Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election

Page created by Marion Robles
Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
UKIP Wales
Senedd Manifesto 2021
       2021 Senedd Election
              Page 1
Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
  Page		 Topic
  1			Introduction

  2			Devolution

  6			Immigration

  8			      Health & Social Care

  14			Education

  18			     Transport & Economic Development

  20			     Environment, Energy & Rural Affairs

  23			Welsh Language

  25			The Family

  27			Veterans’ Issues

  29			     Culture & Communities

  31			Contact Details

Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
Neil Hamilton MS
Leader, UKIP Wales

                     Today, devolution is a one-way       revenue amounting to only 25%
                     process. Despite Government          with the funding gap being filled
                     of Wales Acts in 1998, 2006,         by the English taxpayer.
                     2014 and 2017, the train keeps
                     on moving in only one direction      The time has come to stop
                     - towards independence. The          this runaway train to the
                     Welsh Government always              disintegration of the UK and
                     demands more power – just            institutionalised poverty and
                     like the Euro-federalists of         decline for Wales.
                     the European Commission.
                     The Welsh Government now             Only UKIP has a full manifesto
                     wants the devolution of justice      of policies to put Wales back on
                     and to remove limits on Welsh        the UK political map, reverse
                     Government borrowing.                institutional economic decline,
                                                          transfer power in health and
                     Fearful of failing to win an         education from Cardiff Bay
                     outright majority in these           and directly to the people who
                     elections, First Minister            use these vital services, to

“Only UKIP has       Drakeford has been cosying up to
                     Plaid Cymru to get their support
                                                          support strict controls on mass
                                                          immigration and end bogus

a full manifesto     for continuing the permanent
                     Labour Government either as full
                                                          asylum-seeking, and defend
                                                          British history and culture from
                     coalition partners or through a      leftist, anti-British attacks.
of policies to re-   ‘confidence and supply’ deal.

invigorate and       Recently, he announced that the
                     UK is ‘over’ and a federal future
                                                                 WALES FOREVER,
                                                                BRITAIN TOGETHER
revive Wales         beckons. How this would work is
                     anyone’s guess, as (i) England has          CYMRU AM BYTH,
after decades of     85% of the UK population and (ii)
                     government spending in Wales
                                                                 PRYDAIN YN UN

neglect”             is nearly 40% of national income
                     but the Welsh tax base produces

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Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
       “We are the only party with a plan for Wales to prosper
        post-devolution. UKIP would deliver a referendum to
                   Scrap the Senedd immediately.”
“The current Welsh Labour Health Minister has suggested that it will
take five years to return services to where they were pre-COVID-19.
   For UKIP, Welsh Labour’s lack of ambition and dampening of
                    expectations is unacceptable.”
Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
Devolution promised the people of Wales so much, but after 21 years of the Senedd it is
clear that it has been a good deal for politicians, but a bad deal for Wales. By nearly all
measures, devolution has failed.

Devolution has Not                        did the reverse and legislated          Brown’s Labour Governments from
Delivered More Democracy                  to devolve all powers unless            1997-2010. The Barnett Formula,
                                          specifically reserved.                  which significantly under-estimates
For 22 years Wales has been effectively                                           Wales’s needs in public spending,
a One Party State, with a permanent       The referendum also ‘guaranteed’        remained unchanged since 1978,
Labour Government, propped up as          voters that tax-raising powers would    as Wales needs increased relative to
necessary by Plaid Cymru and the Lib-     not be devolved without a further       the rest of the UK.
Dems.                                     referendum — a position that was
                                          enshrined in law. The ballot paper      Wales needs more muscle at
In 2016, Labour won nearly 48% of         specifically stated:                    Westminster – which will only
the Assembly seats on just 34% of                                                 happen if the ‘old gang’ legacy
the vote. Labour was able to form         “The Assembly cannot make               parties are rejected.
a Government only by a backroom           laws the
deal with Kirsty Williams (the            result of this vote.”                   Devolution has Taken Wales
only Lib-Dem AM). Kirsty joined                                                   Backwards
the Labour Government within              Yet, the Senedd passed a law
days of her Brecon & Radnorshire          giving power to raise income tax as     Since the Welsh Assembly/Senedd was
constituency rejecting the Labour         much as it wants. It did this without   created, Wales has gone backwards
Party by 92% to 8%.                       requiring a further vote by the         compared with the rest of the UK.
                                          people, whom they then redefined        Wales has moved down, below
In 2016, Wales voted to leave the         to include potential devolution         Northern Ireland, in the UK league
European Union. First Ministers           supporters, 16-year-olds and            tables of prosperity.
Carwyn Jones and Mark Drakeford           foreign nationals resident in Wales.
promised to respect the result. This      The terms of the 2011 referendum        Wales remains very poor. Incomes
was a barefaced lie and they spent        have been disrespected.                 are a dismal 75% of the UK
over 4 years trying to block Brexit.                                              average. West Wales and the
53% of the Welsh people voted to          One major consequence                   Valleys are amongst the poorest
leave the EU. 100% of Labour, Plaid       of devolution is the further            places in Western Europe. In the
and Lib-Dem AMs defied this vote          marginalisation of Wales at             1950s Wales’s GDP was twice
and did their damnedest to keep           Westminster. Thanks to devolution,      as big as Ireland’s. By 2020, the
us in then EU. They rejected the          we will see our representation          economy of the Irish Republic was
decisive will of the people in the        reduced from 40 MPs to 32. No           four times the size of Wales.
UK’s largest democratic exercise          Conservative Government at
and tried every trick in the book         Westminster is going to give more       More than 20% of Welsh people live
to try and reverse it. Thankfully,        money to a permanent Labour             in poverty, according to the Public
they failed. But their contempt for       Government in Wales, which              Policy Institute for Wales.
the referendum result proved that         constantly criticises and undermines
devolution is a sham.                     UK Government policy even in            The Welsh Government boasted
                                          non-devolved areas. It is a case of     that, by 2018, it would abolish
The pro-devolution Establishment          ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ Unlike     fuel poverty (spending more
called for the 2011 Welsh                 Northern Ireland’s DUP, which got       than 10% of income on heating).
referendum which devolved more            an extra £1 billion for sustaining      Today, 1 in 4 still have to choose
powers to Cardiff to be respected.        Theresa May’s government for            between heating and eating.
But they haven’t respected it             2 years, Labour got nothing by          Rather than do something about
themselves. The referendum                thumbing their nose at the UK           it, Welsh Government changed
called for law-making powers to           Government over Brexit.                 the definitions to hide these
be devolved in 20 specific areas.                                                 embarrassing numbers.
The Welsh Government and Plaid            Nor were things much different
                                          under Tony Blair and Gordon

