Responsible Retailing - SPAR International

Page created by Ronald Bowen
Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
Responsible Retailing
Responsible Retailing - SPAR International

                                                                                    SPAR Responsible Retailing
                                                                                    As a food retailer present in more than 40 countries around the world, SPAR is
                                                                                    committed to adding value to the communities in which we operate. At SPAR,
                                                                                    we strive to deliver outstanding service and excellent product offerings, whilst
                                                                                    simultaneously working towards social and environmental prosperity for all.
                                                                                    As a global brand, we recognise our responsibility in helping to tackle and

                                                                                    negotiate the challenges faced by our customers and communities around the
                                                                                    world. This sense of responsibility lies at the heart of the SPAR strategy, that

SAMENWERKEN                                        PROFITEREN
                                                                                    we are ‘Better Together’.

                                                                                    Our Better Together strategy can be traced back to our roots when in 1932,

                                                                                    the SPAR Brand was founded on the principle of joint cooperation between

                                                                                    wholesalers and retailers. Similarly, our Responsible Retailing initiatives today
                                                                                    are designed and executed by our various SPAR Partners, whom we are proud
                                                                                    to call our SPAR family. As our SPAR Partners face different challenges across
                                                                                    the globe, they have the power to drive their own initiatives in the communities
Our founder Adriaan van Well                                                        they serve. As a global business, we aim to tailor our business strategy and
had a vision that if retailers and distributors     Together with the support and   priorities to make real and tangible changes for local communities.
worked together in partnership all would benefit
                                                    cooperation of our partners
                                                    we are achieving the required   Unique opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaboration have arisen,
                                                    brand focus.                    allowing SPAR to address local challenges that have a global impact. Following
                                                                                    this strategy, SPAR has developed partnerships with organisations such as the
                                                                                    Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the Amsterdam Initiative against
                                                                                    Malnutrition (AIM), and European Athletics.

                                                                                                     RESPONSIBLE RETAILING
                                                                                                       RESPONSIBLE         – SPAR
                                                                                                                   RETAILING  AT INTERNATIONAL                     3
Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
Our Focus                                                                                  Page 16                                       Page 22

SPAR is currently focused on six key areas, that are fundamental
to the role we can play as an international food retailer. Our
commitments and initiatives across the world, whilst tailored to
community specific needs, are largely focused on health, sourcing,
community, environment and supply chain, and are all linked to
our people.                                                                    COMMUNITY                                     ENVIRONMENT
                                                                               Our engagement with                           Our developments in food waste,
                                                                               community projects                            sustainable packaging & recycling

    HEALTH                                         SOURCING                    CLIMATE                                       PEOPLE
    Our focus on nutrition, exercise,              Our commitment to local &   Our tailored initiatives aimed at             Our Dedication to the Training &
    & wellbeing                                    sustainable sourcing        reducing CO2 emissions &                      Development of our People
                                                                               energy consumption

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Nutrition, Exercise &
Health and nutrition are two issues high up on our agenda at
SPAR. We are strong believers in the need to provide consumers
with good quality products and the relevant nutritional information
to ensure a balanced, healthy diet. Our focus on nutrition further
compliments the SPAR initiatives targeted at exercise, promoting
a healthy lifestyle and fighting malnutrition.


                                             SPAR’s commitment to promoting
                                             healthy eating has seen improvements       Exercise                                       SPAR Projects
                                             for consumers in fresh foods as well
                                             as dry foods. Around the globe,            In addition to our focus on healthy            In line with promoting healthier eating,
                                             various SPAR initiatives have focused      eating, SPAR recognises the benefits of        SPAR actively engages in initiatives
                                             on working better with suppliers and       exercise and as such, our sponsorship          aimed at providing better access to
                                             diversifying the food portfolio. In this   of sport is another key part of our            food and combating malnutrition.
    HEALTH                                   way, SPAR provides customers with          business. Partnerships between SPAR            Just one example is the development
                                             access to fresher products and where       retailers, local schools and sports            of the Rural Hub project in South
    Our focus on nutrition, exercise,        possible options to choose healthier       clubs reflects the importance SPAR             Africa in partnership, with the Global
    & wellbeing                              alternatives. SPAR has set out a           places on promoting exercise in many           Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
                                             clear strategy for offering customers      local communities. Support from                and the Amsterdam Initiative against
                                             organic products, natural products,        SPAR comes in many forms including,            Malnutrition (AIM).
                                             and products for shoppers with food        volunteering time, instore fundraising
                                             intolerances.                              activities, the provision of sports
                                                                                        equipment and financial assistance.
                                             SPAR has also developed the Nutrition
                                             Zone, which aims to provide nutritional    The SPARK Kids Athletics Park has
                                             advice by breaking down the various        further been developed to promote
                                             food groups in a fun way for future        athletics to future generations of athletes.

