Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...

Page created by Barry Reynolds
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...
Senior School
                                             2017 - 2018

starts here
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...
                                              Senior School
                                              2017 - 2018

Dulwich College (Singapore)
Definition of Learning:
Good learning is a meaningful experience
where students enjoy making connections
between new and existing knowledge,
skills and understanding. Students are
engaged, challenged and are able to reflect
independently and collaboratively on their
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...
 GUIDING STATEMENTS              6


 SENIOR SCHOOL STAFF             8

 TERM DATES                      11

 SCHOOL CALENDAR                 12


 STUDENT SERVICES                14

 ILLNESS                         15

 ATTENDANCE                      16

 COMMUNICATION                   16


 LUNCHTIMES                      17

 APPEARANCE                      18

 HOUSES                          20

 LOST PROPERTY                   22

 EQUIPMENT                       22


 BEHAVIOUR                       24

 STUDENT COUNCIL                 26

 FRIENDS OF DULWICH              27

 THE PARENTS LOUNGE              28

Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...

                                                     GUIDING STATEMENTS

                                                    Detur Pons Mundo
                                            –Let there be a bridge to the world
                                    Dulwich College (Singapore) aspires to be respected internationally as a community committed
                                    to developing individuals who seize and act ethically upon the breadth of opportunity the world

                                    COLLEGE GUIDING STATEMENTS
                                    Children come first when:

                                        1. The College educates the whole child
                                        2. The College provides a safe, secure and stimulating environment
                                        3. The College recognises that we gain knowledge and understanding of the world by
                                           questioning and actively solving problems
                                        4. The College emphasises the benefits and responsibilities of working collaboratively together
                                        5. The College values awareness of the natural world and its resources
                                        6. The College prepares children to live their lives honestly with a spirit of respect for
                                           themselves and others
                                        7. The College understands that meaningful, lifelong learning involves taking risks
                                        8. The College challenges each child to be the best that they can be and supports them in this

                     COLLEGE SONG                                                     MAJULAH SINGAPURA
                     Liberi Alleynienses,            Vivit Fundatoris nomen,            Mari kita rakyat Singapura       Dengan semangat yang baru
                     Quotquot annos,                 Unicae virtutis omen.              Sama-sama menuju bahagia         Semua kita berseru
                     Quotquot menses.                                                   Cita-cita kita yang mulia        Majulah Singapura
                                                     Detur soli, Deo gloria.            Berjaya Singapura                Majulah Singapura
                     Fertur principum memoria,       Detur soli, Deo gloria.            Marilah kita bersatu
                     Fertur principul memoria.
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...

The purpose of this booklet is to provide parents with a range of useful information to help them
support their son/daughter as they enter and move through the Senior School. For the Academic Year
2017-18 the Senior School will be classed as Years 7 to 11. Students in Years 6 to 8 will be following a
curriculum which is a blend of the National Curriculum of England and Wales and the Common Entrance
and will be taught by subject specialists. Year 9 students will be embarking on a 3-year IGCSE set of
courses and Year 10 will be in their second year of this programme. Year 11 students will be working
towards our first set of IGCSE exams.

As a school our door is always open. If parents have any worries about school, we would like to know
about them as soon as possible. It is always easier to sort out a minor problem before it becomes a major

The first point of contact should normally be through the Form Tutor – either through a note in your
son/daughter’s school diary, by telephone, or by making an appointment through the Senior School
Office. If the Senior School Office is unable to give an instant answer to your question, they will soon find
someone who can.

Graham Wilson
Head of Senior School

Senior School Reception: Naomi Chan

		                          +65 6890 1075


Senior School Administrator: Theresa Abdullah


                               +65 68901072

PE office:              +65 6890 1040

Staff email:  

School Address:          Dulwich College (Singapore), 71 Bukit Batok West Avenue 8 Singapore 658966

Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...

