Sacred Heart Girls' College - Manawa Tapu

Page created by Marshall Rose
Sacred Heart Girls' College - Manawa Tapu
Sacred Heart Girls’ College
                                                           Manawa Tapu

    Excellent Education
                                                       New Plymouth
      That Embraces
      Gospel Values
                          T E R M   2                    NEWSLETTER                          J U N E   2 0 1 8


Fri 1—Mon 4 June:
Mission Cup
                          Kia ora whanau, welcome to our end of term newsletter.
Mon 4 June:                Kia ora whanau
Queen’s Birthday
                           Welcome to our mid-term newsletter. You will see from the wide variety of interesting
Tues 5 June:               and engaging activities that our students have been involved with throughout the
Teacher Only Day           contents of the newsletter, that our Wāhine Toa continue to access a multitude of co-
                           curricular and extra-curricular activities, many of which are offered by our staff and
Fri 8 June:                volunteer base above and beyond the call of duty. For these opportunities we are
Sacred Heart Feast Day     grateful.
Mon 11—Fri 15 June:        Our theme for the year “We are one Body in Christ” and associated whakatauki “Whiria te
Academic Week              Tangata”, focus on the coming together of the wider Manawa Tapu community, a weaving
                           together of past and present students, their families and our wider community. I am
Fri 22 June                proud of our Head Girls, Lizzy, Lilly and Tayla who have implemented new initiatives at
Year 11 Retreat            assembly whereby they symbolise the weaving together of our Catholicism, our Manawa
Year 12 & 13 Study Day     Mission, as gifted to us by the Sisters of Our Lady of
                           the Missions, and our commitment as treaty
Thurs 28 June:
                           partners in bi-cultural Aotearoa, New Zealand. Our
Years 7 & 8 Social,
                           leaders in prayer weekly share a gem from our
SHGC, 7-9pm
                           foundress, Euphrasie Barbier, and these gems are
Years 9 & 10 Social,
                           safely deposited in our kete of shared knowledge,
FDMC, 7-9pm
                           and they are the wearers of the taonga gifted to us
Fri 6 July:                by the Kawana whanau, our pounamu heart.
Last day Term 2            The skillfully carved heart-shaped piece of Ngai Tahu
Mon 6—Wed 8 Aug:           greenstone is our touchstone, and it is spending the
WITT Taranaki Science      year being infused with Manawa Tapu mauri. It has a leading part in weekly assembly, has
& Technology Fair          travelled to Auckland with Jessica Mehana to share in the national Race Unity speech
                           competition, and was present at the recent baptism of Rongomaihenga Waerea-Hohaia in
                           the Mary Phelan Chapel here at the college. We have had permission from the Kawana
Term 2                     whanau to have our newly gifted taonga become a living and breathing part of Manawa
Mon 30 April —             Tapu spirit and culture ahead of its being affixed as the clasp of our Diana Kawana
Fri 6 July                 memorial korowai on its completion.

Term 3                     Our PTFA are working hard behind the scenes to provide an opportunity for the adults in
Mon 23 July —              our community to come together at the Dinner Dance that is being planned for the 11 th of
Fri 28 September           August. This is a part of the fundraising for the Manawa Tapu korowai project. It’s a great
                           opportunity to weave together our wider community for an evening of fun, frivolity and
Term 4                     fundraising, with an equally important focus of gathering and enjoying the company of
Mon 15 October —           one another.
Wed 12 December
                                                                              Principal’s Peace continued over page