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Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
HEALTH                                     SPAR Austria reduces sugar in 50                       SPAR Hungary encourages healthy lifestyle change
    Our focus on nutrition, exercise,
    & wellbeing                                own brand products                                     with new mobile app

A year ago, SPAR Austria announced its intention to reduce the                                        SPAR Hungary recently introduced its 30-day lifestyle change
amount of sugar in its own brand products. A year on, this move                                       mobile app, helping those wanting to improve their health. The app
by SPAR Austria has resulted in the reduction of sugar in more                                        users are given access to dietary plans developed by nutritional
than 50 SPAR Own Brand products.                                                                      experts, training programmes, and other useful tips to help them
                                                                                                      reach their goals.

SPAR Austria has analysed the recipes                      is important to us that our shoppers’                                                    The software also provides information
of its own brand products, such as                         understanding of sugar is sharpened                                                      about supplements, meditation, yoga
soft drinks, cereals, ice cream, fruit                     and that they have the possibility to                                                    and office exercise videos. Consultation
preserves, fruit bars and yoghurts, and                    choose healthier products. For this                                                      with experts is accessible through the
work is now being carried out to reduce                    reason, we have chosen to reduce                                                         website and the app monitors the fluid
sugar in an additional 300 products.                       sugar instead of replacing it with sugar                                                 intake of users – sending reminders to
Over the next few years, the SPAR                          substitutes.”                                                                            drink enough water throughout the day.
Partner aims to remove at least 1,000
tonnes of sugar from its own brands.                                                                                                                “As a value-focused family enterprise,
                                                                                                                                                    SPAR has always highlighted the
SPAR Austria has tried to keep its                                                                                                                  importance of a healthy lifestyle. A
product sugar levels in line with the                             The best way for a                                                                balanced diet plays a much larger role
WHO’s      dietary   recommendations.                            healthier diet, is the               The SPAR Lifestyle Change Programme           in today’s busy world than ever before
For example, SPAR Natur *pur yogurt                           general reduction of sugar.             aims to assist more people in making          and as such, SPAR doesn’t only provide
contains only 12g of sugar per 100g and                                                               conscious      dietary    changes      and    high quality food, but also aims to assist
the SPAR Vital whole grain cereals only                                                               participating in regular sports activities,   in maintaining a healthy diet,” said Márk
contain 0.8g sugar per 100g.                                                                          and is built around a free-of-charge          Maczelka, Head of Communications at
                                                                                                      mobile app.                                   SPAR Hungary.
Fewer sweet products, less sugar, less
harm and more good. SPAR Austria’s                                                                    The programme has been developed by
goal in 2018 is to consistently reduce                                                                trained and experienced professionals.
sugar in its own brand products and                                                                   A dietary expert and certified nutritionist
provide its customers with more healthy                                                               developed the diet plan, whilst                    A balanced diet plays a
food options.                                                                                         professional trainers developed easy-              much larger role in to-
                                                                                                      to-perform exercises, in the form of                  day’s busy world.
Commenting on this move, SPAR                                                                         short videos.
Austria CEO, Gerhard Drexel, said: “It

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Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
HEALTH                                     SPAR Ireland invests over €1 million                  SPAR India promotes instore millet revival and
     Our focus on nutrition, exercise,
     & wellbeing                                in new advertising campaign                           supports local farmers

SPAR Ireland invested more than €1 million in an advertising                                          Once a staple food source in India, Millets have fallen out of
campaign to showcase its healthy eating initiative, SPAR Better                                       fashion over the last few decades – replaced by rice and wheat.
Choices. The campaign aims to inspire people to make positive                                         Now, with the increase in diabetes and allergies, this group of
food choices with the help of the SPAR healthy eating range.                                          small seed grasses that have been widely cultivated as cereal
                                                                                                      crops, are making a comeback.
The SPAR Better Choices programme                           Willie O’Byrne, Managing Director,
sees SPAR redefine its offering to                          BWG Foods said: “With the SPAR                                                        about why the grains should be part of
customers in response to changes in                         Better Choices offering our customers                                                 their diets. In addition to the millet zones
Irish consumers’ lifestyle choices. The                     can expect to find the right choice for                                               instore, SPAR India executed the online
launch of SPAR Better Choices aims                          themselves under the tree at SPAR.’’                                                  campaign #SayYesToMillets, regularly
to ensure that eating on the go doesn’t                                                                                                           posting nutritional facts, recipes and
mean compromising on health and                                                                                                                   health benefits of millets on its various
wellbeing. The initiative also caters                                                                                                             social media platforms.
for customers with varying nutritional
needs with low fat, high protein, and                                                                                                             Alongside the promotion of millets,
gluten free products on offer.                                                                                                                    SPAR India has been supportive of
                                                                                                                                                  local farmers. The SPAR Natural range
SPAR partnered with dietitian Ellen                                                                                                               offered instore features of a variety
Roche, a member of the Irish Nutrition                                                                Realising the potential of the hardy,       of products containing locally grown
and Dietetic Institute, to research                                                                   ancient millet seeds, SPAR India            grains. These include savoury, sweet
and carefully select which products                                                                   introduced a 25 day-long campaign           and ready-to-cook SPAR Own Brand
to include in the range. All products                                                                 in all SPAR Supermarkets to create          products like Dosa mix and Millet-based
highlighted in stores with the SPAR                                                                   awareness about the health benefits         health drinks.
Better Choices signage offer customers                                                                and nutritional excellence of millets.
guidance on choosing the best foods                                                                   In each store, a special zone was set
for their lifestyle while on the move.                                                                up highlighting the entire millet range
                                                                                                      available along with the display of
The campaign includes the launch of                                                                   nutritional information and delicious
two adverts, one featuring Republic                                                                   recipes.                                             #SayYesToMillets
of Ireland football captain, Seamus
Coleman, and the other featuring                                                                      Around 500 school children from all
model and mum-of-two, Claudine                                                                        over the country visited the millet zones
Keane. Speaking about the initiative,                                                                 in the SPAR stores and were informed

