Saint Barbara Catholic church - July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page created by Marion Hughes
Saint Barbara Catholic church - July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016 - Page

               Saint Barbara
                         Catholic church
  July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Barbara Catholic Church                 
Saint Barbara Catholic church - July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016 - Page 2

                                             Today’s Reading
                                             First Reading -- Heed the voice of the LORD. It is
                                             something very near to you, already in your hearts; you
                                             only need to carry it out (Deuteronomy 30:10-14).
        July9 — July15, 2016                 Psalm -- Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live
                                             (Psalm 69) or Psalm 19.
 Saturday                                    Second Reading -- All things were created through and
  8:00 AM   Maria Le Thi Ty†           RIP   for Christ Jesus (Colossians 1:15-20).
  4:00 PM   Maria Nguyen Thi Huu †     RIP   Gospel -- To be a neighbor, show love by treating others with mercy, as did
  5:30 PM   Anez Quat Nguyen†          RIP   the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
  7:00 PM   Dinh                       SI
  8:30 PM   All Souls†                 RIP   READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                                             Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 -- 11:1
 Sunday                                      Tuesday: Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24
  6:30 AM   All Souls†                 RIP   Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27
  9:30 AM   Ignacio Huu Dang Nguyen†   RIP   Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30
                                             Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8
 11:00 AM   Anna Le T Le My†           RIP
                                             Saturday: Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21
 12:45 PM   Nathalie Angel Curiel †    RIP   Sunday: Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42
  4:00 PM   All Souls†                 RIP
  5:30 PM   Thanks to God              TX                                    GO AND DO LIKEWISE
  7:00 PM   Maria VasquezGuzman †      RIP    Miss Collins, the dean of students at Olympic High School, was past the point
                                              of scolding Matt, though she liked him very much. "Four detentions in two
 Monday                                       weeks are too many."
  6:30 AM Maria Tran Thi Xuan†         RIP    Still Matt wouldn't tell. It was only after Miss Collins went on a morning neigh-
  8:15 AM Long Tung Family             SI     borhood patrol that she found out the real reason for Matt's tardiness. Thump,
                                              thump, thump, came the wheelchair down the stairs. It was Matt, steadying
 Tuesday                                      Shawnetta as he helped lower her down the stairs and then push her to the
  8:15 AM All Souls†                   RIP    corner bus stop.
  5:30 PM Maria Thuyet †               RIP    "She's a girl in my parish youth group," Matt explained to Miss Collins.
  7:00 PM Luz Rojas†                   RIP    There are many ways to describe Matt's actions--a random act of kindness,
                                              making a difference one person at a time. Jesus would understand. When the
 Wednesday                                    lawyer correctly identified the good Samaritan as the one who had treated the
  6:30 AM Phero Le Quang Tinh†         RIP    injured man with compassion, Jesus said simply, "Go and do likewise" (Luke
  8:15 AM Phero & Rosa†                RIP    10:37).

  6:30 AM Vincente & Daminh†           RIP                SUMMER TRIVIA SERIES
  8:15 AM All Souls†                   RIP
                                             We apologize for the inconvenience, but our Summer Trivia Series
 Friday                                      will resume next week. Winners will be announced in the next issue.
  8:15 AM Matthew Tran Van My†         RIP
  5:30 PM All Souls†                   RIP
  7:00 PM Socorro Esquivel†            RIP     THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY !
                                                         Your donaƟons for the week of
                                                              July 2 - July 3, 2016
                                              Your weekly support have been used to sustain the
                                              ministries and ongoing operaƟng needs of our parish.

                                                      Second CollecƟon for Missionary CooperaƟon Appeal
                                                                 (Diocese of Long Xuyen, Vietnam)

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Saint Barbara Catholic church - July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016 - Page 3

                                      Knights of Columbus
                              Casino Night Fundraising

                                                        July 29 in the Hall
                                         $50 entry fee , reservations required
                               Includes gaming chips, hamburger & chips, drink, chance on
                                        Vegas Trip. Games from 6PM to 9:30PM
                                            Call 714-963-8890 for reservation
                               Proceeds support Youth, Religious Ed and Culture of Life efforts

                                                                                   Casino noche de
                29 de Julio el el Salon Parroquial         recaudación de fondos
            Entrada $50, Reservacion Requerida.
   Incluye fichas de juego, hamburguesas, papitas, bebidas
           y oportunidad de ganar un viage a Vegas
             Llame 714-963-8890 para reservacion
Los fondos Reaudados seran para Los Jovenes, Educacion Religiosa,
                          Cultura de Vida.

