Page created by Randy Robbins

                                            RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION

DPS Violation Code Changes Effective 2/22/2022
E23 - Install, Possess, Operate or Use Radar Detector (CDL holder or CMV) (Removed DQ)
EL1 - Misdemeanor Eluding (New Code Added/ Replaced FE1)
EL2 - Misdemeanor Attempting to Elude (New Code Added/ Replaced ES6)
EL3 - Felony Eluding/ Endanger Others (New Code Added/ Replaced FE1)
EL4 - Felony Attempting to Elude/ Endanger Others (New Code Added/ Replaced FE1)
EL5 - Felony Eluding/ Great Bodily Injury (New Code Added/ Replaced FE1)
EL6 - Felony Attempting to Elude/ Great Bodily Injury (New Code Added/ Replaced FE1)
ES6 - Attempting to Elude an Officer (Replaced w/ EL2)
FE1 - Attempting to Elude an Officer (Endanger any other person) and (Cause an accident) (Retired)
FR8 - Fraud of Security Verification Form (Added S – Suspension)
MS6 - Operate a Vehicle with View Obstructed (Added * - to appear on the MVR)
RT4 – Alter or Change Registration or Title (Retired)
SB1 - Violation of Child Restraint System (Removed * - to no longer appear on the MVR)
S11 - Speeding (11 - 14 mph Over Limit) (Renamed S14)
TP2 - Hitchhiking or Illegal Pedestrian on Turnpike (Removed * - to no longer appear on the MVR)
TU5 –Improper Move Left/ Right (New Code Added)
                                    MOTOR VEHICLE VIOLATION CODES
                                                                       February 22, 2022

Contents                                                                                                                                                     Page

 Violations by Violation Code................................................................................................................................. 1
 Boating Violations................................................................................................................................................. 8
 Weapons Violations.............................................................................................................................................. 9
 Violations by Oklahoma Statute .........................................................................................................................10

 This book is designed to provide uniformity in citing and coding traffic violations for inclusions on a driving history.
 The following legend explains the layout of the "Violations by Violation Code" pages in this book:

COLUMN 1. "WA" - Withdrawal Action for Violation: The driving privilege withdrawal action, if any, taken against the
person byDPS for the violation cited. More than one withdrawal action may apply to a violation. Following are the
abbreviations for the withdrawal actions:
             C           -           Cancellation                                     R           -            Revocation
             D           -           Denial                                           S           -            Suspension
             DQ          -           Disqualification (CMV, CDL)                      ST          -            Serious Traffic Violation (CMV, CDL)

COLUMN 2. "MVR": An asterisk [*] in this column indicates the violation will appear on a printed MVR.

COLUMN 3. "Pts" - Points Assessed for Violation: The number of points, if any, which will be assessed for the
violation. Anaccumulation of 10 or more points requires the automatic suspension of the person's driving
privilege. The number of accumulated points appears on the person's MVR.

COLUMN 4. Violation Code: A three (3) character violation code assigned to the violation by DPS.

COLUMN 5. "S" - Court-ordered Suspension: "P" in this column indicates the violation qualifies for a Failure to Pay
(FTP) suspension; "AP" indicates this violation qualifies for both Failure to Appear (FTA) suspensions (47 OS, '6-206) and
Failure to Pay (FTP) suspensions (22 OS, '1115.2).

COLUMN 6. Violation Description: A brief narrative which describes the violation.

COLUMN 7. Violation Citation: The statutory citation of the violation. Unless otherwise indicated, this will refer to Title 47
of the Oklahoma Statutes. Statutes in titles other than Title 47 will be shown in the format:

                                                      TITLE: STATUTE                      For example: 37: 600.2

Below are links to the various Titles in the Oklahoma Statutes which are mentioned in this book. Statutes within the Title
are in numerical order on each page. Click the appropriate statute to read the current version of the law.

                                                                              Link to Title 47
                                                                              Link to Title 21
                                                                              Link to Title 37A
                                                                              Link to Title 63

The current bond schedule, as published by the Administrative Office of the Courts, is available through the following link.
Afterthe link has opened, click on the link for the most recent "Bond Schedule". Bond Schedule
WA           Pts.                 Violation Description                                                                  Violation Citation
      MVR           VC                                                                                    (with subsection where applicable)

R       *        AT1        AP     Unauthorized Vehicle on Roadway                                                                11-1116 D

R      *       AD1          P      DUI / APC Under 21 Years of Age (Alcohol)                                                   11-906.4 A.1
R      *       AD2          P      DUI / APC Under 21 Years of Age (Intoxicants Other than Alcohol)                            11-906.4 A. 2
R      *       AD3          P      DUI / APC Under 21 Years of Age (Combined Influence of Alcohol and Any Other
                                   Intoxicating Substances)                                                                     11-906.4 A.3
R       *           AD9            Transport in a Limo or Bus Person(s) Under21, in Possession of or Consuming
                                   Alcohol or Low-Point Beer                                                                    63: 1-229.34
       *    2 CD1           AP     Careless Driving             No applicable state statute. Municipal Ordinance or Out-of-State only

DQ-R  *       U08             Vehicular Manslaughter (CMV)                                                                       6-205.2 B.7
DQ-R  *       U09             Negligent Homicide while operating CMV                                                             6-205.2 B.7
DQ    *       U31             CMV Traffic Offense which Results in Fatality                                                      6-205.2 F.3
DQ    *       A04             Under Influence .04 or More CMV                                                                    6-205.2 B.1
DQ    *       A08             Driving Under Influence Alcohol .08 or more (CMV only)                                                 6-205.2
DQ-R  *       A12             Refusal to Submit to Test for Alcohol                                                              6-205.2 B.2
DQ    *       D02             Misrepresentation of CDL Application                                                                  6-301 2F
      *       B19             Violate Out-of-Service Order (Passenger) (Hazardous Material)                                        6-205.2 G

COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE VIOLATIONS (for convictions on OHP citations only)
      *       E23             Install, Possess, Operate or Use Radar Detector (CDL holder or CMV)                                  11-808.1

        * 1 DE0         AP         Defective/Improper Equipment                                                                     12-101
        *    1 DE1      AP         Operating with Defective / Improper Headlights                                             12-203 A, B, C
        *    1 DE2      AP         Operating with Defective / Improper Brakes                                                       12-301
        *    1 DE3      AP         Operating with Defective / Improper Muffler or Exhaust System                                    12-402
        *    1 DE4      AP         Operating with Defective / Improper Tires                                                        12-405
        *    1 DE6      AP         Operating with Defective / Improper Light (other than headlight)                           12-201 B, C, D

                    DS2     AP     Operating Improperly Because of Disability or Medical Condition                                      6-207

R       *       DI0     P      Drive, Operate, or APC of Motor Vehicle with BAC of .08 or More                                   11-902 A.1
R       *       DI1     P      Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol                                                      11-902 A.2
R       *       DI2     P      Driving While Under the Influence of Narcotics or Pathogenic Drugs                                11-902 A.3
R       *       DI3     P      Driving While Under the Influence of Medication or Other Substance Not Intended
                               to Produce Intoxication as a Result of Normal Use                                                 11-902 A.3
                DI5     P      Transporting Open Container                                                                    37A: 6-101 A.7

R       *           DI6     P      DUI / APC After Previous Conviction in Last 10 Years (Felony: 11-901 C)           11-902 A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4
R       *           DI7     P      APC of a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Alcohol and Other Intoxicants             11-902 A.4
R       *           DI8     P      Driving While Ability is Impaired by Alcohol or Other Intoxicating Substance                        761 A
        *           DR6     P      Involved in Personal Injury Collision While in Violation of 11-902A (1st Offense – MISD.)      11-904 A.1
R       *           AGI     P      Aggravated DUI .15 (Court and DPS Use Only - NOT for use at time of arrest)                     11-902 D
R       *           FE2     P      Involved in Personal Injury Collision While in Violation of 11-902A (2nd Offense – Felony)    11-904 A.2
R       *           AD9            Transporting in Limo or Hired Bus Person under 21 Who Possesses/Consumes Alcohol            63: 1-229.34