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Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
Local & Sustainable
SPAR is committed to providing customers with a wide range of
fresh and dry goods that are locally and/or sustainably sourced.
SPAR Partners across the globe continue to develop ways
to provide customers with products that are produced under
conditions with a reduced impact on the environment, promote
animal welfare, and provide equal opportunities for farmers and

                                          Local Sourcing                              Sustainable Agriculture &                    SPAR Projects
                                          Our focus on sourcing locally is aligned                                                 We are also committed to making
                                          with our core values of community           In further reducing our environmental        direct, positive social impacts in the
                                          involvement. In committing to local         impact, SPAR supports initiatives that       agricultural sector of developing
                                          sourcing agreements, we aim to provide      emphasise sustainable agriculture and        nations. In partnership with the Global
     SOURCING                             farmers with long term stability and        fishing practices. SPAR Partners across      Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
                                          success whilst at the same time offering    the globe are committed to sourcing          and the Amsterdam Initiative against
     Our commitment to local &            customers higher quality products.          sustainably certified food products,         Malnutrition (AIM), we have committed
     sustainable sourcing                 Through these mutually beneficial           whether fresh or dry, and are conti-         to developing a project in South Africa
                                          partnerships, we are also able provide      nuously extending these commitments.         around Rural Hub creation and are
                                          a more diverse range of fresh, long-life,   Reflecting the widespread business           currently assessing possibilities for
                                          and frozen products as local suppliers      operations, SPAR Partners have a             projects in Nigeria and India aimed at
                                          have grasped opportunities in adopting      wide diversity in certifications for their   reducing post-harvest loss. Through
                                          innovative technologies for production      products, highlighting the continuous        these projects, we aim to provide
                                          and quality assurance. In acknowledging     expansion of our fresh and dry own           equal opportunities for farmers, benefit
                                          this, SPAR is continuously looking          brand ranges with an eye towards a           the agricultural sectors by increasing
                                          to support more local suppliers and         sustainable future.                          harvest yields, and ultimately create
                                          provide them with similar opportunities                                                  self-sustaining industries.
                                          to expand and grow their operations.

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Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
SOURCING                           SPAR Austria’s responsible fishing                       SPAR Nigeria partners with stakeholders to support
     Our commitment to local &
     sustainable sourcing               policy                                                   Made in Nigeria brands

SPAR Austria made a commitment back in 2011 to only stock                                        SPAR Nigeria hosted a one day SME Bazaar organised for small
responsibly sourced fish products in its stores, with WWF Austria                                and medium Nigerian enterprises in collaboration with the Bank of
checking SPAR’s entire fish range each year. The latest results of                               Industry, the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria and the Retail
the assessment revealed that 97% of all of SPAR Austria’s 457                                    Council of Nigeria.
fish products are caught or bred in a responsible way.

“This is the best result since the                  Within the UN’s 17 Sustainable Devel-                                                 Nigeria has much potential in terms of
introduction of the SPAR fish buying                opment Goals (SDGs), one of the objec-                                                business ideas and retail growth. “As a
policy in 2011 and is due to the intensive          tives concerns ocean life and aims to                                                 Hypermarket business, we are deeply
cooperation between fisheries, WWF                  effectively regulate fishing, overfishing,                                            interested in Nigerian products. We
and SPAR,” said Axel Hein, WWF                      illegal fishing and harmful fishing prac-                                             need to encourage and support growing
Marine Biologist.                                   tices by 2020. SPAR’s commitment to                                                   businesses to standardise and align
                                                    a responsible fish assortment is a solid                                              with best practices in the modern retail
SPAR offers the most extensive                      contribution to these internationally rec-                                            world.”
responsible fish offer in Austria, setting          ognised goals.
the standard for the rest of the Austrian                                                                                                 Suppliers were grateful with the
food trade. Fish counters in INTERSPAR                                                                                                    opportunity to present their products
Hypermarkets and SPAR Gourmet                                                                                                             at the Bazaar. Amede Olisa-Achingale,
stores sell MSC-certified fresh fish,                 97% of all of SPAR Austria’s               The SME Bazaar followed an extensive     a producer of organic food products,
caught according to the responsible                      457 fish products is                    SME Workshop to educate and offer        stated that before the Bazaar she
fishing standards of the Marine                         responsibly sourced.                     professional assistance to small         felt limited in her reach to potential
Stewardship Council.                                                                             businesses on the principles of modern   customers but through the event had
                                                                                                 day retailing. More than 40 growing      been able to showcase her products for
Each INTERSPAR Hypermarket further-                                                              businesses showcased their products      more effective market reach.
more offers fish from local fisheries or                                                         to SPAR shoppers and the general
breeders as well as fish from special                                                            public. Products included grains,
WWF programmes, such as handline                                                                 beverages, clothing and merchandise
caught Yellowfin Tuna from the Mal-                                                              and cosmetics, all manufactured in
dives. With these programmes, the fish                                                           Nigeria.                                      We need to encourage
population is preserved and a safe and                                                                                                         and support growing
sustainable source of income is gener-                                                           Present at the occasion was the Deputy            businesses.
ated for local communities.                                                                      Managing Director of SPAR Nigeria,
                                                                                                 Mr. Prakash Keswani. He stated that

