Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation

Page created by Lorraine Deleon
Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                                                  Pānui issue 14

   Back row (L-R) Suzanne Rolls (PNA), Tina Giles (Treasurer), Debbie Handisides, Sue
   Goodwin, Michelle Prattley, Treve Swan (Secretary)
   Front Row Dalreen Larkin (TR rep) Robyn Hewlett (Chairperson), Robyn Schakelaar      Enrolled Nurse

 Enrolled Nurse Section committee 2019 – August meeting
                                                                                          Issue 14, December 2019

Highlights from the editor
Robyn Schakelaar
                                                                                                    In this Issue:
Well another year is about to come to They will need to be paid on line as
a close and it’s been an exciting year well as the registration forms.
with the acceptance to fund the                                                            Page 1: Highlights from the
ENSIPP programme for newly Merry Christmas and                                                     editor
graduated Enrolled Nurses. This is                                                         Page 2: Chairpersons News
                                       Happy New Year.
major stepping stone to get our new                                                                Member Profiles
nurses into the work force.
                                                                                           Page 3: Conference Report
I hope you all did the survey on the
                                                                                           Page 4: Conference Report
Scope of Practise. The survey has now
closed and we hope to be able to give                                                      Page 5: Study Day Reports
the results from this at the Conference
                                                                                           Page 7: Scholarships & Grants
which is being hosted in Dunedin by
the Southern Region this year.                                                                     2020 Conference
                                                                                                   Study Days
If you would like to present at
Conference now is the time to look at                                                            “He ora te whakapiri”
submitting your presentation to the                                                             There is strength in unity
National committee.

There are lots of funding options to
help assist with the costs. These will be
listed at the end of the newsletter.      Robyn Schakelaar
Please look at website about the Editor
conference. This year we are doing the
registrations differently.

Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                                                 Pãnui issue 14
                                                  committee is very pleased      areas of practice/ speciality.
Chairpersons                                      that our suggestion of title   Applications close on the 31st January
                                                  has been accepted.             2020. The application form is available
News                                                                             on the Enrolled Nurse Section
                                          The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO
                                                                                 website. Applicants will be notified in
                                          National Committee received an
                                                                                 February 2020 if they have been
                                          overwhelming response to our
                                          “Enrolled Nurse Scope of Practice
                                          Survey 2019”, which closed on the 11th We wish all Enrolled Nurses a very
                                          December 2019. We thank Jinny Willis, Merry Christmas and a Happy New
                                          Principal Researcher, NZNO, for Year.
                                          putting the survey together for us, Robyn Hewlett
                                          from our suggestions of questions. We Chairperson
         Robyn Hewlett, Chair             had an overwhelming 57% response.
2019 has passed us all by very quickly,   We thank all enrolled nurses who are      Member Profiles
and with a New Year and decade on         members of NZNO for participating in
the horizon there are exciting things     this valuable survey. It is valuable to
happening for enrolled nurses and our     the enrolled nurse section as it will
new enrolled nurses who have              give us some valuable data and
graduated in 2019 and 2020 onwards.       enrolled nurse comments and
Major achievements for the Enrolled       responses to the questions on the
Nurse Section in 2019:                    Scope of Practice and Direction and
                                          Delegation. This will assist the
       May 2019 Minister of Health,      Enrolled Nurse Section when we
        announces funding for a           commence discussions with the
        supported transition into         Nursing Council of New Zealand.                     Dalreen Larkin
        practice programme for                                                    Dalreen met her husband Mana when
        enrolled nurses.                  NorthTec Polytechnic in Whangarei they were 15 years old. She had their
       November 2019, Margareth          are commencing the New Zealand first child at 17 and their seventh at 33,
        Broodkoorn, Chief Nurse,          Diploma in Enrolled Nursing in March becoming a grandmother at 37.
        Ministry of Health, informs       2020, which is fantastic news. The
        the Enrolled Nurse Section        Northland /Tai Tokerau Regional At aged 39, Dalreen decided to pursue
        National Committee that 130       Enrolled Nurse Section Committee and her lifelong passion of becoming a
        positions will be available for   members are working and meeting nurse, so she enrolled at Whanganui
        new enrolled nurses in new        with the Northland District Health UCOL. After the first week she
        graduate programmes from          Board and NorthTec regularly, and will decided: she was too old; knew
        July 2020.                        assist in supporting the students when absolutely       nothing;       couldn’t
                                          they commence.                          understand what the lecturers were
       The title of the new graduate
                                                                                  talking about; and it was all too hard.
        programme will be “Enrolled       The 42nd Annual Enrolled Nurse However, she held on to a ‘tiny bit of
        Nurse Supported into Practice     Section NZNO Conference is being hope’             and        with      further
        Programme” (EN SIPP). This        held in Dunedin from the 19th -21st encouragement she tried again to
        was the title given by the        May 2020. The theme for the pursue her lifelong passion of nursing.
        Enrolled Nurse Section            conference is “The Year of the Enrolled Dalreen graduated as an Enrolled
        National Committee to the         Nurse”. Registrations open this week Nurse in 2014 and has worked for
        document they compiled in         on line. The draft programme is also Whanganui District Health Board
        2014 to begin their journey to    available on line, and will be updated since.
        lobbying for a fully funded       regularly.
        new enrolled nurse graduate                                               Today Dalreen is the Enrolled Nurse
        programme. The national           We invite Enrolled Nurses to present Whānau Support Liaison Coordinator
                                          at our conference in 2020, from their

