Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals

Page created by Larry Mills
Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
This fact sheet highlights the progress                                                        culturally assigned roles that severely
of rural women against key Millennium                   Women play an important                limit women’s participation in
Development Goal (MDG) indicators,                      role, but face persistent              employment opportunities (see also
pointing to some of the advancements                    structural constraints                 Goals 3 and 7).
made and gaps that still exist. It                      Rural women play a key role in
                                                                                               Faced with a lack of services and
suggests that globally, and with only a                 supporting their households and
                                                                                               infrastructure, rural women carry a
few exceptions, rural women fare worse                  communities in achieving food
                                                                                               great part of the burden of providing
than rural men and urban women and                      and nutrition security, generating
                                                                                               water and fuel for their households.
men for every MDG indicator for which                   income, and improving rural
                                                                                               In rural areas of Guinea, for example,
data are available. While data collection               livelihoods and overall well-being.
                                                                                               women spend more than twice as
along these lines has improved in                       They contribute to agriculture and
                                                                                               much time fetching wood and water
recent years – in part because of                       rural enterprises and fuel local and
                                                                                               per week than men, while in Malawi
increased donor and government                          global economies. As such, they
                                                                                               they spend over eight times more
interest – there still remains a general                are active players in achieving the
                                                                                               than men on the same tasks. Girls in
lack of data not only disaggregated by                  MDGs. Yet, every day, around the
                                                                                               rural Malawi also spend over three
sex, but also by rural and urban areas.                 world, rural women and girls face
                                                                                               times more time than boys fetching
This has an impact on our global ability                persistent structural constraints
                                                                                               wood and water (Figure 1).
to confidently monitor progress toward                  that prevent them from fully
the MDGs for all people in all regions,                 enjoying their human rights and
urban and rural, and particularly where                 hamper their efforts to improve
progress is needed most.                                their lives as well as those of
                                                        others around them. In this sense,
                                                        they are also an important target
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme                               group for the MDGs.
poverty and hunger
Rural women’s poor access to
infrastructure in rural areas limits                    This fact sheet is a product of the
their opportunities to reduce                           Inter-Agency Task Force on Rural
poverty and hunger                                      Women, which is led by FAO, IFAD
Rural women spend more time                             and WFP, and is composed of
than urban women and men in                             the following members: ITC-ILO,
reproductive and household work,                        SPFII, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNEP,
including time spent obtaining                          UNESCO, UNFPA, UNIDO,
water and fuel, caring for children                     UN Women and WHO. In
and the sick, and processing                            addition, a substantial contribution
food. This is because of poor rural                     was made by UNAIDS to the
infrastructure and services as well as                  section on MDG 6.

                                      United Nations                                                                  Enabling poor rural people
                           Educational, Scientific and                                                                 to overcome poverty
                               Cultural Organization              Empowered lives.
                                                                  Resilient nations.
Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
Figure 1                                          across the total adult population in                 sectors is usually equal to or higher
                                                  developing countries, although it                    than the male equivalent. Almost
    Average hours per week spent
                                                  varies greatly by region (Figure 2).                 70 percent of employed women
    fetching wood and water in rural
                                                  The jobs of rural women who are                      in South Asia and more than 60
    areas of selected Sub-Saharan
    African countries                             employed tend to be shorter term,                    percent of employed women in Sub-
                                                  more precarious and less protected                   Saharan Africa work in agriculture.4
             Guinea Madagascar Malawi Leone       than those of rural men and urban                    The substantial involvement of rural
            (2002-03) (2001)   (2004) (2003-04)   people. The lack of flexible hours to                women in agriculture, primarily
 women         5.7     4.7      9.1      7.3      accommodate family work combined                     as unpaid or contributing family
    men       2.3      4.1      1.1      4.5      with wage and job discrimination                     workers, highlights the importance of
    girls     4.1      5.1      4.3      7.7      and limited representation of women                  developing policies and programmes
              4.0      4.7      1.4      7.1
                                                  in workers’ organizations are partly                 that address the needs, interests
                                                  responsible for this.                                and constraints of women as well
                                                                                                       as men in the agriculture sector.
Source: UNDP, 2011.1                              As an important source of                            This includes revamping and
Collectively, women from                          livelihoods for the poorest,                         strengthening extension systems to
Sub-Saharan Africa spend about 40                 agriculture is a means to eradicate                  be more responsive to and inclusive
billion hours a year collecting water.2           extreme poverty, especially for                      of women, addressing structural
                                                  rural women                                          barriers to women’s access to
For these reasons and because rural               Despite women’s lower overall                        productive resources, and improving
women tend to underreport their                   employment rates, among employed                     financial systems to respond to the
employment as contributing family                 women the proportion working in                      needs of rural women producers and
members, according to available data              agriculture as opposed to other                      entrepreneurs, including to move out
female employment in agriculture is                                                                    of the less productive segments of
consistently lower than it is for men                                                                  the rural economy.5
                                                  Figure 2
                                                                                                       Improving rural women’s access
                                                   Employed population as a share                      to productive resources is central
                                                   of total adult population,
                                                                                                       to addressing hunger
                                                   by sex and sector
                                                                                                       On average, women make up about
                                                       developing   males                              43 percent of the agricultural labour
                                                        countries females
                                                                                                       force in developing countries.
                                                                                                       Evidence indicates that if these
                                                        East and    males
                                                   Southeast Asia females                              women had the same access to
                                                                                                       productive resources as men, they
                                                    Latin America
                                                          and the
                                                                    males                              could increase yields on their farms
                                                        Caribbean females                              by 20 to 30 percent, raising total
                                                    Near East and   males
                                                                                                       agricultural output in developing
                                                     North Africa females                              countries by 2.5 to 4 percent,
                                                                                                       in turn reducing the number of
                                                                       males                           hungry people in the world by 12
                                                       South Asia
                                                                                                       to 17 percent.6 For rural women
                                                     Sub-Saharan       males                           and men, land is perhaps the most
                                                                      females                          important household asset to
                                                                            0%         50%       80%   support production and provide for
                                                                                                       food, nutrition and income security.
                                                        agriculture        industry   services
                                                                                                       Yet an international comparison of
                                                  Source: FAO, 2011.3