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Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
SPAR Community involvement
At SPAR, our commitment to the communities we serve extends
beyond providing a high quality, value-for-money shopping
experience. It also involves providing opportunities for employment,
growing the skills of our employees, supporting those in need by
volunteering time, generating funds for charities, and bringing
the local community together through SPAR sponsored sporting

Through these activities, SPAR adds value to the communities in
which we operate. Even though we have a growing global presence
in more than 40 countries around the world, we are fundamentally
driven by committed independent retailers who win the trust and
loyalty of their local communities.

                                          Charity support                              Personal involvement
                                          Our SPAR Partners around the world are       The charitable events and activities that
                                          involved in the support and sponsorship      our SPAR Partners organise often bring
                                          of numerous charities. Whether at a          SPAR employees and members of the
                                          local, regional or national level, SPAR      local community together. It is this kind
                                          aims to make a positive contribution         of personal involvement that makes a
     COMMUNITY                            wherever possible. The numerous              real difference and that sets us apart
                                          charities sponsored by SPAR impact           from our competitors. Our community
     Our engagement with                  a variety of causes, including support       involvement initiatives are focused
     community projects
                                          for children in need and those fighting      on creating awareness of social and
                                          an illness or disease, the provision of      environmental causes in order to ensure
                                          disaster relief, investment in sustainable   long-lasting, positive change.
                                          infrastructure, and the improvement of
                                          product processes and quality.

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Responsible Retailing - SPAR International
COMMUNITY                    SPAR India’s successful ‘Season                       SPAR Ireland to raise €300,000 for national Cystic
     Our engagement with
     community projects           of Joy’ campaign                                      Fibrosis charity

                                                                                        SPAR has announced that Cystic Fibrosis Ireland will be its new
Over the 2017 festive season, SPAR India joined forces with                             national charity partner for the next two years. SPAR has vowed to
SOS Children’s Village, a local NGO with a presence across 32                           raise up to €300,000 for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland through collection
locations and 22 states, to help make it a memorable Christmas                          boxes in 400 SPAR stores nationwide, donations on selected
for underprivileged children.                                                           SPAR Own Brand products and a number of key events.

Through its ‘Season of Joy’ campaign,         The gifts given were mainly backpacks,
SPAR India and its customers played           school bags, toys and stationery items,                                              Willie O’Byrne, Managing Director, BWG
Santa to 7,200 children from SOS              helping to enable the children to learn                                              Foods (owners and operators of the
Children’s Village. This campaign was         and play. On behalf of all customers,                                                SPAR Brand in Ireland) said: “We hope
spread across digital, print and social       SPAR India presented the gifts to the                                                that our support will continue to help
media channels with the hashtag               children before Christmas, truly making                                              improve the quality of the lives of those
#SeasonofJoy.                                 it a season of joy.                                                                  living with cystic fibrosis in Ireland.

Commenting         on   the   campaign,                                                                                            “Aside from our charity boxes in
Rajeev Krishnan, SPAR India CEO and                                                                                                stores, we will also be making a regular
Managing Director, said: “At SPAR,                                                                                                 donation from the sale of our SPAR
we strongly believe in adding value to                                                                                             Own brand products and be involved in
our local communities and positively               At SPAR, we strongly                                                            a number of fundraising events to raise
impacting the lives of the people around         believe in adding value to             Philip Watt, CEO Cystic Fibrosis Ireland   as much funds as possible for Cystic
us. In the spirit of Christmas, we are            our local communities.                said: “We would like to thank SPAR         Fibrosis Ireland.”
delighted to partner with SOS Village                                                   for choosing Cystic Fibrosis Ireland as
to help fulfil the Christmas wishes of                                                  their chosen charity. Cystic Fibrosis
these children. Our customers will                                                      (CF) is a genetically inherited disease
also get the opportunity to give back                                                   that primarily affects the lungs and the
to the community and be a part of the                                                   digestive system. The highest incidence
children’s lives.”                                                                      of CF in the world is in Ireland.”
                                                                                                                                      SPAR is proud to work with
All SPAR outlets had a special photo-                                                   The funds raised by SPAR will be used to      Cystic Fibrosis Ireland as
wall of the children accompanied by                                                     support those suffering from CF to live          our charity partner.
their wishes for Christmas. Shoppers                                                    independently. CF patients face many
could help meet these wishes by buying                                                  challenges in areas such as education,
the desired products and placing them                                                   health, housing, employment and family
at a special collections counter.                                                       support.

