REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House

Page created by Cindy Perez
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Summer Term - Issue 5

Welcome to the Summer Holiday!
It has been an emotional week, with the tragic loss of
our School Knight, and goodbyes to our student and
staff leavers this year. The end of year assembly was
filled with tears and laughter, and what I most took
away from it was how very lucky we are to have been
touched so deeply by so many wonderful people. We
thank every member of the community for your love
and care, your inspiration and mentoring, and all you
have contributed to our school.

It has been a year of change and development, building
on the investment of Roedean, and we have been            Remembering Olivia
delighted to welcome so many new faces to the RMH         Everyone at Roedean Moira
family this year. Next year, we look forward to coming    House was deeply saddened to
together again, and building this wonderful community     hear of the death of Year 13 pupil
further - to pass on the gifts we have gained here, and   Olivia Chung at the weekend.
to share the lessons we have learnt. New adventures       Olivia was killed in an accident
await us, but in the meantime, we wish you a wonderful    whilst on holiday in Crete with
summer break.                                             her family, having just completed
                                                          her A Levels. She was a popular
                                                          and cherished member of our
In this edition...                                        community.

Remembering Olivia is continued on page 2, where          On behalf of the staff, children and parents at the
Mrs Vallantine reflects on her time at RMH...             school, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies
Founder’s Day in pictures can be found on page 3;         to Olivia’s family. It is hard to put into words what a
more photos will be made available online shortly...      senseless and tragic loss this is. The school’s focus
A gorgeous evening at the RMH Visual Arts Exhibition      is now to do all we can to support pupils at this very
and Gig Night are celebrated on page 4...                 difficult time.
A very muddy adventure at Hindleap Warren can be
found on page 5...                                        Olivia contributed to life at RMH so strongly - as a
We look back on a year of the Junior Diploma and the      School Knight, academically, and - most importantly -
Pyramid Enterprise Fair can also be found on page 6...    as a friend to so many of us.
News from home and Sports News are on page 7...
Don’t miss the Humanities Summer Photo                    At times like this, it is important that we support each
Competition on page 8...                                  other, and give ourselves time and space to grieve.
and a look back at a year in Roedean International, a     Thank you to all those who have come into the school
marine-themed day of our 3 Cs - Rockpools Day is on       to support staff and students this week.
page 8, and more details can be found on our website...
Finally, Key Dates for exam results and next year are     Mrs Vallantine reflects on Olivia’s time with us at RMH
on page 8.                                                on page 2.
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Principal’s Review

Remembering Olivia
This week, we had the devastating news that our
wonderful School Knight, Olivia had passed away. As
we take the time to process this news, and to grieve her,
Mrs Vallantine reflects on Olivia’s time at our school.

I remember meeting Olivia with her mother when they
came to visit the school, Moira House at the time, for
the first time. Olivia’s caring nature and intellectual
curiosity from her previous schooling in international
schools made her a perfect fit for our community; she
was a true MoHo girl. I was delighted when she chose
our school for her A-Level studies.

As a person, Olivia was kind, polite, respectful and caring.
She always had a smile on her face. Academically, her
teachers often commented on her brightness, her thirst
for knowledge and her competitiveness to do well in her
academic studies. Her love for Biology was obvious and
getting a university place at UCL for September was a
fantastic achievement.

When I met with Olivia last year to tell her she had
been appointed as a School Knight, she was beaming
with joy and pride. Being humble, she could not quite
believe she had been appointed to the post either. I
had the privilege of meeting Olivia and Raphy weekly
in their role as School Knights, to chat about how the
role was going and what issues they might be dealing
with. Olivia always brought her intelligence and passion
for the school to the table, and she had a huge impact
on our community. Her public speeches were always
brilliantly delivered with confidence, as we all witnessed
on Founder’s Day. The younger girls saw Olivia as a role
model and aspired to be like her.

Olivia will be remembered by all of us as a bright and
beautiful young woman who left our community and
our world far too early. I am very thankful to have
known Olivia and to have witnessed the impact she had
on others in her short time with us. I will miss Olivia very
dearly and I will never forget her.

In her speech on Founder’s Day, Olivia urged us to take
every opportunity we were offered in life, because we
never know how long we’ll have. Her words could not
have been more poignant: let us honour her memory
by reflecting on her message, and by taking it into our
hearts. She would be glad to know she had had such a
powerful and positive influence on our community.
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Summer Term - Issue 5

Founder’s Day
We had a simply wonderful day celebrating another
year at RMH. The performances at the Devonshire
Theatre were superb across the board, and it was a
delight to welcome families, girls, Old Girls and friends
of the school back to RMH for a picnic and Rounders
game together. Huge thanks to all the staff who were
involved in organising this highlight of our year - it is a
truly joyful gift you give! More photos on our website:
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Principal’s Review

Visual Arts Exhibition showcases
talent across the school
The Visual Arts department celebrated the work of the
GCSE and A level students with a stunning exhibition
of their work, which included displays of Fine Art,
Photography, Textiles and 3D Design. Also included
was artwork from every year group, showcasing the
talent and creativity fostered and developed at RMH.

