Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais

Page created by Dorothy Potter
Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
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Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
contents                         38

                                                        6    Travel Tools

                                                        146 Map

 LES CHEMINS D’EAU -                                    8 Can't-Miss Experiences
                                                        16 Profile of the Region

   TOURIST ROUTE                                        top things
                                                        to do
   Follow the canoeist on the blue signs!               38 Regional Events
                                                        44 Culture & Heritage
                                                        62 Nature & Outdoor Activities
You will learn the history of the Great River and the   84 Winter Fun
   founding people who adopted it. Reach the            92 Regional Flavours
  heart of the Outaouais with its Chemins d'eau.        99 Hunting & Fishing             102
                                                        102 Additional Activities

                                                        and places to eat
                                                        113 Places to Eat
                                                        123 Accommodation

                                                        138 General Information
                                                        141 Travelling in Quebec
                                                        142 Index
                                                        145 Legend of Symbols

Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
                                                                                    146 Map

                                                                                    8         Can't-miss Experiences

                                                                                    16        Profile of the Region
                                                                                    22        Ottawa
    Bring the Outaouais with you!                                                   23        Vallée-de-la-Gatineau
                                                                                    28        Pontiac
                                                                                    30        Collines-de-l’Outaouais
                                                                                    33        Petite Nation

Visit our website suggestions for tours organized
by theme and activity, and also discover our blog
and other social media.

This guide and other pamphlets can also be
downloaded in PDF from our website. Hard
copies of the various brochures are also avai-
lable in accredited tourism Welcome Centres
in the Outaouais region (see p. 138).


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Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais

       TO NATURE

The Outaouais is renowned for its vast green spaces. Relax in comfort at your choice
of quality establishments, including an outdoor spa, a gigantic log cabin, and a
charming heritage inn. We’ll be delighted to help you recharge your batteries or
unwind in blessed peace (or both!).

• Fairmont Le Château Montebello p. 125   • Parc Oméga       p. 104
• Wakefield Mill Hotel & Spa     p. 125   • Auberge Majopial p. 129
• Nordik Spa-Nature              p. 107

Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
CAN'T-MISS EXPERIENCES                                                                                    CAN'T-MISS EXPERIENCES

            CULTURE                                                                                     OUTDOORS
                                                                                                       Whether you’re from Ottawa or Gatineau, we all share the same
                                                                                                       playground: the Outaouais. From hiking and biking to skiing,
                                                                                                       dogsledding, camping, or visiting a cave, you’ll find it all in this
                                                                                                       vast and diverse recreational area, all only a short distance away.

                                                                                                   TO DISCOVER
                                                                                                   • Arbraska Laflèche               p. 64   •   Chutes Coulonge Park             p. 72
                                                                                                   • Eco-Odyssée                     p. 62   •   Parc national de Plaisance       p. 73
What’s the DNA of the Outaouais? Bounded by the                                                    • Rideau Canal Skateway           p. 85   •   Parc régional du lac 31 milles   p. 71
                                                            TO DISCOVER
Ottawa River, the area was shaped by trade between                                                 • Skating through the forest      p. 85   •   Poisson Blanc Regional Park      p. 73
                                                            •   Chemins d'eau             p. 16     "In the hearth of Lac des loups"         •   Baskatong Reservoir              p. 23
the First Peoples, the timber industry and its loggers,
and its proximity to the country’s capital, Ottawa.         •   Parliament Hill           p. 48    • Gatineau Park                   p. 72
That’s why the cultural life of the Outaouais is so rich!   •   Eight national museums    p. 51
                                                            •   ByWard Market             p. 97
                                                            •   Downtown Gatineau's       p. 18
                                                                Culture Trail

OUTAOUAISTOURISM.COM                                                  Canadian Museum of History   Poisson Blanc Regional Park                                                      OUTAOUAISTOURISM.COM
Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
CAN'T-MISS EXPERIENCES                                                                                        CAN'T-MISS EXPERIENCES

                            In the Outaouais, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing
                            are a way of life. The reason is simple: there are trails almost          Get on your bike! On both sides of the Ottawa River, you can
                            everywhere! The pride of the region’s residents, Gatineau                 explore the Ottawa-Gatineau region along the 600-km Capital
                            Park, with 250 km of trails, has one of the largest cross-                Pathway trail network. Discover other landscapes by pedalling
                            country ski trail networks in North America. 3, 2, 1, wax!                along trails laid on former railway beds. Winding or straight,
                                                                                                      hilly or level, your route in the Outaouais will never be boring.
                                                        TO DISCOVER
                                                        •   Gatineau Loppet               p. 41
                                                        •   Gatineau Park                 p. 72
                                                        •   Canadian Ski Marathon         p. 41
                                                        •   Nakkertok Nordique            p. 89

                                                                                                      TO DISCOVER
                                                                                                      •   PPJ Cyclopark                    p. 76
                                                                                                      •   Gatineau, ville vélo             p. 76
                                                                                                      •   Gatineau Park                    p. 76
                                                                                                      •   Capital Pathway                  p. 76
                                                                                                      •   Véloroute des Draveurs           p. 76
                                                                                                      •   NOKIA Sunday Bikedays            p. 76

OUTAOUAISTOURISM.COM                                          Gatineau Park · Photo credit: NCC-CCN   Gatineau Park · Photo credit: Phil Tifo                             OUTAOUAISTOURISM.COM
Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
CAN'T-MISS EXPERIENCES                                                                CAN'T-MISS EXPERIENCES

        GOURMET                                                                             CELEBRATIONS
        DELIGHTS                                                                       In the Outaouais, there’s always a reason to
                                                                                       get together and party. Any excuse will do:
                                                                                       sheep’s wool, sand, fall colours, tennis, beer,
                                                                                       cross-country skiing, fireworks, snow ...
                                                                                       and the list goes on!

You have a discriminating palate, and you’re looking     TO DISCOVER                                                                     TO DISCOVER
for outstanding food experiences. In the Outaouais,
                                                         • Baccara            p. 115                                                     •   Winterlude                          p. 41
the offering is generous: there are literally hundreds
of opportunities to broaden your culinary horizons.      • Brasserie du       p. 97                                                      •   Casino du Lac-Leamy                 p. 44
                                                           Bas-Canada                                                                    •   Beerfests                           p. 38
                                                         • Les Fougères       p. 119                                                     •   Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival   p. 40
                                                         • Soif – Bar à vin   p. 121                                                     •   Casino Lac-Leamy Sound of Light     p. 40
                                                         • L’Orée du bois     p. 119

OUTAOUAISTOURISM.COM                                                                                                                                           OUTAOUAISTOURISM.COM
Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
regional overview PROFILE OF THE REGION                                                                                                                                    regional overview PROFILE OF THE REGION

                                                                                                          "The Outaouais offers the
                                                                                                          perfect mix of proximity
                                                                                                          and diversity. In the blink
                                                                                                          of an eye, one goes from
                                                                                                          the downtown core to a
                                                                                                          rural setting. There’s
                                                                                                          something for everybody:
                                                                                                          nature lovers, foodies,
 Profile of the region                                                                                    culture and history buffs."

