Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil

Page created by Jordan Mccoy
for Sustainable
Investments at
City Level in Brazil
Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure
  Investments at City Level in Brazil
  Opportunities for Sustainable                  education activities in the second                  infrastructure. Integrating climate
  Infrastructure Investments at                  semester of 2018. Once a potential                  resilience into its portfolio will
  City Level in Brazil                           project pipeline is identified, a wider             accelerate the delivery of infrastructure
                                                 report will be produced identifying                 for climate risks mitigation.
  This project is being implemented under
                                                 market barriers and the detailed
  “InfraInvest: Sustainable Infrastructure                                                         • Incorporate climate risk exposure to
                                                 regulatory and policy recommendations
  for Brazil” and has been commissioned                                                              new infrastructure plans, accounting
                                                 to unlock investment potential. A pilot
  by the Brazilian Federal Government,                                                               for future depreciation of assets due
                                                 case will also be identified in 2019, to be
  through the Ministry of Planning,                                                                  to change in precipitation patterns,
                                                 showcased to investors.
  Development and Management and is                                                                  temperature increases and extreme
  being supported by the Inter-American                                                              weather events.
  Development Bank (IADB).                       Preliminary Recommendations                       • Prioritise green infrastructure
  The project will seek to identify green        • Include climate resilience as a further           debentures issuance. They are
  finance opportunities for cities in water        priority sector in COFIEX’s list of               currently more appealing to individual
  and sanitation, waste to energy and urban        themes for granting municipalities                investors, since the Brazilian
  mobility. These sectors have been selected       easier access to external finance.                government is granting fiscal incentive
  given the investment needs in Brazilian                                                            to these investors for this debt
                                                 • Integrate climate resilience into
  municipalities and their alignment with                                                            instrument.
                                                   Investments Partnerships Programme
  low carbon development and resilience.
                                                   (PPI) portfolio. The government’s               • Partner with development entities,
  This brief will be used to raise awareness       program incentivises the partnership              which can help leverage financing and/
  across key infrastructure stakeholders           between public and private sectors                or reduce the risk of infrastructure
  in Brazil, and build a number of market          as well as the privatisation of public            projects.

Brazil’s Green Investment Potential
Brazil has an estimated US $1.3 trillion         economic risks at a national level, which can     local governments to finance debt only with
green investment potential for power,            result in severe economic losses.                 authorisation and guarantees structures
transport, buildings, waste and industrial                                                         from the federal government, who not only
                                                 The current urban infrastructure finance is
energy efficiency,1 based on its climate                                                           has a limited percentage4 of its net revenues
                                                 mostly limited to public financing, such as
commitments set out in the Nationally                                                              to offer as a guarantee, but has also been
                                                 via BNDES, or individual investors who buy
Determined Contribution (NDC). The bulk                                                            covering the debts of a number of defaults
                                                 incentivised infrastructure debentures due
of this is in renewable energy and urban                                                           from its subnationals, in the last years. Such
                                                 to a tax benefit. At the same time, Brazil has
infrastructure including transport and waste.                                                      changes on the regulatory environment
                                                 hundreds of billions of dollars in assets under
                                                                                                   have also provided an opportunity for
Investing in low carbon climate-resilient        management by institutional investors,
                                                                                                   establishing innovative mechanisms, such as
infrastructure as well as being required to      particularly pension funds, which are
                                                                                                   concessions and PPPs for key public services
meet NDC targets, is also an opportunity to      traditionally allocated in government bonds.
                                                                                                   and infrastructure development, particularly
establish a sustainable growth path, as set
                                                 Integrating climate mitigation and                in the transport sector. In these cases, the
out in the Sustainable Development Goals
                                                 resilience criteria into mainstream               infrastructure company can implement
(SDGs) around cities (SDG 11) and clean
                                                 infrastructure planning will provide Brazil       high value projects with a less bureaucratic
water and sanitation (SDG 6).
                                                 with the opportunity to access new capital        access to funding. On these Public-Private
With over 400 municipalities located along       flows that are looking for green, especially      Partnerships, private companies are given
the coast, more than 50 mn2 Brazilians are       on the international market. Financing            the duty to build a public infrastructure
directly vulnerable to the impacts of climate    infrastructure is currently a challenge for       or provide a public service backed by a
change in the coming decades, and so are         Brazilian municipalities, which rely on           special enhanced guarantee provided by
some of the country’s financial and industrial   government transfers and tax revenues.3           the Government that can be used to collect
centres. Over 85% of Brazil’s population         International credit operations have become       resources in the financial market.5
currently lives in cities and the rapid          tougher since the implementation of Law
expansion of the country’s urban conurbations    101/00, also known as the “Law for Fiscal
requires a substantial deployment of             Responsibility”, which made the process
infrastructure over future decades. Failure      for granting government guarantees
to incorporate climate change impacts            for financing public infrastructure more
into infrastructure planning poses serious       challenging. The current Law then, obligates

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                        2
Green Bonds Opportunity in Brazil

