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Addressing Addiction & Mental Health in the Workplace

AHS Staff Prevention and
Health Promotion Handouts
for Workplace Consultation
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Workplace health model
         Among the goals of workplace health promotion       be adapted to fit with other workplace health
         are preventing the development of addiction and     initiatives, including interventions aimed at
         mental health problems, and reducing the harm       mental health and tobacco use.
         associated with them. Workplace health refers to
         an organization’s ability to promote and maintain
         the physical and mental health of its employees.                             Policy
         It is also about reducing risks to employees’                             development

         health and wellness through safe work practices,
         healthy work environments and the responsible
                                                                  Assistance and                  Information and
         hosting of company events.                                 treatment                    education programs

         More than 67% of the population over the age of
         15 are in the workforce, and spend an average
         of 60% of their waking hours in the workplace,
         or have meaningful involvement with other
                                                                         Regulation         Health promotion
         workplace environments, including schools,                        of use              programs
         apprentice and vocational programs, and health-
         care settings.1 The workplace has a strong
         influence on employee health and wellness
         and, in turn, affects the family and community.     Policy development
         A healthy workplace is one where employees
                                                             A written company policy signals a corporate
         enjoy a safe and healthy work environment,
                                                             commitment to substance abuse prevention, mental
         where they have strong and supportive working
                                                             health promotion and employee health. Corporate
         relationships that give them a sense of control
                                                             policy provides the basis for further interventions.
         and influence over what happens to them, and
                                                             When developing a policy, it is important to
         where they are encouraged and supported
                                                             address the following:
         to look after their own health, both at work and
         at home.                                            1.     consultation with the workforce during

         Intervention strategies                             2.     universal application
                                                             3.     adaptation to the specific organization
         Workplace programs are more effective when
         an organizational, comprehensive approach           4.     comprehensive coverage and specific
                                                                    procedures for responding to different issues
         is taken. Tim Stockwell and others2 outline
                                                                    (e.g., drug use in the workplace)
         how interventions to reduce the risk posed
                                                             5.     education on, and awareness of, company
         by substance use in the workplace fall into
         five broad categories. These categories can

                                                                                                          Handout 1, Module 1
                                                                                                          AHS 2014
                                                                                                          1-17 It’s Our Business
6.     education and training on the implementation of   Assistance and treatment
                  company policies
                                                                    Assistance and treatment commonly involves
           7.     pace implementation
                                                                    referring employees to an employee assistance
           8.     evaluation of stated objectives                   program for help with issues such as alcohol
                                                                    and other drug use problems, and mental health
           Information and education programs                       issues.
           A key aspect of providing a comprehensive
           approach to any intervention or program within           References
           the workplace is providing health information            1.   Alberta Health Services–Workplace
           to all employees (e.g., information on why                    Health Team. (2011). Workplace Health
           alcohol and other drug use can be a problem                   Improvement Project: Training manual.
           in the workplace setting). Education programs                 Calgary, AB: Author.
           can focus on the company’s policies, health
           risks and other problems associated with not             2.   Stockwell, T., Gruenewald, P., Toumbourou,
           addressing health issues, and tools employees                 J., & Loxley, W. (Eds.). (2005). Preventing
           can use to assess their own or others’ health                 harmful substance use: The evidence base
           behaviour. Education programs can also provide                for policy and practice. Chichester, England:
           information on where to go for help.                          Wiley.

           Health promotion programs                                For more information
           Health promotion programs have the ability
                                                                    Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental
           to change health environments and teach
                                                                    Health offices offer a range of prevention and
           participants how to improve or maintain their
                                                                    treatment services to assist businesses in
           health, for example by making healthier choices
                                                                    managing workplace addiction and mental
           related to substance misuse, stress management
                                                                    health concerns. For more information, and to
           and exercise.
                                                                    find an addiction and mental health services
                                                                    office near you, please call the 24-hour Addiction
           Regulation of use
                                                                    Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour
           Regulation of use has a number of functions, and         Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For
           may include measures such as banning alcohol             more workplace-specific resources, please visit:
           and other drug use, and compliance alcohol               http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp
           and drug testing. For more information on drug
           testing and what to consider when choosing
           whether or not to have a drug testing policy,
           request the following handouts:

                • Steps to Consider When Developing a Policy
                  (Handout 1, Module 5)
                • Alcohol and Drug Testing (Handout 2, Module 5)
                • Making Policy Work (Handout 3, Module 5)

Handout 1, Module 1
AHS 2014
1-18 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Business case for workplace health
         Why the workplace?                                   Board (WCB) costs, and recruitment and
                                                              retention costs. Indirect costs are those for
         The workplace, where people spend an average
                                                              which resources are lost. These costs include
         of 60% of their waking hours, greatly affects
                                                              productivity, absenteeism and presenteeism.
         physical, mental and social well-being. There is
         conclusive evidence that the infrastructure of       The benefits of workplace health programming
         the workplace can provide a support network          for employees include increased health
         that will encourage and promote healthy              knowledge, increased job satisfaction, physical
         lifestyle practices at both the individual and       benefits, reduced risk of depression, more
         organizational level. There are other key reasons    energy and less stress.
         why workplaces are an ideal setting to
         promote health:                                      Benefits outweigh the costs
           • Workplaces have access to a large number         Substance abuse in the workplace is a
             of people on a regular basis and can provide     concern for everyone: workers, leaders and
             ongoing support to employees.
                                                              managers, business owners and taxpayers. It
           • Workplaces have access to groups who may be      is hard to measure the true economic costs of
             hard to reach otherwise (e.g., minority groups
                                                              workplace substance use in Canada. It can be
             and people who do not visit doctors and other
                                                              difficult, for instance, to directly link substance
             health professionals regularly).
                                                              use with lowered productivity, absenteeism
           • Workplaces are convenient places for people to
                                                              and accidents. As a result, the true costs of
             get information and support.
                                                              workplace substance abuse remain hidden.
           • Workplaces can provide the necessary
                                                              But there are human and economic costs to
             supportive social environment.
                                                              workplace substance abuse, both direct and
         Reasons to invest in                                 indirect, and the costs are significant.
         employee health                                      In 2002, annual productivity losses in Canada
         Workplace health programming has substantial         due to substance abuse were estimated at $11.8
         positive effects on an organization’s bottom         billion, which included
         line and the return on investment (ROI) can be
                                                                • $4.1 billion for alcohol
                                                                • $823.1 million for illegal drugs1
         A comprehensive approach to workplace health
                                                              This is the equivalent of 1.29% of Canada’s
         can help reduce both direct and indirect costs
                                                              gross domestic product (GDP) that year, or $313
         to an organization. Direct costs are those for
                                                              per Canadian.1 These productivity losses say
         which payments are made. These costs include
                                                              nothing about the cost of human suffering or
         health care costs (e.g., drug and hospital costs),
                                                              other impacts on the workplace.
         insurance premiums, Workers’ Compensation

