School plan 2018-2020 - Dungog Public School 1792 - AWS

Page created by Tom Sandoval
School plan 2018-2020 - Dungog Public School 1792 - AWS
School plan 2018-2020
   Dungog Public School 1792

Page 1 of 6                    Dungog Public School 1792 (2018-2020)   Printed on: 7 May, 2018
School background 2018–2020

    School vision statement                                        School context                                                    School planning process
     Dungog Public School will be a safe and friendly              Dungog Public School serves the community of Dungog               The school plan was developed through consultation with
     environment that encourages and fosters happy and             and is a proud member of the Dungog and District                  school staff, students, parents and the wider community.
     confident students.                                           Community of Schools. It is the largest primary school in         Our consultation processes included;
                                                                   the community. The school’s catchment area includes
     Our vision is to create a culture in which all students and   North to Barrington Tops National Park, East to Main              • Students participation in the "Tell them from me" survey
     staff are valued. We believe that we are all life long        Creek, South to Brookfield and West to Bingleburra.
     learners. Teaching practices are underpinned by the           Students come from a wide variety of socio economic               .• Teachers participation in staff meetings evaluating the
     Quality Teaching Framework, Teaching Standards and            backgrounds. 75% of our students are placed in the bottom         school performance against tools and indicators such as
     producing dynamic learning environments where every           half of the Index of Community Socio Educational                  the School Excellence Framework.
     student has the opportunity to succeed. The school is a       Advantage. Key Factors surrounding this figure include
     centrepiece of the local community and actively seeks and     students’ family background, parent’s occupation, school          • Community consultation included opportunity for input
     supports community activities.                                education, the geographical location of the school and the        through P&C meetings and a school community forum.
                                                                   proportion of Indigenous students.
     Our vision is built upon our school PBL values which are:                                                                       • School data systems from SENTRAL, attendance and
                                                                   The school has a population of 274 students in 12 regular         welfare.
     • Respect                                                     and staged classes and offers 2 multi– categorical support
                                                                   class. Aboriginal students make up 14% of the population.         • Annual School Reports 2014, 2015 and 2016.
     • Responsibility                                              The school has 16.6 equivalent fulltime teaching staff and 5
                                                                   non teaching staff. Students are supported by a non               School executive analysed survey results, anecdotal data,
     .• Personal best                                              teaching Principal, 3 Assistant Principals, a fulltime learning   NAPLAN data and other school assessment results to
                                                                   and support teacher and school counsellor support 1 day           ascertain school areas for development.
     Finally, we believe that all students have access to the      per week.
     highest quality educational programs. Programs that inspire                                                                     Final consultation of the plan included opportunities for staff
     students to achieve their best and that will develop them     The school is host to the Play 2 Learn Early Childhood            and community appraisal.
     into active and engaged citizens in the future.               playgroup and Train 4 School which helps prepare both
                                                                   children and families for 'big school' We also have strong
     Our school motto is; “Our Best Always”.                       collegial relationships with both Dungog based
                                                                   Pre–schools. Dungog Public School is a member of the
                                                                   Dungog Shire Family and Child network. As a result, the
                                                                   school has been a part of community based programs.
                                                                   These programs have strengthened the relationships
                                                                   between the school, families and the wider community. Our
                                                                   school has a strong support base from our school
                                                                   community with an engaged parent body which plays an
                                                                   active part in our school.

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School strategic directions 2018–2020

                       STRATEGIC                                                      STRATEGIC                                                     STRATEGIC
                      DIRECTION 1                                                     DIRECTION 2                                                   DIRECTION 3
                  Authentic Partnerships –                                     Rich learning environments                                   Proactive wellbeing – Positive
                    Successful School                                                  empower all                                                     School

     Purpose:                                                      Purpose:                                                      Purpose:

     Authentic partnerships underpin effective Schools. Building   Quality Teaching empowers all. Passionate and skilled         Students who are known and cared for will underpin a
     effective communication, outstanding responsive               teachers inspire lifelong learners by building and creating   positive school culture. Individualised needs are catered
     relationships meet the needs now and in the future.           well skilled students. Promoting best practice in all         for as whole school systems reflect connect, thrive and
                                                                   pedagogies and challenging teachers to be the best that       succeed. The focus on personalised support will contribute
                                                                   they can be is our primary goal.                              towards create happy students and a whole school

