Page created by Julie Griffin
2020 - 2021
                LINKS ASSIGNMENTS

      In the NMI logo for 2017-2021, Prayer, WEF, Alabaster, and Engaging
   Children and Youth are represented by the four different-colored sections
   meeting together in a circle.
      LINKS, represented by the lines coming together, connects churches
   with missionaries.
      The full circle reminds us we are a global (international) organization
   with actions and impact affecting the entire world.
      The intersecting lines form a cross at the center. The message of the
   Cross is the main focus!

Discover how you can JOIN THE MOVEMENT by visiting: Nazarene.org/missions

                             2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 1 of 30
Dear NMI President and Pastor:
Your District NMI Council recommends that all West Texas churches support Nazarene Missions
through the following activities:
1. Strive to be Mission Priority One by
   1. Praying for missions and missionaries throughout the world
   2. Teaching adults, youth, and children about Nazarene missions, missionaries, and
      ministry on a global level. This may include teaching through media, printed materials,
      missions speakers, and special missions projects.
   3. Giving of the church’s resources – time, skills, finances, other – to make an impact on
      others from cultures beyond its local boundaries.
   4. Helping children and youth learn about missions and support those who feel called to
      missions service.
   5. Giving at least 5.5% of adjusted church income to the World Evangelism Fund.
   6. Giving to the Alabaster Offering.
   7. Participating in LINKS, connecting and supporting a Nazarene missionary through
      communication and prayer. Establish personal contact with your LINKS missionaries
      promptly. Remember that LINKS stands for Loving, Interested, Nazarenes Knowing and

2. The West Texas District NMI budget is included in the District Unified Ministry Fund. The
   District NMI Budget for 2020-2021 was approved by the District Advisory Board in the amount
   of $17,200. Each local church is asked to send 5% of adjusted church income to the West
   Texas District Finance Officer weekly or monthly to help support NMI on our District:

   DAN DAVISSON               (dan@westexnaz.org)
   860 Airport Fwy, Suite 206
   Hurst, TX 76054            817-479-8611 (office) 817-479-8615 (fax)
   Checks should be made out to “West Texas District” or paid online at
   http://www.westexnaz.org/ and click on “Give” twice. You will be redirected to the secure
   Easy Tithe website.

3. Consider every church member to also be an NMI Member and count every non-church-
   member who attends and participates in NMI programs or activities as Associate NMI
   Members. Make missions available to your entire church membership, not just a small group
   that meets once a month. Record year-end NMI membership and include it when the Lead
   Pastor submits the Annual Pastor’s Report (APR) to the District Office in March.

                                 2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 2 of 30
4. Participate in the 2020 Children’s Mission Offering to raise funds for the Kids Reaching
   Kids goal of resourcing and equipping those who disciple children (new for 2020!).
   Submit through Funding The Mission or mail a check to Global Treasury Services by
   December 31, 2020.

5. Participate in special NMI offerings for Missionary Care, World Mission Broadcast, and
   Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.            Contribute online via bank draft at
   www.FundingTheMission.org or make these checks payable to “General Treasurer” and mail

   P.O. BOX 843116
   KANSAS CITY, MO 64184-3116 (913-577-0500)

6. Participate in West Texas District Teens Missions Project Offering and District Work & Witness
   Offering. Make these two checks payable to “West Texas District NMI” and mail to:
   Josh Alvarez, District NMI Treasurer, 2832 Muskrat Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76244

7. Pay missionaries-on-deputation generously! When your church hosts a missionary:
   •   Communicate about the visit; talk through logistics, special needs, and expenses associated with
       the visit, and how best you can support each other in the mission of God. All expenses not
       covered by the inviting church/district become a deputation or personal expense for the visiting
   •   Allow the Holy Spirit to speak through the missionary and give those in attendance the
       opportunity to respond – spend time in prayer and receive an offering at the end of the gathering
       after the missionary has spoken.
   •   The deputation offering should be prepared as follows:
            o The church treasurer should prepare a check made out to “Global Treasury Services” to
                 give to the missionary or
            o The treasurer can give through Funding the Mission with clear notation including the
                 missionary’s first and last name plus the designation Deputation, i.e., “John Smith
                 Deputation.” If using Funding the Mission, it is a courtesy to let the missionary know the
                 offering amount and when it will be submitted.
   •   During the missionary’s visit, try to spend as much quality time together as possible allowing time
       to get to know each other and develop ongoing relationships. Be creative and connect
       missionaries with small groups, youth, children, etc. when and where these groups already meet.
       If you know someone discerning a call to serve as a missionary, this is the perfect time to
       introduce him/her to the missionary.
   •   Consider ways to keep in touch with missionary speakers after they have come for a visit.

8. Support NMI Leadership Training by sending pastors and mission leaders for training and
   inspiration to the West Texas Vision Conference, NMI Zone Rallies, area NMI workshops that
   may be scheduled across the district or region, and District Work & Witness trips.
9. Reach Church of Excellence by paying 5.7% of adjusted church income or $1,500 over goal
   for World Evangelism Fund.
10. Strive to be a Bowers Blue Ribbon Church, which is the West Texas District NMI recognition
    program for outstanding accomplishment in every area of NMI.

Respectfully submitted,

Rev. Amanda Pettit, District NMI President                   Karen Davisson, District NMI Secretary

                                     2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 3 of 30
Table of Contents

Pages 2-3    District NMI Council’s Recommendations for West Texas Churches

Page 4       Table of Contents

Page 5       Levels of Recommended NMI Participation (at-a-glance)

Page 6       Why Do We Give to the World Evangelism Fund?

Page 7       Online Resources for NMI Presidents, Pastors, & Treasurers

Page 8       Attention Treasurers! Where to Send Budget Allocations/Offerings

Page 9       Calendar of NMI Emphasis and Activities

Page 10      Children’s Mission Offering 2020 – Kids Reaching Kids (new for 2020!)