                                                                                                         Handout 2, Module 1
                                                                                                         AHS 2014
                                                                                                         1-19 It’s Our Business
The Conference Board of Canada estimates that          However, when workplace health programs are in
           every employee who smokes costs a company              place, employers have been able to cut costs while
           $3,396 per year through increased absenteeism,         caring for their employees. There is a significant
           decreased productivity and the costs associated        ROI for organizations that invest in their employees’
           with maintaining and cleaning outside                  health. Programs that demonstrated the largest
           smoking areas.2                                        returns focused on long-term behaviour change,
                                                                  used tailored communication methods and
           Alcohol abuse costs the Alberta economy $855           incorporated individualized counselling for high-
           million in lost productivity and $407 million for      risk individuals. Here are two examples:
           direct health care services.3
                                                                  1.   Eight organizations in Halifax calculated an
                                                                       ROI of $1.64 for every dollar invested in a
           Mental health in the workplace                              comprehensive workplace wellness program.8
           Mental illness, which includes the most common         2.   A Canadian government corporate wellness
           mental health disorders, such as depression                 programs reported a return of $1.95–$3.75 per
           and anxiety, costs the Canadian economy a                   employee for every dollar spent.9
           staggering $51 billion a year, with one-third of
           that due to lost productivity.4                        What you can do
           According to the World Health Organization,            As a leader, you have the front-line responsibility
           depression will rank second only to heart              of making sure that employees report for work
           disease as the leading cause of disability             and remain fit to perform their duties safely and
           worldwide by the year 2020. Mental health              effectively. However, you aren’t expected to do
           problems and illnesses are rated as one of the         it alone. As a leader, you can take responsibility
           top three drivers of both short- and long-term         for initiating discussions or ensuring that training
           disability claims by more than 80% of Canadian         occurs so that all employees are clear about their
           employers.                                             responsibilities. You can also promote fitness for
                                                                  work by setting a good example and intervening
           Mental health problems and illnesses account           when required.
           for more than $6 billion in lost productivity costs
           due to absenteeism and preseenteeism.5                 Ultimately, a troubled employee is responsible
                                                                  for his or her own change. Your role is to identify
           A recent stress-reduction program in a branch          the impact on his or her performance and identify
           of the Halifax provincial government reduced           sources of assistance. You and your employees
           absenteeism by 27%.6                                   are partners in obtaining good work performance.
                                                                  These tools will help you fulfill your role as a
           Costs to organizations and                             workplace role model and leader more effectively.
           return on investment (ROI)
           Employee illness and injury add significantly to the
           cost of doing business. Employee absence alone
           costs Canadian businesses about $8.6 billion per
           year.7 In addition, Canadian organizations report
           an annual absenteeism rate of 6.6 days lost per
           full-time employee, which equates to about 2.6%
           of their total payroll.

Handout 2, Module 1
AHS 2014
1-20 It’s Our Business
8.   Lowe, G. (2012). Creating healthy
References                                               organizations: How vibrant workplaces inspire
1.   Rehm, J., Ballunas, D., Brochu, S., Fischer,        employees to achieve sustainable success.
     B., Gnam, W., Patra, J., Popovan, S.,               Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
     Sarnocinska-Hart, A., & Taylor, B. (2006).
     The costs of substance abuse in Canada,        9.   Alberta Health Services—Workplace Health
     2002. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on                Team. (2011). Workplace Health Improvement
     Substance Abuse. Retrieved from http://             Project: Training manual. Calgary, AB: Author.
     Documents/ccsa-011332-2006.pdf                 For more information
                                                    Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental
2.   Conference Board of Canada. (2006).
                                                    Health offices offer a range of prevention and
     Smoking and the bottom line: Updating the
                                                    treatment services to assist businesses in
     costs of smoking in the workplace. Ottawa,
                                                    managing workplace addiction and mental
     ON: Author. Retrieved from http://www.
                                                    health concerns. For more information, and to
                                                    find an addiction and mental health services
                                                    office near you, please call the 24-hour Addiction
3.   Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse                 Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour
     Commission and Alberta Gaming and Liquor       Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For
     Commission. (2007). Developing an Alberta      more workplace-specific resources, please visit:
     Alcohol Strategy: Background information.      http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp
     Edmonton, AB: Author. Retrieved from

4.   Abma, D. (2012, January 20). Depression
     costs Canada $51 billion per year. Postmedia
     News. Retrieved from http://www.canada.

5.   Mental Health Commission of Canada.
     (2012). The facts. Calgary, AB: Author.
     Retrieved from http://strategy.

6.   Centre for Health Promotion, University of
     Toronto. (2003). The case for comprehensive
     workplace health promotion: Making “cents”
     of a good idea. Toronto, ON: Author.

