Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College

Page created by Charlie Green
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College

2018 Prospectus
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
Welcome from the Principal
Welcome from the Principal                 We are proud of our students’ results in
                                           NCEA and the New Zealand Scholarship
Tēnā koutou katoa
                                           exams. The most recent results of
I am delighted to welcome you to our       our Year 11 and 12 students were
school through the 2018 Prospectus.        significantly above the national average
                                           for other high decile schools, with the
Paraparaumu College is a caring
                                           results of Paraparaumu College’s Year
community of great learners – our
                                           12 students in 2016 the best in the
students, parents and whānau, teachers
                                           College’s history. In Year 13, the 35 New
and other staff. It’s great to have you
                                           Zealand Scholarship awards gained by
with us.
                                           Paraparaumu College students in 2016
Our aspirations for Paraparaumu            placed the College among the very best
College’s learners are summarised          schools in the greater Wellington region.
through our “Great Learner” values. The    Five of these scholarships were awarded
emphasis of learning at Paraparaumu        at ‘outstanding’ level, placing these
College is on collaboration to develop     fantastic students in the top 0.3 percent
ideas, create knowledge and solve          of students in their subjects, nationally.
problems. We are active learners who
                                           We have a vast range of vibrant
show resilience when facing challenging
                                           sporting, cultural, leadership and artistic
problems or issues. We respect each
                                           opportunities for all our students to
other and our environment and we
                                           enjoy. These develop skills, character
work hard to ensure that we effectively
                                           and relationships which will be with
manage our own learning and actions
                                           them for the rest of their lives.
so that everyone can have a great
Paraparaumu College experience.            I am so proud to be Principal of this
                                           College. If I haven’t done so already,
You will be joining Paraparaumu College
                                           I greatly look forward to meeting you,
at an exciting time of change as we
                                           showing you around our school and
continue to develop our curriculum,
                                           discussing how we can work and grow
timetable, teaching approaches, pastoral
structures and architecture to ensure
that all our students experience a world   Nāku noa, nā
class education.

                                           Gregor Fountain
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
Congratulations to your staff and students on another
year of excellent NCEA results. The awarding of 35
scholarships, a record for the College, is a reflection of
quality learning and educational outcomes for students.
- Suze Strowger, Director of Education (Wgtn) 2017
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
Aiming for Excellence
Scholarship Success
Scholarships were awarded across 14
subjects with our Physical Education
Department gaining 13 scholarships in
total, 3 at outstanding level including the
top student in NZ. Our 2016 Dux, Connor
Monk was among NZ’s ‘Outstanding
Scholar’s gaining 7 scholarships.

PC4Me and BYOD
Our infrastructure allows students to
bring tablets and chrome books to
access online resources. We expect Year
9 students to have their own device.
PC4Me is our online learning community
through which teachers and students
share resources anytime from any place.
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
2018 Courses
             Year 9                          Year 10                            Year 11

5 Compulsory + 3 Options        5 Compulsory + 3 Options        3 Compulsory + 3 Options
English                         English                         English
Film Making                     Media Studies                   Media Studies
Mathematics                     Mathematics                     Mathematics

Science                         Science                         Science
                                                                Health Science Academy

Horticulture                    Horticulture                    Horticulture

Social Studies                  Social Studies                  History

Classical Studies               Classical Studies               Classical Studies
Financial Literacy              Business Studies                Economics
Health & Physical Education     Health & Physical Education     Physical Education
                                                                Outdoor & Physical Education

Visual Art                      Visual Art                      Visual Art

Music                           Music                           Music
Performing Arts                 Drama                           Drama
                                Dance                           Dance
French                          French                          French
Te Reo Mãori                    Te Reo Mãori                    Te Reo Mãori
Japanese                        Japanese                        Japanese
Spanish                         Spanish                         Spanish
Mandarin                        Mandarin                        Mandarin (from 2018)
Digital Technology              Digital Technology              Digital Technology

Food & Nutrition                Food & Nutrition                Food & Nutrition
                                                                Catering & Hospitality
Design & Visual Communication   Design & Visual Communication   Design & Visual Communication
Technology Textiles             Technology Textiles             Technology Textiles
Technology Hard Materials       Technology Hard Materials       Technology Hard Materials
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College