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Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                                                 Pãnui issue 14
for     the    WDHB       Outpatients                                              As a PNA, Suzanne works locally with
Department. She is known for her                                                   nurses in two regions: Wellington and
excellent communications skills and                                                Nelson, and Tasman and Marlborough
building rapport with patients and                                                 areas. Member requests for advice
their family/whānau. Working on a                                                  range from immediate practice issues,
service improvement initiative in                                                  like ethical dilemmas to exploring
Audiology,     Dalreen     made       a                                            future conversations regarding career
demonstrable difference in supporting                                              development. PNAs work with other
more patients to attend their             Suzanne Rolls                            NZNO staff such as NZNO lawyers,
appointments      and     significantly   Professional Nursing Adviser, NZNO.      competency adviser and organisers on
improve equity for Māori patients. She                                             individual member issues.
also more broadly supported              She is a Registered Nurse, a member of
patients/whānau to gain confidence       the New Zealand Nurses Organisation       Suzanne’s clinical background was in
and strength in their own ability to     (NZNO) and is employed by NZNO            emergency nursing, critical care, and
access services and navigate the         since 2004. Suzanne is the NZNO’s         general medicine. Suzanne has
health system.                           professional nursing adviser (PNA) to     completed a thesis titled “Exploring
                                         the New Zealand Enrolled Nurse            workplace violence in the Emergency
Dalreen also works in the WDHB ENT Section of NZNO. The role of a                  Department: Are emergency nurses
and Medical departments, bringing professional nursing adviser enhances            safe?”. In 2019, NZNO is undertaking
that       same     dedication        to NZNO        members’       professional   a national project addressing violence
patient/whānau-centred care.             aspirations and advocates for             and aggression in the health system.
                                         improved health systems.                  Suzanne is currently leading the
Dalreen presented the Audiology work                                               project team. Key to all of this work
at the 40th Annual Enrolled Nurse Suzanne has been in the forefront of             will be modifying and adopting the
Conference in 2018. She was invited the challenges and opportunities for           Australian Nursing and Midwifery
to be part of the New Zealand Nurses’ enrolled nursing in NZ since 2008.           Federation Victoria Branch’s (ANMF’s)
Organisation      (NZNO)        National Suzanne represented NZNO during the       10-Point Plan to End Violence and
Committee and this year has been national                 enrolled       nursing   Aggression: A Guide for Health
officially appointed as Te Runanga conversations regarding the outcomes            Services. This plan is comprehensive
                                                                                   and well-constructed and outlines key
Representative of the EN section of the 2006 regulations review
                                                                                   strategies with a systematic plan to
NZNO National Committee.                 committee. This resulted in the past      change the working environment for
                                         Minister of Health Hon Tony Ryall         nurses and other health care workers.
As a Māori representative of Enrolled
                                         instructing the Nursing Council of NZ
Nurses (EN) in NZ, Dalreen is
                                         to review the scope of practice, title,   The work of the project team and
passionate       about       eliminating
                                         competencies        and       education   NZNO includes:
inequities in health for Māori and
                                         standards.     Suzanne recalls these
especially for Tamariki, so the next
                                         significant negotiations in 2008. How            Confirming the NZNO position
generation including her own
                                         the Enrolled Nurse Section activated              statement on Violence and
mokopuna can walk talk and proud, be
                                         the membership to take up the                     aggression towards and we
healthy and reach their full potential.
                                         challenge of engaging with policy                 hope to publish this shortly.
                                         makers and shaping the future of
                                         enrolled nursing in NZ. Now enrolled             Research into NZNO
                                         nurses are practising in the health               members’ experiences with
                                         system in diverse settings and enrolled           workplace violence and
                                         nurses have broadened their practice              aggression has also been
                                         to optimise health outcomes. Since                undertaken and will be
                                         2010, there has been over 1200                    ongoing.
                                         graduates from the National Diploma
                                                                                          Highlighting to the regulator,
                                         of Enrolled Nursing.
                                                                                           WorkSafe New Zealand, the
                                                                                           need to include violence and