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Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
The Senedd has Not Brought                  that devolution itself has failed. In         vaccination.
Politics Closer to the People               practice, things are even worse than      •   Was disadvantaged by the
                                            that.                                         apparent administrative
For most, especially in North Wales,                                                      lethargy of our devolved NHS.
Cardiff Bay is as remote as Westminster.    North Wales’s Betsi Cadwaladr             •   We also lose out because
Before the Covid pandemic, 50% of           Health Board has been one of the              powers to define priority groups
people still didn’t know that the NHS is    worst in the entire UK. It was in             for vaccination are devolved.
devolved to Cardiff.                        Special Measures for over 5 years,            The Welsh Government
                                            before being removed for political            decides how to distribute a
The Welsh Government pays                   reasons in the run-up to this year’s          population share of vaccine
lip service to democracy and                elections. It was put under direct            but we are getting the vaccine
consultation but ignores public             ministerial control in 2015, after the        into people’s arms less quickly.
opinion if it goes against their            Tawel Fan dementia ward scandal.              If the UK Government were
‘woke’ obsessions. The so-called            An inquiry reported patients                  in charge in Wales as well
‘smacking ban’ (removing parents’           forcefully restrained using furniture,        as in England, with the same
right of reasonable discipline of           assaults by staff, people left lying in       vaccine categories, we would
children) had little public support         their own urine and others allowed            benefit not just from their faster
and was overwhelmingly rejected by          to wander naked and unsupervised              roll-out, but a greater-than-
consultees. But Welsh Government            around the ward.                              population share, because we
bull-dozed it through anyway.                                                             have a higher proportion of
                                            The last 5 years have seen many               older people.
Mid Wales’s majestic landscapes             other scandals of incompetence,
and seascapes are being wrecked             waste and neglect                         A Referendum is Long
by forests of windmills in the Welsh                                                  Overdue
Government’s pointless virtue-              Half a million people in Wales are
signalling on global warming,               currently on an NHS waiting list.         When Wales voted against devolution
despite Wales producing a minute            That’s 20% of the adult population.       in 1979, it was asked to vote again in
fraction of 1% of the world’s CO2.          In North Wales, the typical wait for      1997. Despite voting for it then by the
Local opposition is ignored, as at          an orthopaedic operation is 2 years.      narrowest possible margin in a very low
Hendy (near Llandrindod Wells).                                                       poll, we are now told that devolution is
Planning consent was rejected               Before the pandemic:                      the ‘settled view’ of the Welsh people
by local opinion, Powys County                                                        and no chance has ever been given to
Council and even the independent            •   Waiting times had trebled for         reconsider the decision.
Inspector appointed by the Minister,            those waiting more than 36
who imposed her pre-ordained                    weeks for treatment.                  UKIP agrees that such a referendum
will, making a farce of the planning        •   The 95% target for patients           should be no more than a once-
process.                                        spending a maximum of 4 hours         in-a-generation event – although
                                                in A&E had never been met.            we had to wait for two generations
Little Democratic Mandate                   •   Cancer waiting times targets          before forcing the Brexit referendum
                                                had been missed for a decade.         on the unwilling political elites.
                                            •   The target of patients waiting
Devolution has failed to win mass
                                                a maximum of 26 weeks for             After 24 years it is quite legitimate
acceptance – voter turnout in
                                                treatment hadn’t been met for         to ask the Welsh people: “What do
Assembly elections never reached
                                                10 years.                             you think of it so far?”
                                            •   Mental health services were
                                                struggling with a backlog of          Wales would Benefit from
A Disaster for the                              inquiries. Wales had the third
Welsh NHS                                       highest rate out of English and       Scrapping the Senedd
                                                Welsh regions for female suicide
Devolution has been a disaster for              and the fourth highest rate for       Scrapping the Senedd would save
the Welsh NHS. 5 of the 7 Health                male suicide.                         us £65 million a year to start
Boards have been or remain in Special                                                 with. Not to mention the huge
Measures or Targeted Intervention –         During the pandemic:                      infrastructure of jobs-for-the-
run directly from Cardiff by the Health                                               boyos created by Welsh Labour
Minister.                                   •   The devolved NHS in Wales             which hangs like an entangling net
                                                failed to deliver mass testing,       over the Welsh economy. Useless
                                                before finally seeking help from      quangos, Commissions, ‘Third
The NHS accounts for half the entire
                                                the UK Government.                    Sector’ hangers-on and the rest of
Welsh Government budget. If NHS
                                            •   It is now behind in mass              the taxpayer-funded support for
Wales fails, that is tantamount to saying

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Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
the Leftist Establishment which             control.                                    education can be imposed in the
reinforces Wales culture of                                                             face of the strongest parental
dependency and decline.                     UKIP wants the NHS to be                    opposition, as at Llangennech.
                                            democratised so priorities reflect
Westminster is perfectly capable of         local needs and wishes. Health              UKIP believes that education also
making legislation specific to Wales,       Boards should be elected and NHS            needs to be put in the hands of
as it did for Scotland for over 100         executives should be answerable             local people, with ‘free schools’
years before the Scottish Parliament.       to them, their ‘customers’ and their        developed, as in England. Schools
The Welsh Grand Committee of                ‘paymasters’. The current system            need to be de-politicised. Parents
all Wales’s MPs could have an               has resulted in catastrophes and            should be given the democratic
enhanced role in the governance of          cover-ups. Elected Health Boards            levers to ensure that they decide
Wales. That model allowed Wales             would give a real voice to patients         what sort of schooling their
specific Education Acts and the             and their families. It would also           children get, not politicians with
development of Welsh language               make officials publicly accountable         their own agenda whether it be
policy. It led to the disestablishment      for their decisions and stewardship.        ‘woke’ obsessions like ‘racism’ or
of the Anglican Church in Wales as                                                      linguistic authoritarianism. School
long ago as 1920. It also allowed           Scrapping the Senedd and giving             boards should be elected, with
a different approach to Sunday              power to local people would also            Head Teachers and others publicly
closing from 1881 to 1996.                  make it clear who is responsible            answerable to those whom schools
                                            for the decisions affecting our most        serve.
Scrap the Senedd - What                     vulnerable people.
Happens Next?                                                                           It needs to be said in the strongest
                                            Removing the artificial bureaucratic        terms and in the loudest voice:
                                            middle-man in Cardiff will bring            children belong to their parents, not
Scrapping the Senedd is a positive          government closer to the people.            the State.
move, not a reversion to what was there     It’s no surprise that the worst-
before. UKIP’s vision is to give power      performing Health Board is the
to the people and not revert to the         one furthest from Cardiff, in North
arrogant out-of-control politician-driven   Wales.
system at Westminster that was there
before.                                     Democratising the NHS,
                                            which spends half the Welsh
75% of the Welsh budget goes                Government’s budget would be
on the NHS and Education. Our               a massive advance in grass-roots
policy wants people to have more            democracy and release the palsied
powers in these areas, not less.            grip of the Cardiff-Bay-cosy-club
NHS Wales has largely been run              politicians.
from Cardiff with decisions imposed
by the Minister or appointed Health
Boards. The people who use the              Education: A New Model
NHS get no say in how their local
NHS is run even though it is entirely       At the moment, Labour’s national
funded by their taxes. If wrong             Education policy is imposed from            “Real devolution is not the
choices are made, no-one is held to         Cardiff by a Minister whose own
                                            constituency rejected Labour by 92%         current sham where politicians
account, however great the disaster.
                                            to 8%. Anyone opposing her ‘woke’           at Westminster devolve power
There was limited participation of          agenda (e.g. prioritising ‘Black history’   to other politicians in Cardiff
                                            over Welsh history or making sex
patients via Community Health
                                            education compulsory in primary             Bay or County Halls. Real
Councils (CHCs) in each NHS
area. But even that has now                 schools against parents’ wishes)            democracy means transferring
been abolished by a centralising            gets short shrift. Brecon & Radnor’s        power to the people directly -
                                            bossyboots Senedd Member doesn’t
Welsh Labour Government which
                                            think she knows best; she knows she
                                                                                        making people, not politicians,
always thinks it knows what’s best
for people they see and treat as            does. Anyone objecting is ignored or        the real decision-makers.”
ignorant peasants - the voters.             insulted as backward and ignorant.
They abolished the local CHCs and
replaced them with one CHC for              Local schools administration and                 Neil Hamilton
                                            policy is controlled politically by                Leader, UKIP Wales.
the whole of Wales, appointed by
                                            County Councils and parents are             UKIP Candidate for South Wales East
the Minister in Cardiff. This is the
                                            ignored. Hence, Welsh-medium                            & Islwyn
North Korean model of democratic