7.   Industrial Accident Prevention Association.
     (2008). The business case for a healthy
     workplace. Mississauga, ON: Author.
     Retrieved from http://www.iapa.ca/pdf/

                                                                                             Handout 2, Module 1
                                                                                             AHS 2014
                                                                                             1-21 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Workplace health programs: Frequently
         asked questions
         Do these programs cost a lot?                                and safety committees they can join or a
                                                                      suggestion box they can contribute to)
         Workplace health programs do not have to be
         costly. Low-cost activities include providing           We offered a tobacco
         brochures and resource information, having              cessation program and
         a speaker come in at lunch (many health                 nobody came. Why?
         organizations provide free speakers, including
                                                                 It’s very important to involve employees in
         your employee assistance program/employee
                                                                 making decisions about programs that you hope
         and family assistance program) or having
                                                                 they will attend. Not everybody who smokes
         workers organize fitness activities at lunchtime
                                                                 is interested in quitting—that might be too big
         or after work.
                                                                 a step. To encourage and support employee
                                                                 participation, it may be important to include and
         How do we encourage people                              offer support such as incentives for participation,
         to participate in health–                               providing a supportive environment and
         promoting activities?                                   providing work time to participate.
         Make them fun! Activities that require too
                                                                 Some smokers might be interested in looking
         much effort, equipment or planning may seem
                                                                 at ways to cut down, while others might like
         overwhelming. Make it easy for people to
                                                                 to attend an information session on nicotine
         participate by keeping activities simple. It’s also
                                                                 patches or other methods to quit with
         important to ask employees for their input. A
                                                                 assistance. Start where your audience is and
         committee can decide that there are too many
                                                                 provide programs that they are interested in.
         overweight employees, for instance, and that an
         exercise room is the answer. But if employees
         aren’t interested in exercising, and would rather       References
         attend a weight loss support group at lunch, then       1.   Health Canada. (n.d.). Tobacco reduction—
         the exercise equipment might not get used. Other             common questions. Ottawa, ON: Author.
         ways to encourage people to participate include              Retrieved from http://www.health.alberta.ca/
           • giving employees incentives for participating
           • providing work time for employees to                2.   Statistics Canada. (2010). Canadian Tobacco
             participate                                              Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS). Ottawa,
           • developing methods for employees to provide              ON: Author. Retrieved from http://www.
             input on the activities or things they would like        hc-sc.gc.ca/hc-ps/tobac-tabac/research-
             to see provided in the workplace (e.g., health           recherche/stat/index-eng.php

                                                                                                           Handout 1, Module 2
                                                                                                           AHS 2014
                                                                                                           2-37 It’s Our Business
For more information
          Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental Health offices offer a range of prevention and treatment
          services to assist businesses in managing workplace addiction and mental health concerns. For more
          information, and to find an addiction and mental health services office near you, please call the
          24-hour Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642.
          For more workplace-specific resources, please visit: http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp

Handout 1, Module 2
AHS 2014
2-38 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Ways to promote workplace health
           • Have pamphlets, videos and books available              • Introduce flexibility in work scheduling to assist
             to your employees on topics like smoking,                 employees in balancing their work and family
             alcohol and drug use, problem gambling,                   needs. Allow them to adjust their schedule so
             stress management, weight control and anger               they can successfully care for aging parents,
             management.                                               raise a family or adjust to physical ailments.
                                                                       Explore alternatives like job sharing and
           • Provide courses and seminars on topics such
                                                                       working from home to enable employees to
             as substance abuse, problem gambling, heart-
                                                                       juggle work and home demands successfully.
             smart cooking, anger management, shift work,
             dealing with conflict, and healthy eating. These
             can be made available to family members too.
                                                                     Being healthy and feeling well is about
           • Develop a health committee at your workplace.           more than just the absence of disease.
             Identify interested and appropriate people, and
             call a meeting. If your company already has a
             health and safety committee, suggest that the         Some ideas about how you can maintain or
             committee make health promotion a priority.           enhance your own health include
           • Give employees more control over their
                                                                     • doing things that will improve your health, such
             workplace environment. Employees need to be
                                                                       as eating well, exercising regularly, getting
             heard, to have input on decisions that affect
                                                                       enough sleep and getting regular medical
             them, to be treated fairly and to participate
             in solving problems. Create opportunities for
             employees to participate in decision-making             • reducing or stopping behaviour that puts your
             and to provide input and suggestions regularly.           health at risk
             Ensure that they are kept informed through
                                                                     • learning to manage stress in healthy ways, such
             ongoing communication. One way to collect this
                                                                       as exercising, talking things out with someone
             type of information is through general health
                                                                       you trust, meditating, getting a hobby or simply
             and interest surveys.
                                                                       relaxing your mind and body
           • Invite speakers from health and community
                                                                     • taking steps to reduce stress when you can and
             agencies to talk with leadership and employees
                                                                       learning healthy ways to manage stress when
             about the health or counselling services they
                                                                       you can’t
                                                                     • getting support with the ups and downs of
           • Support employees in making improvements
                                                                       everyday living from friends, co-workers and
             to their own health. Creating a supportive
                                                                       family members
             environment is an important step, alongside
             offering health-promoting programs. Health-             • getting professional help when you need it
             promoting programs may include supporting               • participating in workplace wellness programs or
             employees in quitting smoking, making healthy             committees to make your workplace as healthy
             food alternatives available in lunchrooms, creating       and safe as possble
             safe and attractive stairways and encouraging
             their use, and providing exercise equipment and
             encouraging its use during breaks.

                                                                                                              Handout 2, Module 2
                                                                                                              AHS 2014
                                                                                                              2-39 It’s Our Business
For more information
          Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental Health offices offer a range of prevention and treatment
          services to assist businesses in managing workplace addiction and mental health concerns. For more
          information, and to find an addiction and mental health services office near you, please call the
          24-hour Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642.
          For more workplace-specific resources, please visit: http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp

Handout 2, Module 2
AHS 2014
2-40 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Workplace culture and substance use
         Workplace culture refers to what is considered          For more information
         normal and acceptable behaviour at work. This
                                                                 Alberta Health Services (AHS), Addiction and
         is the unwritten way of doing things, including
                                                                 Mental Health offers information, prevention
         attitudes in the workplace, and it may or may not
                                                                 and treatment services through a province wide
         support the formal policies in place. As a leader,
                                                                 network of offices, facilities and funded services.
         you contribute to establishing the culture of your
                                                                 Services include a toll-free helpline, prevention
         team and work environment. A healthy work
                                                                 and education, detoxification, outpatient
         team will not encourage or tolerate the use of
                                                                 counselling, opioid dependency programs and
         nonmedicinal mind-altering substances at work.
                                                                 residential treatment.
         Alcohol and other drug use continue to rank high
                                                                 AHS, Addiction and Mental Health has
         on the list of concerns that result in referrals
                                                                 counsellors with specific training in workplace
         to an employee assistance program (EAP) or
                                                                 issues. This allows us to better meet the needs
         employee and family assistance program (EFAP).
                                                                 of employees and supervisors, and to respond
         While there is no foolproof way of preventing
                                                                 readily to referrals from the business community.
         these problems from affecting employees, there
                                                                 Other specific services for the Alberta workplace
         are some steps that you, as a leader, can take
         toward the prevention of alcohol and other
         drug-related problems in the workplace:                   • addictions-related information and prevention
                                                                     resources for the workplace
           • Set a good example and be a role model by
             recognizing that your actions send a strong           • addictions education, employer consultation
             message to other employees about what is and            and supervisory training
             is not acceptable behaviour.                          • the Addiction and Mental Health Business
           • Know your organization’s guidelines and                 & Industry Clinic, which offers residential
             policies on alcohol and drug use, take a clear          treatment for employees who have problems
             stand and enforce them consistently.                    related to alcohol or other drugs

           • Make sure that the employees on your team           For more information and to find an addiction
             know about the guidelines and policies              services office near you, please call the 24-hour
             regarding substance use, as well as the support     Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-
             programs your organization provides, such as
                                                                 hour Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642.
             an EAP/EFAP, treatment programs, short-term
             disability or modified work.
                                                                 For more workplace-specific resources, please
                                                                 visit: http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp
           • Take a look at the role alcohol use plays in your
             team’s social activities and consider how this
             contributes to the culture of your team at work.

                                                                                                          Handout 3, Module 2
                                                                                                          AHS 2014
                                                                                                          2-41 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Responsible hosting of workplace
         social events
         Many workplaces host social events, such                 • Develop guidelines about hosting and
         as staff barbecues and Christmas parties.                  entertaining with alcohol. Be sure to address
                                                                    situations when the employee is the client and
         Sometimes alcohol is served at these functions.
                                                                    when the employee hosts clients. Share the
         Staff are also sometimes expected to host                  guidelines with employees and also consider
         clients or be hosted as a client as part of                other ways to entertain without alcohol.
         their official or unofficial job duties. It is very
                                                                  • Consider how your organization celebrates.
         important to practice responsible hosting when             Brainstorm a variety of ways your organization
         holding a workplace function, as there may                 can celebrate organizational success or
         be liability issues if employees cause harm to             employee success in ways that don’t involve
         themselves or others after using alcohol at a              alcohol or other drugs.

         work function. If you decide to serve alcohol at
         these events, here are some tips:
                                                                For more information
                                                                Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental
           • Always have non-alcoholic beverages available.
                                                                Health offices offer a range of prevention and
           • Hire a bartender to mix standard,                  treatment services to assist businesses in
             measured drinks.                                   managing workplace addiction and mental
           • Make sure that the bar is attended at all times,   health concerns. For more information, and to
             and has designated opening and closing times.      find an addiction and mental health services
           • Make sure food is available whenever the           office near you, please call the 24-hour Addiction
             bar is open.                                       Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour
           • Offer taxi/bus services or accommodation           Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For
             arrangements to ensure that those guests who       more workplace-specific resources, please visit:
             have been drinking do not drive.
           • Encourage responsible drinking by setting a
             tone for the event that does not emphasize
             drinking, and offer alternative activities, like
             dancing or other games.
           • Ensure all of the above information is
             communicated to employees before and
             during social events so that all leadership and
             employees are aware.

                                                                                                         Handout 4, Module 2
                                                                                                         AHS 2014
                                                                                                         2-43 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Promoting health and wellness
         Promoting workplace health and wellness is                 baseball games and badminton tournaments
         valuable, both as a way to retain and attract            • promote information about the
         employees and as an ethical responsibility.                workplace EAP/EFAP
         But how does an organization move from good              • participating in the development or annual
         intentions in building a program to getting good           review of workplace policies that involve health
         results? This can be accomplished by working               and wellness
         together. Any group of interested employees
         can work together to create a healthier work
                                                                For more information
         environment.                                           Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental
                                                                Health offices offer a range of prevention and
         You can provide leadership and promote                 treatment services to assist businesses in
         health within your own working group or by             managing workplace addiction and mental
         connecting with other work units within your           health concerns. For more information, and to
         organization. Your initiatives may be informal, or     find an addiction and mental health services
         you can set up a workplace health committee.           office near you, please call the 24-hour Addiction
         In larger organizations, you can involve safety        Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour
         representatives, members from occupational             Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For
         health and safety, someone from the social             more workplace-specific resources, please visit:
         committee, an employee assistance program              http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp
         (EAP) or employee and family assistance
         program (EFAP) representative and other
         interested employees and managers. If your
         organization already has an established health
         and safety committee, encourage the integration
         of health-promoting topics.

         Examples of some initiatives you and your
         workplace health group can undertake include

           • setting up and maintaining a display of
             pamphlets and brochures aimed at
             employee health
           • organizing information sessions for employees
             and their families on health-related topics
           • organizing lunchtime exercise sessions or walks
           • providing fun social activities that promote
             physical activity, such as hallway bowling, noon

                                                                                                          Handout 5, Module 2
                                                                                                          AHS 2014
                                                                                                          2-45 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Steps for building your workplace
         health program
         Follow these steps to promote health and             staff, conduct a written employee health and
         wellness within your workplace.                      interest survey, install a suggestion box or hold
                                                              formal meetings.
         Step 1: Get support from
         management.                                          Step 3: Put together a plan.
         Strong organizational, management and                Once you have gathered information about
         leadership support is essential for the success      what employees want, develop an action plan
         of workplace health programming. This support        for a workplace health program. Identify goals,
         also creates and promotes a positive workplace       timelines and the resources needed. The
         culture. The organization needs to be committed      planning process will help highlight what can and
         to generating the human and financial capital        cannot be done, based on what is available. It is
         required to provide health programming to            important to continue working with employees
         their employees. Ways to demonstrate support         throughout the planning and implementation
         include                                              process.

