OUR COMMUNITY! WELCOME TO - Suffolk University

Page created by Juanita Morales
OUR COMMUNITY! WELCOME TO - Suffolk University
GET TO KNOW                             SUBMIT YOUR                               communicate with you; check
US ONLINE                               ENROLLMENT DEPOSIT                        your Suffolk inbox regularly for
                                                                                  updates. If you need help with this
Suffolk.edu/admitted is the go-to       To confirm your place, please submit
                                                                                  email account or your portal login,
information hub for all accepted        your enrollment deposit. If you want
                                                                                  contact the Information Technology
students. You’ll find even more         to request University-sponsored
                                                                                  Service Desk at 617-557-2000 or
information on your admission portal.   housing, submit an $800 resident
Log in at uga.suffolk.edu/status.       student enrollment deposit. If you will
                                        be commuting, submit a $500 off-
REVIEW YOUR FINANCIAL                   campus student enrollment deposit.        ARRANGE YOUR
AID INFORMATION                         Submit your deposit as soon as            HOUSING
We will send a letter to the email      possible either in your application       If you are a first-year student,
address you provided on your            portal or by visiting suffolk.edu/        submitting your deposit by May 1
admission application detailing your    admitted. The enrollment deposit          guarantees your spot in University-
financial aid package for you to        deadline is May 1 or the date on          sponsored housing for two years. If
share with your family. The priority    your acceptance letter. All students—     you are a transfer student, you may
financial aid deadline is March 1.      including those with outside              be eligible for University-sponsored
However, you can submit an              scholarships and/or government            housing for fall 2023 and spring
application after that date at          funding—must submit an enrollment         2024. Please contact the Department
fafsa.gov, and we will do our best      deposit.                                  of Residence Life & Housing Services
to work with you. Our federal code                                                for more information at 617-305-2500,
is 002218.                              CHECK YOUR SUFFOLK                        reslife@suffolk.edu, or suffolk.edu/
                                        UNIVERSITY EMAIL                          reslife.
If you have questions about your
                                        Starting in early May, we’ll create       On May 10, we’ll confirm University-
aid package, the Student Financial
                                        a University email account for            sponsored housing and send
Services staff can help. Find your
                                        you. You’ll receive your account          instructions on how to access
counselor, assigned based on the
                                        information via the email address         the housing portal. You’ll find out
first letter of your last name, at
suffolk.edu/student-financial-          you shared on your admission              your University-sponsored housing
services/contact-us.                    application. Suffolk University           assignment and information about
                                        email is the primary way we will          your roommate(s) in July.
OUR COMMUNITY! WELCOME TO - Suffolk University
If you are already in the United States
                                                                                       in F-1 or J-1 status, please submit a
                                                                                       copy of your current I-20 or DS-2019,
                                                                                       a copy of your current visa, and the
                                                                                       Suffolk transfer release form to the
                                                                                       international advisor at your current
                                                                                       school so that your SEVIS record
                                                                                       can be released to our office. Once
                                                                                       we receive your completed transfer
                                                                                       release form, as well as your other
If you plan to live off campus,            If you have been accepted to our            required documents, we will create
Residence Life & Housing Services          Madrid campus, felicitaciones! You          your Suffolk I-20 or DS-2019.
has resources for every stage of           will be invited to a specific orientation
your housing search—from providing         session so you can connect with             International students must plan
lists of trustworthy realtors to           your cohort and learn more about            their travels to be able to participate
helping you find roommates. Visit          the Suffolk Madrid experience. You’ll       in the mandatory new international
offcampushousing.suffolk.edu for           receive additional information via email.   student orientation and immigration
more information.                                                                      check-in on August 31–September 2.
                                           FOR INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                       Visit suffolk.edu/isso for
TAKE THE ONLINE MATH                       STUDENTS
                                                                                       more information and email
PLACEMENT EXAM/                            Suffolk’s International Student             isso@suffolk.edu with any questions.
