Optimal dosing strategies for maximising the clinical response to metformin in type 2 diabetes

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Optimal dosing strategies for maximising the
clinical response to metformin in type 2


       ecently revised consensus targets for glycaemic
       management in patients with type 2 diabetes are
       challenging and require optimisation of dosing
strategies for oral antidiabetic therapies. The
demonstration of significant cardiovascular outcome
benefits in metformin-treated type 2 diabetic patients
enrolled in the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes
Study has established this agent as the first line oral
therapy after diet failure in newly presenting
overweight people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The
antihyperglycaemic efficacy of metformin increases with
increasing daily doses between 500 mg and the upper
limits of the recommended daily dosage ( ≥ 2000
mg/day). Although metformin is associated with
gastrointestinal side-effects in up to 20% of patients,
this is not generally dose related. Transient dose                         John Scarpello
reduction, slower titration and taking the dose with
meals may ameliorate the problem. Risk of lactic
acidosis due to metformin is negligible when this agent
is prescribed correctly, and is unrelated to the plasma             Table 1. Targets for glycaemic management in Europe and in the USA
metformin concentration. Intensification of metformin
therapy within the dose range represents a rational and                                                 Fasting plasma glucose   HbA1C
practical therapeutic strategy for optimising glycaemic             International Diabetes Federation
control in patients who are suitable for, and tolerant of,          (Europe)2                           ≤ 6 mmol/L               ≤ 6.5%
                                                                    American Diabetes Association
metformin treatment. The recently introduced 1000 mg
                                                                    (USA)3                              < 6.7 mmol/L             < 7%
metformin tablet should facilitate the use of higher
doses and may help treatment compliance.

Key words: metformin, oral antidiabetic therapy, type 2            type 2 diabetes reduces the risk of diabetic complications.1 As a
diabetes, dose-response relationships.                             result, challenging new targets for fasting plasma glucose (FPG)
                                                                   and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) in patients with diabetes
Introduction                                                       have been agreed for routine clinical practice2,3 (table 1).
The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) has               Meeting these goals requires a new paradigm for the man-
shown beyond doubt that improving glycaemia in patients with       agement of the person with type 2 diabetes. An ongoing survey
                                                                   of current standards achieved in routine clinical practice from
                                                                   Salford in the UK has shown that in a population of more than
Correspondence to: Dr John Scarpello                               six thousand patients, less than 20% achieved an annual HbA1C
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, City General Hospital,   < 7.0% over a six-year follow-up period (1993–1998).4
Stoke on Trent, ST4 6QG, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1782 553425; Fax: +44 (0)1782 553427
                                                                        Achieving the new treatment targets requires optimisation of
E-mail: jhbscarpello@hotmail.com                                   dosing strategies for oral antidiabetic agents, including com-
Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2001;1:28–36                                bined therapies. Maximum dosage of oral antidiabetic therapy in
                                                                   individual patients is frequently limited by the risk-benefit profiles

28                                                                                  THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND VASCULAR DISEASE

 Table 2. Improved clinical outcomes following intensive glycaemic              Figure 1. Average metformin daily dosage in various countries
          management with metformin compared with intensive glycaemic
          management with a sulphonylurea or insulin10

                                  Metformin           Sulphonylurea/insulin                                     3000

                                                                                    Metformin daily dose (mg)
                                   therapy                  therapies
                                                                                                                       Metformin dose - UKPDS a
                                  ∆ risk*   p           ∆ risk*     p
                                            value                   value

 Diabetes-related deaths          42%      0.017       20%        0.19
 All cause mortality              36%      0.011       8%         0.49
 Any diabetes-related endpoint    32%      0.0023      7%         0.46
 Myocardial infarction            39%      0.01        21%        0.11