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Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
  “Mass-uncontrolled migration has put an unprecedented strain on
   school places, housing and healthcare. Competition for jobs has
 suppressed wages, leaving many struggling to earn decent wages in
               some of Wales’s poorest communities.”
“The current Welsh Labour Health Minister has suggested that it will
take five years to return services to where they were pre-COVID-19.
   For UKIP, Welsh Labour’s lack of ambition and dampening of
                    expectations is unacceptable.”
Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
UKIP believes in firm and fair immigration control. Migrants coming to Britain must have
desired skills, pre-arranged employment and financial security, enter legally and should
not displace British citizens from employment. Wales and the UK should always remain
welcoming places for those who want to integrate and contribute to British society
provided that they have entered and remain in the UK legally.

Net Migration                              taxpayer £1.2 million in policing costs,       for migrants once they have
                                           proved that Wales is ill-equipped to be        worked in the UK for 10
In 2020, 715,000 people came to            a “Nation of Sanctuary”. 1 in 4 people         continuous years and have
Britain – the highest on record. Net       in Wales live in fuel poverty and UKIP         fully integrated into society.
migration stands at 313,000 - that’s a     believes charity must start at home.
city the size of Cardiff added to the UK
population every year.                     UKIP pledges to:

Mass-uncontrolled migration has put an     •   Scrap Welsh Labour’s “Nation of
unprecedented strain on school places,         Sanctuary” for illegal migrants
housing and healthcare. Competition            and only award asylum to
for jobs has suppressed wages,                 genuine refugees proven to be
leaving many struggling to earn decent         fleeing war torn countries who
wages in some of Wales’s poorest               have arrived in the UK and
communities.                                   Wales legally.
                                           •   Refuse asylum to migrants who
UKIP pledges to:                               have entered the UK illegally
                                               from a safe country like France,
•   Reduce net-migration to below              Belgium or the Netherlands.
    10,000 per year.                       •   Repair the UK’s broken asylum
•   Limit the number of migrants               system which costs the British
    who are awarded the right to               taxpayer nearly £1 billion a
    permanently settle in the UK.              year, by establishing an effective
•   Stop access to public housing or           border force.
    benefits until new arrivals have       •   Invest in the UK border force,
    been a tax-paying resident in              creating jobs for veterans who
    the UK for five years.                     have left the armed services.
                                           •   Deport all foreign criminals
Illegal Immigration                            from the UK.                                “UKIP believes that
Illegal migration has sky-rocketed         Non-Citizen Voting Rights                     Wales is ill-equipped for
under the Conservative Government                                                       Labour’s virtue signalling
in Westminster. In 2020, more illegal      In this Senedd Election, Labour and
crossings were made than in 2018 and       Plaid have awarded the right to vote for        ‘Nation of Sanctuary’
2019 combined.                             non-British citizens. UKIP believes in the   policy which aims to house
                                           democratic principle of “no citizenship,
Worse still, the Labour-led Welsh          no vote”. The right to vote is a privilege   illegal migrants in Wales.
Government has designated Wales a          and should be awarded to those who            Charity starts at home -
“Nation of Sanctuary” for all illegal      have made a long-term commitment to
migrants. The Senedd’s dangerous           the United Kingdom.                            we must look after our
virtue signalling has encouraged                                                             own people first.”
more people to attempt the perilous        UKIP pledges to:
journey across the English Channel in
                                           •   Reverse legislation that
                                                                                           Paul Campbell
inadequate small boats and dinghies.                                                          UKIP Candidate for
                                               awards non-British citizens the               South Wales Central &
Illegal migrant camps like Penally             vote in Wales.                                Cardiff South & Penarth
Barracks in Pembrokeshire, costing the     •   Make citizenship obtainable

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Senedd Manifesto 2021 - UKIP Wales 2021 Senedd Election
“The current Welsh Labour Health Minister has suggested that it will
take five years to return services to where they were pre-COVID-19.
   For UKIP, Welsh Labour’s lack of ambition and dampening of
                    expectations is unacceptable.”
Devolution has caused catastrophic failure in the health service in Wales. Patient
outcomes, patient waiting times, ambulance waiting times are all worse. There has
been long-running financial mismanagement and incompetence. COVID-19 has
exacerbated many of these pre-existing problems. UKIP’s principles are to ensure that
our NHS remains free at the point of delivery; puts patients and families at the heart
of decision-making; is protected from any ‘health tourism’ by those who have not
contributed; solves long term health problems and conditions in an efficient way; and
is better prepared for future health challenges and virus epidemics, using British and
Welsh expertise and equipment.