Page 11-18   Deputation Missionaries

Page 19-29   Assignments for LINKS Missionaries

Page 30      Missionary Care

Addendum:    Crisis Care Kits – see separate pdf document at www.wtd-nmi.org

Addendum:    School Pal Paks -- see separate pdf document at www.wtd-nmi.org

                         2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 4 of 30
2020-2021 Nazarene Missions
             Levels of Recommended Participation for West Texas Churches
                                                                                                      Which goals
                                         Action Recommended                                         did your church
            Pray for Nazarene World Missions and Missionaries
            Pay World Evangelism Fund in full. Making church contributions online is
    Goal    easy via bank draft at www.FundingTheMission.org. The goal is at least
     #2     5.5% of adjusted church income for the World Evangelism Fund (as verified
            by the Pastor’s APR at the end of the church year).
            Report year-end NMI Membership the same as Church Membership
            and add NMI Associate Members. Make sure your entire congregation
            receives the message of Nazarene Missions International. This number
     #3     gets reported through the Pastor’s APR (annual pastor’s report) to the
     #4     •    Pray for Nazarene Missions and Missionaries throughout the world
            •    Teach adults, youth, and children about Nazarene missions, missionaries, and
                 ministry on a global level. This may include teaching through media, printed
                 materials, missions speakers, and special missions projects.
            •    Give of the church’s resources (time, skills, finances, other) to make an impact
                 on others from cultures beyond its local boundaries.
            •    Help children and youth learn about missions and support those who feel
                 called to missions service.
            •    Send at least 5.5% of adjusted church income to the World Evangelism Fund
                 (WEF) (as verified by the Annual Pastor’s Report)
            •    Send Alabaster Offering
            •    Participate in LINKS, connecting and supporting Nazarene missionaries through
                 communication and through prayer.
     #5     Accomplish all of the above, plus send these NMI Offerings:
            ✓ Send 5% of adjusted church income (as verified by the Annual Pastor’s Report)
              to the West Texas District Finance Officer (Dan Davisson) to support Nazarene
              Missions in the District Unified Ministries Budget
            ✓ World Mission Broadcast Offering (mail to GTS)
            ✓ Missionary Health Care Offering, or order a Memorial Roll or Distinguished
              Service Award, or Gifts From The Heart (mail to GTS)
            ✓ Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (mail to GTS)
            ✓ KRK 2020 Children’s Mission Offering (mail to GTS by December 31, 2020) NEW!
            ✓ WTD Teens Missions Offering          (mail to District NMI Treasurer, Josh Alvarez)
            ✓ WTD Work & Witness Offering          (mail to District NMI Treasurer, Josh Alvarez)

    Goal    CHURCH OF EXCELLENCE: Send 5.7% of adjusted church income or
     #6     $1,500 over goal to Global Treasury Services for World Evangelism Fund.

•    Send status report in January & a copy of your final year-end NMI report in March to your NMI Zone Director.
•    Have this check-off sheet with you when you submit your online NMI Year-End Report in March, or send to
     District NMI Secretary Karen Davisson at kcdavisson@gmail.com.

                                               2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 5 of 30
Why do we give to the World Evangelism Fund?

World Evangelism Giving is the cornerstone of Nazarene Missions.              This
denominational fund (WEF) is the foundation for discovering, delivering, and resourcing
our missions organization around the world. Every Nazarene church participates in
Nazarene Missions through their contributions to World Evangelism giving. World
Evangelism giving is essential for Nazarene Missions initiatives to thrive.
Here are a few examples of ministries that the World Evangelism Fund makes possible
through direct funding or the ministry network:
•   New churches and ministry outposts
•   Missionaries
•   Regional ministries
•   Christian literature and resources
•   Partner Ministries such as JESUS Film Harvest Partners, Nazarene Compassionate
    Ministries, and many more
•   Holiness education

What is the easiest way to pay World Evangelism Fund in full?
•   Contributing weekly or monthly will help the church more easily reach its goal.
•   Making contributions online via bank draft is easy at www.FundingTheMission.org.
•   Or mail checks to Global Treasury Services, P O Box 843116, Kansas City, MO
•   Mark each contribution for the ending church year (for example, 2020-2021)

What is my church’s goal for paying World Evangelism Fund in full?
The goal is to send least 5.5% of adjusted church income for the World Evangelism
Fund, as verified by the Annual Pastor’s Report submitted to the district in March.

What is the goal for overpaying World Evangelism Fund to reach Church of
The goal is to send least 5.7% of adjusted church income or $1,500 over goal for the
World Evangelism Fund, as verified by the Annual Pastor’s Report submitted in March.

Designated Giving is a vehicle for specific Nazarene Missions initiatives.
Designated giving (Approved Specials) allows every member to give directly to specific
needs within the Nazarene Missions organization as defined by the Church of the

                                         2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 6 of 30
Online Resources for NMI Presidents, Pastors, & Treasurers

Discover how you can JOIN THE MOVEMENT by visiting: Nazarene.org/missions

Access www.nazarene.org/nmi to find details regarding:
•   Prayer                                 Distinguished Service Award
•   Alabaster                              LINKS
•   Engaging Children & Youth              Memorial Roll
•   World Evangelism Fund                  Mission Books
•   Resources (logos, NMI Constitution, Fast Facts)

Community Contributed NMI Ideas where we can share pictures and ideas for promoting
Missions and to find out what other churches are doing: http://nmiideas.org/

Cactus Nazarene Ministries                               www.cactusministries.org

JESUS Film Harvest Partners                              www.jfhp.org

JESUS Film Ministry Trips                                www.jfhp.org/ministrytrips

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries                        www.ncm.org

Southern Nazarene University                             www.snu.edu

Wesleyan-Holiness Digital Library                        http://www.whdl.org

West Texas District NMI                                  www.wtd-nmi.org

West Texas District Church of the Nazarene               www.WesTexNaz.org

Work & Witness                                           www.WorkAndWitness.org

Online giving to World Evangelism Fund and other Missions Specials is easy at:
Funding The Mission                           https://FundingTheMission.org

Online giving to these and other District needs is easy at: http://www.westexnaz.org/
Click on “Give” twice. You will be redirected to the secure Easy Tithe website.
    • Asian-Indian Initiative
    • Brazilian/Portuguese Ministry
    • District Unified Ministries Fund
    • Mid-Cities African United Fellowship
    • Rescue Hill Nazarene Ministry Center