                                                                Full course information
            Year 12                          Year 13            booklets are available
                                                                to download from the
                                                                College website.
1 Compulsory + 5 Options        5 Options

English                         English                                   COLLABORATIVE
                                                                         ACTIVE LEARNERS

Media Studies                   Media Studies                            RESPECTFUL
                                                                         EFFECTIVE SELF-M
                                                                        A CARING COM
                                                                                  NITY OF   MU
                                                                        GREAT LEARNE
Mathematics and/or Statistics   Calculus                                JUNIOR COUR

Calculus                        Statistics                                                     Paraparaumu

Mathematics                     Mathematics

Biology                         Biology                                  COLLABORATIVE
                                                                         ACTIVE LEARNERS

Chemistry                       Chemistry
                                                                          EFFECTIVE SELF-M
                                                                                                       Y OF
                                                                         A CAR  ING COMMUNIT
                                                                         GREAT LEARNE
Physics                         Physics                                                                SES
                                                                         SENIOR COUR
Horticulture                    Horticulture                                                         Paraparaumu

Environmental Science           Environmental Science

History                         History
Geography                       Geography
                                Social Studies
Travel & Tourism                Travel & Tourism
Classical Studies               Classical Studies
Economics                       Economics
Accounting                      Accounting

Physical Education              Physical Education
Outdoor Education               Outdoor Education
Physical Activity Studies       Physical Activity Studies
Sports Leadership               Sports Leadership
Health                          Health

Painting                        Painting                        The learning programme
Photography                     Photography                     is structured around the
Design                          Design                          NZ Curriculum’s eight
                                                                learning areas.
Music                           Music
Drama                           Drama
Dance                           Dance                           In Year 9, each
                                                                student chooses
French                          French
Te Reo Mãori                    Te Reo Mãori                    3 options.
Japanese                        Japanese
Spanish                         Spanish (from 2018)             We encourage all Year
Mandarin (from 2019)            Mandarin (from 2020)            9 students to study
                                                                a broad curriculum
Digital Technology              Digital Technology              including Languages,
                                Digital Science
                                                                Technology and The
                                Digital Computing
Food & Nutrition                Food & Nutrition
Catering & Hospitality          Catering & Hospitality
Design & Visual Communication   Design & Visual Communication
Technology Textiles             Technology Textiles             subjects are subject to
Technology Hard Materials       Technology Hard Materials       student demand.
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
Year 9
Enrolment Interviews -         As part of our commitment to personalising learning, all new
students and their parents are invited to attend a short interview with the Principal.

Year 9 Family Dinner -         This gives families the opportunity to meet with staff, senior
students and other families in a relaxed and informal setting, with food catered by our
senior students.

Live Reporting 2018 -          Communication between teachers, students and parents is
a vital component of academic success. Live reporting utilises our Parent Portal so that
parents can log on at any time to access up-to-date information regarding achievement of
their student in each class. In addition, Form Teachers, subject Teachers and Deans are
always available to discuss any matter.

Parent Portal -      Access to the Parent Portal is through the College Website allowing you
access to your student’s information in addition to daily notices and College newsletters. You
will receive an email from the College with your Parent Portal password.

Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews -              These occur twice a year and emails will be
sent with dates and instructions for booking times on
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
Year 9 Options The Arts
Visual Art
The Art Department is always delighted
with the creative talent that emerges
from both our junior and senior school.
Students are encouraged to express
themselves and we cater for personal
choice and students interests. No
previous experience needed, all

Students do not need to have had
prior experience with an instrument
in order to take up this opportunity.
We offer an extensive programme in
music which includes performing and
composing your own music, along with
exciting extra-curricular opportunities.
Participation and excellence in music
is encouraged and rewarded. There are
also itinerant tutors who give specialist
free tuition in a variety of instruments.   Performing Arts
                                            The Performing Arts Team is a highly
                                            successful and vibrant team, consisting
                                            of Dance and Drama.

                                            It is offered in Years 9 and 10, whilst
                                            NCEA Levels 1-3 in Dance and Drama
                                            are taught in the senior school.