           • developing a vision or mission statement that    Develop an evaluation plan alongside your
             outlines commitment to the health of employees   action plan to demonstrate that your workplace
           • budgeting for workplace health programs and      is achieving what you want and to show the
             activities                                       employer benefits over time, such as decreased
           • communicating regularly with staff about         absenteeism and decreased health costs to the
             resources and initiatives                        company. More information on monitoring and
           • creating workplace policies and implementation   evaluating can be found in Step 7.
             and enforcement strategies, with employee
                                                              Step 4: Build commitment.
                                                              Encourage those planning and developing
         Step 2: Find out what
                                                              a workplace health program to spread the
         employees need and want.
                                                              word and get support from others within the
         It is critical that employees at all levels          organization, especially top-level management.
         participate in developing a workplace health         Have management actively involved and
         initiative. Effective workplace health programs      participating. Encourage employee commitment
         must reflect the interests of employees. To find     by being an active leader, developing and
         out what employees want in a workplace health        implementing activities people are interested in
         program, employers can meet informally with          and rewarding progress.

                                                                                                       Handout 6, Module 2
                                                                                                       AHS 2014
                                                                                                       2-47 It’s Our Business
Step 5: Put activities in place.                        Step 7: Monitor, evaluate and
          Once a plan is in place, it’s time to act on it.        revise your activities.
          Activities should                                       As with any initiative, it is important to regularly
                                                                  evaluate whether or not a workplace health
             • raise awareness and provide education about
               health issues, to give employees the information
                                                                  program is working, and explore ways to make it
               they need to make informed choices                 better. Celebrate successes!
             • build skills to encourage, support and enable
                                                                  Employers can evaluate and track the success
               people to keep themselves and their families
                                                                  of their programs with the following information:
                                                                  achieved program goals, human resource
             • create a supportive work environment to send
                                                                  data (e.g., absenteeism, stress leave or injury
               out a strong message about your commitment
               to health and safety in the workplace              rates), employee assistance program (EAP) or
                                                                  employee and family assistance program (EFAP)
                                                                  data, employee participation rates, changes in
          Step 6: Communicate your
                                                                  health-related behaviour, increased knowledge
                                                                  and awareness of health-related topics.
          Effective communication is essential for
          engaging employees, providing information               There is a saying that success breeds success.
          and promoting employee health initiatives. Be           What’s important is starting, no matter how
          sure to use multiple methods to communicate             small or simple. As employees get involved and
          health initiatives, programming, education              start to enjoy the benefits of improved health and
          and awareness opportunities. Communication              wellness, the committee can grow and tackle
          methods can include                                     larger projects.

             • notice boards
                                                                  For more information
             • team briefings
                                                                  Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental
             • company intranet
                                                                  Health offices offer a range of prevention and
             • email                                              treatment services to assist businesses in
             • paycheque stuffers                                 managing workplace addiction and mental
             • staff surveys                                      health concerns. For more information, and to
             • focus groups                                       find an addiction and mental health services
                                                                  office near you, please call the 24-hour Addiction
             • health and safety committees
                                                                  Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour
             • employee orientation to health and safety and      Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For
               benefit options offered by the organization
                                                                  more workplace-specific resources, please visit:
             • manager distributions                              http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp
             • social media

Handout 6, Module 2
AHS 2014
2-48 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         How substance use problems develop
         If there were no good things about alcohol and         management skills. Gradually, more time is spent
         other drugs, people wouldn’t use them. People          drinking or using other drugs, and less time is
         use substances because they provide two                spent managing life in healthy ways. The person
         things: pleasure, and relief from emotional or         relies more and more on the substance to cope.
         physical pain. In other words, drugs work. They        The more they use, the more problems they may
         work quickly, too, meaning that the benefits           have at home, at work and with their friends.
         of using drugs are short term. However, there          And the more problems, the more they use,
         are also many not-so-good things about using           and so on. Eventually, the person requires the
         substances. The problems associated with               substance just to feel normal.
         alcohol and other drugs usually evolve over time.
                                                                Cycle of dependence
                                               may start here
                                                  or here       How people move through this cycle differs for
                                                                each person. Here are some examples of how
                    Skills erode    managing                    the cycle works.
                     (not used)    experiences/
                                     emotions                   1.    Bill is having problems at home. He and his wife
                                                                      have been fighting a lot lately. To get away from
                                                                      the stress at home, he starts going out with the
              Less time
                                           Use alchol or              boys more often. Rather than dealing with the
             using skills
                                              drugs                   problem with his wife, he avoids it by going to
             to manage
                                                                      the bar. He has a few too many, comes home
                                                                      and the fighting gets worse. The less that Bill
                      More time     Quick, easy                       and his wife talk, and the more he drinks, the
                     spent using      effects                         harder it gets for them to sort things out.
                      alcohol or    (short term)
                        drugs                                   2.    Susan started smoking pot as a teenager to
                                                                      fit in with a peer group. She found that when
                                                                      she was high, it was easier to socialize and to
                                                                      overcome her shyness. Rather than developing
                                                                      the social skills needed to feel confident, she
         The short-term good things and longer-term,                  started to rely on marijuana to loosen her up
         not-so-good things can form a cycle that                     at social events. Over time, she became more
                                                                      dependent on pot, and now can’t handle any
         explains how substance use develops into
                                                                      social situation without getting high.
         dependency. At first, getting high feels good and
         allows a person to temporarily escape from life’s           No one sets out to have an alcohol or other
         problems. But the more often a person turns to              drug problem. Problems with alcohol and other
                                                                     drugs usually develop gradually, over time.
         alcohol or other drugs to cope with or escape               The more a person drinks or takes drugs, the
         life’s problems, the less they use their other life         greater the risk for developing a problem.