Green bonds have the potential to mobilise          Brazil’s market has been largely driven by the                of Brazil’s key sectors and shift investment
substantial portions of the capital required        pulp and paper and renewable energy sectors:                  towards a low-carbon economy.
to transform the country’s infrastructure
                                                    Implementing Brazil’s NDC7 under the                          Some of Brazil’s largest investors, representing
in support of a low carbon economy and
                                                    Paris Agreement will demand substantial                       R$1.8 trillion in AUM, have also come together
endure the risks of climate change.
                                                    investment. But with public spending and                      during this period and issued a Green Bond
Over the past few years, there has been a           fiscal restrictions, crowding-in private capital              Statement, making a public commitment to foster
steady growth in demand from Institutional          will be essential to finance the NDC and                      a domestic green bond market. It is important
investors, particularly in OECD countries           other infrastructure needs. Green bonds                       to develop a strong and bankable pipeline to
and China, for investment opportunities             have the potential to leverage the strengths                  meet the local and international demands.
that address climate change and support
sustainable development.                           Evolution of the Global Green Bonds Market
This has resulted in the development of
                                                                 160             Government-backed entity          Loan
new financial products which include: green
loans; green, social and sustainable bonds;                                      Local government                  Sovereign
green infrastructure investment trusts; and,                     120             Development Bank
green index products.
                                                                                 Non-financial Corporate
Demand for sustainable                                           80              Financial Corporate
investments is increasing globally
Green bonds are debt instruments that raise
                                                  USD Billions

capital exclusively to finance or re-finance
projects and assets with environmental
benefits. The vast majority to date is funding
assets and projects that deliver climate change
mitigation and/or adaptation impacts. A small                                     2014            2015             2016            2017             2018
share of green bond proceeds is allocated to
assets and projects with other environmental       Green bonds: Use of proceeds is diversifying
benefits such as preserving biodiversity;                            Energy               Transport               Waste                Adaptation             ICT
conservation of natural resources; and, air,
water and soil pollution control.                                    Buildings            Water                   Land Use             Industry

Brazil’s Green Bond Market: US                      100%
$4.4bn in issuance and growing6
The first Brazilian green bond was issued
only in June 2015 and the market has grown
exponentially since then, with 16 issuances
until July 2018. But this is only a small
fraction of the investment needed and there
is significant potential for expansion,
particularly with urban infrastructure.             0%
                                                                              2013         2014            2015           2016         2017        2018 YTD

Cumulative use of proceeds
                                                             Benefits for investors                                 Benefits for issuers
Waste 3%                      Transport 1%
Buildings 4%                  ICT,
                                                             • Produce comparable financial returns                 • Provide an additional source of green
Water 5%                      Adaptation
What’s green?

                                                                                                                                + –

                                                                                                 + –

                                                                                                                                                      + –

  Waste to Energy:                                Solar:                                          Public Lighting:
  Treating residual waste with                    The world installed a record                    The value proposition of LED
  various Waste-to-Energy                         number of new solar power                       street lighting is compelling
  (WtE) technologies is a                         projects in 2017, more than                     from a cost, environment,
  viable option for disposal of Municipal Solid   net additions of coal, gas and                  safety and service perspective. Innovations
  Waste and energy generation. There are          nuclear plants put together.                    in lighting technology, systems and controls
  many factors that will influence the choice                                                     now mean that street lighting is much more
  of technology and every region will have                                                        energy efficient, offers better quality light
  to properly assess its specific context to                                                      and can help local authorities save money,
  implement the most reasonable solution.                                                         while improving the services they offer their
  World Energy Council
                                                                                                  UN Environment’s United for
                                                                                                  Efficiency (U4E) Initiative

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                         4
Transport (rail):                               Water:                                          Buildings:
  75% of the world’s countries                    The UN says the planet                          Building-related emissions
  have established strategies                     is facing a 40% shortfall                       account for about one-third
  and targets to improve the                      in water supply by 2030,                        of global GHG emissions and
  environmental performance of their transport    unless the world dramatically improves the      could double by 2050, making building
  sector within their Intended Nationally         management of this precious resource.           efficiency a critical part of the COP21
  Determined Contributions (INDCs).                                                               agenda.
  One-fifth of the transport-related (I)NDCs
  include measures in the railway sector.


Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                   5
Green Infrastructure Investment
Opportunities in Brazil
This section provides an initial assessment of
Brazil’s sustainable infrastructure opportunities     Examples of Green bonds for water
for different sectors. This project has selected
                                                      USD17 billion has been raised through green       Green bonds for water infrastructure are
three key sectors based on their green
                                                      bonds to fund water projects since the            appearing across different geographies and
investment potential and their city-level impact.
                                                      market’s inception. Issuance is predominant       are expected to grow in emerging markets,
Further to these three sectors, Brazil                in the US and Europe, with corporate issuers      as water stress is a key issue in several
has a substantial green finance project               mainly active in the UK and France while          developing countries. In July 2017, the City of
pipeline across other sectors; like                   local governments dominate the US market.         Cape Town issued a green bond for ZAR1bn
buildings, agriculture and energy. The                Water is in the fact the largest sector of        (USD77.2mn). The bond was 4 times
results of this project will certainly generate       investment of US municipalities through           oversubscribed and received interest from
co-benefits for leveraging project pipelines          green bond issuance.15                            31 different investors. The proceeds were
across the economy.                                                                                     used to refinance projects for sustainable
                                                      Alongside municipalities, public utilities can
                                                                                                        water management and sanitation projects,
Internationally aligned green definitions             also raise finance through green bonds for
                                                                                                        including water capture, storage and
                                                      water and wastewater projects. In May 2016,
The “green” definitions used to identify                                                                distribution infrastructure and alternative
                                                      the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
eligible assets in this report are taken                                                                water treatment plants, supporting the
                                                      issued a USD240mn for wastewater and
from the Climate Bonds Taxonomy, an                                                                     city in reaching its climate resilience and
                                                      storm water management projects. The
international science-based classification                                                              social targets. The bond was certified
                                                      bond was the first certified against the water
system for climate investments.                                                                         against the Climate Bonds Standard.
                                                      criteria under the Climate Bonds Standard.

