Resurrection of Our Lord Church - Under the Protection of Our Lady of Ransom - Parishes Online

Page created by Tiffany Bates
Resurrection of Our Lord Church - Under the Protection of Our Lady of Ransom - Parishes Online
Resurrection of Our Lord Church
  Under the Protection of Our Lady of Ransom
                                                               Reverend James DeGrassa, Pastor
                                                             Rev. Tom Gallagher, O.S.F.S. Resident
                                                              Reverend Harold McKale, Resident
                                                               Reverend Edward Rauch, O.S.F.S.
                                                                    Assisting Retired Priest
                                                            Deacon Dennis Friel,
                                                           Deacon John Knesis,

                                                             2000 Shelmire Avenue, Phila., PA 19152
                                                                   Telephone 215-745-3211
                                                                       Fax 215-745-0587

                                                                                MASS SCHEDULE
                                                                        Saturday Evening - 4:30 pm
Blessed Sacrament ~ The chapel is located at the Shelmire ramp          6:30, 8:30, 10:30 am & 12:00 Noon
entrance and is open Monday-Friday, 7:00am - 5:00pm.
                                                                          Monday - Friday 8:30 am
Homebound Visitation ~ Please contact the Rectory.
New Parishioners ~ We encourage you to register on-line or at
                                                                           Holy Days of Obligation
the rectory during our regular business hours.                               Please see schedule inside
Pastoral Care of the Sick ~ Call the rectory to arrange for
anointing and communion for the sick and dying.
RCIA ~ The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Formation
begins in mid-September and participants meet weekly Thursday         Mass will still be available via live stream.
evenings until Easter.      Contact Deacon John Knesis at             Vigil Mass 4:30pm on Saturdays. This can
267-240-9607 for more information.                                    be accessed on our website or our facebook
                                                                      page. You do not need facebook to view
Resurrection Divine Mercy Group ~ Meetings on Wednesday
evenings at 7:30pm in the Lower Church (use parking lot door).        the video, simply the internet.

Resurrection Prayer Community ~ Meetings on Monday
evenings at 7:00pm in the Lower Church.
Sacrament of Baptism ~ Baptisms take place on the first and
third Sundays of the month. Call Sr. Alice Walsh at the rectory to
arrange Baptism date.
Sacrament of Reconciliation ~ Saturdays 3:30pm - 4:15pm,
Sundays 10:00am or by appointment.
Resurrection of Our Lord Church - Under the Protection of Our Lady of Ransom - Parishes Online
Week of November 8th - 14th
                                                         Gold Candle Blessed Mother ~ Walter Pieczynski
                                                         Gold Candle St. Joseph ~ Joseph Krzywicki
                                                         Upper Church Bread & Wine ~ Philip & Anna Pittore
Saturday - November 7                                    Upper Church Lamps ~ Thomas Forkin
4:30PM Rita M. Savidge                                   Lower Church Bread & Wine ~ Francesco Adabbo
                                                         Lower Church Lamps ~ Francesco Adabbo
Sunday - November 8
6:30AM Living & Deceased Members of
          Resurrection of Our Lord Parish
8:30AM Emma Bauer
10:30AM Antonio & Maria Ionata                         Collection 11/1/2020                    $9,281.00
12:00Noon The Fiordimondo Family                       We Share/E-Giving                       $1,715.00
                                                       Total Collection                       $10,996.00
Monday - November 9                                       Envelopes ~ 392
8:30AM Living & Deceased Members of                       We Share ~ 50
          Resurrection of Our Lord Parish
                                                       All Saints                               $1,307.00
Tuesday - November 10
8:30AM Deceased Members of                                 Envelopes ~ 140
          The Tait Family                             Thank you very much for your generous support.
Wednesday - November 11                                   May God reward your kind generosity.
8:30AM Orlando M. Pomponi
Thursday - November 12
8:30AM Domingos Estudante
Friday - November 13
8:30AM Deborah Mosher
Saturday - November 14
4:30PM Felix Saldutti
Sunday - November 15
6:30AM Living & Deceased Members of
          Resurrection of Our Lord Parish             Dear Lord, Today we honor our veterans, worthy men
8:30AM Theresa Robinson-Clarke                        and women who gave their best when they were
10:30AM Dominico Zaffino & Family
                                                      called upon to serve and protect their country. We
12:00Noon Pasquale & Filomena Basilico
                                                      pray that you will bless them for their unselfish
                                                      service in the continual struggle to preserve our
 Bulletin for the week November 8, 2020
                                                      freedoms, our safety, and our country's heritage, for
                                                      all of us. Amen