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Strategic Direction 1: Authentic Partnerships – Successful School

    Purpose                                       People                                                  Processes                                        Practices and Products
     Authentic partnerships underpin effective    Parents/Carers                                           Partnership Opportunities                       Practices
     Schools. Building effective communication,
     outstanding responsive relationships meet    Actively support the school in                           Evidence–based partnership opportunities        We will continually reflect on
     the needs now and in the future.             communication and promote whole school                   are developed and implemented across all        communication approaches to ensure
                                                  progress and improvement.                                stakeholder groups.                             transparency and timeliness.
    Improvement Measures
                                                  Staff                                                    Communication                                   We will investigate innovative ways of
     An increasing number of parents and                                                                                                                   communicating with parents/community.
     community can indicate the school            Engage with Professional Learning being                  Professional learning is provided to staff to
     demonstrates excellent effective             offered so they can create the quality                   create effective communication avenues to       All teachers will communicate regularly with
     communication skills.                        communication systems                                    develop quality communication systems           parents about student progress.
                                                                                                           across the school..
     An increasing number of parents and          Students                                                                                                 School executive staff will run workshops
     Community feel valued, respected and an                                                              Evaluation Plan                                  on current teaching and learning practices.
     integral part of the school community.       Actively participate in activities with
                                                  enthusiasm in school and community                       * Tell Them from Me Survey                      We will create authentic partnerships with
     We aim to be working towards 98% of          events.                                                                                                  all stakeholder to maximise student
     parents feeling this way by 2020.                                                                     * Community forums                              learning opportunities at Dungog Public
                                                  Community Partners                                                                                       School.
     An increasing number of authentic                                                                     * parent workshops
     partnerships, designed to maximise student   Willingly engage with the school to provide                                                              Products
     learning opportunities occur at Dungog       new and innovative programs.                             * focus groups
     Public School.                                                                                                                                        Evolving communication practices are
                                                                                                           * surveys                                       evident in the school.

                                                                                                                                                           Approaches will be developed to reflect
                                                                                                           * transition data
                                                                                                                                                           changing technology and community
                                                                                                           * meeting minutes from LMG, AECG, P&C
                                                                                                           etc                                             Structures are in place for teachers and
                                                                                                                                                           parents to regularly communicate.
                                                                                                           * Facebook surveys and data
                                                                                                                                                           Structures are in place to allow school
                                                                                                           * Increase in community services/parents in     Executive staff to run workshops and
                                                                                                           the school                                      information sessions for parents.
                                                                                                           * participation rate of parents in school       Students develop a high sense of
                                                                                                                                                           engagement with the broader school
                                                                                                           * Parents accessing the school as a             community.
                                                                                                           resource hub.

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Strategic Direction 2: Rich learning environments empower all