                                                    SENIOR SCHOOL STAFF


                      Senior School Leadership Team
                      Faculty                         Staff Name             Teaching Areas
                      Head of Senior School           Graham Wilson          Physics
                      Deputy Head, Middle School      Melanie Ellis          Chemistry
                      Deputy Head, Lower School       Richard Lee            English
                      Assistant Head (Enrichment)     Dom Massarella         History
                      IBDP Coordinator                Alan Perkins           Computer Science/DT

                      Senior School Staff by Faculty Area
                      English & Drama                 Ruth Taaffe            Head of English
                                                      Katrina Hegarty        Head of Drama
                                                      Richard Lee            English, Deputy Head, Lower School
                                                      Aisling Hewett         English, Assistant Head of Year 7
                                                      Corin James            English & Drama, Head of Year 9
                                                      Kehinde Fadipe         English & Drama
                                                      Amy Meyrick            Assistant Head of English
                                                      Sophie Taylor          English
                                                      Sarah Habergham        English, Head of Mandela House

                      Mathematics                     Lynn Wilson            Head of Maths
                                                      Chris Savvides         Maths, Head of Year 7
                                                      Thomas Lees            Maths, Assistant Head of Year 9
                                                      Martha Rowan           Assistant Head of Maths
                                                      Polly Sinnett- Jones   Maths, Head of Community Service and CAS
                                                      John Bennett           Maths
                                                      Kathleen O'Regan       Maths

                      Science                         Helen Evans            Head of Science
                                                      Melanie Ellis          Chemistry, Deputy Head, Middle School
                                                      Graham Wilson          Physics
                                                      Ian Walker             Head of Physics
                                                      Helen Roff             Physics
                                                      Lauren McAlpine        Biology
                                                      Heather Shaw           Biology
                                                      Emily Walker           Head of Biology
                                                      Alex Murphy            Science
                                                      Sufiana Ithinain       Science - Assistant Teacher/Lab Technician

                      Humanities                      Stuart Clayton         Head of History
                                                      Dom Massarella         History, Assistant Head, Enrichment
                                                      James Brooke           History, Head of Year 10
                                                      Jonathan Tinney        Head of Geography
                                                      Paul Murphy            Economics
                                                      Kevin Huntley          Geography, University Counsellor
                                                      Sophie Sparks          Geography, Head of Global Skills

                      Languages                       Charles Claxton        Head of Languages
                                                      Jocelyn Torres         Head of Spanish
                                                      Richard Taylor         French, German
                                                      Alex Pilgrim           French
                                                      Alex Pineda            Spanish
                                                      Cheng-Han Wu           Head of Senior School Mandarin
                                                      Victor Bao             Mandarin
                                                      Chen Hua               Mandarin
                                                      Na Li                  Mandarin
                                                      Na Li
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...

Senior School Staff by Faculty Area
Faculty                    Staff Name         Teaching Areas
IT/Computer Science        Kieron Norris      Director of IT
                           Colin McAlpine     Computer Science, Firefly Coach
                           Alan Perkins       Computer Science, IBDP Coordinator

Music                      Malcolm Godsman    Director of Performance
                           Faye Hill          Head of Senior School Music
                           Alan Quadros       Head of Academic Music
                           Darren Postema     Music
                           Fida Latiff        Music Assistant

Physical Education         Kevin Shaw         Director of Sport
                           Laura Bebbington   Head of Senior School Sport
                           Mathew Hillyer     Head of Academic PE
                           Michael Massey     Head of Swimming
                           Natalie Carter     Assistant Head of Year 8
                           Stuart Hanlon      PE
                           Emma Evans         PE, Head of Shackleton House
                           Philip Clare       PE, Head of Lee House
                           Dan Munns          PE Assistant
                           Nazri Saifel       Assistant Teacher

Art & Design Technology    Maria Jenkins      Head of Art
                           Jeffrey Fuller     Head of DT
                           Nicola Cases       Art, Extended Essay Coordinator
                           Kathryn Hall       DT, PSHE Coordinator
                           Nicolas Mainiero   DT, Head of Year 8
                           Aparna Khanna      Art - Assistant Teacher
                           Phil Carley        DT - Assistant Teacher

AEN                        Teresa Waldin      AEN

Librarian                  Jane Hayes         Librarian
                           Shellai Andy       Library Assistant

Student Services           Lynne Millar       Head of Student Services
                           Mike Heywood       Counsellor
Senior School Parent Handbook 2017 2018 - starts here - Dulwich College ...