  The Outaouais: a 33,000 km2 playground                                                                  For urban explorers, Gatineau and Ottawa
                                                                                                          offer an eclectic mix of local microbreweries,
                                                                                                          restaurants and patios, as well as live shows
Canadian Museum of History                                                                                in intimate performance venues. On both sides
                                                                                                          of the Ottawa River, on foot or by bike, you can
                                                                                                          take it all in: national museums, art galleries,
                                                     the first non-Indigenous settlers arrived and        city sightseeing tours, and shopping. And with
Les Chemins d'eau                                    established the local lumber industry. However,      a year round program of special events and
                                                     it wasn’t until the arrival of the American Loya-    festivals, there’s always a celebration going
Discover the Outaouais region’s cultural and                                                              on. For a fun weekend getaway, Gatineau
natural heritage along a new official tourist        list Philemon Wright in 1800 that the Outaouais
                                                     region really began to flourish, mainly because      has everything you’re looking for!
route, Les Chemins d’eau (“waterways”).
The Ottawa River, the largest in Quebec, has         of the logging industry. Historically, the region
served as a transport route for copper, fur and      is known for the log drives on the Coulonge,         Calling all nature lovers: have we got a paradise
lumber, and played a key role in our nation’s        Gatineau and Ottawa rivers, the “matchstick          for you! With an area of 33,000 square kilometres
development. Travel back in time and discover        houses” of Old Hull, the Great Ottawa–Hull Fire      encompassing 15,000 lakes and a dozen rivers,
the region’s many facets. Just follow the river!     of 1900, the “Little Chicago” era, and more!         the Outaouais is a great place to enjoy your
                                                                                                          favourite outdoor activities. Most popular
                                                     The massive log booms floating down the              throughout the region are cycling and cross-
                                                     region’s rivers have given way to whitewater         country skiing, especially in Gatineau Park.         Pink Lake, Gatineau Park
                                                     rafting, river cruises and other aquatic pursuits.
                                                     Today, the Outaouais is a gigantic playground
                                                     just waiting to be enjoyed. Composed of five         Whatever the season, you’ll find entertaining
An hour’s drive from Montreal and four hours                                                              activities for every member of the family, from
from Toronto, the Outaouais region is one of         territories—Gatineau, the urban hub, Collines-de-
                                                     l’Outaouais, Petite Nation, Pontiac, Vallée-de-la-   visiting wild animals to zip lining through
three official gateways to Quebec. Located in                                                             the treetops, from exploring the depths of
the southwestern corner of the province,             Gatineau and—, the region offers an outstanding
                                                     variety of events and attractions for every taste.   an underground cavern to touring a national
it’s bounded by the Abitibi-Témiscamingue                                                                 museum.
region, the Laurentian mountains, and Ottawa,        Here, you get both quantity and diversity!
Canada’s capital. It’s no coincidence that the       The Outaouais is an appealing destination for
first signs of human occupation in the Outaouais                                                          Whether you’re looking for bike paths or
                                                     outdoor enthusiasts, foodies, romantic souls
date back over 6,000 years! The region’s strategic                                                        snowmobile trails, fresh local products or
                                                     and inquisitive young adventurers alike.
location made it an important meeting place for                                                           family fun, our free maps and guides will
trade, cultural exchange and enrichment. The                                                              help you make the most of your visit. Contact
Indigenous inhabitants knew all about that!                                                               us for more information [see page 138]. Enjoy
                                                                                                          your stay in the Outaouais!
French explorers Samuel de Champlain and
Étienne Brûlé journeyed through the region
in the early 1600s; some two centuries later,
16                           outaouaistourism.com                                                         Photo credit: NCC-CCN                               outaouaistourism.com                             17
Outaouais 2019-2020 OFFICIAL TOURIST GUIDE - outaouaistourism.com - Tourisme Outaouais
regional overview | profile of the region GATINEAU                                                                                                                                      regional overview | profile of the region OTTAWA

                                                                                                                   Destination Old-Aylmer
                                                                                                                   A unique main street in the heart of a heritage district:
                                                                                                                   Principale Street. Come admire its stately homes and
                                                                                                                   discover its many treasures: fine chocolatiers, a bakery,
                                                                                                                   gourmet restaurants, gourmet food shops, sausage
                                                                                                                   makers, art and craft galleries, the widest selection of
                                                                                                                   beer in Quebec, magnificent patios and cafés, a tea
                                                                                                                   house, and breathtaking sunsets over the Ottawa River.
                                                                                                                   APICA (the Association des professionnels, commerçants
                                                                                                                   et industriels of Aylmer) presents free events throughout

  GATINEAU                                                                                                         the year.

                                                                                                                   Le Vieux-Gatineau
                                                                                                                                                                                Destination Old-Aylmer

Jacques-Cartier Street
                                                                                                                   Built in the heyday of the lumber industry in the 1920s
                                                                                                                   and ’30s, Vieux-Gatineau is an industrial and residential
                                                     Downtown Gatineau
                                                                                                                   heritage district on the shore of the Ottawa River. Take
                                                                                                                   a cultural and culinary stroll and discover the many
                                                     visioncentreville.com                                         activities and events at the Notre-Dame Market, the
283 961 inhabitants                            (j
gatineau.ca                                          Downtown Gatineau is the place to be for entertaining         Kitchissipi Marina, and Espace Propulsion, a multi-
                                                     activities, cultural events, and celebrations of all kinds!   purpose performance venue. Explore the Quartier du
Catch the urban vibe of Quebec’s fourth-             Laval Street, which is closed to vehicular traffic from       Moulin with its quaint New England charm, and let
largest city! Discover the downtown core             May to November, provides a safe and enjoyable route          the lively ambiance of Notre-Dame and Main Streets
on foot or by bike, thanks to our extensive          for pedestrians and cyclists. Discover the Laval-Aubry-       win you over.
network of recreational pathways. Explore            Kent and Brewery Creek tourism sectors, with their
the Canadian Museum of History, Canada’s             microbreweries, great restaurants featuring everything
                                                                                                                                                                                Centre de plein air du Lac-Leamy
most visited museum. Stop in for a bite at           from bistro to epicurean fare, and lively urban buzz.
one of our many restaurants, and sample              Don’t forget to check out the unique shops and
                                                     businesses along Eddy Street!
local craft beers at our microbreweries. When
evening comes, try your luck at the Casino
                                                     Downtown Gatineau’s Culture Trail                         P
du Lac-Leamy! Fireworks, hot air balloons,
concerts, ice carvings and sand sculptures—
you’ll find all kinds of entertainment all year      Inspired by Boston’s legendary Freedom Trail and
round. In Gatineau, fun and excitement are           marked by a painted red line, the 3-km Culture Trail
never far away!                                      invites pedestrians to discover or rediscover downtown
                                                     Gatineau. This urban walking tour links points of interest,
                                                     exhibition spaces, entertainment venues and some
                                                     great restaurants. This summer, follow the red line!

                                                                                                                   Alexandra Bridge

18                        outaouaistourism.com                                                                                                                                 outaouaistourism.com                                  19
regional overview | profile of the region OTTAWA                                                                                                                     regional overview | profile of the region VALLÉE-DE-LA-GATINEAU

 OTTAWA                                                                                                             LA-GATINEAU
                                                                                                                   Mont Morissette Regional Park

                                                                                                                                                                             Baskatong Reservoir
947 031 inhabitants                            (j                                                                  18 760 inhabitants                                        reservoirbaskatong.qc.ca
ottawa.ca                                                                                                                                                                    The Baskatong Reservoir resulted from the construction
                                                                                                                   The Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, in the northern                of the Mercier Dam in 1927, and serves as a source of
Combine your stay in the Outaouais region                                                                                                                                    feedwater for hydroelectric generating stations located
with a visit to Ottawa, Canada’s capital. Go                                                                       part of the region, is the largest territory in
                                                                                                                   the Outaouais, perfect for outdoor enthu-                 downstream along the Gatineau River. This beautiful and
shopping in the ByWard Market, with its                                                                                                                                      majestic 320 km2 inland sea encompasses 2,800 km of
many charming boutiques, specialty shops                                                                           siasts. Cycling, camping, water sports—you’ll
                                                                                                                                                                             shoreline, several sandy beaches and some 160 islands.
and restaurants, and visit the nearby federal                                                                      find them all here, and lots of outfitters                It offers many year-round outdoor activities and is home
institutions, including Parliament Hill and                                                                        besides, from family-oriented businesses to               to an extensive network of outfitters and campgrounds.
the Parliament Buildings, and the official                                                                         more rustic enter¬prises, some in remote
residence of the Governor General of Canada.                                                                       areas accessible only by seaplane. At Poisson             Blue Sea                                            (
Let’s not forget the many national museums                                                                         Blanc Regional Park, you can even rent your
and their countless exhibitions! In the                                                                            own island! Snowmobilers and ATV riders                   641 inhabitants

Outaouais, stepping from one Canadian               Rideau Canal Skateway
                                                                                                                   can explore over 600 km of marked trails.                 bluesea.ca

province to another is quick and easy.                                                                             The town of Maniwaki is home to several
                                                                                                                                                                             Located in the northern part of the Outaouais
                                                                                                                   interpretation centres where you can learn
                                                                                                                                                                             region and a favourite with vacationers, this
                                                                                                                   about forest fire prevention, white-tailed
                                                                                                                                                                             village of 641 residents is surrounded by over
                                                                                                                   deer, and Indigenous culture.
                                                                                                                                                                             two dozen lakes, including majestic Blue Sea Lake,
                                                                                                                                                                             long known (and rightly so) as “the Pearl of the
                                                                                                                                                                             Gatineau.” A popular vacation destination, Blue Sea
                                                                                                                                                                             is known for its art gallery installed in a former
                                                                                                                                                                             church manse, and for Mount Morissette Regional
                                                                                                                                                                             Park with its impressive observation tower. The
                                                                                                                                                                             municipality’s motto is “Blue Sea: Blissful and
                                                                                                                                                                             welcoming since 1899.”

