P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society

Page created by Antonio Nunez
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
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 in bloom!
●   Around The Villages ● Church News ● Clubs & Societies
●   Schools & Sports News ● Local History ● & Much More...
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
Village Voice August/September 2021

                                                                                      help. We looked out for each other, and now is a
                                                                                      perhaps a good time to remind ourselves about
                                                                                      the priviledge of living in an area where
                                                                                      community is valued and nutured, and perhaps
                                ...to the August / September 2021                     consider ways in which we can contribute to the
                                edition of Village Voice...                           continuation and strengthening of our
                                                                                      community. Please do think about ways in
                                Dear VV Readers,                                      which you can help. It would be a shame if,
                                How beautiful our village looks in summertime,        now we can re-open, that clubs and societies
                                and whilst the weather has been unpredictable         were not able to resume their activities, without
                                and at times, unseasonable, there is so much to       the additional help they need.
                                see and enjoy in Penn & Tylers Green.                    Of course, the pandemic has not yet
                                   Whilst the past 18 months have been                dissappeared, and for some it is too soon, or not
                                challenging during the various lockdowns and          possible to re-engage just yet. Many have
                                restrictions, I think that many people have fallen    suffered during the pandemice, and continue to
                                in love with our village all over again, through      do so. Let's continue to be alert and thoughtful
                                taking daily walks and enjoying exploring the         to our neighbours and wider community
                                nooks and crannies we have in our village!               Our next VV will be the October &
                                   The Woodlands and Green Spaces on our              November edition, and we would love to hear
                                doorstep are incredibly special, our insert in this   from you. Cathy O'Leary VV Editor vvoiceeditor@aol.com
                                edition of VV includes stunning pictures and
                                images of our Woodlands, as well as pictures           Regulars...
                                capturing the beauty of various gardens in Penn
                                and Tylers Green - which succeeded in opening
                                                                                      04         Around the Villages
                                as part in this years Open Gardens.                   07         Council News
                                   Now that lockdown has officially ended, we         10         P&TGRS Updates
                                can look forward to the gradual re-immergence         13         Church News
                                of events and activities that our many clubs and      19         Sports News
                                societies have been unable to offer, in many          22         Schools News
                                cases, at all, or only in a limited capacity.         27         Ask the VV Historians
                                   The Village Show will take place in                32         Clubs & Societies
                                September after a year off, and you will see that     37         Fields in King's Wood Part 12
                                the P&TGRS is planning a number of activities         55         Index of Advertisers
                                in the autumn, so do support these organisations      56         Village Contacts
                                and their activities and events.
                                   Many Clubs and Societies would welcome              In This Issue...
                                new members - and as well, would be keen to
                                encourage anyone interested, to volunteer with
                                                                                      17         P&TG Village Show
                                the running of their activities and events.
                                                                                                 Litter Picking in P&TG
                                                                                      35         Springwatch on the Common
Cover Photograph: Paul Breeze

                                   Perhaps through the challenges during the
                                pandemic, you have had time to reflect on the         38         Noticeboard
                                benefits and enjoyment of living in such a
                                beautiful setting, and as well, the community of
                                                                                       In The Insert...
                                which we are all part. Throughout the pandemic        • Woodland & Green Spaces
                                local residents and organisations were active in      • The Beauty Beneath Your Feet...
                                providing support to those who needed extra           • Village Care Open Gardens
                                www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                             3
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
Village Voice August/September 2021

                                                       Community boards are all about taking action
                                                     together on local council and community issues
                                                     and they have an allocated budget to fund local
        THE VILLAGES                                 projects and initiatives. They aim to:
                                                       •     Represent the voice of local people
                                                       •     Capture thoughts, ideas and suggestions
The Village Hall                                             to address council and local priorities
The Village Hall like most organisations has                 within the community
been slumbering during lockdown, and whilst            •     Bring together key community partners
we were open for the critical hirers such as                 and residents
blood donation it was not until 17th May we            •     Identify local needs and work to produce
started to dust ourselves off and reopen our                 creative solutions
doors. We welcomed most of our adult activities        The latest Beaconsfield & Chepping Wye
back in May, with the last few eagerly waiting       meeting was held on 13 July and members
for the July release date.                           resolved to establish two new action groups,
   We have a broad range of activities on offer,     ‘Supporting the Economy’ and ‘Improving the
with something for everyone at varying times of      Environment’, to sit alongside the ongoing
the day, please check our website or pop in and      Highways & Traffic group. The two groups will
pick up a ‘What’s On’ leaflet                        have their first meetings, on Teams, at 7pm on
   You may have noticed if you have been             Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th August
passing we have a used stamp box, so you can         respectively and you are invited to join the
recycle any used stamps and they are sent to the     discussions.
RNIB charity which raises money by selling             Please contact us at bcwcb@
them. If we are not open, just post any used         buckinghamshire.gov.uk to find out how you can
stamps through the door. Thank you to those          get involved. We would love to hear the views
people that have already added their used            and ideas of anyone living or working in the
stamps to the collection box.                        parished areas of Beaconsfield, Chepping
   The hall is open each morning, so feel free to    Wycombe, Hazlemere & Penn. If meetings
pop and say hello, the coffee machine is usually     aren’t for you there are plenty of ways to get
on and there is always a biscuit to be found!        involved! Find out more at Community Boards |
Emma Byrne                                           Buckinghamshire Council, where you can sign
                                                     up for regular Community Board newsletters.
The Beaconsfield & Chepping                          Andy Chapman
Wye Community Board
Want to help support economic recovery and           Simpson Centre & Penn
improve the local environment? The                   Surgery News and Changes
Beaconsfield & Chepping Wye Community                During the Summer some of the doctors within
Board is working hard to bring together the          the Practice will change their working hours
councils, groups, organisations and residents to     and/or surgery. This occasionally happens to
look at local issues and find ways of improving      better support patients and provide a balanced
them together. Along with the other 15 boards        range of skills across the two surgeries.
across the county it is celebrating its first year      We welcome back to work, Dr Dominic
and the local groups, projects and initiatives it    Wood, after a prolonged absence due to illness.
has funded – and is looking forward to the           Initially, he will work Monday, Thursday and
second year with excitement as we see more           Friday, but this may vary over time. He will also
aspects of our lives returning to normal.            move back to the Simpson Centre.