                                             WHAT TO DO IF YOUR CHILD

                       Is unable to come to school                 phone the Senior School office on 6890 1075 by 8:30am

                       Is late to school by more than 10 minutes   go straight to the office to sign in and then report
                                                                   to your class teacher

                       Has been absent                             bring a note for the form tutor in your diary

                       Becomes ill at school                       report to the nurse. If you are in class, ask your teacher
                                                                   for permission and report to the nurse

                       Has an accident                             report to the nurse

                       Has a request for leave                     take letter to or email Mr Wilson

                       Needs to go to an appointment               take note to form tutor and sign out at the office

                       Needs to make an urgent phone call          gain permission from class teacher and then go to the

                       Loses something                             check lost property in Senior School office

                       Loses something valuable                    inform your class teacher or form tutor immediately

                       Changes address, phone number or email      take information to the Campus Administrators

                       Wants music tuition                         see your music teacher or the music assistant

                       Is worried about anything                   speak to your teacher, Head of Year, Mr Wilson, Mrs Ellis,
                                                                   Mr Lee or Mr Magnus

                       Change of bus during the day                report to the bus office by the end of break. You will not
                                                                   be allowed to change after this time
Michaelmas Term:   21st August to 15th December 2017
Half Term:         16th October to 20th October 2017
Lent Term:         8th January to 29th March 2018
Half Term:         12th February to 16th February 2018
Trinity Term:      16th April to 29th June 2018
Mini Half Term:    28th May to 30th May 2018

                                             THE SENIOR SCHOOL DAY


                       The Senior School day is organised into six lessons a day with each lesson being 55 minutes long. This
                       means that there are 30 lessons in a week. All Senior School students have a 15 minute registration/
                       tutorial session at the start of the day. After school activities start at 15.45 and finish at 16.45. Late buses
                       for students depart at 16.55.

                                          8:30      Students are expected to go to form rooms
                                          8:40      Registration
                                          8:55      Lesson 1
                                          9:50      Lesson 2
                                          10:45     Morning break
                                          11:05     Lesson 3
                                          12:00     Lesson 4
                                          12:55     Lunch
                                          13:45     Lesson 5
                                          14:40     Lesson 6
                                          15:35     School finishes
                                          15.40     Early buses depart
                                          15:45     Extra Curricular Activities start
                                          16:45     Extra Curricular Activities finish
                                          17:00     Late buses depart

                                                      STUDENT SERVICES
                       There are a range of emotional, health, and guidance support structures available for Senior
                       School students. These various structures are in place to facilitate a welcoming and safe learning
                       environment for all students.

                       The Senior School teachers with responsibility for Student Welfare are the Head of Senior School, Mr
                       Graham Wilson, Mr Richard Lee, Deputy Head Lower School (Years 7 and 8) and Mrs Mel Ellis, Deputy
                       Head Middle School (Years 9, 10, 11). They oversee the provision of this support, coordinate with the
                       Head of Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 and work closely with the form tutors to ensure student needs and concerns
                       are attended to.

                       The School Nurse addresses immediate health issues that arise during a school day, provides
                       basic health and first aid services, and coordinates any required external or emergency medical
                       assistance; the Nurse also oversees efforts to prevent the spread of contagious infections or

                       Mike Heywood                                              Lynne Millar
                       Counsellor                                                Head of Student Welfare
The Senior School Health Centre is situated on the ground floor of the Senior School on the corner of the
quad, Room SS1-06. It is staffed with two registered nurses.

Phone number: 68901055/56
Opening hours are: 08.00-18.00
Medical form: Parents are requested to update the school of any medical conditions/ allergies their child
may have at the start of each school year. The parent also signs this to give the nursing team/teacher
permission to administer over the counter medication should it be required.
Medical authorisation form: This is filled in by a parent if a student requires administration of a regular or
prescription medication. Students are not allowed to carry medication in their school bags or lockers.
Emergency contact details: It is important that both parents supply a current Singapore mobile number
and a designated emergency contact persons details to the school, other than their helper. If both parents
are travelling outside the country a designated guardians details must be supplied to the school.
Head Lice: If the school is informed or discovers a case of head lice, all DUCKS parents are informed and
linked to the Head lice advisory on the parent portal. Students are not sent home if found to have head
lice during the school day however parents are informed and advised. They can return to school once
treatment has been started.
College Contagious illness policy:

                  14                       CALENDAR 2017-2018

                         Month   M    T    W    TH    F   SAT SUN          Event
                   2017/               1       2     3     4    5     6
                                                                          1-18 August: School Holiday
                   August         7    8       9     10    11   12   13
                                                                          9 August: National Day
                                 14   15       16    17    18   19   20
                                                                          10-11 August: New Staff Induction
                                 21   22       23    24    25   26   27
                                                                          14-15, 17-18 August: Teacher Planning
                                 28   29       30    31
                                                                          16 August: Professional Learning Day
                                                                          21 August: First Day of Michaelmas Term
                                 				                       1    2   3
                   September                                              1 September: Hari Raya Haji
                                 4   5  6  7                8   9    10
                                 11 12 13 14               15   16   17
                                 18 19 20 21               22   23   24
                                 25 26 27 28               29   30