 Stroke                           41%      0.13        14%        0.6








                                                                                 Majority of UKPDS patients allocated metformin received a dosage
 *Compared with conventional therapy based on diet/exercise in overweight       >2000 mg/day.10 Prescription analysis data (mean doses) kindly supplied by
 patients.                                                                      Merck-Lipha

of individual therapies, for example weight gain and hypogly-                 therefore lend support to the use of metformin at adequately
caemia associated with insulinotropic agents.5-7 Metformin is as              titrated doses in order to improve clinical outcomes in patients
effective as sulphonylureas,6,8,9 but its risk-benefit profile across         with type 2 diabetes. In contrast, evidence from the literature11,12
the full therapeutic dose range of 500–3000 mg/day is less well               and from the manufacturer of a branded form of metformin (fig-
described.                                                                    ure 1) suggests that many patients may not achieve the expect-
    In the UKPDS, significant improvements in macrovascular out-              ed benefit of metformin if it is not titrated to sufficient dosage.
comes leading to fewer deaths were reported for overweight                    (figure 1).
patients receiving metformin therapy for a median period of 10
years.10 The reduction in morbidity and mortality was much                    Dose-relationship of the efficacy of metformin in
greater than that reported for patients treated with sulphonyl-               patients with type 2 diabetes
ureas and insulin despite there being no overall difference in gly-           Most large clinical trials with metformin have employed prag-
caemic control. This landmark clinical trial emphasises the need to           matic study designs, with a flexible dose titration phase followed
optimise therapy with metformin, so that these benefits can be                by a period of long-term maintenance treatment.8-10 While these
more widely realised. This review explores the dose-relationship of           studies have optimised therapy in their patient populations, with-
the effects of metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes and sum-            in the dose ranges employed in each study, they tell us little of
marises the evidence that metformin administered at higher doses              the dose-relationship of the effects of metformin per se. Some
provides additional glycaemic control, without the burden of addi-            information about the relationship between the dose and anti-
tional side-effects.                                                          hyperglycaemic efficacy of metformin in people with type 2 dia-
                                                                              betes can be acquired from smaller studies using either parallel-
Optimising oral antidiabetic therapy for type 2                               group designs or titration within individual patients.
diabetes                                                                           A double-blind study13 investigated the effects of metformin
Benefits of titrating up metformin dose in the United                         in 75 patients with established type 2 diabetes and fasting plas-
Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study                                            ma glucose (FPG) ≥ 6 mmol/L, who were randomised to receive
The reductions in diabetic complications in metformin-treated                 placebo or metformin at doses of 1500 mg or 3000 mg for six
patients in the UKPDS10 are summarised in table 2. Significant                months. FPG and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) increased in
improvements were observed with metformin in all cause mor-                   placebo-treated patients over the six-month study period (figure.
tality (p=0.011), diabetes-related deaths (p=0.017), myocardial               2). In contrast, metformin significantly reduced both parameters.
infarction (p=0.01) and any diabetes-related end point                        The higher dose of metformin was significantly more effective in
(p=0.0023). In contrast, no significant changes in these outcomes             reducing FPG compared with the lower dose (p=0.02). The
were observed in patients treated with insulin or a sulphonylurea,            improvement in mean HbA1C values was 1.8% between patients
despite similar improvements in glycaemic control (table 2).                  receiving placebo and the higher dose of metformin (figure 2).
     It is important to note that the benefits observed in the                     A second parallel-group dose-response study14 randomised
UKPDS were achieved at a relatively high dose of metformin.                   451 patients with FPG of at least 10 mmol/L (180 mg/dl) despite
Whilst more than half of the patients in the UKPDS received a                 prior treatment with diet or sulphonylurea to therapy with met-
daily dosage of 2550 mg/day, more than three quarters of                      formin at daily doses of 500 mg, 1000 mg, 1500 mg, 2000 mg
patients received at least 1700 mg/day. The results of the UKPDS              or 2500 mg for 11 weeks. Statistically significant reductions in

VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 . AUGUST 2001                                                                                                                                                                           29

     Figure 2. Effects of two doses of metformin on fasting plasma glucose     Figure 3. Effects of metformin administered at doses between 500 and
               (FPG) and HbA1C in patients with type 2 diabetes13                        2500 mg/day on glycaemic parameters in patients with type 2

      FPG 1                               HbA1c            1
                                                                                                                                        Final daily dose of metformin
                                                                                                                               500         1000        1500      2000               2500 (mg)
                   0                                       0.5                                                               (n=73)       (n=73)      (n=76)    (n=73)             (n=77)