                                    2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 7 of 30
Where to Send Budget Allocations and NMI Offerings
Please share this page with your Church Treasurer and/or NMI Treasurer
                                       •   World Evangelism Fund – send 5.5% of adjusted
Global Treasury Services
                                           church income; marked for the ending church
Church of the Nazarene
                                           year, 2020-2021
P O Box 843116
Kansas City, MO 64184-3116             •   Pensions & Benefits – send 2.25% of adjusted
913-577-0500                               church income
                                       •   10% Designated Giving/Missions Specials:
Or make church contributions                o   Alabaster Offering
online via bank draft at                    o   Kids Reaching Kids 2020 Mission Offering, by
www.FundingTheMission.org                       December 31, 2020 (new for 2020!)
                                            o   World Mission Broadcast Offering
NOTE: Online contributions through          o   Missionary Health Care Offering
FTM result in lower bank processing         o   Your assigned LINKS Missionary Family
fees than do checks, thereby,               o   Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
allowing more of your donation to be        o   School Pal-Paks Storage at $10 per box of 10
used as originally intended.                o   Crisis Care Kits Storage at $12.00 per banana
                                                box of 6

West Texas District                    District Unified Ministry Fund - send 5% of adjusted
Church of the Nazarene
                                       church income.
ATTN: District Finance Officer
860 Airport Freeway, Suite 206
Hurst, TX 76054-3273                   Make checks out to “West Texas District” or pay
                                       online at: http://www.westexnaz.org/
                                       Click on “Give” twice. You will be taken to the secure
817-479-8611 office
                                       Easy Tithe website.
817-479-8615 fax

Southern Nazarene University
                                       Send 2.25% of adjusted church income for the
6729 NW 39th Expressway
Bethany, OK 73008                      Education Budget Allocation.

ATTN: Josh Alvarez                     •   District Teens Missions Offering     (by Feb. 1)
District NMI Treasurer
                                       •   District Work & Witness Offering     (by Feb. 1)
2832 Muskrat Drive
                                       •   District NMI President Love Offering (March)
Fort Worth, TX 76244

josuealvarez01@gmail.com               Make these 3 checks payable to “West Texas
805-844-8915                           District NMI.”

                                  2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 8 of 30
Calendar of NMI Emphases & Activities
              •   Prayer & Fasting
              •   JESUS Film Project
              •   Mission Education
              •   NMI Membership—make missions available to your entire church including all
 Emphasize        adults, teens, & children
every month   •   Send 5.5% of adjusted church income to Global Treasury Services for World
                  Evangelism Fund (WEF). Please pay WEF weekly or monthly, just as you would
                  rent, utilities, etc.
              •   Remember your LINKS missionaries in prayer, and bless them with generous
                  LINKS offerings for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas holidays, etc.

              •   Easter Offering for the World Evangelism Fund
   April      •   Mission Education
              •   2020 Vision Conference with NMI/SDMI Speaker Dr. Scott Rainey (cancelled)
              •   Missionary Health Care: Memorial Roll $75.00, Distinguished Service Award
                  $125.00, Healthcare Offering, and/or Gifts From The Heart
              •   National Day of Prayer: May 7, 2020 calls on all people in the United States to
                  pray for the nation and its leaders. First Thursday of May.
   June       •   World Mission Broadcast Offering
   July       •   International Ministry, Bible Schools and Seminaries
  August      •   LINKS offering for your church’s assigned LINKS Missionary Family
September     •   Alabaster Offering
              •   Missions Priority One
              •   Prayer for the 10/40 Window
              •   The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (often abbreviated as
                  IDOP) is an observance within the Christian calendar in which congregations pray
                  for Christians who are persecuted for their faith. November 1, 2020
              •   Thanksgiving Offering for the World Evangelism Fund
              •   Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
 December     •   Due December 31, 2020 Kids Reaching Kids Mission Project Offering (New
                  project! New deadline!)
              •   Volunteer Ministries
              •   Email an NMI status report to your NMI Zone Director
              •   Alabaster Offering
 February     •   February 1 – deadline for mailing WTD Teens Missions Project and WTD Work &
                  Witness Offerings to West Texas District NMI Treasurer, Josh Alvarez
              •   World Day of Prayer: the first Friday in March
              •   Nazarene World Week of Prayer
              •   Mail final WEF Offering to Global Treasury Services – at least 5.5% of adjusted
Early March       church income - as verified by the Annual Pastor’s Report (APR) and marked for
                  the ending church year, 2020-2021
              •   Mail District NMI President Love Offering to District NMI Treasurer, Josh Alvarez
              •   Submit year-end NMI report online

 April 2021   Vision Conference & District Assembly: April 14-16, 2021 at Fort Worth First Church

                                 2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 9 of 30
Kids Reaching Kids 2020 Mission Offering
The Kids Reaching Kids (KRK) 2020 offering will focus on a crucial global
need of resourcing and equipping those who disciple children.
In the 2020 VBS, Treasure Quest, we will learn that God called Moses to an
important mission. Moses was to lead the children of Israel from Egypt,
through the wilderness, and into the Promised Land. To accomplish that, God
provided him with the necessary resources. As a result, Moses was able to
fulfill God’s calling.
The proper discipling of children’s leaders and workers is essential to the
fulfilment of God’s mission for all children, everywhere. By providing the right
responses and training to children’s ministry leaders, we are helping them lead
children lost in a wilderness of hopelessness to the promised land of a life-
changing relationship with Jesus. Will you help?
Challenge your children and join in this year’s global KRK offering to provide the disciplers of children with
the needed resources and experience to fulfill God’s mission in their churches and communities.

Free resources and curriculum for the 2020 offering will be available at nazarene.org/KRK
“Treasure Quest: Following the Footsteps of Moses”
Join the journey with Professor Burrows and Scout A. Venture as they lead an archeological expedition to
dig up treasures from the stories of Exodus and discover the life-changing truth of God’s love!
Treasure Quest: Following the Footsteps of Moses explores four events from Moses’ life in four days of
Vacation Bible School adventure:
• Day One teaches us that God loves us, based on Moses’ birth and infancy.
• Day Two helps us understand that God calls us to join Him on a special journey of adventure and discovery.
• Day Three shows us God saves us! God’s saving grace provides for us what we can’t provide for ourselves.
• Day Four celebrates that God leads us! God guides us by giving us the Ten Commandments and promising to be
 with us always.