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Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                                                     Pãnui issue 14
        aggression to its priority list to
        intervention upon reports of                                                   The 41st Enrolled
        such acts in particular where
        concerns are reported and                                                      Nurse Section
        escalated by members.
                                                                                       Conference held in
As a PNA, Suzanne provides strategic
leadership in a diverse work                                                           Hamilton 2019.
programme, including guidance on
progressing projects for nurses,                    Jenny Kendall NZNO Award           “The Challenge of Change”
making submissions to governmental
departments and other agencies; as           Jenny Kendall, Enrolled Nurse and
well as managing communication               theatre nurse at Capital Coast District
internally within NZNO and with              Health Board (CCDHB) was awarded
external stakeholders on matters             the Services to NZNO award at the
relating to enrolled nursing practice in     NZNO AGM & Conference in
NZ. Suzanne is the PNA for the College       September 2019.
of Emergency Nurses of NZ and the            Jenny has been involved with NZNO for
Perioperative Nurses College.                many years over her nursing career
Through her years of experience as a         and has supported her colleagues at
professional nursing adviser, she has        Wellington Hospital and CCDHB with
become very familiar with the                union support and encouraging her
evidence-based guidelines, MOH               colleagues in their professional
targets, HQ&SC guidelines, and               development.
professional issues affecting the      Jenny was one of the founding
nursing workforce. Suzanne regularly   members of the Enrolled Nurse
represents NZNO in discussions with    Section NZNO which was founded
governmental agencies or external      following a national seminar for
stakeholders and has represented       enrolled nurses and enrolling nurses
NZNO in the media.                     (students), which was held in October The theme of the three day
Suzanne enjoys working with the 1978 at Waiwhetu Maree, in Lower conference this year was the
National Enrolled Nurse Section and Hutt.                                         “Challenge of Change”
regional committees. There is never a Jenny’s vision like a lot of us, is for pay
                                                                                  They had an amazing programme of
dull moment or lack of opportunity to equity and a greater recognition of the
                                                                                  presenters. The conference focused
advocate for enrolled nursing practice work that nurses do.
                                                                                  on the importance of promoting the
in NZ. Even with challenges in the
                                                                                  value of enrolled nursing. Some of the
health system, all nurses need to The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO
                                                                                  key points covered, included;
pause and celebrate our achievements congratulate Jenny on her well-
                                                                                  Communication, the deteriorating
and contribution to health outcomes deserved NZNO Award.
                                                                                  patient, and work place respect and
for our population in NZ.              Robyn Hewlett
                                             Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO
                                                                                       There were other presentations, but
                                                                                       we found the ones mentioned above
                                                                                       to be the most interesting.