                                                                          16-20 October: Half-Term
                                 2  3  4  5  6   7                    8
                                                                          18 October: Deepavali
                                 9  10 11 12 13 14                   15
                                 16 17 18 19 20 21                   22
                                 23 24 25 26 27 28                   29
                                 30 31

                                 		            1     2     3    4     5
                   November                                               9-10 November: Professional Learning Days -
                                 6  7          8     9     10   11   12
                                                                          School Closed
                                 13 14         15    16    17   18   19
                                 20 21         22    23    24   25   26
                                 27 28         29    30

                                 				 1                         2     3
                   December                                               15 December: Last Day of Term
                                 4  5  6  7  8                  9    10
                                                                          18-31 December: School Holiday
                                 11 12 13 14 15                 16   17
                                                                          25 December: Christmas Day
                                 18 19 20 21 22                 23   24
                                 25 26 27 28 29                 30   31

                                 1     2        3    4      5   6    7
                   2018                                                   1January: New Years Day
                                 8     9       10    11    12   13   14
                   January                                                2-5 January: School Holiday
                                 15   16       17    18    19   20   21
                                                                          8 January: First Day Lent Term
                                 22   23       24    25    26   27   28
                                 29   30       31

                                                      1    2     3    4
                                                                          12-16 February: Half-Term
                                 5    6        7     8     9    10   11
                   February                                               16-17 February: Chinese New Year
                                 12   13       14    15    16   17   18
                                 19   20       21    22    23   24   25
                                 26   27       28
Month     M       T    W    TH   F     SAT SUN                           Event
March    		                       1         2     3    4                 29 March: Last Day of Lent Term
         5   6              7     8         9    10    11                30 March: Good Friday
         12 13             14     15        16   17    18
         19 20             21     22        23   24    25
         26 27             28     29        30   31

         					                                          1                2-13-- April: Half-Term
April    2   3 4  5   6                           7     8                16 April: First Day of Trinity Term
         9  10 11 12 13                          14    15
         16 17 18 19 20                          21    22
         23 24 25 26 27                          28    29

                  1         2     3     4         5     6                1 May: Labour Day
May       7        8        9     10    11       12    13                28, 30 May: Mini Half-Term
          14      15       16     17    18       19    20                29 May: Vesak Day
          21      22       23     24    25       26    27
          28      29       30     31

         			                            1         2     3
June     4   5 6                 7      8         9    10                15 June: Hari Raya Puasa
         11 12 13                14     15       16    17                29 June: Last Day of Trinity Term
         18 19 20                21     22       23    24
         25 26 27                28     29       30`

        School days:			                181                  First/Last Day of Term

        Term 1:                        77                   Public Holidays

        Term 2: 				                   54                   School Holiday

        Term 3:				 50                                      Professional Learning Days

                                                            Teacher Planning Days

                                                            New Staff Induction

                                             ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES


                         The school environment is best placed to support learning and students are expected to maintain the
                         highest possible levels of attendance of lessons. However, learning takes place in many places, and
                         enrichment activities form a key part of the Dulwich approach.

                         To help students maintain a balance in all that they do, the following guidelines are applied:

                                Every student is expected to maintain an attendance of 92% throughout the school year.
                                This is the equivalent of 15 days absence.

                                To ensure consistent attendance in each term, students would not usually be absent more
                                than 6 days in Term 1, 5 days in Term 2, 4 days in Term 3.

                                Absence from lessons includes any absence that is not required by a compulsory whole class
                                learning activity and includes illness, compassionate leave and family holidays in term time.

                                These guidelines are designed to help students uphold the Dulwich Values, enjoy a range of
                                commitments, make good choices, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

                                        COMMUNICATION BETWEEN
                                           SCHOOL & HOME
                       To ensure that there is a systematic way in which information is shared with parents the
                       following procedures are in place:

                            1. Parent Portal: all parents will have access to our Parent Portal which will serve as a one stop shop
                               for key information pertaining to school life at Dulwich College in Singapore.

                            2. A College newsletter is produced on a weekly basis and is available on the Parent Portal. This
                               newsletter includes information from all areas of the College as well as important dates for the
                               week ahead.

                            3. Letters to parents regarding their son/daughter and specific learning activities are generally sent
                               home during the week as the need arises.

