Page created by Adrian Hicks
RWTH school news June 2021
for BeNeLux countries

Welcome                                           Content

Dear teachers, dear parents,                      Offers for pupils and
dear pupils and prospective students,             prospective students

our first newsletter for BeNeLux, which will be   · News / Dates
published twice a year from now on, cont-         · Regular offers / on request
ains many offers for study orientation in the     · Application, enrolment and study
coming weeks. Please feel free to pass on our       programmes
newsletter to interested colleagues, parents      · Good to know
and students.                                     · Counselling services
                                                  · Useful links
With best regards
Your team at the Central Student Advisory         Imprint

Photo: Martin Braun
Offers for pupils and
prospective students
News / Dates

Register now!                                                                 6 July 2021 and 12 August 2021,
RWTH Pupils‘ University (online)                                              10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
During the NRW summer holidays, interested                                    Workshop: Your approach to making a
high school students have the opportunity to                                  wise study decision (online)
experience a subject of study from the „STEM“                                 This online workshop deals with the process
sector (science, technology, engineering,                                     of choosing a degree programme. In a small
mathematics) for a whole week and gain a first                                group, various topics are worked on interacti-
insight into the world of studies. The partici-                               vely, for example interests and self-analysis as
pants attend workshops, do experiments and                                    well as decision-making aids for choosing a
                                 Schüleruni 2021

listen to lectures.                                                           degree programme. The participants receive a
                                 Dein MINT-Wunschfach. Eine Woche. Hautnah.
                                 In den Sommerferien NRW.

                                                                              toolbox that supports them in their own study
The following offers are available:                                           orientation.
Architecture, 5 - 8 July                                                      Target audience: prospective students
Chemistry, 5 - 9 July                                                         Registration:
Mathematics, 5 - 9 July                                                       Studienentscheidung
Physics, 5 - 9 July
Computer Science, 12 - 16 July
Mechanical Engineering, 19 - 23 July
Civil and Environmental Engineering, 9 - 13
Electrical engineering, 9 - 13 August
STEM teaching, 9 - 13 August
Engineering, 10 - 13 August                                                           Please note:
                                                                                      all offers in German only
Especially for female pupils:
Pupils‘ University Engineering Sciences for
girls, 26 - 30 July

         Registration and all dates:

2 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
24 and 30 June 2021                                24 June 2021 from 5:15 p.m.
„Ein Klick“ RWTH (online) - Explore RWTH           Long evening of study counselling
Aachen University                                  A range of counselling sessions conducted by
Prospective students can explore RWTH              telephone and online into the evening.
Aachen University from their home computers        Target audience: prospective students
through a programme of lectures, advisory          Web:
services offered by the Central Student Advi-
sory Service, the student councils and student     1 July 2021, 3 p.m.
initiatives, as well as through a virtual campus   Contact - Your digital insight into the
tour.                                              study of electrical engineering
Target audience: school-leavers and prospec-       After a presentation of our Electrical Enginee-
tive students                                      ring and Information Technology (B.Sc.) degree
Registration:                                      programme and our new Computer Enginee-                    ring (B.Sc.) degree programme, our experts
                                                   from the Student Advisory Service will explain
22 June and 5 July 2021, 5 p.m.                    how electrical engineering differs from other
Lecture: How to apply correctly for                degree programmes and, of course, where
admission-restricted Bachelor‘s degree             the interfaces to other degree programmes lie.
programmes (online)                                We have collected the most frequently asked
A numerus clausus - what is that actually?         questions from pupils and prospective stu-
What role does the average grade of the            dents and compiled information from experts
school-leaving certificate play? When is the       as well as student insights.
best time to apply? Our lecture explains           Participants will also have the opportunity to
the rules of the allocation of study places to     ask questions anonymously during the event,
prospective students so that they can better       which can be answered directly by our student
assess their chances and make good use of          advisory service.
them.                                              Target audience: pupils and prospective
Target audience: school-leavers and prospec-       students
tive students                                      Web:

                                                           Please note:
                                                           all offers in German only

