Page created by Tommy Todd

   International Inner Wheel
International Inner Wheel
                                                 Election Nominations 2020/21

Bina Vyas Elected Unopposed as IIW President		            04

Nominations For IIW Vice President			                     05

Elizabeth Thomas Elected Unopposed For IIW Treasurer      10

Nominations For IIW Editor/Media Manager		                12

Nominations For IIW Board Director			                     16

Please note: Mission Statements are restricted to 250 words
and may have been edited to fulfil this requirement, whilst
retaining the overall meaning of the statement submitted.

International Inner Wheel
     Election Nominations 2020/21

                  ELECTED UNOPPOSED
                     IIW PRESIDENT

International Inner Wheel
                                                                        Election Nominations 2020/21

    Elected Unopposed As IIW President 2020/21

                                                        Name:           Bina Vyas
                                                        Club:           Anand
                                                        District:       306
                                                        Country: India
                                                                        Approx. 49,000 members

In Inner Wheel, our ideals, objectives and service     With the help of United Nations bring recognition
activities are noteworthy. Members in the world       to Inner Wheel as a global force for the betterment
are working dedicatedly for the betterment of         and empowerment of women and children
the Organisation
                                                      Help spread and cultivate the inborn values
My Mission Is:                                        of women like sharing, caring, giving and loving
                                                      to achieve a peaceful world.
Make clubs and Districts more vibrant and dynamic

Significantly increase membership and number             Present Office held in Inner Wheel
of clubs                                                 IIW Vice President 2019-20
Induct an increasing number of young techno
friendly members                                         Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
                                                         Club President 1986/87
Promote in the world young age group clubs               Club Secretary 1985/86
Promote a Corporate Project globally                     Club International Overseas
                                                         Service Organiser 1989/90
Encourage Clubs to promote large, significant            Club correspondent 1991/92
projects and build a strong brand image of               District Chairman 1993/94
Inner Wheel through print and electronic media           District Vice Chairman 1992/93
Make the Organisation financially stronger by            District Treasurer 1991/92
encouraging contributions to Inner Wheel Corpus          District Extension Chairman
and rewarding and recognising such members               or Organiser 2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08
                                                         District International Overseas
Ensure fulfilment of goals through training              Chairman Organiser 1990/91
                                                         National Association President 2011/12
Identify distinguished Inner Wheel leaders to reach      National Association Vice President 2010/11
out to countries where Inner Wheel does not exist
                                                         Council member 1994/95
My Future Vision is:
                                                         National Representative
See Inner Wheel as the only largest women’s              2011/12
organisation in the world to empower women
globally through significant projects related to         International Inner Wheel
education, health and financial independence.
                                                         IIW Vice President 2019-20

International Inner Wheel
     Election Nominations 2020/21

                      NOMINATIONS FOR
                     IIW VICE PRESIDENT

International Inner Wheel
                                                                          Election Nominations 2020/21

      Three IIW Vice President Nominees 2020/21

                                                          Name:           Sissel Hoihjelle
                                                          Club:           Lorenskog
                                                          District:       31
                                                          Country: Norway
                                                                          Approx. 1,276 members

I want INTERNATIONAL INNER WHEEL to be                  •	Project initiative and engagement through IW
VISIBLE STRONG TRANSPARENT UNITED                           Norway; Assisting women suffering from Vesico
ATTRACTIVE                                                  vaginal fistula – complex injuries to reproductive
                                                            organs after giving birth (Ethiopia) from 2006.
This we can achieve and maintain together
through:                                                •	Observer: United Nations in New York
                                                            representing Norwegian Women Organisations
• 	a project strategy where we don’t hide                  in 2005.
    behind other major organisations, but use
    our own competence and network and thus             Participating in European Meetings since 2009,
    define ourselves as the confidence-inspiring        organiser in Stavanger, Norway 2018.
    organisation we are
•	continuity and renewal of our Clubs –
    IIW’s backbone                                         Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
                                                           Club President: 1993/94, 2007/08
•	a strategy helping Clubs/Districts struggling
    to survive                                             Club Vice President: 1992/93, 2006/07
•	valuing the diversity that every member                 Club International Overseas Service Organiser:
    country represents                                     1991/92
•	articulating a clear opinion about the positive         District Chairman: 2001/02
    impact of women’s organisations such as Inner          District Vice Chairman: 2000/01
    Wheel has on society. This we can do as Inner          District 2nd Vice Chairman: 1999/00
    Wheel members worldwide: support less                  National Council President: 2009/10, 2010/11
    fortunate girls and women in their struggle for
    health, dignity and empowerment - and oppose           National Council Vice President: 2007/08,
    harmful practices like Female Genital Mutilation,
    FGM. This work may also attract younger women          National Council International Service
    as members. A strong chain of women around the         Chairman/Organiser 2003/04, 2004/05,
    world doing what is supposed to be impossible.         2005/06
My background: Early international engagement
with school exchange programmes between                    National Representative
England and Norway,                                        2009/10, 2010/11
•	An active and happy IW Member since 1987,
    taking part in all Conventions since 2003.             International Inner Wheel
• 40 years’ teaching experience in Oslo.                   Board Director 2015/16, 2016/17
•	International Studies including project work
    among Mozambican refugees in Malawi, 1991.
•	M.A. (Norwegian: cand. philol.) in English
    literature, 1998.
International Inner Wheel
     Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                          Name:        Ebe Panitteri Martines
                                                          Club:        Padova
                                                          District:    206
                                                          Country: Italy
                                                                       Approx. 6,486 members

I joined Inner Wheel in 1984 and since then I have
not stopped committing myself to serving our              Present Office held in Inner Wheel
great Association efficiently. The experience I
gained holding Club, District, National Council           Board Director 2019-2020
and International Inner Wheel offices will be
the necessary background to take on the role              Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
of International Inner Wheel Vice President.              Club President 1989/90, 2003/04
                                                          Club Vice President 1988/89, 2001/02, 2002/03
I attended important events such as IIW Conventions,
Rallyes Charlemagne, European Meetings and                Club Secretary 1997/98
National Conferences and feel very much honoured          Club International Overseas Service Organiser
to have been nominated for the vice presidency.           1986/87, 1987/88
If elected I will also have the privilege to work with    Club Correspondent 2012/13
Non Districted Clubs and coordinate the work of IIW       District Chairman 2009/10
Representatives at the UN in the field of human rights,
rights of the Child, Condition of Woman, Family, the      District Vice Chairman 2008/09
Elderly, Drugs.                                           District International Overseas Chairman
                                                          Organiser 2006/07, 2007/08
In a few years IIW will celebrate its 100th Anniversary
and each member belonging to the 107 countries            National Representative
in which the Association is present has the duty to       2015/16, 2016/17
work in favour of IW and make it stronger and better
known. Effective global communication including           International Inner Wheel
website and social media is one of the main targets
                                                          Board Director 2018/19, 2019/20
to let people know the service IW members provide
on local, national and international levels.