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
Figure 3                                               Rural women’s economic                   to be less important than educating
                                                       empowerment can help reduce              boys. Furthermore, while significant
 Rural/urban ratios of percentage of                   the number of underweight                progress has been made in reducing
 children who are underweight                          children                                 the gender gap in primary school
                                 South America         A large body of research indicates       enrolment, a large gap remains
                                                       that putting more income in the          between rural and urban areas.
                                 Central America
                                                       hands of women translates into           Household data from 42 countries
                                                       improved child nutrition, health         show that rural girls are more likely to
                    Southern Asia
                                                       and education,12 yet data on child       be out of school than rural boys, and
                 Southeastern Asia                     nutrition disaggregated by both rural/   they are twice as likely to be out of
                                                       urban location and sex are sparse.       school as urban girls (Figure 4).
                         Northern Africa
                                                       In all developing regions13 of the
                   Sub-Saharan Africa                  world, rural children are more likely    Figure 4
                                                       to be underweight than their urban
  0        0.5             1          1.5          2   counterparts. From 1990 to 2008,           Out-of-school children by sex and
      Values above one indicate higher                 the proportion of children under           area of residence, 42 countries
      percentage of underweight rural                  five in developing regions who were        2000/2008 (%)
      children compared to urban children
                                                       underweight declined from 31 per           35
                                                       cent to 26 per cent, yet in parts of       30
Source: FAO, 2011. FAO elaboration.
                                                       Latin America and the Caribbean, and       20
agricultural census data shows that                    Asia, the disparity between rural and      15
due to a range of legal and cultural                   urban children increased.14 Figure 3        5
constraints in land inheritance,                       indicates that in South and Central         0
                                                                                                           rural           urban
ownership and use, less than 20                        America, rural children are about 1.8
percent of landholders are women.8                     times more likely to be underweight      Source: United Nations, 2010.16
Women represent fewer than 5                           than their urban counterparts; other
percent of all agricultural land                       regions do not fare much better.
holders in North Africa and West                       Improvements in maternal nutrition,
Asia, while across Sub-Saharan                         access to water and sanitation and
Africa, women average 15 percent of                    health services, all of which are
agricultural land holders.9                            lacking in many rural areas in least
                                                       developed countries (LDCs), would
Extensive evidence shows that rural                    also contribute greatly to addressing
female-headed households also                          this situation.
have more limited access than male-
headed households to a whole range
of critical productive assets and                      Goal 2: Achieve universal
services required for rural livelihoods,               primary education
including fertilizer, livestock,
mechanical equipment, improved                         Poverty and inequality are barriers
seed varieties, extension services and                 to universal education
agricultural education.10 Similarly, in                An extra year of primary school
seven out of nine countries across                     increases girls’ eventual wages by 10-
Africa, Asia and Latin America,                        20 percent, encourages girls to marry
female-headed households were less                     later and have fewer children, and
likely to use credit than male-headed                  makes them less likely to experience
households.11                                          violence,15 yet in many areas of the
                                                       world, educating girls is perceived

