OLLI IN-PERSON & ONLINE - FALL 2022 - Bradley University

OLLI IN-PERSON & ONLINE - FALL 2022 - Bradley University
FALL 2022

                    OLLI at Bradley is honored to celebrate Bradley’s 125th
                    anniversary in 2022.

                    This photo from 2015 illustrates our learning community's
                    love of our host university.

ONLINE Registration opens August 10, 2022 • PHONE Registration opens August 11, 2022
OLLI IN-PERSON & ONLINE - FALL 2022 - Bradley University
OLLI is an acronym for The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute                Study Groups offer opportunities to investigate topics in
at Bradley University, an organization with an average of 1,000             depth, and are your connection to studying what you most
annual members who want to stay vital and active as they                    enjoy with people who share your enthusiasm. The groups
reach and enjoy retirement. One of the best ways to do that is              are participation–based; the facilitators deliver core learning
to keep learning, and OLLI offers many options to do so.                    material, but all participants learn by sharing. Participants
                                                                            should expect to read, watch a video, or complete other
Our members enjoy the best of life-after-50 with a diverse                  independent study outside of each group session. Groups
collection of year-round programs, including non-credit                     start at various times throughout the month, and usually meet
classes, educational travel, study groups, and special events.              for 1.5 to 2 hours for 4 – 6 weeks. Seats are often limited
Our online options allow members to learn via Zoom, a free                  to 15 – 25 participants so everyone has an opportunity to
and easy-to-use video conferencing program.                                 actively participate.

Please review our program offerings, both in-person and                     Learning Trips
online, so you can pick what best fits your learning preferences,           enable members
interests, and schedule.                                                    to interact with
                                                                            experts who
Classes offer learning about the                                            offer behind-the-
topics you choose, taught by engaging                                       scenes looks at
volunteer instructors, on a college                                         area businesses,
campus, with people your age, and                                           and regional,
no tests or grades. Add time for                                            national, and
socializing, and you have a sense of                                        worldwide attractions. Our online “Travel Beyond” trips let
what we love to do. Classes meet                                            members travel virtually via Zoom. Our hybrid “Support
at Bradley University on Wednesdays in April and October,                   Local” includes a curbside meal pickup followed by a Zoom
and we're working on a new program format for January and                   presentation that allows members to go behind the scenes with
February. Our Winter in-person classes provide a friendly,                  owners and chefs.
welcoming environment with free parking on campus. Hybrid
and Zoom classes are also available.                                        OLLI Online programs are run via Zoom and include hybrid
                                                                            Classes, Originals, and Study Groups. This also include our
Originals are exclusive talks with local leaders and businesses             free online social events and Zoom training,
from the community and beyond. These one–hour sessions are
a great way to stay informed about local issues, governmental
updates, and business updates.                                                Three Ways to Register
                                                                               Wednesday, August 10 at 8:30 a.m.: online and mail
                                                                               registration opens

                                                                               Visit our website to sign up online: bradley.edu/olli or mail in
                                                                               the registration page (p. 29-31)

                                                                               Thursday, August 11 at 8:30 a.m.: phone registration opens

                                                                               Once you’ve registered, we’ll send a confirmation email.
                                                                               Details for each program will also be sent via email prior
                                                                               to its start date. Registrations are accepted for most of our
                 TABLE OF CONTENTS                                             programs between 24 to 36 hours before the start time.
    Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.4
                                                                               OLLI’s 2023 membership fee is due once every season:
    Originals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.10         Winter (Jan-Feb), Spring (Mar-May), Summer (June-Aug),
    Study Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 11             and Fall (Sept-Dec).
    Learning Trips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 14
    Online. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22        If you need assistance, please email staff at olli@bradley.edu
    FAQs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  p. 25       or call (309) 677–3900. We’ll be happy to help you register.

2             Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli
OLLI IN-PERSON & ONLINE - FALL 2022 - Bradley University

Hello to our current and future OLLI members,

Fall is here and we are so excited to bring you a robust offering of programs. The Continuing Education
staff and the OLLI volunteer planning committees have been hard at work. We hope you are ready to get
“back-to-school” with OLLI where there are never any tests or grades! We believe getting back in the habit
of OLLI is good for both your mind and body, and we are happy to see so many members returning to in-
person programming. If you are still hesitant to meet in person, please rest assured we are continuing our
Zoom programming. The pandemic taught OLLI how to use resources outside Peoria and opened a whole
new world of possibilities.

How did you learn about OLLI? Most members tell us that a friend told them about the program. Can I
suggest that YOU be that friend? OLLI is such an amazing gift - it would be nice if we could distribute
brochures with a bright red bow. OLLI gives us the ability to keep learning, meet new people, and make
new friends. We get to learn about new places in our community, the state, and the world. I can tell you
OLLI changed my life, and I will forever be grateful to the person that told me about OLLI. Pick up an extra
brochure at our fall kickoff event or forward our weekly emails to a friend. Spread the word that OLLI has
something for everyone. If every OLLI member told just one person about OLLI, think of the impact that
could have on our friends, community, and our learning community.

Are you an OLLI regular? If so, then I ask you to take the
                                                                                   2022 marks the 125th
next step and volunteer. How much time does that take? The                         Anniversary of the
answer is simple: as little or as much as you want. Offer to                       founding of Bradley
host an OLLI class in October or a study group this fall. If                       University. Be sure to
you want to be paired with an experienced host, just say so and                    check out our events with
you can learn the ropes. Do you wonder how we get so many                          the 125th logo and join
amazing classes, study groups, and learning trips? Attend a                        OLLI in celebrating this
curriculum, study group or learning trip committee meeting -                       special anniversary.
you don’t have to say a thing, just watch the process. Then, if
you decide if you want to jump in, we’ll be ready to get you involved. Do you have a hobby, talent, interest,
or expertise that you would like to share with other OLLI members? Volunteer to teach a class or facilitate a
study group, either on your own or with another volunteer. Contact the Continuing Education office at 309-
677-3900 or olli@bradley.edu to share what you have in mind.

Dedicated volunteers and our amazing Continuing Education staff is what sets our OLLI above most others.
In fact, we just won a WOO HOO award at the National Conference for Osher Institutes! What is a Woo-
Hoo? It’s an honor that recognizes unique and noteworthy programs offered by OLLIs across the country.
Our very own OLLI at Bradley won first place for our support local program! Thank you to all of you for
supporting our local businesses!

                         I am so proud to be part of our amazing OLLI. Enjoy this fall brochure, get ready for
                         an amazing season of learning and socializing..

                                                              Mark your calendar for registration
                         Diane Rock                           on August 10 see details about our
                         OLLI President                       new online registration on page 28.

      Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli   3
CLASSES   CLASSES                                                           of French politics. Participants will learn about the rigors
                                                                            of transatlantic travel, cholera epidemics, Native American
          Fall classes are held at Bradley University on the first four     Indians and Tom Thumb on display, plus an array of artists,
          Wednesdays in October 2022. Classes are one hour long             musicians, writers, doctors, and ambassadors. Be ready to
          and your day will include two 30-minute breaks and one            enjoy many great visual images!
          60-minute lunch break. Please be prepared to use our park-        $30 – Class instructor is Reid Hansen, retired physician.
          and-ride service, as parking on campus is unavailable. See        (NI/NC)
          more information in our FAQ section.
                                                                            3. Criminal Jury Trial: An Insider’s View
                          OLLI classes a la carte; you may register to      In this class we will get a little more “down and dirty” about
                          take a class in 1, 2, 3, or all 4 classes each    pre-trial maneuvering and tactics in getting the best jury for
                          day. Eight of this season’s classes (#1, #7,      our side, plus war stories to illustrate the points. If you have
          #8, #12, #19, #20, #22, and #23) are in the new hybrid            served as a juror, witness, or defendant in a criminal trial,
          learning rooms, so you can choose to attend in person or          watched the reporting of a trial, or have been indicted (or
          remotely via Zoom. Please choose your preferred way to            expect to be indicted), then this course will certainly be of
          attend when you submit your registration.                         interest. We will look at a criminal trial from the standpoint
                                                                            of a judge, a prosecutor, and a defense attorney, and discuss
          Thank you to the 400+ OLLI members who donated tens               jury selection, conduct of the trial, and closing argument.
          of thousands of dollars to upgrade the ballrooms with the         Time will be given to questions and discussion.
          technology that allows members to remain connected to             $30 – Class instructor is Art Inman, criminal defense
          our in-person classes, no matter where they are around the        attorney-at-law. (RI/RC)
          globe. We hope to soon have volunteer instructors from
          around the world teach for our learning community, too.           4. Destination Mars
                                                                            Mars has always beckoned to us from across the night sky.
                           WEDNESDAYS                                       Over the centuries we’ve explored it with our telescopes,
                     OCTOBER 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2022                        orbiting spacecraft, and robotic rovers, revealing a
                        Coffee 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.                             fascinating world full of mysteries and surprises. We’re
                                                                            now closer than ever to exploring it in person with real
          9:00 – 10:00 a.m.                                                 astronauts, who will have to undertake an epic six-month
                                                                            voyage across the sea of space to reach our neighbor
          1. 9/11, Newfoundland, and Broadway:                              planet. Mars beckons! As a special treat, our final session
          An Unlikely Connection                                            will take place at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.
          September 11, 2001 was a tragic day for           Your Choice     $30 – Class instructor is Nick Rae, senior planetarium
          the United States. Sixteen years later, an       IN PERSON
                                                          OR ONLINE
                                                                            educator at the Peoria Riverfront Museum. (NI/NC)
          award-winning play, Come From Away,
          premiered on Broadway, and wove together stories of               5. Exploring the Magical Garden World
          extraordinary kindnesses extended to the 7,000 people             Our abundance has often led us into a feeling that all the
          on the 38 diverted planes that landed in Newfoundland.            nourishment and beauty of nature “just happens.” In
          In this class, we’ll explore the history and culture of the       this class Ella Maxwell, Master Gardener, will review
          residents who compassionately assisted the frightened             considerations for selecting native plants and their roles
          and confused people on the planes, the relationships built        in attracting pollinators in native habitats. Each plant has
          during those fateful few days after 9/11, and how a young         a preference for the type of soil conditions, sun exposure,
          Canadian couple turned the tragedy into a thoughtful              and moisture requirements for a successful native garden.
          theatrical experience.                                            Ella will review her experiences as a beekeeper as well,
          $30 – Class instructors are Jim and Rae Anne Hamp, OLLI           discussing her work with native bees and honeybees.
          members and frequent visitors to Gander, Newfoundland.            Wildlife in the garden provides interesting opportunities
          (RI/NC) . Please select In-Person or Online when                  to view their behavior and may also be challenging
          registering. If you select Online, a seat will not be             for visitors. She will also provide an overview of the
          available for you in the classroom.                               maintenance and pruning of plants that help keep a
                                                                            productive landscape.
          2. Amazing Adventures of Americans in 1800s Paris                 $30 – Class instructor is Ella Maxwell, horticulturist,
          This class was inspired by David McCullough's book The            certified Arborist, Master Gardener, and frequent instructor
          Greater Journey, when 19th century Paris was a world              for OLLI. (RI/NC)
          center for culture and medicine, attracting a fascinating
          group of Americans. We’ll explore a combination of
          biography and culture, set against the turbulent background

4              Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli
6. It Played in Peoria:The History of Botulism                            10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Next year marks the 40th anniversary of the Peoria Outbreak
- the third largest botulism outbreak in the nation’s history.            8. 2022 Midterm Illinois and National              Your Choice
                                                                                                                           IN PERSON
Dozens of people became seriously ill after dining at The                 Elections: Key Insights                          OR ONLINE
Skewer Inn in Northwoods Mall in Peoria in 1983. Within                   In this class, we’ll discuss the key issues
days, 28 people were hospitalized from a deadly toxin                     and political dynamics that will be at play in the federal
with no taste and no smell. Join us to learn “the rest of                 and state elections in 2022. Will the majority control
the story” from a researcher/scholar who specializes in                   of Congress change? Who is running for Congress in
long-term recovery of botulism. Guest speakers include                    Central Illinois? Will any changes occur in the Illinois
Peorians with firsthand experience of this tragic event.                  government? Who are the local state legislative candidates
The class will also cover the discovery of botulism, the                  running for office? Be ready for an engaging class with
canning industry crisis, early research tales from Stanford               lively discussions; civil, respectful discourse is expected.
and Harvard, development of the antitoxin at the University               $30 – Class instructor is Brad McMillan, Executive
of Illinois, botulism diagnostic criteria (then and now), and             Director, Institute for Principled Leadership in Public
weaponization of botulinum toxin in WWII.                                 Service. (RI/NC) Please select In-Person or Online
$30 – Class instructor is Dr. Jane Talkington, Associate                  when registering. If you select Online, a seat will not be
Director of the Bradley University Turner School of                       available for you in the classroom
Entrepreneurship and Innovation and an avid science
researcher/scholar. (NI/NC)                                               9. Bucking National Trends:
                                                                          How Peoria Addresses Drug Overdoses
7. Ukraine: Echoes of the Past or a                 Your Choice           In 2021, the number of local overdose deaths was reduced
                                                  IN PERSON
Glimpse of the Future?                            OR ONLINE               by 50% from the previous year – despite an increase
What is the foundation of Putin's argument                                throughout the US. In this class, you will met local leaders
that Ukraine is really part of Russia, and therefore justifies            who will explain what makes Peoria different, illuminate
his invasion? Is there any validity that this situation should            how the work they do contributes to helping substance
be blamed on the West, and more specifically, the United                  abusers survive, and provide up-to-date information on the
States? What does this invasion reveal about Putin's                      state of the opioid epidemic in the Peoria area.
future foreign policy goals? This course will explore these               $30 – Class instructors include Dr. Henry Martin de
questions and more.                                                       Campo, Jodi Hoos, Peoria County State's Attorney, Chris
$30 – Class instructor is Angela Weck, a faculty member                   Schaffner, Jolt Foundation, and Sgt. Justin Sinks, Peoria
for Bradley University’s Department of History and                        Police Department. (NI/RC)
Executive Director of the Peoria Area World Affairs
Council. (RI/NC) Please select In-Person or Online                        10. Inherit the Wind: Evolution on Trial
when registering. If you select Online, a seat will not be                Dive deep into the history of an idea that is important to
available for you in the classroom                                        our contemporary understanding of the world. Inherit the
                                                                          Wind recounts the famous 1925 “Scopes Monkey Trial,”
                                                                          a landmark debate between evolutionists and creationists.
                                                                          During the class, we’ll discuss Darwin’s presence within the
                                                                          play. For example, Is Charles Darwin an additional, virtual
                                                                          character in the play? If so, what perspective does he add?
                                                                          We’ll learn what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes
                                                                          to natural selection. We’ll also explore who gets to make
                                                                          meaning and knowledge – scientific and otherwise? We’ll
                                                                          also ponder the eternal question: how does interpreting the
                                                                          past shed light on present ideas at play in our world?
                                                                          $30 – Class instructor is Kathryn Eissfeldt, President of the
                                                                          Peoria Area World Affairs Council. (NI/NC)