4                                                                      www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
Village Voice August/September 2021
   Dr Dip Sen, who has been a locum covering          Surgery website over the coming months.
Dr Wood’s patients, has become a permanent               The PPG has successfully held a number of
staff member. She replaces Dr Whitehouse at           virtual ‘Your Health’ events over the last few
Penn, who has moved away from the area.               months. If there are any particular topics that
   Dr Mo Uddin, a former GP Registrar at the          patients would like to see covered, please get in
Practice, will be re-joining at the Simpson           touch at simpsonpenn.ppg@gmail.com
Centre to replace Dr Aman Grewal. A familiar             And finally, some patients have asked about
face to support the existing team.                    the locked door at the Surgery. The Surgery is
   Dr Rachel Calver will move from The                following guidelines and as Covid is still
Simpson Centre to Penn Surgery to cover               circulating in the community they do not want
Monday, Thursday & Friday sessions replacing          to put patients at risk. Every other appointment
Dr Wood.                                              is now face to face, this allows for cleaning time
   Dr Faye Boundy will continue to cover              in between patients and to prevent patients from
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday                 mixing in the reception area. We understand this
sessions at Penn.                                     can be frustrating for patients but it is for the
   In addition to this, Registrars will continue at   health and safety of all concerned. https://www.
the Penn site and we are pleased to see Nurse         thesimpsoncentre.com Emma Mcphee
Mandy back to increase the nursing staff.
   The weekly cover looks is shown in the table       Village Care
at the bottom of the page.                            We were delighted to have another successful
   Other news from the Surgery: Klinik has            Open Gardens day in June. You can read a full
received positive feedback from the vast              report by the Open Garden’s coordinator, Paul
majority of patients and all requests are being       Breeze, elsewhere in this edition. Thank you
processed within the 3 day timescales, with           everyone who gave their support. If you have
emergencies being dealt with the same day.            any suggestions as to how you would like the
Those unable to access Klinik still have the          money raised from donations to be used, please
ability to phone reception who will be able to        get in touch.
offer assistance.                                        We are looking for a few new telephonists.
   At the time of writing, the Surgery and PPG        One is needed for a regular 4- weekly slot on a
are still waiting on guidance regarding the           Wednesday and stand- ins are needed to cover
annual flu vaccination programme and the              on an ad-hoc basis.The duty runs from 10am
potential for a Covid booster vaccine, please         until 1 pm and involves taking calls from our
look out for more information on this on the          clients and arranging lifts with our drivers.
                                                                   Please do think about joining our
                                                                   friendly team of volunteers to
                                                                   provide much needed help within
                                                                   our villages. For further information
                                                                   please contact our Telephonist
                                                                   co-ordinator, Gillian Watkins on
                                                                      By the time you read this we will
                                                                   have resumed our driving service
                                                                   and all our drivers will be have
                                                                   received their” Goody “bags ,
                                                                   including their lanyards for
                                                                   wearing whilst on driving duties.
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                          5
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
Village Voice August/September 2021
Please remember that our drivers are available
for all sorts of local journeys, as well as hospital
/ surgery visits.
   We are fortunate enough to have been offered
a double page spread in Village Voice for our
35th anniversary this year, and I would
welcome contributions from anyone involved
with Village Care- from the beginning until the
present time. If you have anything you feel you
would like to share - photos/ anecdotes/ tributes,
please send them to me as soon as possible. My
email address is anna@northleighhouse.com ,            hospitals. Artist Jennie
or I can collect from you if that’s easier.            Roberts opened her
   Thank you. Anna Allen                               delightful Penn garden
                                                       and exhibited art and
Sports & Social Club                                   ceramics alongside
Thank you for all the support at the club during       two other local artists
the Euro 2020. We could have sold out 3 fold           Tanya Tuckey and
for most England matches, but for Covid                Diane Stewart. This
restrictions had to limit capacity, and prioritise     event ran into Bucks
members. A strong England performance has              Art Week. Jennie
given the club much needed funds that we               Roberts
desperately needed, so thanks to all those who
came up to support. We look forward to seeing
you all up the club soon for a drink! James             Dear VV,
keating, Press@ptgfc.co.uk                                I would like to ask the question – ‘What
                                                        are people without children supposed to sit
Bucks Art Week Fundraising                              on in Ashley Drive Rec?’
Event in Penn                                             My late husband and I used to like to stroll
A perfect summers day in late June with jazz,           up to said ‘Rec’ and sit for a while.
cream teas and art fundraiser for Scannappeal             I am glad that the playground has been
raised £1.8 to buy equiptment for local                 separated from dogs, but there are a lot of
                                                        other people in the village who should be
                                                        catered for. Do other readers agree?
                                                           Name and address supplied
                                                          VV asked Katrina Wood, as Chair of
                                                        CWPC to respond:
                                                          “Ashley Drive rec is still a work in
                                                        progress and things are taking longer than
                                                        we originally anticipated.
                                                          CWPC does have plans for a couple more
                                                        benches in the park outside the fencing and
                                                        are in the process of obtaining quotes which
                                                        when received will be taken to a committee
                                                        for approval after the summer.”

6                                                                         www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
Village Voice August/September 2021

                                                      Community Boards as our ward crosses both
                                                      areas and we have now all found ourselves
                                                      Charter Trustees and members of the High
                                                      Wycombe Town Committee as part of our ward
                                                      is unparished.
