takes
                                                                                           position marked in blue on the materials. (ii) Remove all pipes, cables or    effect.
                                                                                                    attached plan.          other services laid down or installed for
                                                                                                                              use in connection with the marquee,
                                                                                                                            toilet and catering area. (iii) Remove all
                                                                                                                             materials arising from steps (i) and (ii)
                                                                                                                                       from the premises.

EN/2019/00090/CO Woodhouse Farm, Catherine‐de‐      SMBC       01.07.2020   01.07.2020      (i) The unauthorised material             (i) cease the use of the land as a       3 months    05.08.2020
                     Barnes Lane, Solihull                                                 change of use of the land edged     transport depo, and cease the parking of
                                                                                           red from use for agriculture to a     lorries, trailers and associated vehicles.
                                                                                          transport depot use including the        (ii) cease the use of the building as a
                                                                                            parking of lorries, trailers and        vehicle workshop. (iii) Remove the
                                                                                             associated vehicles, anxd the          portacabin, container and the two
                                                                                              stationing of a portacabin,      portable WCs from the land. (iv) Take up
                                                                                             container, and 2 WCs. (ii) the      and remove the hardstanding from the
                                                                                          unauthorised material change of       land shown green on the attached plan.
                                                                                             use of a building to a vehicle          Cover this land in topsoil to match
                                                                                          workshop use. (iii) unauthorised         adjoing land levels and re‐seed with
                                                                                               operational development         grass. (v) Demolish, take down, dismantle
                                                                                          creating a hardstanding area and        and/or remove the boundary fencing,
                                                                                           boundary fencing, gates and an         gates and earth mound from the land.
                                                                                                      earth bund.                 (vi) Remove any pipes, cables or other
                                                                                                                                services laid down or installed for use in
                                                                                                                                      connection with the portacabin,
                                                                                                                                container and WCS. (VII) Remove all the
                                                                                                                               materials arising from steps ii), iii), iv) and
                                                                                                                                              vi) from the land.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ D

Reference Number         Property Address          Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served           Summary Details                   Alleged Breach            Specified    Effective   Appeal Served    Appeal      Stop Notice Stop Notice Compliance
                                                                                                                                    (Requirements)             Dates         Date                       heard         Served    Prohibited   Achieved

EN/2016/00047/VAR   10 Dove House Lane, Solihull    SMBC       20.07.2016   20.07.2016     Erectionof single and first floor (1a) Dismantle, demolish         Within 3    30.08.2016
                                                                                          side and rear extensions, a bay at    and take down all the         months.
                                                                                            the front, roof alterations and   unauthorised extensions
                                                                                                   dormer window.            and return the property to
                                                                                                                               the condition it was in
                                                                                                                              before the unauthorised
                                                                                                                             development took place as
                                                                                                                              shown on plan ZL‐2859/2
                                                                                                                               attached to the notice.

EN/2016/00551/CU    Solihull Moors FC, Damson       SMBC       02.08.2017   03.08.2017        The unauthorised material         (1) Cease to use the Land     Within 2    14.09.2017    18.10.2017     Dismissed
                         Parkway, Solihull                                                change of use of the Land from a        for the parking and / or    months.                                  05.07.2018
                                                                                            football club with ancillary car    storage of motor vehicles
                                                                                            parking and facilities together       of users of Birmingham
                                                                                           with the authorised temporary        Airport or vehicle parking
                                                                                            parking for Jaguar Land Rover          for any other airport‐
                                                                                           contractors in accordance with             related purpose.
                                                                                                planning permission ref          (2) Cease to use the land
                                                                                          PL/2016/00855/VAR, to a mixed         for the stationing and / or
                                                                                             use for the aforementioned              storage of fencing,
                                                                                           purposes plus the unauthorised         portacabins, containers
                                                                                          parking and/or storage of motor          and other associated
                                                                                            vehicles belonging to users of     paraphernalia for purposes
                                                                                               Birmingham Airport, plus          referred to in (1) above.
                                                                                          associated fencing, portacabins,
                                                                                                 containers and other
                                                                                              paraphernalia for purposes
                                                                                                  associated with the
                                                                                           aforementioned airport parking
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Stop Notice
                                                                                                                                                               Specified     Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number         Property Address         Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details            Alleged Breach (Requirements)                                        Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                                                                                                Dates          Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
EN/2016/00422/BPC   40 Elm Farm Avenue, Marston    SMBC       18.08.2017   18.08.2017                        (1) Dismantle, demolish and/or take down the       Within 6    25.09.2017
                               Green                                                                       unauthorised building works as shown edged and months of
                                                                                                            hatched red on Plan 2 attached to this notice. (2) the notice
                                                                                                            Remove all materials created by the carrying out     taking
                                                                                                             of step (1) above from the property. OR (3)         effect.
                                                                                                           Remove the unauthorised roof extension works as
                                                                                                            shown on Plan No 3 and complete the scheme in
                                                                                                               accordance with the plans approved under
                                                                                                              planning reference PL/2012/00865/FULL, as
                                                                                                             shown on teh attached plan No 4, the external
                                                                                                            facing materials used to match in colour, texture
                                                                                                           and brick bond those of the original building. (4)
                                                                                                           Remove all materials created by the taking of step
                                                                                                                       (3) above from the property.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ F