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COMMUNITY                    SPAR South Africa’s outstanding                          SPAR Oman organises national youth scrabble
     Our engagement with
     community projects           drive for community involvement                          tournament

SPAR South Africa has once again demonstrated the value and                                SPAR Oman and renowned A-brand supplier, Kellogg’s, teamed
importance of community involvement, providing support to those                            up to organise the Oman Youth Open Scrabble Tournament.
who need it most.

Staff step up after SUPERSPAR fire            Support for the Gozololo Centre                                                         while at the same time developing one’s
                                                                                                                                      language skills.
In September 2017, a SUPERSPAR in             The Gozololo Day Care Centre is a
the town of Bela Bela, in South Africa’s      refuge for orphaned children and a                                                      There were different prizes for the age
Limpopo Province tragically burnt             charity that SPAR KwaZulu-Natal has                                                     groups for Under 10, Under 13 and
down. As a consequence, the owner             been supporting for the past 13 years                                                   Under 18 – ensuring many delighted
was no longer able to offer work for his      with the provision of both dry and                                                      winners! The entire competition was a
148 employees, some of whom had               perishable groceries.                                                                   great experience for young and adult
worked in the store for over 17 years.                                                                                                Scrabble players in Oman to play
                                              Gozololo, which is the Zulu term for ‘rest                                              competitively.
In a move that illustrates exactly what       a while’, has expanded to three sites in
makes the SPAR Brand so unique,               the greater Durban area and currently                                                   SPAR Oman has built a reputation in
instead of employees losing their jobs,       provides support for approximately                                                      the market for initiatives which have
the store owner chose to continue             600 children. Gozololo is based on the       The Championships were truly exciting      an educational element such as the
paying them to carry out various charity      concept that orphaned children should        and a special highlight of the event was   Scrabble Tournament following on
projects around the city while the store      be supported within their communities        a workshop hosted by Karen Richards, a     from the successful ‘Bake with Mom’,
was being rebuilt.                            and form part of a family unit.              professional Australian Scrabble player.   ‘Healthy Lunchboxes’ and similar
                                                                                           She now devotes her time to travelling     activities since launching in 2015.
The SPAR employees have since                                                              the world, coaching young people in the
collectively clocked up more than                                                          art of playing Scrabble.
30,000 man hours of community service,
painting schools, building churches,                                                       The event provided the opportunity
cultivating vegetable gardens for poorer                                                   for the best youth players in Oman to           It was an incredible
communities, and even refurbishing a                                                       compete against each other, with the         experience for the Scrabble
hospital.                                                                                  aim of claiming the title of Oman Youth        community in Oman.
                                                                                           Open Scrabble Champion. The event
An amazing feat in the face of great                                                       was a unique chance to experience
adversity.                                                                                 what tournament Scrabble feels like

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Targeting the Environment
As a global retailer, SPAR is in a position to make a significant                        Developing Sustainable                   Recycling programmes
contribution towards reducing negative environmental impacts                             packaging
through tackling issues surrounding waste. Our SPAR Partners                                                                      To further combat waste, SPAR
                                                                                         Our SPAR Partners are adopting           Partners have significantly stepped-up
have launched a number of initiatives focused on waste reduction,                        innovative     and     environmentally   their recycling initiatives – working with
with an emphasis on food waste, the development of durable and                           friendly packaging. A key focus is the   and educating customers on reducing
sustainable packaging, and recycling.                                                    provision of durable shopping bags,      negative      environmental       impacts
                                                                                         which significantly reduce negative      through tailored recycling programmes.
                                                                                         environmental impacts in terms of both   Our recycling efforts provide win-
                                                                                         production and waste. The introduction   win situations for all parties involved,
                                                                                         of sustainable product packaging         tackling environmental issues to the
                                                                                         has been similarly important, with       benefit of local communities.
                                           Tackling Food Waste                           partners making use of bio-degradable,
                                                                                         environmentally friendly, and waste
                                           Food waste occurs at all levels               reducing product packaging.
                                           from production right through to
                                           consumption. In understanding that
                                           this has significant impacts on the
     ENVIRONMENT                           environment,        SPAR’s      dedicated
                                           initiatives and projects target this issue
     Our developments in food waste,       at all levels. The introduction of creative
     sustainable packaging & recycling     food waste schemes in SPAR stores still
                                           provide consumers with the high-quality
                                           products they expect but significantly
                                           impacts food waste reduction for both
                                           fresh and long-life products. In attempts
                                           to also make significant impacts at
                                           production and processing levels, SPAR
                                           is leading the way in providing support
                                           to small-scale farmers and is committed
                                           to reducing post-harvest loss, through
                                           dedicated projects.

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ENVIRONMENT                                SPAR Norway’s food waste                           DESPAR Italy Partner Ergon makes waste recycling
     Our developments in food waste,
     sustainable packaging & recycling          reduction scheme                                   easy and attractive

SPAR Norway is aiming to reduce food waste by 270 tons a year                                      Recycling at supermarkets in Italy is becoming increasingly popular.
by offering a 50 percent discount on all freshly baked bread one                                   DESPAR Partner Ergon has partnered with a local environmental
hour before closing time.                                                                          organisation to make two trash compactors available for plastic
                                                                                                   bottles and detergent containers at two of its stores.