Team work is essential to achieve our goals, each
of us offering uniqueness, enthusiasm, energy, new
ideas to strengthen our Association and ensure its
future inviting new, younger women to join and
retaining existing membership.

Women will help save the world which is now
contaminated by cruel wars, brutal killing of human
beings especially women and children, disrespect for
fundamental human rights and Nature.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                       Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                          Name:        Suzanne Robinson
                                                          Club:        St Thomas
                                                          District:    696
                                                          Country: USA
                                                                       Approx. 1,000 members

I humbly submit my name as a candidate to be
considered for the position of IIW Vice President         Present Office held in Inner Wheel
2020- 2021.
                                                          District Secretary
I have been an active member of the Inner Wheel
Club of St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands for      Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
over 25 years and have served at the Club, District,      Club President 1998/99
Association and International levels. I was recently      Club Vice President 1997/98
honoured as a recipient of the Margarette Golding
                                                          District Chairman 2007/08, 2016/17, 2017/18
Award, my passion is to continue to serve Inner
Wheel, nurture the friendships and serve with a           District Vice Chairman 2006/07
positive impact on the lives of millions of people that   District Secretary 2019/20
are truly life changing. We must meet new challenges      District International Overseas Organiser
in an ever changing world.                                2000/01, 2001/02
                                                          District Editor 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06
In addition, we must continue to utilize technology
to its fullest with social media, communication and       National Association President 2009/10,
to reach out to our members in a more personal
way. Working together as a highly effective,              National Association Vice President 2008/09
multigenerational team is my goal and devoting            National Association Editor 2005/06
time, energy, vision and strategic planning to expand,
broaden and inject new life in Clubs.                     National Representative
I would like to increase awareness of Inner Wheel with    2009/10, 2010/11
Rotary International Presidents, and emphasize Club
Foundations and Major Projects.                           International Inner Wheel
                                                          Board Director 2013/14, 2014/15
We must continue our friendships with a purpose and
personal service as a priority, hoping to aspire others
to dream more, learn more, do more and become
more, then we will have cultivated more leaders to
serve the largest women’s service organization in the
world, International Inner Wheel.

International Inner Wheel
     Election Nominations 2020/21

                     IIW TREASURER
                  ELECTED UNOPPOSED

International Inner Wheel
                                                                      Election Nominations 2020/21

    Elected Unopposed as IIW Treasurer 2019/20

                                                         Name:        Elizabeth Thomas
                                                         Club:        Great Yarmouth
                                                         District:    8
                                                         Country: GB&I
                                                                      Approx. 13,400 members

It was an honour to be nominated by my District
No 8 for the role of IIW Treasurer and an even           Present Office held in Inner Wheel
greater one to be elected by members all over
the world to serve our organisation for 2019/20.         IIW Treasurer 2019/20

The work is interesting and enjoyable and the            Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
support of my friends on the Executive Committee         Club President 2001/02
and at the office is much appreciated.                   Club Vice President 2000/01
My experience in banking, accountancy and
languages has proved invaluable. Contacts                Club Treasurer 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98,
with members at District and National level from         2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10,
different countries and continents are a delight and     2010/11 District Chairman 2003/04
I look forward to meeting the Board Directors at the     District Vice Chairman 2002/03
Governing Body Meeting. It would be a privilege          District Treasurer 1998/99, 1999/00, 2000/01,
to be able to continue in this role for a second year    2001/02
in 2020/21.                                              District Extension Chairman or Organiser
We must be positive about the future of Inner            District Editor 2004/05, 2005/06
Wheel and accept that it is vital at adapt to today’s
                                                         National President 2017/18
world. Social media is the key and our websites,
the first port of call for prospective members, have     National Vice President 2016/17
to be attractive, relevant and up to date. Facebook      National Treasurer 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16
and Twitter are there to publicise our successes         Council Member 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10
to the whole world, especially to those in our
own communities.
                                                         National Representative
Make meetings fresher, less formal and above all         2018/19
interesting for a new generation of members who
will find fellowship, fun, the satisfaction of working   International Inner Wheel
together to benefit others and of course our             Treasurer 2019/20
special Inner Wheel friendship. What’s not to like?

International Inner Wheel
     Election Nominations 2020/21

                      NOMINATIONS FOR
                     IIW EDITOR 2020-21

International Inner Wheel
                                                                    Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                       Name:       Yeok San Cheng
                                                       Club:       Ipoh East
                                                       District:   330
                                                       Country: Malaysia & Singapore
                                                                   Approx. 760 members

The future of International Inner Wheel (IIW)
as I see, is to grow in numbers with strength in       Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
mind, body and spirit so that we be equipped
to forge ahead in carrying out the ideals of our       Club President 2013/14
organisation in a rapidly changing world.              Club Secretary 2008/09
                                                       Club Correspondent 2007/08, 2016/17
For this to come true, Inner Wheel clubs would
need a unifying prescribed support which only          District Editor 2012/13
IIW can provide. The best available tool is through
the internet (and its variety of applications) which
IIW has already implemented and is continually
being improved. With it, all clubs (and the world)
is already able to see and feel the pulse of our
organisation. What makes IIW significant and
relevant is a pulse that is vibrant and colourful.
It would be my objective to carry on the strategy
of IIW and augment the work of past Media
Managers. With my technical qualification and
background in the management of my own
printing and publishing company, as editor of
books and journals, including web programming
knowledge, I humbly offer my service. Besides
being a webmaster of several websites, my
experience in maintaining the websites of Districts
330 and 331 for the past seven years will be helpful
in the role of Media Manager.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                      Name:        Kerstin Jonson
                                                      Club:        Sandviken
                                                      District:    223
                                                      Country: Sweden
                                                                   Approx. 4,000 members