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
In rural areas, there is often a greater   are illiterate compared to 14 percent        Figure 6
prevalence of social and cultural          of rural men, while in Burkina Faso
barriers, labour requirements and          78 percent of rural women and 63                Participation in rural wage
distance “penalties,”17 that keep girls    percent of rural men cannot read and            employment, by sex (%)
out of school. In Pakistan, a half-        write.20 Yet literacy and education can
kilometre increase in the distance to      be powerful tools for empowering                Ecuador
school decreases girls’ enrolment by       rural women and fighting poverty              Guatemala
20 percent.18 Decreasing the distance      and hunger. In fact, women who                Nicaragua
to school raises girls’ enrolment and      are educated are more likely to be
attendance; building local schools         healthy, generate higher incomes,             Bangladesh
in rural communities increased             and have greater decision-making               Indonesia
girls’ enrolment in Egypt, Indonesia       power within their households.21
and several African countries. The                                                         Viet Nam
cost of education is another barrier,
particularly for rural poor families.
                                           Goal 3: Promote gender                            Ghana
                                           equality and empower                              Malawi
Many of the world’s people who             women
are illiterate are rural women                                                                          0   5   10 15 20 25 30 35
Women make up over two-thirds of           Rural girls are doubly                                           women   men
the world’s 796 million people who         disadvantaged in global
                                           secondary school attendance                  Source: FAO, 2011.23
are illiterate, and many of them live
in rural areas.19 In some countries,       Secondary school attendance has
far fewer rural women can read and         implications for future employment           Rural women are less likely to
write than rural men. For example, in      and economic opportunities as                work for wages than rural men
Cambodia 48 percent of rural women         well as health outcomes. Evidence            Recent data from a number of
                                           indicates that rural girls are less likely   countries from Africa, Asia and Latin
                                           to attend secondary school than rural        America indicate that women are
                                           boys, and they are far less likely to        far less likely to participate in rural
                                           attend than urban girls. According           wage employment (both agricultural
                                           to Figure 5, 39 percent of rural girls       and non-agricultural) than men
                                           attend secondary school compared to          (Figure 6). Instead, they are most
                                           45 percent of rural boys, 59 percent         active in the informal rural economy,
                                           of urban girls, and 60 percent of            which operates outside of labour
                                           urban boys.                                  standards. When they do work
                                                                                        for wages, rural women are more
                                                                                        likely to be employed in part-time,
                                           Figure 5                                     seasonal, and/or low-paying work.24
                                                                                        Men’s average wages are higher than
                                            Global secondary school                     women’s in both rural and urban
                                            attendance (%)                              areas, and in some countries, the
                                            70                                          gap in wages between rural women
                                            60                                          and men is also wider in rural areas.25
                                            40                                  girls   Rural women are also more likely
                                            30                                  boys    to be unpaid contributing family
                                            20                                          members than rural men.26
                                                      rural           urban
                                                                                        Furthermore, rural women typically
                                                                                        work longer hours than men, when
                                           Source: United Nations, 2009.22

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
one takes into account both paid           Figure 7                                            Goal 4: Reduce child
productive and unpaid reproductive
or domestic and care responsibilities.       Physical abuse among urban
In Benin and Tanzania, for example,          and rural women                                   Child mortality rates in rural areas
women work, respectively, 17.4 and 14                                                          remain higher than in urban areas
hours more than men per week, while                                                            Between 1990 and 2009, all the
rural Indian women work almost 11                                                              regions of the world saw a significant
hours more than urban women and              80                                                decrease in under-five mortality
12 hours more than urban men.27              70                                                rates, with some developing regions
                                            60                                                 reaching or approaching 2015
In most regions, women are                                                                     targets.31 Existing data, however,
under-represented in politics                                                                  make it impossible to determine
and decision making                                                                            how child mortality varies between
Progress has been made in women’s            30                                                rural boys and girls. Although
political representation since 1995,         20                                                levels of child mortality vary widely
including in Africa and much of              10                                                between countries, rural rates are
Asia, where there have been cases of          0
                                                                                               usually much higher than urban ones
notable increases in the presence of                                                           (Figure 8). Sub-Saharan Africa has




women parliamentarians. Strikingly,                                                            the highest rates of rural and overall
Rwanda made great gains, with               Bangladesh     Brazil   Peru Thailand Tanzania     under-five mortality, but rural areas
women now making up 56 percent                                                                 are often equally disadvantaged in
                                                  percentage never physically abused
of the parliament, compared to 17                                                              countries with much lower rates of
                                                  percentage of ever physically abused
percent in 1995.28 Globally, however,             who sought help
                                                                                               under-five mortality – for example,
a gender gap in women’s access                    percentage of ever physically abused
                                                                                               in Honduras, rural children under
to power, inclusion in decision                   who did not seek help                        five are almost twice as likely to die
making, and leadership remains at
all levels, including in rural councils.   Source: WHO, 2005.30 FAO elaboration.
Information available from Asia
for 2010 indicates that women              female genital mutilation (FGM),
there represented between 0.2              early marriage, wife inheritance).
percent (Bangladesh) and 7 percent         According to a multi-country study
(Cambodia) of chairs or heads of           conducted by WHO, rural women
rural councils, while they represented     report more experiences of physical
between 1.6 percent (Sri Lanka)            abuse than urban women (Figure 7).
and 31 percent (Pakistan) of elected       However, the data from the study
representatives in rural councils.29       show no clear pattern as to whether
                                           more rural or urban women are
Many rural women experience                accessing services to assist them in
domestic violence yet few                  dealing with the abuse. In general,
seek services                              women may doubt that services
A key to ensuring rural women’s            will offer the help they require. They
empowerment and eradicating                may also fear for their children’s or
poverty is to address inequitable          their own safety if they report abuse.
gender power relations and persistent      Police, counseling and legal services
norms and beliefs that maintain            may be more difficult for women to
gender-based violence (GBV) and            access in rural than urban areas due,
harmful traditional practices (e.g.        for instance, to a lack of transport
                                           and distance to services.