                                                    Rideau Canal National Historic Site

22                        outaouaistourism.com                     Photo credit: Tourisme Ottawa, Neil Robertson   Photo credit: Valérie Pétrin                              outaouaistourism.com                                 23
regional overview | profile of the region VALLÉE-DE-LA-GATINEAU                                                                                                  regional overview | profile of the region VALLÉE-DE-LA-GATINEAU

Cayamant                                                   Grand-Remous                                      (     Lac-Sainte-Marie                                      Low                                                 ?
825 inhabitants                                            1 180 inhabitants                                       607 inhabitants                                       1 027 inhabitants
cayamant.ca                                                grandremous.ca                                          lac-sainte-marie.com                                  lowquebec.ca

Located 112 km north of Gatineau, Cayamant is              Explore Vallée-de-la-Gatineau’s Route des               The jewel of the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau,               Just north of Wakefield, the municipality of
the gateway to the Pontiac ZEC and the Forêt de            Draveurs (“log drivers’ road”), which will take         nestled among majestic mountains, the scenic          Low invites you to discover the Gatineau River
l’Aigle. A real natural paradise : hunting, fishing,       you to Grand-Remous and its 102-metre covered           municipality of Lac Sainte-Marie has become a         at the level of the Paugan Dam, as well as the
over 7.5 km of hiking trails, observation towers,          bridge, the Savoyard Bridge. Take a few minutes         favourite of vacationers and outdoor enthusiasts.     Trans Canada Trail, which leads north. Low’s first
water sports, wilderness camping, ATV riding ...           to admire the view from its lookouts and read the       In 1928, following the development of the             residents, of Irish origin, settled here in the early
In winter, from the Carnival to the Rallye Perce-          descriptive panels that tell the story of the region.   Paugan hydroelectric dam, the village was             19th century, and today, the residents of Low are
Neige, we celebrate the season! On holidays or             Near the church, take a break at the new roadside       flooded and relocated. The flood transformed          known for their volunteerism and community spirit.
days off in Cayamant, we recharge our batteries            rest area, with its panoramic view of the Gatineau      the lake that gave the village its name into a
and we create memories!                                    River. A little further on lies the Baskatong           larger and more beautiful one, much enjoyed           Maniwaki                                      (jk
                                                           Reservoir, and outdoor lovers will be keen to           by tourists, who soon began building cottages
                                                           book a stay with one of the local outfitters. And       on its shores. Key local attractions include          3 844 inhabitants
                                                           if you enjoy fishing, be sure to visit the Walleye      Mont Ste-Marie, a popular destination for             ville.maniwaki.qc.ca
2 437 inhabitants                                          Interpretation Centre!                                  golfers and downhill skiers!
                                                                                                                                                                         Located 90 minutes north of Gatineau–Ottawa,
                                                                                                                                                                         Maniwaki has many fascinating activities to
The history of this municipality dates back                                                                                                                              offer. Take a stroll on the picturesque boardwalk
to 1840 and the arrival of the first settlers.                                                                                                                           along the Désert River, and follow the pedestrian
In 1883 a post office was opened and the village                                                                                                                         trail to the nearby golf course. You’re not far from
was named Gracefield. Today, with its rapidly                                                                                                                            the Forest Fire Prevention History Interpretation
growing downtown area, the territory encom-                                                                                                                              Centre and the Désert River, where you can
passes several lakes and rivers and has become                                                                                                                           enjoy an excursion in a rabaska canoe. To fully
a popular recreation destination.                                                                                                                                        appreciate Maniwaki’s hospitality and dynamism,
                                                                                                                                                                         don’t miss the Festival d’été de Maniwaki, the
                                                                                                                                                                         Whitewater Festival and the Pakwaun winter
                                                                                                                                                                         festival, whose name means “thaw” in the
                                                                                                                                                                         Algonquin language.

Baskatong Reservoir                                                                                                Parc régional du lac 31 milles                       Véloroute des Draveurs

24                       outaouaistourism.com                                                                                                                            outaouaistourism.com                               25
45 minutes from ottawa - gatineau

regional overview | profile of the region PONTIAC                                                                                                                                   regional overview | profile of the region PONTIAC

                                                                                                                    Fort-Coulonge                                          Mansfield-et-Pontefract
                                                                                                                    1 425 inhabitants                                      2 330 inhabitants
                                                                                                                    fortcoulonge.qc.ca                                     mansfield-pontefract.com

                                                                                                                    It was here, in 1695, that Nicolas D’Ailleboust,       Discover the rich heritage of Mansfield-et-
                                                                                                                    Sieur de Coulonge, established the region’s            Pontefract! Visit the George Bryson House,
                                                                                                                    first fur trading post. The legacy of 19th-century     built in 1854 by a local lumber baron and
                                                                                                                    lumber baron George Bryson endures in the              valley pioneer. At 148.6 metres, the Félix
                                                                                                                    municipality’s superb architectural heritage. Stroll   Gabriel Marchand bridge, built in 1898, is
                                                                                                                    through the village and admire three magnificent       Quebec’s longest covered bridge still accessible
                                                                                                                    Victorian homes, including “Spruceholme,” built        to cars. It was declared a historic monument in
 PONTIAC                                                                                                            by George Bryson, Jr. and now being run as an inn,
                                                                                                                    meticulously restored with many of its original
                                                                                                                                                                           1988. Be sure to visit Coulonge Falls Park with
                                                                                                                                                                           its impressive cataract flowing into a canyon,
                                                                                                                    furnishings and archival photographs. Discover         stop in at the PPJ Cyclopark, and enjoy a host of
Ottawa River                                                                                                        the rich religious heritage of Fort Coulonge,          outdoor activities, including golf, cross-country
                                                                                                                    and admire the many beautiful stained-glass            skiing, rafting and kayaking.
14 130 inhabitants
tourisme-pontiac.com                                705 inhabitants                                                 Litchfield
                                                                                                                    454 inhabitants
Fun fact: the Outaouais has its very own Far
West! Fall under the spell of the unspoiled         When it was founded in 1856, Bryson was                         litchfield-qc.ca

beauty and rich history of the Pontiac, one         known as “the little port of Havelock,” and
                                                                                                                    Forestry and agriculture may have attracted the
of the region’s best-kept secrets. Here, the        served as the transfer point for goods shipped
                                                                                                                    first pioneers to this area, but it’s the beautiful
Ottawa River reveals itself in all its glory,       between the upper Ottawa River and the lower
                                                                                                                    landscapes that will keep you there! The plain of
and the rocky outcrops of the Canadian              townships. It was also the county seat until
                                                                                                                    Vinton in the town of Litchfield affords stunning
Shield dominate the landscape. Explore              1914, when a fire destroyed most of the village.
                                                                                                                    views of Grand Calumet Island. The PPJ Cyclopark
the area by bicycle along the PPJ Cyclopark,        Today, this historic riverside community is a
                                                                                                                    bike trail runs through the town and along
a 92-km trail built on an old railroad bed.         landmark for thrill seekers thanks to Rafting
                                                                                                                    the Ottawa River, inviting visitors to discover
Tame the Ottawa River, Canada’s best rafting        Momentum, which offers an unforgettable
                                                                                                                    this magnificent territory. A top spot for
river. History and outdoor adventure meet at        whitewater experience. Bryson is a place well
Coulonge Falls Park, with its giant zip lines       worth discovering!                                                                                                       Horizon X Rafting
and Via Ferrata, a climb/walk along the rock
face of the Coulonge River canyon!

                                                                                                                    Chutes Coulonge Park

28                        outaouaistourism.com                                         Photo credit: Cindy Lottes   Photo credit: Cindy Lottes                             outaouaistourism.com                                  29
regional overview | profile of the region COLLINES-DE-L’OUTAOUAIS                                                                                                  regional overview | profile of the region COLLINES-DE-L’OUTAOUAIS

                                                                                                                       Cantley                                               La Pêche (Wakefield)                               j
                                                                                                                       11 126 inhabitants                                    8 075 inhabitants
                                                                                                                       cantley.ca                                            villelapeche.qc.ca

                                                                                                                       Located a short distance north of Gatineau–           Flanked by the magnificent hills of Gatineau
                                                                                                                       Ottawa, the municipality of Cantley offers a          Park and the Gatineau River, the municipality
                                                                                                                       range of recreational tourist activities. Local       of La Pêche, north of Gatineau, is a true paradise
                                                                                                                       attractions include an 18-hole golf course, a         for leisure seekers and vacationers. Among