WRITING PLACEMENT                          Services Office (ISSO) works with
SURVEY & REGISTER                          international students who need             SUBMIT REQUESTS FOR
FOR COURSES                                immigration documents to apply              DISABILITY SERVICES
New students must complete the             for their student visas. To begin
                                                                                       The University’s commitment to the
math placement exam/writing                the process, submit a completed
                                                                                       success of all students means we
placement survey and register for first-   Certificate of Finances form (found
                                                                                       ensure full access to Suffolk programs
semester courses before arriving at        at suffolk.edu/isso), plus a bank
                                                                                       and services. If you have a learning
orientation. This will help you build a    statement and a copy of your
                                                                                       disability, attention-deficit/hyperactivity
schedule that fits your academic and       passport ID page, to the Office of
                                                                                       disorder, physical/mobility disability
personal interests. You will receive       Undergraduate Admission. Once we
                                                                                       and/or system disorder, autism
final academic advising and schedule       have received these documents, you
                                                                                       spectrum disorder, mental health
confirmation during orientation. You       will be issued an I-20 or DS-2019
                                                                                       condition, neurological disorder,
must participate in orientation            form for your visa application. You
                                                                                       deafness or hearing loss, blindness or
to finalize your registered course         may schedule an interview at the
                                                                                       low vision, and/or a medical condition,
schedule and complete the                  nearest U.S. consulate after you
                                                                                       the University provides services to
registration process. Instructions         receive your immigration documents
                                                                                       accommodate your needs.
for completing these steps will be         from us. Please note: The U.S.
available in your admission portal         consulate will issue visas up to 120        You must provide relevant diagnostic
beginning in mid-May.                      days before the start of your program,      documentation clearly identifying a
                                           so it is important to begin the process     disability that requires services. Please
Note: If you are a transfer student
                                           as soon as possible. You are allowed        send all diagnostic documentation
who has completed Suffolk’s math
                                           to enter the U.S. on your new visa          and supporting materials to the Office
requirement through a transferred
                                           no more than 30 days before the             of Disability Services by mail, fax,
course, you do not need to take this       start of your program, so please            or email. You will find more details,
exam but should still register for         be careful when scheduling your
                                                                                       including contact information, at
courses before orientation.                travel plans.
REGISTER FOR & ATTEND                       sessions. Families learn about campus        SUBMIT YOUR HEALTH
SUMMER AND FALL                             services and resources; get acquainted       INFORMATION
ORIENTATIONS                                with faculty, staff, and current students;
                                                                                         Please review the New Student Health
                                            and meet other families. We encourage
Orientation is designed to help students                                                 Requirements checklist at suffolk.edu/
                                            family members to attend orientation         student-life/health-wellness/health-
transition to college and assist families
                                            with their student.                          services.
in understanding their students’
experience during this exciting time.       Veterans or Students Currently               Health Insurance
Joining Suffolk’s academic community        Serving in the Military
                                                                                         All registered Suffolk students
is an important milestone, and we are       All veteran, active service, and
                                                                                         (domestic or international) enrolled in at
excited to celebrate it with you.           reservist students are required to
                                                                                         least 75 percent of a full-time academic
                                            attend orientation. If you have trouble
New first-year students are required to                                                  program must have a qualified health
                                            attending the specific orientation
attend a two-day summer orientation                                                      insurance plan for the academic year.
                                            designed for veterans and students
and stay overnight in a residence                                                        If you do not have one, you must
                                            currently serving in the military due to
hall. Transfer students are required                                                     participate in the Suffolk Student
                                            deployment, travel, or location, please
to attend a one-day session. We will                                                     Health Insurance Plan (SSHIP). Eligible
                                            contact Orientation, New Student &
offer sessions on different dates to                                                     students will automatically be enrolled
                                            Family Programs at 617-573-8321 or
accommodate your busy schedule.                                                          in SSHIP and charged the policy
                                            orientation@suffolk.edu. If you have
                                                                                         premium. Your health insurance card
Additionally, new students must attend      additional questions regarding veteran
                                                                                         will be mailed to the address you supply
a required one-day fall orientation         educational benefits, please contact
                                                                                         at e-Checkin upon arrival at Suffolk.
session on September 4.                     the RAM Registration & Financial
                                                                                         Students who do not wish to subscribe
                                            Center at 617-573-8470 or
                                                                                         to SSHIP and who are enrolled in
Orientation Dates                           RAMCenter@suffolk.edu.