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Stop Notice
                                                                                                                                       Alleged Breach             Specified    Effective                    Appeal      Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number           Property Address             Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served         Summary Details                                                                       Appeal Served                            Prohibited
                                                                                                                                       (Requirements)              Dates         Date                       heard         Served                 Achieved
EN/2019/00481/UNB    Barn 2, Fernhill Barns, Fernhill    SMBC       25.11.2020   25.11.2020    Demolition of agricultural barn   (i) Demolish, in its entirety,   6 months    04.01.2021       Yes           Notice
                    Lane, Balsall Common. CV7 7AN                                                and construction of a new          the dwelling house; (ii)                                               withdrawn
                                                                                                dwelling house in its place.          remove all material                                                  21.12.2021
                                                                                                                                    resulting from the land;
                                                                                                                                     and (iii) leave the land
                                                                                                                                      clear and level with
                                                                                                                                       adjoining ground.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ G

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register‐ H

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stop Notice
                                                                                                                                         Alleged Breach         Specified     Effective                    Appeal      Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number             Property Address             Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served          Summary Details                                                                   Appeal Served                            Prohibited
                                                                                                                                         (Requirements)          Dates          Date                       heard         Served                 Achieved
                     Church of St.John Baptist, St.Anne    SMBC       26.08.2016   26.08.2016      Installation of glass reinforced     (i) remove all of the   12 months    03.10.2016       Yes          Allowed
                        and St.Laurence, 1717 High                                                   plastic guttering (GRP) and         unauthorised GRP                                                 28.04.2017
                         Street, Knowle, Solihull.                                               rainwater pipes to the north side guttering and rainwater
                                                                                                  of the church building as shown downpipes together with
                                                                                                  for the purpose of identification their fixtures and fittings
                                                                                                 only shown coloured blue on the from the north side of the
                                                                                                         attached Plan No.2.        church; and (ii) make good
                                                                                                                                         any damage to the
                                                                                                                                      Property following the
                                                                                                                                      taking of step (i) above
                                                                                                                                         using only suitable
                                                                                                                                      traditional materials in
                                                                                                                                    keeping with the property
                                                                                                                                     such as lime putty, lime
                                                                                                                                    mortar, and air dried oak.

EN/2019/00074/UNB 84 Hurdis Road, Shirley, Solihull,       SMBC       09.04.2021   09.04.2021    Without planning permission, the     (i)        Demolish, in its 6 MONTHS   14.05.2021        Yes
                             B90 2DW                                                                 unauthorised operational           entirety, ground floor
                                                                                                  development consisting of the            single storey side
                                                                                                  construction of a ground floor    extension to the southern
                                                                                                  single storey side extension to    corner of the front of the
                                                                                                 the southern corner of the front   property adjoining Hurdis
                                                                                                      of the property (initially    Road, in the approximate
                                                                                                    comprising an outbuilding,        position shown marked
                                                                                                 subsequently linked to the main    blue on the attached plan;
                                                                                                    dwelling house to form one            and (ii) Remove all
                                                                                                 continuous extension) adjoining    materials arising from Step
                                                                                                 Hurdis Road, in the approximate      (i) above from the land.
                                                                                                 position shown marked blue on
                                                                                                          the attached plan
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐I