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Sacred Heart Girls' College - Manawa Tapu
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                                        School News
                             School           News
                              Principal’s Peace Cont.
Please find further information regarding the event on the next page, and follow our Facebook page for more
information. It was wonderful to ‘Welcome to the Garden’ our Year 13 cohort to the annual Ball last Saturday
night. Congratulations to the organising committee on a stunning event, and to the young women of the college
who conducted themselves with decorum and grace. I am sure our adult community will look forward to a
similar experience at the PTFA Dinner Dance in August.
Congratulations to all our students for their individual and collective achievements, many of which are outlined
in the contents of this newsletter. We have had an incredible year with a purple patch of students who are
national champions and/or have made national teams in a wide range of activities. It has been a pleasure to
acknowledge these students in achieving to the best of their abilities with iconic Sacred Heart rose ceremonies.
Additionally, we had an excellent showing at the highly coveted annual O’Shea Shield, with most participants
featuring strongly in individual categories which led to an impressive second equal finish for the college.
Congratulations to all participants, and to those who prepared them and supported them at the event, with
special congratulations to ‘Mr O’Shea Shield’, Deputy Principal Andrew Murray, who dedicated countless hours
of organisational support to the contingent.
It was our pleasure to welcome a large number of visitors to our Open Afternoon. Enrolments for 2019 do need
to be submitted prior to the end of Term 2 so that we have ample time to arrange interviews and to plan for
populating the school in the coming year. Where we continue to experience roll pressure, places for non-
preference entry may well be compromised. We continue working with community and the Ministry of
Education around the possibility of a maximum roll increase with nothing looking to be confirmed this year.
Finally, a reminder to families that we are a BYOD school, with our learning and teaching programmes relying on
the digital devices that students are able to bring with them from home to school. We have invested heavily in
our infrastructure to allow for any device to work at any time and strongly encourage those that are able to
bring their devices with them to school every day, fully charged and ready for learning. We do have a limited
number of devices that are available for student use, and would prefer to have those available to those most in
need, as opposed to those who have not organised themselves adequately. Thank you for your support.
I am pleased to welcome Andrea Baird to the English faculty. Andrea will teach two Year 10 English classes from
the 18th of June, after we farewell Jasmine Novak, who has contributed tremendously in her short stint here at
her ‘old school’. We are also planning on saying a regretful farewell to our hard-working and dedicated Sports
Coordinator, Nicola Watson, who leaves us on the 8th of June to take up full time work in banking.
All the very best for a well-earned break over Queen’s Birthday weekend. Best of luck to our netball and hockey
teams who are competing in Mission school events in Napier, Mission Cup and Te Toa tournaments and to our
Sheila Winn troupe who are performing at nationals in Wellington. Please remember that we have a Teacher
Only Day planned for Tuesday 5th June, during which teachers are together carefully considering future-focussed
curriculum opportunities at the college. We look forward to sharing our collegial thinking, and encourage those
that have an interest to engage with the ‘Big Opportunities’ as presented by the Ministry of Education Advisory
Group around our national qualification, NCEA, to do so.

Paula Wells

                                                                                 Whiria te tangata
                                                                             Weave the people together

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Sacred Heart Girls' College - Manawa Tapu
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                                    School News
                         School News

             The PTFA invite you to purchase your ticket for the

                Mid-Winter Dinner Dance
                                        for grown-ups
                 on Saturday 11th August 2018 at The Devon Hotel
                      Pre-dinner drinks served from 6.30pm
                 Tickets $80 pp, on sale at the school from July 2nd
                               Dress: Dinner attire

       This is a fundraising event for The Year of the Korowai.
       The evening’s entertainment includes a live auction and band,
             with dancing from 9pm. More details to follow.

            Mid-Winter Dinner Dance Sponsorship Packages
                   Invitations are extended to any family or business who wishes
                             to sponsor this event. Options are as follows:
        Gold at $5,000: (2 packages available)
         sponsorship of short film on the story of the Korowai, logo on the ticket plus
         x2 tables of 10
        Silver at $2,500: (2 packages available)
         sponsorship of the band or naming rights on the pre-dinner drinks plus
         x1 table of 10
        Bronze at $1,500: (2 packages available)
         naming rights of either the red wine or the white wine on the table plus
         x1 table of 10
   All sponsors of the event will have their logo featured in the programme for the evening,
   projected on the visual display and be acknowledged in the opening speeches.

   For more information or any queries please contact: Chris Moffitt or
   Maree Sutton—

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                                         School News
                                School       News
                                  Catholic Chapter
The Church is still celebrating the Easter Season as we journey towards Pentecost. The Easter
Season began on Easter Sunday and continues for fifty days, ending on Pentecost Sunday. In the early Church,
this period was a time for catechesis for the newly baptised. Called mystgogy (reflection on the mysteries), this
catechesis led the baptised to a deeper understanding of what it meant to bear the light of Christ to the world.
Appropriately, the Gospels of the Easter season reflect this missionary theme. It is an opportune time for us all
to think about the missionary significance of our baptism. The fifty days between Easter Sunday and Pentecost
is also a time of thanksgiving and joy for what Christ has done for humanity. This joy is reflected in the white
garments priests wear to celebrate Mass during the period.

May 24 was the second anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ document Laudato ‘Si. In this document,
“On Care for our Common Home”, Pope Francis addresses issues on environmentalism, poverty, science and
other topics such as urban planning, agricultural economics and biodiversity. He talks about our responsibility
and need to care for our common home. Exercising “Stewardship” is caring for the gifts that God has given to
us, including the environment, our own personal talents and other resources. We are kaitiaki – guardians of the
earth. The integrity of the ecosystems which make up the earth is vital for our survival and for the wellbeing
future generations. Everything in creation is given for all people. Understanding our interdependence with all
living creatures, we must use God’s gifts responsibly to meet the needs of everyone, now and in the future.
“Cultivating and caring for creation is God’s instruction given to each one of us … it means nurturing the world
with responsibility and transforming it into a garden, a habitable place for everyone.” Pope Francis.