 COLLINES-DE-                                                                                                          water park, a downhill ski centre, a campground,
                                                                                                                       several B&Bs, and the high-end, European-inspired
                                                                                                                       AmeriSpa Spa Nordique. The town’s numerous
                                                                                                                                                                             the several towns and municipalities that were
                                                                                                                                                                             merged to create La Pêche is the historic village
                                                                                                                                                                             of Wakefield, with its unique character and laid
 L'OUTAOUAIS                                                                                                           natural features, including forested hills, the
                                                                                                                       Gatineau River (the town’s north-south boundary),
                                                                                                                                                                             back way of life. La Pêche is the site of several
                                                                                                                                                                             annual festivals and cultural events, as well as
                                                                                                                       and abundant flora and fauna, make Cantley a          an aquatic maze stretching over 6 km.
Wakefield covered bridge                                                                                               prime destination for outdoor activities and a
                                                                                                                       desirable community for young families seeking        L'Ange-Gardien                                     P
                                                                                                                       a balanced lifestyle.
                                                          Destination Wakefield-La Pêche                                                                                     5 719 inhabitants
49 507 inhabitants                                        destinationwakefield.com                                                                                           municipalitedelangegardien.com
                                                                                                                       Chelsea                                        (
                                                          Only 20 minutes north of Ottawa, Wakefield is a popular                                                            Bounded by the Lièvre River, the territory of
                                                          tourist destination for visitors from the Nation’s Capital   7 012 inhabitants
Just north of Gatineau lie the Collines-de-                                                                                                                                  l’Ange-Gardien offers a multitude of recreational
                                                          and points further afar. Wakefield offers a warm welcome     chelsea.ca
l’Outaouais, known for their quaint villages                                                                                                                                 tourism activities and natural attractions that
and beautiful landscapes. Discover Chelsea                with a variety of cafés, pubs, galleries and boutiques
                                                          and a lively and eclectic arts scene. For the outdoor
                                                                                                                       The gateway to Gatineau Park, the rural munici-       will appeal to everyone: cycling, canoeing,
and Wakefield, with their specialty boutiques,                                                                         pality of Chelsea prides itself on its culture and    cross-country skiing, camping, and an outdoor
                                                          enthusiast, Wakefield is a four-season playground
fine restaurants, art galleries and artist                with access to Gatineau Park and the Gatineau River          its picturesque setting. The town’s art galleries,    centre. Depending on the season, you can indulge
studios. Spend a night by the Maclaren Falls              for cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing,             boutiques, cafés, restaurants and other gourmet       your sweet tooth at a maple sugar shack, pick
at the Wakefield Mill Hotel & Spa. Navigate a             hiking, cycling and more. Come and experience                stops give the town an incomparable charm             your own berries and sample regional products,
water labyrinth in a pedal boat at Eco-Odyssée.           Wakefield today!                                             that is felt year round. The municipality is also     or go cross-country skiing on beautiful trails.
Zoom down the water slides at Mont Cascades                                                                            proud of its heritage, having designated two
Waterpark. Twelve months a year, explore                  Old Chelsea Square                                           cemeteries as historic sites and developed the
Gatineau Park’s 361 square kilometres of                  squareoldchelsea.ca                                          Meech Creek Valley Route.
natural wilderness, and take a tea break at               Located at the entrance of Gatineau Park, Old Chelsea
the Mackenzie King Estate. Adventurous                    Square is a lively neighbourhood with tourist accom-
types can soar above the treetops in our                  modation, restaurant service (including the Chelsea
aerial parks and venture deep underground                 Pub and Biscotti & Cie), a coffee roastery and an
in the Laflèche Cave.                                     outdoor ice rink, all in a peaceful and pleasant setting
                                                          in the heart of the bucolic village of Old Chelsea. It’s
                                                          THE gourmet, sports and wellness destination in the
                                                          heart of nature, just minutes from the National Capital.

                                                                                                                       Nordik Spa-Nature                                    Wakefield Mill Hotel & Spa

30                         outaouaistourism.com                                                                                                                              outaouaistourism.com                                31
regional overview | profile of the region COLLINES-DE-L’OUTAOUAIS                                                                                                        regional overview | profile of the region PETITE NATION

Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette                                  Val-des-Monts
762 inhabitants                                           12 921 inhabitants
muni-ndsalette.qc.ca                                      val-des-monts.net

Less than an hour’s drive from Gatineau, Notre-           The municipality of Val-des-Monts invites visitors
Dame-de-la-Salette nestles among the hills                to enjoy nature to the full, with a wide variety of
by the Lièvre River. It’s a prime destination for         outdoor activities and amazing natural features,
outdoor activities, including golf, fishing, and          including Arbraska Laflèche. The town and
ATV riding. For a family outing, nothing beats            surrounding area are home to cozy B&Bs and
a day at the beach at Argile Lake! For a longer           campgrounds, snowmobile trails, hiking and
stay, reserve a spot at the campground or a room          snowshoe trails, sugar shacks, beaches and
at the hotel, conveniently close to everything.
When night falls, enjoy the unlimited
                                                          boat ramps. The area’s rolling hills, lush forests
                                                          and abundant native flora and fauna make
                                                                                                                          PETITE NATION
free stargazing!                                          Val-des-Monts a popular spot for vacationers,
                                                          cottagers and nature lovers.                                  Poisson Blanc Regional Park
5 923 inhabitants
                                                                                                                                                                        Chénéville                                          (
municipalitepontiac.com                                                                                                 23 109 inhabitants
                                                                                                                        petitenationlievre.qc.ca                        762 inhabitants
Located west of Gatineau, between the Eardley
Escarpment and the Ottawa River, the municipality                                                                       The easternmost territory in the Outaouais,
of Pontiac offers many attractions just waiting to                                                                      the Petite-Nation is a prime destination        The municipality of Chénéville is located in
be discovered. If you’re a fan of local products,                                                                       for those in search of an authentic local       the heart of the Petite-Nation La Lièvre, at the
you’ll enjoy meeting organic market gardeners,                                                                          experience. Passionate local artisans and       intersection of Routes 315 and 321. Its vast
visiting vineyards, admiring exceptional natural                                                                        producers are eager to share their love         green spaces and surrounding mountains
features such as the Luskville Falls and dazzling                                                                       of their craft. Discover the boutiques and      offer year-round possibilities, including hiking,
starry skies (thanks to AstroPontiac), or exploring                                                                     galleries of Montebello, or clear your head     wildlife observation, tube sliding, and snows-
the area by bike or snowmobile. Over Thanksgiving                                                                       with an invigorating bike ride in Plaisance     hoeing. Chénéville is also home to a wealth of
weekend, discover the wares of local artists and                                                                        National Park or a hunting or fishing trip      local artisanal talent: food products, furniture,
agrifood industry artisans at the Foire Champêtre                                                                       in the Papineau-Labelle Wildlife Reserve.       visual art and handicrafts, boutiques and art
de Pontiac.                                                                                                             As for accommodation, the choice is yours,      galleries. It also has accommodation, restaurants,
                                                            Gatineau Park
                                                                                                                        from the luxurious Fairmont Le Château          a health and wellness centre, and many
                                                                                                                        Montebello to the hospitable Auberge            other businesses.
                                                                                                                        Couleurs de France, the Lac-Simon tourist
                                                                                                                        resort, or a cabin near the wolves’ enclosure
                                                                                                                        at Parc Oméga!

Eco-Odyssée                                                                                                                                                               Parc Oméga

32                        outaouaistourism.com                              Photo credit: NCC-CCN, Marie-Andrée Blais                                                   outaouaistourism.com                                33
regional overview | profile of the region PETITE NATION                                                                                                                  regional overview | profile of the region PETITE NATION

Duhamel                                                   Montebello                                 (Pk        Ripon
431 inhabitants                                           969 inhabitants                                       1 620 inhabitants
municipalite.duhamel.qc.ca                                montebello.ca                                         ville.ripon.qc.ca