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ J

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Stop Notice
                                                                                                                                 Alleged Breach         Specified    Effective                    Appeal      Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number          Property Address            Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served         Summary Details                                                               Appeal Served                            Prohibited
                                                                                                                                 (Requirements)          Dates         Date                       heard         Served                 Achieved
EN/2016/00166/HO       The Stables, Grove Farm,        SMBC       30.12.2016   30.12.2016      Erection of a wooden tree      Take down, cut down or    Within 2    08.02.2017       Yes         Dismissed
                   Jacobean Lane, Knowle, Solihull.                                           house/raised platform in the   demolish the wooden tree   months.                                  22.06.2017
                               B93 9LP.                                                      approximnate position marked      house/raised platform
                                                                                                 'X' in red on the Plan.          structure in the
                                                                                                                               approximate position
                                                                                                                              marked 'X' on the plan.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ K

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Stop Notice
                                                                                                                                  Alleged Breach          Specified    Effective                    Appeal     Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number           Property Address          Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served         Summary Details                                                                  Appeal Served                           Prohibited
                                                                                                                                  (Requirements)           Dates         Date                       heard        Served                 Achieved
EN/2018/00268/UNB 18 Kingswood Close, Shirley. B90    SMBC       27.09.2018   26.09.2018    Unauthorised development by      (i) dismantle,demolish and   Within 3    01.11.2018       Yes         Dismissed
                               3ET                                                          means of the construction of a      take down the timber‐     months of                                15.08.19
                                                                                              detached timber‐framed            framed structure in its    taking
                                                                                                      building.               entirety;(ii) remove from    effect.
                                                                                                                                 the lamd all materials
                                                                                                                               created by the taking of
                                                                                                                                     step (i) above.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ L
                                                                                                                                                                       Specified     Effective                     Appeal      Stop Notice   Notice     Compliance
Reference Number         Property Address         Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served           Summary Details               Alleged Breach (Requirements)                                     Appeal Served
                                                                                                                                                                        Dates          Date                        heard         Served    Prohibited    Achieved
EN/2017/00049/HE    218 Longmore Road, Shirley,    SMBC       30.06.2017   30.06.2017         The carrying out of roof      Dismantle, demolish and/or take down        Within 6    07.08.2017        Yes         Dismissed
                         Solihull. B90 3EU.                                                  alterations and additions       the front and rear dormers as shown        months of                                26.07.2018
                                                                                         comprising the erection of a hip‐   edged and hatched red on the three          taking                                    Notice
                                                                                           to‐gable extension, with two    Plans 2(a), 2(b), and 2© and restore the      effect.                                 upheld with
                                                                                          dormers to the rear elevation       roof to the same condition with the                                                amendment
                                                                                           and one dormer to the front        same tiles and guttering before the                                                   s and
                                                                                                     elevation.              unauthorised works were carried out                                                  extended
                                                                                                                           except that it is not necessary for the hip‐                                          compliance
                                                                                                                           to‐gable extension work to be removed,                                                  period.
                                                                                                                            and (2) remove all materials created by
                                                                                                                           step (1) above from the property, OR (3)
                                                                                                                            Dismantle, demolish, and/or take down
                                                                                                                             the front and rear dormers as shown
                                                                                                                           edged red and hatched red on the plans
                                                                                                                              attached and carry out the scheme
                                                                                                                              approved under planning reference
                                                                                                                           PL/2016/00660/MINFHO; (4) Remove all
                                                                                                                            resultant materials from the property.

EN/2019/00103/VAR     20 Landor Road, Knowle       SMBC       18.09.2019   18.09.2019    Without planning permission the
                                                                                         unauthorised erection of partial
                                                                                             first floor and two storey
                                                                                              On 31.08.2017 planning
                                                                                          permission was granted by the
                                                                                         Council under reference number
                                                                                         PL/2017/01874/MINFHO for the
                                                                                         partial first‐floor and two‐storey
                                                                                         extension, subject to conditions.
The erection of the partial first      (a) Implement planning permission     6 months      22.10.2019
                                                                                     floor and two storey extension          PL/2017/01874/MINFHO in full in
                                                                                    has not been built in accordance     accordance with drawing numbers BP‐06‐
                                                                                        with the approved plans,         03 and BP‐PL‐04 of condition 1, attached
                                                                                     drawing numbers BP‐06‐03 and                     to this notice;
                                                                                       BP‐PL‐04, of condition 1, of
                                                                                           planning permission                              Or
                                                                                     PL/2017/01874/MINFHO and is
                                                                                         therefore in breach of          (b) Remove the extensions (partial first
                                                                                    condition1of planning permission     floor and two storey extension) built on
                                                                                        PL/2017/01874/MINFHO.             the land and return the land to how it
                                                                                                                          was prior to commencement of works