Each day children will dig into the truth through participating in five fun activities:
• The Discovery Station provides an interactive Bible story experience children will remember.
• Scout’s Canteen creatively satisfies children’s appetite and quenches their thirst for truth with a daily Memory Gem.
• The Dig Site features archeological methods to excavate the treasure of God’s Word.
• Professor Burrows’ Artifacts applies the truth through hands-on crafts with a cultural context.
• Field Games actively reinforce the daily Treasure Point and the Memory Gem.

So grab your hiking boots and don’t forget your favorite shovel! We are searching for the real treasure of life!

Download your copy of Treasure Quest: Following the Footsteps of Moses at nazarene.org/vbs

Please submit this offering through Funding the Mission, or mark your check for “Kids
Reaching Kids 2020” and submit by December 31, 2020 to:

P.O. BOX 843116
KANSAS CITY MO 64184-3116

                                          2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 10 of 30
•   Communicate with your assigned missionary-on-deputation about the visit; talk through
    logistics, special needs, and expenses associated with the visit, and how you can best
    support each other in the mission of God. If you are not responsible for lodging, please
    consider helping with transportation expense. If you have a combined service with another
    congregation, please work out details with both congregations for food, lodging, and
    location. NOTE: All expenses not covered by the inviting church/district become a
    deputation expense or personal expense for the visiting missionary.

•   Allow the Holy Spirit to speak through the missionary and give those in attendance the
    opportunity to respond – spend time in prayer and receive an offering at the end of the
    gathering after the missionary has spoken.

•   The deputation offering should be prepared as follows:

    •   The church treasurer or NMI treasurer should prepare a check made out to “Global
        Treasury Services” to give to the missionary or

    •   The treasurer can give through Funding the Mission with clear notation including the
        missionary’s first and last name plus the designation deputation, i.e., “John Smith
        Deputation.” If using Funding The Mission, it is a courtesy to let the missionary know the
        offering amount and when it will be sent.

•   During the missionary’s visit, try to spend as much quality time together as possible allowing
    time to get to know each other and develop ongoing relationships. Be creative and connect
    missionaries with small groups, youth, children, etc. when and where these groups already
    meet. If you know someone discerning a call to serve as a missionary, this is the perfect
    time to introduce that person to the missionary.

•   Consider ways to keep in touch with missionary speakers after they have come for a visit.

•   Please contact me with any concerns:

    Amy Spigelmyer: m i s s i o n s l a d y a m y @ g m a i l . c o m , 817-709-0175

    TO FIND MISSIONARY PROFILES, GO TO: http://nazarene.org/missionary-profiles#

                                      2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 11 of 30
Ruben and Monica Fernandez
                 Global Missionaries, Mesoamerica Region: Costa Rica
                          Seminario Nazareno de las Americas
 Their tour was cancelled due to the “No Travel” mandate given to all missionaries.

Ruben and Monica Fernandez are global missionaries for the Church of the Nazarene in
Costa Rica. They are both descendants of the first generation Nazarenes in Argentina.
Many in their family are church leaders and pastors. Ruben's older brother, Carlos, is
also a missionary with the Church of the Nazarene. At a young age they committed
their lives to follow the Lord completely. They consider it a privilege to be sent out to
extend God's Kingdom into other countries.

Prior to their missionary appointment, the Fernandez pastored two churches in
Argentina. Then God called them to serve in theological education at the South
American Nazarene Seminary in Argentina. Their ministry was blessed as the extension
program increased to 800 students and they reopened the boarding school with a
group of 30 students.

They were called to go to Costa Rica in 1995. It was difficult, but God's peace filled
them and showed them the way.

Ruben serves as Rector of the Nazarene Seminary of the Americas and Regional
Education Coordinator for the MAC Region. Monica is the Regional Assistant for the
Lifelong Discipleship Program.

Ruben and Monica have two sons, Juan Manuel and Andres.

                                2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 12 of 30
Sam and Lumae Yangmi – Southeast Asia

    Available on August 2-16, 2020 on the Amarillo, High Plains, & Lubbock Zones

Samuel and Lumae Yangmi are career missionaries sent from Global Mission
since 1993. Sam graduated from Mid-America Nazarene University in 1984.

On the mission field, Sam currently serves as the District Superintendent for
the Northern Mekong District. He served as the DS for the Northern Thailand
District for 13 years and helped grow the district from 5 Churches to 20
Churches, the District is now weaned off to national leadership. Sam also
serves as the Thailand country coordinator.

Sam and Lumae have 4 daughters, Nellie, Julie, Samantha, and Anzie, along
with 2 sons-in-law, 2 granddaughters and 2 grandsons.

                            2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 13 of 30
Ashley and Tracey Hord
                          SERVING IN LESOTO- AFRICA REGION
  Available August 16 – Sept. 3, 2020 on the Lamesa, Abilene, Arrowhead* & Wichita Falls Zones
                              *They are financially supported by churches

                                                                          Ashley and Tracey, both previous
                                                                          missionaries, met in Botswana,
                                                                          Africa and were married in Tracey's
                                                                          home country of Zimbabwe in
                                                                          2005. After moving back to
                                                                          Houston, Texas, where Ashley was
                                                                          born and raised, God blessed them
                                                                          with 3 beautiful children: Esther,
                                                                          Joseph, and Hannah. While in
                                                                          Houston, they fellowshipped and
                                                                          served at The Crossing Church of
                                                                          the Nazarene.

                                                                    The Hord family has been serving in
                                                                    the country of Lesotho, located in
                                                                    the southern African region, since
                                                                    March 2016. Their assignment is in
                                                                    children’s ministry, sharing the
                                                                    gospel of Jesus Christ along with
                                                                    discipleship through Good News
                                                                    Clubs in public and private schools
                                                                    as well as local villages. The gospel
has been shared with more than 3,000 children in the last three years. In 2019 they started the Reach 4
Life program with high school students, where more than 1,000 students are being presented with the
Word of God each week. Working with local pastors, they have assisted in church development through
Children’s ministry training. They have also helped begin an elementary school, Cornerstone Nazarene
Primary School, which started out with 6 students in 2017 and grew to 58 students in 2019!