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
Figure 8                                           Figure 9                                                 mothers with no education in the
                                                                                                            Latin America and Caribbean region
    Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000                Ratio of rural to urban under-five                  are 3.1 times more likely to die
    live births), selected countries                    mortality rate, 2000/2008                           than those with mothers who have
                                                                                                            secondary or tertiary education and
    Nigeria                                             Latin America and the Caribbean
                                                                                                            1.6 times more likely to die than
       Chad                                             Eastern Asia (excl. China) and South-Eastern Asia   those whose mothers have primary
    Guinea                                                                                                  education.34 These facts suggest that
                                                        Southern Asia                                       rural women’s deficits in education
   Senegal                                                                                                  have broader and longer-term
                                                        Northern Africa and Western Asia
     Congo                                                                                                  implications for family well-being and
   Uganda                                               Sub-Saharan Africa                                  poverty reduction.
   Lesotho                                              Caucasus and Central Asia
 Zimbabwe                                                                                                   Goal 5: Improve
   Pakistan                                             developing regions
                                                                                                            maternal health
       India                                        0            0.5          1            1.5         2    More rural women receive
Bangladesh                                                  Values above one indicate higher                assistance during delivery, but
 Indonesia                                                  under-five mortality in rural areas
                                                                                                            inequalities remain
  Viet Nam                                         Source: United Nations, 2011.33
                                                                                                            Quality reproductive health services
               0   50      100   150   200   250                                                            and well-timed interventions are
                                                                                                            fundamental for achieving good
       urban       rural
                                                   as urban children. Of the developing                     maternal health, yet hundreds of
Source: WHO Global Health Observatory Data         regions, Latin America and the                           thousands of women die each year
Repository.32 FAO elaboration.                     Caribbean and Eastern Asia have                          because of a lack of such services.
                                                   comparatively low levels of under-                       In most developing regions, rural
                                                   five mortality, but they also have                       women have less access to skilled
                                                   the highest levels of inequality                         health personnel in delivery,
                                                   between rural and urban populations                      even though the long-standing
                                                   (Figure 9). Overall, rural children                      differences between rural and urban
                                                   under 5 in developing regions are                        areas have declined in all regions
                                                   about 1.4 times more likely to die                       and even been eliminated in a few
                                                   than their urban counterparts.                           (Figure 10).

                                                   Women’s education is a key                               Rural women see improvements
                                                   determinant in their children’s                          in antenatal care, but still lag
                                                   survival                                                 behind urban women
                                                   Available information from 68                            Between 1990 and 2008, the
                                                   countries with data on under-five                        proportion of rural women receiving
                                                   mortality by mothers’ education                          antenatal care at least once during
                                                   indicates that a woman’s education                       pregnancy grew from 55 to 66
                                                   is a key factor in determining whether                   percent, while corresponding rates
                                                   her children will survive past the first                 for urban women increased from
                                                   five years of life. A child’s chances of                 84 to 89 percent over the same
                                                   surviving increase even further when                     period. While this would indicate that
                                                   his or her mother has a secondary                        antenatal coverage has improved at a
                                                   or higher education. Children of