                                                                                                                            (c) Remove all materials created by
                                                                                                                         taking of step (a) and (b) above from the

EN/2019/00542/BPC 7 Land Lane, Marston Green. B37   SMBC   21.01.201   21.01.2021      Unauthorised operational            Either (a) remove the 3m high             2 months   26.02.2021   Yes   Dismissed
                                7DE                                                  development consisting of the corrugated metal fencing in its entirety,                                       March 2022
                                                                                    erection of a 3m high corrugated from the land, and remove the reultant
                                                                                    metal fencing at the front of the materials from the land, or (b) reduce
                                                                                    property in the location marked    the height of the 3m high corrugated
                                                                                      green on the attached plan.     metal fencing to a maximum height not
                                                                                                                        exceeding 2 metres and remove the
                                                                                                                         resultant materials from the land.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ M
                                                                                                                                                                                  Specified       Effective                                       Stop Notice   Notice     Compliance
  Reference Number           Property Address            Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served              Summary Details                 Alleged Breach (Requirements)                                      Appeal Made   Appeal Outcome
                                                                                                                                                                                   Dates            Date                                            Served    Prohibited    Achieved
EN/2014/00412/TRANSF   Five Acre Farm, Meer End Road,     SMBC       24.02.2016   24.02.2016      The formation of an access track or      (a) break up the material used to     3 months.       08.04.2016    01.04.2016    Appeal allowed
                             Meer End. CV7 1PW.                                                                 drive.                     form the access drive; (b) remove                                                   subject to
                                                                                                                                           all the material created by step a;                                              conditions to alter
                                                                                                                                               and (c ) cover the line of the                                                      track
                                                                                                                                            access drive with top‐soil to the
                                                                                                                                           level of the surrounding land and
                                                                                                                                                   re‐seed with grass.

 EN/2015/50262/HO       The Wainhouse, Main Road,         SMBC       02.06.2016   07.06.2016     The erection of a 1.8 metre high wire      (i) Take up and remove the       2 months.           15.07.2016       Yes          Dismissed
                            Meriden. CV7 7LA.                                                     mesh fence within the curtilage of      unauthorised wire mesh fencing                                                       18.01.2017
                                                                                                 Meriden Hall Grade II* listed building.        and fence posts in the
                                                                                                                                         approximate position shown with
                                                                                                                                            a blue line on the Plan; (ii)
                                                                                                                                         Remove the material arising from
                                                                                                                                          the taking of step (i) above from
                                                                                                                                                    the property.
 EN/2020/00261/BPC     25 Mirfield Road, Solihull. B91    SMBC       08.07.2021   08.07.2021      (a) breach of condition 4 of planning     (a) cease use of flat roof for   7 days for          13.08.2021      Notice
                                    1JH.                                                         permission PL/2018/03578/MINFHO ‐        purposes stated; (b) implement     (a) and 6                         withdrawn
                                                                                                 use of rear flat roof area as awalk‐out development in accordance with months for                             12.07.2021
                                                                                                balcony, roof garden or similar amenity     approved plan; (c ) remove      (b) and (c ).
                                                                                                    area; (b) breach of condition 5 of       unauthorised balustrade.
                                                                                                           planning permission
                                                                                                  PL/2018/03578/MINFHO ‐ failure to
                                                                                                construct balustrade in accordance with
                                                                                                  approved plan; and (c) unauthorised
                                                                                                         erection of balustrade.