                                                                                         another qualifying health plan must
All new students must attend both
                                            How to Register for Orientation              go to universityhealthplans.com to
summer and fall orientation before
                                            Once you have submitted your                 waive the plan for 2023–2024. If you
classes start. Please log in and choose
                                            enrollment deposit, you can register for     have questions about this process,
your summer orientation session from
                                            new student and family orientation via       please call University Health Plans at
the list of available options. Multiple
                                            your admission portal at uga.suffolk.        1-888-251-1113.
dates are offered to accommodate
                                            edu/status. You’ll find registration
students living outside New England                                                      Please note: All international
(including international students),         instructions at suffolk.edu/orientation.
                                                                                         students must purchase SSHIP,
nontraditional students, and students       The registration deadline is June 1.
                                                                                         with the exception of:
who are completing military service.
                                            Special Accommodations
                                                                                         Those international students whose
All students will be automatically          If a student or family member has a
                                                                                         sponsoring institutions have a signed
registered for the required fall            disability that may affect participation
                                                                                         agreement with Suffolk that satisfies
orientation on September 4.                 in orientation, please contact
                                                                                         the University’s health insurance
                                            Disability Services at 617-573-8034 or
                                                                                         waiver requirements
You can find detailed information at        disabilityservices@suffolk.edu. Please
suffolk.edu/orientation. If you find        indicate any food allergies, dietary
                                                                                         International students covered by
that you have a scheduling conflict after   restrictions, or mobility concerns online
                                                                                         health insurance companies with
reviewing the available sessions, please    when making your reservation.
                                                                                         a home office based in the United
contact Orientation, New Student &
                                            If you have questions about orientation,     States, and whose policy provides
Family Programs at 617-573-8321
                                            new student programs, or registering         coverage comparable to that of
or orientation@suffolk.edu for help.
                                            for classes, please contact Orientation,     SSHIP.
Summer Family Orientation                   New Student & Family Programs
Suffolk offers a comprehensive family       at orientation@suffolk.edu or
orientation along with all student          617-573-8321.
International students who do not         the Required Immunization Record           →   International Education
fall under the conditions above must      form under New Student Health                   and Study Away
purchase SSHIP and therefore are          Requirements at suffolk.edu/chw            →   Learning & Academic Success
not eligible for a waiver.                and submit it to the Department of
                                                                                     Learn more about the many ways
                                          Counseling, Health & Wellness by
All out-of-state students with                                                       these resources can help you by
                                          September 1, 2023. Failure to comply
insurance plans that do not provide                                                  visiting the division or calling 617-573-
                                          will result in a hold on your course
emergency and non-emergency                                                          8034. You will find more details at
coverage for treatment with                                                          suffolk.edu/studentsuccess.
Massachusetts medical and mental
                                          TRANSFER YOUR CREDITS
health providers must purchase                                                       PAY YOUR TUITION BILL
SSHIP.                                    Your transfer credit equivalency report
                                                                                     We’ll post your fall 2023 tuition bill
                                          and your program evaluation can be
Waiver Information                                                                   to SU Pay, your online billing and
                                          found in your admission portal. Please
If you have an alternative qualifying     be sure to have an official updated        payment gateway, for you and your
health insurance plan, you must                                                      parents/guardians to view in late
                                          transcript sent from your previous
complete the online waiver form by                                                   June or early July. This bill, which
                                          institution once you have completed
September 30, 2023, to opt out of                                                    will exist only in SU Pay and will not
                                          your final classes. It is important that
SSHIP. We will notify you when the                                                   be mailed to you, is due on August 1.
                                          we receive this information before
waiver is available and provide more                                                 Please set up your parents/guardians
                                          orientation so that you can build an
detailed information.                                                                as authorized users on SU Pay so
                                          appropriate course schedule with
                                                                                     they will have access to this bill, too.
