School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...

Page created by Jessie Barrett
School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...
West Coast
             Changing Futures


School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...

Introduction                                             3

School Structure                                         4

Important School Information                             5

Staff Roles Explained                                    6

Main Contacts                                            7

School Hours/Term Dates                                  8

General Information                                   9-12

Voluntary Contributions and Charges                     13

School Programs                                         14

Parental Involvement and Communication               15-16

Infectious Diseases                                  17-18

Out of school hours care information                    19

Kindy attendance calendar                               20

Kindy start days                                        21

Pre Primary and Year 1 start days                       22

Attendance Information                                  23
DLD information                                         24

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...

The West Coast Language Development Centre (WCLDC) is a specialist Education Support facility that
also includes the Statewide Speech and Language Outreach Service for the North Metropolitan (coastal
schools) and the Mid-West Education Regions. The centre is located over five sites.

The West Coast Language Development Centre is a centre of
excellence that provides specialist early direct intervention (for
students), outreach (for schools and networks) and research and
development services in the area of speech, language and
associated literacy. The synergism and cohesion among service
delivery, teaching and research leads to changes in classroom
practice as knowledge increases, ‘best practices’ are identified
and service needs are recognised within the centre and across
mainstream schools.

The West Coast Language Development Centre works at the
system, network, individual school, leadership, teacher and
student level to provide high quality services in speech,
language and associated learning that are based on current best
practice evidence. The services build on from each other and

1.   Direct services for students: intensive, early
An early, intensive intervention service targets students with identified Developmental Language Disorder
(DLD) in the metropolitan area.

2.    Outreach
This service responds to the distinctive needs of public primary schools with a focus on improving
speaking, listening and literacy learning for students with language difficulties, difference and disorders.
The emphasis is on sustainable capacity building of teacher, school and system to deliver high quality
learning opportunities.

3.    Research and development
The service conducts and supports the research, development and trialling of evidence based practices
for speech, language and associated literacy by establishing collaborative partnerships with schools and

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...
School Structure
LDC sites are co-located on the grounds of primary schools. This enables children at the Language
Centre to integrate with the primary school children during recess, lunchtime, assembly and other whole
school activities.

The WCLDC is located over four campuses; a main campus (or hub) and three other sites.
All the children and staff belong to the WCLDC, but are also part of the co-located primary schools.
  The main admin campus is located at Padbury Primary School catering for Kindergarten,
Pre-Primary and Year One classes.
  The most northern campus is located at Quinns Beach Primary School, with Kindergarten,
Pre-Primary and Year One classes.
   Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year One classes are located at Poseidon Primary School.
   Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year One classes are located at East Hamersley Primary School.
The Outreach Service, which is an indirect service for mainstream schools, is also located at East
Hamersley Primary School.

The Centre’s principal and teachers are responsible for interpreting and implementing the Western
Australian curriculum into effective programs for children with language impairments. The staff to
student ratio supports teachers to provide a targeted and goal focussed program.

While the principal has overall leadership and management of the whole school, the deputy
principals are responsible for specific sites and act as principals for their delegated site(s).

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...
Important Information


   If you need to talk to your child’s teacher, please make an appointment. Teachers may be not
    able to talk at the beginning of the school day.
   Please call the Padbury office for all school contact – Ph: 9401 5433.
   Student Absences Text Only: 0438 975 891 (No reply service)
   Please do not phone the co-located primary schools.

                                  Main Campus: Padbury
                                     Principal (Shelley Blakers)
                                Located at Padbury Primary School
                                         MacDonald Avenue
                                            Padbury 6025
                                         Phone: 9401 5433
                                     Managed by Sarah Arnatt

           Poseidon Campus                                  Quinns Beach Campus
               C/- Poseidon PS                                     C/- Quinns Beach PS
              97 Poseidon Road                                     James Cook Avenue
               Heathridge 6027                                      Quinns Rocks 6030
            (phone Padbury office)                                 (phone Padbury office)
        Managed by Catherine Regan                           Managed by Catherine Regan

      East Hamersley Campus                                WCLDC Outreach Service
     C/- East Hamersley Primary School                     C/- East Hamersley Primary School
                  Doon Way                                              Doon Way
             Hamersley WA 6022                                      Hamersley WA 6022
            (phone Padbury office)                                 (phone Padbury office)
       Managed by Deborah Silverlock                        Managed by Deborah Silverlock