        *           DL1     P      Driving While Revoked                                                                           6-303 B
        *           DL2     P      Driving While Suspended                                                                         6-303 B
        *           DL3     P      Driving After Driver License is Denied or Canceled                                     6-111 D: 6-303 B
        *    2      DL4     AP     Operating Contrary to Condition(s) Restriction(s) Specified on Driver License                   6-113 D
        *    1      DL5     AP     Operating Without Being Licensed                                                                6-303 A
        *           DL6     AP     Allowing an Unlicensed Person to Drive                                                            6-305
        *           DL7     AP     Operating Without License Required for Type of Vehicle Operated                                 6-101 A
        *           DL8     P      Driving While Disqualified (CDL)                                                                6-303 B
        *           DL9     P      Driving Without Privileges, Cause Collision with Injury or Death                          11-905 A, B, C
WA            Pts.                   Violation Description                                                                    Violation Citation
       MVR           VC                                                                                        (with subsection where applicable)

        *        RR4        AP        Failure to Have DL in Possession While Driving                                                       6-112

DRUGS (only when using a motor vehicle)
R       *         A50       P           Using MV in Commission of Felony Involving CDS Trafficking                                 63: 2-various
R       *         DU2       P           Using MV in Commission of Other Felony Involving CDS                            68: 450.2; 63: 2-various
R       *         DU4       P           Using MV in Commission of Misdemeanor Involving CDS                                        63: 2-various

DRUGS (for convictions on OHP citations only)
                    DR3                  Possess / Use / Deliver / Manufacture - Drug Paraphernalia (MISD)                        63: 2-405 B, C
                     "                   Deliver Drug Paraphernalia to Person Under Age 18 (Felony)                                 63: 2-405 D
                    DU8                  Felony Drug Offense – (when no motor vehicle involved)                                      63: various

R       *      EL1          P         Misdemeanor Eluding                                                                            21: 540A(A)
R       *      EL2          P         Misdemeanor Attempting to Elude                                                                21: 540A(A)
R       *      FE3          AP        Failure to Stop at Roadblock                                                                    21: 540 B

       *      EW1    AP     Endangerment of Highway Worker within Maintenance/Construction Zone                                         11-1303
       *      EW2    AP     Leave Child or Vulnerable Adult Unattended (Forget-Me-Not)                                                 11-1119 B

       *    1 EM1           AP        Leaving Vehicle Unattended with Engine Running                                                  11-1101
               EM2          AP        Overloading Motorcycle / Vehicle with Passengers / Cargo                             11-1103; 11-1104 (a)
       *    1 EM3           AP        Towing Trailer / Vehicle Improperly                                                       14-106; 1133 I
       *       EM4          AP        Creating Unlawful (Excessive / Unusual) Noise with Muffler                                        12-402
       *    1 EM5           AP        Failure to Dim Lights When Meeting/Following Another Vehicle                                    12-203.2
       *    1 EM6           AP        Failure to Display Lighted Lamps                                                                  12-201
       *       EM7                    Display Emergency MV Lamps - Equip with/ Use Siren                                         12-227 B, C, D

              ER1           AP        Operating w/o or Fail to Use Proper Equipment Required by Law                 12-405; 12-101 A; 12-609 A
              ER2           AP        Use of Prohibited Equipment/ Use of Improper Equipment                      12-405; 12-101 A; 12-609 A, C
              ER4           AP        Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Proper Muffler or Exhaust System                                12-402
              ER5           AP        Operate, Ride MV Without Required Helmet B Under 18 Years of Age                     11-1117 A, 12-609 B

        *       EX1    AP       Failure to Properly Mark Explosives or Flammable Load                                                      12-409
        *    1 EX3     AP       Transporting Hazardous Substances W/O Safety Devices or Precautions                                        12-409

R        *           EL3    P         Felony Eluding/ Endanger Others                                                                 21: 540A(B)
R        *           EL4    P         Felony Attempting to Elude/ Endanger Others                                                     21: 540A(B)
R        *           EL5    P         Felony Eluding/ Great Bodily Injury                                                             21: 540A(C)
R        *           EL6    P         Felony Attempting to Elude/ Great Bodily Injury                                                 21: 540A(C)
R        *           FE1    P         Using a Motor Vehicle in the Commission of a Felony [Auth. 6-205 A.3]                 List Violation Citation
                                                Allow Child in Vehicle when Driver is Impaired or Under Influence Alcohol/Drugs 21: 852.1 A.3
                                                DUI with Child in Vehicle                                                           21: 852.1 A.4
R        *           FE1    P         Conceal Stolen Property from Owner While Using Motor Vehicle                                     21: 1713 A
R        *           FE2    P         Involved in Personal Injury Collision While in Violation of 11-902A (2nd Offense - Felony)       11-904 A.2
R        *            “               Cause Great Bodily Injury Collision While Violation of 11-901A                                   11-904 B.1
R        *           FE3    AP        Failure to Stop at Roadblock                                                                       21: 540B
R        *           A50    P         Using CMV in Commission of Felony Involving CDS Trafficking                                   63: Chapter 2

       *    2 FO1           AP        Following Too Closely                                                               11-310 (a), (b), (c), (d)
       *    2 FO2           AP        Following Emergency Vehicle                                                        11-1108 a, b; 21: 1211
WA            Pts.                 Violation Description                                                                 Violation Citation
       MVR           VC                                                                                   (with subsection where applicable)

S       *       FR5      AP         Failure to Comply with Required Compulsory Insurance Law                                        7-606 A.1
                                              Fail to Maintain Insurance
                                              Fail to Carry Security Verification Form
S        *           FR8            Purchase, Display, Possess Security Verification form, which is Counterfeit, Bears
                                    Altered or Fictitious Information                                                           7-612 C.1, C.2

R       *            G01     P      Fail to Pay for Gasoline                                                                        21: 1740

HOMICIDE (with a motor vehicle)
R      *          HM1        P      2nd Degree Murder with a MV                                                                  21: 701.8 (2)
R      *          HM2        P      Manslaughter with a MV (see: 6-205 A 1)                                                           21: 711
R      *          HM4        P      Negligent Homicide with a MV (Misdemeanor)                                                       11-903 A

R       *            HR1     AP     Hit and Run Collision Resulting in (Bodily Injury) (Death)                                    10-102 A, B
        *            HR2     AP     Hit and Run Collision Resulting in Property Damage Only                                           10-103

       *   1 IL0        AP        Improper Use of Lane                                                                        11-309 1, 3, 4,5
       *   1 IL1        AP        Changing Lanes Unsafely                                                                            11-309 2
       *   1 IL2        AP        Failure to Keep in Proper Lane                                                         11-301 B, 11-309 3, 4
       *   1 IL3        AP        Driving Off of Roadway When Overtaking on Right                                                   11-304 (b)
       *   1 IL4        AP        Making Improper Entrance to or Exit from Controlled-access Highway                                   11-312

        *    3 IN1           AP     Inattentive Driving Resulting in a Collision                                                    11-901b
        *    2 IN2           AP     Public Transit Driver Operating MV while Using Cell Phone or Electronic Comm Device             11-901c
        *    2 IN3           AP     Inattentive Driving                                                                             11-901b
        *    2 IN5           AP     Texting While Operating a CMV                                                               11-901c (A)(1)
        *    2 IN6           AP     Using a Hand-held Mobile Device While Operating a CMV                                       11-901c (A)(2)
                 IN7                Texting While Operating a Non-CMV                                                               11-901d

R       *            LA3            Unauthorized Use of a MV (Felony)                                                                  4-102
R       *            LA4            Person Not Entitled to Possession of MV (Felony)                                                   4-103
R       *            LA5            Theft of a MV (Felony)                                                                          21: 1720