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Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                                               Pãnui issue 14
                                         early warning score (EWS) is a great Key tips we learnt from the
                                         tool to help recognise when a patient conference:
                                         is deteriorating. It is important to
                                                                                    Knowing and understanding
                                         communicate your concerns with the
                                         multi-disciplinary team.                      your scope of practice,
                                                                                       professional,     legal     and
                                                                                       equitable responsibilities.
Communication is the biggest
                                                                                    Follow        internal    policies
challenge in nursing. As enrolled
                                                                                       designed to protect your
nurses we need to understand and
                                                                                       patient and you. Don’t cut
communicate our scope of practice to
                                                                                       corners to save time.
our registered nursing colleagues. The
most difficult challenge enrolled                                                   Seek advice don’t hesitate to
nurses have faced over the years is                                                    ask more senior colleagues if
that the registered nurse does not                                                     unsure about correct course
understand the enrolled nurse’s scope    Another topic discussed at the                of action.
of practice. From 2010 the enrolled      conference was workplace bullying          Speak up, always raise
nurse scope of practice became the       and respect and that bullying can hurt        concerns about patient care,
property of the Nursing Council of New   physically and mentally. Some
                                                                                       informing appropriate multi-
Zealand.                                 common bullying behaviours in
                                                                                       disciplinary team
                                         nursing       includes,     withholding
                                                                                       members…and acting as an
                                         information, using sarcasm, excessive
                                         monitoring of work, persistent public         advocate for your patient
                                         criticism or humiliation. Bully’s hate     Accurate documentation is
                                         witnesses. A respectable workplace is one     paramount.
                                         that is supportive and collaborative,
                                         rather than put-downs and other bullying Some great news announced at the
                                         behaviours.                              conference, that there is a new grad
                                                                                funded programme for enrolled
                                                                                nurses. Our role as experienced
                                                                                enrolled nurses is to enhance,
                                                                                advance,    empower    our    next
                                                                                generation of enrolled nurses. We
                                                                                should be proud of who we are and
                                                                                what we have to offer.
The definition of the deteriorating
patient      is   when     physiological                                       Conference activities of which Vicky
decomposition occurs and a patient                                             being the youngest had to participate
experiences a worsening in their          Workplace “safe zone” 5 principles:
condition or an acute onset of a              Maintain the self-respect and
serious physiological disturbance. At
                                                 motivation of others
the conference it was discussed that
                                              Give feedback on actions and
failure to recognize and respond to
                                                 ideas rather than criticising
patient deterioration and escalation in
care has led to an increased risk of             people
adverse events in hospitalised                Support others, rather than
patients, this may have been avoided if          undermining them
patient deterioration had been                Set realistic and attainable
recognised and responded to earlier.             goals
Observations must be recognised as a          Practice responsibly and
vital task, rather than a basic task. The        know your limitations

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Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                                                    Pãnui issue 14
                                          are worth it, it’s a recognition of our    patient of the Burwood spinal unit who
STUDY DAY                                 practice, transferable, exemption          is now an advocate for people who are
                                          from NCNZ audit, opportunity to            making their own journey through the
REPORTS                                   progress through the levels, and           health system.
Southern Region Enrolled Nurse financial allowance as per the NZNO &
Section Study Day 12th Report October PSA MECA’s.                                     The session on grief held by Raewyn
2019                                                                                 Robinson was full of useful information
                                          Bailley Unahi an inspirational young       and had many on the course re-
This year our annual study day was woman presented on her personal                   evaluating how we think about grief
held at the education centre at story of a traumatic injury. But Bailley’s           and questioning what we can change
Southland Hospital. 43 Enrolled Nurses courage and strength has not stopped          in our nursing practice and personal
from across the Southern Region her from enjoying life, studying as an               lives to support loved ones who are
attended. A big thank you to all our Occupational Therapist, skiing and              grieving.
presenters for contributing to a great enjoying life to the max.
day.                                                                                 Understanding         Delirium     was
                                          Two enrolled nurses presented at this      presented in a lively manner by Susan
The first presenter of the day was year’s study day.                                 Gee and Tracey Hawkes. It contained a
Rachel Nally, RN from Southland                                                      lot of practical information in an easy
Hospital who presented and gave a Sue Robson, Enrolled Nurse, Adult in-              to understand and interesting format.
great overview of Osteoporosis, which patient Forensic Mental Health Unit,
is the most common bone disease Wakari Hospital gave us a great                      There     were     two      areas     for
which affects both women and men. overview of the forensic unit, how a               improvement fed back to me. One was
Treatment is screening, medication, patient is referred to the unit and Sue’s        that the Incontinence Associated
falls prevention, and bio phosphates. position as an enrolled nurse. Enrolled        Dermatitis Pressure Areas and Skin
                                          Nurses are very involved in primary        Integrity Session focused more on
Skin Tears are a traumatic injury team nursing as a co-primary for the               products rather than patient centred
caused by shear friction and /or blunt patient with an RN.                           care. Second, was that the
force. Many Pagan, Wound Care, CNS,                                                  Professional Nursing Advisor from
Southland Hospital updated everyone Janet Gray, Enrolled Nurse, Ward 3               NZNO didn’t know who her target
on the management, classification, Surgical, Dunedin Hospital, provided              audience was and asked if there were
types, dressing tips, including no steri- us with a great education session and      HCA’s or allied health staff present.
strips, followed by a great practical update on the Anatomy of the Cornea
session.                                  & Conditions. Some graphic eye             Overall it was a great day enjoyed by
                                          photos and a promotion for eye organ       all the nurses I spoke to. The highlight
The National Bowel Screening donation were included.                                 for me was reconnecting with ENs I’ve
programme in the Southern DHB area                                                   met on previous occasions and hearing
is changing lives, presenter Jason Hill, Robyn  Hewlett
                                          Chairperson                                about what has changed in the areas
Clinical leader, Bowel Screening SDHB Southern Region Enrolled Nurse Section         they work in.
informed enrolled nurses. The uptake
of residents in Otago and Southland
                                          Canterbury Regional Enrolled Nurse
has surpassed the national average.
                                          Section Study day 17th October 2019
Take home message was to encourage
our      family,   whanau,       friends, 5 ENs from Hillmortons’ PSAID
neighbour’s to take the test when (Psychiatric Services for Adult with
offered.                                  Intellectual Disabilities) unit attended
                                          this year’s study day. Each of us
Julie Symons, PDRP Co-ordinator,
                                          enjoyed the variety of the speakers on
Southland Hospital presented on
                                          offer and took something different
PDRP- Making it Easy. Julie gave us all
                                          away with us.
very great useful tips in preparing our
portfolios for assessment. As Julie The talk everyone took notice of was
informed enrolled nurses present - We given by Josh Caldwell, a former