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...
The Principal has overall responsibility for the children, staff and resources within the Centre. The
Principal provides leadership and management to ensure a continuing quality education for all students
enrolled at the Centre, a cohesive collaborative staff and inter-campus continuity. The Principal is
primarily located at the Padbury site.
Deputy Principals
The Deputy Principals are responsible for the day to day management of their allocated sites. This also
includes managing staff, monitoring student progress and communicating with parents.
Manager Corporate Services
The Centre’s Manager Corporate Services is responsible for all school financial matters as well as
human resource system processing.
School Officer
The School Officers are responsible for administration matters and general enquiries.
Library Officer
The Library Officer is responsible for purchasing and maintaining school resources and the operation of
school library systems.
The Teacher is responsible for the care, safety and educational progress of students. They develop,
modify and teach educational programs, monitor student progress and report to parents.
Speech Pathologists
Speech Pathologists are responsible for monitoring the language programs by collaborating with
teachers on language objectives and learning programs. They are also responsible for increasing
people’s knowledge about language. This is done via parent and teacher workshops, and teacher
Education Assistants (EAs)
Education Assistants are responsible to classroom teachers and the deputy principals. They are under
the direction and supervision of a teacher, and/or speech pathologist and do not have direct
responsibility for the management, teaching or control of students.
Support Officers, Speech and Language
SOSLs work in the Outreach Service and work with public mainstream primary schools. The focus is on
capacity building of teachers.
School Psychologist
The School Psychologist is responsible for psychological assessment, student counseling and
participation in planning for challenging behaviours and social difficulties.
Network Support Officer (NSO)
Our NSO maintains the school’s information technology network across all of our sites. They also
provide technical support to all staff.

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...
Main Contacts
           Name                          Position                                Campus
Shelley Blakers              Principal                           Padbury
Catherine Regan              Deputy Principal                    Quinns Beach and Poseidon
Sarah Arnatt                 Deputy Principal                    Padbury
Deborah Silverlock           Deputy Principal                    East Hamersley, Outreach
Lesley Riches                Manager Corporate Services          Padbury
Leanne Dunn                  School Officers                     Padbury
Adrienne Keen
Julia Cronje                 Speech Pathologist (Leader)
Polly Prior                  Speech Pathologist (Leader)
Sarah Morrey                 Speech Pathologist (Leader)

           Type of Enquiry                                        Who to contact
Overall school program                     Principal
General enquiries                          Manager Corporate Services or School Officer
Changing address or phone number           School Officer
Child absent                               Contact bus driver (if on the bus).
                                           Call the school on the day of an absence 9401 5433
                                                 email the school
                                                 Text SMS Message number – 0438 975 891
                                                 Send a note explaining absence once child returns to
                                                  school if no other contact made.

Emergency                                  Contact WCLDC Padbury number – 9401 5433.
                                           We will contact the other sites if needed.
Information about specific language        Speech Pathologists
Specific      information   about   your   The classroom teacher – write a note or contact our Padbury
child’s progress                           office about setting up a meeting.
Concern about your child’s progress        Teacher or deputy managing your site.
or behaviour
Applying for bus access or change of       This        process     is      completed    online.   Go   to
bus days                          and follow the links and you will
Seeking reimbursement for driving          receive a Family ID number. This number can then be used for
your child to school (conveyance).         changing details and making conveyance claims for each term.
NB: You must be in boundary to
receive this.

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...
School Times and Dates

School Hours
School start and finish times vary from site to site.

Padbury                                                 8.55am-3.00pm

Poseidon                                                8.30am-2.40pm

Quinns Beach                                            8.35am-2.45pm

East Hamersley                                          8.50am-3.00pm

 School Terms
First Term                  Monday 3rd February to Thursday 9th April
Second Term                 Tuesday 28th April to Friday 3rd July
Third Term                  Monday 20th July to Friday 25th September
Fourth Term                 Monday 12th October to Thursday 17th December

 Public Holidays
 The following Public Holidays do not fall in school holidays.
      Labour Day- Monday 2nd March
      Western Australia Day- Monday 1st June

 School Development Days 2020
      Thursday 30th and 31st January
      Tuesday 2nd June
      Thursday 13th August
      Wednesday 25th November
      Friday 18th December

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...
General Information
The buses are provided and managed by the Public Transport Authority.
Children cannot travel on buses unless parents have completed an application
form and approval has been granted by the Public Transport Authority.