A prime destination for outdoor lovers, Duhamel           In May 1855, Louis-Joseph Papineau named              Located in a beautiful setting at the foot of the
has more than 50 km of hiking and snowshoeing             his property “MonteBello,” and in 1878, the           Montagnes Noires, the municipality of Ripon
trails (part of Quebec’s National Hiking Trail)           town was officially founded. The spirit of the        is known for its arts community and agritourism.
offering spectacular views of the surrounding             Papineau family can still be felt at the Manor,       It’s home to artists, artisans, and organic farmers
countryside. This vast forested territory attracts        in the family burial chapel and in the village,       specializing in quality local products that can be
fishers and hunters as well as ATV and snowmo-            where history has been well preserved. Located        sampled and purchased at the Marché public
bile enthusiasts, and is also popular for cycling,        on the bank of the Ottawa River and with two          de la Petite-Nation. Ripon’s Outdoor Adventure
canoeing, river tubing, cross-country skiing,             marinas, it’s a top vacation spot offering a wide     Centre is open year round, and a hilltop lookout
skating and ice fishing. Winter brings a special          array of activities, including golf, horseback        (altitude 426 metres) provides a spectacular
treat: deerwatching right in the village!                 riding, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing,            view of the area. Access to all trails and facilities,
                                                          hiking, hunting and fishing. It’s also home           including outdoor parking, is free.                       Kenauk Nature
Lac-des-Plages                                            to two very popular attractions, the Château
                                                          Montebello and Parc Oméga.                            Saint-André-Avellin
449 inhabitants
lacdesplages.com                                                                                                3 701 inhabitants
Founded in 1950, the municipality of Lac-des-             672 inhabitants
Plages is a vacation destination located on               notredamedelapaix.qc.ca/tourisme
                                                                                                                The municipality has numerous attractions to
Route 323, at the gateway to the Laurentians,                                                                   discover, amid landscapes that are typical of
40 km from Mont Tremblant. Most of the                    The municipality of Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix is          the Quebec countryside. Stop in at the Pioneer
development has sprung up around the territory’s          located north of Papineauville, in a 20,000-          Museum and learn about local heritage, and
many lakes, especially Lac des Plages, and the            year-old valley carved by glaciers and surrounded     visit the Centre d’action culturelle with its
region is served by an extensive network of               by hills. The village is on the shore of the Petite   year-round program of cultural events and
regional and provincial snowmobile and ATV                Rouge River, which originates north of Lac des        exhibitions. Explore the Louis-Joseph Papineau
trails. Relax on a camping trip and have fun              Plages and flows into the Petite-Nation River.        cycling trail, and come on down to the Western
exploring these new trails.                               Stay a while, and enjoy this enchanting setting!      Festival and the TWIST fibre festival. There’s lots
                                                                                                                to see and do in Saint-André-Avellin!
Lac-Simon                                                                                                                                                                 Route des Zingues
961 inhabitants
lac-simon.net                                                                                                   2 873 inhabitants
A popular spot for water sports and relaxation,
Lac-Simon is renowned for its beautiful lake,                                                                   Visit Thurso Town Hall to admire Place Guy Lafleur,
sandy beach and tourist resort. There are lots                                                                  with its magnificent 2.5-m bronze statue of the
of summer activities, including the annual                                                                      famous hockey player. The town will host the
municipal fireworks display and the “Tour du                                                                    27th Provincial Firefighters’ Competition from
Lac-Simon” cycling event that are ideal for                                                                     June 28 to 30, 2019. This is a unique opportunity
families and groups of friends. And if you’re                                                                   for the Quebec Fire Services to participate in this
a fan of winter sports, you’ll enjoy the                                                                        friendly competition. All are welcome to join us
snowmobile and cross-country ski trails.                                                                        as we celebrate these proud firefighters.

                                                                                                                                                                          Gagnon Lake, Duhamel

34                           outaouaistourism.com                                                               Photo credit: Vanessa Lauria                             outaouaistourism.com                               35
EXPERIENCE                                                                                top things to do
     NATURE                                                                                    38     Regional Events

                                                                                               44     Culture & Heritage

                                                                                               62     Nature & Outdoor

                                                                                               84     Winter Fun

     DISCOVER OUR INSPIRING                                                                    92     Regional Falvours

                                                                                               99     Hunting & Fishing
                                                                                               102 Additional Activities

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36                 outaouaistourism.com
top things to do REGIONAL EVENTS                                                                                                                                                                top things to do REGIONAL EVENTS

                                                                                                                     June 6 to 9, 2019                                      July 9 to September 8, 2019
                                                                                                                     Grand Prix Cycliste Gatineau                           Northern Lights
                                                                                                                     Gatineau                                               111 Wellington Street (Parliament Hill), Ottawa
                                                                                                                     819-778-2482 · grandprixcyclistegatineau.com           1-844-878-8333 · canada.ca/northern-lights
                                                                                                                     June 8-9 & June 15-16, 2019                            July 15 to 21, 2019
                                                                                                                     Pontiac Artists’ Studio Tour                           Gatineau National Bank Challenger
                                                                                                                     Shawville                                              tennis tournament
                                                                                                                     819-647-6195 · artpontiac.com/artpontiac-studio-tour   255 St-Rédempteur Street (Parc de l'Île de Gatineau),
                                                                                                                     June 12 to 16, 2019                                    Gatineau
                                                                                                                                                                            819-777-5656 · challengerbanquenationale.com
                                                                                                                     Val-des-Monts Country Festival
                                                                                                                                                                            July 18 to 28, 2019
                                                                                                                     42 Deziel Road, Val-des-Monts
                                                                                                                     819-457-1468 · festivalcountryvaldesmonts.com          St-André-Avellin Western Festival

 REGIONAL EVENTS                                                                                                     June 21 to 24, 2019
                                                                                                                     Festival L'Outaouais en Fête
                                                                                                                                                                            and Professional Rodeo
                                                                                                                                                                            530 Charles-Auguste-Montreuil Street,
                                                                                                                     Parc des Cèdres, Gatineau                              819-983-1166 · 1-866-983-1166
Aero Gatineau-Ottawa                                                                                                 819-684-8460 · festivaloutaouaisenfete.com             rodeostandreavellin.org
                                                                                                                     June 26 to 30, 2019                                    July 26 to 28, 2019
April 18 to 20 & October 9 to 12, 2019                  May 25 & 26, 2019                                            Festival Country de Bowman                             Vélo MSM Mountain Fest
The Big Fashion Sale by Quebec Designers                Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend                                 26 Lièvre Nord Road, Bowman                            76 De la Montagne Road, Lac-Sainte-Marie
                                                                                                                     819-661-0563 · festivalcountrybowman.com               velomsm.com/festi-velo
3 Casino Blvd. (Hilton Lake-Leamy), Gatineau            Gatineau-Ottawa
514-866-2006 · braderiedemodequebecoise.com             613-234-2221 · 1-866-786-0882 · runottawa.ca                 July to September 2019                                 July 27, 2019
May 11 to 20, 2019                                      May 31 to 12 January, 2020                                   RECYCL'ART in Outaouais –                              Lac-Simon Fireworks
                                                                                                                     Travelling exhibition                                  760 Tour-du-Lac Road (Municipal beach), Lac-Simon
Canadian Tulip Festival                                 Highland Warriors
                                                                                                                     Gatineau                                               819-428-3906 · lac-simon.net/index-en.php
Ottawa                                                  1 Vimy Place (Canadien War Museum), Ottawa
                                                                                                                     819-423-6257 · recyclartgatineau.ca                    August 2019 (dates to be confirmed)
613-567-5757 · 1-800-668-8547 · tulipfestival.ca        819-776-8600 · 1-800-555-5621 · warmuseum.ca
                                                                                                                     July 1, 2019                                           Festival Lavolley
May 17, 2019 to January 26, 2020                        June to September 2020
                                                                                                                     Canada Day in the Capital                              Place des festivals– Zibi site. On Laurier St. between
Neanderthal                                             Messe gatinoise
                                                                                                                     111 Wellington Street (Parliament Hill), Ottawa        Portage bridge and Eddy St., Gatineau
100 Laurier Street (Canadian Museum of History),        Gatineau
                                                                                                                     1-844-878-8333 · canada.ca/canadaday                   514-823-6614 · lavolley.ca
Gatineau                                                819-568-5649
819-776-7000 · 1-800-555-5621 · historymuseum.ca        facebook.com/La-Messe-québécoise-192078740816119             July 4 to 6, 2019                                      August 1 to September 1, 2019
May 19 to September 1, 2019                             June 1 & 2, 2019                                             Festival d'Humour de Gatineau                          Cirque du Soleil - ALEGRIA

NOKIA Sunday Bikedays                                   Kitigan Zibi Traditional Pow Wow                             Place de la Cité, Gatineau                             Zibi Site, 3 Eddy Street, Gatineau
                                                                                                                     819-205-1782 · humourgatineau.com                      1-877-924-7783
Gatineau Park and Ottawa, Chelsea                       41 Kikinamage Mikan Street, Maniwaki
                                                                                                                     July 5 to 7, 2019                                      cirquedusoleil.com/canada/gatineau/alegria/buy-tickets
613-239-5000 · 1-800-465-1867 · ncc-ccn.gc.ca/cycling   819-449-5170 · 1-888-449-5179 · kzpowwow.ca
                                                                                                                     Wonders of Sand                                        August 1 to 3, 2019
May 24 to September 8, 2019                             June 6 to 8, 2019
                                                                                                                     741 Maloney Blvd. East (Parc du Lac-Beauchamp),        Festival Rock de Gatineau
Gaugin: Portraits                                       Gatineau Beerfest
                                                                                                                     Gatineau                                               125 Carillon Street, Gatineau
380 Sussex Drive (National Art Gallery), Ottawa         100 Laurier Street (Canadian Museum of History),
                                                                                                                     819-893-4090 · merveillesdesable.com                   festivalrockgatineau.com
613-990-1985 · 1-800-319-2787 · gallery.ca              Gatineau
                                                        819-328-7139 · festibiere.ca/en/summer