 Đêm Casino Gây Quỹ                          29 Tháng 7 tại Hội Trường Giáo Xứ
                                               Vào cửa $50. Xin gọi trước giữ chỗ.
                                  Vé vào cửa bao gồm chip chơi game, ăn tối với hamburger &
                                      khoai tây chiên, và nước uống. Cơ hội trúng đi Vegas.
                                           Games từ 6 giờ chiều đến 9 giờ 30 tối.
                                  Số tiền thu nhập, sẽ trợ giúp Giới Trẻ, Chương Trình Giáo Lý
                                                 và các nỗ lực Văn Hoá Sự Sống.

                  Maria Kieu Thi Nguyen, Ageda          Giuse Duong Dinh Tai, Maria Nguyen
                  Pena, Nguyen Thi Linh, Travis         Thi Tuyet Hoa, Gioan Nguyen Quang
                  Huismans, Manielena Gutierrez de      Chieu, Yolanda Atolco, Maria Do Thi
                  Avila, Merced Zavala, Fernando        Men, Daminh Nguyen Van Chuc,
                  Escobar, Elia Gonzalez, Mitch         Giuse Nguyen Duc Ruat, Phero Ngu-
                  Udell, Tim Garcia, Cindy Olis,        yen Van Hung, Phero, Phan Thanh
                 Reyna Mendez, Thomas Myers,            Trong, Giacobe Vu Dai Quoc, Maria
                 Dani Araujo, JJ Mendez.                Bui Thi Tram, Joseph Fuentez Ayala, Maria Tran Thi
                                                        Xuan, Eugenia Caranza, Rita M. McElroy, Theresa Tru-
Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have      ong To Loan, J. Refugio Ochoa Hernandez, Pat Mills.
shouldered the burden of our weakness and borne
our sufferings in your own passion and death. Hear      God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to
this prayer for our sick brothers and sister whom you   the cry of your people: hear the prayers we offer for
have redeemed. Strengthen their hope of salvation       our departed brothers and sisters. Cleanse them of
and sustain them in body and soul, for you live and     their sins and grant them the fullness of redemption.
reign for ever and ever. Amen.                          We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Saint Barbara Catholic church - July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016 - Page 4

                                         Meet our new priests...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am Fr. Tuan Pham, your new Pastor. I was born and raised during the Vietnam
War. The First American I met was an American marine in Vietnam. At the Fall
of Saigon on April 30, 1975, I was among the first wave of Vietnamese who came
to America. After I spent about a month at Camp Pendleton, I had settled at Car-
thage, Missouri. In December 1983, I received the B.S. degree from the South-
west Missouri State University. Then on August 1984, I began my formation and
theology study at the School of Theology, a Benedictine Seminary at Saint
Meinrad, Indiana. On May 21, 1988 I was ordained a Catholic priest at the Sacred
heart Cathedral in Dodge City, Kansas by Bishop Stanley Schlarman. My first
assignment was at Saint Dominic Church in Garden City, Kansas. Then on Octo-
ber 1989, I was appointed Pastor of Saint Joseph Church in Scott City and Saint
Theresa Church in Brighton, Kansas. On August 1992, I moved to the Diocese of
Orange, California. I was appointed as Parochial Vicar at Saint Columban parish
in Garden Grove from 1992 to 1996; Saint Callistus parish in Garden Grove from
1996 to 2002; Holy Spirit parish in Fountain Valley from 2002 to 2005; then on July 01, 2005 to June 30, 2016, I minis-
tered as Pastor of Blessed Sacrament parish in Westminster. Then Bishop Kevin W. Vann appointed me for a term of
six (6) years, effectively July 01, 2016 to June 30, 2022 as Pastor of Saint Barbara Church in Santa Ana, California.
The appointment then may be renewed for a second term at the discretion of the diocesan bishop. I am happy to be with
you at Saint Barbara Church. I hope and pray that we grow in our personal and intimate relationship with Jesus in our
spiritual journey to the kingdom of God. I am here for you. It is a privilege for me to serve all of you. May our Loving
God shower you with many blessings from heaven and earth.