                                                                                                            Handout 1, Module 3A
                                                                                                            AHS 2014
                                                                                                            3-65 It’s Our Business
For more information
          Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental Health offices offer a range of prevention and treatment
          services to assist businesses in managing workplace addiction and mental health concerns. For more
          information, and to find an addiction and mental health services office near you, please call the
          24-hour Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642.
          For more workplace-specific resources, please visit: http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp

Handout 1, Module 3A
AHS 2014
3-66 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders & Employees

         Alcohol and other drugs: It’s a problem when...
         Alcohol and other drug problems develop for a           As an alcohol or other drug problem gets worse,
         variety of reasons. Problems can occur when a           the person may experience:

           • uses too much of a drug, or takes it too often
           • uses drugs for too long (the longer a person
             uses a substance, the more difficult it can be
             to stop—some medicines, like painkillers and                    Tolerance          Dependence
             sleep aids, can cause problems if taken for
             extended periods of time, or after they are no
             longer needed)
           • takes drugs for the wrong reasons (e.g., using
                                                                                                     Problems in
             alcohol to cope with unpleasant feelings,                 Loss of control
                                                                                                      major life
             taking pain relievers to deal with stress, taking                                          areas
             someone else’s medications)
           • takes drugs without following directions (e.g.,
             taking more than the prescribed dose, driving
             when taking a drug that warns that performance
             can be impaired)
           • combines drugs (many drugs become
             dangerous when mixed, and can produce
             unwanted or unexpected side effects)                Tolerance
           • uses in dangerous ways (e.g., driving while         With regular use over time, the body adapts
             under the influence, sharing injection              to the presence of alcohol or another drug in
             equipment, buying drugs on the street where         its system. This results in a person needing to
             you can never know for sure what’s in them)
                                                                 take more and more of the drug to get the same
                                                                 effect. Alcohol tolerance is different from a
         People don’t set out to become dependent on
                                                                 person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The
         alcohol or other drugs, nor do they wake up one
                                                                 more often a person drinks, the more alcohol
         day and find they are addicted. Dependence on
                                                                 they need to feel the same effects. This is called
         a substance is a process that happens over time.
                                                                 tolerance. Being able to “hold your liquor”
                                                                 simply means that one can drink more alcohol
                                                                 before appearing drunk. Tolerance can be a
                                                                 warning sign that a person’s drinking habits are
                                                                 becoming dangerous.

                                                                                                             Handout 2, Module 3A
                                                                                                             AHS 2014
                                                                                                             3-67 It’s Our Business
A heavy drinker or drug user can consume a lot           Psychological dependence: It’s in
          of the substance and not appear intoxicated.             the mind
          They have adjusted to feeling impaired and have
                                                                   Psychological dependence occurs when a
          learned to control their behaviour.
                                                                   person’s thoughts, emotions and activities
          This is called behavioural tolerance. They may           become centred on substance use. They believe
          still be impaired, and still present a safety risk.      that these thoughts, emotions or activities
                                                                   would be less satisfying or even impossible
          Dependence                                               without using that substsance. They can
                                                                   experience cravings even though there is no
          Dependence occurs when a person becomes                  physical dependence. People can become
          hooked on alcohol or other drugs. This can               psychologically dependent on almost any mood-
          happen physically and/or psychologically.                altering drug (the only exception appears to be
                                                                   hallucinogens, such as LSD).
          A person with an alcohol or other drug problem
          continues to drink or take drugs despite the             Physical dependence ends when withdrawal is
          problems it creates in major areas of their life.        complete. However, psychological dependence
                                                                   can linger for a long time. For example, the habit
          Physical dependence: It’s in the body
                                                                   of smoking cigarettes lasts much longer than
          Physical dependence occurs when the body                 the actual withdrawal from nicotine. It is the
          becomes so used to alcohol or a particular drug that     psychological dependence that creates the most
          it cannot function normally without it. People who       difficulty when quitting smoking. Psychological
          are physically addicted to alcohol or other drugs will   dependence also creates many of the difficulties
          most likely experience withdrawal when they stop         in recovery from heavy use of alcohol or
          taking the substance.                                    other drugs.

          Withdrawal is the unpleasant and sometimes
          life-threatening physical reaction a person may
                                                                   Problems in major life areas
          experience when they stop using alcohol or another       One of the most important indicators of an alcohol or
          drug. Physical dependence is often measured by           other drug problem is when a person continues to drink
          how severe the withdrawal is. The symptoms and           or take other drugs despite the problems it creates.
          length of time it takes to withdraw from a substance
          vary depending on the substance, how long the
          person has been using, how much they have been             “I never thought I had a drinking problem
                                                                     until I took an honest look at how the things
          using and their overall health.                            going wrong in my life were connected to the
                                                                     booze. Arguments at home, hassles at work—
          Withdrawal symptoms range from mild discomfort             once I got my drinking under control, I was
                                                                     able to sort these problems out.”
          to life-threatening reactions. For example, a
          hangover from alcohol is a mild form of withdrawal;
          severe alcohol withdrawal can include hallucinations
          and seizures. Some people can withdraw safely
          on their own. Others need medical assistance and
          must go to a detoxification centre or hospital to
          ensure that their withdrawal is managed safely.

Handout 2, Module 3A
AHS 2014
3-68 It’s Our Business
These major life areas can be affected by a                    cope by drinking alcohol or using other drugs.
person’s alcohol or other drug use:                            These are complex issues. That’s why it’s so
                                                               important to leave diagnosis to the professionals.

                                                               A blackout is a loss of memory about events that
                                                               happened while drinking or using other drugs.
                                                               A person may wake up at home, for example,
                                                               but not remember how they got there. Some
                                                               people will experience memory lapses for large
   Spirit-                 Distressed
   uality                  Employee                            periods of time, but more commonly people who
                                                               experience blackouts will be unable to remember
                                                               an hour or two of their drinking or other
      Health                                      Sexuality    drug-using experience.