If the bus is unable to service your area or you prefer to transport your own child, you can apply for a
conveyance allowance from the Public Transport Authority (there is no guarantee this may be accepted).
You then need to note your daily kilometres and enter the form online at the end of each term. The
Public Transport Authority may NOT back-pay more than one term. Kindy children need to be
transported by parents.
Parents/Carers will be contacted in the New Year if your child has been accepted on the bus.
**If you have accepted an out of boundary placement, you are not eligible for either bus or accessing

Bus Timetable
The organisation of the bus run and times is a complex matter. Any queries regarding these should be
directed to School Bus Services. The bus driver should only be contacted when a child is ill.
Please be ready at the time the bus driver has given you.

 Note: Please contact the bus drivers before 7am any morning your child does not require transport.
 Please ring the night before if possible.

 ***Please take a note of the bus driver’s contact details when your child is accepted for travel-
 ling on the bus***

Every attempt is made by the bus drivers to run to schedule. Occasionally, there are unforeseen
circumstances (heavy traffic, flat tyre, less children to drop off) which may cause the bus to be early or
late. An adult must be at the drop off point to collect your child.

School Information Booklet 2020 - West Coast Language ...

Site        Days open            Procedures                                  Notes
Padbury     Monday/              Lunches only provided by Duncraig           Canteen menus and opening
            Tuesday              SHS      –      place     orders      via   times will be available at the
            and      Thursday/ register and        start of Term 1, 2020
            Friday               set up a pre-paid account, Order
                                 before 8.30am.
Poseidon    Monday               Lunch bag should contain: Name of           Canteen menus are available
            to Friday            child teacher’s name and food order         online     on   the     Poseidon
                                 before 9am                                  Primary     School      website:
                                 If you are in a rush before school, you
                                 can put lunch orders in the green box
                                 before the Canteen opens. Change
                                 will be put in with the student’s lunch.
                                 Phone Orders: 9307 2356.
                                 Or        order         online        at:

Quinns      Monday          to   Student’s line up to purchase their         Menus are available from the
Beach       Friday               recess food, which does not need to         Canteen.
                                 be pre-ordered.
                                 K-1 lunches need to be ordered from
                                 the canteen BEFORE school. Lunch
                                 bag should contain:      Name of child,
                                 room number, teacher’s name, food
                                 order and payment
                                 Or order online at:
East        There is NO CANTEEN on site.

Please park in the car park that is off Giles Avenue (in front of oval).
Do not park in the staff car park or at the front of the school (bus bays).

Parent parking is available in Larkspur Place near the front of the school, or in Roderick Court and For-
tescue Loop next to the oval. As per council regulations, parking is not allowed on Poseidon Road or
on the verges – failure to comply may incur a council fine. The staff car park is not to be used for drop-
ping off or picking up students.

Quinns Beach
There is strict parent parking around Quinns Beach Primary School. Parking in ‘No Parking’ areas can
incur a fine. Parking is available on James Cook Avenue (stay off the footpath), various places on San-
ta Barbara Parade and along Sirius Ramble and Belhaven Terrace. Please contact the WCLDC office
at Padbury for a copy of the parking map.

East Hamersley
Verge parking is available around the school grounds on Earn Place and Doon Road.
Please do not park in the staff car park.

                                Children’s Property
         Please make sure everything is clearly marked with your child’s name.
         We cannot take responsibility for lost items.

                            Dental Therapy Unit
                          (Pre-primary and Year 1)
Dental Therapy Units are attached to various primary schools around Perth.
     Padbury Primary School students can access the Dental Therapy Clinic at Padbury Primary
     East Hamersley students can access dental services located at Greenwood Primary School.
     Poseidon Primary School students can access dental services located at Ocean Reef Primary
     Quinns Beach students can attend the Dental Therapy Clinic at Quinns Beach Primary School.

Children wear the uniform of the host primary school. This enables them to be part of the school
community while attending the Language Centre.

               Padbury Uniform
               The children at Padbury wear the Padbury Primary School uniform and the colours are
               jade and navy. The uniform shop is located at Lowes in the Joondalup Shopping Centre.
               Price lists are available from the West Coast Language Development Centre office.

Poseidon Uniform
Children attending Poseidon Primary School wear blue polo shirts and shorts/skorts.
The uniform shop operates most mornings before school from ‘P&C Central’ in the
undercover area.

                Quinns Beach Uniform
                The children attending Quinns Beach Primary School wear a light blue T-shirt or navy
                polo shirt and navy shorts/skorts/pleated skirts. Girls can wear a blue and white
                checked dress if preferred. The uniform shop is open on Wednesday mornings from
                8:15am. It is located in the Djilba Building near the undercover area.