In Christ,
Fr. Tuan Pham

I was ordained on June 6, 2009. My first parish assignment was St. John Neu-
mann, Irvine, for four years. In July 2013 I was transferred to St. Angela Merici
Church in Brea. As of July 1, 2016, I was officially assigned to St. Barbara
Church. There was a progression in terms of the number of languages in my first
three assignments: St. John Neumann parish is strictly monolingual; St. Angela
Merici, bilingual (English and Spanish); St. Barbara is very multicultural and TRI-
lingual. This will be a new experience for me since I have never served at such a
large community. But I am looking forward to the challenge. Also, this marks the
first time that I will do ministry in Vietnamese, my native tongue. Even though
I know Vietnamese fluently, I did all my theology and philosophy in English.
Therefore I am more comfortable with presenting the message of the Catholic
faith in English than in Vietnamese. I was fortunate enough to have been sent to
Europe for my theological studies. Overall I have had a good and extensive theo-
logical education. I love the Catholic faith and I love to spread its message of
God’s love to God’s people. I also love the Catholic school children. At my previ-
ous parish St. Angela Merici, I was somewhat involved in the life of the parish
school. I hope to do the same here at St. Barbara: celebrating mass with them, visiting them, accompanying on days of
retreat, etc… Anyway, these are just a few words about me. I am looking forward to work with all of you here at St.
May God bless you all!
Fr. Anthony Hien Vu

St. Barbara Catholic Church                                                                                                                                                                    
Saint Barbara Catholic church - July 10, 2016 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 10, 2016 - Page 5
                                    COÄNG ÑOAØN THAÙNH GIUSE
               THÔNG BÁO KHÓA THÁNH KINH MÙA HÈ 2016
Mùa Hè 2016 sẽ học hỏi về Sách Xuất Hành Lòng Chúa Thương Xót dưới sự hướng dẫn
của Cha Giuse Nguyễn Thái, linh hướng phong trào Cursillo, Cha phó cộng đoàn St. Barbara.
- Địa điểm học: nhà thờ St. Barbara.
- Thời gian: từ 7pm đến 9:15pm, trong 9 buổi tối Thứ Hai. Khai giảng vào ngày
27 tháng 6, học vào các ngày 4, 11, 18, 25 tháng 7, và các ngày 1, 8, 15, 22 tháng 8.
- Điều kiện: cần có lòng nhiệt thành ao ước học hỏi Lời Chúa, vì thế cần phải có cuốn Thánh Kinh Cựu Ước và Tân
Ước. Xin ghi danh tại văn phòng giáo xứ St. Barbara, 714-775-7733.
Những ai muốn lãnh nhận giấy chứng chỉ được cấp phát bởi địa phận Orange sau khi học hết 8 cuốn: Sách Xuất Hành,
sách Tiên Tri Isaia, sách Thánh Vịnh, Phúc âm Marco, các thư Phaolo, Phúc âm Gioan, các thư Gioan, và sách Khải
Huyền, thì cần phải học thêm phần kỹ năng lãnh đạo: gồm Linh Đạo Kito Giáo và điều hành nhóm, do phong trào Cur-
sillo phụ trách. Riêng khóa Mùa Hè 2016 học về Sách Xuất Hành, thì cần phải học thêm 4 buổi tối khác nữa về kỹ năng
lãnh đạo:
- Địa điểm: Trung Tâm Công Giáo.
- Thời gian: từ 7pm tới 9:15pm. Các tối Thứ Tư ngày 8 và 22 tháng 6; và ngày 6 và 20 tháng 7.
- Điều Kiện: đóng lệ phí $40. Xin gọi anh Khanh 714-456-2220 để lấy đơn ghi danh và biết thêm các chi tiết khác.