Congratulations to
Rongomaihenga Waerea-
Hohaia who was baptised
in Mary’s Chapel on
Thursday May 24. At his
general audience on 25
April 2018 at St Peter’s in
the Vatican, Pope Francis
spoke about Baptism. He
said: “In our catechesis
on the sacrament of
Baptism, we have seen
that it is the door by
which we enter, through
faith, into the mystery of
Christ’s passover from
death to life. Guided by the light of God’s word, and accompanied by the prayers of the saints in heaven and
our brothers and sisters here on earth, we begin a journey of growth in faith.”
We pray that Rongomaihenga will continue to grow in faith with the support of her whanau, friends and the
wider community.

A number of other students will continue their growth in faith this term as they prepare to receive the
Sacrament of Reconciliation or the Sacrament of Confirmation. If your daughter is interested in receiving the
sacraments she should contact our Chaplain, Carole Tipler. First Eucharist preparation will take place in Term 3.

Catherine Landrigan
Director of Religious Studies

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                                            School News
                              School      News
                                 O’Shea Shield
Three weeks ago, Sacred Heart competed in the 72nd annual O’Shea Shield competition hosted in Wellington by
St Catherine’s. The girls participated in various religious sections; these included oratory, impromptu speech,
religious questions, religious drama, debating, junior speaker, Te Reo scripture and English scripture.

Several of the girls received places in their own category. Our impromptu speaker received 3rd place, religious
questions placed 2nd, junior speaker placed 3rd, and both scripture readings placed 2nd. The team as a whole
scored highly, throughout all events.

At the end of the weekend during prize giving ceremony, we were surprised and grateful to receive second
place overall, in this prestigious national competition.

Elizabeth Mosquera

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                                           School News
                                School      News
                                   Year 8 Camp
 And we were off! Diving into another adventure and
this time it was at Vertical Horizons. The moment we
arrived it was straight into one activity after another.
Each of them passing in a wonderous blink of an eye,
whether you were soaring in the air, shooting a
target, finding a target or braving the cold water; you
could never be too sure what was in store for you
next. There was the flying kiwi, zipline, climbing wall
for those moments we were above ground and
harnessed up.

                                                       We took aim at targets with rifles and sent many a bow and
                                                       arrow whizzing into the bush, never to be seen again. Eels
                                                       tickled our toes as we scrambled back into upturned kayaks
                                                       and held on tight to rafts we had hurriedly and inexpertly

Dinnertime; with the sound of scraping chairs
mixed with chattering voices was the unusual
recipe. After an evening of team problem
solving tasks and a talent quest we would lay
with exhausted bodies, knowing we needed
sleep, but soon interrupted by whispering,
snoring and the occasional bang on a wall.
With our tummies full of hot milo and baking,
our eyes would flutter shut and our bodies
would recharge for another day.

By Bethanie Luke and Ella Butterworth - 8W

                                               Enrolments for 2019
  Sacred Heart Girls’ College is a Catholic Integrated school for students from Years 7 – 13, which celebrates
  the charism gifted to us by our founding order, the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions.
  To be considered for enrolment in 2019, applications must be submitted by 4pm Friday 6 July 2018.
  Our Prospectus and Enrolment Forms, including our Priority in Enrolment Procedure, can be found on our
  website—, under our Enrolment tab.
  If you have any enrolment queries, please address them to the Principal’s PA, Denise Stachurski; ph 758 5023
  ext 142 or Email:

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                                               School News
                              School News
                             School donations claims to IRD
 Families are entitled to claim their school donations each year. It has come to our attention that some of our
 community have received letters from IRD stating that some of our school donations don’t qualify and have
 been removed from the total claim. Some families, on the other hand, have been paid out 100% of their
 donations. To our knowledge, this is the first year this has happened and we are working with IRD to find out
 why there is inconsistency with this year’s tax refunds.

 As per the Ministry of Education Circular 20113/06 Payments by parents of students that all Board of Trustees
 of state and state-integrated schools are required to abide by notes that Board of Trustees and Proprietors are
 able to request donations and may suggest an amount for a general or specified donation. It also notes that
 we should inform parents that these qualify for an income tax credit from Inland Revenue in relation to
 donations made to the school.

 The Board of Trustees have classed our donations correctly as per the above Ministry of Education rules. If you
 have received a letter stating that some donations have not been paid then please ring the school office or
 email Maree Sutton or Liz Goldsworthy With your
 permission, we can then forward your contact details on to the local IRD office who have agreed to look into
 anyone who is having issues on any unpaid school donations.

 The following is a website to a company who can help you with your claim:

 We are expecting groups from China and Japan for short term stays in Term 3 and are looking for homestay for
 visiting students.
 Please express your interest with Margie Smith, International Students Co-ordinator.

                                                  On a recent outing for newly arrived International students,
                                                  we visited Waitomo Caves and Kiwi House. They were all
                                                  delighted to see kiwi being fed and learned about their

                   Natalie Chananudech from Thailand being
                   farewelled by her Buddies.