Before officially launching the bread                       pig farmers to supplement the pigs                                                 results in greater discounts which
waste reduction scheme, it was first                        food. Instore communication material                                               encourages even more participation.
tested in selected SPAR stores, which                       such as posters and shelf markers
reported a 16% reduction in bread                           have been shipped to 259 SPAR and 28                                               “Our group has introduced this
waste. On an annual basis, this equates                     EUROSPAR stores across the country                                                 innovation at a supermarket level for
to a saving of 270 tons of bread.                           to create awareness of the campaign.                                               the first time in the Ragusa province,”
                                                                                                                                               explains Concetta Lo Magno, Marketing
The participating trial stores noticed a                                                                                                       Manager at Ergon. “Ergon group is
boost in foot traffic in the last hour of                                                                                                      always committed towards meeting
trading and received positive feedback                                                                                                         the needs of the local communities and
from customers who expressed their                                                                                                             protecting the environment.”
appreciation of the scheme.                                          In Norway, 355,000
                                                                    tons of food is wasted                                                     Mr Zanotto, the member of the
SPAR Norway’s Marketing Director,                                         each year.               Consumers have welcomed the                 Ragusa City Council in charge of the
Martin Munthe-Kaas, said: “It has never                                                            possibility to be more active in            Environment, praised the commitment
been more important to take care of the                                                            environmental issues and have easier        of DESPAR Ergon, which is in line with
environment and we must all do our bit                                                             access to recycling facilities. SPAR        the drive of the City to roll out a variety
to help this cause. Food waste is one of                                                           customers receive a discount voucher        of waste collection schemes throughout
the greatest environmental challenges                                                              for each bag of waste recycled, which       the urban area in the near future.
of our time and a study from 2015 states                                                           they can directly redeem at the checkout.
that in Norway, 355,000 tons of food is                                                            Customers who scan their National
wasted each year. This number must                                                                 Healthcare card when recycling plastic
be reduced and we hope that our new                                                                waste can also obtain a reduction on
food waste scheme will go some way to                                                              municipal waste collection tax.               Consumers have welcomed
helping this happen.”                                                                                                                             the possibility to be more
                                                                                                   For each plastic bottle recycled,             concsious about recycling.
To ensure full resource utilisation, any                                                           customers receive €0,02 discount at
surplus bread unsold will be given to                                                              the checkout counter. Greater recycling

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Our Climate tailored initiatives
The supply chain is at the heart of the retail industry and as a
global retail business with a key role to play in reducing the impact
of CO2 emissions and energy consumption, SPAR is adapting
its operations. At SPAR, we strive to reduce our environmental
footprint whilst still providing our customers with the excellent
service and quality they expect.

                                             Many SPAR Partners have already taken        CO2 emission reduction                      Energy reduction
                                             steps to reduce their environmental
                                             impacts, implementing the latest
                                             technological innovations in their           With SPAR Partners operating stores,        At SPAR, we are continuously looking
                                             logistical operations and at store           warehouses and DCs, we have a               to integrate sustainable solutions
                                             and Distribution Centre (DC) level.          responsibility to reduce our CO2            in our operations. Our commitment
     CLIMATE                                 Further positive impacts have been           emissions across the full supply chain.     extends beyond the reduction of CO2
                                             achieved through close co-operation          In terms of logistics, opportunities have   emissions, with SPAR Partners looking
     Our tailored initiatives aimed at       with preferred suppliers, who offer          arisen for optimising the efficiency of     at minimising the consumption of energy
     reducing CO2 emissions &                environmentally-friendly retail solutions.   our transport and resource collection       and the reduction of waste. Across the
     energy consumption
                                                                                          processes thanks to the continuous          globe, SPAR Partners adopt energy-
                                                                                          adaptation and implementation of new        saving equipment in their stores and
                                                                                          innovations, which help to reduce CO2       warehouses, ranging from innovative
                                                                                          emissions.                                  refrigeration and lighting solutions to
                                                                                                                                      solar panel installations.
                                                                                          Some SPAR Partners have also started
                                                                                          implementing sustainable initiatives
                                                                                          in building designs and processes,
                                                                                          integrating sustainable and efficient
                                                                                          technologies and materials.

26                        RESPONSIBLE RETAILING AT                                                             RESPONSIBLE RETAILING AT                                   27
CLIMATE                                    SPAR UK Partner introduces new                      SPAR Austria develops supermarket of the future
     Our tailored initiatives aimed at
     reducing CO2 emissions &
     energy consumption
                                                sustainable SPAR Fleet

SPAR UK Partner, Henderson Group, owners of SPAR and                                                SPAR Austria is working with students from the Salzburg Technical
EUROSPAR in Northern Ireland, has upgraded its refrigerated                                         College to develop an energy self-sufficient supermarket of the
delivery fleet with the more sustainable SLXi units from SPAR                                       future.The work is being done as part of the College’s Smart
International Preferred Supplier, Thermo King®.                                                     Building study programme.