                                                                          11. Living to 100: What We Know About Longevity,
                                                                          Health, and Functioning
                                                                          We all wonder how long we might live. This class will
                                                                          allow all participants to preview several of the top influences
                                                                          on how long each of us might live. Key concepts related to
                                                                          this topic will be explored including genetics, environmental
                                                                          factors, socio-demographic factors, and quality of life.
OLLI members enjoy a learning trip to the new sculpture                   $30 – Class instructor is Margie Getz, Associate Professor at
walk at Donovon Park.                                                     Methodist College. (RI/RC)
   Assistive listening devices are available for all OLLI programs. Call (309) 677–3900 for details.
                                                                                                        RI = returning instructor
                                                                                                        NI = new instructor
                                                                                                                                    RC = repeat class
                                                                                                                                    NC = new class      5
12. Look Where I Went                            Your Choice
                                                                             14. POOF! It’s Magic!
CLASSES   Travel and learn without the credit card       IN PERSON           Learn magic effects that require only the skills taught in
          bills, passports, visas, long flights, banged
                                                         OR ONLINE           this class. Find the magic you possess! Mystify your
          up luggage, strange currencies, language barriers, packed          friends, family, and yourself with your ability to perform
          buses, smelly taxis, and more. Why would you not want to           entertaining magical effects. Learn magical history and
          sign up for the Look Where I Went class?                           ethics, and discover the fun of the art of magic. Magic is a
                                                                             way to stay in contact with your joyful side and share that
          October 5 – Kathi Simmons: Israel                                  joy with others. No prior magical experience is required.
          Returning to Israel for the second time, Kathi is looking          Materials provided.
          forward to not only explaining some of the amazing                 $30 – Class instructor is Char Gott, a life member of
          differences between the two trips, but will present an array       the Society of American Magicians, member of the
          of photos of her travels to this exciting country.                 International Brotherhood of Magicians, England’s Magic
                                                                             Circle and the Peoria Magician’s Assembly, and Past
          October 12 – Tim & Laurie Bailey: Europe                           National Director Society of Young Magicians. (RI/NC)
          The Baileys will describe a tour that will take you through
          the beauty of Italy, Switzerland, Austria and into Germany                      Lunch 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
          for the climax of attending the world-renowned Passion
          Play in Oberammergau, a quaint village nestled in the              During the lunch hour you can dine at one of our
          Bavarian Alps. The play's origin dates back to 1634 and is         neighborhood restaurants, the Student Center Marketplace,
          performed once every 10 years.                                     bring a sack lunch, or enjoy OLLI’s convenient lunches in
                                                                             the ballroom.
          October 19 – Paul Buck: Route 66 Windy to LA
          Take a 2,250-mile trip from Chicago to Los Angeles down            Register for each week’s lunch in advance. The cost for
          the most famous road in America, the “Mother Road”                 each weekly lunch is $13.25
          of Route 66. Hear about the places, people and things
          you can discover along the way, including the famous               October 5: Turkey wrap with cranberry jam, pickles,
          landmarks as they were in their heyday and now today.              house made chips
                                                                             October 12: Baked potato bar – baked potato, sour
          October 26 – Don & Mary Niemi: Deep Tapioca                        cream, butter, steamed broccoli, cheese, bacon and mixed
          Do anything long enough and something will go wrong.               green salad with two dressings
          So it is with travel. Experience a different type of               October 19: Hearty vegetable soup, mixed greens with
          presentation as these experienced travelers share things           toppings – tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, diced ham, sliced
          that can happen on a trip, some deep sadness or even               egg, croutons, dressings, dinner rolls
          tragedy, others to smile or laugh at in the rearview mirror.       October 26: Southwestern chicken bowl – rice and black
          Come hear these personal stories.                                  beans, corn, mild salsa, diced chicken, cheese, sour cream
          $30 – Class instructors listed above. Please select In-            with pasta and vegetable salad, tossed in a light Italian
          Person or Online when registering. If you select Online,           dressing
          a seat will not be available for you in the classroom.
          (NIs&RI/NC)                                                        12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

          13.The People and Practice of Medicine                             15. Big Band Swingtime
          Dr. Julius Bonello will lead an intriguing and entertaining        From the Savoy Express, we’ll listen to top hits from 12
          class about the many interesting people, procedures, and           of the greatest Big Band Swing Orchestras, including the
          incredible facts related to the historical practice of medicine.   King of Swing, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Count Basie
          He will take us on a journey from past practices that have         and Duke Ellington, Chick Webb with Ella Fitzgerald,
          evolved to the modern medical profession we have today.            Harry James, Glen Gray, Tommy Dorsey, Les Brown,
          $30 – Class Instructor is Julius Bonello, Peoria surgeon,          Woody Herman and of course, Glen Miller. You’ll be
          and medical historian. (RI/RC)                                     tapping your toes as you walk out of this class.
                                                                             $30 – Class instructor is Mark L. Johnson, former Peoria
                                                                             Historical Society trustee. (RI/NC)

                                                                             16. Computers: Past, Present, and Future
                                                                             Computers touch nearly every aspect of our lives. This
                                                                             class will review the basic components of computer
                                                                             systems, the history of their development, the key