Required Proof of COVID-19                an academic advisor. As these final
                                                                                     To access your SU Pay account, log
Vaccination                               transcripts are received, any new
                                                                                     into the MySuffolk portal and navigate
The University requires students          coursework approved for transfer will
                                                                                     to the My Finances tab. If you have
and employees to have the initial         be posted to your online evaluation.
                                                                                     questions about your bill, including
series of the COVID-19 vaccine plus       Please note that all transcripts must
one booster shot, if eligible, before                                                how to pay it, please contact the RAM
                                          be received within 30 days of your
coming to campus for fall semester.                                                  Registration & Financial Center at
                                          initial enrollment. For information on
Accommodations are available for                                                     RAMCenter@suffolk.edu.
                                          our transfer policy, please visit
students who are unable to obtain         suffolk.edu/advancedstanding.              NOTE: Some or all instruction for
the vaccine for medical or religious                                                 all or part of the academic year
reasons. Students are required to         THE DIVISION OF STUDENT                    may be delivered remotely. Tuition
upload their COVID-19 vaccination         SUCCESS                                    and mandatory fees have been set
card by June 1, 2023, to the Suffolk                                                 regardless of the method of instruction
                                          The Division of Student Success is
University health portal. Students will                                              and will not be refunded in the event
                                          made up of five offices with a single
receive a detailed email in mid-May                                                  instruction occurs remotely for any part
                                          goal: to help you make the most of
that includes compliance information                                                 of the academic year.
                                          every academic opportunity available
and instructions on how to upload a
                                          to you at Suffolk—from your first day
vaccination card.
                                          and beyond. Four of these offices are
Required Immunization Records             located at 73 Tremont Street on the
If you are enrolled in a full-time        ninth floor, while the Career Center is
academic program or you are               on the ground floor:
an international student, the             →   Academic Advising
Massachusetts Department of Public
Health requires that you submit           →   Career Center
certain immunization records to           →   Disability Services
Suffolk University. Please download
→   March 1: Financial aid priority        →   June 1: Financial aid priority filing   →     ugust 31–September 2:
    deadline                                      deadline (fafsa.gov) for transfer            Mandatory international new
                                                  students                                     student orientation and immigration
→   Mid-March: Orientation registration                                                       check-in (suffolk.edu/isso)
    opens at suffolk.edu/orientation        →    une 1: Deadline to upload COVID-
    (required for all new students)             19 vaccination information                →     eptember 1: Deadline to submit
                                                                                               required health and immunization
→   May 1: Submit your enrollment          →   June 1: Deadline to register for new          records to the student health portal
    deposit to suffolk.edu/admitted              student and family orientation                (suffolk.edu/healthrequirements)
     by this date or the date listed on
    your acceptance letter                  →   Late June/Early July: Invoice for        →    September 3: Move-in for new
                                                fall tuition posted                             resident students living in University-
→   May 5: All accepted international
    students who have been issued           →   In July: University-sponsored                  sponsored housing. Please note:
                                                 housing assignments emailed to                 move-in dates and times will be
    form I-20 or form DS-2019 may
                                                 resident students                              assigned
    apply for visas at their nearest U.S.