1. Water and Sanitation
Estimates show that R$317bn
                                                    Currently, the sector is mostly supported by        2. Sustainable Waste
(approx. USD 82bn) in
                                                    public finance, which has a mandate to cover up     Management
                                                    to 95% of financeable items,9 recently up from
investments would be required                                                                           An estimated R$11,6 bn/
                                                    80%,10 but in practice a substantial gap remains.
until 2035 to ensure universal water and                                                                yr (approx. USD 3bn) in
sewage treatment to all Brazilians.                 Potential eligible assets:                          infrastructure investments until 2031 is
                                                                                                        needed to ensure universal sustainable
In 2017, Brazil invested R$9bn into water and       Sustainable water management: assets that
                                                                                                        waste management in Brazil.11
sanitation. Nearly half of all Brazilians do not    either reduce or have a neutral impact on
have access to sewage systems or treatment          greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over their           Municipalities are planning projects to
and 35mn people do not have access to               lives; support climate adaptation; or increase      introduce and improve waste management
drinking water. Brazil’s water system has           the resilience of surrounding watersheds.           services in order to implement the revised
an average loss rate of 37%, a cost of                                                                  2010 policy.12 So far 40% of the necessary
                                                    This could include the following assets and
approximately R$8bn, due to leakages, poor                                                              landfills have been rolled out and this new
                                                    projects: water capture and collection, water
management and theft.8                                                                                  policy presents an opportunity to ensure
                                                    storage, water treatment (with methane
                                                                                                        any new waste management systems are
The implementation of sustainable water             capture and energy recovery), flood defence,
                                                                                                        sustainable and maximise materials and
and sanitation systems would increase               drought defence, storm-water management,
                                                                                                        energy recovery.
water security and resilience in the country,       and ecological restoration/management as
and green finance could be an alternative           well as grey, or built water infrastructure and     One of the main implementation challenges
source of capital for the sector.                   nature-based water infrastructure.                  is finance. Municipalities have to operate
                                                                                                        within the current fiscal regulations limiting
                                                                                                        their ability to fund discretionary capital
  SANASA (Campinas Water and Sanitation Company):                                                       projects. Sustainable waste management
                                                                                                        could offer a regular source of revenue
  SANASA is a concession company                    finished the construction of a new water
                                                                                                        from materials recovery and energy sales.
  responsible for the water management of           reservoir that, besides preserving 160 acres of
                                                                                                        It can also reduce the level of freshwater
  the city of Campinas, located in the state of     forests, will guarantee the city water supply
                                                                                                        contamination from the leachate run-offs
  São Paulo. SANASA is known for being one          for the next 50 years. These investments have
                                                                                                        from poorly operated waste handling.
  of the most efficient water and sanitation        already proven to reduce emissions and will
  companies in Brazil, employing state of           also provide climate resilience. It has made        Demand for waste-to-energy facilities in
  the art technology to treat and produce           the city of Campinas less dependent on São          Brazil are likely to rise, as dumpsites are
  reclaimed water. It provides drinking water       Paulo’s Cantareira Supply System, which             gradually being phased out, mandated by
  to 99,7% of the city’s inhabitants, with          has suffered significantly since the extreme        federal legislation, through Law 12.305/10
  technology to ensure 99% purity in a              drought that hit the southeast of Brazil            which establishes the National Waste Policy.
  chemical-free treatment process.                  between 2014 and 2015.                              Investing in waste-to-energy facilities can yield
                                                                                                        both environmental and financial benefits.
  SANASA was also the first company in the          Investments such as these are eligible for
                                                                                                        These facilities mitigate GHG emissions by
  country to have a Production Station for          Certified Green Bonds and could directly
                                                                                                        generating energy from landfill gas; reducing
  Reclaimed Water (EPAR). In 2017, SANASA           benefit from green finance flows.
                                                                                                        waste; and promoting reuse/recycling