My name is Kerstin Jonson, Inner Wheel
member since 1991, Sandviken IWC, Sweden.             Present Office held in Inner Wheel
I have had many positions within Inner Wheel
over the years.                                       IIW Editor/Media Manager 2019/20

2016 /2019 I was the editorial media manager          Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
for Inner Wheel Sweden and responsible for the        Club President, 1997/98, 2018/19
production of all the promotional documents
e.g. our national magazine Inner Wheel Nytt,          Vice Club President 1996/97, 2017/18
our website and other media output in Sweden.         Club Secretary 2002/03
2019/20 I am the IIW Editor/Media Manager.            Club Treasurer 1994/95
From this as well as from my occupational             Club International Service Organiser
background I have acquired the necessary              1998/99
computer and editorial skills, as well as knowledge   District Chairman 2011/12
in modern technology, graphics software, desktop      Vice District Chairman 2010/11
publishing and layout for the assignments that        District Secretary 2004/05, 2005/06,
come with the responsibility of being International   2006/07
Inner Wheel’s Editor/Media manager 2020/2021.         District Editor2012/13
In addition to this I also have a vast experience
in negotiating with external publishers, printing     National President 2014/15, 2015/16
and media houses as well as other suppliers. My       National Editor/Media Manager 2016/17,
ambition is to continue serving the president and     2017/18, 2018/19
her team with my media knowledge. I will assist
them in increasing the communication within           National Representative
our organisation and developing our channels          2015/16
to make Inner Wheel more known in the
worldwide community.                                  International Inner Wheel
                                                      IIW Editor/Media Manager 2019/20

International Inner Wheel
                                                                     Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                        Name:        Nahid Nawaz
                                                        Club:        Dhaka West
                                                        District:    328
                                                        Country: Bangladesh
                                                                     Approx. 1,635 members

My mission this year is to reinforce the core
beliefs of IIW which are serving the community,         Present Office held in Inner Wheel
promoting social justice and fostering
international networks and friendships.                 IIW Board Director 2019/20

Additionally, I would like to work on expanding         Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
the publicity of IIW to the rest of the world through   Club President 2007/08
positive work in the community, especially through
female empowerment projects and campaigns.              Club Vice President 2006/07, 2005/06
                                                        Club Secretary 2004/05
I want to stress the importance of women’s issues
                                                        Club Treasurer 2003/04
in our society because it really has posed to be
of great concern. Domestic violence, abuse,             Club International Overseas Service
discrimination and sexism are matters that girls        Organiser 2002/03
and women face more often than imagined. So             Club Correspondent 2001/02
we should all reflect on this issue and take it upon    District Chairman 2014/15
ourselves to help those girls and women in need,        District 2nd Vice Chairman 2012/13
give them a voice. In the future we should plan to
                                                        District Secretary 2011/12
do more focused projects on women’s social issues
and health where we not only provide aid but also       District Treasurer 2010/11
educate the general public about these issues           District Extension Chairman
and how to alleviate them in our society. Only by       or Organiser 2013/14
working together with each other can we allow           District Editor 2009/10
social justice to prevail.
Lastly, I want to highlight advertising IIW             National Representative
worldwide through our actions such as ones              2017/18
mentioned above. It is imperative that we promote
our organization as providing humanitarian aid          International Inner Wheel
in order to reach corners of the world where            Board Director 2019/20
it is needed the most. To do that we ought to
encourage and nurture international friendships
and networks in IIW.

International Inner Wheel
     Election Nominations 2020/21

               NOMINATIONS FOR
            BOARD DIRECTOR 2020-21
                  WILL BE REJECTED

International Inner Wheel
                                                                      Election Nominations 2020/21

         Nominations For Board Director 2020/21

                                                         Name:        Lorna Bradley
                                                         Club:        Waterfront
                                                         District:    935
                                                         Country: South Africa
                                                                      Approx. 97 members

As a Nursing Sister with post-graduation
qualification in Infectious Diseases and later
as a Rotary Ann and then Charter President of
my Inner Wheel Club, I have been participating
in Community Service for almost fifty years.
                                                         Present Office held in Inner Wheel
I am committed to helping mothers, children and
the elderly in particular; and love working with Inner   Board Director 2019/20
Wheel friends in these endeavours. The friendship of
Inner Wheel members across the world is special and      Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
the work of the ISO and attendance at an International   Club President 1993/94, 1997/98,
Convention is very motivating.                           2002/03, 2008/09, 2018/19
                                                         Club Secretary 1997/98, 2000/01, 2003/04,
I welcomed the opportunity to serve as District          2009/10, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2016/17
Chairman and as National Representative, both of
which helped me to grow in Inner Wheel.                  Club International Overseas
                                                         Service Organiser 15 times
It was a great privilege to be nominated and elected     District Chairman 2006/07
to serve on the Board and I have already gained          District Vice-Chairman 2005/06
a deeper understanding and knowledge of our
movement and its achievements worldwide. I would         District 2nd Vice Chairman 2004/05
welcome the responsibility of another year on the        District International Overseas
Board to work as a team member.                          Chairman Organiser 1999/00,
                                                         2004/05 2015/16, 2016/17
We need to expand our Membership; finding ways
to encourage and enable younger women to join our        National Representative
wonderful organisation while continuing the work         2012/13, 2013/14
begun by our founding members. The need for our
service today is greater than ever and together we
                                                         International Inner Wheel
can achieve our aim of helping the vulnerable and
less fortunate in Society.                               Board Director 2019/20

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                         Name:        Bambi de
                                                         Club:        Antwerpen Singel
                                                         District:    217
                                                         Country: Belgium & Luxembourg
                                                                      Approx. 1,635 members

I was a founding member of IW club Antwerpen
- Singel, D217. I had the opportunity to hold            Present Office held in Inner Wheel
several functions in my club, in my district and
in the Council of Belgium-Luxembourg.                    Board Director 2019/20