                                               (% units)


                                                                                    FPG (mmol/L)
                   -1                                                                                    -1
                   -2                                      -0.5                                                                             **
                                                                                                         -3                                              ***

                   -3                                                                                                                                                               ***
                                                                                                         -5                                                           ***
                   -4          ***                         -1.5                                                                         Final daily dose of metformin
                                                                                                                               500         1000        1500      2000               2500 (mg)
                              Placebo (n=23)                                                                                 (n=73)       (n=73)      (n=76)    (n=73)             (n=77)

                              Metformin, 1500 mg/day (n=25)

                                                                                      HbA1c (%)
                              Metformin, 3000 mg/day (n=27)
                                                                                                        -1.5                  ***
     Mean changes from baseline are shown. Significance versus placebo:                                                                     ***
     ***p=0.001.                                                                                        -2.0
                                                                                                                                                         ***                        ***
                                                                                                        -2.5                                                          ***

                                                                                Mean placebo-corrected differences from baseline are shown. FPG: fasting
FPG compared with placebo, occurred at doses of 1000 mg and                     plasma glucose. Significance versus placebo: **p

 Figure 5. Mean 24-hour plasma glucose profiles during titration of the        Figure 6. Effects of increasing doses of metformin on fasting plasma
           dose of metformin in nine patients with type 2 diabetes16                     glucose (FPG, left-hand ordinate) and on 24-hour plasma
                                                                                         glucose (right-hand ordinate) in patients with type 2 diabetes16

                                                 Metformin 500 mg/day

                                                                                                                                                                               24-hour plasma glucose
                                                 Metformin 1500 mg/day                                                                                                300
                                                                                                            15                          *

                                                                                                                                                                                  (AUC) (mmol.h/l)
                                                 Metformin 3000 mg/day                                                                      *
      Plasma glucose (mmol/L)

                                                                                                                                                  *† *†

                                                                                     FPG (mmol/L)
                                15                                                                                                                           *† *†    200

                                                                                                                    5                                                 100

                                                                                                                               0       500     1500     3000
                                         B   L   D
                                                                                                                               Daily dose of metformin (mg)
                                     0       6    12         18          24

                                                  Hours                         Means + SEM are shown. Significance of results: *p

 Table 3. Gastrointestinal adverse events and treatment discontinuations for gastrointestinal adverse events in patients receiving different doses of metformin14

                                                                                      Final daily dose of metformin

                                     Placebo                  500 mg                  1000 mg                  1500 mg                 2000 mg                 2500 mg
                                      n=79                     n=73                    n=73                     n=76                    n=73                    n=77

                                 I         D              I        D              I         D              I        D              I         D             I         D

    Abdominal pain               0%        0%             3%       0%             1%        1%             4%       1%             0%        0%            3%        0%
    Diarrhoeaa                   5%        0%             8%       0%             21%       4%             12%      3%             19%       3%            14%       5%
    Nausea                       5%        0%             7%       0%             10%       3%             8%       3%             1%        1%            12%       5%
    Dyspepsia                    1%        0%             1%       0%             1%        0%             9%       0%             3%        0%            4%        3%
    Anorexia                     1%        0%             0%       0%             1%        0%             3%       0%             1%        0%            5%        1%
    Combined digestive
    disturbancesa,b              13%       0%             16%      0%             29%       5%             24%      3%             23%       4%            29%       10%