                                            We have a thriving and well attended
                                            extra-curriculum programme, with
                                            clubs taking place across all year levels,
                                            providing students with the opportunity
                                            to further their interests and skills.
                                            Students also have the opportunity to
                                            attend performances and workshops as
                                            well as specialist tutors in school.

                                            We have a well-equipped Dance
                                            studio, and a number of other purpose
                                            built spaces; including a black box
                                            performance space for Drama
Paraparaumu Paraparaumu - College
Learning a new language is a great way
                              to equip young people with the skills to
                              succeed in our global economy.

Year 9 Options Languages
Japanese                                       Spanish
Students have fun learning to read and         Students learn Spanish through a range
write hiragana and kanji script and            of activities and by the end of the course
communicate with each other in a new           will be able to hold a simple conversation
and exciting language.                         with a native speaker. Linked to
                                               Monserrat School in Argentina, the
                                               students have the opportunity to develop
                                               real friendships with young people of
Students learn the basics of Mandarin,         their age.
including Pinyin and Chinese characters.
By the end of the year they will have the
ability to hold a simple conversation. This
is a great opportunity to learn a language     Students gain an understanding of
that will equip our students for the future.   French culture and learn to greet, count,
                                               introduce themselves and describe
Te Reo Māori                                   aspects of daily life. Linked with a school
                                               in Paris, students have the opportunity
Students gain an understanding
                                               to communicate with young French
of the Māori language, culture and
                                               teenagers throughout the year using a
                                               range of media. We may also offer a 4
                                               week trip to France.
Year 9 Options Technology
Design & Visual Communications                Technology - Hard Materials
(Graphics)                                    In Technology, students work through
An exciting and creative subject where        the Design Process to design, develop,
students have the opportunity to extend       manufacture and evaluate their own
both their understanding of digital media     products. They develop confidence
and their hand rendered drawing skills.       and skills in the use of a variety of
The classroom offers a computer for           materials including wood, metal, plastics
each student, technical drawing boards        and composites. Students also learn
and a wide range of drawing media to          computer aided design methods, using a
experiment with.                              3D printer and a laser cutter.

     DVC has not just helped me with               If you like building or creating, you
     my drawing but with the whole                 will enjoy this subject.”
     conceptualisation of building up
                                              Food & Nutrition
                                              In Home Economics students evaluate
Digital Technology
                                              current issues of nutrition, identify and
Learn to design your own websites,            reflect on the factors that influence
investigate how to make animation and         people’s choices and use this to make
programming games, build a computer           informed choice. Through the processes
and service it. Bring your own laptops and    of selecting, preparing, cooking and
devices to add to the resources available     serving food, students develop creativity
to you. We have all the latest software and   and a sense of accomplishment.
share your work with others on our Virtual
Learning website. Come and learn!
                                              Technology Textiles
                                                   Textiles is a subject where you can
                                                   have fun, learn new things and be
Additional Year 9 Options
Financial Literacy                          Film making
The aim of this course is to develop        We look at how films work and how
students’ money management skills,          they affect audiences. Students learn
show them how to make “their money
                                            the skills of photography, film-making,
work for them” and help them make
                                            editing and film analysis. A ‘hands-on
smart financial choices. Leads to Year 10
                                            course’ with a dedicated computer
Business Studies, senior Economics and
Accounting.                                 suite helps students to understand and
                                            navigate their media-rich environment.
     It’s a great subject if you want to
     be smart with your money. It helps          I like that we get to use our
     improve your money skills – how to          creativity in making films and
     earn an income and how to spend             taking photos.”
     it wisely.”

      I would recommend it to all
     students. It’s a fun way to learn
                                            Classical Studies
     more about money and how to            What are heroes and why do we have
     save it.”
                                            them? What makes a person fight for
                                            freedom? Why do people believe in
Horticulture                                religions and myths? Do we have to lead
Enhances the student’s appreciation of      the life we are born into? In this course
plants and their growth requirements        students explore some of the answers
and also teaches them how to grow their     to these questions (and more!) by
own vegetables.
                                            linking the ancient world to our own and
     Horticulture is a great subject if     studying ancient stories, great historical
     you like being outside. You get to
                                            military leaders, scientific discoveries,
     grow your own plants and veggies
     and look after your garden. It is      ancient Greek and Roman religion, art
     one of my favourite subjects.”         and philosophy.