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
Figure 10                                                Figure 11                                                Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS,
                                                           Rural antenatal care coverage –
                                                                                                                  malaria and other diseases
   Ratio of urban women to rural
                                                           at least four visits (%), selected                     Rural women have a more limited
   women attended by skilled health
                                                           predominantly rural countries                          understanding than urban women
   personnel during delivery,
   1990 and 2008                                                     Zimbabwe                                     of how HIV spreads, the first step
                                                          2005                                                    to avoiding infection
      Sub-Saharan Africa
                                                                     Zambia                                       Globally, women constituted half of
                                                          2007                                                    the adults (15 years and older) living
      Southern Asia                                                  Tanzania                                     with HIV in 2010.38 Young women
                                                          2004                                                    are particularly vulnerable to HIV,
      Oceania                                                        Uganda
                                                          1995                                                    and they account for 64 percent of
                                                          2006                                                    HIV infections among young people
      Western Asia                                                   Rwanda
                                                          1992                                                    worldwide.39 Yet only 33 percent
                                                          2005                                                    of young men and 20 percent
      Latin America and the Caribbean                                Nepal
                                                          1996                                                    of young women in developing
                                                          2006                                                    regions have comprehensive and
      Northern Africa                                                Namibia
                                                          1992                                                    correct knowledge of HIV.40 Youth
                                                          2006                                                    in rural areas, and especially young
      Southeastern Asia                                              Mali
                                                          1995                                                    women, are even less likely to know
                                                          2006                                                    about prevention methods or to
      CIS in Asia                                                    Malawi
                                                          1992                                                    use condoms than their urban
                                                          2004                                                    counterparts.41 WHO data (Figure 12)
      Eastern Asia
                                                                     Kenya                                        from 25 countries indicate that rural
                                                          2003                                                    women are almost always less likely
  0                   1                2             3               India
                             Values above one
                          indicate more access for                   Burkina Faso
                               urban women
         1990         2008                                           Bangladesh
Source: United Nations, 2010.35
                                                                 0     10     20    30   40   50   60   70   80

faster pace in rural areas, a large gap                  Source: WHO Global Health Observatory Data
                                                         Repository.37 FAO elaboration.
still exists.36
Available information from the mid-
1990s to the mid- to late 2000s                          20 percent coverage in 2007, while
indicates that some predominantly                        India and Nepal also improved, but
rural countries (where at least 60                       remained under 30 percent coverage
percent of the population lives in                       in 2005 and 2006, respectively.
rural areas) have made substantial                       In Sub-Saharan Africa, Namibia
progress in antenatal care coverage                      increased coverage by almost 20
(at least 4 visits) in rural areas                       percent between 1992 and 2006, but
(Figure 11). In Asia, Bangladesh made                    most other countries made little or
significant gains in antenatal care                      no progress, and many actually saw
coverage, but still remained under                       coverage decrease.

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
than urban women to report knowing       Figure 12
about means of sexual transmission
of HIV, in some cases by margins as        Women who report knowing about means of sexual transmission
large as 20-50 percent. Interestingly,     of HIV/AIDS (%)
in several countries with high levels
of HIV infection (Malawi, Namibia,                                                                 Kenya
Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
and Zimbabwe), the rural-urban                                                                     Malawi
gap is low, possibly reflecting the            Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
success of public interventions and                                                                Mali
awareness-raising campaigns in                 Burkina Faso
those countries.                                                                                   Namibia

Antiretroviral therapy                                                                             Nepal
coverage is uneven                             Colombia
The number of people accessing                                                                     Peru
antiretroviral therapy in low- and             Dominican Republic
middle-income countries reached an                                                                 Rwanda

estimated 6.6 million (47 percent of           Egypt
those eligible for treatment) at the                                                               Turkey

end of 2010. Antiretroviral therapy            Ghana
coverage generally appears to be
higher among women than men.                   Haiti
                                                                                                   United Republic of Tanzania
Across all low- and middle-income
countries, an estimated 53 percent             India



                                           0            20      40        60        80   100   0            20    40       60    80   100

                                                              rural         urban

                                         Source: WHO global health observatory data repository.42 WHO elaboration.

                                         of women eligible for treatment                       terms of understanding differences
                                         were receiving it at the end of 2010,                 in uptake by rural versus urban
                                         compared with 40 percent of men.                      location, significant evidence from
                                         Coverage was higher for women than                    generalized epidemics indicates that
                                         men in East, South and South-East                     rural populations have less access
                                         Asia, and in Sub-Saharan Africa. But                  to treatment services than urban
                                         in Latin America and the Caribbean,                   populations, although the situation
                                         the reverse was true.43                               is improving in some countries
                                         While research on utilization                         as services expand (e.g. Senegal,
                                         patterns is still in its early stages in              Uganda).44