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                                          School News
                               School       News
                                GEMS—May/June update
Welcome back to Term Two. The students have settled into what traditionally is a busy term completing
Internal Assessments. Credit summary checks were given out to the Senior students in Week Two and grades
are starting to appear on these summary printouts. Please ask your daughter to show these to you on the
Our goal in Gems for this term is based around consolidating and putting into practice the personal goals that
your daughters shared during their GEMS interview (Term One). This term’s focus is on managing workload,
therefore there will be a number of quality study times made available. We encourage the girls to use this time
wisely – to be organised and to make the most of this valuable time. During Study Days (Yr 12 and 13) their
subject teacher is available for conferencing during the timetabled time for that day. It would be recommended
to make an appointment with that specific teacher via email.
If you wish to communicate with your daughter’s GEMS teacher or Subject teachers then please email them
using ‘teachers initials’

The GEMS Team

                                    Young Enterprise Scheme
This year, the first in some time, the Year 12 Business Studies Students have entered in the Young Enterprise
Scheme. The team of Madeline Wright, Grace Koch, Gemma Hughes and Ashlyn Pescini, have established their
business, ‘Just for You’, making and selling
reasonably priced earrings. Part of the YES
programme was the completion of a
comprehensive business plan, which included
market research as well as profit and cash
flow projections. The girls worked incredibly
hard on this and were rewarded with a $250
prize which they have put towards their start
-up capital. Sales are going well and the team
is on schedule to meet its targets. The next
step is a stall at the YES day in Centre City in

Mrs Alison Slater

                                            Year 10 Textiles
Year 10 textiles have just finished their 1st unit of work -
Monster Softies.
Students had to design and make the pattern for their
softies. They tested and trialed the size and shape in a
mock up so see if the eyes and mouths looked right.
Overall I have been really impressed with the girls work.
They should be proud!
Mrs Claire Wigley

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                                           School News
                              School    News
 Congratulations to Mrs Amanda Brown who has been
 appointed as Manager of the New Zealand Geography
 Secondary School Olympiad Team, chosen to represent
 New Zealand in the IGU—International Geographical Union
 Olympiad in Quebec, Canada. This team is organised by
 Geography’s national subject association, The New Zealand
 Board of Geography Teachers, in conjunction with The
 New Zealand Geographical Society and Science Olympiads
 New Zealand.
 Students are selected from a national competition run by
 the NZBoGT to compete in this prestigious competition.

 Mrs Brown will be away from 30 July—10 August 2018.

On Wednesday 9th May the Y13 Geography class went to various beaches in North Taranaki to carry out the
practical aspect of their Research topics. This year topics included looking at the sand build on Waiwhakaiho
beach due to the groyne feature, comparing cliff formation geology at Urenui and Back Beach and comparing
erosion control measures on Oakura Beach. Unique to previous years is the use of smartphone technology to
measure slope angles and direction.

  Janie at Back Beach - dedication with the tide             Brylee, Eva and Emily measuring beach slope on
  coming in!                                                 Waiwhakaiho beach

                                Year 10 Digital Technology

                                                   Year 10 DTG class teaching Year 7
                                                   students about Binary. They made
                                                   binary bracelets to show how binary
                                                   can represent the letters of the names.

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                                      School News
                              School     News
                                 Race Unity
Jessica Mehana was one of six finalists in Race Unity speech competition.
She was supported at the conference by Aaliyah Kere-Rako, Karlia
Haskell, Scout Court and Mrs Leger. Jessica’s whanau were also present.
Jessica wore our school’s pounamu while she delivered her speech.

The statement summarises the views shared at Race Unity Conference
2018, held at Te Mahurehure Marae, Auckland on Saturday 13 May
2018. The Conference brought together around 60 youth and supporters
to consult together about how race relations in New Zealand can                    Jessica Mehana
become more unified and just.
During the conference, there were a number of speakers and workshops. One of collaborations was a shared
statement from the youth in attendance. It has been published on the human rights commission website view
website here. It is challenging and insightful reading.

                Statement by youth and supporters who attended Race Unity Conference 2018

Racial prejudice is in our schools, neighbourhoods and workplaces. We are not satisfied with statements that
New Zealand is ‘less racist’ than other countries. While some experience New Zealand as a friendly and inclusive
society, too many of us experience New Zealand as an unwelcoming and exclusive place. What experience we
have tends to depend on the colour of our skin or our accent, among other markers. Racial prejudice has
influenced our institutions, our laws, and even the physical layout of our cities. The fact that Pākeha and people
of colour are predominant in different neighbourhoods and schools helps reinforce existing divisions in society,
and create unconscious biases that shape the way we think and act. If we are to eradicate racial prejudice, we
need to learn the history of Aotearoa. We need to learn about the injustices that were perpetrated, and that still
limit our success and progress. We need to learn about the efforts that have been made to create justice, peace
and unity – the non-violent resistance of Te Whiti and Tohu at Parihaka, for example. We need to learn about
the policies of assimilation that our government implemented, and the misleading self-image of harmony and
tolerance that has allowed us to forget the wrongs of the past. We need to acknowledge and honour this past, if
we are to move forward together. True unity cannot be achieved without justice. Justice requires balance –
distributing resources in ways that allow all parts of our society to flourish. At times this means that we have to
prioritise equity, rather than equality. If we want our society to flourish and be unified, we would do well to
support initiatives that aim to restore the balance of our society, including those that reallocate economic,
political and other resources.