Buckinghamshire Council Update                           The new Buckinghamshire Council is now
Your three Buckinghamshire Councillors have           one of the largest in the country and has an
been kept very busy since being elected in May        annual budget of around £1.2 billion, which
with various local issues. We very much work          includes £191m on Adult Social Care, £78m on
as a team and share information in everything         Children’s Social Care, £44m on roads (which
we do. Our two new councillors have had a             includes footpaths, street lighting, pothole
steep learning curve dealing with issues such as      repairs and parking) and £33m on Environment
flooding, uncollected bins, fallen trees, working     (which includes waste collection and disposals,
with local schools on parking issues and more.        recycling, and flood prevention). Obviously,
   We thought you may like to find out a little bit   there is an awful lot more besides and these are
about each of them.                                   just a small flavour, but these are big numbers
   Nathan Thomas. Elected at the age of 18 and        and hopefully give an idea of just how big the
being a local student, brings a younger               Council now is. Work is still ongoing to merge
perspective to the Council. Having taught             all the previous councils and this will still take
Karate at the village hall and being the centre of    some time. We know there have been local
many memories, the village holds a special            issues with things such as waste collections
place in Nathan’s life. He wants to try and           which unfortunately have been suffering from
engage young people to get involved in politics       national issues such as HGV driver shortages
and the community. Nathan also wants to make          and crews having to isolate because of covid.
sure that the Council delivers for residents with     The waste team are working hard with our
bins being collected and improvements to our          contractor to help resolve these and as your
streets and roads.                                    local councillors we will also do what we can to
   Steven Barratt is a commercial barrister in his    make sure our residents get the services they
day job, but fell in love with Tylers Green while     deserve. If anyone needs to contact us our
raising his young daughter. Pushing a buggy           details are in the contacts section under elected
around gave him time to think, to notice issues       representatives. Katrina Wood .Member for Tylers Green
and to learn to appreciate how lucky we are.          & Loudwater Ward
He's already joined the team who volunteer to
empty bins at Widmer pond at the weekends -           Penn Parish Council
so please do say hello if you see him. He wants       We resumed face to face Council meetings in
to make sure the village is preserved and             May, and it was wonderful to see Councillors in
supported, to ensure Tylers Green gets its fair       person and discuss community matters with
share out of this new, much larger council, and       them, compared with more limited Zoom
use any skills he has, to help.                       inter-actions. In writing this, I recognise that the
   The committees in the Council have now             events of the last year have changed meeting
been sorted and Steven is on the Communities          dynamics, forever, and we will be thinking
and Localism Select Committee, Nathan is on           about how we organise ourselves in future. If
the Audit and Governance and Katrina is on the        you would like to keep in touch with our work,
Finance and Resources Select committee and            please follow the Penn Parish Facebook page.
the West Planning committee. We are all on               PPC Elections in May were uncontested and I
both the Chepping Wye & High Wycombe                  am pleased to say all eight of my hard working
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                             7
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society


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P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
Village Voice August/September 2021
Parish Councillor colleagues were returned.         forward as a Parish Councillor. He is already
With two Councillors leaving us, and unable to      involving himself in local issues and has joined
recruit new ones in time, we advertised             the volunteers who empty the bins at Widmer
vacancies for co-option. I would like to thank      pond at the weekend and been out litter picking
all those who put themselves forward for            with local groups. By day he is a commercial
consideration. We had four outstanding              barrister, and we are sure his skills will prove
candidates and it was a reminder of how many        very useful to the Parish.
talented people live in our Parish. Two new            Residents will be aware that the Parish have
Councillors, John Watson and Krane Jeffrey,         been having an issue with the emptying of the
were co-opted onto the Parish Council in July to    dog poo bins around the village. The contractor
represent Penn and Knotty Green respectively. I     that was doing it suddenly disappeared without
very much look forward to working with them.        informing us and it was only when the bins
Following my retirement as Penn House Estate        were full were we aware. Having tried
Manager in March. I will now serve our              unsuccessfully to get hold of him and failing,
community as Chair of the Parish Council. I         we had to start the search for a new contractor
would like to wish my successor there, Edward       whilst putting in place emergency measures for
Dixon every good wish for the future.               some emptying. We have now found a new
   One key area for Penn PC is the creation of a    contractor. He is having some teething problems
Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish of Penn. A        with staff shortages and covid isolations so
Strategic Working Party has been created and I      please bear with us while it beds in. If a bin is
Buckinghamshire Council has now formally            full then please take your dog poo home and
accepted our proposal to designate Penn Parish      don’t leave it under the bins, especially in
as the area to be covered. Our first action will    children’s play areas where it can cause a health
be to listen to what parishioners would like, in    and safety issue.
particular how you want your village and               The fencing around the children’s play area in
community to develop. Plans for an online           Ashley Drive is now erected to keep the
residents’ survey are well advanced, and I hope     younger children safe. This is still a work in
you will register your interest, so we can make     progress and is only on three sides as we plan to
sure we reach as many people as possible.           plant the fourth side when the time is right to
Please look out for our flyer, register via our     provide a barrier on that side. We are aware that
website, or email the Clerk (clerk@pennparish.      the seating is now inside the fencing as it was
org.uk), so we can send you the survey when it's    for parents to watch their children, which has
ready later this summer. If you don't have online   caused some comment elsewhere in this edition,
access, please don't worry, we will be offering a   but we are taking a proposal to the next Open
variety of formats. Mike West, Chair                Spaces committee to place another couple of
                                                    benches in the park. At the moment the idea is
Chepping Wycombe Parish Council                     to put one outside the fencing and another
Tylers Green have a new Parish Councillor,          across the other side of the gym equipment.
Steven Barrett who also happens to be an               We are also aware of an issue with littering
elected member for the Unitary Council for          which we are not totally sure if it is by foxes
Tylers Green. He had been selected to stand in      and magpies or careless people who don’t know
the unitary election when he found out that there   what a litter bin is for! We are therefore looking
was a vacancy at the Parish in Tylers Green. He     at either lidded bins or character bins to
had already come to love Tylers Green and           encourage children to use them. This will be
wanted to be more involved in the community         going to a committee after the summer - we
and thought how better than to put himself          hope for approval. Katrina Wood, Chairman CWPC
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                       9
P&TG in bloom! - Penn and Tylers Green Residents Society
Village Voice August/September 2021

                                                      important to the P&TGRS, who would very
                                                      much like to get AONB boundaries extended.