                            4. Every student has a student diary, which contains essential information and staff email
                               addresses. The student diary facilitates two-way communication between teachers and parents.

                            5. All staff, both academic and administrative, are available via email and will aim to reply within
                               24 hours in order to help answer queries, solve any issues and to celebrate success. Face to face
                               meetings are welcomed but must be arranged with 24 hours notice.

                            6. For Senior School students the first point of contact would normally be either their tutor or
                               specific subject teacher.

                            7. There is a College-wide Facebook account (name: Dulwich College Singapore) which provides
                               daily updates on the goings on across the College.
   Student progress in each subject area is reported to parents regularly throughout the year
   through a mixture of written reports as well as parent/student/teacher conferences.

   The types of reports are:

   •        Attitude/organisation reports with tutor comments – to give an overview of attitude
            and organisation with a comment from the form tutor.
   •        Attainment Data reports with tutor comments – to show a snapshot of attainment
            with a comment from the form tutor.
   •        Full written reports – Current attainment data, end of year exam results and a
            comment from each subject teacher.

   The following table gives an overview of when these will occur for each year group:

		                        Michealmas		                          Lent		                      Trinity

Year 7             Attitude/                       Mid Year Data Report               Full End of Year
                   Organisation Report             PTSC                               Report
Year 8             Attitude/                       Mid Year Data Report               PTSC
                   Organisation Report             PTSC                               Data Report
                   Full Report
Year 9             Attitude/                       Mid Year Data Report               PTSC
                   Organisation Report                                                Full End of Year
                   PTSC                                                               Report
Year 10            Attitude/                       Full End of Term                   PTSC
                   Organisation Report             Report                             Full End of Year
                   PTSC                                                               Report
Year 11            Attitude/                       PTSC                               Examinations
                   Organisation Report             Data Report
                   Full End of Term

                                    LUNCH TIMES

   We encourage students to attend the PTSC meetings so that they are part of the conversation and can
   take responsibility for their learning.

   Actual dates are available on the Senior School calendar which can be found on the Parent Portal.



                       School uniforms must be worn correctly at all times in school, on buses, and when on a school trip
                       unless permission has otherwise been given. For formal occasions blazers and ties are required.

                            • Sports kit may be worn to school if PE lesson is timetabled for lesson 1. School uniform should
                              be brought to change into, including correct uniform shoes and socks.

                            • Students may wear a white undershirt beneath their uniform top; however it may only be visible
                              at the neck line.

                            • Students may wear a watch and girls may wear one silver or gold stud in the earlobe of
                              each ear. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings or studs. No other jewellery may be
                              worn unless this is for religious purposes.

                            • Hair must always be clean and tidy, worn off the face and styled so as not to invite comment for
                              any reason. Boys hair should be of a reasonable length neither excessively short or long. Girls
                              with hair longer than shoulder length are required to have it tied, using red or navy blue ties.
                              Hair may be coloured if of a natural colour, discrete and appropriate to a school environment.
                              Boys must be clean shaven.

                            • Make-up is not permitted. This includes nail varnish.

                            • Black polished shoes are a uniform requirement. Training type shoes, high heels, wedges, open
                              toed sandals, sling backs or any type of fashion shoe are not permitted.

                            • Kilts and skorts must be no more than three inches above the knee.

                        Boys                                                   Girls
                        Grey trousers/ Grey shorts                             College kilt or skort
                        White College shirt                                    White College blouse
                        Boys College tie		                                     Girls College tie
                        Grey socks that cover the ankle                        Grey stockings or knee-length grey socks
                        Black leather school shoes                             Black leather school shoes
                        College blazer                                         College blazer

                       Students are only required to wear blazers and ties for assemblies and other special occasions. Blazers
                       and ties will be stored in each form room so that they can be accessed and worn at any time.

                       The PE and swimming kit/uniform are to be worn for all PE lessons. House kit is to be worn for all Inter-
                       House competitions and activities.

                       Inappropriately dressed students may be sent home to change.



                  Each child is allocated to a House. There are four Houses at Dulwich
                  College (Singapore): Lee, Mandela, Shackleton and Earhart. Siblings
                  automatically join the same House. During the course of the year,
                  there are a number of Inter-House competitions. The House uniform
                  (shown below) should be worn on these occassions and is available
                  from the uniform supplier. Please note that House shorts will be
                  white for all Houses and the House shorts are also available from
                  the uniform supplier. The Senior School Heads of House are Jocelyn
                  Torres (Lee), Natalie Carter (Mandela), Natasha Carley (Shackleton)
                  and Thomas Lees (Earhart).