 EN/2020/00261/BPC     25 Mirfield Road, Solihull. B91    SMBC       12.07.2021   12.07.2021      (a) breach of condition 4 of planning    (a) cease use of flat roof for         7 days for     13.08.2021
                                    1JH.                                                         permission PL/2018/03578/MINFHO ‐       purposes stated; (b) implement           (a) and 6
                                                                                                 use of rear flat roof area as awalk‐out development in accordance with          months for
                                                                                                balcony, roof garden or similar amenity    approved plan; (c ) remove            (b) and (c ).
                                                                                                    area; (b) breach of condition 5 of      unauthorised balustrade.
                                                                                                           planning permission
                                                                                                  PL/2018/03578/MINFHO ‐ failure to
                                                                                                construct balustrade in accordance with
                                                                                                  approved plan; and (c) unauthorised
                                                                                                         erection of balustrade.
EN/2021/00388/HO   100 Monastery Drive, Olton,   SMBC   30.03.2022   30.03.2022   Without planning permission, alterations      (i)        Demolish, undo and    3 months.   06.05.2022
                        Solihull. B91 1DP                                          and additions to the dwelling house on remove, all of the unauthorised
                                                                                      the land, including front and rear      alterations and additions to the
                                                                                    extensions, a dormer roof extension,      dwelling house and its roof, and
                                                                                     rooflights, changes to fenestration,      return the land to its previous
                                                                                         removal of a chimney, porch              condition, size, design and
                                                                                  addition/alterations, and external tiling. appearance as it was before the
                                                                                        All collectively constituting an     breach commenced, as shown on
                                                                                   unauthorised operational development attached drawing number 553 ‐7
                                                                                    in its own right, and also a breach of          REV F; or,(ii) Remove the
                                                                                  conditions 1 (compliance with approved unauthorised new rear dormer
                                                                                      drawings) and 3 (use of matching       extension, and undo or alter the
                                                                                    materials) of planning permission ref:     other unauthorised alterations
                                                                                       PL/2021/00163/MINFHO dated              and extensions such that they
                                                                                  24.03.2021 and shown on drawings no’s. fully accord with the development
                                                                                   553‐1 REV ZB; 553‐2 REV ZB; 553‐3 REV           approved under planning
                                                                                   ZB; 553‐4 REV ZB; 553‐5 REV ZB; 553‐6                   permission
                                                                                  REV ZB; 553‐7 REV ZB; 553‐8 REV ZB; 553‐       PL/2021/00163/MINFHO as
                                                                                       9 REV ZB; and 553‐10 REV ZC of         shown on the attached drawing
                                                                                   retrospective planning application ref: number 553‐8 REVG. (iii) Remove
                                                                                    PL/2021/02961/MINFHO refused on all materials created by the taking
                                                                                                  07.03.2022.                of step (i) and (ii) above from the
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ N
                                                                                                                                                                        Specified    Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice   Notice     Compliance
Reference Number         Property Address           Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served           Summary Details               Alleged Breach (Requirements)                                   Appeal Served
                                                                                                                                                                         Dates         Date                      heard      Served    Prohibited    Achieved
EN/2020/00617/HO   29a Neville Road, Shirley. B90    SMBC       26.01.2022   26.01.2022       Without planning permission,             i) Demolish all of the           6 months    01.03.2022
                               2QW                                                            unauthorised alterations and          unauthorised alterations and
                                                                                             extensions to the property and extensions to the property and its
                                                                                           its roof, including the addition of     roof and return the land to its
                                                                                                 dormer roof extensions.       previous condition, size, design and
                                                                                                                                 appearance as it was before the
                                                                                                                                breach commenced, as shown on
                                                                                                                               attached drawing number 9444‐03;
                                                                                                                                ii) Remove all the rear and side
                                                                                                                                dormer roof extensions, and undo
                                                                                                                                        or alter the rest of the
                                                                                                                                    unauthorised alterations and
                                                                                                                                   extensions such that they fully
                                                                                                                                   accord with the development
                                                                                                                                     approved under planning
                                                                                                                               PL/2019/00152/MINFHO as shown
                                                                                                                                 on the attached drawing number
                                                                                                                                         9444‐04 (Revision F)
                                                                                                                               iii) Remove all materials created
                                                                                                                                   by the taking of step (i) and (ii)
                                                                                                                                         above from the land.
                                                                                                 On 14.03.2019 planning
                                                                                             permission was granted by the
                                                                                           Council under reference number
                                                                                            PL/2019/00152/MINFHO for an
                                                                                                extension to the dwelling,
                                                                                               subject to conditions. The
                                                                                             extension has not been built in
                                                                                             accordance with the approved
                                                                                             plan, drawing number 9444.04
                                                                                                  (Revision F) of planning
                                                                                            PL/2019/00152/MINFHO and is
                                                                                            therefore in breach of condition
                                                                                                 1 of planning permission
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ O