6              Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli
inventions, and the inventors that make them work. In                     the “Green Revolution.” Mark Berhow will discuss how

addition, participants will learn about the key trends and                the search for new functional foods, environmentally
technologies which may shape computers - and their use -                  friendly pest control, biofuels, and biodegradable consumer
in the future.                                                            products and packaging is the ongoing challenge to 21st
$30 – Class instructor is Larry Trollope, Caterpillar                     century agriculture research.
computer systems retiree, avid computer buff, and past                    $30 – Class instructors are Todd Ward, director of National
OLLI President, instructor, and facilitator. (RI/NC)                      Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR),
                                                                          and NCAUR research scientists Jim Kenar, Will Hay, and
17. Financial Workshop:                                                   Mark Berhow. (NI/RI/NC) Please select In-Person or
Foundations, Design, Preparedness, and Focus                              Online when registering. If you select Online, a seat will
Join us for a financial workshop designed to educate                      not be available for you in the classroom
you on relevant financial topics through a series of four
modules: First, we’ll discuss the foundations of investing,               20. Puccini - His Life & Works                   Your Choice
covering the basic features of bonds, stocks and packaged                 Explore the romantic music and world of         IN PERSON
investments, and the importance of asset allocation. Next,                one of Italy's most popular composers,          OR ONLINE
we'll focus on “retirement by design” and learn investment                Giacomo Puccini. Composer of three of
strategies to help design the retirement you want and                     the ten most popular operas ever written, Puccini overcame
add flexibility to that strategy. We’ll also prepare for the              a slothful childhood to become the successor to Giuseppe
unexpected by outlining a proactive strategy to help protect              Verdi in the world of Italian music. We will examine
your family’s financial resources from life’s unexpected                  nearly all of his operas through video and audio excerpts
turns. Finally, we’ll focus on fixed income and find ways                 with the leading singers of the past 50 years. While
to create a reliable income stream.                                       enjoying many of his "greatest hits," we will analyze
$30 – Class instructor is Jenni Case, financial advisor with              moments of greatness from less well-known operas. As we
Edward Jones. (RI/NC)                                                     survey these great works, expect brief Italian lessons as we
                                                                          learn key vocabulary terms essential to the plots. Puccini
18. Harriet Tubman, the "Moses" of Her People                             led an exciting life, pursuing three great passions: fast cars,
Why is Harriet Tubman slated to replace Andrew Jackson                    fast women, and cigarettes. One of those killed him. Can
on the $20 bill in 2030? What did she do that merits that                 you guess which?
place of honor? Join us as we review the work of this                     $30 – Class instructor is Stanley Ransom, retired educator
escaped slave, freedom fighter, underground railroad                      and frequent OLLI instructor. (RI/NC) Please select In-
conductor, Union soldier, suffragette, and human rights                   Person or Online when registering. If you select Online, a
activist. We will start by covering her life as a slave,                  seat will not be available for you in the classroom
her exploits saving her family and other slaves, and the
obstacles she faced in the underground railroad. We’ll also               21. Show Me, Don’t Tell Me:
review her work as a Union nurse, spy, and scout during                   How to Elevate Your Writing
the Civil War and her subsequent activism in earning the                  Join us to learn how to take your writing to the next level.
right for women to vote. Tubman’s life provides thought-                  Whether you are writing a description of yourself or a
provoking lessons for today and demonstrates why she is                   fictional character, you can elevate your writing by using
considered a hero.                                                        “showing” strategies. For instance, instead of writing
$30 – Class instructor is Dr. Rebecca Sisk, PhD, RN, CNE,                 that someone is “cautious,” show the readers the way
Nurse Educator. (RI/NC)                                                   someone is cautious. Instead of simply stating you are a
                                                                          team member, show what you do to be a team member. In
19. Inside the Ag Lab                              Your Choice            this class, the instructor will help you pinpoint compelling
Todd Ward, the new director of the National IN PERSON                     examples of “show me” writing, such as “cried” vs.
Center for Agricultural Utilization Research OR ONLINE                    “whimpered.” Show how you want to learn more about
(NCAUR), will give a brief overview of Peoria’s “Ag                       superb writing by signing up for this class!
Lab,” its current mission, and research programs. Each                    $30 - Class instructor is Don Baker, retired teacher, sports
week we’ll meet a different scientist who’ll share the                    writer at the Peoria Journal Star, and local disc jockey
details of their research. Jim Kenar will teach us about                  (RI/NC)
aerogels (frozen smoke) – solid, highly porous ultralight
materials composed of up to 99% air by volume. We’ll
learn about their unique and interesting properties, uses,
and current research on biobased aerogels. Will Hay will
share the contributions of Norman Borlaug, an American
agronomist who led initiatives worldwide that contributed
to the extensive increases in agricultural production termed