 Figures show the incidence of gastrointestinal adverse events (I) and rates of discontinuation (D) for this reason; a significantly different (p

reports over a five-year period, including information on 26         Clinical implications of optimising metformin therapy
patients, are included in this review. Four cases did not fit cri-   Risk versus benefit of higher doses of metformin
teria for true lactic acidosis (arterial lactate > 5 mmol/L, blood   Taken together, the four dose ranging studies described above
pH ≤ 7.35), lactic acidosis was not associated with metformin        indicate that the antihyperglycaemic efficacy of metformin is
accumulation in another eight, and was of uncertain origin in        dose-related, and that this relationship extends to daily doses of
a further two cases. Metformin accumulation was considered           metformin at the upper limits of the recommended daily dosage
to have contributed to the development of lactic acidosis in 12      ( > 2000 mg/day ). On the other hand, the evidence suggests
cases, of whom all had acute or chronic renal dysfunction.           that increasing the metformin dose beyond 1500–2000 mg/day
Importantly, the true aetiology of the lactic acidosis strongly      does not markedly increase the risk of gastrointestinal side-
influenced the eventual clinical outcomes of these patients. Of      effects or lactic acidosis, and fear of these side-effects should not
the eight cases of documented lactic acidosis that were not          prevent the achievement of optimal dosage levels in patients
associated with metformin, seven patients died. In contrast, the     with type 2 diabetes.
only death among the 12 patients with lactic acidosis consid-            The additional efficacy available from higher metformin
ered to be metformin-related occurred as a result of the             doses is potentially important in the prevention of long-term dia-
patient’s refusal to undergo renal dialysis.                         betic complications. Evidence from the UKPDS indicates that
     Although a link is often drawn between metformin accu-          each 1% decrease in HbA1C is likely to yield clinically important
mulation and lactic acidosis, the plasma concentration of met-       reductions in the risk of diabetic complications, including dia-
formin is of no prognostic benefit in patients with this condi-      betes related death (by 21%), myocardial infarction (by 14%),
tion. In a study of 49 metformin-treated patients with lactic aci-   peripheral vascular disease (by 43%), microvascular disease (by
dosis, the median metformin plasma concentration in 27               37%) and cataract extraction (by 19%).1 It is therefore most
patients who survived (20.6 mg/l) was considerably higher than       important that HbA1C is controlled adequately. Importantly, the
the corresponding concentration in 22 patients who died (6.3         intensive glycaemic management of patients receiving met-
mg/l).39 Given that the maximal plasma concentration of met-         formin achieved by UKPDS can be realised in routine clinical
formin achieved after an 850 mg oral dose is in the range            management of such patients, as demonstrated by a three-year
1.5–2.0 mg/l,17 it follows that even metformin concentrations        community-based study which reduced baseline HbA1C by
well above the normal therapeutic range were not associated          1.5%.12
with a poorer outcome in these patients.                                 In addition to being an effective antihyperglycaemic agent,
     The development of lactic acidosis during metformin therapy     metformin improves other cardiovascular risk factors related to
therefore often results from the presence of intercurrent disease,   the insulin resistance syndrome, also referred to as ‘metabolic
rather than from the use of metformin itself. Furthermore, the       syndrome’ or ‘syndrome X’, in diabetic patients.9,17,32 For example,
incidence of genuine metformin-related lactic acidosis appears       dose-related improvements in fibrinolytic parameters (plasmino-
to be lower than that cited in the literature. Nevertheless, it      gen activator inhibitor-1 [PAI-1] activity, PAI-1 antigen, tissue
remains important to minimise the risk of lactic acidosis with       plasminogen activator [tPA] activity and tPA antigen) were
metformin by paying careful attention to the contraindications       observed after six months of metformin therapy at doses of up
and special precautions associated with metformin use, espe-         to 3000 mg/day.13 Improved fibrinolysis is likely to reduce the risk
cially with regard to renal or hepatic impairment and alcohol        of intravascular thrombotic events, such as myocardial infarction,
abuse. Conditions precluding the use of metformin are not            and may contribute to the beneficial cardiovascular effects of
uncommon in type 2 diabetic patients42 and evidence from sur-        metformin in type 2 diabetic patients.45,46 Metformin also
veys suggests that a substantial proportion of patients who have     improves lipid profiles in many patients, including beneficial
received metformin have absolute contraindications, intercurrent     effects on LDL, VLDL and HDL cholesterol, free fatty acids and
conditions or other risk factors incompatible with metformin         triglycerides.32
therapy, although no cases of lactic acidosis were reported in
these surveys.43,44                                                  Maintained quality of life during intensive metformin
     The risk of lactic acidosis with metformin is low if the pre-   therapy
scribing instructions for metformin are followed correctly.34,37     The impact of intensive glycaemic management and of the pres-
Careful assessment of patients at the time of initiation of met-     ence or absence of diabetic complications on quality of life was
formin therapy, and regular surveillance of patients to detect       measured in the UKPDS.47 Individual questionnaires were used to
the development of contraindications to metformin form an            evaluate patients’ quality of life relating to satisfaction with
essential part of successful long-term management of type 2          work, mood, symptoms and cognitive function, while the gener-
diabetes with metformin. Vigilance is required at the time of        ic EQ5D questionnaire was used to explore patients’ general
radiological investigations involving intravascular administra-      well-being.
tion of iodinated contrast materials as these agents can precipi-        There were no significant differences in the scores for any
tate renal failure. Metformin therapy should be discontinued at      dimension of quality of life in patients receiving intensive thera-
the time of the procedure, withheld for a minimum of 48 hours,       py with metformin, compared with patients receiving conven-
and reinstated only after renal function is confirmed as normal.32   tional, diet-based therapy. In contrast, the presence of macrovas-