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                                 6
practices. They also create new revenue
                                                  Examples of Green bonds for low carbon transport
streams (or savings) for municipalities as
they sell off excess energy into the grid.        Transport currently accounts for only            refinancing of metro, light rail and BRT
                                                  15% of green bond investments to date,           construction and maintenance projects.
Implementation of such systems would
                                                  but has been identified as the largest
certainly benefit from accessing green                                                           • Water and wastewater management:
                                                  sector for market growth, as shown by a
finance markets, provided local regulatory                                                         MXP 538 mn for new projects for
                                                  recent analysis of climate-aligned bonds
and finance constraints can be overcome.                                                           construction or replacement and
                                                  that could carry a “green” label, with
                                                                                                   maintenance of drainage and water
Potential eligible assets:                        USD505.4bn outstanding bonds.19 Issuers
                                                                                                   capture systems, water treatment
                                                  include large railway corporations in
Sustainable waste management: projects to                                                          plants, wells and distribution canals for
                                                  China, Europe and US. Transport is also an
divert discarded goods from the entering the                                                       drinking water.
                                                  important theme in the local government
waste stream either by reuse or recycling,
                                                  green bond universe, where it constitutes      • Energy efficiency: MXP 65 mn for new
projects to enhance the collection of
                                                  37% of the market share.                         installation and maintenance of street
municipal solid waste and the separate green
                                                                                                   LED lighting.
waste projects to convert the residual waste      Outside of Europe and the US, Mexico City
into waste-to-energy facilities.                  issued its first green bond in 2016 largely    Alongside municipalities, transport
                                                  to finance new and existing low-carbon         authorities can raise green bonds to
Where waste must go to landfill, there are
                                                  projects. The MXP 1 bn (approx. USD 50         finance low-carbon urban infrastructure.
gas capture systems installed to minimise
                                                  mn) 5-year bond was 2.5x oversubscribed;       The New York Metropolitan Authority has
emissions as well as measures to minimise
                                                  the external review was carried out by         identified a USD 11 bn portfolio of eligible
run-off and other negative impacts on
                                                  Sustainalytics. Eligible projects were         projects (certified against the Climate
surrounding environments.
                                                  identified for MXP 1.35bn, including:          Bonds Standard) against which it regularly
                                                                                                 issuing green bonds to finance the
                                                  • Low carbon transport: MXP 187 mn of
                                                                                                 maintenance and repair of the New York
  Sustainable Waste                                 new metro equipment and MXP 560 mn
                                                                                                 metro transport system.
  Management in Curitiba
  All of Curitiba’s waste is disposed
  of in landfills, in compliance with
                                               transport’s GHG emissions. There are              rolling stock or related infrastructure is not
  the National Waste Policy.17 One of
                                               opportunities for local governments to            fully dedicated to the transportation of coal,
  these landfills, located within the
                                               expand and enhance of its public mass-            oil or other fossil fuels); Bus Rapid Transit
  Metropolitan area features sewage
                                               transit systems (bus or subway) displacing        (BRT) systems; electric vehicles; and, bicycle
  treatment and systems to prevent leaks,
                                               car-based transport: this can free up the         transport systems.
  as well as biogas capture for electricity
                                               bioethanol for alternate uses.
  generation. The municipality is now
  proposing to add recycling to the waste      The electrification of transport systems,
                                                                                                   Low Carbon Transport
  management contracts18 as there is           eligible green assets under the Climate
                                                                                                   Systems and the city of Belo
  significant scope to expand.                 Bonds Standard, is a reality and will see
                                               a steep rise in demand in Brazil over the
  A recently approved municipal law,
                                               coming years. The National Electricity              Belo Horizonte has a 2030 Urban
  Law 15277/18, allows for the use of
                                               Regulator (ANEEL) has issued regulation             Mobility plan16 which was launched
  municipal public assets (namely public
                                               on provision of charging services for               in 2017. It focusses on promoting the
  buildings and land) to be used for
                                               electric vehicles,14 with 2025 as the               transition low carbon systems and
  renewable energy generation, including
                                               deadline for EVs to surpass internal                minimised environmental impact. Some
  from residual biomass (i.e. from organic
                                               combustion engines, in terms of economic            of the measures include:
  waste, for example).
                                               competitiveness, as estimated by industry
                                                                                                   • Prospecting and promoting the
                                               associations and manufacturers. With
                                                                                                     substitution of the public transport fleet
                                               the increase in the production of biofuels,
                                                                                                     with more carbon efficient vehicles;
3. Low Carbon                                  an expansion of biofuel/electric hybrids is
Transport Systems                              already a reality and could replace mass-           • Ensuring the harmonization
                                               transit vehicles in the short term, crucial for       of environmental policies and
Estimates show that Brazil
                                               urban mobility.                                       commitments with the city’s urban
has a U$209bn climate-smart
                                                                                                     mobility planning.
investment potential in urban transport        Potential eligible assets:
infrastructure by 2020.13 These include                                                            As an example, electric buses are being
                                               Low carbon transport: transportation modes
rail, mass-transit systems, and further                                                            tested for additional lines in the capital.
                                               and ancillary infrastructure that produce low
adoption of biofuels in road transport, the                                                        Financing for this expansion of Urban
                                               or no carbon emissions, as they are powered
predominant system in the country.                                                                 Mobility could be eligible for green
                                               by renewable energy or fuel sources. This
                                                                                                   finance, with the potential to accelerate
Uniquely, a large proportion Brazilian cars    can include national and urban passenger
                                                                                                   green infrastructure deployment.
use bioethanol, greatly reducing road          rail and freight networks (where freight lines,

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                         7
Challenges of funding green
infrastructure in Brazil
In this section, we set out the basic              • making the underlying economics of
challenge facing investment in green                 environmental infrastructure projects
infrastructure in Brazil.                            more attractive,

