Politicizing Presidential Impeachment in the Contemporary World

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International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020, 9, 000-000                             1

Politicizing Presidential Impeachment in the Contemporary World

Oleg I. Zaznaev*

Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation
            Abstract: The role and importance of the president is growing in contemporary society; therefore, more is demanded of
            him. A request for the responsibility of the president in the form of impeachment has appeared in society. Usually
            impeachment is mainly considered a legal procedure with purely legal causes - the commission of a crime or a serious
            offense. However, in many countries today, we can observe the politicization of impeachment. This article deals with the
            problem of the politicization of impeachment, which is poorly addressed in scientific literature. The author provides
            arguments in defense of this thesis: the politicization of articles of impeachment and their broader interpretation, which
            allows finding the corpus delicti in almost any action of the president; politicization of the impeachment procedure; and
            the dependence of the beginning, course and outcome of impeachment on the alignment of party forces. The author
            concludes that modern impeachment is actually a vote of no confidence in the legal shell: legal aspects of impeachment
            are replaced by political ones. In this regard, the issue of simplifying the impeachment procedure and turning it into the
            routine way of terminating presidential powers is relevant.

Keywords: Impeachment, president, politicizing, political responsibility, president's resignation.

1. INTRODUCTION                                                                determine impeachment trends, we can turn to cases
                                                                               of countries where presidents have been impeached,
    The problem of responsibility of the president is                          been on trial for impeachment, or resigned. The US
extremely relevant. The president is a leading actor on                        provides a wide range of empirical material, particularly
the political stage even when he performs more                                 in the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump.
ceremonial functions. The president is a significant                           Additional empirical evidence from the political practice
political subject whose decisions and actions influence                        of Austria, Brazil, Iceland, Lithuania, South Africa, and
a country’s political direction. The world is rapidly                          Ukraine is used in this article. Legal analysis and case
developing, therefore, the role of the president is                            study, which helps to make common conclusions, are
growing significantly, and society has great hopes for                         two key methods of our study.
him. So too is the role of the individual in politics
growing. Personalization of power is taking place, and,                        3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
as the American historian Schlesinger Jr. (1992) rightly
noted, “imperial presidency” has appeared. Hence, a                                As correctly noted in the literature, there is very little
public request exists for various forms of presidential                        scholarly literature comparing impeachment regimes,
responsibility in the form of impeachment, which                               however, especially literature that discusses both the
requires deep scientific reflection and unbiased                               legal and the political factors that shape how
assessments.                                                                   impeachment regimes function (Ohnesorge 2019).
                                                                               Political aspects of presidential impeachment in
    In what direction is the institution of presidential                       different countries has been studied by several authors.
impeachment developing today? What are the main                                Among the most important books in theoretical and
trends in its evolution over the past decades? What is                         methodological terms are the works of Baumgartner
the near and distant future of the institute of                                and Kada (2003), Pérez-Linán (2007) and recently
presidential impeachment? Answers to these questions                           published book by Fagbadebo (2020). All of these
are important in both political science and practice.                          contributors examine not only various cases of
                                                                               successful and non-successful impeachment, but also
                                                                               the broad framework of analysis of impeachment with
                                                                               the focus on general conclusions about this process
   First of all, we should study impeachment
                                                                               and common features that exist in all countries. One of
processes through the analysis of constitutions and
                                                                               the most important results of these studies is that,
legal acts containing their formal rules. After that we
                                                                               contrary to widespread opinion, impeachment is not a
are analyzing de facto situations of causes: the
                                                                               strictly legal procedure, but rather one that is highly
beginning, course, and outcome of impeachment. To

*Address correspondence to this author at the Kazan Federal University, 18        Over the past 30 years, there has been an increase
Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation;                       in the number of impeachments in the world; 11
Tel: ????????????; Fax: ?????????????; E-mail: Oleg.Zaznaev@kpfu.ru