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ P

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ Q

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ R

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Stop Notice
                                                                                                                                                             Specified     Effective                     Appeal      Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number           Property Address            Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served      Alleged Breach summary          Requirements summary                                   Appeal Served                            Prohibited
                                                                                                                                                              Dates          Date                        heard         Served                 Achieved
EN/2015/50370/BPC    Rumbush Farm, 321 Rumbush          SMBC       29.06.2017   29.06.2017      Material change of use of the      (a) Cease the use of the    Within 6    07.08.2017
                      Lane, Earlswood. B94 5LW                                                    land to a use including the    land for the parking and/or months of
                                                                                              parking and/or storage of heavy      storage of heavy goods     the notice
                                                                                                        goods vehicles.                     vehicles.           taking
EN/2016/00511/HO    282 Ralph Road, Shirley. B90 3LF    SMBC       23.05.2018   23.05.2018        The erection adjacent to a       (1) Dismantle, demolish     Within 3    29.06.2018       Yes         Dismissed
                                                                                              highway used by vehicular traffic     and/or take down the      months of                                 04.08.2020
                                                                                                  of a boundary wall, pillars,      boundary wall, pillars,   the notice
                                                                                               railings and gates to a height of     railings and gates; (2) taking effect
                                                                                                           over 1m.                  Remove all materials
                                                                                                                                 created by the carrying out
                                                                                                                                  of step (1) above from the
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ S
                                                                                                                                                                                Specified    Effective                    Appeal   Stop Notice   Notice     Compliance
 Reference Number         Property Address           Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served           Summary Details                      Alleged Breach (Requirements)                                    Appeal Served
                                                                                                                                                                                 Dates         Date                       heard      Served    Prohibited    Achieved
EN/2017/00534/TREE   2 Station Approach, Dorridge,    SMBC       28.01.2019   28.01.2019        (i) The erection of a timber        EITHER (a) cease the use of the premises as    5(a) 1    28.02.2019
                            Solihull. B93 8JF.                                                framed single‐storey extension          a mixed A3 and A4 use, and return to the month, and
                                                                                                 plus first floor extension,         lawful use of the premises within Class A3 5(b) and (c)
                                                                                            cladding of structure, forming of        (restaurants and cafes) of the Use Classes 6 months.
                                                                                            new timber fencing to boundary,              Order 1987 (as amended); AND (b)
                                                                                                alterations to fenestration,        Demolish : the timber framed single‐storey
                                                                                            erection of railings, installation of        extension plus first floor extension,
                                                                                                extractor vent (as shown on             cladding of structure, forming of new
                                                                                            enclosed referenced plan and as          timber fencing to boundary, alterations to
                                                                                                 refused by application ref                fenestration, erection of railings,
                                                                                            PL/2018/02828/PPFL) and (ii) the          installation of extractor vent, and return
                                                                                               material change of use of the          the premises to its condition prior to the
                                                                                            premises from use for an A3 cafe           breach commencing and remove all the
                                                                                             to a mixed use including A3 cafe        demolished materials and rubble from the
                                                                                              and A4 drinking establishment.           premises arising in compliance with this
                                                                                                                                    requirement, OR (c) make alterations to the
                                                                                                                                      premises so as to bring the premises into
                                                                                                                                       physical conformity with the approved
                                                                                                                                              planning reference number
                                                                                                                                     PL/2017/00988/COU as shown on the two
                                                                                                                                     approved drawing numbers 5497/01J and
                                                                                                                                          5497/03A attached to this notice.

EN/2017/00031/CU       Land off Spencers Lane,        SMBC       01.06.2022   01.06.2022    Without planning permission, the Permanently cease the use of the land for         6 MONTHS     06.07.2022
                         Berkswell, CV7 7BZ                                                   material change of use of the dog walking, care and training centre, and
                                                                                             land from a field of agricultural remove all related items and chattels from
                                                                                             or nil use, to that of sui generis                 the land.
                                                                                             dog walking, care and training.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ T

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Stop Notice
                                                                                                                               Alleged Breach          Specified     Effective                    Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number        Property Address          Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served          Summary Details                                                                   Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                                                               (Requirements)           Dates          Date                       heard      Served                 Achieved
EN/2018/00268/UNB   374 Tilehouse Lane, Tidbury    SMBC       26.09.2018   26.09.2018     Unauthorised development by      (1) Dismantle, demolish,      Within 3   01.09.2018.
                          Green. B90 1PX.                                                 means of the construction of a and take down the garage months of
                                                                                         detached single‐storey garage in structure in its entirety; (2)  taking
                                                                                         the approximate position shown Remove from the Land all         effect.
                                                                                            hatched blue on the Plan.      materials created by the
                                                                                                                           taking of step (1) above.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ U