    Purpose                                        People                                                 Processes                                       Practices and Products
     Quality Teaching empowers all.                Staff                                                   Individualised Support                         Practices
     Passionate and skilled teachers inspire
     lifelong learners by building and creating    Maintain accurate records, documentation                Develop and implement a range of systems       Professional Learning on Quality Teaching
     well skilled students. Promoting best         and assessment data in order to evaluate                to support the effective individual needs of   Framework will develop a clear and concise
     practice in all pedagogies and challenging    and adjust their teaching strategies, to                the students.                                  understanding to implement in classrooms.
     teachers to be the best that they can be is   maximise positive impact on student
     our primary goal.                             learning.                                               Rich Learning Environments
                                                                                                                                                          We will enhance awareness and promote
    Improvement Measures                           Staff                                                   Utilise research informed professional         the use of Future Focused teaching
                                                                                                           learning to develop and implement high         pedagogies (using the 4C's) to ensure a
     An increase in teachers embedding             Work collaboratively to ensure that their               quality pedagogies in teaching and learning    rich learning environment across all
     evidence–based teaching practices in all      pedagogy aligns with practices that are                 environments.                                  classrooms.
     teaching and learning programs.               shown through research to have a high
                                                   probability of success.                                 Quality Teaching and Learning                  We will promote a growth mindset to
     We aim to be working towards all Key                                                                                                                 ensure an engaged learning environment
     Learning areas by the end of 2020.            Students                                                To research and implement specific             to enhance meaningful educational
                                                                                                           Teaching and Learning programs to target       outcomes for all students.
     The Quality Teaching Framework is             Students are provided with evidence based               the individual needs of the students.
     increasingly evident in all classroom         learning experiences as a result of teacher                                                            Staff Professional Learning goals will
     practices by the end 2020.                    Professional Learning and ongoing                      Evaluation Plan                                 be aligned to the school plan.
                                                   reflective practice.
     An increase of Aboriginal and                                                                         * NAPLAN                                       Teachers will use data to drive teaching
     Non–Aboriginal students in the top 2 bands    Leaders                                                                                                and learning within their classroom.
     of NAPLAN.                                                                                            * Progressions K–6
                                                   Establish and improve processes which                                                                  Products
     To ensure high value add in Literacy and      build the capacity of the school community              * Internal/External assessment
     Numeracy percentages.                                                                                                                                An increase in student growth and
                                                   to understand data and engage in                                                                       engagement.
                                                   evidence–based conversations about                      * Program Analysis
     70% of students making expected growth in     school improvement.                                                                                    Positive and proactive staff that embrace
     Year 3 and Year 5 Literacy and Numeracy                                                               * Teacher Reflection – QTF
                                                                                                                                                          evidence–based teaching practices.
     by the end of 2020.
                                                                                                           * Student Feedback
                                                                                                                                                          All staff have a shared vision of whole
                                                                                                                                                          school directions.
                                                                                                           * Parent Evaluation – student goals,
                                                                                                           aspirations, enjoying life etc                 Engaged learning environments are
                                                                                                                                                          responsive to student data

                                                                                                                                                          As a result staff PDP's will support future
                                                                                                                                                          evidence of the school plan.

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Strategic Direction 3: Proactive wellbeing – Positive School

    Purpose                                      People                                                Processes                                      Practices and Products
     Students who are known and cared for will   Staff                                                  Whole School Culture                          Practices
     underpin a positive school
     culture. Individualised needs are catered   Develop a deeper understanding of                      Research and implement best practice          Teachers will have a clear focus on
     for as whole school systems reflect         students individual needs.                             strategies to create and promote a positive   establishing and maintaining a positive
     connect, thrive and succeed. The focus on                                                          school culture.                               class culture.
     personalised support will contribute        Staff
     towards create happy students and a whole                                                          Student Wellbeing                             Effective systems will underpin the schools
     school support.                             Follow the practices and processes around                                                            expectations.
                                                 Learning Support that are in place.                    Implement a whole school integrated
    Improvement Measures                                                                                approach to enhance a caring and positive     Create a learning environment where
                                                 Students                                               learning environment where students can       students feel safe and valued.
     Positive school culture is increasingly                                                            connect, succeed and thrive at each stage
     evident in all classroom and                Provide constructive feedback that                     of their schooling.                           Products
     Non–classroom settings.                     indicates levels of engagement.
                                                                                                                                                      Class culture will be strong and vibrant.
                                                                                                       Evaluation Plan
     An increase of students displaying the      Leaders
     school expectations and demonstrating the                                                          * Tell them from Me                           Systems will be implemented to support
     schools values.                             Assess through supervision the levels of                                                             effective student wellbeing
                                                 student engagement.                                    * PBL data
     A decrease in the major negative                                                                                                                 A safe learning and culturally supportive
     behaviours                                                                                         * reward system data                          environment will be the pinnacle to
                                                                                                                                                      ensuring students have a sense of
     Students indicate an increased sense of                                                            * suspension and attendance data              belonging.
                                                 Promote open and transparent classrooms
     belonging at Dungog Public School.          to support student wellbeing.
                                                                                                        * Student, parent, teacher surveys
                                                                                                        * Teaching Programs and Evaluation
                                                 Provide constructive feedback that
                                                 indicates levels of engagement of their                * SAS Data analysis
                                                                                                        * Action Plan Outcomes

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