                                                    E-ISSN: 1929-4409/20       © 2020 Lifescience Global
2   International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020, Vol. 9                                                 Oleg I. Zaznaev

successful cases of impeachment that ended with the                        Although there is no consensus in the literature as
forced resignation of the president took place in Latin                to whether impeachment is a legal or political process,
America (Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, etc.), Asia (the                  it still seems more convincing to consider it a
Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea), and Lithuania. In                predominantly legal procedure (in which the court takes
three other cases in Pakistan, Peru, and Ukraine, the                  part) with purely legal grounds - the commission of a
president had to leave his post during the impeachment                 crime or serious misconduct (offense). “The grounds
process. To this number, 18 “false start” cases must be                for impeachment should be interpreted legally and not
added where an impeachment did not end with the                        politically, since only in the first case is ex lege
resignation of the president (either it was interrupted or             impeachment ensured,” writes Statkevičius (2004b:
the parliamentary vote was in favor of the president).                 47). He correctly emphasizes that “in modern
                                                                       constitutions there is a tendency to make the grounds
   As aptly noted in the literature, impeachment has                   for impeachment clearer and more accurate.
ceased to be an extraordinary event or “political                      Obviously, this is due to the desire to establish specific
earthquake” (Baumgartner and Kada 2003: 1). In a                       offenses in connection [to] the question of constitutional
number of countries, mainly in Latin America, the                      responsibility” (Statkevičius 2004b: 45).
practice is seen as a form of presidential responsibility
based mainly on political considerations. Thus,                            Today, impeachment has become a tool for the
impeachment, which was conceived as an exceptional                     militant legislature to ‘sort out’ the president with whom
procedure to be used in rare cases, is becoming a                      the legislature is at odds (Pérez-Linán 2007: 3).
routine way to remove a president.                                     Enshrining the article of the Constitution on
                                                                       impeachment,          its     creators      initially  saw
    Unlike the prime minister, the president is conceived              maladministration as grounds for impeachment instead
as a constant in the political process who cannot be                   of misdemeanor (Statkevičius 2004a:196). In fact, more
removed for political reasons, as the head of                          than two centuries later, presidents are removed from
government and cabinet are relatively easy to move in                  power through impeachment in connection with an
parliamentary systems. Therefore, strict rules are                     unsatisfactory assessment of their activities, or "bad
established for the removal of the head of state from                  governance."
office. The complexity of the removal process is due to
“the desire to exclude any possibility of political                      Politicization of impeachment of the president is
persecution” (Statkevičius 2004b: 46).                                 manifested in several aspects.

    The impossibility to dismiss the president is seen as              1.    There is a politicization of articles of
one of the perils of presidentialism. As Linz (1990: 52)                     impeachment and their broader interpretation,
proved, it is almost impossible to remove the president                      which allows the corpus delicti to be found in
who has lost legitimacy from his post. Moreover, the                         almost any presidential action. A case in point is
prime minister’s resignation does not mean a crisis for                      Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who was
the entire regime. The prime minister can increase the                       charged with two offences:
legitimacy of his political course by initiating a voting
                                                                          a. an increase in the state budget (the government
procedure for a vote of confidence in parliament or by
                                                                       approved an additional loan in order to reduce the
inducing the procedure of early parliamentary elections
                                                                       deficit) without the consent of Congress;
(Zaznaev and Sidorov 2018). The president does not
have such opportunities. The absence of political                         b. the government’s delay in paying the Central
mechanisms for the forced resignation of the president                 Bank of Brazil $996 million for an agricultural lending
leads to the fact that the opposition in desperation,                  program (the Central Bank paid this money to
commit violations of the law, which leads to legal chaos               agricultural producers from its own resources, and the
and, ultimately, a serious political crisis. For example,              government then returned it).
at the peak of the confrontation between President
Viktor Yanukovych and his opposition on February 22,                       Both points of accusation fell in Brazil under the
2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a                          "crime in the financial sector" (Okuneva 2016a: 31). At
decree stating that the president had “removed himself                 the same time, the opinions of Brazilian lawyers were
from the exercise of constitutional powers” and “was                   divided: some saw Rousseff’s actions as a crime while
not fulfilling his duties” (Zaznaev and Sidorov 2018).                 others categorically refused to recognize the criminality
                                                                       of government policy. According to Rousseff
Politicizing Presidential Impeachment in the Contemporary World        International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020, Vol. 9   3