Please pray for:
-God to bless the people with whom we will be serving.
-God to use us to further His kingdom in Lesotho.
-More helpers to grow the ministry in the schools.

Cornerstone Primary Nazarene School boarding facility project

                                    2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 14 of 30
Rusty and Diane Robbins – Southeast Asia
           Available May 4-5 and 7-11, 2020 on the Denton, Wichita Falls,
                        Metro MidCities, and Fort Worth Zones
 Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at Lantana Community Fellowship
          Tentatively scheduled for Sunday, May 10 at Arlington First Church

                                                 Rusty and Diane Robbins began their
                                                 missionary career with the Church of the
                                                 Nazarene in 2008. In their global
                                                 assignment, they helped facilitate work of
                                                 over 700 Nazarene JESUS Film
                                                 evangelism teams resulting in millions of
                                                 people making decisions to follow Christ.
                                                 In 2018, they were asked to focus similar
                                                 evangelism efforts in the Eurasia Region
                                                 with a concentration on lasting fruit
                                                 emphasizing discipleship and church
                                                 maturation. They are living in the heart of
                                                 the 10/40 window in South Asia
                                                 surrounded by a majority religious group
                                                 that does not view Christ as the Son of

The stories they share about God’s work are sensitive and should never be shared via
social media or recorded in services for later viewing.

Rusty and Diane attended Southern Nazarene University where they met. They
graduated with degrees in accounting and business. After college they began their
careers in the corporate world. In 2000 while on vacation in Ruidoso, New Mexico, the
Lord called them to serve at Bonita Park Nazarene Camp. In 2008 while on vacation in
Kansas, God directed them to accept a call as Nazarene missionaries serving the
Church with JESUS Film Harvest Partners.

They love being part of the Church of the Nazarene! They have the privilege of serving
in a place where eternity is impacted. It is their hearts’ desire to come alongside others
in Kingdom building. Rusty and Diane are honored to share how God is working to
bring the lost to redemption and hope to the weary.

IMPORTANT: Out of concern for their safety, please do not share their photo on
Facebook or other social media.

                               2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 15 of 30
Jay and Teanna Sunberg Eurasia
                            Available September 5-16, 2020
             On the Fort Worth, Metro MidCities, and Arrowhead Zones

                                                                     We witness brokenness
                                                                     every day across Central
                                                                     Europe. To humans sold
                                                                     for sex, sold for labor,
                                                                     sold for organs, to the
                                                                     Roma (Gypsies), to
                                                                     victims of prejudice,
                                                                     illiteracy and poverty,
                                                                     and to the lonely, God
                                                                     cries, “On this day, in this
                                                                     place, amidst this people,
                                                                     MY Kingdom is coming.”
                                                                     We do see God’s kingdom
                                                                     breaking through in 11
                                                                     countries where
                                                                     Believers dare to claim
that strongholds crumble in the presence of a mighty God.

Our Church is strategically planted in Bulgaria, Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Croatia,
Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland to be a theological, social,
and geographical grassroots arm of rescue and restoration.

Jay & Teanna serve as the Field Strategy Coordinator team for Central Europe.
Together with 20+ missionaries & volunteers, we are your sent hands, your sent feet,
and your sent heart. In each country, brave national pastors and lay people throw
open the doors of the kingdom daily.

This is Central Europe - average, ordinary people doing great things for God because
He has called and He has empowered us.

We labor for a paradoxical kingdom that is not fully here, yet, already here. We live by

And you? Will you experience the kingdom in Central Europe with us?

With grateful hearts ~ Jay, Teanna, Lexi, Sophia, Lydia, & Jenna

                               2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 16 of 30
Chris and Julie Branstetter – North Asia
                               Creative Access Area

They will bring pictures of their family to Deputation services, for our people to
take back home with them.

Churches and individuals are requested to not post any pictures of them
anywhere on the Internet!

Dr. Chris & Julie Branstetter have lived in a creative access area for 14 years.
Their two daughters Emma, age 18, and Ellie, age 16, grew up in a massive
concrete jungle of over 20 million people. After language study, Chris taught
English at a university for four years in their city, and Julie worked in developing
a small group of believers to run hard after Him. Both Chris & Julie have worked
in Christian education and development of leaders. Recently Chris has served
as literature coordinator and Julie has been ministering through educational
therapy, serving alongside families raising kids with special needs. Chris serves
on the elder’s board at an International Christian Fellowship in their city and
recently wrote a book about the unity the Fellowship has enjoyed for over 30
years. Both Chris & Julie are ordained elders.

Their daughter Emma just completed her freshman year at Olivet as a biblical
studies major, and Ellie is thinking of choosing a fashion design career after high
school. Ellie will be a sophomore next year. Chris enjoys a great cup of coffee,
classical music and cooking for friends who come to our home, while Julie loves
eating Chris’ creations, attending or speaking at women’s events, and home

The message and stories they share about God’s work are sensitive and should
never be shared via social media or recorded in services for later viewing.

                             2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 17 of 30
Gavin and Jill Fothergill
                  Serving in Africa Central on Global Deployment
                           Available June 21 – July 1, 2020
                 Abilene, Wichita Falls, Denton, and Lamesa Zones

                                                       Gavin and Jill Fothergill are
                                                       missionaries with the Church of
                                                       the Nazarene serving on the
                                                       Africa Central Field. The
                                                       Fothergills have been assigned to
                                                       Central Africa, living in
                                                       Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic
                                                       of the Congo. Gavin serves as
                                                       the Field Strategy Coordinator
                                                       overseeing the work of the Church
                                                       in the Republic of Congo,
                                                       Democratic Republic of Congo,
                                                       Cameroon and Gabon. Jill serves
                                                       as the Statistics Coordinator and
                                                       Women Clergy Representative for
the Field. Both Gavin and Jill are ordained elders in the Church of the Nazarene. Prior
to their appointment to the Africa Region, they were assigned to the Nazarene Border
Initiative serving as missionaries in the US and Mexico.
Gavin received a BA in Theology and Ministry from Southern Nazarene University in
2005 and he received his MA in Intercultural Studies from Nazarene Theological
Seminary in 2007. Jill graduated from Southern Nazarene University with a BA in
Urban Ministry in 2004.