Immediate Priorities                   meet targets in the areas of planned             and Emergency in Wales was the
                                       hospital treatment; A&E waiting times;           highest on record in January 2020
UKIP pledges to:                       and ambulance waiting times. They                at 6,882 patients, completely
                                       are still failing to meet targets in these       missing the Welsh Government’s
•   Ensure without delay that          areas in 2021. UKIP accepts that some            then targets.
    families are reunited with loved   of these performance metrics may have        •   Only 70% of patients have been
    ones in care homes, as a mental    been skewed by COVID-19, partly                  seen within 4 hours of being in
    health and wellbeing priority,     owing to radically increased use of              A&E, 25% below the target.
    by proportionately assessing       Personal Protective Equipment, new           •   The current target that 95% of
    the reduced risk this poses in     protocols and challenges. However,               patients should spend no longer
    light of an expected successful    many performance targets were not                than four hours in A&E, has never
    vaccine roll-out programme         met by Welsh Labour well before                  been met since it was introduced in
    and an improved public health      COVID-19. Our goal is to strike the              2010.
    outlook.                           right balance between safety and             •   Only 53.7% of emergency
•   Create an NHS recovery plan to     effectiveness.                                   responses to immediately life-
    get all treatments back on track                                                    threatening calls (Red Calls) arrived
    after disruption from lockdowns.   Details of current under performance             within eight minutes on figures
•   Ensure the Welsh NHS detects       include:                                         released in 2021, failing to meet
    cancer, or gives an ‘all-clear’,                                                    the 65% target.
    within 28 days of referral.        •   Over 73,500 more patients were           •   The 65% target for life-threatening
•   Pay Welsh NHS staff properly:          on waiting lists for planned hospital        calls for an ambulance arriving in
    no cap to be set on pay                treatment in early 2021.                     8 minutes has not been met for at
    increases; funds to be re-         •   The number of people waiting                 least five months in a row.
    directed from paying pointless         more than nine months for planned        •   Ambulances spent more than
    bureaucrats and management             hospital treatment in February               11,661 hours (an equivalent of
    consultants excessive sums.            2021 was eight times higher than             485 days) outside emergency
•   Continue to ensure that the full       early 2020.                                  departments waiting to transfer
    course of the vaccine rollout is   •   231,722 people have waited more              patients in late 2020.
    there for those members of the         than 36 weeks for treatment to start
    public who choose to have it.          (almost half of all patients waiting     UKIP pledges to:
•   Oppose the introduction of             for planned treatment).
    ‘Vaccine Passports’ in any form,   •   In February and March 2017, at           •   Support long-term investment in
    and will immediately halt any          least 22% of patients waited 27              staff and resources for a better
    ‘reviews’ of such proposals.           weeks or more for treatment.                 NHS, no pay-cap for frontline
•   Ensure free prescriptions in       •   The Welsh Government target of               staff.
    Wales remain, UKIP’s ambition          treating 95% of patients within          •   Ensure, where possible, services
    is to make this happen UK-wide.        26 weeks and having no-one                   are moved closer to people’s
                                           waiting to begin treatment within            homes and communities,
NHS Performance                            six months has clearly failed well           e.g. support and in some
                                           before COVID-19 and in 2021.                 circumstances (re-)establish
The Welsh Government has failed to     •   Those waiting 12 hours in Accident           cottage hospitals.

                                                       Page 9
•   Develop an integrated and           Cancer Referral Times                            appropriate.
    long-term plan for training                                                      •   Ring-fence mental health
    and developing the health and       The number of patients referred                  funding at a higher level than is
    social care workforce Wales         for cancer treatment in April 2020               currently the case.
    needs.                              dropped by more than 51% compared            •   Incentivise local authorities
•   Review, with an aim of reducing,    to March 2020. On figures this year,             to protect the mental health
    the number of self-standing         on the urgent cancer pathway, 70.2%              services they provide and to
    organisations within the Welsh      of patients started definitive treatment         reverse cuts in community
    NHS which receive tens of           within the target time of 62 days. This is       mental health services.
    millions of pounds every year,      below the target of 95% and is a fall on     •   Support provision of evidence-
    despite a lack of evidence          previous months.                                 based psychological therapies,
    about their impact on patient                                                        e.g. CBT within 28 days of
    outcomes.                           UKIP pledges to:                                 referral.
•   Provide social care for elderly                                                  •   Introduce formal and
    people who find themselves          •   Ensure the Welsh NHS detects                 comprehensive data collection
    unnecessarily confined to               cancer, or gives an ‘all-clear’,             on the relative success of talking
    hospital.                               within 28 days of referral.                  therapies as compared to drug-
•   Enable better collaboration         •   Establish ’one stop’ cancer                  based treatment.
    between health boards and               diagnosis and treatment                  •   Improve psychological therapies
    social services to allow care           regional centres to lead the                 for children and young people
    packages to be put back in              fight against cancer and                     across Wales.
    place more quickly once people          improve patient survival rates.          •   Invest in the assessment and
    are fit for discharge.              •   Assign a specialist cancer nurse             treatment of ADHD, autism and
•   Be rigorous about collecting            to everyone who is given a                   other neuro-developmental
    data.                                   cancer diagnosis as their key                conditions, including more
•   Promote wiser use of the Welsh          worker in the acute stages of                severe conditions where young
    NHS and encourage the public            treatment.                                   people develop psychosis.
    to use minor injuries units         •   Ensure every person with cancer          •   Promote Child and Adolescent
    where possible, given that there        has a full needs assessment and              Mental Health Services as an
    is a much swifter treatment and         written care plan.                           avenue for the most severe
    discharge time.                     •   Enable each person diagnosed                 cases.
•   Ensure that all those travelling        with cancer to receive timely
    to the UK for work or pleasure          and accurate information and             Finance
    from abroad maintain adequate           support.
    travel insurance arrangements                                                    Health boards amassed spending
    to reimburse the NHS for any        Mental Health                                deficits of £600 million by the start of
    treatment received during their                                                  the COVID-19 crisis. £470 million of
    stay.                               Mental Health treatment should have          taxpayers’ money was used to partially
•   Review the use of NHS facilities    been on par with physical health care        pay this off. If the boards were more
    for private practice.               prior to COVID-19 but it was not.            competently managed in the first place,
•   Be proactive in public health       After COVID-19, there is even greater        they would not have fallen into debt;
    campaigns to encourage people       urgency to drastically improve mental        that £470 million could have been
    to take responsibility for better   health services and treatments, not least    spent directly on the many treatments
    care of their health so that,       in the case of NHS staff, care workers,      which have drastically fallen behind
    where possible, we can prevent      those providing palliative care and          since COVID-19.
    ill-health occurring in the first   those suffering from bereavement who
    place (education on nutrition       were not able to say goodbye to loved        One of the boards with the largest
    and healthy lifestyles should be    ones.                                        deficit, Betsi Cadwaladr in North Wales,
    a compulsory part of the school                                                  was controlled directly by the Welsh
    curriculum).                        UKIP pledges to:                             Government until recently. Pointless
•   Continue to ensure that                                                          bureaucrats we paid £5 million,
    hospital car parking is free and    •   Charge one elected member                including the infamous ‘Marbella
    implemented UK-wide.                    of each local health board               man’ £2,000 per-day-management
•   Actively consider the                   to champion mental health                consultant. This is a damning
    reassessment of critical and            provision.                               indictment of the Health Minister
    emergency care hospitals for        •   Direct patients diagnosed with a         and, more generally, politician and
    people who live in central and          debilitating long-term condition         management-consultant abilities to
    rural Wales.                            or terminal illnesses to mental          protect our NHS.
                                            health professionals when