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Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                                              Pãnui issue 14

Scholarships and                           Graduations                              42nd Annual
Grants                                     The Otago Polytechnic School of          Enrolled Nurse
Undergraduate Study Scholarships           Nursing Graduation 2019 was held on
Now Open                                   13th December 2019 in Dunedin.           Conference 2020
                                                                                    "The Year of the Enrolled
Closing date: 21 February 2020
Available amount: Up to $1,500
Available to:                                                                       SAVE THE DATE
    Bachelor of Nursing or Midwifery                                               19 - 21 May 2020
     student who has successfully                                                   The Glenroy
     completed year two of their                                                    1 Harrop Street
     programme                                                                      Dunedin
    Student in the first year of an
                                           I attended the graduation ceremony       Registration Costs
     enrolled nurse programme.
                                           and I had much pleasure in presenting    Conference and Event information
Criteria:                                  awards on behalf the National Enrolled   Early draft programme
                                           Nurse Section Committee and the          (will be updated as new speakers are
    Course approved by Nursing
                                           Southern Region Enrolled Nurse           confirmed)
     Council of New Zealand
     (NCNZ)/Midwifery Council of New       Section. Other graduating Enrolled
                                           Nurses     also    received     Otago    Registrations now open
     Zealand (MCNZ)
                                           Polytechnic awards on the day.           Registration link
    Official proof of enrolment
     required                                                                       The Enrolled Nurse Section NZNO
                                                                                    Award for Best Overall Conference
    Applicants must demonstrate:
                                                                                    Presentation by an Enrolled Nurse/s
       Academic achievement                                                        Criteria and Application form
                                                                                    Closes 31 January 2020
       Contribution to nursing (for
        example support offered to                                                  More details to follow as it comes to
        fellow students, going the extra                                            hand. Keep an eye on our website
        mile for patients)                                                
       Contribution to the community
        (for example involvement in
        activities outside of nursing -
                                                                                    Study Days
                                         (Left) Sally Ann Ealson was the
        may include family
                                         recipient of the National Enrolled         Regional Study Day dates will be
        commitments, volunteerism,
                                         Nurse Section NZNO Award, for              available on the website once the
        cultural commitments)
                                         “Demonstrating Leadership Skills”          regions have confirmed dates.
       Inclusion of up to two referees                                   
        who will write a letter of (Right) Hannah Campbell, was the                 ges_sections/sections/enrolled_nurse
        support for the applicant and be recipient of the Southern Region           s/regional/regional_study_days
        available for contact via phone Enrolled Nurse Section Award “Best
                                         Overall Student”

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Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
ENROLLED NURSE SECTION of NZNO                                            Pãnui issue 14

                NZNO Medico Legal Forums 2020
                      Scope of Practice
   Dates and Locations

   Christchurch 11 February 2020 Christchurch Town Hall

   Dunedin 12 February 2020 Otago Golf Club

   Palmerston North 18 February 2020 The Chalet, Boatshed

   Auckland #1 26 February 2020 Fairway Events Centre

   Auckland #2 27 February 2020 Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre

   Wellington 4 March 2020 Harbourside Function Centre

   Hamilton 5 March 2020 FMG Stadium

   We encourage you to apply for study leave for the forum being held nearest you!
   Registration costs:
   NZNO Members $120
   Non-members $150
   Students: Free (limited to 10 student members at each location)

         To register for the NZNO Medico Legal Forums 2020
            and to view the programme you can access at

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Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation Section Pānui - New Zealand Nurses Organisation
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