East Hamersley Uniform
The children attending the East Hamersley Primary School wear gold tops and dark
green bottoms. The uniform shop is located in the East Hamersley PS office and is
open during school office hours 8.30-3.30pm.

                   Children can wear sneakers, enclosed school shoes and sandals with velcro fasteners.
                   Thongs/flip flops are not acceptable.

Sun Safety
Please ensure your child has a broad brim hat or legionnaire’s hat (with neck flap) for play time. Caps
are not allowed. Please ensure your child’s hat has their name on it.

Voluntary Contributions &
                           Charges Information
The total amount of contributions parents and carers are asked to pay has been contained within the
$60.00 maximum set in the School Education Regulations 2000.

Money collected will be used to supplement school expenditure in the areas listed below. The payment
per child is shown in the table beneath.

 Cash, Credit Card or Direct Deposits (banking details as below).
 BSB: 066 040 Account No: 19905616
 Ref: Child’s Surname, Initial, reason for payment e.g.: V/C or EduDance etc.
 *Please note- receipts for amounts $60.00 and under will not be issued unless requested.

School Contributions
The West Coast Language Development Centre School Board has endorsed the schedule of
Contributions and Charges for 2020.

                                                                Kindy          Pre Primary      Year 1
  Printing (inc. cartridges, supplementary
  photocopying)                                                  $60                $60            $60
  Testing Forms
Contributions can be paid early Term 1, 2020.          Part payment, e.g. $15.00 or so per term, is by
arrangement with the Principal or Manager Corporate Services.

Additional charges
A breakdown of estimated charges for your child’s participation in incursions, excursions, activities, etc.
for 2020 is outlined in the table below. Details on charges collected in previous years have informed our
2020 charges schedule. Students will only incur costs when they are involved in a particular activity.
The amounts indicated on the schedule represent the maximum charged for scheduled activities in
2020. Prior to each activity you will be notified of the costs involved.

  Description                                      Kindergarten            Pre-primary    Year 1
  ** Incursions (K,PP,Yr1)/ excursions (Yr1)       $50.00                  $70.00         $80.00
  Special education events- e.g. Edu-dance

** These activities relate directly to the curriculum and are an important part of your child’s oral language

School Programs
The Centre bases its curriculum development on the Western Australian Curriculum which is linked to
the Australian Curriculum. The curriculum is developed to meet the needs of children with oral language
difficulties and covers the key learning areas, except LOTE (Languages Other Than English).

The programs at the Centre are developed and adapted to suit differing learning needs with a major
emphasis on building language concretely through learning by doing. The overall objective of all
programs is the development of language competencies, learning behaviours, literacy skills and

A wide range of teaching programs, techniques and resources are used. These include individual and
small group work, specific language activities, narrative development, social skills development and
integrated programs.

Parental Involvement and Communication
Parental Participation/Meetings
The Centre has a strong belief that parents are central participants in the role of developing their child’s
language. As parents, you are the main advocate for your child.
For this reason, we offer a range of opportunities for you to be involved in school and parent programs.

   Parent Workshops - It is expected that parents will make every effort to attend all meetings and
   workshops. These are run to provide parents with information about language development and
   about the Centre’s programs. The first workshop will be early in term 1. We aim to have 3
   workshops during the year. You will be notified of the dates each term.

   Parent Volunteers – Teachers may invite parents to help out in the classroom from time to time
   depending on the needs of the class. Your child’s teacher will let you know when they will be asking
   for volunteers to help out in class.

Attending school regularly is important for your child’s learning success. Please plan your holiday away
around school vacation time. Holidays during term time will not be approved. The absence will be
recorded as an unauthorised absence. If students need to be absent for an extended period of time,
please let the school know in advance.

                      Absences Numbers and Absentee Notes
                      It is important that students attend school as often as possible. However, when
                      your child is sick please phone the WCLDC Padbury office on the day (Ph: 9401
                      SMS Message to (0438 975 891) or send a note with your child when they return
                      after a period of absence.

A newsletter, including detailed information about Centre activities, is available in weeks 3, 6 and 9
each term. The Centre newsletter is sent out via the website Schoolzine and is available to be read on
mobile devices and emails. Please complete the Information and Technology slip with your email
details and we will add you to our mailing list.
A detailed term planner and events calendar is available on the Schoolzine newsletter
website. You may wish to subscribe to the West Coast LDC Schoolzine newsletter via http://
Other notes may also be sent home during the week so check your child’s folder or clipboard
every night.