                                                        To learn about the work of the Chiltern
                                                      Society / their Crisis Appeal, go to: https://
Changes to the P&TGRS Board                           chilternsociety.org.uk/donate-appeal . Madalyn Roker
After many years of dedicated service at the          P&TGRS Chair
helm of P&TGRS, Miles Green has stepped
down as Chair, with Madalyn Roker being               The Village Expo 2021
appointed as new Chair. Miles has been                - Call for Exhibitors
appointed as Vice Chair. Natalie Parnell, who         Penn & Tylers Green Residents
recently joined the Residents Society has been        Society is planning to host a
appointed as Company Secretary.                       Village Expo at the Village Hall
   As Chair, Madalyn is keen to raise the profile     on Saturday 20th November 2021.
and reach of the Residents Society’s across the         This will be an ideal opportunity for any local
villages through Village Voice, Facebook and          group to take a stand and showcase which
occasional emails, as well as events including        activities they offer to the local community,
an Open Evening on 1st October 2021 and an            across all age groups and interests. Residents
'Expo' on 20th November 2021.(see below)              will be invited to come and engage with the
   To learn more about the work of the society        various clubs and societies to learn more about
please go to our website www.                         what they offer and how they can join in. You
pennandtylersgreen.org.uk where you can sign          might be looking for new people to take part,
up for emails, and follow the RS Facebook page        new volunteers to help you run it or be a local
https://www.facebook.com/                             community group that wants to get their
PTGResidentsSociety/ Or write to us at info@          message out to the whole village.
pennandtylersgreen.org.uk page                          Interested groups should register their
                                                      expression of interest in exhibiting by August
Chiltern in Crisis Appeal                             15th on the Expo page of the P&TGRS website
The P&TGRS recently made a £500 donation to           pennandtylersgreen.org.uk or at https://tinyurl.
the Chiltern Societies 'Chiltern in Crisis' appeal,   com/PTGExpoReg or email us at info@
and we would like to bring the appeal to the          pennandtylersgreen.org.uk P&TGRS Expo team
attention of P&TG residents.
   The P&TGRS strongly supports the Chiltern          P&TGRS Open Evening
Societies' aim of tackling the spiralling number       After many virtual meetings the RS has decided
of new developments in the Chilterns, and of          that the time has come to get together for an
protecting our disappearing green spaces. The         Open Evening with an interesting talk and
Chiltern Society is seen as an influential and        refreshments, to take place on Friday 1st
highly respected voice speaking out for all the       October in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
ingredients which make living in the Chilterns           The theme of the talk will be ‘The Woods of
an enviable experience. They have for many            Penn & Tylers Green, Past. Present & Future’.
years provided work parties for our local ponds,      Miles Green will start off with the story of the
woods and footpaths and in recent years for           extent and importance of our woods in the past;
Jubilee Wood on Beacon Hill.                          Earl Howe will continue with an account of
   The Chiltern Society comment very helpfully        how the woods on his estate are managed today;
on planning matters, most recently on                 and Mark Titterington will conclude with a look
Wycombe’s Local Plan and Gomm Valley. The             at the increasingly crucial role woods will be
defence of the Green Belt is extremely                playing in the future of global warming. Each
10                                                                         www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk
Village Voice August/September 2021
speaker will talk for about 15 minutes and there      issue about Taylor Wimpey’s unexpected
will be time for questions at the end.                takeover of both ownership of the land and the
  It will be lovely to get together again, do         proposed development in the valley. Taylor
come if you can. Details will also be on our          Wimpey have been extremely unwilling to meet
website and on our Facebook page https://www.         and talk about the project or even to reply
facebook.com/PTGResidentsSociety/ Or write to         sensibly to letters about it. They say they are in
us at info@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk page             the process of appointing their design team but
                                                      have not yet made any commitment to public
Ashwells Update                                       engagement. Miles Green
There is to be a change in how the Ashwells
development is to proceed. The original               Areas of Natural Beauty (AONB)
intention of Buckinghamshire Council, as the          Natural England has announced consideration
owners of the land, was to manage themselves          of an extension to the Chilterns AONB and we
the on-site infrastructure of roads and               will be following up to see whether this could
underground services of water, sewage and             include Gomm Valley. Miles Green
electricity, leaving the detailed development of
the site to selected developers. They intended to     Do you have experience in, or a
start this infrastructure work this summer, but       keen interest in local planning
we recently received the following message            matters?
from the Council’s Head of Special Projects.          If so, P&TGRS would love to hear from you.
   “Having met four interested developers, all        The P&TGRS are very active in local planning
have said (surprisingly), that they want control      matters, including commenting on local
over delivery of on-site infrastructure. This will    residential developments, as well as being
involve a change of strategy for the Council, the     consulted on larger scale developments.
proposal being that (subject to Member                   In the current climate, with government
approval), it will no longer undertake the new        development guidelines changing, and with so
access road and utilities diversions. This means      much happening in our area, the P&TGRS
deferring these works (which we had intended          board would love to hear from anyone who has
to start on site this summer, in parallel with the    local planning experience, or who might like to
marketing of the site), so they will not now          learn, and become involved in the future.
commence for another six months or so. It's           Familiarity with planning matters is not a
disappointing, having brought the scheme to the       requirement and can be acquired with guidance.
point of commencement, but from both a risk           For an informal discussion please email or call
and resourcing viewpoint, it makes sense. The         Madalyn Roker f: (e) madalynroker@hotmail.com (t)
Council will retain responsibility for any off-site   07774834615
(road) infrastructure works” (which will include
widening of parts of Cock Lane).”                     Village Voice
   Meanwhile, we have had detailed exchanges          Our next edition will be October / November,
about the proposed Design Code which plays a          with a copy deadline of 5th September 2021. To
vital part in the way in which the site is to be      send your news, letters, photos, or enquiries to
developed and a meeting with the architects to        'Ask the VV Historians' email: vveditor@aol.
discuss the Code has been arranged. Miles Green       com. To send pictures, please send the highest
Chairman Ashwells Forum                               resolution / largest size file. For advertising
                                                      enquiries email: adverts@pennandtylersgreen.