A leader in transport temperature con-                      All Thermo King SLXi units feature                                                  store to the natural environment with the
trol solutions, the new Thermo King SLXi                    next-generation, lower global-warming                                               facade of the building being made from
units will help Hendersons with the de-                     potential (GWP) R-452A refrigerant,                                                 re-usable parts. Their concept uses
livery of temperature sensitive products                    which is in line with Henderson’s                                                   solar energy, specifically Rawlemon
to retailers, thanks to the telematics and                  sustainability approach and lowers                                                  solar crystal balls, to generate the
communication capabilities, lower fuel                      the environmental footprint of their                                                energy needed for the store.
consumption and enhanced tempera-                           transport operations.
ture management options. The Whis-                                                                                                              Every year, SPAR launches or renovates
per noise reduction kit helps lower the                     “The efficiency and sustainability of                                               around 100 stores throughout Austria.
sound levels of the units as well, which                    our operations have always been a                                                   Each store is built according to the
allows Hendersons to further minimise                       key element of our strategy,” said                                                  SPAR Austria Construction Manual
disturbance during deliveries.                              Pat McGarry, Logistics Director at                                                  Guidelines, which were certified by the
                                                            Henderson Group. “With this support                                                 Austrian Association for Sustainable
“Thermo King is SPAR International’s                        we can be sure that there will be no    SPAR Austria provided energy data           Real Estate Industry (ÖGNI). Compared
preferred supplier and thanks to our                        downtime and our offering will be       and retail planning knowledge from          with conventional stores, these new
complete portfolio of products for all                      competitive.”                           its existing EUROSPAR store in              buildings save approximately 50% of
refrigerated transport applications, our                                                            Straßwalchen. During a visit to the         energy and partly produce electricity
units can be seen on their fleets around                                                            store, the students learnt about the        themselves through solar powered
the globe,” said Alain van Schaik, of                                                               building’s existing technologies and        systems.
Thermo King.                                                                                        energy systems. This experience was
                                                                                                    factored into their project plans for the
Thermo King works closely with SPAR                                                                 supermarket of the future.
International through its global network
delivering solutions like the SLXi units                                                            After five months, the students had            These new buildings save
in Northern Ireland, Frigoblock electric                                                            the chance to present their ideas with          approximately 50% of
units in Austria, CryoTech liquid carbon                                                            one project being awarded first prize.                 energy
dioxide technology in Norway or                                                                     The two winners, Nadine Huber and
T-Series truck units in the Middle East.                                                            Alexander Seiwald, trialled adapting the

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The training & development of
our People
As an international group of independently owned and operated
retailers and wholesalers, working together in partnership helps
drive our knowledge sharing, which further help us fulfil our role
as a responsible retailer. Our goal is to develop and grow people
within SPAR whilst actively contributing towards our communities.

                                                                                        SPAR Academies                               Community programmes
                                            Knowledge sharing                           As part of our commitment to employee        Our partners further offer community
                                            Across the SPAR                             development, many of our partners have       training programmes for unemployed
                                                                                        launched SPAR training academies,            job seekers – empowering them with the
                                            Network                                     which provide young professionals            right skills to successfully enter the retail
                                                                                        with new skills and opportunities for        industry. An example of this is SPAR
                                            With the continued growth of SPAR,          self-development. While apprentices          South Africa’s Jump Start programme,
     PEOPLE                                 our partners worldwide have found           of our SPAR Academies are trained to         which provides unemployed youth with
                                            more opportunities for collaboration,       become specialists in retail and supply      valuable life skills and hands-on work
     Our Dedication to the Training &       working better together as one big          chain operations, they are also given the    experience specific to SPAR’s retail
     Development of our People              SPAR family. The exchanging of retail       chance to gain additional knowledge          environment.
                                            knowledge and best practice learnings       about other aspects of the business.
                                            helps to build better relationship, which
                                            is fundamental to SPAR as the world’s       Thanks to these training programmes,
                                            largest voluntary retail chain.             our young professionals are equipped
                                                                                        with the skills that allow them to provide
                                                                                        customers with a better shopping
                                                                                        experience through an enhanced
                                                                                        understanding and knowledge of our
                                                                                        services and products.

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PEOPLE                                    SPAR Thailand and SPAR China                           SPAR Austria opens Academy of the future in Vienna
     Our Dedication to the Training &
     Development of our People                 share knowledge

A delegation from SPAR Thailand visited SPAR China Partner,                                           The SPAR Academy is one of Europe’s most innovative
SPAR Guangdong, towards the end of 2017 to exchange retail                                            development centres, offering training to 300 apprentices.
knowledge and best practice learning.                                                                 Showing its commitment to employee development, SPAR Austria
                                                                                                      has invested around €10 million in the expansion of its academy.