The country suffered a serious economic            • attracting private capital into the
downturn between 2014 and 2016 causing               infrastructure provision at terms that are
a 7% drop in output and unemployment                 mutually advantageous to the state and
rose from 6.8% to 11.3%.20 Since then there          the private firm.
has been a mild recovery, GDP grew 1% in
                                                   It is essential that policy changes address
2017; however, this has not reversed the
                                                   the underlying economics of environmental
deterioration in government finances. Non-
                                                   infrastructure projects in waste, transport
financial public-sector debt rose sharply
                                                   and water through ensuring robust revenue
between 2016 and 2017 from 78.3% GDP
                                                   streams/grants so that enable projects to
to 84%. The worsening public finances
                                                   generate sufficient revenue to pay the costs
has resulted in a deterioration in its credit
                                                   of debt service and operations. At present
rating which S&P down-graded in January
                                                   domestic waste collection and disposal is
2018 to BB-. Moody’s gives Brazil a rating of
                                                   not revenue generating and fares from mass
BA2. These low credit rating means Brazil’s
                                                   transportation systems are inadequate
sovereign debt is not investment grade.
                                                   and so either need to be increased, or
The fiscal deficit has been particularly acute     supplemented with other revenue streams.
at the sub-national government level. By
                                                   Given the restrictions on sub-national
2016 local government revenue had declined
                                                   government spending, authorities have to
to around 12% of GDP, but expenditure had
                                                   rely on alternate structures for organising the
steadily risen to around 18% – a substantial
                                                   provision of public services to bring in private
structural deficit caused in large part by
                                                   sector capital. Two specific approaches will
excessive spending on personnel and staff
                                                   be analysed:
pensions. Central government has reigned
in local government spending by introducing        • Concessions e.g. private firms that have
tight controls on municipal spending and             been given exclusive rights to build and
new borrowing in the Fiscal Recovery Bill,           operate infrastructure (e.g. private water
freezing new hiring, forbidding new credit           and sanitation companies such as AEGEA,
loans outside the framework of the state’s           BRK Ambiental, etc), and
Fiscal Recovery Plans.21
                                                   • Partnerships in which a sub-national
The political difficulties of implementing           government and the private sector form
spending cuts is illustrated by Rio de Janeiro’s     a jointly managed entity to fund, build
efforts to reduce transport subsidies. The           and operate the infrastructure (e.g. PPPs
subsidised fare program was suspended in             for metro lines and other urban mobility
December 2016 because the state program              projects in various cities such as São
was unable to pay the R$10mn subsidy for the         Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador).
concessionary fares. Such a suspension would
                                                   Both of these structures would allow the
have impacted 5mn people every day. Under
                                                   investment project to borrow money or
political pressure the state reinstated the
                                                   issue a bond that is off the sub-national
reduced fares promising to liquidate the debts
                                                   government’s balance sheet. For this to be
owed to the transport company.22
                                                   viable it is important that the underlying
These restrictions on sub-national                 investments have robust cash flows capable
governments have meant they have                   of servicing the loans.
had to prioritise non-discretionary
                                                   We consider that the use of green bonds
spending programmes like education,
                                                   could play an important and beneficial
over discretionary expenditures on new
                                                   role to assist sub-national governments’
infrastructure. However, states still need
                                                   investment objectives. Green bonds’ clarity
to invest in new infrastructure for water
                                                   towards how proceeds will be spent, offers
and sanitation, waste treatment and public
                                                   investors greater certainty and transparency
transport if they are to improve the quality of
                                                   through the verification process that money
lives of their citizens.
                                                   is not misappropriated. Green bonds can
Restoring state’s capacity to make                 also attract investment from a broader range
investments in essential green infrastructure      of foreign investors that would not usually
within the confines of this tough fiscal           invest in sub-national Brazilian debt.
situation means addressing two issues:

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative   8
Accessing green financial markets:
green bonds and loans
There is strong investor demand for               entirely absorbed by retail investors as an         If emissions and climate resilience were also
green bonds, which are consistently               attractive form of investing in capital markets.    incorporated into these criteria, municipalities
oversubscribed. This rapidly growing market                                                           could leverage international investment
                                                  However, this has also meant that institutional
has the potential to help cities attract new                                                          looking for green assets. Municipalities could
                                                  investors have stayed clear of buying
investors interested in high-quality low-                                                             therefore take advantage of existing pools
                                                  incentivised debentures given they are not
carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure                                                           of capital seeking to invest in sustainable
                                                  eligible for the tax benefits. Also, government
investments. With the growth of climate                                                               infrastructure, which will outperform fossil
                                                  bonds offer a “safer” risk/return profile than
related financial disclosure, investors and                                                           fuels and traditional forms of infrastructure,
                                                  most financial products available in Brazil.
asset managers are driven to increase their                                                           such as roads-based logistics.
                                                  Although, with decreasing interest rates,
exposure to green assets.
                                                  and mandatory ESG integration recently
Recent experience suggests the price of           approved for national Pension Funds, through
the capital would be similar to that of           resolution CMN 4.661/18, it is likely that
                                                                                                        Green pooled funding for
conventional bonds with the same risk             institutional investors will begin searching
profile.23 This reinforces the importance of      for good financial products in order to further
ensuring that the corporate structure that        diversify their portfolios and comply with their      Pooled funding for municipalities can
builds and operates the infrastructure has a      fiduciary duty and local regulations.                 be an effective model for municipalities
robust and reliable source of revenue. It might                                                         to access capital markets to finance
                                                  For instance, ISA CTEEP, a private electric
also be necessary to access development                                                                 urban infrastructure. The most effective
                                                  energy concessionaire responsible for
banks to provide credit enhancement to                                                                  and efficient pooled funding model
                                                  transmitting approximately 25% of the
improve the project’s financial viability.                                                              entails aggregating municipalities’ debt
                                                  energy produced in Brazil, issued in April
                                                                                                        operations and creating an independent
Green City Bonds fund green projects              2018, R$621mn in incentivized debentures
                                                                                                        entity owned and/or backed by the
in cities, and can be issued to meet the          labelled as green, to finance projects bided
                                                                                                        municipality and/or central government.
investment requirements for climate-friendly      between October 2016 and April 2017.
urban infrastructure, such as low carbon                                                                Local government funding
                                                  In February 2018, Copasa, the concession
buildings, metro rail systems, wastewater                                                               agencies (LGFAs)
                                                  company responsible for the water treatment
treatment plants and renewable energy.                                                                  Local government funding agencies
                                                  and waste management in the state of Minas
                                                                                                        (LGFAs) are a popular model in Northern
                                                  Gerais, issued R$268mn in incentivised
If you are an infrastructure                      debentures. This was used exclusively for
                                                                                                        Europe and are the largest municipal
company:                                                                                                lender. The key advantages of LGFAs are:
                                                  infrastructure projects of basic sanitation in
Private companies and companies                   the sewage system of the municipalities of            • Aggregation: by gathering a
operating under a government concession           Divinópolis and Sabará. Projects like these             large portfolio of projects, these
framework can access debt capital markets         are likely to be eligible for green certification       financial institutions can raise large,
to obtain upfront financing for green             and benefit from a green issuance.                      international bonds.
investments. These companies could
                                                                                                        • Resources and expertise: Centralizing
therefore issue green bonds to secure the         If you are a Municipality:
                                                                                                          resources and expertise enables
financing required for building the necessary
                                                  Climate Bonds Initiative is working with the            the agency to develop and hire the
infrastructure at the local level.
                                                  Federal Government, through this project,               appropriate expertise, overcoming the
Corporate bonds, or infrastructure                in order to prioritise climate resilient                capability barrier which may exist at
debentures in the local context, have             infrastructure in concession portfolios as              the municipal level.
accounted for most of Brazil’s green bond         well as in external financing processes.
                                                                                                        • Better debt pricing: the ability to
market so far. Brazilian issuers have reaped      New projects should aim to consider
                                                                                                          raise debt through capital markets
the benefits of accessing investors looking       climate change impacts, particularly
                                                                                                          and pass any pricing benefit onto
for green, including reputational gains, and      regarding temperature rise and changes
                                                                                                          the borrowers (and owners) can
investor diversification.                         in precipitation patterns, over the assets’
                                                                                                          help municipalities access cheaper
                                                  working lives when calculating maintenance
Infrastructure debentures are one of the most                                                             financing for infrastructure projects.
                                                  costs and usable life.
widely used financing instruments in Brazil.                                                              Robust risk management and
Compared to traditional bank lending, they        Currently, in order to obtain external finance,         monitoring processes have also been
can generally offer lower funding costs, longer   Brazilian Municipalities require authorisation          a characterizing feature of LGFAs.
maturity, better guarantee requirements,          from the Ministry of Finance and approval
                                                                                                        The Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden,
and also more attractive returns to investors.    from the Senate. The Commission for
                                                                                                        Finland, Norway) have demonstrated the
Since 2011, a new form of infrastructure          External Financing (COFIEX) then reviews the
                                                                                                        viability of this model for financing green
debentures became even more popular in the        infrastructure proposals presented, including
                                                                                                        urban infrastructure. All the Nordic LGFAs
Brazilian market; the incentivised debentures.    by the local governments, according to the
                                                                                                        have issued green bonds, with the largest
Regulated by Law 12.431, incentivised             government’s priority sectors (divided into
                                                                                                        issuer being Sweden’s Kommuninvest
infrastructure debentures exempt individual       water and sanitation, R&D, environment,
                                                                                                        (EUR2.3m) followed by Norway’s
investors from paying income tax, being the       energy, urban mobility and development, and
                                                                                                        Kommunlbanken, with EUR 2.2bn issued.
reason why this product has become almost         logistics and transport).24