38                       outaouaistourism.com                           Photo credit: RCAF - Cpl Sebastian Boucher                                                          outaouaistourism.com                                     39
top things to do REGIONAL EVENTS                                                                                                                                                          top things to do REGIONAL EVENTS

August 7 to 11, 2019                                       August 25, 2019                                       November 29 to December 8, 2019                      February 2020 (dates to be confirmed)
Festival country du Grand Gatineau                         Outaouais Gourmet Festival                            Christmas in Old Aylmer                              Winterlude
125 Carillon Street, Gatineau                              3 Chelbrook Road (Ferme Hendrick), Chelsea            115 Principale Street, Gatineau                      Ottawa
countrygatineau.com                                        819-281-7676 · fetegourmande.ca                       819-213-3541 · paradehohoho.com                      1-844-878-8333 · canada.ca/winterlude
August 9 to 11, 2019                                       August 29 to September 2, 2019                        December 2019 (dates to be confirmed)                February 2020 (dates to be confirmed)
Auto Show Gatineau                                         Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival                     Festival of Lights                                   Snowflake Kingdom - Winterlude
15 Raoul-Roy Street, Gatineau                              La Baie Park, Gatineau                                100 Parc-des-Chutes Drive, Mansfield-et-Pontefract   Jacques-Cartier Park, Gatineau
613-863-0143 · autoshowgatineau.com                        819-243-2330 · 1-800-668-8383 · balloongatineau.com   819-683-2770 · 1-888-683-2770                        1-866-299-2002 · domainedesflocons.ca
August 10 to 24, 2019                                                                                            chutescoulonge.qc.ca
                                                           September 2019 (dates to be confirmed)                                                                     February 2020 (dates to be confirmed)
Casino du Lac-Leamy Sound of Light                         Rendez-vous des saveurs de Gatineau                   December 4, 2019 to January 7, 2020                  Winter Beerfest
100 Laurier Street (Canadian Museum of History),           Building 6 - Corner of Montcalm and Blvd.             Christmas Lights Across Canada                       100 Laurier Street (Canadian Museum of History),
Gatineau                                                   Alexandre-Taché, Gatineau                             111 Wellington Street (Parliament Hill), Ottawa      Gatineau
819-771-3389 · feux.qc.ca                                  819-771-3389 · rendezvousdessaveurs.com               1-844-878-8333 · canada.ca/christmas-lights          819-328-7139 · festibiere.ca/en/winter
August 13, 2019                                            September 5 to 7, 2019                                December 7, 2019                                     February 2020 (dates to be confirmed)
Red Arrows Airshow                                         Rallye Défi - Automobile rally                        Traditional Christmas Market                         Gatineau Loppet
1717 Arthur-Fecteau Street                                 4 Bosquet Street, Montpellier                         314 Hwy 148 (George Bryson Cultural House),          Gatineau
(Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport), Gatineau              819-428-3282 · rallyedefi.com                         Mansfield-et-Pontefract                              819-778-5014 · gatineauloppet.com
819-669-9603 · aerogatineauottawa.com                                                                            819-683-2944 · facebook.com/maisonbryson
                                                           September 6 to 8, 2019                                                                                     February 2020 (dates to be confirmed)
August 14 to 18, 2019                                      Aero Gatineau-Ottawa                                  December 27 to 30, 2019                              Canadian Ski Marathon
Twist Fibre Festival                                       1717 Arthur-Fecteau Street                            Gatineau Playground Festival                         650 Notre-Dame Street, Montebello
530 Charles-Auguste-Montreuil Street,                      (Gatineau-Ottawa Executive Airport), Gatineau         499 Labrosse Blvd. (Complexe Branchaud-Brière),      819-483-0456 · 1-877-770-6556 · skimarathon.ca
Saint-André-Avellin                                        819-669-9603 · aerogatineauottawa.com                 Gatineau
                                                                                                                                                                      February 22, 2020
819-981-0023 · festivaltwist.org                                                                                 819-893-3200 · playgroundfestival.ca
                                                           September 7 & 8, 2019                                                                                      Les Feux sur glace – Kuma Fireworks
August 23 to 25, 2019                                      Riverside – Festival de musique électro               January 31 to February 1, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                      Aylmer Marina, Gatineau
Upper Gatineau Whitewater Festival                         100 Laurier Street (Canadian Museum of History),      Club Rallye Maniwaki                                 866-658-5862 · lesfeuxsurglace.com
211 Henri-Bourassa Street                                  Gatineau                                              54 Principale Road (Galeries Maniwaki), Maniwaki
                                                                                                                                                                      February 28 to March 1, 2020
(Cité étudiante de la Haute-Gatineau), Maniwaki            festivalriverside.com                                 rallyeperceneige.com
gatineau.org                                                                                                                                                          Salon du livre de l'Outaouais
                                                           September 28 to October 20, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                      50 Maisonneuve Blvd.
August 23 to 25, 2019                                      Fall Rhapsody                                                                                              (Palais des congrès de Gatineau), Gatineau
Rendez-vous des Arts de Papineauville                      Gatineau Park, Chelsea                                                                                     819-775-4873 · slo.qc.ca
188 Jeanne-d'Arc Street, Papineauville                     819-827-2020 · 1-866-456-3016
                                                                                                                                                                      March 20 to 27, 2020
819-427-5555 · papineauville.ca/loisirs-culture/arts.php   ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places-to-visit/gatineau-park/
                                                           fall-rhapsody                                                                                              Outaouais Film Festival

                                                           October 25 to 27, 2019                                                                                     Gatineau
                                                                                                                                                                      514-481-4711 · offestival.com
                                                           Symposium Gatineau en Couleurs
                                                           25 Laurier Street, Gatineau                                                                                Year-round activities
                                                           819-568-3406 · symposiumgatineauencouleurs.ca                                                              Quebec Folklore Dance

                                                           October 26 & 27, 2019                                                                                      Eglise Saint-René Goupil, 400 Raymond Street,
                                                           Bristol Dryland - Canadian Championships
                                                                                                                                                                      819-712-2940 · folkloreoutaouais.org/soirees.aspx
                                                           Dog Race
                                                           36 Ragged Chute Road, Bristol
Gatineau Hot Air Ballon Festival                           819-647-3185 · bristoldryland.ca                      Casino Lac-Leamy Sound of Light

40                                 outaouaistourism.com                                                                                                               outaouaistourism.com                                41
                                                                               AT ITS BEST
                                                                               BREATHTAKING SETTING.
                          FMG2019.COM                                          MAJESTIC ARCHITECTURE.                                       DON’T MISS
                          DE LA BAIE PARK, GATINEAU
                                                                               Welcome to Canada’s national museum of                       Fun-filled
     29                                                                   02   history, which explores the country’s rich cultural          Children’s Museum
     aug                                                                sep    heritage. Discover our new signature exhibition,
                                                                               the Canadian History Hall.                                   Inspiring films
                                                                               Through authentic artifacts and fascinating                  at CINÉ+
                                                                               stories, come face to face with the events,
                                                                               movements and personalities that have shaped                 Fascinating
                                                                               this country.                                                special exhibitions

                                                                               100 LAURIER STREET, GATINEAU QC   1-800-555-5621 | historymuseum.ca

                                                      AUG 1 - SEPT 1           DISCOVER
                                                                               CANADA’S RICH
                                                        UNDER THE BIG TOP
                                                       ZIBI SITE | GATINEAU    MILITARY HISTORY
           PRESENTED BY
                                                                               1 VIMY PLACE, OTTAWA ON
                                                         Tickets on sale at

                                                                               1-800-555-5621 | warmuseum.ca
42             outaouaistourism.com
top things to do CULTURE & HERITAGE                                                                                                                                                                  top things to do CULTURE & HERITAGE