                                                         LOST PROPERTY


                       Whatever comes to school must be clearly named. All students are responsible for their own belongings.
                       This helps the students (and us) find mislaid clothing and belongings. The Campus Administrators will
                       centrally store lost property and attempt to reunite articles of clothing with their owner. Lost property
                       may be retrieved before the start of school, at break times or at the end of the school day from lost
                       property, which is located in the main Reception area.

                             EQUIPMENT THAT STUDENTS REQUIRE
                       Senior School students are expected to come to school prepared for the school day. They are
                       responsible for their own personal organisation. This means that they need to ensure that they
                       have the relevant books, stationery and writing materials with them in their school bag and their
                       PE kit if it is required. All Senior School students are issued with a locker where they are expected
                       to keep their school bag during the day, along with any books and materials that they do not
                       immediately require. It is the individual students responsibility to keep their locker tidy and
                       locked at all times.

                            • PE and Swimming
                              On PE/Swimming days students should bring their PE kit. This consists of College PE shorts or
                              skirt; House coloured shirt and a sun-hat and trainers. For swimming, students need to bring
                              a College swimming costume and towel. Swimming goggles may also be brought along with
                              sun protection cream. If a student is unable to do PE or swimming for any medical reason, they
                              should have a written note from their parent or doctor giving the reason.

                            • Stationery
                              All students should have their own equipment.This includes their own writing equipment and
                              stationery. Parents are asked to make sure that pencil cases are clearly marked. From Year 6 ,
                              students should also have a Mathematical Geometry Set and a scientific calculator that will
                              accept fractions. We recommend the Casio FX85 GT or similar.

                            • School bags
                              These should be clearly marked with the student’s name.

                            • Mobile Phones and Personal Electronic Devices
                              Mobile phones and personal electrical devices are permitted for students in Years 7 and
                              above. On arriving at school, all mobile phones and electronic devices are to be switched
                              off and left locked in lockers for the day. Students who bring these items to school do so
                              at their own risk; The College takes no responsibility for them.
                              If a teacher sees or hears, a mobile phone or electronic device in the classroom, hallway, library
                              or in the Courtyard the following consequences might apply:

                              1. The item will be confiscated and handed to the Senior School Offce and a warning will be
                                 issued. On a first offence the item may be collected at the end of the day.

                              2. With second or subsequent offences a student’s parents will be contacted and an after
                                 school detention may be issued.

                            • Use of Computers and Devices
                              We value ICT within our College and encourage our pupils to experience different ways of
                              accessing technology. From desktops, laptops and tablets, our pupils are able to access a wealth
                              of resources and explore different technologies to suit their learning styles.

                              The eSafety of our children is of paramount importance to the College and something that
                              we monitor and revisit regularly. Alongside eSafety units, taught during computing lessons,
                              we also make digital literacy a key focus within our PSHE curriculum. Furthermore, we seek to
                              invite various qualified representatives to talk about eSafety to our pupils, parents and staff.
                              Parents and their children are required to read and sign a Pupil Digital Rights Charter, a copy
                              of which can be found in your child's Student Diary. The Pupil Digital Rights Charter highlights
                              the responsibility of our pupils to be good digital citizens and have a positive and safe online
                              experience. Pupils enrolled on the Bring Your Own Device scheme are expected to have
                              familiarised themselves with the expectations set out in the digital information available to
                              them online. The BYOD Scheme relies on a partnership in trust between the student and the
                              School. Without this partnership the scheme will not work. Students are expected to become
                              Ambassadors to those that follow.

               Recognising success and establishing and
               maintaining boundaries

At Dulwich College (Singapore) we aim to find every opportunity to encourage our students to embody
the Dulwich values. Targets and rewards play a key role in developing self-motivated, confident
and polite students. Our schools rewards recognise and celebrate all forms of social and academic
achievement and progress. Rewards are typically given for effort, helpfulness, participation, appropriate
behaviour and for good work.