                          Class Dojo
                          Parents/carers are invited to join their child’s classroom Dojo by the class
                          teacher via email. The is a good communication tool for the school and

You are welcome to discuss your child’s progress at any time. Please contact your class teacher, site
deputy principal or speech pathologist to make an appointment.

You will receive your child’s individual goals and grid ratings (showing skill level) at the end of term 1.

The goals will be formally rated at the end of terms 2 and 4. The Year One students receive a
Department report at the end of terms 2 and 4, electronically via email. The grids are marked and sent
home at the end of term 3 in time for the case conferences.

Case Conference
A case conference is a meeting between Centre staff and parents to discuss a student’s progress. A
case conference may be called to discuss academic or behavioural progress from time to time. These
meetings may involve the principal, site deputy principal, class teacher, speech pathologist and/or
school psychologist.
Late term 3 or early term 4 kindy and pre primary parents will be invited to a reporting case conference
with the class teacher. At this time your child’s progress will be discussed.
Year 1 parents will be invited to an exit interview late in term 4.

School Board
We have a School Board that is made up of school community and parent members. We call for
nominations early in the school year, if required. The term 3 meeting is open to the public.

                          Permission for Photographs and Videoing
                          We use photographs and videoing as part of our learning and teacher
                          development programs and on the school website. You will have signed a
permission form for photographs when you enrolled your child. If circumstances change please advise
the class teacher and the WCLDC Padbury office.

Student Collection
If you need to pick your child up early from school you are required sign them out.
At Padbury please visit the WCLDC school office to complete this via Passtab on
the admin iPad. At other campuses please see your child’s teacher for an early
release slip.

Infectious Diseases
The following may be of benefit in determining how long to keep a child at home in case of illness.
Please notify the school if your child contacts any of these illnesses.

Chicken Pox: *NOTIFIABLE – discuss with your doctor. A common, acute, viral infection.
Symptoms include fever, fatigue, and a generalised rash characterised by small vesicles (blisters) that
rupture to form crusts.

Conjunctivitis: Exclude from school until discharge has ceased (contacts not excluded).

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease: A common, acute, viral infection. Symptoms include fever, vesicles
(blisters) in the mouth and on hands and feet. This infection is not related to the Foot and Mouth
Disease found in animals. Exclude until vesicles have formed crusts that are dry.

Gastroenteritis (‘gastro’): an illness affecting the stomach and intestines. Gastro can be caused by
viruses, bacteria and toxins. Gastro should only last a few days and doesn’t usually require
medication. If you have gastro, it is best to stay home (away from school or childcare) until the
symptoms have been gone for at least 24 hours.

Impetigo (school sores): Exclude for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has commenced. Lesions
on exposed skin should be covered with a waterproof dressing (contacts not excluded).

Measles *NOTIFIABLE – discuss with your doctor. A highly infectious, uncommon, acute, viral
infection. Symptoms include lethargy, malaise, cough, sore and swollen eyes and nasal passages,
fever and rash – must be confirmed with laboratory testing. Exclude for 4 days after the onset of the
rash, in consultation with Public Health staff

Meningococcal disease: *NOTIFIABLE – discuss with your doctor. An uncommon, acute,
bacterial infection. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, headache, neck stiffness, muscle and joint pain,
rash, drowsiness, irritability, confusion and diarrhoea. Exclude until antibiotic treatment has been
completed. Hospitalisation is usually required.

Infectious Diseases

Mumps: *NOTIFIABLE – discuss with your doctor. An uncommon, acute, viral infection.
Symptoms include painful, swollen salivary glands, fever, headache, painful testicles or ovaries.
Exclude for 9 days after onset of symptoms. Consult with your Public Health staff.

Parvovirus (Slapped Cheek): A common, acute, viral infection. Symptoms include fever, red cheeks
and neck, itchy lace-like rash on the body and limbs. This infection is not caused by the same
parvovirus that infects dogs. Exclusion not necessary. Contacts-Do not exclude. Pregnant women who
may have been exposed to parvovirus B19 should consult their doctor.

Pediculosis (Head lice or nits in the hair): Exclude until after treatment has commenced and live
lice have been removed. A Head Lice Fact Sheet is available from the office.

Ringworm: A common fungal infection of the skin that usually affects the scalp, skin, fingers, toenails
and feet. Exclude until person has received anti-fungal treatment for 24 hours (contacts not excluded).

Rubella (German Measles): *NOTIFIABLE – discuss with your doctor. An Uncommon, viral
disease. Symptoms include fever, sore eyes, swollen glands (especially behind the ears), generalised
rash. Exclude for 4 days after onset of rash.