                                                      "The bridegroom came and those who were ready went
               Rectory Office Hours                   into the wedding feast with Him. Then the door was
        Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM             locked. Afterwards the other virgins came and said, 'Lord,
        (closed 12 Noon - 1:00 PM for lunch)          Lord, open the door for us!' But He said in reply, 'Amen, I
        Closed on Holy Days of Obligation             say to you, I do not know you.'" - Mt 25:10b-12
Rectory Staff                                         Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.
John Duffner,
Tina Nase, Music Director
Nadine Holzshu, Tuition Manager, 9am-3pm
Joan Stulz, Child and Youth Protection
Bulletin Editor -
Resurrection Regional Catholic School
             Mr. Jack Bellantoni - Principal
  Karen Fitzgerald, Director of Religious Education
PRAY FOR ALL SICK                     &   INFIRMED
    Gregg Farlow        Christopher Clemens   Joan M. Smyth                     WEEKLY PARISH CALENDAR
  Dennis Watson         Marylou Klusman       Robert Stulz
  Fr.Fred Smuda, OSFS   Vincent Lamelza       Joanna Pirritano   Sunday 11/8      8:45AM PREP, Lower Church
                                                                                  11:00AM Portuguese Mass, Lower Church
  Kathy Mautz           Martin P. O’Donnell   Joe Zenak
                                                                                  1:00PM Baptisms
  Judy Devlin           Jack Pfeiffer         Thomas Boyle
  Maureen Fitzgerald    Benjamin Miller       Anna Herman        Monday 11/9      7:00PM Prayer Group, Lower Church
  Joan Rietzen          Anna Brauner          Olga Powell        Tuesday 11/10 1:15PM Staff Meeting
  Patrick Venhaus       John B. Kunwon        Daniel Elwell                    7:00PM Portuguese Mass, Lower Church
  James Dalamo          Jim Stauble           Grace Scullin      Wednesday 11/11 7:30PM Divine Mercy, Lower Church
  Angelina McVey        Dawn Pescatore        Kathleen Mimm
                                                                 Thursday 11/12 7PM RCIA, Lower Church
  Michael Hendri        Sister Mary Louise    Joe Gross
  John Brady            Clare Hohlfeld        Dolores Mann       Friday 11/13     1:00PM School Dismissal
  Michael Shappell      Samantha Simon        Rita Branca                         7:30PM Portuguese PREP, Lower Church
  Paul Tracey           Jimmy Logan           Marcia Cassidy     Saturday 11/14 4:30PM Mass, Kevin Key, Seminarian
  Tim Coyne             Cindy Duckette        Sheila Bullock
                                                                 Sunday 11/15     Kevin Key, Seminarian
 All Saints Day- Veneration of Our Saint Relics                                   8:45AM PREP, Lower Church
                                                                                  11:00AM Portuguese Mass, Lower Church
                                                                                  1:00PM Baptisms

                                                                                 Mass Intentions for 2021
                                                                          Mass Intentions are available for the year
                                                                          2021 in the rectory. The donation for Mass
                                                                 intentions are $10.00 each.
                                                                 You may reserve the Sanctuary Lamps, Gold
                                                                 Candles or the Bread & Wine in memory of a loved
                                                                 one, with a donation of $5 for each of the following.
                                                                     * Sanctuary Lamps, Upper & Lower Church
                                                                     * Bread & Wine, Upper & Lower Church
                                                                     * Gold Candles: -Blessed Mother Altar
                                                                                     -Saint Joseph Altar