    embassy or consulate (suffolk.          →   July 31: Last day to submit              →    September 4: Attend mandatory
    edu/isso)                                    documents for a new I-20 or                    fall orientation for new students

→    ay 10: Online math placement
     M                                           DS-2019                                  →     eptember 5: New Student
    exam/writing placement survey and       →   August 1: Deadline to pay fall                Convocation and Welcome BBQ
    course registration available; follow
    the instructions you’ll receive via
                                                 semester tuition (suffolk.edu/           →    September 5: Evening classes
                                                 payment)                                       begin
                                            →   August 31: Move-in for new               →
→   May 10: University housing portal           international students living in
                                                                                               September 6: Day classes begin
     instructions emailed to deposited           University-sponsored housing             →    September 30: Deadline to
    students                                                                                    waive University-sponsored health
                                                                                                insurance coverage (suffolk.edu/
Dates subject to change                                                                         healthrequirements)

Academic Advising Center                        617-573-8034                                  suffolk.edu/advising
Career Center                                   617-573-8034                                  suffolk.edu/careers
Counseling, Health & Wellness                   617-573-8226                                  suffolk.edu/chw
Disability Services                             617-573-8034                                  suffolk.edu/disability
                                                (TTY 617-994-6813)
Information Technology Service Desk             617-557-2000                                  suffolk.edu/its
International Student Services                  617-573-8034                                  suffolk.edu/isso
Learning & Academic Success                     617-573-8034                                  suffolk.edu/clas
Orientation, New Student                        617-573-8321                                  suffolk.edu/orientation
& Family Programs
Residence Life & Housing Services               617-305-2500                                  suffolk.edu/reslife
Student Accounts                                617-573-8470                                  suffolk.edu/sas
Student Financial Services                      617-573-8470                                  suffolk.edu/finaid
Undergraduate Admission                         617-573-8460                                  suffolk.edu/undergraduate-admission
MAJORS                       Environmental Science         Management3                  MINORS
Accounting2                  Environmental Studies          Business Analysis           Most majors are available
                               Environmental Policy         Diversity, Equity &         as minors. Students may
                               Urban Environmentalism       Inclusion                   also minor in:
Art History                                                                             Arts Administration
Biochemistry                 Finance2
                                                            Nonprofit Management        Asian Studies
                               Corporate Finance
Biology                                                                                 Black Studies
                               Financial Institutions      Marketing3
 Biotechnology                                                                          Business Law
                               Financial Planning           Digital Marketing
 Health Careers                                                                         Classics
                               FinTech (Financial           Global Marketing
 Marine Science                                                                         Creative Writing
                               Technology)                  Product Innovation &
Business Analytics                                          Brand Marketing             Cybersecurity
& Information Systems2                                                                  Diversity, Equity &
                                                            Sports Marketing
 Business Analytics          Financial Wealth
                             Management2                   Mathematics
 Cybersecurity                                                                          Education Studies
                             Global & Cultural              Actuarial Science
 FinTech (Financial                                                                     FinTech (Financial
                             Communications                 Pure Mathematics
 Technology)                                                                            Technology)
                             Global Business3              Media & Film
 Information Systems                                                                    Forensic Science
                             Global Cultural Studies       Philosophy
Business Economics                                                                      Foundational Studies (Art)
                               Culture, Conflict &          Applied Ethics
Chemistry                                                                               International Business
                               Communication               Political Science1
Computer Science                                                                        Leadership
                               Global Business              American Politics1
Corporate Accounting &                                                                  Nonprofit Management
                               Interdisciplinary Arts       Political Theory1
Finance3                                                                                Physics
                               Regional Practices           Public Policy & Law1
Criminal Justice1                                                                       Public Service
                             Graphic Design                Politics, Philosophy &
Economics                                                                               Real Estate
                             History                       Economics
English                                                                                 Religious Studies
                               Public History              Psychology
 Creative Writing                                                                       Social Impact
                               Regional & Global           Public Relations
 Literature                                                                             Social Media
                                                           Radiation Science            Women’s & Gender
 Public & Professional         United States History
 Writing                                                   Radiation Therapy            Studies
                             History & Literature
Entrepreneurship2                                          Sociology1                   Youth & Community
                             Interior Design                                            Studies
 Corporate                                                 Spanish
 Entrepreneurship            International Relations1, 4
                                                           Sports Management            1 Offered as a 3-year or 4-year
                                                                                           degree program
 Family Entrepreneurship     Journalism
                                                           Studio Art                   2 Major courses available in evening
 Launching a New             Law                                                        3 Some major courses available in
                                                           Theatre                         evening
 Venture                                                                                4 Offered as a 4-year degree
 Social Entrepreneurship                                                                   program at Boston & Madrid
                                                                                                                                PRODUCED BY OMC 100222B

Pre-professional advising is available for students interested in
pre-dental, pre-law, pre-medical, pre-optometry, and pre-veterinary.

Suffolk University • 73 Tremont Street • Boston, MA 02108
suffolk.edu/undergraduate-admission • suffolk.edu/ugvisit
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