                                                                                                                     Espace Pierre-Debain                     $Eø                  Collines-de-l'Outaouais
                                                                                                                     120 Principale Street, Gatineau
                                                                                                                     819-685-5033 · 1-866-299-2002                                 Art de l'Ordinaire                                     $
                                                                                                                     gatineau.ca/page.asp?a=culture&c=en-CA&p=quoi_                Cantley
                                                                                                                     faire/galeries_art_expositions                                819-827-3641 · artdelordinaire.com
                                                                                                                     This gallery located in the Centre culturel du Vieux-Aylmer   A collective of two dozen artists and artisans living
                                                                                                                     features arts and crafts exhibitions with an emphasis         in and around the village of Cantley. They organize
                                                                                                                     on multidimensional work, as well as occasional visual        several events during the year, including an autumn
                                                                                                                     arts exhibitions. Six exhibitions per year.                   studio tour where you can visit the artists in their
                                                                                                                     Open: Year-round.                                             studios and discover all kinds of creative treasures,
                                                                                                                                                                                   and a Christmas market where you’ll find unique
                                                                                                                     Galerie Montcalm                       $EXø–                  and original gifts. As well, they present lectures and
                                                                                                                     25 Laurier Street, 1st floor, Gatineau                        workshops for artists/artisans and the general public.
                                                                                                                     819-595-7488 · 1-866-299-2002
 CULTURE & HERITAGE                                                                                                  gatineau.ca/page.asp?a=culture&c=en-CA&p=quoi_
                                                                                                                                                                                   Galerie Old Chelsea
                                                                                                                                                                                   783 Hwy 105, Chelsea

                                                                                                                                                                                   819-827-4945 · galerieoldchelsea.ca
                                                                                                                     Established in 1980, Galerie Montcalm presents
Canadian Museum of History
                                                                                                                     seven exhibitions per year showcasing the work                Nestled in the woods at the edge of Gatineau Park,
                                                                                                                     of local, Canadian and international artists working          just 15 minutes from downtown Gatineau and Ottawa,
                                                                                                                     in various visual arts disciplines. Recognized as a           in a beautiful open space above Les Fougères restaurant,
                                                                                                                     museum institution, Galerie Montcalm also presents            Galerie Old Chelsea invites you to appreciate great
Casino                                                    Exhibit Centres                                            educational displays of objects and artifacts related
                                                                                                                     to art. Open: Year-round.
                                                                                                                                                                                   art. Ten artists from the National Capital Region have
                                                                                                                                                                                   joined forces to offer a diversified selection of work,
Gatineau                                                  and Art Galleries                                          Vallée-de-la-Gatineau
                                                                                                                                                                                   with a special exhibition area reserved for three-week
                                                                                                                                                                                   shows by featured local artists working in a wide range
                                                                                                                                                                                   of styles and media. Open: Year-round.
Casino du Lac-Leamy                      3J$PEø¶          Gatineau                                                   Le Presbytère de Blue Sea                    J$E
1 Du Casino Blvd., Gatineau                                                                                                                                                        La Fab - Chelsea Arts, Culture                    J$E–
                                                          Boutique la petite G'ART                       3J$Eø       4 Principale Street, Blue Sea
819-772-2100 · 1-800-665-2274                                                                                                                                                      and Heritage Centre
casinos.lotoquebec.com/en/lacleamy                                                                                   819-463-0259 · facebook.com/#!/presbyterebluesea
                                                          199 Montcalm Street, Gatineau                                                                                            212 Old Chelsea Road, Chelsea
An oasis of entertainment just five minutes from          819-778-1818 · cavma.ca                                    Following its purchase by the Municipality of Blue            819-827-3326 · culturechelsea.ca
Parliament Hill, the Casino du Lac-Leamy features a                                                                  Sea, the Presbytère (rectory) was transformed into
                                                          Located at the entrance to the artists’ district, this     a cultural centre for the community, housing an art           La Fab Arts Centre in Chelsea is one of the Outaouais’
wide selection of slot machines and gaming tables,        small boutique in a former train station specializes       gallery with free access to computers and Wi-Fi, and          hidden treasures. Located in the former Saint-Stephen’s
including Texas Hold’em poker, as well as a multigame     in work by local artists. La petite G’ART stands out for   a tourist information centre. The gallery is dedicated        Church rectory, it houses an art gallery, a boutique and
space with live hosts. Enjoy the Casino’s exciting at-    its unique character and the many treasures to be          to promoting the arts and supporting interaction and          nine artist studios that are open to visitors. In addition
mosphere, and unwind at the five-star Hilton Lac-Leamy    discovered within, all created by the artists and          exchange of ideas between artists and the public.             to showcasing works by local artists, this magnificent
hotel. Discover a variety of bars and restaurants and a   artisans of the Coopérative des arts visuels et            The space fosters the emergence of artists and acts           heritage building offers various spaces to rent for
nightclub, and spend an entertaining evening at the       métiers d’art de l’Outaouais (CAVMA). A great              as a catalyst on the regional cultural scene.                 meetings and cultural activities.Throughout the year,
Théâtre du Casino. 18+. Open: Year-round.                 place to find that special and original gift!              Open: May to October.                                         over 20 artists and artisans in Chelsea, Wakefield and
                                                          Open: Year-round.                                                                                                        La Pêche open their studio doors by appointment.
                                                                                                                                                                                   In September, they offer a studio tour, a very popular
                                                          Centre d'exposition Art-image                  2J$Eø                                                                     event among local and visiting collectors looking for
                                                          855 De la Gappe Blvd., Gatineau                                                                                          original paintings, photographs, sculptures, jewellery,
                                                          819-243-2325 · art-image.ca                                                                                              glassworks, etc. Come and meet the artists in their
                                                          The Centre d’exposition Art-image, whose mission
                                                          is to promote contemporary visual arts, aims to
                                                          strengthen connections between the arts and the
                                                          public. Open: Year-round.
                                                                                                                     National Gallery of Canada

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top things to do CULTURE & HERITAGE                                                                                                                                                                    top things to do CULTURE & HERITAGE

Artists in Their Environment                           $E     Vallée-de-la-Gatineau                                       Parc du Draveur                               $EÂ           Ottawa
Chelsea                                                                                                                   Des Oblats Street, Maniwaki
819-598-3161 · tourcw.com                                     Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Cultural Centre                    819-449-6627 · 1-866-449-6728 · ville.maniwaki.qc.ca        Supreme Court of Canada                          3$ø
                                                              54 Makwa Mikan, Maniwaki                                                                                                301 Wellington Street, Ottawa
Throughout the year, over 20 artists and artisans in          819-441-1655 · 819-849-1798                                 As a special tribute to log drivers and to ensure that      613-995-5361 · 1-866-360-1522 · scc-csc.ca
Chelsea, Wakefield and La Pêche open their studio             kzadmin.com/Cultural.aspx                                   they will live on in our memory, the City of Maniwaki
doors by appointment. In September, they offer a studio                                                                   created the Parc du Draveur and the Centre d’inter-         Visitors to the Supreme Court of Canada can learn
tour, a very popular event among local and visiting           The Kitigan Zibi Cultural Centre has a number of            prétation de la drave in its downtown area. Visitors        more about Canada’s highest court by taking a guided
collectors looking for original paintings, photographs,       exhibits, cultural artifacts, paintings, and photographs    are invited to admire the imposing steel statue of a        tour. The Court’s tour guides, who are all law students,
sculptures, jewellery, glassworks, etc. Come and meet         about Algonquin culture and history. The round building     log driver, and read the interpretation panels that         will show you the public areas of the Court building,
the artists in their environment! Open: Year-round.           also houses the exhibition Kichi Sibi organized by the      testify to the gratitude of residents towards those who     and explain how the Canadian judicial system works
                                                              Canadian Museum of History and tracing the history          contributed to the region’s development.                    and how the Court deals with legal issues of public
                                                              of the Algonquin people. Tradition is alive and well                                                                    importance. When the Court is in session, you can sit

Interpretation                                                at Kitigan Zibi. The Centre offers a variety of group
                                                              workshops, including an introduction to Indigenous
                                                              culture; embroidery; making earrings, moose callers
                                                                                                                          Collines-de-l'Outaouais                                     in on an appeal hearing. Open: Year-round.