                                                 You get to learn about the
                                                 similarities and differences
                                                 between modern society and
                                                 the ancient world. It also teaches
                                                 you vital reading, writing and
                                                 comprehension skills that assist in
                                                 other subjects.”

                                                 It teaches us about ancient
                                                 civilisations and how they relate
                                                 to today’s world. We do lots of
                                                 different tasks including movie
                                                 studies and you look at ancient
                                                 writings such as myths.”
We offer a multitude of leadership opportunities to develop skills, grow confidence and
extend responsibility, within both the College environment and the wider community.

• Arts Captains                                  Culture Captains
• BOT Representative                             A new leadership role to co-ordinate and
                                                 develop cultural activities and initiatives
• Community Captains                             that promote the diverse cultural groups
• Culture Captains      New Initiative           within our community. The Captains
                                                 lead a Cultural Committee made up of
• Facilitators                                   students from all year levels.

• House Captains & Co-ordinators
• Librarians
                                                 A hugely important role that connects
• Peer Mediators                                 junior and senior students. Year 13s
• Peer Support                                   attend junior form classes to support,
                                                 interact and provide role modelling.
• Poly Group            New Initiative

• Safe Schools Ambassadors
                                                 House System
• Senior Leadership Camp                         This provides a number of opportunities
                                                 for leadership roles. The Year 13 House
• Service Committee
                                                 Captains, along with co-ordinators from
• Sport Captains                                 each year level organise school wide
                                                 sport, art and cultural events. The House
• Student Council Representatives
                                                 Co-ordinator role encourages younger
• Year 9, 10 & 11 Leadership Forums              students to involve themselves in the
                                                 school community whilst growing self-
• Year 10 Sports Ambassadors
                                                 confidence and organisational skills.
• Year 11 Sports Mentors
Leadership in the Community

                                                     Students are
                                                     offered a range of
                                                     opportunities to
                                                     become involved in
                                                     leadership roles.”
                                                     - Education Review Office Report.

                                         Year 10 Sports Ambassadors
                                         This leadership role allows students to be
   Representing Paraparaumu              the driving force behind primary school
   College at the Sir Peter Blake
                                         sport as they are involved in coaching,
   Trust’s Youth EnviroLeaders
                                         refereeing and mentoring primary school
   Forum (YELF) 2017 in Auckland
   was an unforgettable, educating       teams. In addition they have assisted
   and thrilling adventure. Meeting      in the running of primary orienteering,
   like-minded people who also care      swimming and cross country events.
   heavily about the wellbeing of
   earth’s environment was amazing
   and the opportunities we faced        Kapa Haka
   were incredible which only a few
                                         Te Waiata Rangatahi is the College Kapa
   our age get to experience. The
   things I’ve learned and the people    Haka roopu, where students and staff
   who I’ve bonded with proves that      can enjoy learning waiata and haka, as
   YELF can leave you with so much       a whānau.
   more even after the finishing day.”
   - Maha Fier
We believe that sport of any type, in any form, is of huge
benefit to students mentally, socially and physically.

The NZ Secondary Schools Sports                strength including a new partnership with
Council have introduced an initiative          Matt Lint, an international coach, who is
designed to contribute to improved             overseeing our programme.
academic and social outcomes using             Many of our students continue to compete
sport as a context for learning and student    in representative teams at provincial,
engagement.                                    regional and international level. Sports
Both our girls’ and boys’ hockey teams are     stories and results are able to be viewed
continuing to compete at a high level in       on the College sport website, Twitter and

the Wellington Youth Hockey competition        Facebook.

this year. The boys have qualified to play     The College encourages international
in the India/Rankin Shield which is the        sports exchanges. We have enjoyed
top tier national competition. Basketball in   hosting teams from Japan, Australia and
the College is also going from strength to     the U.K. over the past five years.

We have a multi-talented Arts
Committee who ensure the range
of opportunities available to our
students are diverse and continue to
be largely student driven.
Students who contribute to and
excel in this area are eligible to
receive ‘Arts Honours’ for excellence
in the Arts at Year 12 & 13.