3 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
10 - 17 August 2021                                  Save the date: November or December
Introduction to spatial thinking and de-             2021
sign with CAD (online)                               Information day for applicants from the
In this course, pupils who are interested in         province of Limburg (Netherlands)
spatial design (e.g. in architecture or mechani-     The Central Student Advisory Service and the
cal engineering) or who want to study enginee-       International Office of RWTH Aachen Univer-
ring not only learn the basic structure and          sity, together with the initiative „Studeren in
central functions of the popular CAD software        Aken“ (Alcuinus), have for many years orga-
Autodesk Inventor, but also how to use it com-       nised an information day at RWTH Aachen
petently. In groups of 4, they work together         University in autumn especially for prospective
intensively via Zoom and support each other          students from the Dutch province of Limburg.
continuously. This success experience creates        The next information day will probably take
a lot of fun during the week. The professional       place again in November or December. More
CAD software as well as support software             information will be available here from Septem-
is made available to the participants free of        ber 2021:
Registration: https://elearning.igpm.rwth-aa-
Your contact: Dr. Claus Pütz,                        Fairs / Exhibitions                            The advisors at the Central Student Advisory
                                                     Service answer questions about studying
Save the date: 2 - 5 November 2021                   and provide support with tips on deciding on
University Hospitation Week                          a course of study at the following fairs:
Pupils who already have a concrete interest in       •   Onderwijsbeurs Zuid, Eindhoven, 24 - 25
a subject receive an insight into everyday life at       September 2021
university and are accompanied by tutors from        •   Foire de l‘étudiant, Luxemburg, Novem-
the respective subjects.                                 ber 2021
Target audience: school-leavers and prospec-
tive students                                        Please consider the Corona situation - if
Web:            necessary the fairs might be changed to
                                                     online versions or be cancelled.

        Please note:
        all offers in German only

4 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
Regular offers / on request

Information events about studying at              Depicting processes systematically - In-
RWTH Aachen University / FH Aachen                troduction to UML (guiding programme)
The association „studeren in Aken“ (project of    *Self-learning / download at any time*
K.A.V. Alcuinus) organises information events     The symbolic language UML opens up diverse
at Dutch schools to inspire and inform pupils     and meaningful possibilities for systematical-
about studying in Aachen. If you are interested   ly representing topics and processes. The
in an information event for your school, please   guidance programme offers the opportunity
contact us:         to get started with UML on your own. Realistic
Target audience: pupils from the Dutch provin-    scenarios quickly demonstrate the usefulness
ce of Limburg                                     of UML.
Web:                        Available in German only.
                                                  Web: http://schuelerlabor.informatik.rwth-aa-
                                                  Your contact: Annabell Brocker M. Sc. RWTH,

Tour of Computer Science (in German)
A digital tour of computer science (duration
approx. 1 hour) shows pupils the diversity of
computer science. The computer science
programme at RWTH Aachen University is
presented: What are the contents? What is
the organisation and structure like? How does
teaching work in Corona times? We will also
take a look at current research projects and
the interdisciplinary areas. Computer science
students accompany the event and report
from their own experience.
Target audience: prospective Computer Scien-
ce students
nmbt                                               Photo: Martin Braun

5 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
Application, enrolment and
study programmes