advocates, what is considered “financial policy” in other            As a rule, impeachment is initiated by the opposition
countries is “a crime” in Brazil. It is significant that the      party: for example, most Democrats in the US House of
president said: “I have not stolen a single centavo, I            Representatives began the process of Trump’s
have not gone through a single corruption case, I have            impeachment. The “passing” of impeachment through
not been noticed for illegal enrichment” (Okuneva                 the legislature depends on the positions of the parties
2016b: 9).                                                        (presidential and anti-presidential). In the case of the
                                                                  Brazilian president Rousseff, the Workers' Party (PT),
2.      There is a politicization of the impeachment              who previously supported Rousseff, turned away from
        procedure itself. An inflated scandal involving the       her during the impeachment, which ultimately led to her
        media and mass street protests is an impetus for          removal from office (Okuneva 2016a: 35).
        the beginning of the impeachment procedure.
                                                                      The final decision, voting in the upper chamber of
    Impeachment is a competitive procedure between                parliament directly depends on the alignment of
political opponents. For example, from the very                   political forces. Examples of all three US
beginning, the accusations of the Democrats against               impeachments prove this. There were not enough
US President Donald Trump for the case of                         votes in the Senate to decide on the resignation of
impeachment were dubious. Democrats wanted to                     Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton (Busby
“overthrow” the president at all costs. Moreover, the             2001:165). In the Senate, all Democrats voted for
same actions of Trump were interpreted by the parties             Trump's impeachment against all Republicans but one
in different ways. Democrats claimed that the president           - Mitt Romney voted to convict the president of abuse
violated the law and exceeded his authority by exerting           of power.
pressure on the president of Ukraine through blackmail.
On the contrary, the Republicans stated that Trump                4.      Criminal prosecution does not always follow the
supported the rule of law by demanding it be respected                    removal of the president as a result of
in Ukraine in a conversation with Volodymir Zelensky.                     impeachment. For example, the first successful
                                                                          impeachment in Europe took place in Lithuania
   During the hearings in November 2019 at the US                         in 2003-2004. President Rolandas Paksas had
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence                          been impeached on all three charges against
Fiona Hill, the former advisor to the President of the                    him: the unconstitutional granting of citizenship
United States for Russia and Eurasia and David                            to Russian national Yuri Borisov, leaking secret
Holmes, the Head of Political Affairs for the US in the                   information, and using his office to unfairly
US Embassy in Ukraine were interviewed as                                 influence the directors and shareholders of
witnesses. For an hour, both witnesses and the                            Žemaitijos Keliai (Palubinskas 2005). The
chairman actively discussed Russia's interference in                      president was removed from office. However, the
American affairs. The general leitmotif of their                          District Court of Vilnius did not find Paksas guilty
conversation was: “Hostile to the United States, Russia                   of disclosing state secrets. This decision was
is a country which intervened in the 2016 American                        annulled in 2005 by the Court of Appeals of the
elections and will intervene further.” It is clear that this              Republic of Lithuania, the nation’s second
procedure has nothing to do with a legal investigation.                   highest court, on the basis that the District Court
                                                                          did not link separate parts of the evidence. The
3.      The beginning, course and outcome of
                                                                          higher court concluded that Paksas committed a
        impeachment depends on the alignment of party
                                                                          criminal act, but it terminated the criminal action
        forces. Alexander Hamilton warned about this
                                                                          and did not impose a penalty. The Court
        even at the dawn of the existence of the United
                                                                          indicated that the actions of the dismissed
        States: the process of impeachment “will seldom
                                                                          President no longer caused any danger since he
        fail to agitate the passions of the whole
                                                                          was out of public service (Law Library of
        community, and to divide it into parties more or
                                                                          Congress 2005).
        less friendly or inimical to the accused,” and as a
        result “there will always be the greatest danger             Of course, the majority of presidents in the world
        that the decision will be regulated more by the           who were impeached had a finger in the pie: they really
        comparative strength of parties, than by the real         committed serious crimes (as a rule, they were
        demonstrations of innocence or guilt” (Federalist         accused of corruption), which was established by the
        Papers 2000: 430).                                        court. Therefore, it would be a simplification to assert
4   International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020, Vol. 9                                                           Oleg I. Zaznaev

that law is completely replaced by politics. Cases of                  political, moral, and legal grounds. The premature
impeachment are different, but the tendency for the                    removal of the president for political reasons is
political to prevail over the legal is clearly visible.                becoming more common.