         *  2 LC1          AP      Left of Center on Roadway with 4 or More Lanes                                                   11-301 C
         *  2 LC2          AP      Left of Center in Marked Zone                                                                   11-307 (b)
         *  2 LC3          AP      Left of Center on Curve or Hill                                                                11-306 (a)1
         *  2     "        AP      Left of Center When Approaching Intersection or Railroad Crossing                              11-306 (a)2
         *  2     "        AP      Left of Center When Approaching Bridge, Viaduct, or Tunnel                                     11 -306 (a)3
         *  2 LC4          AP      Failure to Keep Right on Road of Sufficient Width                                                 11-301 A

        *        LI1         AP     Depositing Injurious or Harmful Substances on Highway                                         11-1110 (a)
        *        LI2         AP     Throwing from a MV Any Burning or Smoldering Substance                                      21: 1753.3 C
        *         “          AP     Dump Trash or Substance Which May Cause Fire                                              21: 1761.1 C, D
        *        LI3         AP     (Throw) (Deposit) Litter from a MV upon Highway or Public Property                          21: 1753.3 A
        *        LI4         AP     Fail to Prevent Sifting or Dropping Loads                                                      14-105 (a)
        *    1 LI5           AP     Operate a MV Loaded So Driver's View is Obstructed                                            11-1104 (a)
        *        LI6         AP     Fail to Secure or Cover Load                                                                   14-105 (b)
R       *        LI7         AP     Abandon Goods on Highway                                                                        21: 1465
                 LI8         AP     Fail to Mark Load Extension                                                                   12-213 A, B
WA            Pts.                   Violation Description                                                                   Violation Citation
       MVR           VC                                                                                       (with subsection where applicable)

        *        LP1       AP       Operate w/o Proper License Plate / Fail to Pay License Plate Taxes      1134; 1151 A.5; 1125; 68: 607
        *        LP2       AP       Altering or Changing a License Plate or Decal                                                1151 A.2
        *        LP3       AP       Improperly Removing License Plate from Vehicle / Defacing License Plate                      4-107 (d)
        *        LP4       AP       Affixing Improper License Plate to Motor Vehicle to Misrepresent Vehicle Identity            4-107 (d)
R       *        LP5       AP       Display Another State's License Plate when Possessing an Oklahoma Driver License             1151 A.3
        *        RR5       AP       Operating a Motor Vehicle with Registration Plates (Missing) (Obscured)     1151 A.9; 1113 A.2

R      *       MR0      P        Unauthorized manufacture of driver license                                                           6-301 2a
R      *       MR1      P        Committed fraud in license application                                                               6-301 2f
R      *       MR2      P        Display or Possess Altered DL                                                                        6-301 1c
R      *       MR3      P        Display as one's own using another person's photo                                                    6-301 2d
R      *       MR4      P        Loaning a driver license                                                                             6-301 1b
R      *       MR6      P        Display DL not own to mislead officer                                                                6-301 2e
R      *       MR7      P        To display or possess counterfeit or fictitious DL                                                   6-301 2b
R      *       MR8      P        Fictitious or forged name of signature                                                               6-301 2c
R      *       MR9      P        Display DL not own                                                                                   6-301 2e

               MS0             Other Miscellaneous Statutes not otherwise listed in this book List Violation Citation
       *   1 MS1      AP       Starting Unsafely from a Parked Position                                                                11-603
       *   1 MS2      AP       Improper Backing                                                                                      11-1102
       *       MS3    AP       Opening Vehicle Door into Traffic                                                                     11-1105
       *       MS4    AP       Crossing Fire Hose with Vehicle                                                                       11-1109
       *   1 MS6      AP       Operate a Vehicle with View Obstructed                                                              11-1104 (a)
               MS7    AP       Allowing a Passenger to Ride Outside Vehicle                                                         11-1114 A
       *   1 MS9      AP       Spinning Wheels (Excessive Acceleration) (Municipal Ordinance)

        *    1 PA0       AP      Improper Passing                                                              11-303 1, 3; 11-1302 D.2
        *    1 PA1       AP      Passing When View Obscured on Hill, Curve, at Bridge, at Intersection
                                 or Railroad Crossing                                                           11-306 (a)1, 11-306 (a)2
        *    1 PA2       AP      Improperly Passing on the Right                                                                11-304 (b)
        *    1 PA3       AP      Passing with Insufficient Distance Allowed for Other Vehicles or Inadequate Visibility            11-305
        *    1 PA4       AP      Passing in a No-passing Zone                                                                   11-307 (b)
        *    1 PA5       AP      Failure to Signal Intention to Pass                                                    11-604 A: 11-303 3
        *    1 PA6       AP      Failure to Yield to Overtaking Vehicles                                                         11-303 2
        *    1 PA7       AP      Passing on Left without Sufficient Clearance or of Vehicle Attempting
                                 to Turn Left                                                                            11-305 11-604 D
        *    3 PA8       AP      Improper Passing of Stationary Emergency Vehicle (fail to slow or move over)                      11-314

RAILROAD (Disqualification Only If Driving CMV)
DQ      *    2 R01          AP         Failure to Check for Train Traffic at Railroad Crossing (CMV or Bus only)                     11-701 C
DQ      *    2 R02          AP         Failure to Stop at Railroad Crossing-tracks not Clear (Any Driver)                            11-701 A
DQ      *    2 R03          AP         Failure to Stop at Railroad Crossing - Drive onto Crossing (Bus or CMV only)                    11-702
DQ      *    2 R04          AP         Enter Railroad Crossing - Insufficient Space to Clear (Bus or CMV)                           11-1115.1
DQ      *    2 R05          AP         Failure to Obey Officer or Signal at Railroad Crossing (Any Driver)                           11-701 B
DQ      *    2 R06          AP         Insufficient Undercarriage Clearance at Railroad Crossing (Bus or CMV)                       11-1115.2
        *    2 R07          AP         Railroad Crossing Violation - Not Specifically Covered                                          11-701

       *   4 RK1             AP       Reckless Driving without Regard to Property / Person Violation of 11-901                       11-901 A
       *   1 RK2             AP       Operate a Motor Vehicle at a Speed Greater or Less Than Reasonable and Proper                  11-801 A
       *   1 RK3             AP       Failure to Reduce Speed When Lawfully Required                                                 11-801 E
       *   1 RK4             AP       Coasting in Neutral or Operating with Clutch Disengaged                                  11-1107 (a), (b)
       *   4 RK9             AP       Reckless Driving without Regard to Person                                                      11-901 A

       *       RR1            Failure to Give Immediate Notice of Accident                                                              10-107
               RR3            Failure to Surrender DL, Registration, License Plate as Required                                7-402 B: 6-209 B
       *       RR4     AP     Failure to Have DL in Possession While Driving                                                             6-112
WA           Pts.                   Violation Description                                                                  Violation Citation
       MVR          VC                                                                                      (with subsection where applicable)

       *       SW4                  Failure to Carry or Exhibit Certificate or Bill of Sale                                       14-111 (b)
       *       SW5                  Failure to Keep Registration Certificate in Vehicle                                              14-110

       *       RT1       AP         Operating a Vehicle W/O Registering it as Required or Improper Registration                  1151 A, B
        *      RT1       AP         Transport Cotton Modules without License, 1st Offense                                         1134.4C
       *       RT1       AP         Transport Cotton Modules without License, 2nd Offense                                         1134.4C
               RT2       AP         Operating with Expired Registration                                                           1151 A.9
               RT3                  Misrepresent Identity / Other Facts to Obtain MV Registration / Title     1151 A.7, D; 4-107 (a); 4-108
               RT5       AP         Other Registration and Titling Violations                                                    1151 A, B
                 "       AP         Operate New Vehicle with Expired Dealer Registration                                            1116.1
                 "       AP         Fail to Register Used Vehicle, Display Used Vehicle License More Than 30 Days                  1137.1
                 "       AP         Operate Vehicle with Non-Use Decal                                              1151 A.14; 7-606 A.3
                 "       AP         Transport Manufactured Home with Unpaid Registration Fees                                     14-103D
       *       SW5       AP         Failure to Keep Registration Certificate in Vehicle (CMV Only)                         14-110, 1113 D