Dance & Drama
The College provide a plethora of
opportunities for those students
who enjoy Dance or Drama
performance and creation. Our
students always perform to a high
level in a varied number of local and
regional events.

The College encourages students to
pursue excellence in many musical
directions. We offer opportunities
to perform at community events
and have a number of professional
collaborators who bring rich and
varied practical experience to the
Paraparaumu College fosters
                                      behind the scenes excellence.
                                         We have a proud history
                                        of mentoring experienced
                                           lighting and sound
                                      technicians, as well as stage
                                       managers and backstage
                                         crew, many of whom go
                                                on to work in the
   You become part of a family, not
   just a team.”

Technical Crew
   Helping with Lighting & sound
   develops leadership skills. You
   get to work with a helpful and
   supportive crew and it’s really

That’s Artstanding Wearable Art
   Recycling and creating outfits
   for different themes – I love
   Wearable Art!”

Hip Hop
   It’s fun being involved in the
   Hip Hop crew, when I get on
   the stage I feel a real sense of
   achievement and pride.”

Poly Club
   It has been exciting starting up
   the Poly Club with my fellow
   Pasifika students. Performing
   pieces from our respective
   cultures continues to be an
Performing Arts Opportunities
• Amadeus Orchestra                          • Music ‘n’ Motion (student led production)
• Arts Supper                                • Poly Club
• Barbershop Quartets and vocal groups       • Sheilah Winn Shakespeare competition
• Drama/Musical productions                  • Technical & Production roles
                                               (sound, light, stage management,
• Hip Hop regional Competition crews           costume, make up, choreography)
• House Performances (Maori History)         • That’s Artstanding Wearable Art Show
• Itinerant music classes                    • WOW Factor (Primary School tours)
• Kapa Haka                                  • Year 9 Talent Quest
• Mentoring for bands & singer/songwriters   • 48 Hour Film Competition
• Peace Week event
Extracurricular activities
        & curricular competitions
        are available.
        How much you get
        involved is entirely
Clubs   up to you!

        Adventure Racing
        Amnesty International
        Basketball Referee Club
        Breakfast Club
        Cool Stuff
        English Competitions
        Film Club
        40 Hour Famine
        Friday Fiesta Group
        Girl Up
        Hip Hop
        Mathematics Competitions
        Mural Painting
        Pink Shirt day
        Poly Club
        Relay for Life
        Rock Climbing
        Science Competitions
        Services Committee
        Sheilah Winn Festival of Shakespeare
        Spirit of Adventure (Year 10)
        Sign Language
        Techie Club
        ‘That’s Artstanding’ Wearable Arts
        Tournament of Minds
        Ukulele Club
Learning Support
Paraparaumu College offers                     Dyslexia & SPELD Programmes
many avenues of support                       Junior students are identified (through
for students with learning                    Primary School, parent, teacher or
differences.                                   student referral) and work through a
                                              programme to support reading and
The Learning Centre                           writing. Dyslexic students have reader/
                                              writer support for tests and assessments
This is a place where selected students
                                              at all levels of the school. All staff,
can have extra support in all sorts of
                                              through their professional learning
identified areas of need. Students utilise
                                              programme, are aware of dyslexic
the Learning Centre for independent or
                                              learners and use strategies to support
supervised study, specific subject help
                                              their learning. Both Year 9 and Year 10
or to complete tests, assessments and
                                              have mainstream classes to support
                                              dyslexic learners.

ELL (English Language Learners)
                                              Supported Learning
ELL is for students whose first language
                                              For students who need on-going
is not English. This course has specialised
                                              supported learning in one or more
instruction to help learn new vocabulary
                                              subject areas, customised programmes
and become more confident in English
                                              and a team of teacher aides. Our centre
                                              has great facilities, three classroom
                                              spaces, quiet areas, adapted toilet area,
             Specialist staff work
                                              kitchen, courtyard and computers.
             in the centre to
                                              Students are supported in this
             provide a vibrant                environment and in classes in the rest
             and essential                    of the school, focussing on gaining
             environment.”                    academic qualifications in NCEA Level 1
                                              and the National Certificate in Work and
                                              Community Skills to assist them in their