I thank my district 217 for my nomination as BD          Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
2020-2021.                                               Club President 1995/96
Friendship between members on National and               Club Vice President 1994/95
International level is very important.                   Club Secretary 1984/85, 1985/86,
                                                         1986/87, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94
Fundraising, for helping women and children all
over the world is as necessary as working together.      District Chairman 2005/06
                                                         District Vice-Chairman 2004/05
Extension by making new clubs, and by increasing
                                                         District Secretary 1998/99, 1999/00,
existing clubs must be a priority worldwide.             2000/01
We have to make Inner Wheel better known to              District Treasurer 2001/02, 2002/03,
the public, because many people are unaware of           2003/04
its existence. Therefore we need to promote our          National Council Chairman 2016/17,
organisation using modern media as Internet,             2017/18
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.                       National Council Vice Chairman 2014/15,
I believe in the strength of our organisation, but I’m   2015/16
also convinced of the importance of the Board, and       National Secretary 2014/15, 2015/16
I hope to get the possibility to work as a team on       National Treasurer 2011/12, 2012/13,
the future of Inner Wheel.                               2013/14

                                                         National Representative
                                                         2016/2017, 2017/18

                                                         International Inner Wheel
                                                         Board Director 2019/20

International Inner Wheel
                                                                    Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                       Name:        Trish Douglas
                                                       Club:        Montrose
                                                       District:    1
                                                       Country: GB&I
                                                                    Approx. 13,400 members

A successful hotelier for decades, I think I can
safely say that I am very much a “people person”-
so is it any wonder that Inner Wheel and all that      Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
it stands for is very close to my heart.               Club President 1997/98, 2007/08,
                                                       Club Vice President 1996/97, 2006/07,
With a business degree and a wide range of             Club International Overseas Service
experience across companies, constabularies and        Organiser 1995/96
corporations TEAMWORK has always been my               District Chairman 2003/04
mantra – “Together Everyone Achieves More”-
as much with my Inner Wheel service as in my           District Vice Chairman 2002/03
professional life. Mrs Golding, herself a business     District Extension Chairman or Organiser
woman, knew the truth of this and was certainly        2004/05
forward looking, when she put the promotion of         District Second Vice Chairman 2001/02
true friendship, as our first object, for “working     District International Overseas Chairman
together in friendship”, leads us into International   Organiser 1997/98, 1998/99, 1999/00
understanding and is very much the solid base          National Association President 2015/16
of all we do in Inner Wheel.
                                                       National Association Vice President 2014/15
My membership of Inner Wheel, for well over            National Association Chairman International
30 years now, has given me the most amazing            Overseas Committee 2011/12, 2012/13,
opportunities (not least, through International        2013/14
service, which is my particular passion) to work       National Association Council Member
alongside some wonderful people, from many             2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11
walks of life – all equally dedicated to serving
those in need – by helping them to raise not           National Representative
only much needed funds, but the profile of
their various charitable organisations.

We can be justifiably proud of all that Inner Wheel    International Inner Wheel
has achieved over the past 95 years, but must not      Board Director 2018/19
be complacent and “rest on our Laurels”. With new
technology, the world is rapidly changing and we all
need to be open to what that change brings, ready
to embrace new ideas and move forward, ensuring
the future of International Inner Wheel.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                         Name:        Zenaida Farcon
                                                         Club:        Marikina
                                                         District:    380
                                                         Country: Philippines
                                                                      Approx. 1,188 members

I joined Inner Wheel at age 28 and got more
actively engaged in the past 31 years, serving
in various capacities in the club, district and          Present Office held in Inner Wheel
national level. I have come to love and know             Board Director 2019/20
Inner Wheel’s history, organizational structure,
objectives, mission, constitution and ways of            Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
working.                                                 Club President 1990/91 1996/97
                                                         Club Vice President 1995/96
As an Accounting practitioner for 37 years now, my
experience will be valuable in reviewing, analysing      Club Secretary 1989/90
and improving the financial management system            District Chairman 1994/95
of IIW.                                                  District Secretary 1993/94
                                                         District Treasurer 1992/93
I envision International Inner Wheel as a sustainable
Global Organisation, experiencing robust growth,         District Editor 1991/92
responsive and relevant to the diverse needs of          National Council Chairman 2007/08
women of all ages, where initial membership is           National Council Vice Chairman 2000/01,
extended to Young Girls aged 12-17, through the          2001/02
formation of Inner Wheel Youth Clubs in high school      National Council Secretary 1994/95
and college levels, to create awareness about our
service mission; inspiring them to cross over to Inner   National Representative
Wheel Clubs as regular members when they reach
18 years old. This is a very strategic and proactive     2003/04
approach to ensure Club Extension, Membership
Retention and Growth.                                    International Inner Wheel
                                                         Board Director 2019/20
I envision IIW actively promoting our service
projects on Social Media, thereby attracting the New
Generation to become members. Social Media will
be a most effective channel for monitoring projects
and will also serve as a Marketing platform for Inner

I envision an IIW Global Management System that
is able to create competent Leaders and Members
who can share Best Practices and optimise synergies
across countries and contribute to the building of a
more compassionate and humanistic world.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                        Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                           Name:        Farida Hashem
                                                           Club:        Dhaka West
                                                           District:    328
                                                           Country: Bangladesh
                                                                        Approx. 1,635 members

I was introduced by my friend to Inner Wheel
Club of Dhaka West District 328 Bangladesh in
the Year 2003 and since then got more actively             Present Office held in Inner Wheel
engaged with Inner Wheel activities serving                National Representative 2019/20
in various capacities in the club, district and
National level.                                            Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
                                                           Club President 2008/09
My commitment gives me pleasure and propels me             Club Vice President: 2007/08, 2006/07
to be more involved in Inner Wheel activities for the
less privileged community members particularly             Club Secretary 2005/06
women and children around me. I am proud to be             Club Treasurer 2004/05
a member of Inner Wheel and it is an integral part         District Chairman 2016/17
of my life and passionately pursues Inner Wheel            District 2nd Vice Chairman 2013/14
initiatives and enjoy friendship and specially contact
with Inner Wheel friends home and abroad.                  District Secretary 2012/13
                                                           District Extension Chairman/Organiser
We must keep in our mind that growth of                    2014/15, 2015/16
membership in Inner Wheel is very much relevant            District Editor: 2011/12
to make our Inner Wheel more strong, vibrant
and resourceful. We have to continue to find new           National Representative
members, not only by founding new clubs of young           2019/20
people, but especially by extending the existing
clubs. We have to make Inner Wheel better known to
the public to build up its image across the world. The
world of today is confronted with the challenges of
poverty, inequality, injustice and illiteracy. Therefore
it is very much crucial that we move forward
together to achieve our goal and remove existing
malaise of the society.