Gomm Valley Update                                    org.uk. We look forward to hearing from you
There is little to add to our report in the last      Cathy O'Leary, VV Editor. vveditor@aol.com
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                        11
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Village Voice August/September 2021

                                                     that you book your place with Gail in the Parish
                                                     Office (813254 or office@
                                                     holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk). Blessings, Revd
                                                     Mike Bisset, www.holytrinityand stmargartes.co.uk

Holy Trinity & St Margaret's                         Penn Free Methodist Church
Well we had to cancel our ‘Songs of Praise’ on                         All are most welcome to our
the Common on 4th July because the rules and                           Sunday services at 11am and
regulations (and there are a host of them) meant                       6.30pm, and to our Wednesday
that it was not quite possible. Apologies to                           evening prayer meeting and
those who came. I was on the Common with a                             Bible Study from 8.00pm to
pot of tea and some scones as a consolation.         around 9:10pm. For those unable to attend in
[Photo to follow]. We are provisionally              person, a Zoom link for all meetings can be
rescheduling for Sunday 12th September, which        obtained at revps@icloud.com, although, of
is also the Heritage Weekend, but we will have       course, seeing each other face to face is always
to make a decision on that nearer the time.          preferable wherever possible.
   The good news is that as you read this, our          We endeavour to conduct worship in a formal
‘Lighthouse’ Holiday Clubs will be taking place      and traditional style, not for mere tradition’s
in Hazlemere and Beaconsfield. This year’s           sake, but in order to pursue an appropriate
theme is, appropriately, ‘Hope’. The leadership      reverence. The word ‘formal’ simply speaks of
team can be congratulated for all their work in      being ordered and constructed. It does not imply
making these possible and organising it so that      a dead formality, for true worship must always
they are safe.                                       be from the heart. However, worship must never
   On Sunday 5th September (3pm at Holy              degenerate into entertainment and mere artistic
Trinity) we will be holding what is possibly my      performance.
favourite service of the year, our Pet Service. I       We sing hymns authored by highly gifted
will be joined in church by a whole range of         men such as Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, John
animals, big and small, as we give thanks to         Newton and William Cowper. The English
God for his creation and our pets in particular.     language has a glorious heritage of Bible-based
   Every September some 40,000 volunteers            hymns, and even though the vast majority of
across England organise 5,000 events to              these come from previous centuries, they are
celebrate our fantastic history and culture in       timeless, just as the truths of Scripture which
what is known as the Heritage Weekend. It's          they reflect are timeless. Regarding the Bible
your chance to see hidden places and try out         itself, we employ the noble and beautiful King
new experiences – all of which are FREE to           James Version.
explore. Holy Trinity participates and will be          Central to all worship is the reading and
open on Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th                  exposition of God’s word, because Christians
September.                                           have no other authority. God speaks to men
   Lastly, you are invited to join us for our        supremely through the Bible, which is a
annual Harvest Supper in the Village Hall on         complete revelation of God’s purposes for the
Saturday 25th September at 7.30pm. It is the         world, and which is never to be added to, and
Church’s expression of gratitude to God for all      which needs no fresh insights from the 21st
the good things he gives us and especially at this   century to improve it.
time for the Harvest. We enjoy a slap-up meal           Modern Britain is a nation which has cast off
and terrific entertainment. It is free but because   its glorious Christian inheritance. It has
the Village Hall can only take 150 or so, we ask     embraced instead the diametrically opposite
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Village Voice August/September 2021
teachings of cultural Marxism. Sadly, with           easy thing to be ‘bold’, but we are committing
many, these teachings now hold far more sway         this to God in prayer. Small steps; but in the
than the plain declarations of the Bible. Where      knowledge that God is with us.
God’s word should be upheld and taught, there           At T.G.M.C. we have a weekly prayer
reigns supreme in its place the philosophical        meeting via Zoom. We pray for one another
fashions of politically correct, ‘woke’              and for those we know who are sick or in need.
orthodoxy, with all its never-ceasing virtue-        If anyone would like us to pray for them or their
signalling.                                          loved ones, please contact our Minister or me as
   We endeavour as a church to oppose these          per our Church notice board. Geraldine Nelson,
deeply regrettable tendencies and to adhere to       Steward / Worship Leader
the old paths of Scripture. Cultural Marxism
teaches that all society’s problems are due to the   Peter Stevens 1943-2021
world being divided up into victims and                                      Peter passed away on
oppressors. Such a notion, however, is contrary                              Monday 5th July, after a
to the Bible’s teaching that “all have sinned and                            short battle with cancer.
come short of the glory of God … there is none                               He leaves behind his
righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10, 23).                                   wife Christine, daughters
   The root of the world’s problems is the sin in                            Helen and Rachel and
the heart of every man; it is not that some are,                             Granddaughters
and have always been, oppressors, whilst others                              Charlotte and Bethan.
are just innocent victims. Only faith in the Lord                               Peter was originally
Jesus Christ can solve the universal problem of                              from Chilmark,
sin.                                                                         Wiltshire, and moved to
   For more information about the church,            the High Wycombe area, eventually settling in
please go to www.realchristianity.org Pastor Peter   Tylers Green in the 1970s.
Simpson, Minister. revps@icloud.com                    Peter was a busy man with lots of hobbies.
                                                     Hewas a member of the Wycombe
Tylers Green Methodist Church                        Philharmonic Choir; a staunch supporter of
As I write, mid-summer’s day is behind us, and       Wycombe Wanderers Football Club and a
we are still wearing masks in Church and not         volunteer at the South Bucks Hospice charity
permitted to sing the hymns. However, we are         shop in Hazlemere where he worked in the book
happy to be worshipping together, despite the        department which he loved, as he was an avid
restrictions.                                        reader and book lover.
  In 2020 the Methodist Conference voted to            Peter was the Senior Steward at Tylers Green
implement a new strategy for evangelism and          Methodist Church where he and his family
growth. The Methodist Church is encouraging          worshipped. He was a Local Preacher in the
us all to think about where we are going over        High Wycombe Methodist circuit of churches
the next five years in becoming a more inclusive     and was also a circuit steward for a few years.
church: ‘God for All’, is a new strategy for           Peter was devoted to his family and to God;
evangelism and growth; to deepen its mission to      he was a good Christian man; kind, generous
be growing, evangelistic, justice-seeking and        and caring. He will be sadly missed by us all at
inclusive. We are being encouraged to move           Tylers Green Methodist Church and if we ever
outside the walls of our churches and engage         get back to singing in church, we will definitely
with those in our neighbourhood, workplace,          miss his lovely voice leading from the back of
clubs and groups. We are being called to be          the church.Rest in Peace, dear Peter! Geraldine
bold and to leave our comfort zones. It is not an    Nelson, Church Steward
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                       15


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Village Voice August/September 2021
                                                    can follow us on our Facebook page (www.