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                                           School News
                              School News
Many institutional changes will be required if race relations are to become just and equitable. If our schools are
to teach our history, we need not only curriculum change but education for our educators. If our criminal justice
system is to be truly just, it will need to change to reflect the ethics and tikanga that New Zealanders value.
Institutional change depends on making spaces for minority voices, and youth voices, to be heard and
represented wherever power is exercised. Finally, we need to consider together how our constitution could be
transformed to fully reflect te Tiriti o Waitangi in our institutions of government. To achieve unity, we will also
need to transform the culture of our communities. We will need to create both physical and social spaces where
people of different backgrounds can mix, consult and befriend one another. We will need to make the
celebration of different cultures a frequent feature of community life that touches all New Zealanders. And as
our diversity becomes increasingly rich, we will need to continue discussing what our common identity as New
Zealanders can, and should, become.

As individuals, we must be persistent, patient and understanding. We need to learn both to challenge racism
when we see it, and to examine our own thoughts and behaviour. We must strive to be loving, forgiving, and we
must be willing to learn. We can work towards overcoming our biases by befriending people who do not look
like us or sound like us. This can start in our families, from the earliest years of our lives.

                                               NZ Air Force
We had a visit from a former pupil of
the school and the NZ Air Force and Sgt.
Marcus Heu from the Army.

Pictured here is Mia McGregor, Samantha
Glenny, Ana Graham, Brittany Carr and Sgt.

They gave a very informative presentation to
the students.

                                                Red Shirts
 Congratulations to Jessie Hau, Kaiserina Sofeni, Georgia Cooper, Alex Van Den Blink and Charlotte McConnell
 (absent) on gaining their Red Shirts Customer Service Award. Well done Ladies.

       Alex Van Den Blink                     Georgia Cooper                   Jessie Hau and Kaiserina Sofeni

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                                       School News
It is a very busy month coming up in the Music Department.

                                                   COMING UP!

Kids Sing & Big Sing
Friday 8th June, starting at 5pm, at the NPGHS Hall (off Mangorei Road)
Our 2 choirs will be competing; the Trebles in Kids Sing, and the Senior Choir in
the Big Sing. (The Big Sing will follow directly at the conclusion of the Kids Sing
event, with all results being given out at the end.)
The choirs have been working hard, under the direction of Philippa Drinkwater,
and would love your support. Tickets available at the door.

Chamber Music Regional Final
This will be held on Friday 15th June at St Andrews Church in Liardet Street. There are 2 sessions, the first at 4pm
and the second at 7pm.
We have 3 groups that involve SHGC students.
The first is a flute trio: Ellen Crowley, Cornelia Chan and Emma Prendergast.
The second is Frances Chow and Cornelia Chan, along with 2 students from FDMC, playing an original piece
written by Fiona Glennie.
The third is a group with students from several schools, including Frances Chow on violin.
This event, in its 53rd year, is a showcase of some amazing local talent. Tickets available at the door.

Rock Quest Regional Final
This annual competition is on Saturday 16th June at 7pm, at the TSB Showplace.
All of the music performed by Bands, Soloists and Duos is original. SHGC has 2 entries this year; Laura Griffiths
and Ruby Hosking are both entered in the Solo Category.
It is always an exciting evening. Earplugs available free of charge at the door!

                                             THINGS WE HAVE DONE!

Choir Workshop
Our Senior Choir recently won the opportunity to have a workshop led by Christine Argyle, one of New Zealand’s
leading Choral directors. This was held on Friday 4th May. She worked with the students on improving their
sound, giving lots of simple ideas that we can now implement. This will help the choir as they prepare for the
upcoming Big Sing Competition. A huge thanks to our new Director, Philippa Drinkwater, who not only leads the
choir but is a highly knowledgeable Voice Tutor.

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                                             School News
                                   Music News
 Concert Opportunities
 ‘Real’ music does not often happen in the classroom – (though I
 am still often surprised at the talents that we have here at

 I ensure there are opportunities to go to as many events as are
 available, to see and hear music in authentic surroundings,
 played by a variety of both professionals and amateurs.
 We have been treated to some awesome music recently. On
 Saturday May 5th there was a concert at the Theatre Royal,
 involving the Taranaki Youth Orchestra and the Jay (Junior) Brass
 Band, both involving SHGC students. This concert also featured
                                              the premiere of a piece written for Pike River by local musician
                                              Fraser Bremner. It was great to see our students involved in this
                                              very special event.
                                              Then on Saturday 12th May the Taranaki Symphony Orchestra held a
                                              concert featuring music by English composers. This Orchestra
                                              features 3 of our Itinerant Music teachers, and it was great for our
                                              students to see an example of where their music can take them.
                                              This concert also featured a Cello Concerto, and four of our Cello
                                              students were there to see this inspiring performance.
                                              Tickets for upcoming events are advertised both in the daily notices
                                              and in the Music room. All students welcome.