       Please remember all our deceased relatives,                        Please remember in your prayers those
       friends and fellow parishioners, especially:                       members of our parish serving in the military
                                                                          whether at home or abroad. We pray for their
                     Elizabeth Valentine                                  safety and security as they continue to serve our
                                                                          country and keep us safe.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls
                                                                                Sanctuary Endowment Announces
of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen
                                                                                   the following Enrollments:
                   RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD                             Michael DiBattista by Bernadette & Michael
                        WEDDING POLICY                                Barbara Ann Hughes by The Mastropietro Family
         Congratulations on your engagement! We                          James Quinn by The Mastropietro Family
promise to do everything within our power to make
your special day beautiful. Please visit our                     Mass is offered once monthly for all the members enrolled
website to arrange for your               in the Sanctuary Endowment Fund. On the
upcoming wedding here at our church. You are able to             occasion of a funeral or the settlement of an estate,
choose between a Wedding ceremony or a Wedding                   remember your loved ones with a donation to the Sanctuary
Mass. The earliest wedding on Fridays is at 3PM. On              Endowment Memorial Fund - a true living memorial! The
Saturdays, weddings may be scheduled anytime                     fund is used exclusively for the maintenance, preservation
between 9AM & 2PM. Non-parishioners are most                     and restoration of the sanctuary and shrines of our church.
welcome here for their wedding day. One party must be            Thank you to the many families who have remembered
Catholic and both parties must be free to marry.                 their loved ones through the Sanctuary Endowment Fund.
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Lectionary: 154
READING 1                WIS 6:12-16
Resplendent and unfading is wisdom, and she is readily perceived by those who love her, and
found by those who seek her. She hastens to make herself known in anticipation of their desire;
Whoever watches for her at dawn shall not be disappointed, for He shall find her sitting by His
gate. For taking thought of wisdom is the perfection of prudence, and whoever for her sake
keeps vigil shall quickly be free from care; because she makes her own rounds, seeking those
worthy of her, and graciously appears to them in the ways, and meets them with all solicitude.
READING 2                1 THES 4:13-14
We do not want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, about those who have fallen asleep,
so that you may not grieve like the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and
rose, so too will God, through Jesus, bring with Him those who have fallen asleep.

GOSPEL              MT 25:1-13
Jesus told His disciples this parable: "The kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took
their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
The foolish ones, when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks
of oil with their lamps. Since the bridegroom was long delayed, they all became drowsy and fell
asleep. At midnight, there was a cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ Then all
those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of
your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise ones replied, 'No, for there may not be
enough for us and you. Go instead to the merchants and buy some for yourselves.’ While they
went off to buy it, the bridegroom came and those who were ready went into the wedding feast
with him. Then the door was locked. Afterwards the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord, Lord,
open the door for us!’ But He said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Therefore,
stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour."

                                                TAKE A CHANCE ON RESSO
             $5.00 Ticket to enter to win your choice of either an Xbox - Series X - OR - a Ps5 - Playstation 5
                These are the newest systems, winner chooses their favorite system.
             $5.00 Ticket to enter to win a gourmet 5 course dinner at the Rectory, cooked by Chef Father Jim
   It’s for you and up to 10 guests to be wined and dined at the Rectory on an evening of your choosing.
$5.00 Ticket to enter to win a wagon of cheer
   A wagon filled with your favorite wine & spirits. Fill your home bar up & invite over your favorite friends (& priests).
$5.00 Ticket to enter to win TWO Giant HD1080 Flatscreen Smart TVs
All proceeds from the four raffles will go towards the installation of our professional live-streaming camera and
equipment in our church (a $9,000.00 project). Purchase your raffle tickets by stopping in the back of church or
by stopping into the rectory office.
Raffle Drawing Occurs on November 25th
Congratulations to your young people who were confirmed on October 29 by Bishop Timothy Senior.
      May our Confirmandi continue to share the gifts of the Spirit they have been given. Thank you to the
      following people who worked hard to prepare our young people for this special day: Mrs. Harwick,
      Mrs. Lennox. Mrs. Woodruff, Mr. Bellantoni and Miss Fitzgerald.
    Cayo PAUL Andrade               Eva-Marie DYMPHNA Farinella               Nigel CECILIA Naveed
   Sophia GIANNA Barreto               Anna ANASTASIA Grailing                Anadelle CECILIA Noel
    Joao FRANCIS Batista                Bailey THERESA Guinan               Joshuor JOSHUOR Oliveira
Makayla JOSEPHINE Canfield            Wallis NICHOLAS Gutierrez            Tevania ELIZABETH Pereira
  Michael ANTHONY Ching               Abigail DYMPHNA Handlon                  Jordan PETER Phan
 Justtin LUKE Correa-Gomez               Aljhun VIRGIL Jamil                   Ryan DOMINIC Ruiz
   Janiya THERESA Davis                  Eric JOSEPH Kondrad                Liz LISA Saguilan-Pedraza
Murryllo MICHAEL DeCarvalho             William PATRICK Kahn                 Emily AGATHA Schmidt
   Rommel PIO De Ocera                   Carly ELIZABETH Le                 Matthew ANTHONY Silva
 Geovanni SEBASTIAN Desir                Leonor LUCIA Marin                 Marcus MICHAEL Thomas
  Allend GABRIEL Devastey                Sofia FRANCES Marin                  Edzer JOHN Turenne
  Luis JOSEPH Diaz-Pedraza             Jassen PATRICK Medina                  Tessa CHRISTINE Watt
    Isabella JOAN DiLeggi              Jordan ANTHONY Michel               David DOMINIC Wybranski
 Elisabeth KATHARINE Ewald           Thomas MICHAEL Mortimer                  Mariani LUCIA Zayas
Prayer for the Grace of a Happy Death “Lord
            Jesus, we are to appear before you after this short
            life, to render an account of our works. Grant us
            the grace to prepare for our last hour by always
            living according to your commandments. Protect
            us from a sudden and unprovoked death by teach-
ing us to watch, to pray, and to wait in joyful hope for your
coming as our Savior. If we are unable, at our last moments,
to hear or understand the prayers of the Church, we wish to
hear and rejoice in them now.”