                                                       Page 10
UKIP pledges to:                          •   Ensure that mental health              UKIP pledges to:
                                              services are given parity with
•   Stop all Welsh Health Boards              physical health services and           •   Train the required number of
    building up colossal financial            that this is reflected in staffing         doctors and nurses that we
    deficits by insisting upon                and budget allocations, and                need in Wales and the UK.
    governance parameters which               investigate the causes of              •   Dramatically increase the
    do not allow the build-up of              increased mental health issues             number of training places for
    such large deficits.                      in order to tackle them at                 British doctors, nurses and
•   Remove big devolved                       source.                                    paramedics.
    government and bureaucrats            •   Charge one elected member              •   Prioritise training our own NHS
    from complete financial control           of each local health board                 workers, rather than relying on
    of the NHS, by involving directly         to champion mental health                  recruiting medical staff from
    elected health boards more.               provision.                                 abroad or paying extortionate
•   Ensure that £2000-per-day             •   Better prepare for virus                   agency costs.
    Spain based management                    epidemics with protective              •   Ensure low-paid NHS staff, who
    consultants, and suchlike, do             equipment provided by British              use their private cars for work,
    not preside over the Welsh                companies, using objective                 are reimbursed in full for their
    NHS again, by assigning                   decision making, and not                   mileage.
    reasonable and proportional               favouring crony-contractors.           •   Encourage the recruitment of
    pay to managers from the start                                                       hospital doctors and GPs by
    via the elected health boards’        UKIP’s elected health boards will:             waiving repayment of tuition
    mandates.                                                                            fees while they work in the
                                          •   Cut the top-heavy size of local            NHS, and ensure that there are
Power to the People: A Better                 health boards from 18-20                   adequate student bursaries for
Way of Managing the NHS                       people in many cases to no                 nursing and midwifery students.
                                              more than 11.                          •   Ensure that students receiving
The seven Local Health Boards in          •   Have six elected non-executives            NHS bursaries for university
Wales oversee hospitals and community         constitute the majority of each            courses work for a 3-year
services, as well as GP and dentistry         local health board and one of              minimum term within an NHS
funding. They are responsible for             these would chair the board.               setting following graduation.
deciding which treatments and services    •   Have up to five full-time              •   Introduce the equivalent of
are available and are also meant to           executives who would constitute            State Enrolled Nurses, and
ensure that hospitals meet waiting time       the remainder of each local                encourage more trainee nurses
targets.                                      health board, potentially halving          to enter the profession by this
                                              the number of senior managers              method.
UKIP will introduce locally elected           getting six figure salaries.           •   Ensure that students receiving
health boards, putting patients and       •   Have the six non-executive                 NHS bursaries for university
families at the heart of decision-            members elected by Single                  courses work for a 3-year
making and to ensure that our NHS             Transferable Vote at the same              minimum term within an NHS
never again becomes a Welsh-Labour            time as council elections take             setting following graduation.
monetary black hole.                          place in Wales.
                                          •   Invest savings from                    Dementia Care
UKIP’s elected health boards will:            management costs in patient
                                              care.                                  Dementia is the leading cause of death
•   Further refine UKIP’s NHS initial                                                among women over the age of 55
    recovery plan for future years        Recruitment of Medical                     and a significant cause amongst men.
    according to local needs.             Professionals                              Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease were
•   Cap senior management and                                                        the leading cause of death in the UK
    advisor pay to be within a            NHS staff on the frontline were            in 2018. It can often be very difficult
    reasonable ratio to the pay of        facing significant strain as a result of   to get help even after diagnosis of the
    frontline staff.                      severe recruitment difficulties prior      condition has taken place.
•   Create a staffing strategy that       to COVID-19. Since COVID-19 that
    takes account of peaks and            strain has further increased. It does      UKIP pledges to:
    troughs in demand, future             not make sense to cut our own training
    population and demographic            programmes in the NHS to save money,       •   Improve carers’ access to
    changes, to ensure that               then recruit health professionals from         support by sharing information
    taxpayers are not forced into         abroad, thus draining other countries of       on benefit and social care
    paying ludicrous overtime bills       highly skilled professionals.                  entitlements and support groups
    to maintain basic services.                                                          across all public services.

                                                         Page 11
•   Train health staff to identify,             end of life care, particularly in       Lockdowns
    support and involve carers of               areas where Welsh is widely
    people with dementia as well as             spoken, so that first-language          UKIP opposed the use of national
    to enable quicker diagnosis.                Welsh speakers with dementia            lockdowns to combat the COVID-19
•   Allow carers the right to                   or at end of life are able to           epidemic which have caused a national
    access wards, to participate in             communicate comfortably.                mental health crisis and plunged our
    treatment decisions and to stay                                                     economy to the worst state it’s been in
    with those that they care for in        Cross Border Health Services                in 300 years. We have always believed
    hospital.                               & Devolution                                that there are better alternatives to
                                                                                        the suspension of civil liberties. The
Improved Use of the                         For those who live in Wales and are         lockdown policy is directly responsible
Pharmacy Profession                         registered with an English GP, or who       for many avoidable deaths from
                                            live in England and are registered with     untreated cancer and heart conditions.
The pharmacy profession offers              a Welsh GP, disparity of waiting times      No country has ever got healthier by
significant opportunities for patients to   and unequal access to medication has        making itself poorer and less free.
access pharmaceutical care, without         become a major source of contention.
needing to join long NHS waiting                                                        UKIP pledges to:
lists. We acknowledge that long-term        UKIP will Scrap the Senedd, subject to a
conditions, such as diabetes, affect        referendum, and wants to implement its      •   End lockdown measures
acute hospital care through emergency       policies at UK-level in an elected health       and restrictions immediately,
admissions and readmissions.                board managed integrated NHS, which             particularly in light of the
                                            does not sharply distinguish between            successful vaccine rollout.
UKIP pledges to:                            the Wales-England border.                   •   Oppose any notions of domestic
                                                                                            vaccine passports.
•   Support the establishment               In the meantime, UKIP pledges to:           •   Discourage the use of national
    of a pharmacy-led Chronic                                                               lockdowns for future pandemics,
    Medication Service to improve           •   Promote cooperation between                 instead looking into alternative
    health outcomes for patients,               the Department of Health                    approaches such as the
    reduce pressures on GP                      and the Welsh Government to                 one proposed by The Great
    services and help people live               establish a single performers               Barrington Declaration: shield
    independently.                              list for GPs across England and             the vulnerable - including
•   Integrate pharmacist expertise              Wales.                                      through the use of vaccinations
    into NHS Multidisciplinary              •   Support direct employment of                - but do not chastise or imprison
    Teams.                                      GPs by local health boards for              those not deemed at risk.
                                                under-served areas.
Commitment to End-Of-Life                   •   Seek to equalise the availability
Care                                            of drugs for Welsh patients.
                                            •   Support integral national health
With an ageing population, a growing            service provision along the
number of people will need access to            border and to exchange best
palliative care. Patients with terminal         practice.
conditions other than cancer, such as
those with dementia, heart failure or
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
are currently much less likely to get the
right care.

