Schreiben Englisch - KOMPETENZEN UNTERRICHTEN - Dominik Banhold - Klett Sprachen

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Schreiben Englisch - KOMPETENZEN UNTERRICHTEN - Dominik Banhold - Klett Sprachen

                                     Klasse 9 /10

                                            Inkl. Bildimpulse
                                            für Smartphone
                                            + Tablet
Dominik Banhold

Schreiben · Englisch
Prepare | Practise | Progress
1                                 2               3
Writing a letter of complaint
                                                                                        Prepare                           Practise           Progress

Example letter

                                                                                  Tim Spence
                                                                           14 Redwood Park
                                                                            Blurton FT3 5GS
                                                                             21 March 2019

                                                                               Susan Clanton
                                                                               City Councillor
                                                                           Council of Blurton
                                                                              1 Stone Street
                                                                            Blurton FT3 5GS

       Subject: Deforestation of Cliff Wood

       Dear Mrs Clanton,

       I have lived in Blurton for many years and your government has
       carried out a lot of effective measures to improve the standard of
       living in our town. However, the latest decision to deforest the
       nearby wood to build an amusement park is putting all these
       developments at stake.

       The citizens of Blurton use the wood for walks and relaxation.
       The wood is necessary for them to escape the city noise in order
       to gain new energy for their daily challenges. In the wood we
       have always found silence and peace. Besides, it is a refuge
       offering fresh air in contrast to the heavily polluted air in town.
       Being a place where people can do sports like running and biking,
       the wood is absolutely crucial for our health. Furthermore,
       children learn a lot of things there, such as how animals live and
       how our ecosystem works. An amusement park, however, will not
       only take away all these advantages for your citizens, it will also
       destroy the habitat of millions of innocent creatures.

       I trust that this decision is not final and that you will have
       further discussions to ensure the good life our town offers.

       Yours sincerely

       Tim Spence

                                            © Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart 2020 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
46                                          Kopieren für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet.
                                            ISBN 978-3-12-506646-5
1                  2                  3
Writing a letter of complaint
                                                                                                                     Prepare             Practise           Progress

Structure focus
A Read the example letter and match the different parts of a letter of complaint with their definitions. Then
  write the number of the part next to where it is in the example text.

   1) final greeting                                                                                 a) when the letter was written

   2) subject line                                                                                   b) name and address of the writer

   3) polite exit                                                                                    c) closes the letter

   4) addressee’s contact data                                                                       d) opens the text

   5) formal greeting                                                                                e) informs what the letter is about

   6) date of letter                                                                                 f) carries out the details of the subject

   7) writer’s contact data                                                                          g) tries to give your explanation a positive ending

   8) main body                                                                                      h) name and address of the person the letter is for

B Read the main body of the example again and do the tasks.

   1 Decide which statements are true.

                                                                                                                                  true              false

      (a) In the main body you should be emotional.                                                                                                 

      (b) The main body explains the problem.                                                                                                       

      (c) You should also share your ideas of how the problem could be solved.                                                                      

      (d) Use direct language, show that you are angry about something.                                                                             

      (e) Provide your opinion about the problem.                                                                                                   

      (f) Take your position strongly but try to be objective and polite.                                                                           

   2 Write down the letters of the true statements from task 1 next to where they are in the example letter.

            © Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart 2020 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
            Kopieren für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet.                                                                                            47
            ISBN 978-3-12-506646-5
1                                 2               3
Writing a letter of complaint
                                                                                             Prepare                           Practise           Progress

Language focus
A Choose six words from the box and explain them. Make sentences defining the feelings like “When
  somebody feels aggressive, he is full of energy, ready to fight.”

            amazed | anxious | ashamed | astonished | bored | confused | depressed |
           desperate | detestable | devastated | disappointed | disapproving | disillusioned |
                      dismayed | enraged | frustrated | furious | humiliated | hurt |
                disregarded | inadequate | indifferent | inferior |infuriated | irritated |
                                          perplexed | repugnant

B Find translations for these expressions that are helpful when talking about advantages.

     advantage                                                      bounty

     merit                                                          values

     incentive                                                      distinction

     benefit                                                        for the sake of

     asset                                                          gain

     virtue                                                         privilege

     aid                                                            strengths

                                                 © Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart 2020 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
48                                               Kopieren für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet.
                                                 ISBN 978-3-12-506646-5
1        2          3
Writing a letter of complaint
                                                                                                                        Prepare   Practise   Progress

Content focus


 The council of your home town has just decided to spend 300,000£ on a sculpture in the grand main park.
 Citizens are protesting and you write a letter of complaint to Mr Clack, a city councillor, to ask him to invest
 the money in better and safer cycle paths in the city.

Prepare a letter of complaint: collect ideas for the different parts of the main body.


                                                                                           cycle paths instead
                                                                                              of asculpture

             © Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart 2020 | | Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
             Kopieren für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet.                                                                           49
             ISBN 978-3-12-506646-5
Effektives Training zur Verbesserung der Schreibkompetenz
                  Für alle wichtigen Textsorten der aktuellen Curricula für die 9. und 10. Klasse

                                                                                                                  Schreiben · Englisch
                   Enthält authentische, altersgerechte Schreibanlässe zur Förderung der Schreibmotivation
                   Attraktives Aufwand-/Nutzenverhältnis
                    – alle Materialien direkt einsetzbar – kaum Vorbereitungszeit für Sie
                    – durchführbar in ca. 2 - 3 Unterrichtsstunden pro Textsorte
                   Pro Textsorte eine Vorlage für eine Klassenarbeit

                                                                                                                  Kompetenzen unterrichten
                  Für jede Textsorte eine Einheit – alle Einheiten folgen einer einfachen und effektiven Logik!

                  1. Prepare
                     – Einstieg ins Thema über Bildimpulse (auch zur Präsentation im Plenum verfügbar)
                     – Aktivierung von Vorwissen über Impulsfragen

                  2. Practise
                     – Strukturen der Textsorte an Beispielen erarbeiten
                     – Sprachliche Strukturen erkennen und festigen
                     – Inhaltliche Kenntnisse aktivieren und vertiefen
                     – Das Gelernte bei der Überarbeitung von Mangeltexten anwenden

                  3. Progress
                     – Verfassen eines eigenen Textes
                     – Selbstkontrolle anhand von vorgegebenen Checklisten
                     – Erweiterung auf andere Kompetenzen

                                                                                                                    Klasse 9 / 10
                                   Inkl. Bildimpulse für Smartphone und Tablet mit Klett Augmented:


   DO01_3-12-506646_SchreibenEnglisch_9_10_COVER.indd Alle Seiten

Schreiben Englisch Klasse 9 und 10 (ISBN 978-3-12-506646-5) von Dominik Banhold
© Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Rotebühlstraße 77, 70178 Stuttgart, 2020
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