We celebrate the work and behaviour of students on a day to day basis in a variety of ways including:
Verbal acknowledgement – through subject teacher
Written acknowledgement during marking
'Shout Out' in a Year or House Assembly
Tutee of the month (card home)
House points – signed off in the back of the student planner
Referral to Heads of Year/Leadership teams for verbal acknowledgement
Written commendation through Dulwich College postcard
Contact with parents.
More formal rewards include:
House Point certificates – bronze (50), silver (100), gold (150), platinum (200)
Subject/event specific certificates and awards.
Dulwich Challenge (see more details on next page)
Speech Day prizes for specific subjects; tutor prizes for consistently upholding the Dulwich values and
the Headmasters Award for outstanding overall contribution to the College
The House Competition runs throughout the academic year between our four College Houses- Lee,
Shackleton and Earhart. A monthly House Point Competition is held, where House Points gained by the
individual students are collated within their tutor group in determining the winning house.

                           SUMMARY OF DCSG BEHAVIOUR POLICY


                        All members of the DCSG Senior School community are working towards the following aims:
                       •        To maintain a caring and supportive environment, based on courtesy and consideration for
                       •        To maintain a positive atmosphere in which students can learn and teachers can teach.
                       •        To ensure that good relationships between all community members are promoted and
                       •        To develop respect and empathy across the whole community.
                       •        To ensure that we all develop a sense of personal responsibility

                       To meet these aims, DCSG Senior School has clear standards of behaviour, based on the four key values


                       Students will:
                       •        Treat others with respect and consideration.
                       •        Keep school a safe place to learn by following safety rules and being aware of what is going on
                                around them.
                       •        Be respectful of property and school facilities.
                       •        Take responsibility for their actions.
                       •        Be ready to learn and behave in a way that allows others to learn.

                       Staff will:
                       •        Treat others with respect and consideration.
                       •        Keep the school a safe place by providing effective supervision
                       •        Be supportive when working with students.
                       •        Provide environments and resources for learning to take place.

                       Sanctions and Follow Up:
                       •        In the case of a low level incident, reflection time would usually involve a short meeting with
                                the subject teacher or tutor in order to make it clear to the student what has gone wrong and
                                how to avoid this in future.
                       •        In the case of a medium level incident, the student would usually be given a lunchtime
                                detention in the pastoral office. During this time, the student would complete a reflection
                                sheet and then discuss this with the member of staff supervising. Parents would be informed
                                of the incident and follow up actions.
                       •        In the case of a serious incident, the student will complete the reflection sheet as part of
                                an after school detention with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. This would involve a
                                more extensive discussion with the student and parents will be informed.
On the Buses
All students should know the following rules for the

     • Follow the instructions of the bus monitor at
       all times;

     • Wear a seatbelt at all times;

     • Stay in the bus seat until the bus has stopped

     • Treat others with respect;

     • Show care and consideration for others at all

     • Be safe and keep others safe through
       considerate behaviour.

If a student chooses to break a rule on the bus the
following actions will be taken.

     • In the first instance the student will
       be told that their behaviour is not
       acceptable and what the next sanction
       will be if there is no improvement.

     • If the unacceptable behaviour continues,
       the bus monitor will fill in a behaviour
       referral sheet and pass it to the Senior
       Teacher(Pastoral Care.)

                                            THE DULWICH CHALLENGE

                       The Dulwich Challenge unites our extra-curricular activities, community service and outdoor education
                       opportunities into one challenging award that students work towards achieving throughout the school

                       The Dulwich Challenge awards are open to all students in Years 7 – 11. To successfully complete the
                       Challenge, each student would have to:
                       •        Demonstrate full attendance in their chosen extra-curricular activities, in a range of categories
                                (Creativity, Activity and Service) throughout the year.
                       •        Carry out a specific Community Service activity
                       •        Complete a specified Outdoor Education Adventure activity

                       Extra-Curricular Activities
                       The wide range of extra-curricular activities that we offer are categorised into Creativity, Activity
                       (including sports teams) and Service (community events/charities support). Academic clubs and
                       societies also fall beneath one, or more, of these three main categories.

                       All students must take part in at least one activity from two or more of the main categories over the
                       course of the school year.

                       Community Service
                       Community involvement and international-mindedness are an important part of a young person’s
                       commitment to making the world a better place. The dedication of their time and energy to make a
                       meaningful difference to the lives of others, whilst building sustainable relationships with people and
                       organisations, is the key to demonstrating a significant impact within the community they serve.

                       The College is dedicated to providing Service opportunities for all students, in all year groups. Service
                       projects are run both on and off site; these may be through ECAs, Enrichment Days, organised trips or
                       projects initiated by independent student action, year groups or Houses. It is the aim of the College that
                       every student participates in at least one Service project a year.