Prior to their first assignment with Global Mission, Gavin and Jill ministered through
mission trips, church planting, compassionate ministries, preaching, youth ministry, and
children’s ministry at a number of churches and through various other avenues. The
Fothergills also worked with Youth In Mission from the Global Ministry Center and
during their assignment with the Border Initiative.

They were married on June 19, 2004 and have two children: Macy Paige, born on
September 6, 2007 and Connor Ray, born on August 14, 2009.

                               2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 18 of 30
LINKS Missionary Assignments for 2019-2022
                               Beginning April 10, 2019, West Texas Churches are “linked” to the
                               following Nazarene missionary families for three years or until further
                               notice from the Global Ministry Center regarding any transfers out of
                               missionary service or newly deployed missionaries:

1.   Evans and Njeri Katanga, serving in Ghana in the Africa West Field
2.   Manuel and Lidia Lima, serving in Brazil SubRegion, South America
3.   Bob and Rosa McCroskey, retired Nazarene missionaries
4.   Charity Shonamon, Sponsored Missionary (new for 2020!)

Katanga Family -- Amarillo Zone Churches
Katanga Family -- Korean Churches
Katanga Family -- Lubbock Zone Churches
Katanga Family -- Metro MidCities Churches
Lima Family -- Arrowhead Zone Churches
Lima Family -- Denton Zone Churches
Lima Family -- Wichita Falls Zone Churches
McCroskey Family -- Abilene Zone Churches
McCroskey Family -- High Plains Zone Churches
McCroskey Family -- Lamesa Zone Churches
Charity Shonamon – Sponsored Missionary -- Fort Worth Zone Churches and Arlington First –
NEW for 2020-21!

Due to the new privacy policies, the Global Ministry Center is no longer able to share address and phone
information for missionary personnel. Email addresses and links to Facebook pages are provided.

Regarding LINKS offerings, please note:

1. Online giving on the missionary’s profile pages does NOT count as LINKS giving. It goes to the
   missionary’s deputation account only.
2. The best way to give your LINKS offering is to have your treasurer submit it via Funding The
   Mission. The bank processing fees are significantly less, and it is processed faster.
3. If giving your LINKS offering by check, make sure to designate “LINKS” and the missionary’s first and
   last name on your check. Also, make sure it is clear which church this offering is coming from.
4. There is no assigned LINKS offering amount. PLEASE NOTE: All checks received incur a bank
   processing fee, thereby, wiping out a significant portion of a small offering such as $5 or $10 or $15.
   Please send generous offerings to bless your LINKS missionaries throughout the year!

     Please mail checks for LINKS offerings to the General Treasurer at:

        P.O. BOX 843116
        KANSAS CITY, MO 64184-3116 (913-577-0500)

Remember – money is only one way to bless your missionaries. Pray for them and
correspond to them via email! Remind them they are loved and supported!

                                     2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 19 of 30
                      Adopted by the Global NMI Executive Council - December 2019

Purpose: Links is a Nazarene Missions International (NMI) program that strives to join Nazarene
missionaries and Church of the Nazarene districts through relationship and connection.

Global Scope: Global guidelines apply to all regions. Additional regional specific processes and
procedures, sensitive to district capacity and regional context, are developed and implemented by each
regional NMI coordinator in consultation with the global NMI director.

Global, Sponsored, and Retiree Missionary Involvement:
• Globally deployed missionaries are eligible to be assigned to any district in the Church of the Nazarene
participating in the Links program.

• Sponsored deployed missionaries are eligible to be assigned to their home district only. They will
remain connected to that district for the length of time in which they would like to participate in Links or
for the entirety of their time of service as a sponsored missionary.

• Retired missionaries are eligible to be assigned to their home district or a neighboring district on their
educational region or field. Missionaries must meet Global Missions requirements as a retiree to be
eligible for Links.

• Only Nazarene missionaries on contract with Global Missions are eligible for a Links assignment.
Missionaries serving around the world that are not on a Global Missions mission contract as Nazarene
missionaries are not eligible for Links. Nazarene Missionaries are defined as one of three previously
mentioned groups.

Global Process & Procedures:
• Assignment: The Links connection is between a district and the missionary. Local churches should work
with the district to care for their Links missionary. The main connection should be through the district.
To assign a Links connection, the global NMI office or the regional NMI coordinator must ask the
missionary if they’d like to participate in Links. If they do not respond by the deadline give, there is no
Links connection or benefits.

• Assignment Length: To better accommodate in-person visits by missionaries to Links assigned districts,
assignments will be made for three-year cycles. (Since missionaries are often moving onto and off Global
Missions contracts, it is quite possible that there may be a change in a district’s Links assignment during
the three-year cycle.)

• Monetary Gifts: Districts, churches, and individuals may show love and support for a Links assigned
missionary by giving monetary gifts if they so choose. If monetary gifts are given, they should be
processed through the district or region.

• Participation: It is anticipated that each Links participant will:
        • Pray for one another
        • Communicate on a regular basis
        • Remember special days (birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, etc.)
        • Invite to speak at local church and district events either in person or through video.

                                       2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 20 of 30
Evans and Njeri Katanga are
                                                      missionaries with the Church of the Nazarene
                                                      presently serving alongside Africa West Field
                                                      (AWF) Nazarenes. They were appointed to
                                                      Ghana in 2016 where they currently live and
                                                      are blessed with two daughters.

                                                     Both Evans and Njeri were raised in Christian
                                                     homes; albeit several cultures and miles far
                                                     from each other. Their call to missions came
                                                     at different times before they were married
                                                     and confirmations came through exposure to
                                                     cross-cultural ministry platforms. They share
                                                     a passion for equipping saints with tools for
the advancement of God’s kingdom and are actively involved in mentoring and training young
Nazarenes. They are currently supporting the church in Ghana through preaching, teaching and
training church leaders for their effective service.