        *   2 RW0         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way from Alley / Driveway / Building                                      11-704
        *   2 RW1         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way to Emergency Vehicle                                                  11-405
        *   2 RW2         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way from Yield Sign to Vehicle                                         11-403 C
        *   2 RW3         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way from Stop Sign                                                     11-403 B
        *   2 RW4         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way from Yield Sign to Pedestrian                                      11-403 C
        *   2 RW5         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way from Road or Private Drive                                  11-401 A: 11-404
        *   2 RW6         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way to Vehicle on Right                                                11-401 B
        *   2 RW7         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way to Vehicle Turning                                                    11-402
        *   2 RW8         AP     Failure to Yield Right of Way from Sign or Signal                                     11-403 D: 11-202 1.b

                SB1      AP     Violation of Child Restraint System                                           11-1112 A, B
        *       SB3      AP     Driver Not Wearing Seatbelt (Appears on CDL/CMV MVR Only)                         12-417 A
        *       SB4             Passenger Not Wearing Seatbelt (Appears on CDL/CMV MVR Only)                      12-417 A

        *   1 SC1      AP       Failure to Follow Instructions of Police Officer                                             11-103
        *   1 SC2      AP       Failure to Obey Instructions of Traffic Control Device (Signal) (Sign)      11-201 (a); 11-1302 D.1
        *   1 SC3      AP       Passing Thru/ Around Barrier / Dividing Section / Median on Divided Highway      11-311; 11-1302 B
        *   1 SC5      AP       Drive Through / Within Safety Zone                                                         11-1301
R       *       SC9    AP       Failure to Obey Traffic Light / Stop Sign and Causing Great Bodily Injury       6-205 A.10; 11-202

        *     1     SI1    AP       Fail to Signal Intention to Stop or Reduce Speed Suddenly / to Change Direction              11-604 A, C
        *     1     SI2    AP       Fail to Give Proper Signal                                                                    11-605 (b)

       *    2 ST1        AP        Failure to Stop for Stop Sign                                                                   11-403 B
       *    2 ST2        AP        Failure to Stop for Red Light                                                                  11-202 3.a
       *    1 ST5        AP        Improper Stopping on Roadway                                                                     11-1001
       *        ST6                Abandoning a Vehicle on Highway or Public Property (Over 48 Hours)                                   901
R      *        ST9      AP        Failure to Stop for School Bus Loading or Unloading                                 11 -705 A: 11-705.1 A

                    SW1    AP       Overweight Violation (With or Without Permits)                                               14-109 A, B
                    SW1    AP       Overweight Violation                                                               14-101 A, C; 14-118 G
         *          SW2    AP       Oversize Violation (With or Without Permits) / Violation of Special Permit                14-103 A, B, C
         *           "     AP       Oversize Violation as Auto Transporter                                                          14-103 B
         *           "     AP       Oversize Violation of Manufactured Home / Industrialized Housing                                14-103 A
         *           "     AP       Violation of Special Permit                                                            14-103; 14-118 C
         *           "     AP       Move Manufacture Item Without Special Permit / Escort                                           14-103 D
WA           Pts.                 Violation Description                                                                    Violation Citation
       MVR          VC                                                                                      (with subsection where applicable)

SIZE & WEIGHT (cont.)
        *          "       AP      Operate Special Combination Vehicle Without Special Permit                                        14-121
        *          "       AP      Oversize Violation                                                                           14-101 A, C
        *          "       AP      Over -Length Trailer                                                                              14-121
        *        SW3       AP      Operating Improper Combination of Vehicles                                          14-103 C.4; 14-118 D
        *        SW4       AP      Failure to Carry or Exhibit Certificate or Bill of Sale                                       14-111 (b)
        *        SW5       AP      Failure to Keep Registration Certificate in Vehicle                                      14-110, 1113 D
        *        SW6       AP      Overweight Violation (Owner Only, per 14-109.1)                                                 14-109 A
        *        SW7       AP      Operating a Motor Carrier Vehicle Without Authority                                                 166
        *        SW8       AP      Operating a Motor Carrier Vehicle Without Proper Identification Device                              180


         *    2     S51    AP      Speeding (1 - 10 mph Over Limit) (Appears on CDL/CMV MVR Only) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    2     S14    AP      Speeding (11 - 14 mph Over Limit)                              11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    2     S15    AP      Speeding 15 mph Over Limit                                     11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    2     S16    AP      Speeding (16 - 20 mph Over Limit)                              11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    2     S21    AP      Speeding (21 - 25 mph Over Limit)                              11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    3     S26    AP      Speeding (26 - 30 mph Over Limit)                              11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    3     S31    AP      Speeding (31 - 35 mph Over Limit)                              11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    3     S36    AP      Speeding (36 - 40 mph Over Limit)                              11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    4     S41    AP      Speeding (41+ mph Over Limit)                                  11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
         *    2     S93    AP      Excessive Speed (No Speed Given) (Appears on CDL/CMV MVR only)        Various statutes, ordinances
         *    2     S95    AP      Contest Racing (Municipal Only)                                             (Municipal Ordinance)
         *    1     S96    AP      Impeding Traffic                                                  11-804 (a); 11-301 B; 11-309 5

       *        TP1        AP      Other Turnpike Violations                                                                       11-1401
       *          "        AP      Improper Entering or Leaving Turnpike                                                          11-1401 A
       *        TP1        AP      Fail to Pay Toll                                                                               11-1401 B
                TP2                Hitchhiking or Illegal Pedestrian on Turnpike                                                  11-1401 D
                  "        AP      Illegal Vehicle on Turnpike                                                                    11-1401 F
                  "        AP      Enter Closed Area                                                                              11-1401 G
       *    1 TP4          AP      Crossing Center Median                                                                         11-1401 I

        *     1 TU0         AP     Improper Turn (Turn About, U-Turn, etc.)                                                          11-601
        *     1 TU1         AP     Improper Right Turn at an Intersection                                                        11-601 1, 3
        *     1 TU2         AP     Improper Left Turn at an Intersection                                                         11-601 2, 3
        *     1 TU3         AP     Unsafely Turn at an Intersection                                                                11-604 A
        *     1 TU4         AP     Improper Turn from Wrong Lane                                                               11-601 1, 2, 3
        *     1 TU5         AP     Improper Move Left/ Right                                                                       11-604.A
        *     1 TU6         AP     Unsafely Turn to Enter Private Drive                                                            11-604 A

      *             WE2    AP      Transporting Loaded Pistol in MV without Possessing Handgun Permit                          21: 1289.13A

      *    2 WW1        AP         Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Road                                                              11-308 (b)
      *    2 WW2        AP         Driving on Wrong Side of Divided Roadway                                                          11-311
      *    2 WW3        AP         Driving in Wrong Direction Around Rotary Traffic Island                                        11-308 (c)