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ V

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐W

Reference Number         Property Address           Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served           Summary Details                     Alleged Breach               Specified    Effective   Appeal Served     Appeal        Stop Notice Stop Notice Compliance
                                                                                                                                       (Requirements)                Dates         Date                        heard           Served    Prohibited   Achieved

EN/2015/50210/HE     127 Wyckham Road, Castle        SMBC       09.09.2016   09.09.2016     Erection of a rear dormer with       (i) dismantle, demolish and        3 months    14.10.2016       Yes           Dismissed
                            Bromwich                                                          hip to gable construction.             take down all the rear                                                   30.08.2017
                                                                                                                                 dormer construction work;                                                       but s78
                                                                                                                                    (ii) remove all materials                                                appeal later
                                                                                                                                             created.                                                         allowed for
                                                                                                                                  Note step (2) removed by                                                        same
                                                                                                                                      Notice under Section                                                   developmen
                                                                                                                                         173A(1)(B) dated                                                    t ‐ Notice no
                                                                                                                                            18/01/17.                                                            longer

EN/2016/00110/HO   60 Widney Manor Road, Solihull    SMBC       15.09.2016   15.09.2016      The erection of 2 metre high          (I) dismantle or demolish        2 months    21.10.2016     garnted.         Appeal
                                                                                           security gates, walls, railings and      the gates, walls, railings                                                 allowed
                                                                                             pillars adjacent to a highway              and pillars in the                                                   13.02.2017 ‐
                                                                                               used by vehicular traffic.             approximate position                                                   enforcemen
                                                                                                                                  shown with a blue line on                                                    t notice
                                                                                                                                   the plan and remove the                                                     quashed
                                                                                                                                 resultant material from the                                                      and
                                                                                                                                 Property         OR         (II)                                              planning
                                                                                                                                   Reduce the height of teh                                                   permission
                                                                                                                                    gates, walls, railings and                                                 granted.
                                                                                                                                  pillars in teh approximate
                                                                                                                                 position shown with a blue
                                                                                                                                 line on the plan to a height
                                                                                                                                    of not greater than one
                                                                                                                                     metre and remove the
                                                                                                                                 resultant material from the

EN/2015/50048/CO    Yard at Wootton Green Lane,      SMBC       02.11.2017   02.11.2017       Material change of use of the     (a) cease the use of the            6 months.   11.12.2017        Yes           appeal
                    Balsall Common, Solihull. CV7                                          land without planning permission         mobile home for                                                           dismissed
                                7EZ.                                                        from an agricultural and building residential purposes; (b)                                                      06.11.2018 ‐
                                                                                             contractors yard to a mixed use remove the mobile home                                                          notice took
                                                                                             of agricultural and builders yard from the land; (c ) break                                                       effect on
                                                                                              and the stationing of a mobile    up, take up and remove                                                        that date.
                                                                                            home and the use of that mobile from the land all cables,
                                                                                             home for residential purposes. wires, pipes, conduits and
                                                                                                                               hardstanding installed for
                                                                                                                               the purpose of using the
                                                                                                                                     mobile home.
EN/2016/00564/CO   Yard at Wootton Green Lane,     SMBC   02.11.2017     (1) Dismantle/demolish        3 months.   11.12.2017   Yes       Appeal
                   Balsall Common, Solihull. CV7                          and/or take down the                                          dismissed
                               7EZ.                                      building; (2) remove the                                     06.11.2018 ‐
                                                                        metal storage container;                                       notice took
                                                                        (3) break up, take up and                                        effect on
                                                                        remove the hardstanding                                         that date.
                                                                         or base upon which the
                                                                        building has been erected
                                                                         together with all cables,
                                                                        wires, pipes and conduits
                                                                           being used with that
                                                                       building; (4) remove all the
                                                                         materials created by the
                                                                       taking of steps (1), (2), and
                                                                         (3) above from the land.
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐ X

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐Y

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
Solihull MBC ‐ Enforcement Register ‐Z

                                                                                                                                                                             Stop Notice
                                                                                               Alleged Breach   Specified   Effective                   Appeal   Stop Notice             Compliance
Reference Number   Property Address   Issued By   Issue Date   Date Served   Summary Details                                            Appeal Served                        Prohibited
                                                                                               (Requirements)    Dates        Date                      heard      Served                 Achieved
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