   Assistive listening devices are available for all OLLI programs. Call (309) 677–3900 for details.
                                                                                                        RI = returning instructor
                                                                                                        NI = new instructor
                                                                                                                                    RC = repeat class
                                                                                                                                    NC = new class      7
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.                                                  with each author. You shop local, you eat local, but are you
CLASSES                                                                     reading local, too? If you’re not, you’re missing out!
          22. Ancient Civilizations of the                   Your Choice    October 5: Joel Shoemaker – Bacon Grief
          Americas                                          IN PERSON       October 12: Bridget Nelan – The Fearless Foursome
                                                            OR ONLINE
          When the Spanish arrived in the Americas,                         October 19: Linda Lowry – Murder in the Library
          they found three great empires, the Incas, the Mayans, and        October 26: Mike Rucker – The Meanest and Damnest
          the Aztecs. In this class we will investigate how humans          Job
          likely arrived in the Americas, settled into agricultural         $30 – Class instructors are listed above. (NIs/NC)
          communities, developed two of the six locations in the
          world that scholars have identified as having developed           26. Students Learning to Think like Engineers:
          into independent civilizations, and how these two                 FIRST Tech Challenge in Peoria Public Schools
          civilizations eventually led to the empires of the Incas,         FIRST Tech Challenge is way more than building robots
          Mayans and Aztecs.                                                – students learn to think like engineers. Teams of 7th-
          $30 – Class instructor is Tim Bailey, Caterpillar retiree,        12th graders design, build, code, and operate robots
          history buff, and OLLI Instructor and Winter Curriculum           to compete in a head-to-head challenge against other
          Chair. (RI/NC) Please select In-Person or Online when             teams each February. Hosea Washington, a FIRST Tech
          registering. If you select Online, a seat will not be             Challenge mentor, along with students, will share the
          available for you in the classroom                                details of the program, past experiences, and their plans
                                                                            for the upcoming competition. Learn how the FIRST Tech
          23. The Case for Contemporary Art                 Your Choice     Challenge allows students to develop STEM skills and
          Join us and explore common issues in            IN PERSON         practice engineering principles, while realizing the value of
                                                          OR ONLINE
          understanding the ever-confounding world                          hard work, innovation, and teamwork. You’ll walk away
          of contemporary art with the Curator of Collections               with a new understanding of how the competition creates
          and Exhibitions at the Peoria Riverfront Museum. The              new future visions for these students.
          class will address the case for contemporary art as not           $30 – Class instructor is Hosea Washington, a FIRST Tech
          merely an art history primer, but a group discussion-             Challenge mentor and students. (NI/NC)
          based examination of what makes art so confusing today.
          We’ll follow the chronological development of art over            27. Weather Explained with National Weather
          the past 125 years, citing important American political,          Service Meteorologists
          cultural, and artistic milestones and images. Prepare to          Have you ever wondered how the National Weather
          be enlightened about how art has evolved and discover             Service (NWS) generates the forecasts you hear on the
          strategies to understand it today.                                weather radio or see on the computer? Is it as simple as
          $30 – Class instructor is Bill Conger, Curator of                 sticking your finger in the air, or is it more complicated?
          Collections and Exhibitions at Peoria Riverfront                  What is a normal day like for these forecasters? What
          Museum. (NI/NC) Please select In-Person or Online                 happens when tornadoes, wind, and hail are moving
          when registering. If you select Online, a seat will not be        through the area? In this class, staff from the NWS will
          available for you in the classroom.                               explain how the forecast is generated, describe where the
                                                                            data comes from, describe a normal day in the office, and
          24. Designing a Garden for All Seasons                            illustrate what happens when “bad” weather hits central
          Gardening does not have to stop on Labor Day! This                Illinois. The NWS staff will also explain what you can do
          class will explore garden design for each season, starting        to be prepared before “bad” weather arrives and what you
          with Fall, and leave you with a better understanding and          should do to protect yourself when it does.
          appreciation for our seasonal change (even our chilly             $30 – Class instructors are James Auten, Senior
          winters). We will cover design concepts, container                Meteorologist, and other meteorologists from the National
          gardens, and plant palettes for each season that you can          Weather Service in Lincoln, Illinois.
          easily apply to your own garden.
          $30 – Class instructor is Bob Streitmatter, Luthy Botanical
          Garden manager and licensed landscape architect. (RI/RC)                                                      Bonnie Davis,
                                                                                                                        Bradley staffer,
          25. Look What I Wrote                                                                                         takes a break
          Look What I Wrote will feature a different author each                                                        from the
          week. Join us for this showcase of local talent in a wide                                                     registration
          range of genres, who are enthused to share their works                                                        desk to share
          with OLLI. We’ll learn a little about each author’s work,                                                     a hug with
          their writing journeys, the charms and challenges of being                                                    Roberta Herbst.
          a published author, and have an opportunity for questions

8              Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli
     Fall 2022 Welcome Back Social
    Wednesday, September 21, 2022
    9:30 - 11:15 a.m.
    Michel Student Center Ballroom
                          Keynote speaker: The Honorable
                          James E. Shadid, ’79, Chief District
                          Judge, Central District of Illinois, and
                          Vice Chair of the Bradley University
                          Board of Trustees.

                     Enjoy a delightful morning of scones,
                     coffee, and friends. All participants
                     who attend will receive an OLLI tote
    bag as a welcome back gift, and are eligible to enter
    drawings for free OLLI programs and other surprises.
    Don’t miss it!

    Prizes! All attendees eligible for drawings for free
    OLLI programs and more. Registration is required.
    Cost $10.

OLLI’s 6th Annual Trivia Night
Bring Back the 80s                                                        For just $45 per person ($360 for a table of 8), the evening
                                                                          will include hors d'oeuvres, coffee, tea, and cash bar; eight
Friday, August 19                                                         rounds of trivia fun; prizes for the first place team, best-
Hayden-Clark Alumni Center                                                decorated table and best-dressed team; and lots of fun.
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
$45 per person                                                            If you don't have a team, we'll place you on one. You'll
                                                                          have a great night while we raise money for our shuttle
                                                                          savings fund, student volunteer awards, audio-visual
                                                                          purchases, and more!
We’ll be back on the Bradley campus once again emceed
by WMBD 1470-AM radio personalities (and OLLI                             VISIT Bradley.edu/olli and select the red button 2022
instructors) Dan DiOrio and Greg Batton.                                  Trivia Registration

The theme for the evening's dress and table decorations                   CALL the Continuing Education office at 309-677-3900
is Bring Back the 80's. We can't wait to see who comes                    anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m Monday through
dressed in leg warmers, parachute pants, or perhaps a                     Friday.
vintage Member's Only jacket. Of course no costumes
necessary - just come as yourself. Remember, you don't                    MAIL a check (separate from your summer registration) to
need to be a 80's expert to answer the questions - only a                 Bradley University Continuing Education, Attention OLLI,
handful of them will focus on that specific decade.                       1501 W. Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61625.