Z01   Fail to Register and License Vessel 4003 A.1
Z02   Fail to Register Motor in Excess of 10 HP 4003 B.1
Z03   Fail to Possess License to Sell / Trade Vessel and/or Motors 4003 C
Z04   Knowingly Possess Outboard Motor with Altered Identification Number 4009.1 B.1
Z05   Fail to Register Transferred Vessel / Motor within 30 Days 4012 A
Z06   Fail to Carry Certificate of Registration for Vessel 4016 C
Z07   Fail to Carry Certificate of Registration for Outboard Motor 4017 C
Z08   Fail to Display Current Registration Decal for Vessel / Outboard Motor Properly 4030 C
Z09   Fail to Display / Maintain Numbers Properly 4030 D
Z10   Fail as Boat Livery, to Provide Proper Records 4031 A
Z11   Lend / Sell / Permit Use of Title / Registration 4032 A.1
Z12   Operate a Sanctioned Event Without a Permit 4205 B
Z13   Fail to Require Passenger Under 13 to Wear Personal Flotation Device 4206 A.1
Z14   Fail to Display Proper Light on Vessel at Night 4207 A
Z15   Fail to Have Whistle / Other Sound-Producing Device 4207 B
Z16   Fail to Have Bell 4207 C
Z17   Fail to Have Proper and Accessible Personal Flotation Device for each person on Board 4207 D
Z18   Fail to Equip Vessel with Proper Fire Extinguisher 4207 E
Z19   Fail to Equip Motor with Efficient Flame Arrester / Backfire Trap 4207 G
Z20   Fail to Provide Vessel with Efficient Ventilation 4207 H
Z21   Operate / Permit to Operate a Vessel not Properly Equipped 4207 I
Z22   Fail to have Motor Properly Muffled 4208 A
Z23   Take / Use / Drive Vessel/Motor Without Authority 4209
Z24   Reckless / Negligent Operation of a Vessel/ Device 4210 A
Z25   Fail to Yield to Emergency Vessel 4210 C
Z26   Overload Vessel with Persons / Gear in Excess of Recommended Capacity 4210 D
Z27   Operate Vessel in Excess of Maximum Horsepower Capacity Rating 4210 E
Z28   Operate Vessel in Excess of Established Speed Limits 4210 F
Z29   Operate a Vessel in Excess of 10 mph When Within 50 Feet of Others 4210 G
Z30   Solely Operate Watercraft when Under 12 Years of Age 4210 H
Z31   Negligent Homicide by Reckless Use of Vessel 4210.1
Z32   Attempt to Elude Officer After Receiving Visual and Audible Signal 4210.2
Z33   Transport Firearm in / Discharge Firearm from Vessel 4210.3
Z34   Operate a Vessel in a Manner Not Reasonable and Proper 4210.4 A
Z35   Operate vessel in Wake Zone at Speed Not Reasonable and Proper 4210.4 B
Z36   Park / Moor / Beach Vessel at Swimming Area 4210.4 C
Z37   Remove / Tamper / Moor Vessel to Waterway Marker / Buoy 4210.5
Z38   Ride Improperly in a Vessel 4210.6
Z39   Occupy Improperly the Front / Back Deck of a Vessel 4210.7
Z40   Operate a Vessel While Intoxicated / Under the Influence 4210.8
Z41   Fail to Display Proper Diver's Flag on Vessel / Buoy 4211 A
Z42   Operate a Vessel in Area of Diving Buoy 4211 B
Z43   Use Floating Device More Than 50 Feet from Shore 4211.1
Z44   Tow a Person Without use of Mirror / Proper Observation 4212 A.1
Z45   Use Improper Watercraft for Water Skiing 4212 A.2
Z46   Tow Person Between Sunset and Sunrise / When Visibility is Obscured 4212 B
Z47   Fail to Maintain Control of Vessel / Tow Rope / Other Device 4212 D
Z48   Operate Personal Watercraft Without a Kill Switch 4212 E.1
Z49   Operate Personal Watercraft at Night Without Proper Lights 4212 E.2
Z50   Dispose of Marine Sewage in State Waters 4213 A
Z51   Fail to Render Aid / Exchange Information / Notify Authorities of Vessel Accident 4214 A
Z52   Abandon a Vessel 4217 A
Z53   Speed in a Vessel at Night 4219
Z54   Willfully Fail / Refuse to comply with a Lawful Order 4221
Z55   Knowingly Conduct Business As / For / With Chop Shop 4253 A
Z56   Miscellaneous Chop Shop Violation 4253 E
Z57   Miscellaneous Boating Violation Various statutes
Z58   Non-Compliance of Boating Safety Education Act 4232
Z59   Operate a Vessel Without Possession of Boating Safety Card / Proper ID 4232 G
Z60   Allowing Person Under 16 YOA Without Proper Certification to Operate Vessel 4235
Z61   Miscellaneous Fraudulent Boating Education Certification Violations 4234

WE1      Unlawfully Carry Concealed Weapon (Firearm) 1272
"        Unlawfully Carry / Transport Firearm in Vehicle (Concealed and Loaded) 1289.7
"        Unlawfully Carry Concealed Weapon (Knives, Clubs, Chains, etc.) 1272
"        Unlawfully Point a Weapon (Misdemeanor) 1279
"        Unlawfully Point a Weapon (Felony) 1289.16
"        Unlawfully Discharge a Firearm / Weapon (Misdemeanor) 1364
"        Unlawfully Discharge a Firearm / Weapon (Felony) 1289.17 A
"        Unlawfully Discharge a Firearm - Shooting Another with Intent to Kill (Felony) 652
"        Unlawfully Use a Weapon - Assault and Battery / Deadly force / Attempt to Kill (Felony) 652
"        Unlawfully Use Body Armor (Felony) 1289.26
"        Unlawfully Carry / Transport Firearm in Vehicle (Unconcealed and Loaded) 1289.13
"        Unlawfully Carry Unconcealed Weapon (Firearm) 1272
"        Unlawfully Carry Unconcealed Weapon (Knives, Clubs, Chains, etc.) 1272
"        Unlawfully Carry / Use Firearm While Under the Influence 1289.9
"        Unlawfully Carry Firearm / Weapon (Prohibited Person) 1283
"        Unlawfully Possess Firearm / Weapon (Child) 1273
"        Unlawfully Possess Firearm / Weapon While Committing / Attempting Felony 1287
"        Unlawfully Possess Firearm with Defaced Serial # While Committing /Attempting Felony 1550
"        Unlawfully Possess Illegal Firearm (Sawed-off Shotgun / Rifle) (Felony) 1289.18
"        Unlawfully Possess Restricted Bullet (Felony) 1289.21
"        Unlawfully Wear Body Armor (Felony) 1289.21
"        Violation of Oklahoma Self-Defense Act (OSDA) 1290.1 et seq
WE2      Transporting Loaded Pistol in MV without Possessing Handgun Permit 1289.13A