If I am elected to the Post of Board Director I will do
my best to take Inner Wheel forward by pursuing
my mission to showcase it worldwide as the best
women’s service organization.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                         Name:        Ria M.T.T. Heijens
                                                         Club:        Dronten
                                                         District:    58
                                                         Country: The Netherlands
                                                                      Approx. 2,260 members

In 1990 I joined Inner Wheel because
friendship and social commitment appealed
to me. After meeting with International Inner            Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Wheel members, I realised the true power of              Club President 2009/10
Inner Wheel.                                             Club Vice President 2008/09
Seeing the positive influence of Inner Wheel at local    Club Secretary 1994/95, 1995/96,
level, in the districts and subsequently at a national   1996/97
level. It would be an honour for me to contribute        District Chairman 2012/13
internationally to Inner Wheel serving as a Board        District Vice Chairman 2011/12
Director.                                                National Council President/Chairman
Being one of the largest women’s organisations, we
can promote our goals worldwide, and in doing so         National Council Vice-President/Chairman
help and empower uneducated women and children           2017/18
living in poverty and without basic healthcare. Not
only can we do this by educating them, but also by       National Representative
supporting and empowering them to find a better          National Representative: 2018/19
future for themselves and their communities.
However, it is also important to focus on Inner
Wheel itself as a solid organisation. Unfortunately,
membership in many countries is declining and it
is essential to find ways to encourage the younger
generation of women to join Inner Wheel. Retaining
and extending membership in existing clubs and
where possible charter new Inner Wheel clubs.
We can still achieve a lot within International Inner
Wheel and I hope I can make a contribution with
my passion and enthusiasm.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                         Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                           Name:        Yanislava Ilieva
                                                           Club:        Varna
                                                           District:    248
                                                           Country: Bulgaria
                                                                        Approx. 390 members

I have been a member of IW for almost 20 years,
since its very beginning in 1999, when my club
Varna was charted.                                         Present Office held in Inner Wheel
                                                           Board Director 2019/20
In 2000, we were just 4 clubs in Bulgaria, and I
made the first translation of the IW Constitution          Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
and Handbook into Bulgarian. It was really a great         Club President 2015/16
enthusiasm. I have served in all the offices at Club,      Club Treasurer 2006/07, 2007/08
District and National level and participated in 4
International Conventions and 3 European Meetings.         District Chairman 2011/2012
                                                           District Vice Chairman 2010/11
During all that activities I made many new friends,        District International Overseas Chairman
learned a lot from different cultures, and found out       Organiser 2008/09, 2009/10
that we are all the same everywhere, that we all
have the same goals. I have redefined the values           National Representative
of our organisation in a new way, thinking more            2017/18, 2018/19
internationally as BD 2019/2020 and adapting my IW
to the changes of today’s world.
                                                           International Inner Wheel
I used my experiences in all District seminars and         Board Director 2019/20
training meetings, presenting different topics of IW
constitution and handbook, as they cover the basic
principles of our organisation. I do believe that there
is a bright future of IW, and it is up to us to face and
conquer the challenges of the world with friendship,
service of society and understanding.

IW has encouraged me to learn a lot, to improve
myself, to motivate the others and to be a team
player. Our joint efforts will leave a lasting legacy in
the world. I believe that TOGETHER we can….MORE!

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                        Name:        Afaf Ismail
                                                        Club:        Cairo North
                                                        District:    95
                                                        Country: Egypt & Jordan
                                                                     Approx. 934 members

Let me introcduce myself
My name is Afaf Ismail graduated from Cairo             Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
University and was lucky enough to start my             Club President 1981/82, 1993/94,
career in the National Bank of Egypt which lasted       2011/12
with success til I became the Vice Chairman of the      Club Vice President 1980/81, 1982/83
Bank. Along my job I was one of the founders
of Cairo North Inner Wheel Club in 1979.                District Chairman 2013/14
                                                        District Treasurer 1999/00, 2000/01,
Date of retirement phase came along with my             2001/02
different thoughts where life will take me. As my
husband was already a Rotarian he encouraged            National Representative
me to follow my new path in life which was the          2008/09, 2009/10
Inner Wheel where I can help and develop different
goals in improving the standard of living of the
destitute people in different aspects. So immediately
I was involved in various projects to introduce a
better way of living and welfare which gave me
fulfillment and happiness seeing the success of
such projects.
This new chapter of my life in the Inner Wheel
gave me the opportunity not only helping those
who need it but also making new friends and new
connection on the different levels. Being a member
of Inner wheel society enlightened my life and
changed my perspective of the various issues of how
we look at each other’s and perceive each other’s
different opinions and accepting each other as we
are and that is a blessing of God to me to lead me
to the Inner Wheel organisation which I encourage
every one to join to help in brightening the life
of others.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                        Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                          Name:         Marjorie Jones
                                                          Club:         Citrus Heights
                                                          District:     519
                                                          Country: USA
                                                                        Approx. 1,000 members

Inner Wheel membership has been an important
part of my life for the last 34 years.
                                                          Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
As a Charter Member of Citrus Heights Inner Wheel         Club President 1993/94, 2001/02, 2007/08
in California, there have been a number of changes        Club Vice President 1992/93, 2000/01,
to our organisation in those years. The many Inner        2006/07
Wheel friendships that have been made in my club,         District Chairman 2014/15, 2015/16
district, nationally and internationally continue to be   District Vice Chairman 2013/14
so very precious to me.
                                                          District 2nd Vice Chairman 2012/13
Today, with the addition of “like minded women”           District International Overseas Organiser/
to our membership, we are able to expand our              Chairman 2011/12
friendships to many. Now women who want to                National Association President 2017/18,
do good in the community by giving back to others,        2018/19
have an expanded, caring group of friends, and            National Association Vice President
promote international understanding with Inner            2015/16, 2016/17
Wheel are able to join our clubs. As our current
members age, we need to find was to bring younger         National Representative
women into the Inner Wheel circle. One such way           2017/18, 2018/19
is with “E” (electronic) membership. The Inner Wheel
USA and my IW club has had a pilot programme for
“E” members which has worked very successfully.
With the “E” membership, members are connected
to one specific club by emails/social media to
let them know what is happening in the club. “E”
members can then be involved with meetings,
fundraising and community service projects when
time permits. In this way “E” members are introduced
to Inner Wheel and know more about our wonderful
organisation. Our hope is that they will be able to
participate and carry the Inner Wheel torch for future
years as other life responsibilities make it possible.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                           Name:        Marja Kyrola
                                                           Club:        Salo
                                                           District:    141
                                                           Country: Finland
                                                                        Approx. 924 members