                         Gold                 transition after College.
Students Supporting Students
Programmes within the College which          SEAR (Societal, Environmental
support students in a number of              and Animal Rights)
important areas are:
                                                  SEAR is an incredible action group
•        Peace Week                               which can lead you to collaborate
•        Travellers                               with other like-minded students
•        Peer Support                             who also want to make a positive
                                                  change in our community.”
•        Pink Shirt Day
•        SEAR
•        Shave for a Cure
                                             Sports Leadership
•        Youth Week                               In Sports Leadership, we develop
                                                  our skills for coaching, by
                                                  coaching younger students in
Reader/Writers                                    primary schools where we play the
                                                  games with them and teach them
     Having a reader/writer helps me
                                                  skills like teamwork, leadership
     get the words from my head to the
                                                  & communication. You will get to
     paper. It evens out everyone and
                                                  know new people from different
     gives dyslexic students the chance
                                                  age groups and understand
     to achieve the results that they
                                                  what it’s like to coach and teach
     want to achieve. Reader/writers
     give up their time to help us and
     really do make a difference.”
                                             Breakfast Club                New Initiative

School Council                               The Breakfast Club is our way to provide
                                             students with food in the mornings so
This is a forum for students to discuss
                                             they can make the most out of their time
new ideas, propose changes and
                                             at school. We have been running every
advocate for the school community. The
                                             morning since week two with students
Council also fundraises for a wide variety
                                             volunteering their time and it’s going
of school environmental improvements.
                                             great! It is a great opportunity for so
                                             many of us and we can’t wait to see its
Safe School Leaders                          continued success.
This programme reinforces Paraparaumu
College’s zero tolerance towards bullying.
Senior students teach Year 9 classes.
Successful Learners
          The opportunities                  World Challenge 2017/18
          for students to be                 Lesotho, South Africa
          involved in College life               We are excited to confirm that
          inside and outside the                 we will be working with a small
          classroom are endless.”                community in the landlocked
                                                 nation of Lesotho. Any trip to
                                                 South Africa must include a safari,
                                                 and the students are excited to
VLN (Virtual Learning Network)
                                                 see the animals that live there.
The VLN programme allows students to             The team has been busy planning
participate (through videoconferencing           and preparing by developing
sessions) in online e-learning in various        skills in: responsibility, decision
subjects. During the video conference,           making, team-work, leadership,
students will be seen by their teacher           problem solving, global awareness
                                                 & responsibility, budgeting &
and other students in their class, who
                                                 money management, goal setting
could be logging in from anywhere in NZ.
                                                 & achievement. One of the biggest
     The best thing about VLN is that            challenges to date is fundraising
     I can learn by correspondence,              for this epic trip. It has been a
     while still being part of a fun class       great way to work together and
     atmosphere.”                                know more about each other.”

Gateway Programme                            Spirit of Adventure
Gateway supports Year 12 & 13 students           On the 22 January, I embarked
to undertake learning and assessment             on one of the most exciting
in the workplace. Students participate           adventures of my life. Five days
in a work placement of at least 10 weeks         and five nights of pushing myself
and work on course material to gain              to new limits and doing things I’d
                                                 never dreamed of doing before.
industry related credits in their Pathways
                                                 Some of us overcame our fears,
class. This strengthens pathways
                                                 climbing to the top mast and
to apprenticeships, employment
                                                 being pushed outside our comfort
plus further education and training              zone. I arrived on the boat feeling
opportunities.                                   worried about what the voyage
                                                 would be like but when I said my
                                                 goodbyes to everyone and got off
Year 10 OPC                                      the boat I knew I’d just had the
                                                 most phenomenal week of my life
(Sir Edmund Hilary Outdoor Pursuit Centre)
                                                 and I had just made friends whom
     The high ropes was a good                   I would call friends forever.”
     challenge for our group as we had
     to help each other out.”
                                             48 Hour Film Competition
                                                 The payoff is incredible. It’s
Year 9 Activity Day
                                                 stressful but worth it.”
     Just go for it -give everything a go
                                                  Keeping to the script and keeping
     because you will regret not trying
                                                 up with changes to the idea was a
     it whether it’s the flying fox or the
                                                 challenge, it’s a blast.”
     ropes course!”
The overnight tramp
was the best, it was
fun and challenging
and our group worked
together really well.
Paraparaumu College welcomes international students for an excellent
educational, sporting, outdoor education and cultural experience.
International Students
Paraparaumu College welcomes international students for an excellent
educational, sporting, outdoor education and cultural experience.