P&TG 2021                                           facebook.com/pennandtylersgreenvillageshow)
                                                    for inspiration on the different classes. For the
        VILLAGE SHOW                                full class list and entry rules visit our website:
                                                       So here is your opportunity to put all that
We’re delighted to announce that this year’s        carefully honed lockdown baking to use, all
Penn & Tylers Green Village Show is going           those hours of arts and craft, that beautifully
ahead on Saturday 18th September 2021 at the        tended garden…! Have a look at the class list
Village Hall. The details of the classes you can    and put Saturday 18th September in your
enter in this year’s show and the entry rules are   diaries. We’re looking forward to seeing the
on our website: pennandtylersgreenvillageshow.      fruits of your lockdown labour! Winners will be
com                                                 published in the next edition of VV.
   COVID guidelines continue to change and             Finally, if you can spare a couple of hours
we have taken these into account when planning      each month, we’d love to hear from you.
this year’s show. To ensure a safe flow of          Simply mail ptgvsc@gmail.com letting us know
visitors to the hall, we will be operating a        what skills or expertise you have to support us.
one-way system as well as other COVID-safe          We are especially keen to improve our website,
measures.                                           adding content using WordPress. If you have a
   Printed schedules will be available in the       school or uni project around developing and
usual places around the village (local shops,       promoting a website, why not help us and at the
pubs and the Village Hall). Our class recipes are   same time complete your project assignment
on our website and the P&TGRS website. You          too? David & Gwenda Deadman

 P&TGRS & PCC Litter                                centre - thank you so much to David Winterburn
                                                    and Paul Roberts. If you see flytipping please
 Picking                                            report it on www.FixMyStreet.com
 Almost 30 local residents and councillors turned       If you would like to pick litter in your own time,
 out on a warm morning on Saturday 5th June to      litter pickers, bags & Hi-Viz vests are available to
 pick litter across the village ahead of the Open   borrow from both Penn and CWPC offices.
 Gardens, in a community effort organised by            The next organised litter pick will be on
 P&TGRS and Penn Parish Council.                    Saturday November 6th at 10am - do join us.
    We found that the front and back common
                                                    Madelyn Roker & Nicole Webster
 areas were largely free of rubbish,
 which is due to the regular
 collections that are carried out on
 these central public areas.
    However, Common Wood Lane
 and Hammersley Lane both had
 large quantities of rubbish tucked
 into the verges and lay-bys. All our
 collected rubbish was taken by the
 council the following Friday morning
 only for furniture and white goods to
 be dumped in Common Wood Lane
 later the same day. Two local
 residents kindly collected these
 items and took them to the recycling

www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                            17
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Village Voice August/September 2021
                                                     few months for us here at P& TGCC. Anyone
SPORTS                                               walking past the ground will have seen lots of
                                                     activity and enthusiasm at Training nights,
    NEWS ROUND UP                                    matches and Junior coaching evenings.
                                                        Club cricket under the pandemic looked a
                                                     little different and it remains to be seen which of
P&TG Lawn Tennis Club                                the changes are now here to stay. One casualty
Our small club continues to be a thriving part of    of the Covid restrictions was the cricket tea, the
the community and it is so lovely to see people      preparation of which, despite being a cricketing
of all ages enjoying the facilities, through all     tradition, could often create a headache for the
varieties of British weather!                        hosting team captain who would have to
   Having only just finished off the club champs     scramble around looking for willing volunteers.
from 2020 with the covid delays, we are already      Your writer’s preference is for cricket teas to
embarking on club champs 2021 which we hope          return as a quintessentially English part of the
will return to the usual summer time frame.          summer but we will have to wait and see.
   League tennis has been hampered only by the          On the playing front, we have been boosted
rain this year so far. In the junior teams, well     this season by the development of many of our
done to the boys 18&u and 16&u who won their         Colts players and the success of our Winter
leagues. The boys 9&u and 11&u found it              recruitment drive which has seen several new
tougher but everyone has gained some good            senior players returning to the game having
match experience which is important too.             recently moved to the area or even taking up the
   The men’s 1st have played 5 won 4 lost 1 in       game for the first time.
the top division 1. We beat high Wycombe 8-0            At the time of writing, our 1st XI are in 2nd
away but lost 5-3 at home! The men’s 2 pair          place in their League, just 3 points behind
team won all of their 4 matches so far in the        leaders Cadmore End. Our 2nd XI have also
league; the men’s 3 pair won 1 and lost 1 so far.    found some recent form, posting big totals in
   The ladies 1st, 2nd and 4th teams are all first   winning-draws in mid-season. Win or lose,
place in their divisions, the 3rd team are           however, a good social evening has followed
currently in 3rd place.                              which is all part of the enjoyment of playing the
   So many people have had the chance to play        game (and as long as we respect our
team tennis, with the ladies in particular seeing    neighbours).
a fabulous surge in interest.                           Getting the games on takes a big effort and
   Neil is running some junior coaching over the     huge thanks go in particular to Terry Bentley for
summer holidays after 26th July starting from        his work on the playing square to bring it up to a
£8 per session. Full details are available here:     higher standard than has been possible for a
bit.ly/ PTGsummer2021                                couple of years following some unfortunate
   NEW MEMBERS – If you are interested in            natural blights during the preceding Winters.
joining us, or would like to get in touch please     Nick Parry, Alex Woolley and Chris Judge also
visit our website at www.clubspark.lta.org.uk/       deserve thanks for keeping the outfield and
PennTennis or email ptgtennisclub@gmail.com          surrounding areas in their best condition and we
for more information. Kate Noble                     have been greatly helped in this regard by our
                                                     investment in a new outfield mower which is
P&TG Cricket Club                                    doing a great job.