                                                        IN STATUTE NUMBER ORDER

LA3      Unauthorized Use of a MV (Felony) 4-102
LA4      Person Not Entitled to Possession of MV (Felony) 4-103
RT3      Misrepresent Identity / Other Facts to Obtain MV Registration / Title 4-107 (a)
LP3      Improperly Removing License Plate from Vehicle / Defacing License Plate 4-107 (d)
LP4      Affixing Improper License Plate to Motor Vehicle to Misrepresent Vehicle Identity 4-107 (d)
RT3      Misrepresent Identity / Other Facts to Obtain MV Registration / Title 4-108
DL7      Operating Without License Required for Type of Vehicle Operated 6-101 A
DL3      Driving After Driver License is Denied or Canceled 6-111 D
RR4      Failure to Have DL in Possession While Driving 6-112
DL4      Operating Contrary to Condition(s) Restriction(s) Specified on Driver License 6-113 D
A04      Under Influence .04 or More CMV 6-205.2 B1
A08      Driving Under Influence Alcohol .08 or more (CMV only) 6-205.2
A12      Refusal to Submit to Test for Alcohol 6-205.2 B2
U08      Vehicular Manslaughter (CMV) 6-205.2 B.7
U09      Negligent Homicide while operating CMV 6-205.2 B.7
U31      CMV Traffic Offense which Results in Fatality 6-205.2 F.3
B19      Violate Out-of-Service Order (Passenger) (Hazardous Material) 6-205.2 G
DS2      Operating Improperly Because of Disability or Medical Condition 6-207
RR3      Failure to Surrender DL, Registration, License Plate as Required 6-209 B
D02      Misrepresentation of CDL Application 6-301 2f
MR4      Loaning a driver license 6-301 1b
MR2      Display or Possess Altered DL 6-301 1c
MR0      Unauthorized manufacture of driver license 6-301 2a
MR7      To display or possess counterfeit or fictitious DL 6-301 2b
MR8      Fictitious or forged name of signature 6-301 2c
MR3      Display as one's own using another person's photo 6-301 2d
MR6      Display DL not own to mislead officer 6-301 2e
MR9      Display DL not own 6-301 2e
MR1      Committed fraud in license application 6-301 2f
DL5      Operating Without Being Licensed 6-303 A
DL1      Driving While Revoked 6-303 B
DL2      Driving While Suspended 6-303 B
DL3      Driving After Driver License is Denied or Canceled 6-303 B
DL8      Driving While Disqualified (CDL) 6-303 B
DL6   Allowing an Unlicensed Person to Drive 6-305
RR3   Failure to Surrender DL, Registration, License Plate as Required 7-402 B
FR5   Failure to Comply with Required Compulsory Insurance Law 7-606 A.1
RT5   Operate Vehicle with Non-Use Decal 7-606 A.3
FR8   Purchase, Display, Possess Security Verification Form, which is Counterfeit,
      Bears Altered or Fictitious Information 7-612 C.1, C.2
HR1   Hit and Run Collision Resulting in (Bodily Injury) (Death) 10-102 A, B
HR2   Hit and Run Collision Resulting in Property Damage Only 10-103
RR1   Failure to Give Immediate Notice of Accident 10-107
SC1   Failure to Follow Instructions of Police Officer 11-103
SC2   Failure to Obey Instructions of Traffic Control Device (Signal) (Sign) 11-201 (a)
SC9   Failure to Obey Traffic Light / Stop Sign and Causing Great Bodily Injury 11-202; 6-205 A.10
RW8   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Sign or Signal 11-202 1.b
ST2   Failure to Stop for Red Light 11-202 3.a
LC4   Failure to Keep Right on Road of Sufficient Width 11-301 A
IL2   Failure to Keep in Proper Lane 11-301 B
S96   Impeding Traffic 11-301 B
LC1   Failure to Keep Left of Center on Roadway with 4 or More Lanes 11-301 C
PA0   Improper Passing 11-303 1
PA6   Failure to Yield to Overtaking Vehicles 11-303 2
PA0   Improper Passing 11-303 3
PA5   Failure to Signal Intention to Pass 11-303 3
IL3   Driving Off of Roadway When Overtaking on Right 11-304 (b)
PA2   Improperly Passing on the Right 11-304 (b)
PA3   Passing with Insufficient Distance Allowed for Other Vehicles or Inadequate Visibility 11-305
PA7   Passing on Left Without Sufficient Clearance 11-305
LC3   Left of Center on Curve or Hill 11-306 (a)1
PA1   Passing When View Obscured on Hill or Curve or at Bridge 11-306 (a)1
LC3   Left of Center When Approaching Intersection or Railroad Crossing 11-306 (a)2
PA1   Passing When View Obscured at Intersection or Railroad Crossing 11-306 (a)2
LC3   Left of Center When Approaching Bridge, Viaduct, or Tunnel 11-306 (a)
LC2   Left of Center in Marked Zone 11-307 (b)
PA4   Passing in a No-passing Zone 11-307 (b)
WW1   Driving Wrong Way on One-Way Road 11-308 (b)
WW3   Driving in Wrong Direction Around Rotary Traffic Island 11-308 (c)
IL1   Changing Lanes Unsafely 11-309 2
S96   Impeding Traffic 11-309 5
IL0   Improper Use of Lane 11-309 1, 3, 4, 5
IL2   Failure to Keep in Proper Lane 11-309 3, 4
FO1   Following Too Closely 11-310 (a), (b), (c), (d)
SC3   Passing Thru/ Around Barrier / Dividing Section / Median on Divided Highway 11-311
WW2   Driving on Wrong Side of Divided Roadway 11-311
IL4   Making Improper Entrance to or Exit from Controlled-access Highway 11-312
PA8   Improper Passing of Stationary Emergency Vehicle 11-314
RW5   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Private Road or Drive 11-401 A
RW6   Failure to Yield Right of Way to Vehicle on Right 11-401 B
RW7   Failure to Yield Right of Way in Intersection to Vehicle Turning 11-402
RW3   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Stop Sign 11-403 B
ST1   Failure to Stop for Stop Sign 11-403 B
RW2   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Yield Sign to Vehicle 11-403 C
RW4   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Yield Sign to Pedestrian 11-403 C
RW8   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Sign or Signal 11-403 D
RW5   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Private Road or Drive 11-404
RW1   Failure to Yield Right of Way to Emergency Vehicle 11-405
TU0   Improper Turn (Turn About, U-Turn, etc.) 11-601
TU1   Improper Right Turn at an Intersection 11-601 1
TU4   Improper Turn from Wrong Lane 11-601 1
TU2   Improper Left Turn at an Intersection 11-601 2
TU4   Improper Turn from Wrong Lane 11-601 2
TU1   Improper Right Turn at an Intersection 11-601 3
TU2   Improper Left Turn at an Intersection 11-601 3
TU4   Improper Turn from Wrong Lane 11-601 3
TU5   Improper Move Left/ Right 11-604.A
MS1   Starting Unsafely from a Parked Position 11-603
PA5   Failure to Signal Intention to Pass 11-604 A
SI1   Fail to Signal Intention to Stop or Reduce Speed Suddenly / to Change Direction 11-604 A
TU3   Unsafely Turn at an Intersection 11-604 A
TU6   Unsafely Turn to Enter Private Drive 11-604 A
SI1   Fail to Signal Intention to Stop or Reduce Speed Suddenly / to Change Direction 11-604 C
PA7   Pass on Left of Vehicle Attempting to Turn Left 11-604 D
SI2   Fail to Give Proper Signal 11-605 (b)
R07   Railroad Crossing Violation - Not Specifically Covered 11-701
R02   Failure to Stop at Railroad Crossing-tracks not Clear (Any Driver) 11-701 A
R05   Failure to Obey Officer or Signal at Railroad Crossing (Any Driver) 11-701 B
R01   Failure to Check for Train Traffic at Railroad Crossing (Bus or CMV) 11-701 C
R03   Failure to Stop at Railroad Crossing - Drive onto Crossing (Bus or CMV) 11-702
RW0   Failure to Yield Right of Way from Alley / Driveway / Building 11-704
ST9   Failure to Stop for School Bus Loading or Unloading (on and after 11/1/11) 11-705 A
ST9   Failure to Stop for School Bus Loading or Unloading (on and after 11/1/11) 11-705.1 A
RK2   Operate a Motor Vehicle at a Speed Greater or Less Than Reasonable and Proper 11-801 A
S36   Speeding (36 - 40 mph Over Limit) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S15   Speeding 15 mph Over Limit 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S26   Speeding (26 - 30 mph Over Limit) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S21   Speeding (21 - 25 mph Over Limit) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S41   Speeding (41" mph Over Limit) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S16   Speeding (16 - 20 mph Over Limit) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S31   Speeding (31 - 35 mph Over Limit) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S14   Speeding (11 - 14 mph Over Limit) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
S51   Speeding (1 - 10 mph Over Limit) (CMV/CDL MVR only) 11-801 B, C, F; 11-806.1; 11-806.2
RK3   Failure to Reduce Speed When Lawfully Required 11-801 E
S96   Impeding Traffic 11-804 (a)
E23   Install, Possess, Operate or Use Radar Detector (CDL holder or CMV) 11-808.1
RK1   Reckless Driving without Regard to Property / Violation of 11-801 11-901 A
RK9   Reckless Driving without Regard to Safety of Person 11-901 A
IN1   Inattentive Driving Resulting in a Collision 11-901b
IN3   Inattentive Driving 11-901b
IN2   Public Transit Driver Operating MV while Using Cell Phone or Electronic Comm Device 11-901c
IN5   Texting While Operating CMV 11-901c (A)(1)
IN6   Using a Hand-held Mobile Device While Operating CMV 11-901c (A)(2)
IN7   Texting While Operating a Non-CMV 11-901d
DI0   Drive, Operate, or APC of Motor Vehicle with BAC of .08 or More 11-902 A.1
DI6   DUI / APC After Previous Conviction in Last 10 Years (Felony: 11-901 C) 11-902 A.1
DI1   Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol 11-902 A.2
DI6   DUI / APC After Previous Conviction in Last 10 Years (Felony: 11-901 C) 11-902 A.2
DI2   Driving While Under the Influence of Narcotics or Pathogenic Drugs 11-902 A.3
DI3   Driving While Under the Influence of Medication or Other Substance Not Intended
      to Produce Intoxication as a Result of Normal Use 11-902 A.3
DI6   DUI / APC After Previous Conviction in Last 10 Years (Felony: 11-901 C) 11-902 A.3
DI6   DUI / APC After Previous Conviction in Last 10 Years (Felony: 11-901 C) 11-902 A.4
DI7   APC of a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Alcohol and Other Intoxicants 11-902 A.4
AG1   Aggravated DUI (Felony) 11-902 D
HM4   Negligent Homicide with a MV (Misdemeanor) 11-903 A
DR6   Involved in Personal Injury Collision While in Violation of 11-902A (1st Offense - MISD) 11-904 A.1
FE2   Involved in Personal Injury Collision While in Violation of 11-902A (2nd Offense - Felony) 11-904 A.2
FE2   Cause Great Bodily Injury Collision While Violation of 11-901A 11-904 B.1
DL9   Driving Without Privileges, Cause Collision with Injury or Death 11-905 A, B, C
AD1   Drive, Operate, or Be in APC / Alcohol Under 21 11-906.4 A.1
AD2   Drive, Operate, or Be in APC / Other Intoxicants / Under 21 11-906.4 A.2
AD3   Drive, Operate, or Be in APC / Combined Influence / Under 21 11-906.4 A.3
EM1   Leaving Vehicle Unattended with Engine Running 11-1101
ST5   Improper Stopping on Roadway 11-1001
MS2   Improper Backing 11-1102
EM2   Overloading Motorcycle / Vehicle with Passengers / Cargo 11-1103
EM2   Overloading Motorcycle / Vehicle with Passengers / Cargo 11-1104 (a)
LI5   Operate a MV Loaded So Driver's View is Obstructed 11-1104 (a)
MS6   Operate a Vehicle with View Obstructed 11-1104 (a)
MS3   Opening Vehicle Door into Traffic 11-1105
RK4   Coasting in Neutral or Operating with Clutch Disengaged 11-1107 (a), (b)
FO2   Following Emergency Vehicle 11-1108 (a), (b)
MS4   Crossing Fire Hose with Vehicle 11-1109
LI1   Depositing Injurious or Harmful Substances on Highway 11-1110 (a)
SB1   Violation of Child Restraint System 11-1112 A, B
MS7   Allowing a Passenger to Ride Outside Vehicle 11-1114 A
R04   Enter Railroad Crossing - Insufficient Space to Clear (Bus or CMV) 11-1115.1
R06   Insufficient Undercarriage Clearance at Railroad Crossing (Bus or CMV) 11-1115.2
AT1   Unauthorized vehicle on roadway 11-1116 D
ER5   Operate, Ride MV Without Required Helmet B Under 18 Years of Age 11-1117 A
EW2   Leave Child or Vulnerable Adult Unattended (Forget-Me-Not) 11-1119 B
SC5   Drive Through / Within Safety Zone 11-1301
SC3   Passing Thru/ Around Barrier / Dividing Section / Median on Divided Highway 11-1302 B
SC2   Failure to Obey Instructions of Traffic Control Device (Signal) (Sign) 11-1302 D.1
PA0   Improper Passing 11-1302 D.2
EW1   Endangerment of Highway Worker within Maintenance/Construction Zone 11-1303
TP1   Other Turnpike Violations 11-1401
TP1   Improper Entering or Leaving Turnpike 11-1401 A
TP1   Fail to Pay Toll 11-1401 B
TP2   Hitchhiking or Illegal Pedestrian on Turnpike 11-1401 D
TP2   Illegal Vehicle on Turnpike 11-1401 F
TP2   Enter Closed Area 11-1401 G
TP4   Crossing Center Median 11-1401 I
DE0   Defective/Improper Equipment 12-101
DE6   Operating with Defective / Improper Light (other than headlight) 12-201 B, C D
EM6   Failure to Display Lighted Lamps 12-201
ER1   Operating w/o or Fail to Use Proper Equipment Required by Law 12-101 A
ER2   Use of Prohibited Equipment / Use of Improper Equipment 12-101 A
DE1   Operating with Defective / Improper Headlights 12-203 A, B, C
EM5   Failure to Dim Lights When Meeting/Following Another Vehicle 12-203.2
LI8   Fail to Mark Load Extension 12-213 A, B
EM7   Display Emergency MV Lamps - Equip with/ Use Siren 12-227 B, C, D
DE2   Operating with Defective / Improper Brakes 12-301
DE3   Operating with Defective / Improper Muffler or Exhaust System 12-402
EM4   Creating Unlawful (Excessive / Unusual) Noise with Muffler 12-402
ER4   Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Proper Muffler or Exhaust System 12-402
DE4   Operating with Defective / Improper Tires 12-405
ER1   Operating w/o or Fail to Use Proper Equipment Required by Law 12-405
ER2   Use of Prohibited Equipment / Use of Improper Equipment 12-405
EX1   Failure to Properly Mark Explosives or Flammable Load 12-409
EX3   Transporting Hazardous Substances W/O Safety Devices or Precautions 12-409
SB3   Driver Not Wearing Seatbelt 12-417 A
SB4   Passenger Not Wearing Seatbelt 12-417 A
ER1   Operating w/o or Fail to Use Proper Equipment Required by Law 12-609 A
ER2   Use of Prohibited Equipment / Use of Improper Equipment 12-609 A
ER5   Operate, Ride MV Without Required Helmet B Under 18 Years of Age 12-609 B
ER1   Operating w/o or Fail to Use Proper Equipment Required by Law 12-609 C
SW2   Oversize Violation 14-101 A, C
SW1   Overweight Violation 14-101 A, C
SW2   Violation of Special Permit 14-103
SW2   Oversize Violation (With or Without Permits) / Violation of Special Permit 14-103 A
SW2   Oversize Violation as Auto Transporter 14-103 B
SW2   Oversize Violation (With or Without Permits) / Violation of Special Permit 14-103 B
SW2   Oversize Violation (With or Without Permits) / Violation of Special Permit 14-103 C
SW3   Operating Improper Combination of Vehicles 14-103 C.4
SW2   Move Manufacture Item Without Special Permit / Escort 14-103 A
RT5   Transport Manufactured Home with Unpaid Registration Fees 14-103D
LI4   Fail to Prevent Sifting or Dropping Loads 14-105 (a)
LI6   Fail to Secure or Cover Load 14-105 (b)
EM3   Towing Trailer / Vehicle Improperly 14-106
SW1   Overweight Violation (With or Without Permits) 14-109 A
SW6   Overweight Violation (Owner Only, per 14-109.1) 14-109 A
SW1   Overweight Violation (With or Without Permits) 14-109 B
SW5   Failure to Keep Registration Certificate in Vehicle 14-110
SW5   Failure to Keep Registration Certificate in Vehicle (CMV Only) 14-110
SW5   Failure to Keep Registration Certificate in Vehicle 14-110
SW4   Failure to Carry or Exhibit Certificate or Bill of Sale 14-111 (b)
SW4   Failure to Carry or Exhibit Certificate or Bill of Sale 14-111 (b)
SW2        Violation of Special Permit 14-118 C
SW3        Operating Improper Combination of Vehicles 14-118 D
SW1        Overweight Violation 14-118 G
SW2        Operate Special Combination Vehicle Without Special Permit 14-121
SW2        Over -Length Trailer 14-121
SW2        Oversize Violation of Manufactured Home / Industrialized Housing 14-103 A
SW7        Operating a Motor Carrier Vehicle Without Authority 166
SW8        Operating a Motor Carrier Vehicle Without Proper Identification Device 180
DI8        Driving While Ability is Impaired by Alcohol or Other Intoxicating Substance 761 A
ST6        Abandoning a Vehicle on Highway or Public Property (Over 48 Hours) 901
RR5        Operating a Motor Vehicle with Registration Plates (Missing) (Obscured) 1113 A.2
SW5        Fail to Carry Certificate of Registration on Commercial Vehicle 1113 D
RT5        Operate New Vehicle with Expired Dealer Registration 1116.1
LP1        Operate w/o Proper License Plate / Fail to Pay License Plate Taxes 1125
EM3        Towing Trailer / Vehicle Improperly 1133 I
LP1        Operate w/o Proper License Plate 1134
RT1        Transport Cotton Modules without License, 1st Offense 1134.4C
RT1        Transport Cotton Modules without License, 2nd Offense 1134.4C
RT5        Fail to Register Used Vehicle, Display Used Vehicle License More Than 30 Days 1137.1
RT1        Operating a Vehicle W/O Registering it as Required or Improper Registration 1151 A
RT5        Other Registration and Titling Violations 1151 A
LP2        Altering or Changing a License Plate or Decal 1151 A.2
LP5        Display Another State's License Plate when Possessing an Oklahoma Driver License 1151 A.3
LP1        Operate w/o Proper License Plate / Fail to Pay License Plate Taxes 1151 A.5
RT3        Misrepresent Identity / Other Facts to Obtain MV Registration / Title 1151 A.7
RR5        Operating a Motor Vehicle with Registration Plates (Missing) (Obscured) 1151 A.9
RT2        Operating with Expired Registration 1151 A.9
RT1        Operating a Vehicle W/O Registering it as Required or Improper Registration 1151 B
RT5        Other Registration and Titling Violations 1151 B
RT3        Misrepresent Identity / Other Facts to Obtain MV Registration / Title 1151 D