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
Women assume the burden of              Goal 7: Ensure                          Women’s presence matters, but
care giving, including in               environmental sustainability            the nature of their participation is
rural areas                                                                     also important
Most of the care for people living      Rural women and natural                 While women’s involvement has
with HIV is provided in the home,       resources                               been associated with better local
and women and girls account             Environmental degradation has a         environmental management, their
for 66 to 90 percent of all AIDS        great impact on natural resources,      mere presence in institutions is
care givers (in addition to the         which rural women rely on for           not enough to overcome deep-
many tasks they already perform).       their livelihoods. For example,         rooted disparities. Institutional
Conditions are most difficult for       evidence suggests that women with       change and flexibility are needed to
women and girls in rural areas. The     fewer occupational options and          ensure that women can participate
disproportionate share of AIDS-         less mobility rely on forests more      effectively in decision making.
related care giving by women and        than men do. Reduced quality and        A recently published study of
girls imposes a heavy toll on their     availability of land, game, forests,    community forestry institutions in
own well-being, often leading to        and genetic and aquatic resources       India and Nepal found that women’s
their increased vulnerability to HIV    increase rural women’s time burden,     proportional strength in forest
infection. HIV-associated stigma        reduce their capacities to cope with    management committees has an
and discrimination, increases in the    shocks and climate change, affect       impact on the effectiveness of their
poverty of female- and child-headed     where they live and provoke conflict,   participation. The more women on
households and a higher probability     which in turn undermine rural           the management committee, the
of dropping out of school at an early   health, education and livelihoods.      greater the likelihood that they will
age could all add to the burden faced   Furthermore, there is some evidence     attend committee meetings, speak
by female caregivers.45                 of causal linkages between gender       up and become office holders.51
                                        inequality and environmental
Food insecurity, property               degradation. For example, gender
disinheritance and HIV                  inequality and deforestation were
among rural women                       causally related in more than 100
Women form the backbone of              countries between 1990 and 2010.49
agricultural labour, especially in
Sub-Saharan Africa – which is the       Women, policy and
epicenter of the HIV epidemic. The      environmental sustainability
impact of HIV/AIDS on women,            Research suggests that women
either in their own capacity or as      express more concern for the
care givers, reduces their time         environment, support policies
and energy and is associated with       that are more beneficial to the
declines in agricultural productivity   environment and tend to vote
and, therefore, food insecurity.46 In   for leaders who care about the
the rural areas, households with        environment. Evidence from 25
one or more persons affected by         developed and 65 developing
HIV and AIDS are more likely to         countries indicates that countries
be food-insecure than non-affected      with higher female parliamentary
households.47 HIV also exacerbates      representation are more likely to
property insecurity and the             set aside protected land areas. A
disinheritance of women, especially     study of 130 countries shows that
widows whose husbands have died         women are also more likely to
from AIDS-related causes.48             ratify international environmental

Rural Women and the Millennium Development Goals
Figure 13                                                                                                     Goal 8: A global partnership
                                                                                                              for development
  Percentage of population using different sources of water by wealth
  quintile (urban and rural areas), Sub-Saharan Africa 2004/2009                                              A recent study of 23 members of
                        urban areas                                               rural areas
                                                                                                              the OECD Development Assistance
                                                                                                              Committee indicates that in 2007-
                                                                                                              08, bilateral donors committed
  90                                                     90                                                   USD 4.6 billion to gender equality
  80                                                     80                                                   and women’s empowerment in the
  70                                                      70                                                  economic and productive sectors
                                                                                                              (including agriculture).54 This
  60                                                     60
                                                                                                              represents one-fifth of their total
  50                                                      50                                                  aid in these sectors.55 Forty-two
  40                                                     40                                                   percent of the aid for gender equality
  30                                                      30
                                                                                                              in the productive sectors was
                                                                                                              earmarked for agriculture and rural
  20                                                     20
  10                                                      10
                                                                                                              While there is increasing donor
     0                                                    0                                                   recognition of rural women’s










                                                                                                              important contributions to
















                                                                                                              eradicating poverty and hunger











                                                                                                              and to overall well-being in rural
              unimproved sources              other improved sources          piped on premises               households and communities, there
                                                                                                              remains a lack of data on the actual
Source: United Nations, 2011.52                                                                               impact of aid on rural women’s
                                                                                                              empowerment and gender equality.
                                                         Gaps in access to improved                           Progress towards such objectives
                                                         sources of water between urban                       is often translated into monitoring
                                                         and rural areas remain significant                   and evaluation indicators that assess
                                                         In urban areas, levels of access                     ‘progress’ by numbers of rural
                                                         to improved water and sanitation                     women participating in particular
                                                         are generally high and above the                     interventions rather than the quality
                                                         MDG target. In contrast, poor rural                  of those interventions and the
                                                         populations still face great challenges              broader impacts on rural women.
                                                         accessing clean drinking water.                      There is an urgent need to invest in
                                                         Coverage in rural areas across all                   rural women and to develop more
                                                         regions lags behind urban areas                      comprehensive and nuanced metrics
                                                         (Figure 13). In 2008, an estimated                   and related measurement systems
                                                         141 million people living in urban                   to assess the different impacts of
                                                         areas and 743 million people living                  agriculture and rural development
                                                         in rural areas relied on unimproved                  policies and programmes, together
                                                         sources for drinking water. An urban                 with contributing aid allocations, on
                                                         dweller in Sub-Saharan Africa is 1.8                 rural women and men.
                                                         times more likely to use an improved
                                                         drinking water source than a person
                                                         living in a rural area.53