It is my pleasure and honor to be a member of
the world’s largest women’s charity and service
organization for over twenty years.                        Present Office held in Inner Wheel
                                                           Board Director 2019/20
I feel great pride to be a part of this women’s
association. During the term 2019-2020, after being        Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
elected to the office of Board Director, I have gained     Club President 2003/04, 2017/18
more experience and knowledge. During these                Club Vice President 2002/03, 2016/17
years, the increased amount of information available
through the Internet has also enabled access to            Treasurer 2006/07
international activities around the IW world.              District Chairman 2008/09
                                                           District Vice Chairman 2007/08
The world is becoming more and more restless,              National Council Chairman 2014/15,
and the need for help is increasing. We continuously       2015/16
read and see messages about desperate people
                                                           National Council Vice Chairman 2012/13,
who have had to flee their home country. As an             2013/14
organization, Inner Wheel is very current. Every
member and every club offer help, in their own             National Council Member 2012/13,
                                                           2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17,
vicinity and in their own ways, to persons, families,      2017/18
and even large groups of people who have ended
up in dire need for assistance. Various natural
disasters and forms of persecution have become             National Representative
more everyday phenomena. Human distress seems              2014/15, 2015/16
to grow each day.
                                                           International Inner Wheel
In Finland, teacher education is at a highest standard     Board Director 2019/20
of the world. Compulsory schooling enables
basic education for all children. Personally, I am a
special education teacher with a Master’s degree in
Education, specialized in early and special education.
I did this work which I dearly love until the end of the
school year in 2017.

The best way to help everyone is education. Inner
Wheel is a worldwide women’s organization and I
want to be a part of developing its activities to help
those in need.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                          Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                          Name:          June Muller
                                                          Club:          Mandurah
                                                          District:      A40
                                                          Country: Australia
                                                                         Approx. 3,017 members

With enthusiasm I nominate for the position             My tenure in Inner Wheel commenced in 2010 when
of Board Director 2020/2021                             I became the inaugural president of the Inner Wheel
                                                        club of Mandurah – District A40. I have held office
I am a passionate advocate on the retention of          every year since this time-Club District and national
members worldwide, the introduction of new              Levels. I have attended all Australian conferences
members, the formation of new clubs to share our        since becoming a member, three IIW Conventions
amazing organisation. We have so very much to           – Istanbul, Copenhagen and Melbourne. I attended
offer and share. Unity I believe is the way forward.    the 2019 New Zealand Conference and the Malaysia/
Past IIW Presidents’s themes give us messages of        Singapore combined Districts changeover in
inspiration. Current IIW President’s theme “Together    2013/14
we can” expresses this – loud and clear.

I value interaction with fellow members worldwide
and am genuinely interested in the diversity of           Present Office held in Inner Wheel
projects undertaken globally that impact positively       National Representative 2019/20
towards international knowledge of our association.
                                                          Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
I feel strongly we must strive for substantially          Club President 2010/11, 2011/12
better living conditions and standards for mankind
                                                          Club Treasurer 2012/13
– especially women and children in developing
countries. We, with international understanding can       District Chairman 2014/15
assist in breaking down barriers to contribute better     District Vice Chairman 2013/14
and safer living conditions, enriching lives for many     District Extension Chairman/Organiser
less fortunate than ourselves.                            2015/16
                                                          National Association President 2018/19
My credentials involve a background of
management/directorship, business ownership,              National Association Vice President 2017/18
credit management, accounting and strong                  National Council Member 2015/16
leadership skills.
                                                          National Representative
I have been involved in voluntary organisations,          2019/20
served on many committees and boards – sporting,
school and professional entities.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                              Name:        Sandra Neretljakovic
                                                              Club:        Split
                                                              District:    191
                                                              Country: Croatia
                                                                           Approx. 226 members

IW as a community of likeminded women looking
to change the world for the better has allowed me             Present Office held in Inner Wheel
to serve the community.
                                                              Board Director 2019/20
I had the privilege of being elected as the first Croatia’s
National Representative for 2015/17 which brings              Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
me to several European meetings and allowed me to             Club President 2013/14
experience the IW international dimension. After I was
                                                              Club Vice President 2012/13
elected as IIW Editor / MM for 2017/19 I deepened that
experience especially after IIW Melbourne Convention          Club International Overseas Service
where I spoke about how important modern                      Organiser 2015/16
technologies are today and how they should be used            District International Overseas Chairman
for our growth.                                               Organiser 2014/15
                                                              District Editor 2014/15
International understanding as a third rule of IW is
a platform that I particularly want to work on. IW as
                                                              National Representative
largest WOMEN’s international organization gives us
the opportunity to work together internationally.             2015/16, 2016/17

My goal is to work on one international project that will     International Inner Wheel
make IW more recognizable in the world and with which
                                                              Editor/MM 2017/18, 2018/19
all members of the world will be able to identify, as each
will embed itself in a common goal.                           Board Director 2019/20

Therefore, I will advocate for;
1. International connections
2. One general project for IW worldwide
3. Increasing IIW membership
whereby, the first two goals lead to the third.
As almost a 100 year old worldwide women
organization we should preserve our identity linking our
past to the present which leading us in the bright future
of our organization.
The heart of IW should be to equip, encourage, and
empower women to dream more, learn more, do more
and become more!