A big thank you to all the girls who helped set up, and
to our Visual Arts department for their encouragement,
inspiration and superb teaching throughout the year,
nurturing our talented girls and enabling them to put
on such a spectacular show. The huge effort involved
in getting the exhibition ready for the girls, friends and
family of the school really paid off - thank you all!

Gig Night - singing under the sky
Picnic blankets spread on the grass, a relaxed and happy
atmosphere, and some really superb performers - Gig
Night was perhaps even more chilled than previous
years due to the cool weather, but that did nothing to
dampen our enjoyment of a truly lovely evening.

It was a real treat to welcome Rachel - who finished
her A Levels with us last year - back to sing for us, and
the surprise arrival of our new staff rock band was a
brilliant addition! We’re very much hoping that Raphy
will follow Rachel’s example, and that this will prove not
to have been her last performance for us!

Thanks to Frank and Mr Sharp, and all who helped
with setting up, and to all our performers - Gig Night
is a beautiful way to finish off another year of musical
excellence at RMH!
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Summer Term - Issue 5

Mud, glorious mud! Year 4 adventure
at Hindleap Warren
Year 4 set out for a one night, wild and muddy, residential
experience at Hindleap Warren in the Ashdown Forest
last week. The girls participated in many different
outdoor adventure challenges, both as a team and as

The trip started off with the girls trying to make their
own beds soon after arriving at the centre. Many
different bed making techniques were demonstrated
but the staff favourite to observe, was definitely those
girls who unintentionally managed to get themselves
completely inside the duvet cover instead of the duvet.

Soon after bed making, the Year 4s headed out to
overcome a range of team-building and forest obstacle
activities. Communication was key, and the girls
reflected on what makes a good team.

The highlight of the trip,
as it is every year, was the
ridiculously muddy forest
adventure. Led by our
Hindleap instructor; the
girls went off the beaten
tracks and paths and into
the depths of the forest.
Navigating mud pools,
streams and - much to
their delight - drop bears
(Google it!), the girls
emerged on other side
of the forest tired but exuberant. They learnt many
new things about the surrounding plants and nature,
improved their resilience, and were sure to look after
each other when the going got tough.

After a hot shower, good meal, evening walk, and a
delicious cookie and hot chocolate, the girls all slept

Day two saw the girls learning new bush-craft skills
including building a shelter and fire. The shelter had to be
wind and water proof, and the fire had to be controlled
and to last long enough to cook some marshmallows. It
was a brilliant session and all the girls became experts
at using a flint and steel to start their fires, with a little
help from a firelighter.

Many thanks to Mrs Talkington, Mrs Standen and Mr
Kerswell who planned and ran the trip, and to the girls
themselves for being such good ambassadors for RMH.
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Principal’s Review

Juniors - reflecting on our successes Pyramid Enterprise Fair
In assembly last week, the girls were invited to reflect       A huge thank you to everyone who came along and
on their incredible achievements with the Junior School        supported the Pyramid Enterprise Fair - what an array
Diploma this year, where literally hundreds of balloons        of creative, well-presented and, often, delicious wares
have been awarded. Particular congratulations go               on offer. Once again, your hard work to raise money
to those pupils who have attained at least one gold            for charity showed our school motto in action. The girls
balloon, as this shows that they have tried to broaden         were fantastic entrepreneurs - running their stalls with
their interests and achievements. Gold balloons were           great enthusiasm, and raising over £1000! The most
awarded today to Emily and Zahra – congratulations!            successful stalls will choose a charity for all proceeds to
                                                               go to. Well done to all of you, and thank you to all the
Blue balloons were awarded this week for sharing               girls for your enthusiasm and support of your Pyramids
stories with younger girls at playtime, for caring for         throughout the year.
nature and minibeasts, and for participating in a beach
clean. Green balloons were presented for creating              I’m sure you’ll all join me in thanking the Heads of
artwork using recycled materials and rubbish collected         Pyramid, and the Pyramid Captains, for all they’ve done
on a beach clean event, for taking part in a cycle ride to     to make this year so much fun!
promote safe bike paths, and for creating a community
awareness poster. Red balloons were awarded for
achieving a personal goal to conquer a fear of heights,
for learning to put in contact lenses independently, for
completing the Lighthouse Charity Challenge walk, for
completion of Quest Challenge 6, for completion of
the Inspirational Women challenge – researching Billie
Jean King – and for achieving 1st and 2nd place in the
All England finals, qualifying for the Dance World Cup!