                                                               When helping someone determine whether
                Finances                Leisure
                            Physical                           their alcohol or other drug use is a problem, the
                             Health                            counsellor will ask about blackouts. Although not
                                                               all people have them, they do commonly occur
                                                               in those who are experiencing signs of physical
Examples of the problems a person may
experience include

  • feeling depressed, angry, guilty or ashamed                Loss of Control
  • being charged with impaired driving or possession          An important factor in determining whether
    of an illegal substance
                                                               someone has an alcohol or other drug problem is
  • an increase in debts, problems making payments or          whether they can control their use. For example,
    not being able to cover basic expenses (e.g., rent/
                                                               if a person decides to have two beers after work,
    mortgage, utilities, food or other necessities for the
                                                               are they able to stop after two drinks? Often
                                                               people who have alcohol or other drug problems
  • poor job performance, failing a drug test or getting
                                                               are not able to limit their use or are unable to
                                                               stop using when they want or had planned to.
  • more and more leisure activities involving drinking/
                                                               They find themselves drinking or using more than
    using, less time with family or losing friends who do
    not drink or use                                           they intended despite their best intentions to
                                                               limit or control their use.
  • hangovers or blackouts
  • arguments with spouse and spending less time
    with children
                                                               For more information
                                                               For more information and to find an addiction
It’s also important to realize that sometimes it is
                                                               services office near you, please call the
the problems in a person’s life that contribute to
                                                               24-hour Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322.
their alcohol or other drug use. Men and women
                                                               For mental health related information, and to find
who are dissatisfied with their jobs, who are
                                                               a mental health clinic near you, please call the
experiencing grief or loss, who have stresses at
                                                               24-hour Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642.
home, who suffer from poor self-esteem or who
are battling illnesses will sometimes attempt to

                                                                                                       Handout 2, Module 3A
                                                                                                       AHS 2014
                                                                                                       3-69 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders & Employees

         Alcohol and other drugs: Stages of use
         There are many different choices that people            Social use
         can make regarding alcohol and other drug use.
                                                                 Social users are able to use occasionally and
         Some will choose not to use at all. Others will
                                                                 stop when they want to. They are able to remain
         decide to use socially and have no problems
                                                                 in control and don’t use more than they intend.
         controlling their use. The majority of people who
                                                                 They might disappoint someone by overindulging
         start using a drug will not become addicted to it.
                                                                 on one occasion, but they don’t continue to do
         Some people will start out experimenting with a         so time after time. In other words, they can use
         particular drug and become addicted to it. For          without continued negative consequences.
         them, use occurs in a progressive pattern: they
                                                                 Many Canadians are social users of alcohol.
         use more of the drug more often until they have
                                                                 They use once in a while, without experiencing
         become hooked or dependent.
                                                                 continued problems because of their use.
         Here are some common ways that people use
         alcohol and other drugs. They may be based on           Harmful use
         individual choices or may reflect a progressive         People who use in harmful ways are not yet
         pattern of use.                                         physically or psychologically hooked on alcohol
                                                                 or another drug, but they are often using heavily.
         No use                                                  Sometimes using is the focus of how they spend
         Most people are born into the world in a state          their free time (e.g., getting ready for the party,
         of no use, with the exception of babies born            then going to the party, then recovering from
         to addicted mothers. Some people choose to              the party). People who are harmfully involved
         remain non-users. Others use for a while and            almost always experience problems in their lives
         then make a conscious choice not to use (e.g.,          because of their use.
         for health or religious reasons).
                                                                 When people are in this stage, their use can be
                                                                 described as a problem. The good news is that
         Experimental use                                        they can still turn it around. They can learn to
         Many people experiment with alcohol and/or other        reduce their use, or use more responsibly, as
         drugs. They do this for a variety of reasons, often     long as they are not yet dependent on the drug.
         to see what it is like. Experimentation can happen
         at any age—adults can experiment, too. Some
         people don’t like the feeling of being drunk or high,
         so they stop. Others don’t like the consequences
         of use (e.g., hangovers, spending money, feeling
         out of control) so they choose not to use again.

                                                                                                          Handout 3, Module 3A
                                                                                                          AHS 2014
                                                                                                          3-71 It’s Our Business
Dependence                                            For more information
           People who are dependent are addicted                 Alberta Health Services (AHS), Addiction and
           to alcohol or other drugs, physically or              Mental Health offers information, prevention
           psychologically. Often, they are not able to stop     and treatment services through a province wide
           using even when they want to. People who are          network of offices, facilities and funded services.
           addicted experience withdrawal when they come         Services include a toll-free helpline, prevention
           off alcohol or other drugs. They may feel like they   and education, detoxification, outpatient
           need the drug or alcohol in order to feel normal.     counselling, opioid dependency programs and
           People who are addicted are almost always             residential treatment.
           experiencing problems in their lives as a result of
           their use. Once a person has reached this stage,      AHS, Addiction and Mental Health has
           he or she will likely need help in order to stop      counsellors with specific training in workplace
           using. And to do so, he or she will likely need to    issues. This allows us to better meet the needs
                                                                 of employees and supervisors, and to respond
           quit using altogether.
                                                                 readily to referrals from the business community.
                                                                 Other specific services for the Alberta workplace

                                                                   • addictions-related information and prevention
                                                                     resources for the workplace
                                                                   • addictions education, employer consultation
                                                                     and supervisory training
                                                                   • the Addiction and Mental Health Business
                                                                     & Industry Clinic, which offers residential
                                                                     treatment for employees who have problems
                                                                     related to alcohol or other drugs

                                                                 For more information, and to find an addiction
                                                                 and mental health services office near you,
                                                                 please call the 24-hour Addiction Helpline
                                                                 at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour Mental
                                                                 Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For more
                                                                 workplace-specific resources, please visit:

Handout 3, Module 3A
AHS 2014
3-72 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders & Employees

         Problem drinking: Frequently asked questions
         What is problem drinking?                          addicted. However, genetic make-up is only one
                                                            of many factors that explain why people develop
         Problem drinking occurs when alcohol use
         becomes harmful and begins to interfere with
         the user’s personal life. This type of use has
         both short and long term health risks and falls
                                                            For more information
         outside of Canada’s Low Risk Alcohol Drinking      For more information on alcohol and problem
         guidelines. At this stage, the user may or may     drinking visit: http://www.albertahealthservices.
         not be physically or psychologically dependant.    ca/2459.asp