Sponsored by Argent Wealth Management.                  The Junior season has been completed with
We are now well over halfway through our             enthusiasm and we enjoyed working with over
cricket season and it’s been another encouraging     100 local children aged 6-12 on Thursday and
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                        19
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Village Voice August/September 2021
Friday evenings, along with parents grateful to           The ladies had a fabulous season, and the end
grab a couple of hours catching up with friends       of restrictions allowed them to finish their
and making the most of warmer evenings and            season in earnest. An incredible season saw the
the BBQ. Our age group sides have played              ladies team, so soon after their inception, win
through their league season with matches              division 3 outright and will see them promoted
against local rivals, the pick of the bunch being     into division 2 this season. Our ladies section is
our talented U12s who are making a good case          very much part of our overall senior set up and
to be regarded as one the best in South Bucks at      this has shown our commitment resulting a
this age group, with notable victories against        growing and successful team. Our girls section
teams from some of the larger Clubs in the area.      has really taken off this season, with a huge
   If you are interested in playing cricket this      number of girls turning up on a Monday
Summer or next, please contact Nick Barber at         evening to training. During the season we have
nick.barber@sjpp.co.uk. For up-to-date Club           been able to add U9s and U10s to our U11s to
news & Social events follow us on Facebook at         the junior section due to the massive interest
‘Penn & Tylers Green Cricket Club’                    recently. The older girls team have also
   As with any village club or society, our           continued to grow and develop, and the U16
success relies heavily on the hard work of all the    girls winning the cup too. The future for our
volunteers who make everything run smoothly.          girls and ladies sections looks bright!
There is always more that we want to do and it            The junior boys sections have grown this
is impossible to have too many volunteers so if       year, as our quality of facilities and coaches
you want to join the fun and help in any way          attracts boys from across the area. Many of our
(maybe as a match-scorer or umpire), we would         age groups have close to or over 40 players,
be delighted to hear from you. You will receive       which is a testament to the club. With many
a warm welcome from everyone involved with            leagues suspended, the U16s were still able to
the Club. Jon Wilson. jon2wilson@gmail.com            continue and were successful in winning the
                                                      league, a fitting end to their last year as junior
P&TG Football Club                                    footballers. We look forward to seeing what
This season, like so many things in all our lives,    they do as U18 youth players next year!
was stop start. We were very lucky to be able to          Running football of this size requires a huge
resume some football in the final months of the       number of parental volunteers on and off the
season, and give boys, girls and senior players       pitch, for which we are very grateful. We have
the opportunity to play football outside and put      over 100 coaches, all Enhanced DBS checked,
the last year to the back of their minds              who will all have an FA playmaker qualification
   The first team were unable to continue their       as a minimum before the season starts. Quality
league season, but were involved in some              coaching standards are a key part of our club
supplementary cup competitions. It was an             and why we have so many players wanting to
enjoyable cup run, but unfortunately we lost the      play for us. We are also fortunate to have the
final to a team 2 steps up the pyramind to us. It     support of Beaconsfield High School, our Penn
does continue to give us belief that the senior set   Academy, and Sir William Ramsey School. The
up is in a good place for when we recommence          space and quality surfaces on both grass and
football this year. This new season will be a         astroturf at Beaconsfield High School enables
particular challenge as we have been moved            us to accommodate so many children, while
into the South Midlands Sparten League, which         keeping the pitches at the club ’perfect’ for
will see us having to travel to clubs Such as         matches and has played a key part in attracting
Wellingborough, Rushden and Northampton.              players who want to develop. James keating,
Not ideal, especially mid week!                       Press@ptgfc.co.uk
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                        21
Village Voice August/September 2021
                                                   Stidwell Community Award was awarded to
SCHOOLS                                            Lois A.
                                                      Lois is a pupil with a strong sense of justice
     NEWS ROUND UP                                 and supports everyone around her, especially
                                                   those most in need. She is not afraid to speak
                                                   out and will champion a cause, leading others in
Tylers Green Middle School                         a united way. She's not looking for glory, just
Dear Village Voice, when I wrote to you all in     for the right thing to be done. A very worthy
the previous edition, we were planning on lots     winner and one Jean would be exceedingly
of events for the summer and indeed, our pupils    proud of.
enjoyed these experiences with their friends. It      As for parking, I am delighted that the
is a good job that we did do this when we could    Working Party for both schools has met and are
as sadly at the end of term we have needed to      committed to support the safety of children
close the entire school due to positive COVID      attending both village schools. The group are
cases and staff shortages.                         also keen to raise awareness for all stakeholders,
   With plans for our Year 6 pupils to perform     and our village community, about safety and the
their production of Go for Gold, at the eleventh   impact of human behaviours on our
hour this has been cancelled. We did manage to     environment. With traffic numbers increasing, it
record the scenes in school and these shall be     is something that we all have a vested interest in
shared with our Year 6 through google              and there is plenty of work to do. Vanessa Pinkney
classroom.                                         Headteacher
   For our Year 6 Leavers Awards, we plan to
hold this virtually before the end of term and     Tylers Green First School
celebrate the achievements of our entire cohort.   I would like to extend a huge thank you to the
For 2021, we have launched two new awards-         members of our joint working party on school
Leadership and Compass For Life.                   travel. We are lucky enough to have
                                                   representation from both schools’ governing
 Award                         Pupil               bodies, both parish councils, our unitary
 English                       Dan W               councillors and parent representatives. We have
 Maths                         Lucy B              been asking our parents to walk with their
 Science                       Will P              children to school, and if this is not possible, to
 Creative Arts                 Grace D             park at a 5 minute distance and walk the rest of
 Performing Arts               Takura M
 French                        Amelia D
                                                   the way. We are also looking into speed
 Computing                     Kuba S              restrictions outside the school. A few weeks
 Sport                         Hugo B              ago, a child ran out into the road and an accident
 Sport                         Mia J               was only narrowly avoided because the driver
 Public Speaking               Lucas H             was sensibly going very slowly and was able to
 Citizenship Award             Lauretta E          stop in time.