UKIP pledges to:

•   Ensure that everyone who needs
    palliative care has access to it.
•   Develop community services
    for those living with a terminal
•   Conduct a bi-annual survey of
    bereaved people to give a fuller
    picture of end-of-life care.
•   Improve Welsh language
    provision for dementia and

                                                           Page 12
Social Care

UKIP believes that social care should
not put a person’s home and savings
in jeopardy if they have paid tax and
national insurance all of their life. We
will ensure that this principle is applied
in Wales.

UKIP also pledges to:

•   Integrate the NHS and adult
    social care and place the
    combined service under the
    remit of elected local health
    boards.                                     “I am passionate about
•   Undertake a thorough review
    of how to fund the increasing                 helping people with
    demand for social care and                   disabilities, however
    will consider supporting it via
    a Sovereign Wealth Fund, or                 with Health Boards in
    supporting it in other ways, such        constant special measures,
    as by reviewing government
    spending of National Insurance               unacceptable waiting
    revenues.                                times and outrageous sums
•   Support good quality, reliable
    and affordable care services,            being given to bureaucrats
    including respite provisions,             people find it increasingly
    to enable families to have
    a life alongside their caring               difficult to get the help
    responsibilities.                         that they need. It is clear
•   Reduce the practice of
    arranging home care visits in            that politicians have failed
    short time-windows.                        the Welsh NHS. It’s time
•   Develop centres of excellence
    for social work.                           to put our health service
•   Provide support to return to                in the hands of us - the
    work when caring comes to an
    end.                                                people.”
                                                  Jeanie Barton
                                                    Health Professional.
                                              UKIP Candidate for North Wales &
                                                        Clwyd West

                                                         Page 13
  “Whilst UKIP does not believe that education should be
devolved, we will do everything in our power to ensure that
high quality, responsive and politically neutral education is
            provided for all learners in Wales.”
As a direct result of devolution, Wales has remained consistently bottom of the PISA
rankings in the UK on reading, maths, and science and continues to perform below
the OECD average. In some instances, education in Wales has been used as a tool for
political propaganda rather than learning. This must end.

School Funding                              their journey through education.                studies. Over time, we would
                                                                                            also seek to fund a broader
Recent reports have found that out          UKIP pledges to:                                range of languages such as
of £2.5bn allocated for education                                                           Russian and Mandarin at
in the Welsh Government’s budget,           •   Ensure that all primary schools             secondary level.
£450m was never seen by schools,                in any given local authority            •   Support the introduction
instead being kept by regional school           have regular access to maths                of mandatory ‘Citizenship’
improvement consortia or local                  and science specialists from                lessons to teach students what
authorities. UKIP believes that this is         universities and other schools              it means to be a citizen in
unacceptable and funds would be                 who can visit, take some classes            wider society and help them
better spent on frontline services rather       and provide support to tackle               develop applicable real-life
than quangos.                                   current problematic standards               skills such as an understanding
                                                of literacy and numeracy.                   of basic economics and political
UKIP pledges to:                            •   Increase the number of                      institutions, developing critical
                                                study hours dedicated to the                skills to discern fact from
•   Dismantle the 4 schools                     development of literacy skills.             propaganda and appreciating
    improvement consortia in                                                                Welsh and British culture.
    Wales and redirect their annual         Curriculum                                  •   Give parents the right to
    £150m budget directly to                                                                exempt their children from
    schools, many of which are now          It is crucially important that the              Welsh language lessons in
    in deficit.                             curriculum in Welsh primary and                 the schools they attend at the
•   Order a transparent review              secondary schools puts students on the          age of fourteen. Nonetheless,
    into where the rest of the              right course to obtain employment or            every school should aspire to
    £450m is being spent and                further education. UKIP believes that the       provide Welsh lessons up to
    where appropriate cuts can be           curriculum should be oriented around            GCSE and promote bilingualism
    made to reduce bureaucracy              these subjects and lessons, rather than         between English and Welsh
    and redirect funds to frontline         mandatory teaching of less useful               as a springboard for learning
    schools.                                subjects. Some (such as the Welsh               other languages, not as an
•   Restore data comparison                 Baccalaureate) have been implemented            alternative.
    between England and Wales               as a form of political propaganda.          •   End political correctness in
    which was stopped by the                                                                schools and introduce a specific
    Welsh Government in 2012 so             UKIP pledges to:                                Act to prevent damaging
    that important comparisons on                                                           political propaganda being
    standards and funding can be            •   Scrap the Welsh Baccalaureate               passed off as fact. Indoctrination
    made.                                       which is more time consuming                of young minds is wrong. What
                                                than equivalent qualifications,             we must give them is the desire
Primary Education                               not valuable for future careers,            and capacity to think freely for
                                                not useful in applications for UK           themselves.
A child’s introduction to education is          universities and only serves to
vitally important, particularly now that        negatively affect achievement in        Sex Education
many have missed out on over a year             other more relevant studies.
of education as a result of COVID-19.       •   Introduce the mandatory study           Parents should have the overriding
This is when the pattern for learning           of French, German, Spanish,             influence over their children’s
is laid down and when literacy and              or Italian in the first year of         upbringing. However, the Senedd
good social skills are established, so          primary school and ensure               has taken unprecedented steps to
it is crucial that the primary education        continuity between primary and          interfere with how we raise our children
system in Wales sets our children up for        secondary school language               by making lessons on relationships,