34                                                                                  THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND VASCULAR DISEASE

cular complications significantly impaired general well-being,
and the presence of microvascular complications significantly                                 Key messages
impaired quality of life relating to mood and symptoms.
Therefore, the presence of complications impairs quality of life
in patients with type 2 diabetes, while intensive glycaemic            ●   UKPDS has established metformin as a preferred
management with metformin does not.                                        first line agent for pharmacological treatment of type 2
Compliance issues                                                      ●   Adequate titration of metformin is required, taking the
Polypharmacy, defined as the long-term use of two or more
                                                                           drug with meals to reduce GI side effects
pharmacologic therapies, is common, especially in elderly
                                                                       ●   Metformin offers benefits against cardiovascular disease
patients with diabetes who are at increased risk of other dis-
eases of ageing, such as hypertension, ischaemic heart disease             in type 2 diabetes
or arthritis. Indeed, age and diabetes have been shown to be
highly significant risk factors for receiving polypharmacy
(p=0.0002 and p=0.0001, respectively) in a study of data from
1,544 patients over a three-year period.48                           Conclusions
    It is well accepted that polypharmacy is a clinically signifi-   The UKPDS showed that metformin improves clinical outcomes
cant barrier to good compliance with therapeutic regimens,           in type 2 diabetic patients by controlling glycaemia, and through
especially where patients take several doses of medication per       additional as yet undefined cardiovascular protective effects.
day, and non-adherence to therapy is common among patients           Metformin is therefore established as the first line component of
with diabetes.49,50 This has been demonstrated quantitatively in     oral antidiabetic therapy for patients without contraindications
patients with type 2 diabetes, by the Diabetes Audit and             to this drug. We also know from the UKPDS that the degree of
Research in Tayside, Scotland (DARTS) Study, which recorded          protection from complications is determined by the magnitude
the medication details of 2,920 patients for 12 months.51 Data       of the reduction in HbA1C. The efficacy of metformin in control-
on prescriptions were used to define an Adherence Index,             ling glycaemia is related to dose, generally requiring titration up
which provided an estimate of the proportion of the year for         to 2000 mg/day or above to achieve optimal effect. Therapy
which patients had adequate therapeutic cover from their             should however be individualised, and with this objective the full
medication. Adequate adherence to therapy was defined as an          therapeutic dose range of metformin should be exploited where
Adherence Index of 90% or greater, after adjustment for hos-         appropriate in order to optimise the benefits of therapy. At all
pitalisation.                                                        times vigilance should be maintained to ensure safety of use dur-
    The median Adherence Indices in patients receiving either        ing intensification of metformin therapy. The recently introduced
of two oral antidiabetic monotherapies were 300 and 302              1000 mg metformin tablet will facilitate the use of higher doses
days. When the agents were given together as a free combina-         of metformin with the potential to improve compliance.
tion, involving an increase in the number of tablets taken per
day, the Adherence Index fell to 266 days (p

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36                                                                                                  THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND VASCULAR DISEASE
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