   Assistive listening devices are available for all OLLI programs. Call (309) 677–3900 for details.
                                                                                                        RI = returning instructor
                                                                                                        NI = new instructor
                                                                                                                                    RC = repeat class
                                                                                                                                    NC = new class          9
            OLLI Originals are exclusive talks with local leaders and businesses from the community and beyond.
            1. Fundraising Strategies:                                         3. Sheep to Shawl
            Planning Ahead for the End of the Year                             Tuesday, October 18
            Friday, September 23                                               9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
            9:30 – 11:00 a.m.                                                  Peoria Next Innovation Center
            Peoria Next Innovation Center                                      “Sheep to Shawl” is an expression meaning everything
            Fundraising planning for a successful December begins in           you need to know to make something from raw fleece to a
            September. If you volunteer for a charity organization or          finished fabric. Join artisans from the Peoria Handweavers
            religious institution, one of the challenges of fundraising is     Guild as they discuss and demo carding raw wool, spinning
            doing more with less. Join us for this workshop to discuss         yarn and weaving cloth, and various steps in between, to
            end of year fundraising strategies you need to start now.          create a finished product.
            Learn the next steps to take to keep your organization on          $30 per person includes lunch, presentation and
            the right track.                                                   demonstration by the Peoria Handweavers Guild
            $15 per person includes coffee, snacks and presentation            Transportation not provided – meet us there. Parking is
            by Ken Lewis, retired director of planned giving,                  available in the Peoria Next lot.
            Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Transportation not
            provided – meet us there. Parking is available in the Peoria       4. How Social Media Changed TV
            Next lot.                                                          and Culture Forever
                                                                               Monday, December 5
            2. Peoria Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle                11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
            Fridays, October 7, November 4, and December 2                     Peoria Next Innovation Center
            9:00 – 10:30 a.m.                                                  In 2011, Donald Trump changed television forever. The
            Peoria Women’s Club                                                Comedy Central Roast of Trump was the first major live
            OLLI, in collaboration with the Peoria Women’s Club                broadcast to place a hashtag in the corner of the screen
            (PWC), invites you to join the Peoria Chautauqua Literary          to encourage real-time reactions on Twitter; it generated
            and Scientific Circle, the first of three series throughout the    more than 25,000 tweets, and set the stage for a decade
            school year. Considered the oldest continuous book club            of social media-driven experiments to the television
            in the United States, the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific       experience. Join Bradley professor Cory Barker as he
            Circle was founded in 1878 to promote habits of reading            discusses his new book, Social TV: Multi-Screen Content
            and study in nature, art, science, and in secular and sacred       and Ephemeral Culture, which traces the rise and fall of
            literature. We’ve picked three of Chautauqua Institute's           these experiments, which came to be known as Social
            annual book selections to kickoff our fall series. Each            TV. Barker will discuss how social media, mobile apps,
            session will feature a book discussion with a volunteer            and synchronized, multi-screen products aimed to control
            moderator, along with coffee and treats. Lynette Steger,           shifting consumer habits and, ultimately, led to the further
            an educator and PWC board member, will host the first              embedding of promotional material onto every screen and
            session to introduce the program.                                  into every moment of life.
                                                                               Free member perk includes the presentation by Dr.
            Friday, October 7, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.                               Cory Barker, Bradley University Assistant Professor of
            Gunfight: My Battle Against the Industry that Radicalized          Journalism. Bring your own lunch or register for a box
            America by Ryan Busse                                              lunch ($15). Transportation not provided – meet us there.
                                                                               Parking is available in the Peoria Next lot.
            Friday, November 4, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
            Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
            (Paperback) by Matthew Desmond                                       We'd like to show our gratitude by
                                                                                 offering three FREE Member Perks
            Friday, December 2, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.                                during the fall season:
            Ledger: Poems by Jane Hirshfield                                     OLLI Original #4
            $35 -includes discussion, treats, coffee and the required            How Social Media Changed TV pg 10
            annual $10 membership to the Chautauqua Literary and                 OLLI Online #2
            Scientific Circle                                                    Engineering Disasters - Learning from Failure pg 22
            $25 Peoria Women’s Club members                                      OLLI Online #3
                                                                                 Yellowstone Volcano Observatory pg 22

10                Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli
STUDY GROUPS                                                              3. Brooklyn: Scribe to Screen

                                                                                                                                                  STUDY GROUPS
                                                                          Thursdays, September 8 – 29
Study Groups offer an opportunity to investigate a topic in               10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
depth. Most study groups typically meet once a week for                   Peoria Public Library North
four to six weeks.                                                        Join us for this scribe-to-screen study group based on
                                                                          Brooklyn by Colm Toibin, a coming-of-age story set in
1.The Life You Want: Confucius Speaks                                     the 1950s of a young woman from Ireland emigrating to
Tuesdays, August 30 – October 18                                          America. At our second meeting, we'll view the film of the
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.                                                          same name, which tells the story of the protagonist falling
Bradley Hall 261                                                          in love in Brooklyn, and how she must choose between
This study group will be part of a fall semester Bradley                  two countries and the lives that exist within them for her.
Honors Seminar, with first-year undergraduates. These                     We will focus on both the novel and the film, discussing
questions will be considered through a close reading of                   the similarities and considering the complications of an
the Analects of Confucius, a text that laid philosophical                 immigrant’s move to a new country.
foundations in China much as Plato and Aristotle’s works                  $45 – facilitated by Catriona Ritenhouse and Pat Pritchard,
did in the West. We’ll foster an intergenerational dialogue               who have facilitated many scribe-to-screen study groups.
on questions at the heart of our humanity. Bring your                     (RFs/NG)
seasoned wisdom, a healthy dollop of humility, and an
OLLI super-size appetite for learning!                                    4. Wine is a Journey
$45 – facilitated by Dr. Dan Getz, Bradley University                     Thursdays, September 8 – October 13
Philosophy and Religious Studies, trained in the religious/               Various Times and Locations
philosophical traditions of Asia.(RF/NG)                                  Whether you are a novice or an accomplished wine
                                                                          enthusiast, join us for a chance to grow your knowledge
2. Is the Painting Good, Bad, or Great?                                   and share your experience while having fun along the way.
Fridays, September 2 – 30                                                 We’ll learn about varietals and blends through discussion,
10:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.                                                   tasting, shopping at area stores, and a visit to a grower and
Peoria Next Innovation Center                                             winemaker. There will also be an optional food and wine
During this study group we will discuss the often-hidden                  pairing dinner on October 13 for those who are interested.
significance of paintings and learn their deeper meanings.                September 8 and 15, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Many details will be explored, including the artist’s                     Peoria Next Innovation Center
purpose in each painting. We’ll also focus on the basic art               801 West Main Street, Peoria
elements of color, composition, and symbolism. During                     Overview, wine tasting
our exploration of selected paintings, we will use the                    September 22 and 29, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
knowledge we have gained to obtain a new level of art                     UFS, 1800 Southwest Adams, Peoria
appreciation and understanding.                                           Shopping for wine and tasting
$45 – facilitated by Jean Griffith, frequent OLLI Study                   October 6, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Group facilitator and former assistant professor at Eureka                Tres Rojas , 1774 East Cruger, Washington
College. (RF/NG)                                                          Growing/harvesting/winemaking
                                                                          October 13, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
                                                                          Hearth, 4604 Prospect, Peoria
                                                                          Followed by optional dinner
                                                                          $75 – includes all four wine tastings, facilitated by Sal
                                                                          Allan, a wine enthusiast who fell in love with the wines
                                                                          and country of Argentina and Deb Clay, a savvy wine
                                                                          shopper who is a regular in Lodi wine country. (RFs/NG)

                                                                          5. Being You: Who Am I Anyway?
                                                                          Mondays, September 12 – October 17
                                                                          1:30 – 3:45 p.m.
                                                                          Methodist College
                                                                          What does it mean to be you? Can that “you” change over
                                                                          time? Delve into this fascinating topic as we read Being
                                                                          You by cognitive neuroscientist Anil Seth. His research
                                                                          suggests that we are “predictors.” We invent the world we
Joyce and Walter Ely take it easy on a learning trip at                   inhabit and make necessary corrections to our predictions
Camp Big Sky.                                                             as our interpretation of life unfolds. OLLI members will