                                                           Page 15
sex and religion mandatory for all           the best possible career opportunities.    UKIP supports the return to traditional
primary and secondary schoolchildren                                                    examinations in 2021. We see no
throughout Wales. UKIP believes that         We aim to expand the thriving Welsh        reason that exams - which are socially
the sexualisation of children must stop      higher education sector with an            distanced by nature – cannot take place
now.                                         emphasis on teaching STEM subjects         with the appropriate precautions.
                                             and quality of research, whilst
UKIP pledges to:                             defunding degrees such as Gender           Grammar Schools &
                                             Studies that only act as cash cows for
•   Allow parents to withdraw their          universities and do nothing to improve     Technical Colleges
    children from RSE classes.               the employability of students.
•   End the teaching of sex                                                             UKIP wants Welsh pupils to be
    education in primary schools                                                        truly given the chance to become
                                             UKIP pledges to:                           the inventors, engineers, scientists
    altogether. Any form of sex
    education in primary schools                                                        and technicians that this country so
                                             •   Remove tuition fees for UK             desperately needs. We must develop
    is wholly inappropriate – kids               domiciled undergraduates
    should be allowed to be kids.                                                       21st century skills in manufacturing,
                                                 taking degrees in Science,             engineering and digital expertise. We
•   Ensure that all parents are                  Technology, Engineering,
    made fully aware of sex                                                             therefore believe that existing secondary
                                                 Mathematics and Medicine               schools should have the opportunity to
    education teaching materials                 (STEM) subjects in Wales on the
    before they are used.                                                               develop into vocational or grammar
                                                 condition that graduates remain        schools.
•   Repeal the recently passed                   in the UK and continue working
    Curriculum and Assessment                    in their relevant fields during
    (Wales) Act.                                                                        UKIP pledges to:
                                                 the loan repayment period.
                                             •   End taxpayer funding of                •   Encourage the establishment of
Further Education                                ‘social justice’ degrees with              new grammar schools, which
                                                 limited job prospects (such as             are a proven path to social
Further education offers a springboard           Gender Studies) by making                  mobility for working class
for people who wish to improve their             them ineligible for financing              children.
skills in order to get back into the             through Student Finance Wales.         •   Encourage the establishment
workplace. This is a sector of education         Universities will still be able to         of ‘free schools’ to depoliticise
that has been overlooked by successive           provide these courses, however             schooling in Wales.
Welsh Governments. UKIP believes that            students will need to find
the further education sector needs to be         alternative ways of funding their
protected and expanded to offer more             fees.                                  Teachers’ Conditions
quality courses and apprenticeships.         •   Retain the quality-related (QR)
                                                 budget that underpins world            Too many teachers are bogged down
UKIP pledges to:                                 leading research in Wales.             in paperwork, working excessive hours
                                             •   Support part-time provision            and struggling to find an acceptable
•   Protect the future further                   of courses to widen access to          work-life balance.
    education budget in real terms.              higher education and to help
•   Promote a local approach for                 up-skill the Welsh workforce.          UKIP pledges to:
    the integration of skills with
    economic growth strategies,                                                         •   Decrease the amount of
                                             Exams during Coronavirus                       paperwork teachers deal with,
    adapted to the particular needs
    of each individual community                                                            such as unduly elaborate
                                             As a result of the coronavirus                 individual lesson plans,
    across Wales.                            pandemic, there have been dramatic
•   Recognise that people gain                                                              excessive data collection, overly
                                             changes in the way assessment of               prescriptive internal assessment
    economically and socially useful         qualifications will take place in Wales.
    skills through learning.                                                                and dialogue-based marking
                                             UKIP believes that the current proposal        schemes.
                                             that grades will be determined by          •   Radically overhaul teacher
Higher Education                             their school or college based on an            training courses and refocus
                                             assessment of the learner’s work is            the training of educators to use
According to the Office for National         wholly inappropriate. This method              successful traditional teaching
Statistics, 40% of Welsh graduates           of grading is unfair, particularly             methods that focus on facts and
are in non-graduate jobs. UKIP will          on students who have spent years               excellence rather than post-
encourage students to choose courses         developing skills to excel in the              modern, deconstructive and
and careers that will help to fill the       traditional exam component. This               relativistic methods.
current skills gap, both to benefit Wales,   system may also put students at a
the UK and to give our young people          considerable disadvantage later in life.

                                                            Page 16
Home Schooling

UKIP supports the rights of parents who wish to educate their children at home and would encourage annual assessment of
the home schooled child’s wellbeing by the local authority.

Special Needs Support

Many young people in Wales with learning disorders are disadvantaged by late recognition of their specific difficulties, with
many waiting for years from referral to diagnosis. UKIP believes that early diagnosis followed closely by appropriate support
results in a better experience for the child and fewer problems for the school. In our view, investment at an earlier stage can
save money in the long term.

UKIP pledges to:

•    Tackle the unacceptable waiting times for diagnostic assessment.
•    Support the implementation of an ‘autism curriculum’, which captures not only children’s learning
     requirements but also seeks to address social, emotional and communication needs.
•    Reverse the policy of closing schools for special needs children.
•    Introduce special educational needs modules in all teacher training courses.
•    Allow time for staff to be given access to expertise and to be trained and work jointly with speech and
     language therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, dyslexia assessors and mental health and social
     care professionals.

                                                             Dan Morgan
                                                             UKIP Candidate for South Wales West
                                                             & Swansea East

    “As a father, I believe parents should always have the final say on what
      is taught to their children. UKIP has pledged to review the existing
     curriculum, halting overtly sexual lessons, scrapping sex education in
    primary schools and putting power back into the hands of parents to opt
         their children out of sex education classes before the age of 16.”

                                                           Page 17
“The current Welsh Labour Health Minister has suggested that it will
take five years to return services to where they were pre-COVID-19.
    “TheUKIP, Welsh
           Welsh     Labour’s
                 economy    haslack  of ambition
                                 struggled       andwith
                                           for years dampening
    infrastructure and  transport isnetworks.
                                              Modernisation of our
                  transport links are long overdue.”
UKIP will renovate outdated transport networks and build the M4 Relief Road which
will attract more investment into Wales. We will create tens of thousands of new jobs
for local people whose livelihoods have been wrecked by lockdowns through the
designation of freeports and other tax-free zones across Wales.