                       Outdoor Education & Adventure
                       A range of outdoor education trips are undertaken by our students in February of each school year.
                       These involve a participation in a variety of adventure-based activities in a range of locations both in
                       Singapore and the surrounding regions. In the Senior years, our students will begin the first stages of
                       preparation for Singapore’s National Youth Achievement Award.

                       Levels of Award
                       There are three levels of achievement in the Dulwich Challenge: Dulwich Challenge, Challenge Extra and
                       Challenge Elite. Badges are awarded to those who complete each level of the Challenge. Each level is
                       represented by a different colour badge; a symbol denotes the extra achievement.

                       The more activities a student participates in, across a broad range of categories, the higher the level of
                       challenge they are eligible to receive (please see the ‘Achievement Criteria’ for details).

                       Before students can complete the award, they are required to complete a personal reflection on their
                       participation in the Dulwich Challenge, to consider their involvement, the challenges they have faced
                       and their personal learning during the process.

                       We hope that every student will take on the Dulwich Challenge!
 All members of the DCSG Senior School community are working towards the following aims:
•        To maintain a caring and supportive environment, based on courtesy and consideration for
•        To maintain a positive atmosphere in which students can learn and teachers can teach.
•        To ensure that good relationships between all community members are promoted and
•        To develop respect and empathy across the whole community.
•        To ensure that we all develop a sense of personal responsibility

To meet these aims, DCSG Senior School has clear standards of behaviour, based on the four key values


Students will:
•        Treat others with respect and consideration.
•        Keep school a safe place to learn by following safety rules and being aware of what is going on
         around them.
•        Be respectful of property and school facilities.
•        Take responsibility for their actions.
•        Be ready to learn and behave in a way that allows others to learn.

Staff will:
•        Treat others with respect and consideration.
•        Keep the school a safe place by providing effective supervision
•        Be supportive when working with students.
•        Provide environments and resources for learning to take place.

Sanctions and Follow Up:
•        In the case of a low level incident, reflection time would usually involve a short meeting with
         the subject teacher or tutor in order to make it clear to the student what has gone wrong and
         how to avoid this in future.
•        In the case of a medium level incident, the student would usually be given a lunchtime
         detention in the pastoral office. During this time, the student would complete a reflection
         sheet and then discuss this with the member of staff supervising. Parents would be informed
         of the incident and follow up actions.
•        In the case of a serious incident, the student will complete the reflection sheet as part of
         an after school detention with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. This would involve a
         more extensive discussion with the student and parents will be informed.


                       STUDENT COUNCIL AND
                        STUDENT LEADERSHIP
                       The Dulwich College (Singapore) Student Council is run
                       by the students, for the students. The main goal of the
                       council is to reassure students that their voice in the
                       College community is heard. All students are allowed to
                       share their opinion and the Student Council makes sure
                       that those ideas reach the right people.

                       At the beginning of each academic year, one student is
                       appointed by each tutor group to represent their class
                       on the council.

                       The Student Council and the members of the student
                       leadership will form into student created action groups
                       who will work on specific projects throughout the year
                       and liaise with other students to get them involved -
                       projects will be focussed on issues such as events and
                       activities, community service and environmental issues.

                       Being part of the Student Council is an amazing
                       opportunity, making sure that the students really do get
                       to play a part in the development of the College.

                       The Student Council will identify specific areas of the
                       school for improvement. Action groups will be formed
                       in line with these areas and all Senior School students
                       are invited to join.
The Friends of Dulwich Executive Committee plays an
active role in the community at DCSG.

The object of the Friends of Dulwich is to sustain and
support the College, in particular by:

     • Enhancing/enriching the life of the pupils at the
       College through financial and other support;

     • Strengthening the links between the College
       and the local community;

     • Assisting the College by providing voluntary
       help and advice.


                                           PARENT REPRESENTATIVES

                       A parent representative body will be created to support Senior School events with the Head of Senior
                       School. These are normally appointed on a volunteer system.

                       The primary function of the 'Parent Rep’ is to facilitate communication between school and parents
                       in relation to volunteers for the classroom or special events. The Parent Reps also facilitate the social
                       interaction among families in the school community. Their role is not to have involvement in the day-to-
                       day teaching at the College but to be the liaison between the school and existing families and to meet
                       and support new families joining the College. These representatives form the backbone of our parents’
                       association or FoD.

Dulwich College (Singapore), Senior School, 71 Bukit Batok West, Avenue 8 Singapore 658966
                          CPE Registration Number: 201027137D
                Period of Registration: 09 January 2016 to 08 January 2020
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