 Rodger Fox Workshop and Concert
                                          On Friday 18th May, Rodger
                                          Fox travelled to New Plymouth
                                          to run a day of workshops for
                                          our local Jazz musicians.
                                          Rodger Fox is one of NZs
                                          leading Jazz musicians and
                                          teachers, who teaches Jazz at
                                          the NZ School of Music, among

 We had a combined band of 40 young musicians, of varying ability.            Gemma Jones with Rodger Fox
 “This day was very enriching and I thoroughly enjoyed it.” Fiona Glennie
 “This workshop helped my improvising skills and it was entertaining seeing the other students playing solos
 too!” Cornelia Chan
 “Had a jazzy time with a jazzy bunch of people and Mr Jazz himself!” Frances Chow
 “Wow! So cool! Learnt so much! Daisy Din

 Huge congratulations to our Year 12 Student and Photographer Fiona Glennie. The recent Taranaki Orchestra
 Day, held here at SHGC in April, is to be featured in the next edition of the MENZA (Music Education NZ)
 magazine, with her photos making the front cover!

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                                     Sports News
                             School News
                      ISF World Cross Country Paris 2018
                                                                  In 2017 I competed at the NZSSAA cross
                                                                  country in Christchurch, which from this I
                                                                  was selected to compete at ISF World Cross
                                                                  Country in Paris in April. I was also selected
                                                                  as captain.

                                                             Our team left Auckland on the 25th March for
                                                             London. We were based in London for the
                                                             first week to allow us to acclimatize to the
                                                             cooler temperatures before our race in Paris.
                                                             We stayed in Kensington which was just a
                                                             few blocks down from Hyde park which was
                                                             perfect for training. Every morning we
                                                             trained before heading out sightseeing which
included Wembley Stadium, the Olympic park. We caught the double-decker sightseeing bus which allowed us
to have some idea of where we were. We saw London from the London Eye. The city is amazing, we managed
to see most of the well-known landmarks. Our managers managed to allow us to experience so much
including the stage show “Wicked” which was just awesome. They also organized a daytrip to Brighton which
is a true English town just out of London.

When it was time to head to Paris we travelled on the underground train the Eurostar. This leaves Kings Cross
Station and heads underground and in just over 2hrs you are in the centre of Paris. Once we arrived In Paris,
our team just like all the 33 teams competing were hosted by the Paris organizers. We were accommodated in
the Fiap in Paris, along with the other teams. The event is run like any of the large international competition.
There is an opening ceremony, closing ceremony and sightseeing is arranged for each team. I was selected to
be the New Zealand Flag bearer which was a huge honour. The race was held at the Champ de Mars which was
the park under the Eiffel tower. It consisted of 3 short laps that made up 4.2km. I ran well in the race and
managed to get 4th and the six individually selected girls placed 3rd in the teams’ event. It was an amazing
experience running with girls from all over the world. One of the challenges when you are away at events like
this is to swap gear and I was eager to swap something I could wear and always have. Nearing the end of the
event I was able to swap a New Zealand jacket with a French Adidas Hoodie. I just love it and it will be a
keepsake I will have to remember this trip
for years. In Paris we were able to
experience the European life, especially the
food and culture. I will have memories of
the beautiful croissants for breakfast and
the world’s greatest museum, ‘The Louvre’
which is the home to the famous Leonardo
da Vinci's, Mona Lisa. We also experienced
the Eiffel Tower which is easy to understand
why it is the world’s most visited
monument. This trip organized by the
NZSSAA was an amazing experience and
with the friendships I made will be with me

Hannah O’Connor

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                                              Sports News

                               School      News
                                  Sports Contact
There are many girls from our school who achieve some fantastic results in their chosen sports however
these results are not always relayed to the Sports Department. We want to be able to acknowledge these
achievements in the school newsletter, social media or in assemblies and need everyone’s help to ensure
we don’t miss anyone out. Please let Miss Nicola Watson, the Sports Co-ordinator, know by emailing her
at , leaving a note with the details on it at the sports office or messaging through
the Facebook page SHGC Manawa New Plymouth.

                                              TSSSA CrossFit
 This event was held on 10 May in New Plymouth. Five SHGC girls entered in the Junior division.