We were delighted to present Lucy with her Grade 1
piano exam with merit and Bethany with her Grade
2 piano with distinction – well done girls! In the final
Junior assembly of the year, girls in Year 6 will be sharing
some of their favourite memories of the Junior School.
They have been a delightful year group, full of energy
and adventure. They will be much missed in the Junior
School, and we wish them a happy and successful time
at secondary school next year.
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Summer Term - Issue 5

              News from Home                                                Sports News
Many thanks to all the girls and parents who have been RMH ball crew true professionals at
in touch to share your news with the school community
this year. We love to hear from you, and to celebrate
                                                           the Nature Valley International!
                                                           This week, 50 girls from Roedean Moira House have
your experiences and achievements!
                                                           been working as ball crew and court stewards at the
Daisy wins club cup!                                       Nature Valley international Tennis Tournament at
Congratulations to Daisy, who was                          the Devonshire Park. The girls have been performing
awarded the Swim Star cup last                             superbly; showing what true professionals they are.
week for dedication to swimming                            Some of the stars they have been on court with include
at her club! Well done Daisy – it                          Caroline Wozniacki, Andy Murrary and Angelique Kerber
is lovely to see you receive the                           to name just a few! In sweltering heat, the girls have
recognition you deserve for all that                       coped so well. The team have received praise from so
hard work and passion!                                     many people at the tournament - being told they are
                                                           some of the best ball crew they have worked with - well
Beth 4th in whole of Europe!                               done girls enjoy the rest of the tournament.
Last week, Beth headed to Austria, representing the GB
Youth Triathlon team for the European Championships U15 Sussex Schools’ Tennis
in Kitsbul.                                                Our U15 tennis team - Amelia, Alisa, Megan and Darcey
                                                           - competed well this year’s U15 Sus-sex Schools Tennis
Beth won her heat on Thursday, an outstanding Tournament. They reached the quarter finals after
achievement, and one that Beth set herself as a target beating Rikkyo and Bedes B and losing narrowly to
before she left. In the finals on Saturday, Beth came in Eastbourne College A. Amelia and Alisa played the best
4th place - a fantastic achievement, especially as she match of the tournament against Eastbourne College’s
still has two more years in this age category and this was 1st pair, with long, high quality, powerful rallies and
her first time in such a large scale event. Beth achieved excellent volleying from both teams, drawing a large
2nd place in the swim leg, followed by a tough cycle audience, with plenty of appreciative applause.
where she got caught on her last lap in a large bike pack.
In true Beth style she showed grit and determination RMH faced Brighton College in the quarter final but,
in the final run phase, to claw back within 15 seconds sadly, narrowly missed out on reaching the semis. Well
of the winner, and only 3 seconds off the third placed played, girls. You have played some great tennis this
triathlete; an exceptional comeback.                       summer!

As if these two race days
weren’t enough, Beth was
selected to compete in the
mixed team relay for GB,
taking the first leg for the
team. Beth led out of the
swim and stayed with the
top three throughout, with
her team placing 6th by
the end of the relay race. A
huge physical endeavour,
and we are so very proud
of Beth for taking the event
and each race in her stride.

              Share your news!
        We love to hear from you! Email us at:
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
Summer Term - Issue 5

A year with Roedean International
The girls in the Pre-GCSE and Pre-A classes this year
                                                             Take part in the Humanities
have made a huge contribution to RMH life, and it’s        Summer Photograph Competition!
been a real pleasure to have you with us.
                                                          Last summer we loved receiving all the photos of
Congratulations on an incredible journey girls - you have the girls from Nursery to Sixth Form taking selfies at
crammed so much into your year with us - developing historical, religious and geographical locations.
your language skills ready for full GCSE and A Level
courses next year.                                        This year we are teaming up with Mrs Westwood and
                                                          her CAP team to give you a new challenge. This summer,
Mrs Smilie reflects on a year with Roedean International can you take a photo of yourself doing something for
on our website: the environment and making a pledge? Perhaps start a
international-2019                                        compost bin like we’ve done in the staffroom and send
                                                          us a picture of you using it, or pledge to not use plastic
                                                          straws and buy a metal one to take on your days out, or
                                                          volunteer for a local beach clean day?

                                                           We look forward to seeing all your photos, please email
                                                           them with an explanation of your pledge to nlake@
                                                  or bring them in on the first
                                                           week after the holiday.

                                                                     IMMINENT KEY DATES:
                                                            28 June, 12pm: Summer Term ends

RMH Rockpools Day:                                          29th June: Boarding House closes
                                                            17th July: Nursery Sports Day and Parents’ Picnic
Creativity, Community, Challenge                            15th August, 8am (Sitting Room): A Level Results Day
Read all about our fantastic Rockpools Day online!          22nd August, 9am: GCSE Results Day(Sitting Room)
                                                                      TERM DATES 2019-20:
                                                            28th August: New Boarders and current Year 12
                                                            boarders arrive/Staff Inset
                                                            29th August: New girls’ induction day / all boarders
                                                            30th August: Autumn Term begins
                                                            21st September: Open Day
                                                            22nd October, 12pm - 3rd November: Half Term
                                                            13th December, 12pm: End of Autumn Term

                                                            5th January: Boarders return
                                                            6th January: Spring Term begins
                                                            14th February, 4.15pm - 23rd February: Half Term
                                                            27th March, 12pm: End of Spring Term

                                                            19th April: Boarders Return
                                                            20th April: Summer Term begins
                                                            22nd May, 4.15 - 31st May: Half Term
                                                            26th June, 12pm: End of Summer Term

                                                                       For full calendar listings
                                                                including sports fixtures, please go to:
REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House REVIEW PRINCIPAL'S - Roedean Moira House
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