                                                         Thánh Vêrônica Giuliani (1660-1727)
    Lễ Kính Quan Thày Phaolô, Bổn Mạng
        Ban Thừa Tác Viên Lời Chúa                         Ước ao của Thánh Vêrônica là được giống Ðức Kitô
                                                         bị đóng đinh và mong ước ấy đã được nhận lời với
                                                         năm dấu thánh.
                                                           Thánh Vêrônica tên thật là Ursula Giuliani, sinh
                                                         trưởng ở Mercatello nước Ý. Người ta kể lại khi mẹ
                                                         của ngài hấp hối, bà đã gọi năm cô con gái đến cạnh
                                                         giường và phó thác mỗi người con cho một vết
                                                         thương của Chúa Giêsu. Ursula được phó thác cho vết
                                                         thương cạnh sườn bên dưới trái tim Chúa Giêsu.
                                                           Ngay từ khi còn nhỏ, Ursula đã được các cảm
                                                         nghiệm thần bí. Ngài viết: "Tôi nhớ là khi bảy hay tám
                                                         tuổi, Ðức Giêsu đã hiện ra với tôi hai lần trong Tuần
                                                         Thánh." Từ đó trở đi, Ursula hãm mình phạt xác và bị
                                                         chính Satan tấn công nhiều lần.
                                                           Sơ Vêrônica rất sùng kính Thánh Thể và Thánh
                                                         Tâm. Ngài dâng hiến những đau khổ của mình cho
                                                         công cuộc truyền giáo. Sơ Vêrônica được phong thánh
Thay mặt Ban TTV Lời Chúa chân thành cám ơn              năm 1839.
                                                         Lời Bàn
cha Joseph Nguyễn Thái, đã đến giúp chúng con
trong buổi tĩnh huấn để cùng nhau học hỏi và chia        Tại sao Thiên Chúa lại ban năm dấu thánh cho Thánh
sẻ, noi gương Thánh Phaolo phục vụ trong tin yêu         Phanxicô Assisi và cho Thánh Vêrônica? Chỉ có Thiên
và hăng say nhiệt thành với ơn gọi Kitô hữu.             Chúa mới biết được các lý do sâu xa, nhưng như
                                                         Tôma Celano giải thích, các dấu thánh bên ngoài là để
                                                         xác nhận lòng quý mến thập giá hằng ngày của các
Ban Lời Chúa cũng xin cám ơn Ô. phó CT Ngoại
                                                         thánh nhân. Các dấu thánh xuất hiện trên thân thể
vụ đại diện BCH Cộng Đoàn đã đến tham dự và              của Thánh Vêrônica đã bắt nguồn từ lâu trong tâm
khích lệ tinh thần cho BLC.                              hồn ngài. Ðó là một kết quả xứng hợp với lòng yêu
                                                         mến Thiên Chúa của thánh nữ cũng như sự bác ái của

T/M                                                      ngài đối với các nữ tu trong dòng.
Thuy Hang, TB                                                                               Trích

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LECTURAS DE HOY                                              LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA
                                                             Lunes: Is 1:10-17; Sal 50 (49):8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt
Primera lectura -- Escuchen la voz del Señor. Es algo muy 10:34 -- 11:1
cerca de ti, y está en tu corazón; sólo necesitas observarla Martes: Is 7:1-9; Sal 48 (47):2-8; Mt 11:20-24
(Deuteronomio 30:10-14).                                     Miércoles: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Sal 94 (93):5-10, 14-15; Mt
Salmo -- Escúchame, Señor, porque eres bueno                 11:25-27
                                                             Jueves: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Sal 102 (101):13-14ab, 15-
(Salmo 69 [68]) o Salmo 19 (18).                             21; Mt 11:28-30
Segunda lectura -- Todas las cosas fueron creadas medi- Viernes: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt
ante y para Cristo Jesús (Colosenses 1:15-20).               12:1-8
Evangelio -- Ser un buen vecino, mostrar amor tratando a Sábado: Mi 2:1-5; Sal 10 (9):1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21
                                                             Domingo: Gen 18:1-10a; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lc
otros con misericordia (Lucas 10:25-37).                     10:38-42

                                     ANDA Y HAZ TÚ LO MISMO
La señorita González, la decana de los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria Olimpo, ya estaba cansada de
regañar a Mateo, a pesar de que le caía muy bien. "Cuatro castigos después de clase en dos semanas es
Sin embargo Mateo permanecía en silencio. Sólo después de que la señorita González fuera en una ronda
matutina por el vecindario descubrió la verdadera razón de las tardanzas de Mateo. Pataplún, cayó la silla
de ruedas por las escaleras. Era Mateo, sujetando a Dolores mientras ayudaba a que la bajaran por las
escaleras y luego la empujaba hasta la parada de autobús.
"Es una chica de mi grupo de jóvenes de la parroquia" Mateo le explicó a la señorita González.
Hay muchas formas de describir las acciones de Mateo -un acto de bondad al azar, marcar una diferencia
en la vida de una persona a la vez. Jesús entendería. Cuando el abogado identificó correctamente al buen
samaritano como el que había tratado al hombre herido con compasión, Jesús simplemente dijo: "Anda y
haz tú lo mismo" (Lucas 10:37).