Data challenges and                        measure progress for rural and urban     Notes
                                           women and men, and to identify and
implications for future
                                           address specific disparities.            1.  UNDP. 2011. Human Development Report.
development goals                                                                       Sustainability and Equity: A Better Future for
                                                                                        All. p. 58. New York. (
                                           Better indicators are needed                 media/HDR_2011_EN_Complete.pdf)
Some indicators are not gender-            to monitor progress in rural             2. UNIFEM (now UN Women). 2009. Progress
sensitive, and those that are, are         women’s lives57                              of World’s Women. Who Answers to Women?
                                                                                        Gender and Accountability. p. 36. (http://www.
not necessarily sensitive to rural-        As we work toward meeting the      
urban disparities                          MDGs and move toward developing              Report_Full_Text.pdf)
To a great extent, the MDGs monitor        new and better global targets, there     3. FAO. 2011. The State of Food and Agriculture
                                                                                        2010-2011 (SOFA). p. 17. Rome. (http:// www.
general progress, providing the global     are a number of areas that must be 
community and individual countries         observed if we are to understand in          Primary source: ILO. 2009. Key indicators
with useful information for policy                                                      of the labour market, sixth edition. Geneva,
                                           greater depth the opportunities and          Switzerland.
and planning purposes. Although            constraints in rural women’s lives,      4. FAO. 2011. SOFA. pp. 16-17.
the MDG guidelines suggest that            and to monitor progress towards          5. FAO, IFAD, ILO. 2010. Gender and Rural
all indicators be disaggregated by         rural women’s empowerment and                Employment Policy Brief #3. Rural women’s
                                                                                        entrepreneurship is “good business”! (http://
sex and rural-urban location, this is      gender equality appropriately and  
only occasionally done owing to the        effectively. Indicators and data             pdf)
nature of the indicators themselves,       collected must be disaggregated, at      6. FAO. 2011. Op. cit. p. 5.
low capacity and poor data systems,        the very least, by sex and rural/urban   7. FAO. 2011. Ibid. pp. 125-131 (Statistical Annex,
                                                                                        Table A6).
or lack of interest. Some of the           location. These indicators could         8. FAO. 2010. Gender and Land Rights
indicators – for example those under       include, but are not limited to:             Database. (
MDG 2 (Achieve universal primary           MDG1: average annual dietary intake          landrights)
education) and MDG 3 (Promote                                                       9. FAO. 2011. Op. cit. p. 23.
                                           per capita; access to employment,        10. FAO. 2011. Ibid. (See Chapter 3. Documenting
gender equality and women’s                including the informal sector and            the gender gap in agriculture, pp. 23-38.)
empowerment) – are disaggregated           agricultural self-employment; access     11. FAO. 2011. Ibid. p. 33.
by sex. MDG 5 (Improve maternal            to productive assets and financial
health) focuses specifically on            services (e.g. land, credit, extension
women. Others – for example MDG 7          services, agricultural technology);
(Ensure environmental sustainability)      access to social security and safety
– are difficult to disaggregate by         nets; MDG2: ratio of orphans to non-
sex. However, even when data are           orphans (10-14 years old) attending
disaggregated by sex, they are rarely      school; MDG3: prevalence of gender-
also disaggregated by urban and rural      based violence (GBV) and GBV
locations. In addition, rural dynamics     knowledge/attitudes/perceptions;
and women’s roles sometimes                participation in institutions; MDG6:
require different types of indicators      proportion of people living with HIV
to characterize and monitor progress       who receive anti-retroviral treatment
than those commonly used. For              compared to those who need
example, data to capture rural             treatment; access to other health
women’s multiple job holding and           services (e.g. malaria/tuberculosis
seasonal work are particularly difficult   treatment); and MDG8: the impact
to obtain with existing systems.           of aid to agriculture and rural
Overall, with a few exceptions, the        development and of trade/debt on
MDG indicators provide a rather            rural women’s empowerment and
limited base against which to              gender equality.