                                                            For more information on Canada’s Low Risk
         Can a problem drinker ever                         Alcohol Drinking guidelines check out: http://
         drink again?                                       www.ccsa.ca/Eng/Priorities/Alcohol/Canada-
         Looking at the research, as well as the            Low-Risk-Alcohol-Drinking-Guidelines/Pages/
         experience of many alcoholics, most people who     default.aspx
         are dependent on alcohol or other drugs do best
         when they are abstinent (when they don’t drink     Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental
         or use at all).                                    Health offices offer a range of prevention and
                                                            treatment services to assist businesses in
                                                            managing workplace addiction and mental
         Is it normal to experience
                                                            health concerns. For more information, and to
         blackouts when I’ve been
                                                            find an addiction and mental health services
         drinking?                                          office near you, please call the 24-hour Addiction
         Blackouts are periods of time that a person        Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour
         can’t remember after they have been drinking or    Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For
         taking other drugs. Not everyone who drinks or     more workplace-specific resources, please visit:
         takes other drugs experiences blackouts. If you    http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp
         do, consider it a red flag that you might have a

         Is alcoholism hereditary?
         There are many theories that try to explain why
         one person will become addicted to a substance
         and another person, even someone from the
         same family, does not. Research seems to
         support that there are physiological factors
         that predispose some people toward becoming

                                                                                                    Handout 4, Module 3A
                                                                                                    AHS 2014
                                                                                                    3-73 It’s Our Business
It’s Our Business
Addressing addiction and mental health in the workplace
Information for Leaders

         Problem gambling: Frequently asked
         What kind of help is available                       can also intervene by trying to direct the person
         for somebody with a gambling                         to the appropriate sources of help. While it’s
                                                              not your job to diagnose a personal problem,
                                                              there will likely be times when you know what
         A person with a gambling problem has access          the problem is, and you are in a great position
         to the same treatment services as someone with       to support and encourage the person to get the
         an alcohol or other drug problem. A person with      help they need. You could tell your co-worker
         a gambling problem can go directly to their local    or employee about the employee and family
         Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental        assistance program, direct them toward an
         Health office for assessment and counselling, or     addiction counsellor or provide the number for
         call the Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322.
                                                              Gamblers Anonymous.
         The helpline is a toll-free, confidential service
         available to all Albertans 24 hours a day, every
                                                              Should we quit selling tickets
         day. It provides support, information and referral
         to services for people who have problems with
                                                              and holding hockey pools at
         alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and gambling.
                                                              This is a decision each workplace will need to
         Intensive treatment programs are available.          make. Often, workplaces that promote employee
         There are also 12-step, self-help programs for       wellness will discourage activities that could
         gamblers (Gamblers Anonymous) and their              create problems for some of their workers. But
         families (Gam-Anon). Most provinces offer free       it may not be realistic to expect those who don’t
         debt management services. In Alberta, contact        have gambling problems to refrain from buying
         Money Mentors at 1-888-294-0076. Or, Credit          raffle tickets or setting up a hockey pool, either.
         Counselling Society at 1-888-527-8999.               The solution might be to educate employees
                                                              about problem gambling and to help them
                                                              understand the importance of not pressuring an
         If I’m concerned that somebody
                                                              employee who says no to participate in gambling
         at my workplace has a gambling                       activities.
         problem, what should I do?
         One of your primary responsibilities as a leader
         is to manage job performance, so you need to
         address any performance problems that come
         to your attention. However, any time you are
         concerned about a co-worker or employee, you

                                                                                                       Handout 1, Module 3B
                                                                                                       AHS 2014
                                                                                                       3-87 It’s Our Business
How can a gambling problem                            The qualities often found in problem gamblers
          affect the workplace?                                 (e.g., hard working, energetic and persistent) can
                                                                be channeled into a productive, healthy lifestyle.
          There’s a good chance that some form                  Recovering problem gamblers can be very
          of gambling is occasionally available in a            successful when the gambling is behind them.
          workplace. It may be a hockey or football pool,       However, they often need the same kinds of help
          somebody selling raffle tickets or a group that       to recover that someone with an alcohol or other
          gets together to buy lottery tickets. A person        drug problem needs.
          with a gambling problem may or may not
          be involved in these activities. However, the
                                                                For more information
          presence of gambling at a problem gambler’s
          workplace can be a source of stress if they           Alberta Health Services, Addiction and Mental
          are trying to quit gambling. Employers should         Health offices offer a range of prevention and
          consider what message they want to send about         treatment services to assist businesses in
          gambling to their workers.                            managing workplace addiction and mental
                                                                health concerns. For more information, and to
          As their gambling problem becomes more                find an addiction and mental health services
          severe, a problem gambler’s work performance          office near you, please call the 24-hour Addiction
          is likely to deteriorate. The worker might be         Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or the 24-hour
          away from work more often and spend work              Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642. For
          time gambling. They may be preoccupied with           more workplace-specific resources, please visit:
          how and when they are going to gamble, or how         http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2672.asp
          they are going to manage their growing debt. In
          extreme cases, they may be involved in stealing
          money or goods from their company to finance
          their gambling, resulting in criminal charges.
          Here’s an example of how a person’s job
          performance can be affected as their gambling
          gets out of control.

                 John has been a steady worker for
                 several years. However, the past few
                 months he just can’t be counted on. He
                 takes long lunches, disappears for hours
                 at a time and is calling in sick more often.
                 He seems wound too tight, snapping at
                 co-workers and unable to concentrate
                 on the job. Creditors have been calling
                 and threatening to garnishee his wages.
                 It turns out John has a gambling problem.
                 His wife is threatening to leave him, he
                 can’t make his payments and the bank
                 has started foreclosure proceedings on
                 his house.

Handout 1, Module 3B
AHS 2014
3-88 It’s Our Business
You can also read