International Inner Wheel
                                                                      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                        Name:        Mania Papadopoulou –
                                                        Club:        Kifissia
                                                        District:    2047
                                                        Country: Greece
                                                                     Approx. 363 members

My membership to the Inner Wheel initiated
in 2000.
                                                        Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Μy family has an old relationship with Inner            Club President 2003/04, 2005/06
Wheel so the values of friendship, service and          Club Vice President 2017/18
understanding were familiar to me and have been
my personal values during my life as a woman, wife,     Club Treasurer 2001/02, 2002/03
and professional as doctor in the field of the health   District Chairman 2013/14
care system.                                            District Treasurer 2011/12, 2012/13
I believe in the future of Inner Wheel as it has been
created and shaped by strong feminine personalities     National Representative
from all over the world who have set as their main      2016/17, 2017/18
goal to support and evolve a great organization
as ours.
Throughout my course in Inner Wheel as a simple
member, Treasurer, President of my club but also
as a Chairman, and National Representative of the
247 District I.W. Greece, I tried my best in order to
deliver the best service for my fellow citizens and
my country against adversities and challenges that
Greece has faced through all these years.
Being elected as a Board Director, would be a
great honor and opportunity for me to provide
an excellent service not only inside the borders
of my country but also all over the world as a Board
Director of the Worldwide Women Organization
of Inner Wheel.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                          Name:        Smita Pingale
                                                          Club:        Pune Riverside
                                                          District:    313
                                                          Country: India
                                                                       Approx. 49,000 members

MBA, director of pvt ltd firm,Inner Wheel
member for last 21 years, I served at club and
                                                          Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
received trophy of best club president of the
district for the year 7 then for 7 years at District      Club President 1999/00
set up Website, formed first new generation               Club International Service Organiser
club, continued as webmaster for 8 years,                 1996/97
became National Coordinator for Mobile App IW             District Chairman 2007/08
Connect and move on as National Representative            District Vice Chairman 2005/06
whereby hosted National Conference of 1550
delegates with all IIW Executives and delegates           District Secretary 2006/07
from 12 countries & as NR with addition of 61             District Treasurer 2004/05
new clubs, 1,500 new members, I feel, foundation          District International Overseas Organser/
has been laid down.                                       Chairman 2002/03
                                                          District Editor 2003/04
I do projects for terminally ill cancer affected          National Association President 2018/19
children, for 99 orphans ,for old age home. Whilst
frequent business visits to Dubai, my dream to            National Association Vice President 2017/18
add new country made me establish IWC Dubai               Council Member 2008/09
                                                          National Representative
As NR, I could appeal & unite the members in the          2018/19
country for a noble joint project whereby 27 Districts,
1300 clubs and 44,000 members stood strong with
rupees 5400000 to combat devastating floods & with
1200000 for families of Indian border soldiers killed
ruthlessly in terrorist attack.

Attending 3 National, 3 International, 3 South Asia
Rallies,11 zonal conferences, all this has added to
my knowledge of deeply rooted Inner Wheel.

My vision with mission for IIW is to enhance its
International base, add more countries as member,
new sources of new members, bring young women
in IIW by making it simple and quick to follow and
understand, be computer friendly, easy access
to meetings and projects, give members social
recognition and widen administrative base.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                       Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                         Name:        Gemma Pirondini
                                                         Club:        Como
                                                         District:    204
                                                         Country: Italy
                                                                      Approx. 6,486 members

Since I joined the IW Club of Como in 1991, Inner
Wheel has been a very important part of my life.
                                                         Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
I have always been attracted by the international        Club President 1999/00
character of our organisation. We belong to small        Club Vice President 1998/99
and large countries, different by language, culture      Club International Service Organiser
and religion, but we are bound together by our goals     1996/97, 1997/98
of friendship personal service and international         District Chairman 2013/14
understanding. In their name we support women
and children around the globe, in order to improve       District Treasurer 2012/13
health and education and make them stronger and          District International Overseas Chairman
equipped to live a better life:”Together we can.”        2010/11, 2011/12
                                                         National Council Member 2013/14
To hold and develop the sense of belonging to our
wonderful family and exchange new projects it            National Representative
is vital to have fast and frequent communication         2017/18, 2018/19
through modern technologies, which will be also
essential in promoting Inner Wheel visibility, thereby
ensuring support and growth.

My varied experience at Club, District and National
council allowed me to acquire a wide understanding
of our organisation at national and international
level, thanks also to the participation in four
Conventions, six international Rallies and three
European Meetings.

As a Board Director I would be honoured to work
in team with the IIW executive and the Board
Directors from other countries and contribute to
strengthening international links, chiefly supporting
the non Districted Clubs to help them to grow in
future into new Districts. Since the XVIII Convention
is approaching it would be a precious occasion
to make my contribution and have a unique and
valuable experience within the International
Governing Body!

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                         Name:        Stefani
                                                         Club:        Soltau-Walsrode
                                                         District:    85
                                                         Country: Germany
                                                                      Approx. 8,990 members

I am 64 years old and have been married for
38 years. We have two sons and one daughter
aged 34, 31 and 21 years. I have studied law             Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
and worked many years in a law firm.                     Club President 1995/96, 2006/07
                                                         Club Vice President 1994/95, 2005/06
It is 25 years ago that I joined Inner Wheel. I am the   Club Secretary 1999/00, 2003/04
founding Vice President of our Inner Wheel Club
Soltau-Walsrode and since that time I have held          District Chairman 2011/12, 2012/13
several functions at my club and my district as          District Vice Chairman 2010/11
well as for Inner Wheel Germany in my two years          District Secretary 2004/05
as National Representative. Those have been very
intense years in an Inner Wheel-country with seven       National Representative
districts, more than 8800 members and without            2014/15, 2015/16
a National Council. 2014 and 2015 I had the great
pleasure of being a participant of the European
                                                         International Inner Wheel
Meetings in Malmö and Bristol.
                                                         Board Director 2017/18
The grand idea of Inner Wheel – to be connected in
friendship and to give help to others – I had chosen
as motto during my two years as District Chairman.
It has contributed to giving me an insight of national
and international problems and pleasures and to
seeing the human being in the foreground.

It would be an honour for me to continue as
Board Director for a second time and benefit the
organization. If I reach that, I would like to develop
and promote Inner Wheel work and teamwork on all
levels. My aim is also to improve the growth of Inner
Wheel and communication at all levels and add
consciousness of us and our work.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                           Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                           Name:          Abimbola Sowande
                                                           Club:          Suru Lere
                                                           District:      911
                                                           Country: Nigeria
                                                                          Approx. 1,040 members

Vision:                                                  My tenure’s National Conference was very
                                                         productive with 100 additional participants than
Inner Wheel organizational growth through                the previous decade attendance and contributed
brand promotion, strategic planning as a goal            additional N1, 000,000 (GBP2, 200.00) to our National
oriented change agent.                                   microcredit scheme and achieved membership
                                                         growth with formation of new clubs and reactivated
Mission is to:                                           District 912 Nigeria.

  Make the Inner Wheel the global role model             Promise to continue to work with team members
  women Organisation                                     to develop IIW.

•	Attract women globally in grassroots
   development to IW.