Centres                                                       and dream catchers; and drumming and dancing.
                                                              Open: Year-round.
                                                                                                                          Fairbairn House Heritage Centre              J$E–
                                                                                                                          45 Wakefield Heights Road, La Pêche (Wakefield)
                                                                                                                                                                                      Parliament of Canada - Guided Tours
                                                                                                                          819-778-3382 · fairbairn.ca                                 Ottawa
Gatineau                                                                                                                                                                              613-996-0896 · 1-866-599-4999 · visitez.parl.ca
                                                              White-Tail Deer                              J$EøÂ          Fairbairn House Heritage Centre showcases the history
Rapides-Farmer Generating Station                    $E–      Interpretation Centre                                       of the Gatineau River Valley. Built in 1861, the William    Following the closure of the Centre Block, free guided
                                                              6 Du Barrage Road, Sainte-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau            Fairbairn family homestead now features a tourist office,   tours of Parliament are now offered in two separate
2740 St-Louis Street, Gatineau                                                                                                                                                        locations. Visit the Senate in the former Ottawa train
                                                              819-449-6666                                                exhibitions on local heritage, guided tours, a heritage
1-800-365-5229                                                                                                            log cabin, heritage barn, outdoor stage and access to       station, and the House of Commons in the West Block
hydroquebec.com/visit/outaouais/farmers.html                  sainte-therese-de-la-gatineau.ca/en/interpretation_
                                                              center_white_tailed_deer.php                                walking trails. The Heritage Centre is located a stone’s    on Parliament Hill. It's best to book advance tickets on
In summer, discover the heritage of the Rapides-Farmer                                                                    throw from Wakefield’s famous red covered bridge.           line, as a limited number of tickets are made available
power station, located a few kilometres from downtown         The White-Tail Deer Interpretation Centre offers            Open: May to October.                                       every day, on a first come, first served basis.
Gatineau and in operation since 1927. You’ll be               visitors extensive information on this majestic animal.                                                                 Open: Year-round.
fascinated by the history, the hydroelectric facilities and   Interpretation panels are displayed in an impressive
the enchanting setting of this river-run power station.       log pavilion. Nature enthusiasts can explore the hiking
Free admission. IMPORTANT NOTE: Visitors age 18 and           trails. The Refuge du bûcheron, near Thirty-One-Mile
over must present official photo ID to tour the facility.     Lake, gives visitors a place to warm up and even sleep
Not recommended for children under 2. Space is                overnight (reservations required). During the summer,
limited; reservations are required.                           the Centre fosters fawns that will be released to the
Open: May to August.                                          wild in the fall. Open: May to October.

Vintage Wings of Canada                                  E    Walleye Interpretation Centre                          E
1699 Arthur-Fecteau Street, Gatineau                          506 Baskatong Road, Grand-Remous
819-669-9603 · vintagewings.ca                                819-438-1177 · afcbaskatong.com

A hidden gem in the National Capital Region, Vintage          The Walleye Interpretation Centre, run by the association
Wings of Canada invites you to explore the Michael U.         Pêche Sportive du Réservoir Baskatong, is a fun and
Potter collection, one of the world’s finest collections      enriching activity for the general public and school
of Second World War aircraft and aviation artifacts.          groups. See the walleye as you’ve never seen it before,
Only 20 minutes from downtown Ottawa, the orga-               from egg to hook. Open: May to September.
nization’s hangar at the Gatineau–Ottawa Executive
Airport offers you the rare opportunity to get up close
to these historic aircraft, while your personal tour
guide explains how the planes and their heroic pilots
shaped our rich Canadian aviation heritage. Contact
Vintage Wings and book your tour today!
Open: Year-round.                                                                                                         Fairbairn House Heritage Centre

46                         outaouaistourism.com                                                                                                                                       outaouaistourism.com                                 47
top things to do CULTURE & HERITAGE                                                                                                                                                                top things to do CULTURE & HERITAGE

Cruises and                                               Capital Cruises
                                                          Hull Marina (Jacques-Cartier Park), Gatineau
                                                                                                           Xø–        Au feel de l'eau cruises
                                                                                                                      1 Du Casino Blvd , Gatineau
                                                                                                                                                                                Théâtre Dérives Urbaines

City Tours                                                613-241-8811 · capitalcruisesottawa.com
                                                          Capital Cruises invites you to capture spectacular
                                                                                                                      819-329-2413 · aufeeldeleau.ca/aqua-limo
                                                                                                                      A one-of-a-kind Outaouais experience! Fun, relaxing
                                                                                                                                                                                819-595-3436 · derivesurbaines.org/parcours
                                                          views of the nation’s capital while you enjoy the           and informative. Cruise the Gatineau and Ottawa           If you’re interested in learning about the history of
Gatineau                                                  entertaining commentary of an experienced tour              rivers aboard a 100% electric-powered boat and            the National Capital Region or exploring downtown
                                                          guide. Spend an hour and fifteen minutes learning           discover some of the National Capital’s most beautiful    Gatineau’s historic neighbourhoods, these theatrical
Au feel de l'eau Aqua-Taxi                 2EXø–
                                                          about Ottawa’s storied past in your choice of seven         landmarks. The Aqua-Limo welcomes you and your            walking tours are for you! During the tour, professional
100 Laurier Street, Gatineau                              languages. Add a fresh river breeze to your corporate       family, friends and colleagues (up to 10 passengers).     actors portraying four historical characters provide a
819-329-2413 · aufeeldeleau.ca                            function, convention, employee get-together, family         For happy hour, birthdays, bachelorettes, graduations,    fun and memorable experience for the whole family.
                                                          event, or wedding. Discover a world-class city, in a        a sunset cruise or a fireworks cruise, it’s a memorable   A guide will accompany you during the walking
The 100% electric Aqua-Taxi provides a water shuttle                                                                  way to celebrate life’s “Wow” moments. Liquor licence.    tour, which lasts about 90 minutes. Family-friendly.
service between the Ottawa Locks jetty (behind the        world-class region, with a world-class company.
                                                          Several daily departures from May 20 to September 4.        Departure from the dock at the Casino du Lac-Leamy.       Accessible for people with reduced mobility.
Château Laurier), the dock at the Canadian Museum                                                                     Open: May to October.                                     Open: Year-round.
of History, and the dock at Richmond Landing near the     Group cruises available on request until mid-October.
Canadian War Museum. The Aqua-Taxi also offers a          Open: May to September.
                                                                                                                      Ottawa/Gatineau Segway                          E         Voile Plus                                            Eø–
discovery route, “On the Path of Samuel de Champlain.”
It’s a unique and original way to travel between Ottawa   Paul’s Boat Line                                  JX–       35 De Villebois Street, Gatineau                          Aylmer Marina, Dock A-7, Gatineau
or the Canadian Museum of History and the Casino          Hull Marina, Gatineau                                       819-561-6686 · 1-855-561-6686 · ottawasegway.com          819-209-7763 · voileplus.ca
du Lac-Leamy. Universal accessibility and space for       613-225-6781 · paulsboatcruises.com
bicycles. Open: May to October.                                                                                       You’ve heard about the Segway Personal Transporter:       Besides conferring recognized learning certificates,
                                                          The best way to see the National Capital Region since       now come and try it out! After a 30-minute training       the Voile Plus sailing school offers sailing lessons for
                                                          1936! Aboard the Paula D, you’ll learn about the region’s   session, you’ll be off on a 90-minute tour where you      beginners. Learn the basics in a three-hour session,
Signature Event Boats                               Eø
                                                          history thanks to our bilingual guides and audioguide       can discover Gatineau’s Parc du Marais de Touraine        and enjoy an unforgettable experience on the water.
895 Jacques-Cartier Street, Gatineau                      app. Enjoy spectacular views of Parliament Hill, the        and other sites. Please call ahead to reserve your        With a little luck, you’ll get to see one of the spectacular
819-246-3855 · ottawaboatcruise.com                       Ottawa Locks, Rideau Falls, and many more landmarks.        departure time. Open: May to October.                     sunsets that are typical of this part of the Ottawa River!
                                                          Tickets available at the Ottawa Locks and the Hull                                                                    Open: May to October.
The only private charter and event specialist in the
Outaouais! Whether you have a special occasion to         Marina. Open daily from mid-May to mid-October.             Rabaska Canada                                     –Õ
celebrate or simply want to have a good time with         Open: May to October.                                       Gatineau                                                  Collines-de-l'Outaouais
friends and family, our event coordinator will be                                                                     819-921-9025 · rabaskacanada.com
happy to help you plan a customized event aboard                                                                                                                                The Friends of Gatineau Park                               E
one of our four vessels. Music, food and fun await you!                                                               Rabaska Canada invites you to go back in time with        33 Scott Road #227, Chelsea
Open: May to October.                                                                                                 a trip in a voyageur canoe (26 and 36 feet). Immerse
                                                                                                                                                                                819-827-3113 · friendsofgatineaupark.com
                                                                                                                      yourself in the nomadic experience of the Algonquin
                                                                                                                      peoples in the early days of the colony. Travel through   This non-profit organization offers a wide range of
                                                                                                                      Canada’s history and discover the Outaouais region’s      activities in Gatineau Park to allow visitors to discover
                                                                                                                      rich culture. Learn more about the contribution of the    its natural and cultural heritage in all seasons. Participate
                                                                                                                      coureurs des bois, yesterday and today. Explore the       in festive events, guided forest walks, snowshoe excur-
                                                                                                                      Ottawa River and follow in the paddle strokes of the      sions under the stars, special presentations and other
                                                                                                                      first coureurs des bois as you enjoy a guided voyageur    activities. You can even reserve a professional nature
                                                                                                                      canoe excursion on this historic waterway.                interpreter for a private group. Check their calendar
                                                                                                                      Open: May to October.                                     for complete programming. Open: Year-round.

Rideau Canal Cruises

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