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                             9
Municipal bond banks                                 Subnational development banks in Brazil,            bank guarantees, funding projects directly,
                                                     for example, could benefit from aggregating         or arranging funding from other banks.
Municipal bond banks have been a dominant
                                                     portfolios of loans to green projects/
source of finance in the US and have also been                                                         2. Capital Raising. This might involve issuing
                                                     sectors, known as green tagging, and
developed in Mexico. These are banks owned                                                                green bonds to institutional and retail
                                                     expand their lending capacity and therefore
and operated by state government agencies,                                                                investors or raising equity for special
                                                     further benefitting municipalities.
set up with the purpose of lowering the cost of                                                           purpose investment vehicles.
funding for municipalities. These banks issue        Development banks aim to finance micro
                                                                                                       3. Working with government agencies to
general purpose on the capital markets and           and medium-sized companies for project and
                                                                                                          find ways to reduce transaction costs and
redistribute the proceeds to municipalities          program funding, and for the acquisition of
                                                                                                          risk profiles of needed projects.
                                                     machinery, equipment and working capital.
Club deals
                                                     They are able to issue bonds and other            4. Industry mobilisation, in particular
Alternative to creating an intermediate lender,      financial products as well as to collect third       aggregating and packaging projects
municipalities can also cooperate through a          party resources through term deposits and            into investment vehicles suitable for
so-called “club deals”, i.e. raise a bond through    international financing.                             institutional investors.
a common platform without creating an
                                                     BNDES is the primary Federal source               5. Negotiating government guarantees.
independent entity, leaving each participating
                                                     of development finance over the whole
municipality responsible for paying interests                                                          6. Championing and facilitating low carbon
                                                     country. The Bank was founded in 1952,
and capital. This structure would still enable                                                            investments.
                                                     institutionalised by Law 1.628, and it works
municipalities that are not able to do so on
                                                     with its own statutory framework.                 7. Providing advisory services for bond issuance.
their own, to access capital markets, but has less
cost efficiencies compared to creating an LGFA.      It is supported by the regional development
                                                     banks, like the Bank of Northeast (BNB) and
At a minimum, and perhaps as a first step,                                                               Minas Gerais Development
                                                     Minas Gerais Development Bank (BDMG).
municipalities can create a network to coordinate                                                        Bank (BDMG):
their borrowing activities and exchange best         The role of the development banks has become
                                                                                                         BDMG, the regional development bank
practices, including raising a green bond issuance   crucial to attract the private sector and
                                                                                                         of the state of Minas Gerais, has also
through a pooled financing mechanism.                enhance its partnership with the public sector,
                                                                                                         already identified R$64,5mn (approx.
                                                     mostly within infrastructure financing. In a
                                                                                                         USD17mn) in sustainable lending towards
If you are a bank:                                   country where there is still need and space
                                                                                                         infrastructure in its portfolio in 2017.26
                                                     for development, within a world that has
Green Finance also offers an opportunity for
                                                     been searching for ways to gather financial         BDMG has a credit of R$762mn funding
banks and other financial institutions which
                                                     resources and solutions to the development          infrastructure projects in 400 municipalities
oversee lending portfolios for being allocated
                                                     and implementation of the SDGs, Development         from Minas Gerais. Through the financing
towards eligible assets, such as in the sectors
                                                     Banks have the opportunity to be the link           of the municipal projects, the institution
above, renewable energy, energy efficiency,
                                                     between sustainability and development.             also offers advice on the preparation of
sustainable agriculture and others.
                                                                                                         proposals and guidance on the necessary
                                                     Green Lending:
                                                                                                         documentation, becoming the official
                                                     Green Lending and other credit facilities           structuring institution for concessions
                                                     provided by financial institutions will             and PPPs in the state. For instance, the
  Bank of the Northeast (BNB):                       function in the same way that traditional           development institution partners with public
                                                     lending does, where the assets comprised in         consortia, like Consane, which is the regional
  The regional development bank, Bank of
                                                     the loans or the projects being financed are        consortium of basic sanitation, formed by
  the Northeast, through their FNE Program,
                                                     eligible. For example, BNDES’ and regional          8 municipalities, for structuring the urban
  finances infrastructure portfolios from the
                                                     development banks’ LED lighting credit lines        solid waste project in the municipalities,
  Northeast region of Brazil, the North of the
                                                     could be considered a type of green lending.        by contributing and accelerating the
  state of Minas Gerais and the state of Espírito
                                                     Financial institutions can therefore expand         process of public notice for PPPs.
  Santo. In 2018, for infrastructure portfolios,
                                                     on the concept of green lending to provide
  the bank had an approved budget of
                                                     more favourable conditions to green projects
  R$14.5bn25 (approx. USD3.6bn), of which, by
                                                     and assets. Nonetheless, by fostering the
  mid-August, R$6.275bn was already loaned.                                                              National Development Bank
                                                     implementation of more green lending
  In July, 2018, the Bank provided a credit          streams in banks, municipalities can benefit
  line of R$164,7mn to Cagece, a company             with the expanded borrowing capacity for            BNDES was the first Brazilian Bank to issue
  of mixed economy responsible for the               companies to implement urban infrastructure         a green bond. Their USD1bn bond was listed
  water and sanitation systems in the state          services.                                           on the Luxemburg Green Exchange in May
  of Ceará. The funds were complementary                                                                 2017 with a 4.75% coupon, lower than
                                                     Public and commercial banks can integrate
  to the total cost of project of R$235mn                                                                the 5.25% originally estimated. The bond
                                                     green investment throughout their operations,
  for the improvement and expansion of the                                                               sought to refinance the bank’s solar and
                                                     where they can provide services on:
  water supply systems in the municipalities                                                             wind portfolios and the use of proceeds
  of Fortaleza, Maracanaú and Pacoti.                1. Origination and funding, such as                 will also go towards renewables projects.
                                                        structuring projects with government or