12. FAO. 2011. Ibid. p. 9.                            19. FAO, IFAD, ILO. 2010. Gender and Rural                  sector progress towards Universal Access. p.
13. United Nations. 2011. Millennium Development          Employment Policy Brief #2. Investing in                19. Geneva. (
    Goals Report. p. 67 states: “Since there is no        skills for socio-economic empowerment                   media/unaids/contentassets/documents/
    established convention for the designation            of rural women. (http://www.fao-ilo.                    unaidspublication/2011/20111130_UA_Report_
    of ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries             org/fileadmin/user_upload/fao_ilo/pdf/                  en.pdf)
    or areas in the United Nations system, this           02EducationAndSkills_WEB.pdf)                     39.   UNAIDS. Securing the future today: Synthesis
    distinction is made for the purposes of           20. FAO, IFAD, ILO. 2010. Ibid.                             of Strategic Information on HIV and Young
    statistical analysis only.” (   21. FAO, IFAD, ILO. 2010. Ibid.                             People. p.2. Geneva. (
    millenniumgoals/11_MDG%20Report_EN.pdf)           22. United Nations. 2009. Millennium                        en/media/unaids/contentassets/documents/
14. United Nations. 2010. Millennium Development          Development Goals Report. p. 20. (http://www.           unaidspublication/2011/20110727_JC2112_
    Goals Report. pp. 13 -14. New York. (http://                  Synthesis_report_en.pdf)                    2009_ENG.pdf)                                     40.   United Nations. 2011. Op. cit. p. 38
    %20Report%202010%20En%20r15%20-                   23. FAO. 2011. Op. cit. p. 18.                        41.   United Nations. 2011. Ibid. pp. 32, 39.
    low%20res%2020100615%20-.pdf)                                                                           42.   WHO Global Health Observatory Data
                                                      24. FAO, IFAD, ILO. 2010. Gender and Rural
15. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. 2011.          Employment Policy Brief #4. Agricultural value          Repository. Data ranges from various years
    Girls Grow: A vital force in rural economies.         chain development: Threat or opportunity for            between 2003 and 2007.
    (                    women’s employment? (          43.   UNAIDS, UNICEF, WHO. 2011. Op. cit. pp. 96,
    UserFiles/File/GlobalAgDevelopment/Report/            docrep/013/i2008e/i2008e04.pdf)                         98, 102.
                                                      25. FAO. 2011. Op. cit. p. 20.                        44.   UNAIDS, WHO. 2006. Progress on global access
16. United Nations. 2010. Op. cit. p. 18                                                                          to HIV antiretroviral therapy: a report on “3 by 5”
17. World Bank. 2012. World Development Report            briefs-detail/en/?no_cache=1&uid=29511                  and beyond. pp. 23, 33. Geneva. (http://www.
    2012: Gender Equality and Development                                                               
                                                      27. FAO, IFAD, ILO. 2010. Gender and Rural
    (WDR). p. 112. Washington DC. (http://                                                                  45.   UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNIFEM. 2004. Women and
                                                          Employment Policy Brief #1. Gender-equitable                                                                       HIV/AIDS: Confronting the Crisis. (http://www.
                                                          rural work to reduce poverty and boost economic
                                                          growth. (
                                                          i2008e/i2008e01.pdf)                              46.   FAO. 2005. Assessment of the world food security
18. World Bank. Ibid. p. 112.                                                                                     situation. Rome. (
                                                      28. World Bank. 2012. Op.cit. p. 83.
                                                      29. UNDP. 2010. The 2010 Women in                           meeting/009/J4968e/j4968e00.htm)
                                                          Local Government Status Report. p.20.             47.
                                                          (                 48.   Philipose, Anadita. 2007. HIV/AIDS, Gender
                                                          WomenInLocalGovernmentStatusReport2010.                 and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cornell
                                                          pdf)                                                    University.
                                                      30. WHO. 2005. WHO Multi-Country study on             49.   UNDP. 2011. Op. cit. p. 75.
                                                          women’s health and domestic violence against      50.   UNDP. 2011. Ibid. pp. 63-65.
                                                          women. Statistical appendix, Tables 2(a) and      51.   UNDP. 2011. Ibid. p. 65 (Box 3.4).
                                                          17. Geneva. (
                                                                                                            52.   United Nations. 2011. Op. cit. p. 54
                                                                                                            53.   United Nations. 2011. Ibid. p. 54.
                                                      31. United Nations. 2011. Op. cit. p.28.
                                                                                                            54.   The 11 productive sectors are: public finance
                                                      32. WHO Global Health Observatory Data
                                                                                                                  management; employment policy; transport
                                                          Repository. (
                                                                                                                  and storage; communications; energy;
                                                          Available WHO data on under-five mortality for
                                                                                                                  banking and business; agriculture and rural
                                                          rural and urban areas exist for 46 developing
                                                                                                                  development; industry; mining, construction,
                                                          countries from various years between 1999
                                                                                                                  tourism; trade, urban development.
                                                          and 2007.
                                                                                                            55.   OECD. 2011. Aid in Support of Women’s
                                                      33. United Nations. 2011. Op. cit. p. 25.
                                                                                                                  Economic Empowerment. p.7. (http://www.
                                                      34. United Nations. 2011. Ibid. p. 26             
                                                      35. United Nations. 2010. Op. cit. p. 32.             56.   OECD. 2011. Ibid. p.9.
                                                      36. United Nations. 2010. Ibid. p. 33.                57.   Note: These suggested areas for indicators
                                                      37. WHO Global Health Observatory Data                      were derived during the interactive research
                                                          Repository. Complete data set: 25 countries.            undertaken with the participating UN agencies
                                                          Countries selected for the graph above are              during the preparation of this fact sheet.
                                                          those that are predominantly rural (60 percent          Further examination and formal discussion by
                                                          and over).                                              UN member organizations is required before
                                                      38. UNAIDS, UNICEF, WHO. 2011. Global HIV/                  finalizing a list of proposed indicators.
                                                          AIDS Response: Epidemic update and health

                                                                                                                          All pictures used: copyright istockphoto
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