 Placings went to:
 Keighley Simpson 1st                      Angel Ladbrook 2nd                            Ella Barrett 3rd

                                        TSSSA Cross Country
 This event was held at the Hawera A&P showgrounds on a very muddy course on 22 May.
 All the girls ran extremely well.

 Year 9 Girls’:                                           Senior Girls’:
 Emma Shotter 2nd                                         Hannah O’Connor 1st
 Briar Dravitzki 3rd

                                             TSSSA Netball

This was held on 20 May at the Waiwhakaiho netball courts with a lot of
great games of netball being played.

Placings went to Senior B 2nd in the B Grade and 9A 1st in the Year 9 Grade
and winning the McKean Shield!

                                              1st place—9A pictured with
                                              the McKean Shield.

                                             PCT Challenge
We were lucky enough to take a group to the PCT challenge.
The girls teamed up with FDMC and had a blast getting to compete over the obstacle
course that the police do as part of their fitness test.

 We have set up specific Facebook page for the PE/SPORTS Department called SHGC
 Manawa New Plymouth. Please add us as a friend so we can keep you in the loop on
 what’s happening in this area of the school.

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                                       Sports News
                               Sports     News
                                   Thank you
Thank you to Andrew Larkin & Associates at Physiotherapy @ Carefirst, who have
kindly agreed to support the school by donating $5.00 back to the sports department
for every SHGC student who attends this clinic.

Please let staff at the clinic know if you are a SHGC student.

                                      Swimming NZ Nationals
Congratulations to Sasha Reid and Ilana Kerr who both received podium
placings at the Swimming NZ National Age group Championships held

Ilana Kerr—Bronze in the 200M Breaststroke

Sasha Reid—Gold and Taranaki record in the 100m Backstroke, Silver in
the 50m Fly, Bronze in the 400 Medley and 200m Backstroke.
Well done girls.

Congratulations to India Ralph who has been selected for the Central U18 Womens Hockey
team! Great effort.

              Rugby 7’s                                                                  Ballet

                          Congratulations to Tiana           Congratulations to Millie
                          Davison who was invited            Askin in receiving a
                          by Chiefs Rugby to play a          Ballet nomination to
                          few games to develop rugby         attend the National
                          in China with a Women's 7s         young performer
                          team.                              awards in October.

                          What a great opportunity.          Great achievement

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                                             Sports News
                                Sports      News
 On Thursday 3rd of May a group of Year 9 students travelled up to Cambridge to visit the Advantidrome. This
 opportunity was run by the University of Waikato. The day consisted of learning four different types of fitness
 testing, also with a 1 hour session on the Velodrome track. The different activities we took part in throughout
 the day was a 15m sprint speed test, riding a stationary bike for 6 and 30 seconds to record our peak speed,
 jumping as high as we could and all contributing in a Vo2 test that student Emma Shotter had the privilege to
 take. This test is a summary of how much oxygen you consume while running on a treadmill for a certain
 amount of time at different speeds. Thank you to Mrs Seddon who gave up her day to take us and help make our
 experience even more enjoyable than it already was.
 By Briar Dravitzki

 “I started by singing some papers and after that I got the mask put on my face and then put in a harness so if I
 fell I would stay up. I was a bit nervous at the start but once I got going
 I found it really interesting to listen to all of the numbers that were
 getting put on the white board. After five minutes I started to get into
 it and after ten minutes. I was feeling a bit tired. In the time I was
 running I started to get a bit bored but I just kept going as my goal was
 to get to 30 minutes. I did that and the only thing I found annoying
 and yuck in the test was that after about 15 minutes the spit was
 starting to drip on my chin. Over all I really liked the whole day and
 happy that I was allowed to do the experiment. I learnt a lot of things
 about my fitness and other things. Thanks for the great day and I
 hope to come another time”
 By Emma Shotter

                                          Adventure Racing
Anna Waayer and Fionnghuala Lynch joined 3 seniors from FDMC to compete in
the 12hour ‘Soaked in Adventure’ event in Whakatane on the 19th May. They
were the only school team to enter so were up against some very experienced
Due to very wet conditions leading up to race day, the Race Director “kindly”
extended the race by an hour so they were now competing in a THIRTEEN hour event!
Adventure racing is not for the faint hearted. The first mountain bike leg consisted of bush bashing, navigating
bluffs, dragging bikes up steep inclines, and hanging on tightly to them down steep declines! Not to mention
spending half an hour repairing a broken de-railer, no bike shop handy out there, and then having to ride with
only one gear.
The trek was no easier and some difficult navigation made for a tough four hours. Two teams actually got so
baffled they took 10 hours of scrambling in the bush before finally ‘popping out’ an hour after the race finished.
After two shorter bike/trek legs, the team made their way to the final transition for the kayak. It’s now 6pm,
getting dark, and they’ve been on the go for 11 hours. Estimated time for the final leg was an hour and a half to
two hours. Lights on, grab food, start paddling!
All check points collected, five weary, but still smiling, kayakers pulled into the finish at 7.50pm; with ten minutes
spare before incurring penalty points. Great decision making, team work and racing skills combined to see them
finish ahead of other teams and take out the win for the Schools category.
An awesome effort and they looked great in their new team shirts. Well done Anna, Fionnghuala, Tom, William
and Geordie.