Evans has served the church as associate pastor as well as youth pastor for 10+ years. He
holds a Diploma in Accounting and Administration from the Institute of Chartered Secretaries
and Administrators in Zimbabwe (ICSAZ), and Bachelor of Theology as well as a Master of Arts
in Religion with Education and Leadership focus from Africa Nazarene University. With more
than fifteen years professional and corporate working experience, Evans has served in diverse
vocations including food processing, marketing, insurance, accounting, banking, administration,
mentoring, training and lecturing/teaching. He is currently the National Education Coordinator
for Ghana, NTI Academic Dean for AWF Anglophone countries, as well as supporting other
administrative and ministerial roles as assigned by the FSC.

Apart from supporting her husband in ministry, Njeri has served the church through various
roles including being their local church treasurer, NCM chair, and later trustee, financial advisor,
as well as Children’s Sunday School teacher. She has over five years corporate and
professional working experience and has initiated as well as coordinated various business
enterprises including farming, soap-making and event organizing. She is currently the Children’s
Ministries Coordinator for Africa West Field. Njeri holds a Bachelor of Business Administration
degree with majors in Marketing and Finance from Daystar University.

Languages fluently spoken:        English, Swahili, Shona, and Kikuyu.

Evans’ birthday:                  December 15          Daughter Panashe’s birthday: January 10
Njeri’s birthday:                 March 10             Daughter Ruvarashe’s birthday: April 11
Wedding anniversary:              December 11
Preferred email address:          katangafamilyinmissions@gmail.com
To find out more, visit their online profile http://nazarene.org/africa/missionary-profile?id=380
Other ways to stay connected include: https://www.facebook.com/evans.katanga
Family Ministry Facebook Page:

                                  2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 21 of 30
The following churches are assigned the Katanga Family as their
LINKS family for 2019-2022:

Katanga Family -- Amarillo Zone Churches
Amarillo African Community, Amarillo First, Amarillo North Beacon,
Amarillo South Georgia, Amarillo Turning Pont, Amarillo Valleyview, Cactus
African, Cactus Hispanic, Canyon Intersection Community, Dalhart, Dalhart
Casa de Oracion, Dumas, Dumas Nueva Vida, Hereford, Hereford New

Katanga Family -- Korean Churches
Arlington Antioch, Carrollton Watered Garden, and Fort Worth Hanain
Katanga Family -- Lubbock Zone Churches
Abernathy, Dickens Bible, Levelland, Lubbock First, Lubbock Refuge,
Muleshoe Nuevo Pacto, Plainview First, Post, Ropesville

Katanga Family -- Metro MidCities Churches
Arlington First, Arlington Jesucristo Vivé, Arlington Naya Jeevan, Arlington
Renewed Life, Arlington Rescue Hill International, Arlington Restoration
Community, D/FW Living Christian, Euless Arabic, Euless First, Euless
First Hispanic, Fort Worth Crossroads Tabernacle, Fort Worth Crossroads
Tab Haltom City, Fort Worth RisenPoint International, Hurst Pursuit

                           2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 22 of 30
Presentamos a las familias Eslabones 2019-2022 del West Texas
                       Evans y Njeri Katanga, serving in Ghana

Los días especiales incluyen:
   Los cumpleaños
       Evans, 15 de diciembre
       Njeri, 10 de marzo
   Aniversario de bodas
       11 de diciembre
   Las niñas
       Panashe (daughter), 10 de enero
       Ruvarashe (daughter), 11 de abril

La dirección de correo electrónico preferida es katangafamilyinmissions@gmail.com.
Para saber más sobre esta familia, visita el perfil del misionero en la siguiente
dirección, http://nazarene.org/africa/missionary-profile?id=380
También te puedes comunicar con ellos a través de Facebook:
        Family Ministry Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Katanga-Family-in-
Los idiomas que se hablan con fluidez son inglés, swahili, shona, and kikuyu.

                                2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 23 of 30
Rev. Manuel and Rev.
                                                                    Lidia Lima served in the
                                                                    District of Amazonia Brazil
                                                                    for almost ten years where
                                                                    his assignment was to
                                                                    supervise the opening of
                                                                    new districts in that area.
                                                                    Before this mission, they
                                                                    served as pastors in the
                                                                    state of São Paulo for 24
                                                                    years. Both Manuel and
                                                                    Lídia grew up in pastoral

                                                       They have five children:
                                                       Rachel is married and has
                                                      two daughters; Lucas, who
is also married and has a daughter. Their young children Peter, Matthew and
Caio live with their parents and are always supporting the Lord's ministry.

In 2015, Manuel was appointed national director of the subregion Brazil, and had
to move to São Paulo again to better dynamics of work. Manuel was ordained in
1986 and Lydia was ordained in 2004. They were commissioned as global
missionaries for the Church of the Nazarene in 2009.

Children: Raquel (32), Lucas (29), Pedro (18), Mateus (17) and Caio (16).

Special days include:
   Birthdays                                            Children
      Manuel, December 10                                 Raquel, adult
      Lidia, February 25                                  Lucas, adult
   Wedding Anniversary                                     Pedro, adult
                                                           Mateus, adult
      February 6                                          Caio, February 29

Preferred email address is lidialima60@hotmail.com .
Visit their online profile: http://nazarene.org/south-america/missionary-profile?id=217
Connected to their Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lidia.lima.1671
Language fluently spoken is Portuguese.