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                              10
If you are a development entity:                 Attracting international                            1. Cornerstone investments: where the
Though the public sector will remain a key
                                                 investment:                                            public entity would take on a larger
                                                                                                        number of shares or quotas on a particular
financier and a market driver in most of         Development entities can act as catalysts
                                                                                                        bond or fund;
these sectors, it is important to think about    to enable green international investment
innovative and blended financial structures      flows into Brazil. Two of the main challenges       2. Structuring dedicated funds: which
which will allow for a greater impact of         in securing international finance for                  will prioritise sustainable infrastructure
limited public funds. If further developed,      municipal infrastructure are:                          investments such as the Sustainable
these blended structures could overcome, or                                                             Energy Fund launched by BNDES;
                                                 i. obtaining a guarantee, either for the debt
minimize, the following current challenges:
                                                    itself or for the revenue stream, as in the      3. Providing guarantees: in the cases where
1. Country credit rating,                           case of PPPs;                                       a near-total private sector investment is
                                                                                                        feasible, but the lack of guarantees from
2. Currency fluctuations,                        ii. taking on the currency risk or providing
                                                                                                        the Brazilian government prevents finance
                                                     the hedge, mostly for extreme currency
3. Provision of guarantees from the                                                                     flows;
                                                                                                     4. Leveraging aggregation platforms:
4. Longer payback requirements,                  Leveraging domestic capital:                           in order to facilitate access for
                                                                                                        international investors, which are
5. Enforceability of urban projects’             There is also an opportunity to diversify
                                                                                                        seeking for larger volumes, usually over
   completion.                                   the investor base towards infrastructure
                                                                                                        200mn hard currency. By supporting
                                                 in Brazil through green finance. Most of
One of the strategies to manage these                                                                   aggregation instruments such as
                                                 Brazil’s infrastructure is financed via BNDES,
challenges is mobilizing a developing entity                                                            financial securitizations, CRIs and LIGs,
                                                 which can be used as a catalyst for private
to support, at least in part, these projects’                                                           it is possible to bundle a number of
                                                 investment, both domestic and international.
financing. A Multilateral Development                                                                   infrastructure investments and therefore
Bank (MDB) is able to mitigate credit risk       Actions:                                               access institutional capital.27
exposure, protect investors from extreme
                                                 Public finance entities, especially development     5. Fostering innovative revenue streams,
currency fluctuations, and, to an extent,
                                                 banks (multilateral, national and sub-nationals),      such as Land Value Capture (LVC): a model
the risk of non-payment of collaterals by
                                                 can step in to provide these assurance structures      which has been little explored in Brazil to
a sovereign or sub-sovereign, through
                                                 working with private investors, who would              date, where infrastructure investments
alternative products such as credit
                                                 contribute with the main capital expenditure           trigger an increase in adjacent property
enhancement, or through backing the asset
                                                 for infrastructure investments. This can be            values, which can be captured as part of the
guarantees. Additionally, the provision of
                                                 done through an array of instruments, such as:         return on the infrastructure investment.
guarantees by a development entity can
lower the costs of transactions, make the
length of loan longer, as well as increase the     What next?                                        In the meantime, what is needed:
scope of activities of a project.
                                                   This project will carry out a number of           a. Capacity building across stakeholders;
The Concession and PPPs model is                   local market education activities in the
                                                                                                     b. Adjustment of regulatory requirements,
being largely used in Brazil to overcome           second half of 2018 and early 2019, with
                                                                                                        including the promotion of a standardized
budget constraints. MDBs attract private           different partners. In parallel, Climate
                                                                                                        Green Tagging approach for project
investment and domestic financial                  Bonds Initiative will also seek to identify
                                                                                                        finance and integration of climate criteria;
institutions, which together, may not              a green infrastructure pipeline linked to
have the capacity to offer longer tenure           Brazilian municipalities, to be included          c. Building investor capacity and mobilization,
for projects with a long payback times.            in the wider final report alongside a list           for institutional and retail groups;
Therefore, the participation of development        of policy recommendations for unlocking
                                                                                                     d. Further exploring the role of MDBs, moving
entities partially financing projects could        investment potential.
                                                                                                        beyond loans, which can include: the
enlarge the capacity for longer loans.
                                                                                                        development of FX products, political
Another major problem for urban projects                                                                coverage and credit enhancement products.
in Brazil is the risk of the municipalities’
default and the breach of contract with their
subcontracted private companies, which
can be aggravated if the project involves                Identification of    Regional market                      Publication of
the provision of infrastructure for basic                Muni Pipeline        education roundtables                Synthesis Report with
livelihood, which, in this case, the contract            August 2018 –        November 2018 –                      Pipeline Analysis
cannot be easily interrupted by the latter.              July 2019            April 2019                           October 2019
The participation of MDBs therefore could
ultimately provide structures and products
such as guarantees to mitigate, to a certain
extent, the financial risks.                         AUG               NOV                           APR                 JUL               OCT
                                                     2018              2018                          2019               2019               2019

Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                              11

1. Between 2016-2030, according to IFC, 2016.
2. Painel Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas, 2017, pg.74
3. There are three main revenue streams; transfers from the federal
government, transfers from state governments, and municipal tax
4. RSF 48/2007
5. Justen Filho, Marçal. Curso de Direito Administrativo. São Paulo:
Saraiva, 2005. p. 549
6. Until September 2018
7. Brazil’s NDC has been ratified by Congress and is now mandatory
according to domestic legislation.
8. Instituto Trata Brasil.
9. Valor, 2018.
10. Governo Federal, 2017.
11. ABRELPE, 2015.
12. The National Waste Management Policy (PNRS - Law
12.305/10) establishes target and instruments to rollout effective
waste management throughout the country. It instructs munici-
palities to end all dumps, to be effectively replaced by landfills and
also mandates that waste is appropriately managed by: reusing,
recycling, composting, and generating or recovering its energy
13. IFC, 2016.
14. ANEEL, Resolução Normativa n° 819, 2018.
15. Climate Bonds Initiative
16. PlanMob-BH 2030.
17. Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos.
18. Comissão de Meio Ambiente conhece sistema de geração de
energia em aterro -May, 2018,
19. Climate Bonds Initiative, 2018
20. IMF (April 2018) “World Economic Outlook database” data
extracted 23 October 2018
21. Brazilian National Treasury (2017) “Fiscal Recovery Regime”
slides to OECD
22. How to fix the fiscal crisis in Brazil’s states?
23. Green Bond Pricing in the Primary Market: October - December
24. COFIEX Resolution 01-2017
25. Valor, August 2018.
26. BDMG, 2017.
27. Though it will be necessary to develop parallel structures for
offshore issuance as currently international investors either are not
able or face challenging tax requirements in order to invest in these
products in Brazil.


© Climate Bonds Initiative, December 2018
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the climate attributes of the use of proceeds of a designated debt instrument. It does not reflect the credit worthiness of the designated debt instrument, nor its compliance with national or international laws. A
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Opportunities for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments at City Level in Brazil Climate Bonds Initiative                                                                                                            12
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