M4 Relief Road                            services. The Beeching Cuts, as put            •   Oppose the devolution of Air
                                          forward in the 1960s, devastated                   Passenger Duty.
The M4 through South Wales clearly        railway services in Wales. We must
needs relief and improvement, most        prioritise the electrification of key routes
urgently at the pinch approaching         to bring Wales’s transport network into        Economic Development
the Brynglas tunnels and particularly     the 21st century.
considering the expected 38% rise in                                                     Following over a year of devastating
traffic along the M4 over the next 30     UKIP pledges to:                               lockdowns, the Welsh economy is on
years.                                                                                   its knees. Our once proud hospitality
                                          •   Support the plans for the                  and tourism sector is in ruins. UKIP
UKIP strongly opposed the Welsh               electrification of the South               is proposing a strong package of
Government’s decision to axe the              Wales mainline to Swansea                  economic stimuli to get the nation back
vital relief road on unsubstantiated          which were scrapped on the                 on its feet.
environmental grounds, thereby wasting        grounds of over-inflated costs.
£150m already spent on the project.       •   Review the Beeching Cuts and,              UKIP pledges to:
We believe this is a missed opportunity       where appropriate, reopen
for economic development in Wales.            train stations and railway lines           •   Save the Pub by cutting VAT
                                              to improve travelling across                   on alcohol served in licensed
UKIP pledges to:                              Wales. We have recently seen                   premises from 20% to zero,
                                              this with the reopening of Bow                 which we are free to do as a
•   Support a regional referendum             Street, however there are many                 result of leaving the EU.
    on the M4 relief road.                    more existing lines that could be          •   Freeze business rates at zero for
•   Support the building of the M4            reinstated.                                    at least 12 months to help small
    relief road. The ‘black route’                                                           businesses recover.
    proposal has already undergone        Air Travel                                     •   Create a £100m recovery and
    thorough investigative work.                                                             refurbishment fund for the
    UKIP will also review the ‘blue       We do not believe that government                  Welsh tourism industry.
    route’ proposal, and take into        should own or operate airports, as             •   Support the designation of tax-
    account the future and overall        this breeds inefficiency and stymies               free zones and freeports which
    cost of the proposed project.         competition. We opposed the Welsh                  will create tens of thousands of
•   End the years of gridlock on the      Government’s decision to squander                  new jobs and revive our coastal
    M4 – the main thoroughfare            £52m of Welsh taxpayers’ money                     communities.
    into Wales.                           on buying Cardiff airport and then             •   Call for an investigation on
•   Trust the rigorous independent        providing them with a further £28m in              where a new motorway from
    inquiry which concluded that          loans after the airport posted losses of           the Birmingham transport
    the project was a good use of         £18.5m in 2019.                                    hubs into Wales could be built.
    public funds, that environmental                                                         This new transport link would
    objections were overstated and        UKIP pledges to:                                   not only increase connectivity
    that it was in the public interest.                                                      between Wales and England but
                                          •   Sell Cardiff Airport immediately               provide many thousands of jobs.
Railways                                      to mitigate any further loss               •   Ensure more provision of bus
                                              to Welsh taxpayers so a new                    services in rural and isolated
Wales has struggled for years with            owner can operate it on a                      areas of Wales, particularly in
outdated and inadequate railways              proper commercial basis.                       Mid and North Wales.

                                                          Page 19
“The current Welsh Labour Health Minister has suggested that it will
take five years to return services to where they were pre-COVID-19.
   For UKIP, are
   “Farmers  WelshtheLabour’s  lackofofthe
                      custodians         ambition  and dampening
                                           Welsh countryside      of
                                                             and the
  heart of Wales’sexpectations    is unacceptable.”
                     rural communities.    As a direct consequence of
 urban-centric Labour Party policy, farming is one of the most over
                    regulated industries in Wales.”
Farmers are the custodians of the Welsh countryside and the heart of Wales’s rural
communities. They play an irreplaceable role in the rural economy and wider society;
from rearing internationally acclaimed produce, like Welsh lamb, to the management of
land and pollution control. As a direct consequence of urban-centric Labour Party policy,
farming is one of the most over regulated industries in Wales.

Agriculture                                    financial support for economic,            Zones, which are for vital
                                               social and cultural reasons to             hatcheries and fish stocks.
 UKIP believes the agricultural industry       support the rural economy.
should be allowed to seize the             •   Strive towards greater self-
                                               sufficiency. On average, the           Animal Welfare
opportunities brought about by Brexit,
free from burdensome and ineffective           UK is only 65% self-sufficient in
regulations passed down from the               temperate agricultural products.       Now Britain has left the EU, the UK can
Senedd.                                        UKIP will implement a “Buy             regain total control of animal welfare
                                               Welsh Campaign”, targeted at           issues. UKIP believes that best practices
                                               consumers to purchase locally          must implemented during rearing and
UKIP pledges to:                               sourced and reared produce.            slaughtering to safeguard the welfare of
                                           •   Abandon re-wilding schemes             animals.
•   Overturn Welsh Labour’s                    and prevent farmland from
    decision to designate all of               reverting to scrub.                    UKIP pledges to:
    Wales as a Nitrate Vulnerable
    Zone (NVZ) and implement               Fishing                                    •   Ban non-stun slaughter in all
    a localised, evidenced-based                                                          slaughterhouses.
    approach to tackle nitrate             Brexit should have liberated the British   •   Increase the maximum jail
    pollution in collaboration with        fishing industry. UKIP stands with             sentences for animal cruelty.
    farmers and stakeholders.              Welsh and British fishermen against        •   Install CCTV in every
•   Launch a new and balanced              the Conservative’s Brexit Deal betrayal        slaughterhouse in Wales.
    Bovine TB Eradication                  which surrendered the fishing industry     •   Ensure the UK Government fully
    Programme. The Bovine TB               to the EU for a second time.                   implements UKIP’s policy to ban
    pandemic has plagued the beef                                                         all live animal exports.
    and dairy sector for decades,          UKIP pledges to:                           •   Ensure all meat products are
    resulting in the slaughter                                                            accurately labelled to include
    of more than 10,000 cattle             •   Take full control of the UK’s              the method of rearing and
    every year. UKIP’s Bovine TB               entitled Exclusive Economic                slaughter.
    eradication programme will                 Zone with exclusive access for
    promote effective biosecurity              British boats within 12 miles of
    measures, review the stringent             the coast.
    controls on cattle movements           •   End European Court rulings
    and directly address the                   that allow foreign ownership
    transmission of the disease from           of British flagged vessels and
    wildlife to cattle by tackling             ownership of UK quotas.
    the disease in the wildlife            •   Achieve total independence on
    population.                                future quotas and whether to
•   Uphold Basic Farm Payments                 allow foreign vessels access to
    for a minimum of five years.               British waters.
    Subsidies must focus on re-            •   Land and process a minimum of
    equipping farmers and improve              70% of the UK’s catch in Britain.
    land management. Upland                •   Establish Marine Conservation
    farms will continue to receive             Zones (MCZs) and No Take

                                                          Page 21
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