    The widespread use of impeachment actualizes the                   5. CONCLUSIONS
idea of removing the president for political reasons. In
their constitutions, a number of countries offer an                        Contemporary impeachment is evidently a vote of
alternative to the legal rigidity of impeachment. Such                 no confidence in the legal shell. Impeachment is being
institutions include a vote of no confidence in the                    politicized and the legal aspects of impeachment are
president by the parliament and popular recall carried                 being replaced by political ones. In this regard, the
out by referendum. For example, in South Africa, there                 question arises of how to simplify the impeachment
is a constitutional and political practice of applying a               procedure and turn it into the usual way to terminate
vote of no confidence to the president. It is possible to              presidential powers (e.g., the vote of no confidence in
remove the president for political reasons if the                      South Africa and a popular recall of the presidents in
parliament achieves a majority of votes (although the                  Austria and Iceland). Thus, public and scientific
constitution     separately     prescribes    rules   for              discussions about presidential impeachments are
impeachment of the president). This is not a “dead"                    ahead of us.
institution: deputies of the "Democratic Alliance" in
parliament initiated a vote on a vote of no confidence in
President Jacob Zuma seven times in 2015-2017 to no
                                                                           The work is performed according to the Russian
avail. However, it was not possible to achieve
                                                                       Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan
opposition to the president’s resignation using the vote
                                                                       Federal University. Research is accomplished with
of no confidence: Zuma “voluntarily” resigned under
                                                                       financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic
pressure from his party (Nochevka 2018).
                                                                       Research (RFBR) grant within scientific project No 20-
    In addition to a vote of no confidence, a number of                011-00102.
countries, including Austria and Iceland, use a
parliamentary-plebiscite method of removing the head
of state. By decision of the parliament, the question of               Baumgartner, Jody C. and Kada, Naoko, eds. 2003. Checking
removing the president from power is put to a                                Executive Power: Presidential Impeachment in Comparative
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There is only one “successful” case of a popular recall                Fagbadebo, Omololu. 2020. Impeachment in the Nigerian
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                                                                              Democracy 1(1):51-69.
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applicable; that is, neither institution works properly or                   came to power with a scandal and left with a scandal.”
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4. SUMMARY                                                             Okuneva, Lyudmila Semenovna. 2016a. “Impeachment of Brazil
                                                                             President: How It Was.” Latin America (8):28-42. (In Russ.)
    Today, the actions of a number of presidents in the                Okuneva, Lyudmila Semenovna. 2016b. “Impeachment of Brazil
world cause public discontent, which raises the                              President: Thoughts and Conclusions.” Latin America (10):
                                                                             5–22. (In Russ.)
question of their political responsibility. As countries
                                                                       Palubinskas, Ginta T. 2005. “Democratic State-Building in Post-
lack effective tools to remove presidents, impeachment                        Communist Lithuania.” LITUANUS. Lithuanian Quarterly
attempts are being made. A society seeks to apply                             Journal of Arts and Sciences 51(4).

mechanisms to remove the president from power on                       Pérez-Linán, Aníbal. 2007. Presidential Impeachment and the New
                                                                              Political Instability in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge
Politicizing Presidential Impeachment in the Contemporary World              International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020, Vol. 9   5

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Schlesinger Jr., Arthur M. 1992. The Cycles of American History.                Pravovedenie (5): 42–50. (In Russ.)
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Statkevičius, Mindaugas. 2004a. “Constitutional Practice of Lithuania:         presidentialism: Post-Soviet Politics Arguments for Linz's
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