                    Resurrection Regional
                    Virtual Designer Bag Bingo
                    Saturday, November 21, 2020, 7pm,
                    $30/Ticket, $5 Extra Card,
                    Deadline: Monday, November 16th
For order form, go to, click on
what’s happening, click on bulletin dated 9/13/2020. Any
questions, please contact

Merion Mercy Academy, a leading independent Catholic girls’
school outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, seeks a dynamic and
student-centered educator for a part-time, long-term substitute
teaching position beginning January 2020. Candidates must have a
strong knowledge of Spanish grammar and vocabulary and have
training in second language instruction. Candidates should be pas-
sionate about teaching and celebrating Spanish language and His-
panic cultures. Candidates should be comfortable using a blended
approach of ACFL’s standards and conducting classes in Spanish                  The Knights of Columbus will be collecting
while incorporating a deep focus on cultural understanding.                     canned goods for Catholic Social Services
Personal characteristics necessary for the position include                     Northeast Pantry. The drive will take place the
positivity and enthusiasm for all aspects of school life. Please visit   weekend of November 21-22. We thank you for your
our school’s website for complete details for this position,             continued support as we assist our neighbors in need.
Interested candidates should send a resume, cover letter and state-
ment of educational philosophy along with three professional
                                                                                    Parishioners, we are in need of ushers for the
references to Valerie Prucnal, Assistant Head of School for                         12:00 Noon Mass. If interested, please see
Academic Affairs at                                      Dan Brownsey at Mass. Thank you.

                     We are accepting donations for a basket of cheer to be raffled off next month. Any unopened
                     bottle of any liquor can be left in the back sacristy of the church or dropped off at the rectory.

                                              RETURN OF PIVOTAL PLAYERS
All are welcome to the screening of Bishop Barron’s Pivotal Players, November 14, Flannery O’Connor.
Sessions start at 9:15am, in the lower church, masks, social distancing and sanitation protocols in place. RSVP to Valorie
@ so she can forward study guide materials to your email. Back door in small parking lot will be the
only way into church.
                                               WOMEN’S MORNING OF PRAYER
              All women are welcome to a morning of prayer on: November 21, 9:15am in the lower church.
                                  Theme: Why Does God Allow Suffering/with a little bit of Advent
          Agenda: gathering prayer, view Bishop Barron reflection, informal discussion, meditation
We will not be using the back rooms or breaking into small discussion groups or having refreshments.
RSVP to Valorie @ Back door in small parking lot will be the only way into church.
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                                        Marino Fricko, President

                     Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 •                                                   Resurrection, Philadelphia, PA                                03-0301
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