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                                      Sports News
                              Sports         News
                                Artistic Skating
Congratulations to Niamh Quinn, Olivia Bernet and Sophie Quickfall who competed in Palmerston
North in the Artistic Skating Area Championships and they have all qualified to represent New
Plymouth at the New Zealand Artistic Skating Championship Nationals which are to be held in
Whanganui in the next school holidays, from 16th to 22nd of July.

Niamh has qualified to compete in Preliminary Loops Championship, Youth International Solo Dance and
Preliminary Figures and Olivia has qualified in Preliminary Figures and Preliminary Free Skating, and Sophie has
qualified in Primary Solo Dance.

Well done girls and we look forward to hearing how you go at Nationals.

Awesome work Jana Niedermayr on being selected for the NZSS Girls’ Football - Under 15
Representative Team to travel to Sydney, Australia from the 8th to 14th July 2018.

                                   SHGC Cross Country
Our school Cross Country was held on Tuesday 8 May.
Results as follows:

YEAR 7                  1St     Gabrielle Carthew        16.01
                        2nd     Eva Niedermayr           16.29
                        3rd     Tyra Bell                17.00

YEAR 8                  1St     Heidi Johns              14.16
                        2nd     Riley Grylls             15.38
                        3rd     Nicole Kowalewski        16.30

YEAR 9                  1st     Emma Shotter             14.28
                        2nd     Briar Dravitzki          14.47
                        3rd     Keighley Simpson         15.12

JUNIORS                 1ST     Yannika Harrop           14.54
                        2nd     Sophie James             15.18
                        3rd     Emilie Back              15.35
                                                                      Back from left; Heidi Johns, Yannika
SENIORS                 1st     Mia McGregor
                                                                      Harrop, Mrs Wells, Mia McGregor
                        2nd     Tessa Honeyfield
                                                                      Front; Gabrielle Carthew and Emma
                        3rd     Anna Waayer

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                                           Sports News
                                           Rose Ceremony
 We have presented many roses over the month of May! We have an abundance of outstanding
 sports achievements:
 Presented at assembly on Monday 7 May:
 Tayla Simpson          1st in Middle and Short Race U21 Mountain Bike Orienteering
 Jorja Simpson          1st in Long Race U16 Mountain Bike Orienteering
 Keighley Simpson       1st in Middle Distance Mountain Bike Orienteering
 Sasha Reid             Gold in 16yr 100m Backstroke at National Age Group Swimming Championships
 Sasha Reid             Gold in U16 Run Swim Run Surf Life Saving Nationals
 Claudia Harrop         Gold in Assembly Rescue IRF Surf Life Saving nationals
 Ariana Van Lith        Selected for NZ World Youth Team Climbing Competition in Moscow in August

 Presented at assembly on Monday 21 May
 Danelle Sadler         Selected for Inline Hockey NZ Junior Womens Team for World Champs in July in Italy
 Jorja Rosser           Selected for Inline Hockey NZ Junior Womens Team for World Champs in July in Italy
 Jana Niedermayr        Selected for NZ Secondary Schools U15 Football Team

 Presented at assembly on Monday 28 May
 Hannah O’Connor        Selection to World Secondary Schools Cross Country Champs in Paris
 Tiana Davison          Gold—NZ Team at Oceania U18 Rugby Championships
 Gemma Walsh            U15 Indoor Netball National Team Champions
 Lillian Syrus          U15 Indoor Netball National Team Champions
 Caitlin O’Connell      U15 Indoor Netball National Team Champions
 Tayla McLeod           U15 Indoor Netball National Team Champions
 Kaya Awahou            U15 Indoor Netball National Team Champions

 Congratulations to Gemma Walsh on her selection into the 2018 New Zealand Basketball Under
 15 Squad.
 12 players from this squad will be chosen to attend the 2018 FIBA Oceania Championships in
 Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, in December.
 Congratulations Gemma and good luck for final selection.

                                        Mountain Biking
 Awesome work by the talented Simpson sisters during the holidays at
 the National Mountain Bike Orienteering in Alexandra claiming a few
 titles between them.
 Tayla placed with 2 titles, 1st in Middle and Short Race and a 2nd in
 Long Distance for U21 Women.
 Jorja placed a 1st in Long and 2nd Short and Middle Race for U16,
 Keighley placed a 1st in Middle Distance and 2nd in both Short and
 Long Distance.
 Congratulations girls.
                                                                         Keighley, Tayla and Jorja Simpson

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                    School News
            School      News
               Year 13 Ball

Hope   Excellence      Acceptance   Respect          Together
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