Scarlet Fever: Exclude from school. Re-admit with Medical Certificate of recovery not less than 10
days from onset. Contact – exclude for 7 days from diagnosis of disease in the patient.

Whooping Cough: *NOTIFIABLE – discuss with your doctor. Exclude until 5 days after an
appropriate antibiotic treatment, or for 21 days from the onset of coughing.

                      Quinns Beach Primary School for 2020
                 Care for Kids OSHC run a great program ON SITE at
                                   Quinns Beach Primary School
                                    Open from 7.00am to 6.00pm
                         Qualified Carers, great activities, afternoon tea,
                                    ECRU Licensed
                     Full Government benefits and rebates apply
                For permanent bookings or casual days please contact

           Kids Academy
           4 Treen Street Balga
           Ph: 9342 3529 Email:

            Kids Academy Early Learning Centre Before and After School Programs cater for children aged 4 - 12
years, outside school hours. The programs focus on age-appropriate and creative play activities through a variety
of choices which encourage children to extend their social development and build friendships in a secure
Activities may include sports, reading and cooking. Children may also do their homework for a limited period
during their Before or After-School care.

Kindy start days
 Kindy A

Our Kindy program is a 5-day fortnight program. Your child is attending Monday and Tuesday and
alternate Wednesdays.

To help your child’s transition into school we will start with a short orientation session for you and your
child on:
                                   Monday 3rd February 2020

At this session the teacher will discuss the classroom structure and student requirements (clothing,
lunches etc.) The meeting will run from 9.30am-10.30am and students do not need morning tea or
lunch on this day.

Then your child can attend full days commencing Tuesday 4th February 2020. Some children may find
full days tiring. Parents can speak to their site deputy about coming for half days for the first 2 weeks.

Kindy B

Our Kindy program is a 5-day fortnight program. Your child is attending Thursday and Friday and alternate

To help your child’s transition into school we will start with a short orientation session for you and your
child on:
                                  Thursday 6th February 2020

At this session the teacher will discuss the classroom structure and student requirements (clothing,
lunches etc). The meeting will run from 9.30am-10.30am and students do not need morning tea or
lunch on this day.

Then your child can attend full days commencing Friday 7th February 2020. Some children may find full
days tiring. Parents can speak to their site deputy about coming for half days for the first 2 weeks.

Pre Primary and Year 1 start days

Our Pre primary and year 1 programs are full time. Your child will commence the school year on:

                               Monday 3rd February 2020
There is no school development day on this Monday.

Please check your campus start and finish times on page 8 of this booklet. Please speak with your class
teacher if you have difficulties with the start/finish time

For pre primary students–
Parents are welcome to spend the first 20-30 minutes settling their children. We will have a class based
parent information session during week 2 or 3 at a time to be advised by your class teacher. Parents will
be asked to be involved in some classroom activities. We see you as an integral part of your child’s

Attendance Information
       The importance of good attendance on your child’s early learning.

At our school we are both highly sympathetic to, and very understanding of legitimate illness among our

The research below indicates that good attendance habits established in the early years of schooling
translate to successful learning, beginning with Kindy.

“Student Attendance and Educational Outcomes; Every Day Counts” was prepared for the
Department of Education by the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, UWA in May 2013.
The report was based on the attendance patterns of some 415 000 Government school students in WA.
It tables some interesting points.

                                         KEY FINDINGS
Disparities in attendance rates are evident from early schooling.
The data indicates that attendance rates further diminish in secondary school. It is critical that good
attendance patterns are established in the early years, particularly kindy. If good attendance is not
established early, then the data says that a child’s high school attendance will be further reduced. A
good start is imperative to future success.

In all analyses, average academic achievement on NAPLAN tests declined as absence rates
This was evident across all sub groups ie nationality, gender, transience, socio-economic status etc.
Every day of attendance contributes positively toward a child’s learning. Absence from school was
related to poor academic achievement, not only in the current year but in future years as well. Gaps in
student learning from one poor year of attendance have a flow on effect in future years.

Educators cannot improve attendance alone.
The community needs to be included. The community needs to recognise the importance of education.
Achieving this can be done by students only being absent for valid illnesses. Absences for birthdays,
holidays in term time, appointments that could be done out of hours, for a day of rest after a busy
weekend etc, are not legitimate reasons for non-attendance at school.

Please support your child by advising the school of non-attendance and by ensuring that your child
attends regularly. If there are any issues that impact upon your child’s attendance please contact the
school so that we are able to support you.

You can also read