Correct school-leaving certificate?
On the website of the Conference of the Mi-       School-leaving certificates from Luxembourg
nisters of Education (Kultusministerkonferenz),   and the German-speaking community of Belgi-
prospective students of all nations can check     um are recognised as proof of German.
which school-leaving certificate gives them       Prospective students from Limburg (NL) can
access to study at a German higher education      be exempted from the language certificate if
institution:                        they can prove at least 5 points in their school
                                                  leaving certificate for the subject German.
The following applies for Belgium:                Further information on the website of the Lan-
•   Upper secondary school leaving certifica-     guage Centre of the RWTH:
    te (German-speaking community)      
•   Diploma van secundair onderwijs
•   Certificat d’enseignement secondaire          More time to apply for studies?
    supérieur (for Engineering Sciences in        Application deadline in the winter semes-
    addition: Diplôme d’admission aux études      ter 2021/22
    / Diplôme d’admission à l’examen de           Normally, the general application deadline of
    candidat-ingénieur civil).                    15 July is „irrevocable“. In the pandemic year
                                                  2021, it will be extended at RWTH (and most
The following applies for The Netherlands:        other German universities) until 31 July 2021.
•    VWO                                          The latest information on deadlines and appli-
•    HAVO in combinatie met HBO                   cation procedures can be found at:
•    MBO in combinatie met HBO          
(Please note the professional profile of your
                                                  Voluntary Service
The following applies for Luxembourg:             If you decide to do a certified voluntary
•   Diplome de Fin d‘Etudes Secondaires           service, you should apply for the degree
•   Diplome de Fin d‘Etudes Secondaires           programme of your choice before you start
    Techniques                                    your service. However, the service must be a
                                                  German voluntary service or equivalent to it.
German language skills                            An assigned study place can be „held“ until
All Bachelor‘s degree programmes at RWTH          the end of the service and then reassigned.
are taught in German. International applicants    Please seek advice beforehand!
must therefore provide proof of German langu-
age skills.

6 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
New eligibility criteria                              Who is responsible - contact person for
The allocation of study places in Germany is          legally binding application questions
changing! Outdated information on the web             The International Office of RWTH Aachen Uni-
should no longer be trusted (uncritically).           versity is responsible for all applicants without
The focus (in future) will no longer be on the        German citizenship and/or foreign (non-Ger-
average grade of the school-leaving certificate.      man) university entrance qualification.
Instead, prospective students will find different     For more information see: www.rwth-aachen.
opportunities at the various universities to pro-     de/cms/root/Die-RWTH/Einrichtungen/Verwal-
ve their suitability for the subject they want to     tung/Dezernate/Internationale-Hochschulbe-
study. The student advisory service at RWTH           ziehungen/~rcx/Abteilung-2-1-Zugang-und-So-
Aachen University will be happy to provide            ziales/
information on this topic. For contact please         The Student Secretariat of RWTH Aachen Uni-
see chapter „Counselling Services“.                   versity is responsible for all German nationals
For more information see:                             and for all applicants with a German university                          entrance qualification (Abitur); also for second
                                                      degree applicants and all applicants with spe-
RWTH SelfAssessments                                  cial applications.
RWTH Aachen University offers prospecti-              For more information see:
ve students a valuable orientation aid for a
well-founded study decision with the SelfAs-
sessments, SAM for short, which are obli-             Start of lectures in the winter semester
gatory for enrolment. However, the results of         2021/22 (for freshmen)
the SelfAssessments have no effect on the             Courses for the winter semester 2021/2022 for
allocation of study places. After taking part in a    first-year students start on 11 October 2021
SelfAssessment, a certificate of participation is     and end on 4 February 2022.
issued online, which must be presented when           All dates at:
enrolling for a Bachelor‘s or teaching degree
programme at RWTH Aachen University. The
certificate is not yet required for the application   Mandatory pre-study internship? Not in
for a study place in admission-restricted study       2021!
programmes, however, we recommend com-                All degree programmes at RWTH for which
pleting a SelfAssessment as early as possible.        proof of a preliminary internship of 4 or 6
For the degree programmes Medicine and                weeks is required for enrolment will waive this
Dentistry no assessment test is necessary.            proof in the winter semester 2021/2022. The
For more information see:                             internship weeks must be made up during the                     course of study.
                                                      More details in the programme descriptions:

7 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
New courses of study                               Good to know
The current Electrical Engineering, Information
Technology and Computer Engineering B.Sc.          New student advisor for STEM
degree programme will become two degree            degree programmes (science, techno-
programmes as of winter semester 2021/22:          logy, engineering, mathematics) with a
Electrical Engineering and Information Techno-     focus on girls
logy B.Sc. and Computer Engineering B.Sc.          To advise girls interested in studying STEM
The new degree programme „Psychology               subjects, Hilke Braun M.Sc., an environmental
polyvalent B.Sc.“ will also start in the winter    engineer, has been employed as a student ad-
semester 2021.                                     visor in the Central Student Advisory Service
Programme descriptions at:                         since April 2021. In addition to coordinating                  already well-known programmes such as the
                                                   Pupils‘ University Engineering Sciences for
Smart Study Start                                  girls, Hilke Braun will work with high school
The Smart Study Start gives 400 participants       girls interested in STEM subjects. Schoolgirls
more time to choose their field of study in        who have already focused on STEM sub-
the winter semester 2021/22 and provides a         jects at school will be given insights into the
realistic overview of different degree program-    corresponding fields of study and careers
mes. During the programme, the basics are          through various event formats. The aim is to
consolidated in a targeted manner and the          encourage female pupils to find their way into
participants learn strategies for their studies.   STEM studies and not to let supposed hurdles
Addresses school leavers 2021 with an interest     and obstacles stop them. More information will
in studying natural sciences, engineering and      soon be available online, Hilke Braun welco-
economics                                          mes interest and queries.
Web:        Your contact:
Your contact: Aline Nüttgens,

                                                   Photo: Hilke Braun

8 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
Counselling services

Study counselling by telephone or zoom           Academic subject-specific counselling
How do I find the right degree programme for     The subject-specific study counselling advises
me? When do I have to apply for a placement      on detailed study content, examination require-
at university and where can I find the right     ments, study structure and concrete study
contact person for my questions?                 organisation:
We currently advise and inform pupils and pro-
spective students who have questions about
choosing a degree programme, applying for a      Student councils
place at a university or other questions about   Further source of information for a comprehen-
studying exclusively contactless via telephone   sive impression of a degree programme:
or Zoom.                               
Allocation of individual appointments at:                    Personal consultation through VOR-
                                                 SCHUB (representation for students with
Brief advice from the Infocenter in the          chronic illness and disability)
Central Student Advisory Office                  Studying poses new challenges for students.
We give brief advice by telephone at             For students with disabilities and chronic
+49 241 80 94050 at the following times:         illnesses, there are many other challenges in
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: from 9 to 12:30 pm           addition to the challenges of studying. That is
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu: from 1:30 to 4 pm            why VORSCHUB offers advice on all aspects
or via e-mail:                                   of studying with disabilities and chronic illnes-                   ses. All counselling will take place via Zoom              or telephone until further notice. Information
                                                 about events for those affected is provided in
                                                 the current newsletter.
                                                 Newsletter and further information:
                                                 Instagram: @vorschub_rwth
                                                 Your contact: Lena Schulte und Philip Balcar

Photo: Stefan Hense

9 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
Useful links

Overview of all degree programmes offered        Digital formats that can support the study
in Germany:                                      choice process even in times of contact res-                          trictions:
Information on the entire range of all degree
programmes at RWTH Aachen University:            Eight different education labs at RWTH Aa-                chen University offer a wide range of oppor-
                                                 tunities for extracurricular teaching.
Up-to-date information about applying for a
placement at university and deadlines:
SelfAssessments (SAM) are a valuable orien-
tation aid for a well-founded study decision    Well prepared with the RWTH‘s pre- and
(only for RWTH degree programmes, except        bridge courses
for medical degree programmes):                 Knowledge gaps in maths and other sub-               jects can already be filled during the summer
                                                holidays in the RWTH‘s preparatory courses.
Calendar of interesting events for pupils and   Maths and physics bridge courses are even
prospective students:                           available online all year round - free of charge             for everyone. All courses at a glance:

Brochure „Guide to studying - Orientation for
prospective students“:

10 | RWTH school news for BeNeLux countries - June 2021
Frequency of publication: twice per year

Registration and deregistration:

All information about the newsletter:

Responsible:                                    Social Media
Dr. Mandana Biegi
Head of Department                    
Central Student Advisory Service                RWTHAachenUniversity
RWTH Aachen University
Content, texts, translation and typesetting:
Dipl.-Kff. Jaana Schiwietz            
Coordinator Pupil Programmes                    RWTHAachenUniversity
Central Student Advisory Service
RWTH Aachen University                
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