 Progress                      Millie S               We will be introducing a parent parking
 Challenge                     James L
                                                   promise and some parent volunteers to support
 Outstanding Contribution      Bailey G
 Outstanding Contribution      Jemima G            the messaging in September. We will also be
 Compass For Life              Inayah B            joining TGMS in introducing an incentive
 Leadership                    Olivia B            scheme for walking to school. Our search for a
                                                   lollipop person continues – you may have
  In memory of our late Governor Jean              noticed adverts in social media and on our
Stidwell, an additional award of the Jean          school railings. Please pass on to anyone who
22                                                                   www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk
Village Voice August/September 2021
may be interested.                                   because we had to cancel the children’s disco
   We managed to make it almost until the last       back in October. Every class had a turn on the
full week of term before we had “popped”             inflatables and it was a joyful occasion for all.
bubbles and children needing to isolate. We had      We needed something amazing for our amazing
been very careful to keep the class groups apart     children!
so that in each affected year group only one
class needed to isolate. Luckily two classes
were able to return on the 19th for the last three
days. It was heartbreaking that one Year 2 class
missed their last few days with us.
   Our Year 2 leavers did manage an amazing
leavers’ production - 'The last monster in
Scotland' (their topic this term was monsters,
myths and legends!). Two children sang solos
that brought tears to the eyes, and the production
was finished off with a rousing leavers’ song.
As we were unable to have an audience for the
production, Mrs Dredge and the Pauline Quirk
Academy stepped in to support us by filming
the production so that the parents could view the
finished video via a link - this was very much
appreciated by the staff and parents so a big           We have also had another PTA event –
thank you!                                           Teacher/Headteacher for the day. The PTA ran
   Our sports days have been similarly affected      a raffle, with one of the most eagerly anticipated
as we have been cautious about allowing an           prizes being teacher or Headteacher for the day!
audience to events (following guidance from          On Monday 19th, the children who won the
Bucks). The children participated in the events      raffle came to school in teacher clothes,
with support from their sports coaches, and          received a lanyard and planned the lessons for
parents were able to view photos of the event.       the day. Mr T, the Headteacher for the day,
The children still had an amazing time, although     even wrote a contribution for VV!
I am not sure if they enjoyed the running more          Two weeks ago something exciting happened!
or the cheering!!                                    The children were bouncing on
   We are saying a sad goodbye to our PTA            bouncy castles. There were
members from Year 2 who have raised a                three bouncy castles. They
phenomenal amount of money for the school in         were blue and red. The
recent years – 30 new laptops and 6 brand new
classroom screens last year – and this year a
huge contribution to new climbing equipment.
Another huge thank you from us. Our new PTA
members are ready to take over the reins and
continue the amazing work.
   One of the most memorable events from this
year has to be our “Bouncy day”, which we
managed to have in a covid-safe way and before
any bubbles burst! This was organised and
staffed by the PTA who booked the event
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                       23
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Village Voice August/September 2021
slide bounced the children up the ladders and                changed yet again, but at the moment the talk is
down the slide. Lots of people pulled the                    all of the ‘pingdemic’, with positive covid cases
bouncy pillars down and climbed on them.                     swirling all around. So my team and I are glad
There was one you just bounce on. I went on all              to have the chance to take stock, breather and
of them, I rolled down the big slope and I landed            for those who are not yet ‘double jabbed’ to do
on my feet. The children were very happy and                 just that before we’re back to it again in a few
hot. The children said it was the best day ever!             weeks’ time. Having said a fond farewell to
Jude Talbot Heateacher                                       many of our lovely children over the past few
                                                             days, we will pick ourselves up and be ready to
Village Pre-School                                           welcome our new cohort from early September.
Unfortunately we had to cancel plans to hold a               With a brand new curriculum from the
sports day this year. However, we will continue              government to start delivering as we re-open,
with our plans for a leaver’s party, adapting                it’ll be a busy summer!
them slightly to ensure we follow the current                   Ghana Library Update: A Little Oaks
guidance. Following a party in the morning with              family (then resident in Tylers Green) who
hot-dogs we will then take the children over to              moved to Ghana last year have, happily,
the park for their presentations. Parents will be            remained in touch. A few months ago, mum
emailed the slide show originally planned to be              Afia messaged me to let me know the
shown during the presentations. We still plan a              following: “I thought to reach out to you as I
picnic in the park afterwards, and to also have              have a project going on in Ghana that you may
Glyn Goodman’s presentation in the park.                     be able to help me with. As part of celebrations
Thank you to everyone who contacted me with                  for my Dad’s 70th birthday in August of this
pictures or words for me to pass on to her.                  year, we are building a library in his village in
   Our parents committee have fund-raised over               his honour. It is a very rural village and from
the past couple of years, regardless of Covid and            our investigations, literacy is at about 20% in
we have a significant amount of funds. We hope               children of school going ages between 5-15
to get agreement from the Church to have a                   years of age. We would like to encourage
permanent canopy installed outside so we can                 reading and literacy in the area and as a result
enjoy a dry space even on the wettest of days.               we are building the library. We are also holding
   Finally, I would like to pass on my                       a series of reading workshops with teachers and
condolences to the family and friends of Peter               children. I would be so very grateful if you have
Stevens, the Senior Church Steward, who sadly                any old books you would be able to donate. Any
passed away on 5 July. Peter was a great                     books on any subjects from preschool to GCSE
advocate of the Pre-school and supported us for              level as well as fiction, history etc. If you do, I
many, many years. He will be greatly missed.                 am very happy to send someone to pick up
For all enquiries, please contact Nicky Lovegrove on 01494   boxes of books to ship to me in Ghana.”
817093 or by email at: thevillagepreschooltylersgreen@          And as ever, Little Oaks families and friends
outlook.com Take care all and keep safe                      leapt generously into action and we were able to
                                                             collect an amazing 40 bags and boxes of books,
Little Oaks 2020 - 2021                                      all in great condition, to send to Ghana. On 29th
Somehow, apart from just one closure at our                  June a large vehicle arrived and we loaded up
Tylers Green site in January, we have otherwise              – they were on their way! We hope to hear soon
made it through the year, our doors remaining                that they’ve reached their destination, and will
open since September through to the middle of                share any photos of the library when we can.
July. Phew!                                                  Thanks to all who participated! Ruthie Pocock,
  As you read this the picture may have                      Principal, Little Oaks Nurseries
www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk                                                                                25
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