   Assistive listening devices are available for all OLLI programs. Call (309) 677–3900 for details.
                                                                                                        RF = returning facilitator RG = repeat group
                                                                                                        NF = new facilitator       NG = new group       11
meet with students enrolled in GER300, the foundational            Uncomfortable Conversations with A Black Man,
STUDY GROUPS   course for the Gerontology Certificate Program at Methodist        Emmanual Acho, a former NFL player and commentator
               College. This will be our 5th combined course–always a             for FOX Sports, provides a unique perspective on
               delight for our undergraduates. The first class will provide a     conversations regarding race, and takes on all the
               brief foundation about our understanding of consciousness.         questions, large and small, insensitive and taboo, many
               $45 – facilitated by Marjorie Getz, a professor of arts and        white Americans are afraid to ask―yet which all
               sciences at Methodist College. (RF/NG)                             Americans need the answers to, now more than ever. This
                                                                                  is an interactive study group and participation is expected;
               6. From the Silver Screen to the Streaming Queue:                  there will also be weekly assignments to prepare for our
               The Future of Hollywood                                            discussion. There is no required text for this group, but
               Mondays, September 19 – October 24                                 it is recommended you obtain and read Uncomfortable
               1:30 – 3:30 p.m.                                                   Conversations with A Black Man by Emmanual Acho.
               Peoria Next Innovation Center                                      $45 – facilitated by Diane Rock, retired Anheuser Busch key
               This study group will survey the significant shifts in             account manager and OLLI President, and Aaron Kilgore,
               Hollywood practice over the last 25 years, including               State Farm Insurance Agent and mentor for the 100 Black
               evolutions in blockbuster filmmaking and intellectual              Men of Central Illinois program. (RF and NF/NG)
               property management, the rise of streaming video,
               and the impact of the pandemic—with an eye toward                  9.The Devil in the White City and
               what will happen in film and television in the next 25             the Genre of Literary Nonfiction
               years. On a weekly basis, participants will be asked               Tuesdays, October 4 – 25
               to read an article and/or watch a film/TV episode that             10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
               represents some of the notable changes in how popular              Peoria Next Innovation Center
               entertainment is produced, distributed, and consumed.              This study group features an in-depth look at prize-winning
               Email and internet connection required.                            author and journalist Erik Larson’s book The Devil in the
               $45 – facilitated by Dr. Cory Barker, Assistant Professor of       White City, The True Tale of the Serial Killer at the 1893
               Communication at Bradley and frequent OLLI instructor/             World's Fair in Chicago. We’ll also explore the 1893
               facilitator since 2019. (RF/NG)                                    Columbian Exposition, Chicago in the Glided Age, and
                                                                                  other examples of literary nonfiction (nonfiction that reads
               7. YA Literature:                                                  like fiction.) Participants should plan to obtain and read
               What it Was, What it Is, and Why You Should Care                   The Devil in the White City, available at local and online
               Thursdays, September 22 – October 13                               libraries and retailers. Internet and email access required.
               2:00 – 3:30 p.m.                                                   $45 – facilitated by Pat Pritchard, retired librarian and
               Peoria Public Library Main                                         frequent OLLI facilitator. (RF/NG)
               Want to get a better idea of what your grandchildren are
               reading? We will discuss why the Young Adult (YA)                  10. From Reconstruction to Deconstruction:
               genre’s impact stretches generational lines as we examine          America After The Civil War
               the origins of young adult literature and its current iteration.   Tuesdays, October 4 – 25
               Prior to the first week participants should obtain and read        2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
               Maureen Daly’s 1942 novel Seventeenth Summer and then              W.E. Sullivans Irish Pub, 4538 N. Prospect, Peoria
               prior to week four participants should read Benjamin Alire         This group will explore Reconstruction, the period between
               Saenz’s 2012 novel Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets        the end of the Civil War and the Gilded Age, an often
               of the Universe to compare how issues and interests have           overlooked part of American history. We’ll learn about what
               changed over time. While there is not enough time to read          one historian has called the “second founding” after the
               every influential YA book, we will discuss other titles and        passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments as well its
               their importance to the genre. Please plan to obtain and read      aftermath, which might well be called the “Deconstruction”
               the above titles available at local booksellers or online.         How did it happen? How did Lincoln’s “better angels of our
               $45 – facilitated by Karla Wilkinson, programming                  nature” become the white robed terrorists of the Ku Klux
               Librarian at Peoria Public. (NF/NG)                                Klan? We’ll learn more about the Radical Republicans,
                                                                                  the carpetbaggers and the corrupt election of 1877, and
               8. Conversations about Race                                        why it all resonates still in today’s America. Navigate this
               Mondays, October 3 – 24                                            important period in American history with A.J. Langguth’s
               2:00 – 4:00 p.m.                                                   history After Lincoln-How The North Won The Civil War
                 (Background photo
                 by KeithNext  Innovation Center
                          Cotton)                                                 and Lost The Peace, available at local and online libraries
               The topic of race has been part of many conversations              and retailers, as a resource and a guide.
               through the years, often reflecting our various cultural           $45 – facilitated by Tim Bertschy and Gary Nelson, retired
               backgrounds and age differences. In his 2020 book                  attorneys and frequent OLLI facilitators. (RFs/NG)

12                  Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli
13. Whaddya Think?