•	Encourage global formation of new clubs                  Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
   and districts                                            Club President 1991/92
                                                            Club Vice President 1990/91
A seasoned public health physician -                        Club Treasurer 1988/89
42 years post qualification, who has worked as a
                                                            Club Correspondent 1987/88, 1986/87
development international USAID project director
for almost two decades.                                     District Chairman 2001/02
                                                            District Vice Chairman 2000/01
Have evolved from being a Charter member in                 Second Vice Chairman 1996/97
1984 imbibing the Inner Wheel life of service with          District Treasurer 1994/95, 1995/96, 1996/97
friends to being the National President 2017 raising
through all the ranks learning and developing. I have       National Council President/Chairman
left indelible Legacies serving at the club, District       2017/18
and National levels through positive leadership             National Council Vice-President/Chairman
of my team harnessing all IW growth strengths,              2016/17
opportunities while being proactive about                   National Council Secretary 2015/16
weaknesses and threats to ensure positive results/          National Council Treasurer 2002/03
outcomes. As my club President, made my club                National Council Editor 2013/14
relevant by reactivating the zeal to serve better with
other clubs that earned me greater responsibilities.
Have also made friends locally and across the               National Representative
globe by reaching out through service, initiated            2017/18
the District 85 Germany/District 911 Joint Proposal
development and implementation that snowballed
over the next 18 years.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                         Name:       Rokiah Staun
                                                         Club:       Kota Kinabalu
                                                         District:   331
                                                         Country: Malaysia & Singapore
                                                                     Approx. 760 members

I consider it as an honour to be a member of
Inner Wheel and I am proud to say that I have
been a member for the last 37 years.                     Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
                                                         Club President 1993/94
Inner Wheel therefore has become a significant part      Club Secretary 1986/87
of my life and I believe wholeheartedly in the objects   Club Treasurer 1984/85, 1991/92
of Inner Wheel.
                                                         Club Correspondent 1988/89, 1990/91
Friendship and International Understanding come          District Chairman 2011/12, 2012/13
naturally to me. I live in a multicultural environment   District Treasurer 1995/96
where friends and relatives come from different
racial and cultural backgrounds. I myself am a           National Representative
product of a Malay mother and a mixed-Indian             2017/18
father and I am married to a native from Borneo.
I completed my tertiary education in Australia and
I have a daughter living in the United Kingdom with
her English husband and her lovely son.

I have served in different positions at Club and
District levels. I played a significant role in the
division of District 330 when I was its Chairman,
to form District 331 which I led for another year.
I hope to use the knowledge and experience gained
during these 37 years to serve Inner Wheel at the
International level.

I am passionate about the environment. We are
currently facing lots of environmental concerns
such as climate change, global warming, resources
depletion and many more which affect every human
and other life forms on this planet. I believe that as
an individual Inner Wheel member and as a group in
Inner Wheel organisation, we can do activities within
our own communities that encourage awareness
and actions for the protection of our environment.

International Inner Wheel
                                                                      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                        Name:         Nur Ustas
                                                        Club:         Dalyan
                                                        District:     242
                                                        Country: Turkey
                                                                      Approx. 365 members

Nur Ustas was born in Ankara, the capital of
Turkey. After graduating Primary School, she
moved to Istanbul where she graduated High              Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
school and University.                                  Club President 2012/13
                                                        Club International Service Organiser
She started to work as an English teacher in            2010/11
1980 after graduated from English Language and          Club Correspondent 2010/11, 2011/12,
Literature. She has worked 27 years at High Schools     2012/13
and decided to serve the society at all levels when     District Chairman 2014/15
she retired, especially to women and children.
She joined the IWC of Dalyan in 2010 as a founding      District Secretary 2011/12
member. She was one of the active committee             District International Overseas Organiser/
members of 2012 IIW Istanbul Convention. She is         Chairman 2009/10
very happy to be remembered as the first organiser
of Facebook friends meeting (in Istanbul) during        National Representative
the IW Conventions, Rallies, WFEs. She has attended     2017/18, 2018/19
several meetings as a guest speaker and made
presentations. She was the first user of social media
in IW Turkey for friendship and opened groups and
pages for IW Turkey so as to members know each
other and share projects around the world.

She has been in the service of IIW:

Delegate of IWC Dalyan 2010/2011
IIW Dist 242 Secretary 2011/2012
IIW Dist 242 ISO 2009/10
IWC Dalyan President 2012/13
IIW Dist 242 Chairman 2014/2015
IIW Dist 242 &244 National Representative

She strongly believes in;
“WE” is more valuable than “I”
Egos should be left behind in the service of NGOs
Projects can’t be realised into life without
Tolerance, kindness and forgiveness is the
most precious.

International Inner Wheel
      Election Nominations 2020/21

                                                        Name:          Angelika Walde
                                                        Club:          Sion
                                                        District:      199
                                                        Country: Switzerland
                                                                       Approx. 1,800 members

Since joining the Inner Wheel Club Sion/              Right from the very beginning of my membership
Switzerland-Liechtenstein in 2004 became an           I have connected closely with the ideals and the
important part of my life. This year, 2019-2020, I    international atmosphere of Inner Wheel. This
have the honour to be one of the Board Directors.     together with my active interest in the social
                                                      and moral welfare of the community, especially
My district 199 nominated me again for election       of women and children, as well as my strong
as Board Director 2020-2021. It would be a great      commitment for Inner Wheel provides me the
privilege to continue another year helping Inner      motivation to apply for another term as IIW
Wheel to be an active and modern association          Board Director.
of women all over the world. I am convinced that
friendship, service and goodwill have always
been the base for a successful and harmonious
club life and that international exchanges are          Present Office held in Inner Wheel
of vital importance.                                    Board Director 2019/20

In a world full of drastic changes and enormous         Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
challenges for individuals and for societies, our
                                                        Club President 2010/11
organisation represents stability, friendship and
mutual understanding. Inner Wheel friendship            Club Vice President 2008/09
demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit       District Chairman 2015/16
in which it is given. It is of great importance for     District Vice Chairman 2014/15
us as members of Inner Wheel, and as women,
to demonstrate and to live the values, which            National Representative
govern the spirit of International Inner Wheel.         2018/19
Through understanding and working together,
we can achieve bigger results and maybe a better        International Inner Wheel
life for people in need.
                                                        Board Director 2019/20

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