WE1        Unlawfully Discharge a Firearm - Shooting Another with Intent to Kill (Felony) 652
WE1        Unlawfully Use a Weapon - Assault and Battery / Deadly force / Attempt to Kill (Felony) 652
EL1        Eluding 540 A(A)
EL2        Attempting to Elude 540 A(A)
EL3        Eluding (Endanger Others) 540 A(B)
EL4        Attempting to Elude (Endanger Others) 540 A(B)
EL5        Eluding (Great Bodily Injury) 540 A(C)
EL6        Attempting to Elude (Great Bodily Injury) 540 A(C)
FE3        Failure to Stop at Roadblock 540 B
FE3        Failure to Stop at Roadblock 540B
HM1        2nd Degree Murder with a MV 701.8 (2)
HM2        Manslaughter with a MV (see: 6-205 A 1) 711
FE1        Allow Child in Vehicle when Driver is Impaired or Under Influence Alcohol/Drugs 852.1 A.3
FE1        DUI with Child in Vehicle 852.1 A.4
FO2        Following Emergency Vehicle 1211
WE1        Unlawfully Carry Concealed Weapon (Knives, Clubs, Chains, etc.) 1272
WE1        Unlawfully Carry Unconcealed Weapon (Knives, Clubs, Chains, etc.) 1272
WE1        Unlawfully Carry Concealed Weapon (Firearm) 1272
WE1        Unlawfully Carry Unconcealed Weapon (Firearm) 1272
WE1        Unlawfully Possess Firearm / Weapon (Child) 1273
WE1        Unlawfully Point a Weapon (Misdemeanor) 1279
WE1        Unlawfully Carry Firearm / Weapon (Prohibited Person) 1283
WE1        Unlawfully Possess Firearm / Weapon While Committing / Attempting Felony 1287
WE1        Unlawfully Carry / Transport Firearm in Vehicle (Concealed and Loaded) 1289.7
WE1        Unlawfully Carry / Use Firearm While Under the Influence 1289.9
WE1        Unlawfully Carry / Transport Firearm in Vehicle (Unconcealed and Loaded) 1289.13
WE2        Transporting Loaded Pistol in MV without Possessing Handgun Permit 1289.13A
WE2        Transporting Loaded Pistol in MV without Possessing Handgun Permit 1289.13A
WE1        Unlawfully Point a Weapon (Felony) 1289.16
WE1        Unlawfully Discharge a Firearm / Weapon (Felony) 1289.17 A
WE1        Unlawfully Possess Illegal Firearm (Sawed-off Shotgun / Rifle) (Felony) 1289.18
WE1        Unlawfully Possess Restricted Bullet (Felony) 1289.21
WE1        Unlawfully Wear Body Armor (Felony) 1289.21
WE1      Unlawfully Use Body Armor (Felony) 1289.26
WE1      Violation of Oklahoma Self-Defense Act (OSDA) 1290.1 et seq
WE1      Unlawfully Discharge a Firearm / Weapon (Misdemeanor) 1364
LI7      Abandon Goods on Highway 1465
WE1      Unlawfully Possess Firearm with Defaced Serial # While Committing /Attempting Felony 1550
FE1      Conceal Stolen Property from Owner While Using Motor Vehicle 1713 A
LA5      Theft of a MV (Felony) 1720
G01      Fail to Pay for Gasoline 1740
LI3      (Throw) (Deposit) Litter from a MV upon Highway 1753.3 A
LI2      Throwing from a MV Any Burning or Smoldering Substance 1753.3 C
LI2      Dump Trash or Substance Which May Cause Fire 1761.1 C, D