Key reasons for selecting                     Special Offer: Contact Ms Lyn House,
Paraparaumu College:                          International Director, for details at
                                     for all details
Location: Located by the beach, only a
45 minute drive from Wellington (NZ’s
                                              Programmes Include:
capital city). Air New Zealand has many
direct flights to Wellington. Students will   •• Five languages- Mandarin, Spanish,
be met at the airport and transported to        Japanese, Te Reo Māori and French
host families.                                •• Outdoor Education

                                              •• Academies in Aviation, Golf and Horse
Homestay Families Close To The
College: We have lovely families waiting
to host and care for students                 •• ELL (English Language Learners)
                                                classes available up to 2 hours per day
Academic Results: Very strong at
                                              •• Performing Arts, Dance, Drama and
all levels with our results placing
Paraparaumu College among the best
schools in the greater Wellington region      •• Wide range of opportunities in sport
Paraparaumu College provides an engaging and
supportive learning environment, where students are
encouraged to develop into independent learners
and well-rounded people. My time there helped me to
develop the study skills, personal skills and confidence
in my own abilities required to successfully pursue
law at Victoria University and subsequently at Harvard
Law School. The staff went above and beyond in terms
of dedication to my learning and self-development
and were always approachable and supportive. I was
provided with numerous opportunities to pursue my
extra-curricular interests and develop my leadership
skills. I could not have asked for a better environment
in which to spend my formative teenage years.”
- Lauren Brazier - Knox Fellow, Harvard Law School
College Life

Start Dates for 2018                          All students will receive the
                                              College Student Handbook which
These dates will be published in the
                                              is filled with important information
local newspaper and will also be on the
                                              for the year ahead. A copy of this
College website.
                                              handbook will also be available on
                                              the College website.
Daily Timetable & Attendance
The College day starts at 8.45am (when        Spread the cost…
all students must attend Form Time)
                                              The College encourages parents to set
and finishes at 3.15pm. On Thursdays,
                                              up regular Automatic Payments to help
College starts at 9.45am to allow the staff
                                              with the expense of students beginning
to undertake their professional teaching
                                              College. These payments can begin
programme. Thursday has amended bell
                                              whilst your student is still in Year 8
times due to this but the school day still
                                              and continue through their entire time
finishes at 3.15pm. The school day can be
                                              they are attending College. For more
viewed on the website and your students’
                                              information check out the ‘information’
individual timetable will be visible on the
                                              tab on the College website or contact
parental portal.
                                              the Finance Manager, Mrs Newall x843
                                              or email
The College has a modern uniform for          Parents Association
juniors and seniors. Year 13 students are
                                                   The Parents Association is a
allowed to wear mufti unless they are              diverse group. Our meetings
representing the College (when they will           provide a forum to discuss issues
wear full senior uniform). Students are            with Senior Management so that
expected to wear their uniform to and              we know what is happening and
from College and during the day, with              opportunities to provide feedback
                                                   and improvements. We do small
pride and we appreciate our parents
                                                   amounts of fundraising so that
working with the College to ensure all             we can award students at prize
students are tidy and in correct uniform.          giving ceremonies for their efforts.
All items of uniform, other than shoes,            We are here to help support
can be purchased from the uniform shop             the college and our student’s
onsite. Please refer to the website for            education. We’d love to have your
opening hours.
                                                    - Dr Adele Cherrill, PA Chair

College Canteen
     There is so much great fresh food
     in our canteen with lots of choices              Photographs courtesy of the Paraparaumu College
                                                              Community & Jack Penman Photography
     (salads, sushi, wraps and soups).”
                                                                Design & Print -
04 902 5170
Mazengarb Road . PO Box 288
Paraparaumu . 5254 . New Zealand

Paraparaumu College welcomes all students from throughout the       Find us on
Kapiti, Otaki and Porirua area as the College is no longer zoned.   Facebook
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