                                                                                                                                                   STUDY GROUPS
                                                                          Are These the Best Short Stories of 2021?
                                                                          Tuesdays, November 1 – December 13 (Skip
                                                                          November 22)
                                                                          2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
                                                                          W.E. Sullivan’s Irish Pub, 4538 N. Prospect, Peoria
                                                                          Join us as we read a wondrous mix of contemporary short
                                                                          stories, published between January 2020 and January 2021,
                                                                          all of which comment on or reflect the fragile times we
                                                                          have lived these many months but which somehow sustain
                                                                          us with their characters and events. Some characters are
                                                                          lovable, some flawed, and some dislikable. Read to see if
                                                                          you agree that their stories remind us to hope and love life.
                                                                          (Warning: these are not chicken soup for the soul…) As
                                                                          the late author Flannery O’Connor said a long time ago,
Judy Zipfel, Ron Zipfel, Bob Balagna, and Judy Gentry are
                                                                          “A story is good when you continue to see more in it, and
all smiles at OLLI Spring Classes!
                                                                          when it continues to escape you.” Facilitators Jane Hense,
                                                                          Wayne Cannon, Gary Nelson, Murv Pretorius, Sheila
11. Jewish Traditions                                                     Hansen, and Roberta Koscielski will take us through two
Tuesdays, October 11 – November 15                                        stories each week from The Best American Short Stories,
1:30 – 3:15 p.m.                                                          2021, edited by Jesmyn Ward, available at local and online
Peoria Next Innovation Center                                             retailers and libraries.
Jewish life is all about consecrating time. The term                      $45 – facilitated by various volunteer facilitators listed
consecration is also used to mark the beginning of formal                 above. (RFs/NG)
Jewish study. Join this study group to learn more about
Judaism, the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, dating                 14. World War II Movie Club
back nearly 4,000 years. We will examine the weekly                       Mondays, November 7 – December 5
Shabbat (Sabbath) and Jewish life cycle events such                       1:00 – 3:30 p.m.
as bar mitzvahs and weddings. We’ll also explore the                      Peoria Next Innovation Center
significance and timing of different Jewish Holy Days, like               In this group, we’ll look at how Hollywood goes to war.
Passover, Yom Kippur, and Rosh Hashanah. You won’t                        Most of us will be familiar with these movies but will see
want to miss our guest speaker, Rabbi Bryna Milkow, the                   them in a different light as they are compared to the real
Rabbi of the Congregation Anshai Emeth in Peoria. Come                    events which changed the world. Each week, we will
to learn and ask the questions you always wanted to ask!                  watch a movie on our own (available for rent on Amazon
$45 – Facilitated by Rebecca Carlson, class facilitator for               Prime for $3.99 or less) based on an actual event that took
Congregation Anshai Emeth in Peoria, chair of the Jewish                  place during World War II. During the weekly sessions,
Federation of Peoria’s Adult Education committee and                      we'll discuss our impressions and recollections of the
frequent OLLI study group facilitator.                                    movie and examine how well the film compares to and
                                                                          illustrates the historical facts.
12. Myths and Meanings of the Greeks and Romans:                          November 7 – A Bridge Too Far led by Bernie Drake
Creation, Lust, Hubris, and Revenge                                       November 14 – The Longest Day led by Dr. Les Johnson
Tuesdays, October 25 – November 15                                        November 21 – Destination Tokyo led by Doug McCarty
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.                                                         November 28 – The Gallant Hours led by Ralph Dalton
Peoria Next Innovation Center                                             December 5 – Twelve O’Clock High led by
Greek and Roman myths have endured because they are                                           Dave Jackson
more than just good stories. This study group will delve                  $45 – facilitated by various facilitators listed above.
into the meanings behind the myths and why they are still                 (RFs&NF/NG)
relevant today. Participants will be expected to purchase
and read selected parts of the book, Lust, Chaos, War, Fate:
Greek Mythology by Jason Boyett, available at local and                                                 ONLINE
online libraries and retailers. Each participant will also be
asked to research one myth and report to the class either
individually or with a group, depending on the class size.                                              GROUPS
$45 – facilitated by Janene Mattingly, past OLLI secretary,                                             PAGE 22
retired teacher at East Peoria Community High School, and
avid Italy traveler. (NF/NG)

   Assistive listening devices are available for all OLLI programs. Call (309) 677–3900 for details.
                                                                                                         RF = returning facilitator RG = repeat group
                                                                                                         NF = new facilitator       NG = new group       13
LEARNING TRIPS   LEARNING TRIPS                                                    1. Evergreen Farm Brewing Company 
                                                                                   Wednesday, September 7
                 Learning trips are educational travel experiences that            10:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
                 enable you to interact with experts who offer behind–the–         Evergreen Farm Brewing provides a full craft beer/
                 scenes looks at area businesses, regional attractions, and        farm experience with quality brews that are visible from
                 domestic/international destinations.                              "ground to growler." The fifth generation family farm,
                                                                                   which no longer includes conventional farming, now
                 On OLLI trips, you can investigate and explore with your          focuses on growing specialty crops to use in craft beers.
                 peers while receiving top-notch customer service, all travel      Our visit will provide a relaxing experience out on the
                 arrangements are organized by staff so you can focus              farm, a talk with the family who now runs the company,
                 on learning and fun. Our land excursions travel via our           and a look back at small family farms that were once a
                 comfortable, -–access OLLI shuttles or by charter coach.          mainstay of the Midwest.
                 All trips depart from Campustown shopping center, near            $45 – includes lunch at a local restaurant, gratuities, tour,
                 Bradley University, with reserved parking on trip days.           tasting, and shuttle transportation A detailed itinerary will
                                                                                   be emailed to you prior to the trip.
                 Get to know your community on these half-day
                 excursions to local sites. The price includes meal, shuttle       2. Illinois State Museum-Dickson Mounds
                 transportation, entrance fees, and tour guides.                   Friday, September 9
                                                                                   9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
                 To make your trip even more enjoyable, please note:               Illinois State Museum-Dickson Mounds, a branch of
                 • All learning trip times in this brochure are approximate        the Illinois State Museum that is listed on the National
                    and subject to change. Please refer to your                    Register of Historic Places, is one of the major on-site
                    confirmation handout (emailed prior to the trip                archaeological museums in the United States. It offers a
                    date) for specific departure, tour, and arrival times.         unique opportunity to explore the world of the American
                 • Many of our learning trips require walking and                  Indian in an awe-inspiring journey through 12,000 years
                    standing in various terrains and environments.                 of human experience in the Illinois River Valley. Join
                    To ensure your safety and to respect our hosts’                Logan Pappenfort, Curator of Anthropology and recent
                    regulations, everyone is required to wear closed–              OLLI class instructor, as he provides a private tour of the
                    toed shoes on all our trips.                                   museum and updates us on the current exhibitions.
                                                                                   $50 – includes guided tour, lunch at a local restaurant,
                 ACTIVITY LEVELS                                                   gratuities, and shuttle transportation. A detailed itinerary
                 Each learning trip includes an activity level symbol. Before      will be emailed to you prior to the trip.
                 you register, make sure the activity level matches your
                 abilities. This will ensure an enjoyable trip for you and         3. Bradley University Special
                 those who travel with you.                                        Collections 
                                                                                   Tuesday, September 13
                     Enter/exit vehicle with minimal assistance, climb            8:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
                      some stairs, stand for up to an hour, and walk a few         In celebration of Bradley University's
                      blocks indoors or out.                                       125th Anniversary, join the Special
                                                                                   Collections Center (SCC) staff for
                     Stand for over an hour, climb some flights of stairs,
                                                                                   an exploration of the history of the university from its
                      and walk on uneven surfaces, plus all Level 1
                                                                                   founding by Lydia Moss Bradley to the construction of the
                                                                                   Business and Engineering Convergence Center. SCC staff
                                                                                   will lead participants on a historical campus tour, a tour of
                     Be able to stand and walk for over 2 hours with
                                                                                   the archives, and a hands-on experience with university
                      minimal chance for sitting, be active for an extended
                                                                                   artifacts. We'll learn about the university's beginnings in
                      period of time, be healthy, mobile, and able to
                                                                                   watchmaking, the establishment of Camp Bradley, the
                      participate in 3–5 hours of daily physical activity, plus
                                                                                   evolution of Bradley's campus, and much more.
                      all Level 1 and 2 requirements.
                                                                                   $35 – includes guided tour, catered lunch, gratuities, and
                     Be able to participate in extended walking and               shuttle transportation. A detailed itinerary will be emailed
                      standing beyond normal trip expectations, be able to         to you prior to the trip.
                      participate in 6 hours of moderate physical activity,
                      plus all Level 1, 2, and 3 requirements.

14                    Fall 2022 • Continuing Education • 1501 West Bradley Avenue • Peoria, IL 61625 • (309) 677–3900 • bradley.edu/olli
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