The Thai delegation visited a number                       opportunities for collaboration, helping                                                The conference rooms, with media
of SPAR stores of different formats in                     to work better together.                                                                technology and video conferencing
Guangdong, from large hypermarkets to                                                                                                              systems will be used for training
smaller lifestyle convenience stores. A                                                                                                            purposes. A large amount of space has
trip was also organised to the Hongmei                                                                                                             also been allocated for practical work
Distribution Centre.                                                                                                                               – rooms where students can complete
                                                                                                                                                   video training and have the opportunity
Meetings were held with the group at                                                                                                               to taste and prepare food.
SPAR Guangdong’s Convention Centre.
with the history of the company being                                                                                                              In addition to making sustainability a
introduced and SPAR Guangdong’s fu-                                                                                                                top priority, a strong focus has been
ture prospects discussed. Key points                                                                                                               placed on cross-cultural education.
of discussion included the practices of                                                               The new facilities offer high-tech           The goal is to provide students with a
fresh operations and the trends for fu-                                                               materials and new methods of training        well-rounded, in-depth knowledge of
ture development.                                                                                     in a large area of 1,800m². Professional     the food trade through these additional
                                                                                                      teachers and training experts have been      training courses.
The delegation’s visit to China has                                                                   employed to impart knowledge on the
helped to build a strong relationship be-                                                             trainees, laying the foundation for future   With 2,700 trainees for 20 professions,
tween SPAR Thailand and SPAR Guang-                                                                   careers within SPAR.                         SPAR is the largest private training
dong, laying the foundation for future                                                                                                             organisation in Austria. The SPAR
cooperation and promoting growth and                                                                  “Through the modernisation of the            Academy in Vienna is a recognised
development.                                                                                          building, the SPAR Academy in Vienna         training institution with a formal
                                                                                                      has become a learning and competence         curriculum. Currently, about 300 trainees
SPAR Thailand’s visit to China further                                                                centre for the training of the next SPAR     from 34 nations and ethnic groups,
highlights the fact that SPAR members                                                                 generation. This is another important        speaking 29 different languages and
are eager to work together and share                                                                  milestone for us at SPAR,” said SPAR         belonging to 13 religious communities,
resources. With the continued growth of                                                               Austria CEO, Fritz Poppmeier, at the re-     are following training at the SPAR
SPAR, partners worldwide will find more                                                               opening of the academy.                      Academy Vienna.

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PEOPLE                                    SPAR UK Partner launches new                           SPAR South Africa supports multi-million Rand skills
     Our Dedication to the Training &
     Development of our People                 employment programme                                   development project

SPAR UK Partner, A.F. Blakemore, has launched a new community
programme to inspire, engage and motivate young people about                                          SPAR South Africa is working together with Mr Price Group to
the opportunities in the employment industry. The Blakemore                                           reduce youth unemployment, providing invaluable retail work
Branching Out Programme aims to successfully enable insight                                           experience through the MRP Foundation’s skills development
into the world of work and helps reduce youth unemployment.                                           initiative.

A.F. Blakemore will work with schools                      bridge the gap between education and                                                  Life skills and valuable hands-on work
across its trading area to offer a more                    employment. Branching Out is going to                                                 experience specific to SPAR’s retail
strategic approach to employment                           allow young people to grow and flourish.                                              environment is taught to students in the
which will include reading support,                                                                                                              programme. To date, 1,000 candidates
workplace      insights,  employability                    “Inspiring young people to work and to                                                have already been trained in SPAR
workshops, career support and work                         want to work for A.F. Blakemore is just                                               stores across South Africa and a further
experience.                                                the start of Branching Out. We will look                                              5,000 will be trained through to 2019.
                                                           at the way we recruit and grow young
Today, about 60% of young people                           people when they are in the business.”                                                SPAR Group South Africa CEO, Graham
in the UK are leaving school without                                                                                                             O’Connor, believes this investment has
the necessary skills to enter the world                                                                                                          the potential to make a meaningful
of work. Furthermore, it is estimated                                                                                                            difference within both SPAR stores and
that by 2020 there will be a shortage                                                                                                            South Africa’s social space. “Through
of 40,000 skilled jobs within the UK –                               The young people                 The programme, Jump Start, empowers        this initiative, we’re addressing our
many of those skills are required by A.F.                           of today will be our              unemployed youth with entry level skills   manpower needs at store level whilst at
Blakemore.                                                         leaders of tomorrow.               and links them to job opportunities in     the same time targeting a reduction in
                                                                                                      its retail and supply chain. Since 2008,   unemployment of young people through
By 2020 the Blakemore Branching Out                                                                   the youth development organisation         helping them to acquire skills.”
Programme aims to deliver 1,200 events                                                                has trained well over 22,000 previously
involving 2,000 employees, inspiring                                                                  unemployed youth, thereby launching
13,500 young people and recruiting 50                                                                 over 10,000 careers.
people into the business as a result of
engaging in the programme.                                                                            With the SPAR Group’s investment,
                                                                                                      the MRP Foundation can continue to              Since 2008 over 22,000
A.F. Blakemore Community Affairs                                                                      engage and enlist passionate youth             previously unemployed
Officer Liz Bell commented: “We                                                                       who can connect with the vision, values        youth have been trained.
have spent many years working with                                                                    and culture of SPAR.
schools but I believe Branching Out will

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