                                        TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE
Desde 1913, en la ciudad de Puntarenas, Costa Rica, la Virgen del Carmen es reconocida como la Virgen
del Mar. En aquel año un barco llamado el Galileo naufraga en una tempestad y el pueblo angustiado por
sus seres queridos recurrió al templo de la Virgen para pedir auxilio. Algunos días después todos los tripu-
lantes fueron rescatados y llevados a Puntarenas. Según los tripulantes, mientras las lluvias y vientos ame-
nazaban al Galileo una mujer los animó a que se echasen al agua y nadaran a tierra firme. Allí ella los ali-
mentó y los acompañó hasta que fueron rescatados.
Llenos de alegría, el pueblo llevó a los rescatados a la iglesia para dar gracias. Estos reconocieron a la Vir-
gen del Carmen como la mujer que los había ayudado. Desde entonces el sábado más cercano al 16 de
julio, el pueblo celebra en grande la fiesta del Carmen con grandes desfiles de barcos y yates. Entre música
y fuegos artificiales los costarricenses vienen en embarcaciones adornadas desde toda la nación a celebrar
con la Virgen del Mar que también se encuentra en una embarcación.
--Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM


        Domingo: Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo
        Lunes: San Benito
        Miércoles: San Enrique
        Jueves: Santa Kateri Tekakwitha
        Viernes: San Buenaventura
        Sábado: Nuestra Señora del Carmen;
        Santa María Virgen
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                         FAITH FORMATION NEWS


                                            The Christian initiation of adults is a “gradual process
  “God does not call the qualified:
                                            that takes place within the community of the faith-
     He qualifies the called.”              ful” (RCIA, 36), but respects the needs of each indi-
                                            vidual within that community. Are we ready to invite
We need more catechists, Youth Leaders, those called by God’s grace at other times rather than
 aides and other volunteers., and will pro- the beginning of a school year? If you know someone
vide the training and resources. Be a part eighteen (18) years or older, interested in the Catholic
 of God’s mission of Evangelization! God faith and is un-baptized, or baptized but has not been
   will bless you in return for generously  catechized or received Confirmation and Eucharist,
  serving him. For more info., contact Sr. the team is available on Sunday mornings following
                Grace Duc Le                the 9:30 Mass. Please have them call Jeanne Norlin,
          @ 714-775-9475 or email           (714) 531-2566, or come to the teacher’s meeting
                room next to the Faith Formation Office any Sunday

                                            JULY 9– AUGUST 21
                                Registrations for Confirmation & First Holy Communion
                                            Ghi danh học Giáo Lý Thêm Sức
                                Registraciones para Confirmación y Primera Communion

 Now accepting registrations for First Holy Communion in English, Spanish and Confirmation
                       in the Faith Formation office during office hours.
        Giáo Lý Thêm Sức/                   Programa de Primera                   Chương trình
   Confirmation/Communion in               Communion en Espanol:                 Giáo Lý song ngữ
   English/ Confirmcacion y Pri-                  Julio 10, 24, 31
    mera Communion in Ingles.                    Agosto 07, 31, 28
       Monday: 12:00pm-8:30pm                                                     Time & Date: TBA
    Tuesday- Wednesday: 12:00pm-               Horas: 11:00-3:00pm
         Friday: 9:00-8:30pm           *Summer schedule subject to change; call 714-775-9475 before coming.
  Saturday- Sunday: 10:00am-5:30pm              Classes begin the weekend of September 11th.
                                                      Lớp học bắt đầu ngày 11 tháng 9.
                                                Las clases empiezan el 11 de septiembre.
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                              “Committed to Student Excellence”

                    Welcoming New Students with
                             Open Arms
                                                   SCHOOL STARTS AUG. 17th
                                                      Accepting Registrations
                                                   For the 2016-2017 School Year.

                                                      Openings in All Grades
                                                         Full Day TK, K, 1-8
                                                      Departmentalizes Gr. 5-8
                                                      Leveled Reading & Math
                                                     Daily Religion, Weekly Mass
                    YEAR OF MERCY
                                                      Summer Office Hours:
                                                  Monday—Thursday 7:30—11 am

                      St. Barbara Parish School
                   Where Faith and Knowledge Meet!
                       Full Day TK—8th Grade
           GO TO Prospective Parents section or call 714 775-9477
               for more information about St. Barbara School and how to apply!