DI5      Transporting Open Container - Alcohol 6-101 (A)(7)

A50      Using CMV in Commission of Felony Involving CDS MV used in any felony violation in 63: Chapter 2
AD9      Transporting in Limo or Hired Bus Person under 21 Who Possesses/Consumes Alcohol 1-229.334
DU2      Felony Controlled Dangerous Substance Violation 2-101 et seq
DU4      Misdemeanor Controlled Dangerous Substance Violation 2-101 et seq
DU2      (Distribute) (dispense) (transport or possess with intent to distribute) CDS 2-401 A.1
DU2      Possession of Schedule I CDS (Except Marihuana) 2-402 A.1
DU2      Possession of Schedule III / IV / V CDS (2nd Offense) 2-402 A.1
DU2      Possession of Marihuana (2nd Offense) 2-402 A.1
DU2      Possession of Schedule II CDS in 63: 2-206 D) (2nd Offense) 2-402 A.1
DU2      Possession of Schedule II CDS (Except 63: 2-206 D) 2-402 A.1
DU4      Possession of Marihuana (1st Offense) 2-402 A.1
DU4      Possession of Schedule III, IV, V CDS (1st Offense) 2-402 A.1
DU4      Possession of Schedule Il CDS in 63: 2-206 D) (1st Offense) 2-402 A.1
DU2      Purchase CDS In Violation of 63: 2-313 (2nd Offense) 2-402 A.2
DU4      Purchase CDS In Violation of 63: 2-313 (1st Offense) 2-402 A.2
DU2      Maintain Vehicle Where CDS Is Kept / Used / Sold 2-404 A.6
DR3      Possess / Use / Deliver / Manufacture - Drug Paraphernalia (Misdemeanor) 2-405 B, C
DR3      Deliver Drug Paraphernalia to Person Under Age 18 (Felony) 2-405 D
DU2      Trafficking in Illegal Drugs 2-415

MS9     Spinning Wheels (Excessive Acceleration) Municipal Ordinance
S95     Contest Racing (Municipal Only) Municipal Ordinance
FE1     Using a Motor Vehicle in the Commission of a Felony [Auth. 6-205 A.3] List Violation Citation
MS0     Other Miscellaneous Statutes not otherwise listed in this book List Violation Citation
CD1     Careless Driving Municipal Ordinance or Out-of-State only
Z57     Miscellaneous Boating Violation Various statutes
S93     Excessive Speed (No Speed Given) (CMV/CDL MVR only) Various statutes, ordinances
DU2     Fail to Affix Tax Stamp 68: 450.2
LP1     Operate w/o Proper License Plate / Fail to Pay License Plate Taxes 68: 607
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