                              2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 24 of 30
The following churches are assigned the Lima family as their LINKS
family for 2019-2022:

Lima Family -- Arrowhead Zone Churches
Burleson, Cleburne, Granbury, Hillsboro, Mineral Wells, Stephenville,
Whitney First

Lima Family -- Denton Zone Churches
Decatur Jesu Cristo es el Camino, Denton Familia de Naciones, Denton
Hope Community, Denton Hope Community Hispanic, Denton Willowwood,
Denton Willowwood Chinese, Gainesville Eastside, Lantana Community
Fellowship, Pilot Point Grace Point, Prairie Point

Lima Family -- Wichita Falls Zone Churches
Bowie, Bowie Hispanic, Burkburnett New Hope, Graham, Nocona, Wichita
Falls Cristo Vivé, Wichita Falls First, Wichita Falls Lakeview

                          2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 25 of 30
Presentamos a las familias Eslabones 2019-2022 del West Texas
                   Manuel y Lidia Lima, sirviendo en Brasil

Los días especiales incluyen:
   Los cumpleaños                                         Los niños
       Manuel, 10 de diciembre                              Raquel, adulta
       Lidia, 25 de febrero                                 Lucas, adulto
   Aniversario de bodas                                      Pedro, adulto
                                                             Mateus, adulto
   6 de febrero
                                                             Caio, 29 de febrero

La dirección de correo electrónico preferida es lidialima60@hotmail.com
Para saber más sobre esta familia, visita el perfil del misionero en la siguiente
dirección, http://nazarene.org/south-america/missionary-profile?id=217
También te puedes comunicar con ellos a través de Facebook:
Se hablan portugues

                                2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 26 of 30
Meet Bob and Rosa McCroskey, retired Nazarene missionaries

Special days include:
   Birthdays                                             Wedding Anniversary
      Bob, November 3                                      June 3
      Rosa, November 3

Mailing address for cards/gifts: 2100 N. Flamingo, Bethany, OK 73008
Email: rosanellmccroskey@yahoo.com
Home phone: 405-470-7168
Rosa’s cell: 405-974-9121
Bob’s cell:  405-974-9122

The following churches are assigned the McCroskeys as their LINKS family for
Abilene Zone Churches
Abilene First, Abilene Trinity, Cisco, and Hamlin

High Plains Zone Churches
Borger First, Borger Trinity, Clarendon, Dodson, Higgins, Pampa, Stinnett, Wellington

Lamesa Zone Churches
Andrews, Big Spring, Big Spring Cedar Road, Denver City, Grassland, Lamesa,
Seagraves, Snyder

                               2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 27 of 30
Bob y Rosa McCroskey, misioneros nazarenos jubilados

Los días especiales incluyen:
   Los cumpleaños                                         Aniversario de bodas
      Bob, 3 de noviembre                                   3 de junio
      Rosa, 3 de noviembre

Mailing address for cards/gifts: 2100 N. Flamingo, Bethany, OK 73008
Email: rosanellmccroskey@yahoo.com
Home phone: 405-470-7168
Rosa’s cell: 405-974-9121
Bob’s cell:  405-974-9122

The following churches are assigned the McCroskeys as their LINKS family for

Abilene Zone Churches
Abilene First, Abilene Trinity, Cisco, and Hamlin

High Plains Zone Churches
Borger First, Borger Trinity, Clarendon, Dodson, Higgins, Pampa, Stinnett, Wellington

Lamesa Zone Churches
Andrews, Big Spring, Big Spring Cedar Road, Denver City, Grassland, Lamesa,
Seagraves, Snyder

                                2020-21 NMI Handbook, Page 28 of 30
Charity Shonamon
                      Sponsored Missionary -- Sealands Field

I felt called to Missions from a young age and the Lord has not swayed that desire in my heart!

                                            I was raised on the West Texas District and was
                                            poured into by many mentors, leaders, and Church
                                            family members. After graduating from Olivet
                                            Nazarene University in 2016, I began the journey
                                            across the world. I have been working as a
                                            missionary with the Church of the Nazarene since

                                            My first assignment was in Papua New Guinea at
                                            Kudjip Nazarene Hospital. I worked as the
                                            elementary teacher for the missionary kids who lived
                                            on the station. I have been serving on the Sealands
                                            Field since 2018. I work as a Christian school
                                            teacher in my location, discipling and living side-by-
                                            side with students every day. Additionally, I lead an
                                            ESL ministry for adults with the hopes of sharing the

The following churches are assigned Charity Shonamon as their new
LINKS Missionary for 2020-2021:

•   Arlington First (plus Katanga Family)                •   FW Renovation Community
•   FW ChristCity                                        •   FW Rios de Alabanza y
•   FW CrossPoint                                            Adoracion
•   FW El Remanenté                                      •   FW River Oaks
•   FW Emanuel                                           •   FW Riverside Community
•   FW First                                             •   FW Sobré la Roca
•   FW Fuenté de Gracia                                  •   FW Trinity
•   FW Haltom City                                       •   FW Westridge
•   FW Northside

Email address: cshonamon@apnaz.org

Charity’s physical location cannot be shared due to the sensitive area in which she lives
and serves. Her assignment and country location will change in June 2020. Updated
information will be distributed once it becomes available.

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Missionary Care
The cost of providing insurance for Nazarene missionaries is quite high, and the costs
continue to rise. Yet the Church of the Nazarene wants its missionaries to be able to
serve and not worry about where they will scrape up the cost of the next insurance

Nazarene Missions International has helped subsidize some of these funds since as
early as 1919. Through your giving to the Memorial Roll, Distinguished Service
Award, Gifts from the Heart, and Missionary Health Care plate offerings, you help
offset those insurance costs. The remaining insurance costs are provided by the World
Evangelism Fund.

                       The Memorial Roll, established in 1919, is a way to honor
                       deceased friends and loved ones. An 8x10 certificate is
                       issued in the name of the person memorialized and is often
                       presented to a family member or displayed in the church.
                       Cost is $75.

                       The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is a tribute to church
                       people who are living and for their service to the church.
                       Although the DSA is given through NMI, it need not be given in
                       the area of missions. A church may wish to honor anyone in the
                       church for their efforts. Note: The DSA may only be given by a
                       church or a group within the church. Individuals may not give this
                       award. Cost is $125.

                      Gifts from the Heart (GFTH) is a facet of the NMI Missionary
                      Health Care designed to make giving to the NMI Missionary
                      Health Care easy. "In Memory" and "In Honor" cards can be
                      picked up at the GFTH display rack in your local church.
                      Available in both English and Spanish, these attractive cards are
                      a great way to show someone you care while helping Nazarene
                      missionaries at the same time. (Display racks are also available
                      in Spanish.)

Order online at: https://secure2.convio.net/cn/site/Ecommerce?store_id=1101
Need assistance? Contact Darryl at 913-577-2973 or dgbennett@nazarene.org.

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