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St. Barbara Catholic Church                   
Administrator                                                 July 10, 2016 - Page 12
     Rev. Thomas Quoc Tran, SVD                       714-775-7733                             Liturgical Celebrations
  Parochial Vicars
    Rev. Joseph Thai Nguyen                           714-775-7733
    Rev. Christopher Tuan Pham                        714-775-7733                                      Weekend Eucharist
    Rev. Ramon Cisneros                               714-775-7733
                                                                                       Saturday Vigil           4:00 PM Vietnamese
  Deacon                                                                                                        5:30 PM English
    Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen                            714-965-0777                                              7:00 PM Vietnamese
    Dcn. Carlos Navarro                               714-990-1615
  Parish Office
                                                                                                                Neocatechumenal Way
    Theresa Thanh Ta, Eng/Viet                        714-775-7733 ext. 221                                     7:00 PM English (in the Hall)
    Mary Perez Lara, Eng/Spanish                      714-775-7733 ext. 222                                     8:30 PM Spanish (in the Church)
  Faith Formation                                                                                               8:45 PM Spanish (in the Hall)
    Sr. Grace Duc Le, DFF & Confirmation              714-775-9475 ext. 238               Sunday                6:30 AM Vietnamese
    Sr. Stella Le, CRE Vietnamese                     714-775-9475 ext. 239                                     9:30 AM    English
    Alejandra Estrada, CRE Spanish                    714-775-9475 ext. 242                                   11:00 AM     Vietnamese
    Hang Nguyen, Secretary                            714-775-9475 ext. 236                                    12:45 PM    Spanish
    Kris Nghiem Tran, Youth Minister                  714-775-9475                                              4:00 PM    Vietnamese
  Adult Education (R.C.I.A.)                                                                                    5:30 PM    English
                                                                                                                7:00 PM    Spanish
    Jeanna Norlin–English                             714-531-2566
    Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen–Viet                       714-965-0777                                       Weekday Eucharist
    Elizabeth Hernandez–Spanish                       714-567-1625
  Homebound Eucharistic Ministers                                                     Mon, Wed, Thu             6:30 AM    Vietnamese
                                                                                                                8:15 AM    English
    Flora Schoonover–English                          714-296-4754
    Maria Vega–Spanish                                714-818-0409                                Tue, Fri      8:15 AM    English
                                                                                                                5:30 PM    Vietnamese
    Sr. Lien Do–Viet                                  714-839-8199
                                                                                                                7:00 PM    Spanish
  St. Barbara School                        
                                                                                                 Saturday       8:00 AM    English
    Judy Bloom, Principal                             714-775-9477
    Jody Rogers, Finances                             714-775-9473
  Parish Finance Office
    Kim Bui                                           714-775-9420
  Bulletin Editor
    Anna Nguyen (               714-775-9417

Baptism                                               Marriage                                                   PRESIDER SCHEDULE
Celebrated monthly on Sundays at 2:30PM.              Registered parishioners should contact the rectory        HORARIO QUE PRESIDE
      1st Sunday — Vietnamese                         for an appointment with one of the priests at least               LÒCH DAÂNG LEÃ
      2nd Sunday — English                            six (6) months prior to marriage.
                                                                                                             Saturday, July 16, 2016
      3rd Sunday — Spanish
We strongly urge parent/s to contact the rectory      Funeral                                                  4:00 PM - TBD
for information during pregnancy or before plan-      At the death of a loved one kindly notify the recto-     5:30 PM - TBD
ning the Baptism. An infant’s Baptism requires a      ry at your earliest convenience so the dates and         7:00 PM - TBD
commitment of accepting certain religious and         times for the Funeral Liturgy may be arranged.           8:30 PM - TBD
spiritual responsibilities for the child by both                                                             Sunday, July 17, 2016
parents and godparents. The role of the parish        Reconciliation                                           6:30 AM - TBD
staff is to help assist you in making these commit-   Mon: 9:00 AM — 10:00 AM Eng                              9:30 AM - TBD
ments.                                                Tue: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet                   11:00 AM - TBD
                                                      Fri: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet                   12:45 PM - TBD
Perpetual Adoration                                                                                            4:00 PM - TBD
                                                      Anointing of the Sick
    7th day of each month                                                                                      5:30 PM - TBD
       From 8PM–1AM                                      (714) 345- 4885                                       7:00 PM - TBD

                             Parish Office Hours : Mon-Fri : 8:30AM - 6:00PM, Sat & Sun : Closed
                        730 S. Euclid St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704         Tel: 714-775-7733 • Fax: 714-775-9467
                                     Website :
St. Barbara Catholic Church               Email:                Viet
                                                                                                    Rep : Thelu Bui 310-409-5836
July 10, 2016 - Page 13
            St. Barbara Church #094900
            730 S. Euclid Street
            Santa Ana, CA 92704

             714 775-7733

            Anna Nguyen


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St. Barbara Catholic Church                              
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