Page created by Max Greene
          guide 2019 - 2020

Next Steps at Darlington College 2019/20

                                         We believe that all students should have
                                         the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
                                         Here at Next Steps we provide an exciting learning experience for students
                                         with a range of special educational needs.

                                         For some students Next Steps is a starting point at college and after
                                         having the right teaching and support through the course they may move
                                         on to mainstream vocational programmes. Other students can develop
                                         their skills and confidence in order to get them ready for the world of
                                         work. We look forward to welcoming you to Next Steps for a fun and
                                         valuable experience.

Andy Gilpin - LLDD & ALS Manager

Testimonial from a company that has
employed one of our students..

     At Oxfam Darlington we are always happy to welcome
     work experience students to our team. We have previously
     and are currently offering work experience opportunities
     to Work Skills learners from the Next Steps team at the            03 What is Next Steps?
     College. We have found these learners to be a real benefit         03 What support can students get on Next Steps?
     to Oxfam, helping us to raise much needed funds for our            04 Next Steps courses
     charitable works. We have three values of inclusiveness,
                                                                        04 Work placements
     accountability and empowerment that we all work to
     uphold as a team, and that means we will provide you with
                                                                        04 Enterprise activities
     a warm welcome, take the time to train you in the tasks            04 Extra independent living skills training
     you choose to do, and encourage you to do your very                05 Successes
     best! We have lots of work experience opportunities to
                                                                        06 Additional Learning Support
     choose from - as well as being one of the UK's largest
                                                                        07 Parent and Guardian information
     charity shops, we also run an online shop, so we can offer
     work experience in Retail, Online Retail, Social Media             07 Financial Help
     and Photography                                                    08 Student Testimonials

02                        Next Steps Office 01325 503277                  
Next Steps at Darlington College 2019/20

Next Steps at Darlington College provides a
supported working environment for young people
making their next steps towards qualifications or
future employment.
The Next Steps Certificate in Independent Living is available at Entry Levels 1-3. The Work
Skills programme is available up to Level 1. Learners can make progress within Next Steps
before moving on to other courses or leaving college to do other things.

We work closely with a variety of agencies to make sure we can offer
learners what they need to succeed.

                                                                                      UR CARE

                                                                                                  ER • RO
  What support can students get
                                                                                           I N G T ON
  on Next Steps?                                                                    DA R L

  • All our Next Steps courses are taught in small group sizes (average of

    8 students)                                                                      GRE R

  • You will learn through practical sessions, classroom based activities,
    visits and practical work in the community
                                                                                        SS HE
  • Your personal tutor will meet with you on a regular basis to review
    your progress
  • We will help you plan your progression
  • Our team of Learning Support Assistants are here to give you as much
    support as you need in class. They can also support you out of class at
    break times and lunch times and even meet you in the morning when
    you arrive at college and be with you until you go home
  • We have a friendly base room where you can go to spend time when
    you are not in lessons, and support staff are always there to make
    sure you are safe and enjoying your activities
  • If you are doing a work placement on your course we will also make
    sure that you have support staff with you if you need it
  • We will also help with funding where appropriate and available
    (up to the age of 25)

                        Next Steps Office 01325 503277                  03
Next Steps at Darlington College 2019/20

    Courses                                                Overview

                                                          No formal qualifications are required to get onto the Next Steps
Pearson Edexcel Entry Level Certificate                   courses but English and maths skills are assessed to make sure
in Personal Progress (Entry 1)                            the course will be at the right level for you.

                                                          What's Involved?

Pearson Edexcel Entry Level Certificate                   Next Step 1
in Skills for Independence and Work (Entry 2)             Qualification: Certificate in Skills for Independence and Work at
                                                          Entry 1, Entry 2, or Entry 3

                                                          On this course students will develop employability skills through
Pearson Edexcel Entry Level Certificate                   enterprise and volunteering activities and independent living skills
in Personal and Social Development (Entry 3)              they have an opportunity to try a vocational area from a wide
                                                          range of options, including Construction, IT/Media, Horticulture,
                                                          Hair and Beauty and Catering. We can also arrange some taster
                                                          sessions in other areas for them.
NOCN – Entry level Certificate in Skills for
Employment, Training and Personal                         As part of the course they will also improve their English and
                                                          maths skills to help them progress in the future.
Development (E3)
                                                          Next Step 2 – Workgroup

                                                          Qualification: Certificate in Workskills
NOCN – Level 1 Certificate in Developing
Skills for Employment                                     Entry 3 – Level 1

                                                          On this course students will further develop skills for work and be
                                                          able to use these skills in a work placement at least one day a
NCFE Entry level Award in Maths                           week. They will also investigate the world of work and continue to
                                                          improve English, maths and ICT skills.

                                                          Preparation For Adulthood
Entry level Certificate in English
                                                          This programme will help prepare students for life after college. It
                                                          will develop their practical independent living skills and help them
                                                          develop a plan for a fulfilling life in their local community,
Level 1 in maths and English                              including social care / housing options, supported employment
                                                          options and healthy living.

What ELSE IS involved?
Work Placement
Students access a wide range of work placements on
the Workskills programme. Last year work placements
included J.P Walters & Co, OXFAM, Northlands and
The Box

Enterprise activities
As part of your course you will have the opportunity to
take part in our enterprise activities. Groups meet to
plan business ideas e.g making craft goods to sell, our
up-cycling business or running the
card making business.

04                       Next Steps Office 01325 503277                      
You could follow their

   en ro ll in g o n o n e o f th e N ex t S te p s

   C O U R S E S !

 CHLOE                                        AMY KELLY
 MCSTRAVIC                                    Career journey started
 Career journey started                       in 2013 on the Next Steps
 in 2015 on the Next Steps Skills             Certificate for Independent
 for Independence and Work                    Living Skills.

                                              LEVEL 2 FOOD PRODUCTION
 LEVEL 3 SCIENCE                              AND COOKING

             Next Steps Office 01325 503277      05
Next Steps at Darlington College 2019/20

additional learning support
Darlington College welcomes applications Sporting activities
from people with special educational needs We offer a wide range of sporting activities for students to take part in.
                                             Our multi-use games area is perfect for sports and exercise. Badminton,
and disabilities. We work closely with local basketball, 5-a-side football and volleyball are just some of the things
schools, SENCOs, the local authority SEN     you can take part in.

                                                                                         u t
teams, Social Workers and other

                                                                      o u r  s a y a b o
                                                               Have y
professionals who can support you to
discuss your needs with us.
Visit for our offer
SEND local.
                                                                         THthIaN  GS
We are committed to making sure that all                                       t are
students receive the additional learning
support they need to access the college                            IM P O R T  A N T
and achieve their goals. Sensitive and                                     you!          to
individualised support is always available.

Student voice group                                            Student voice group
                                                               Do you have an issue you would like to discuss? The Student Voice
We understand that coming to college for the first time can
                                                               Group is your ideal opportunity to discuss anything you feel is
be a bit scary. We can arrange for you to visit the college
                                                               important. We value your views and want to provide you with a
(as many times as you need) before you start the course,
                                                               quality experience throughout your time with us.
get to know the building and the staff and discuss the
support you might want.

                                                               Student representatives

 FREE Breakfast for all full time students and
                                                               Students elected to these positions have vital roles to play. Student
                                                               Reps are involved in making decisions that help improve the
                                                               quality of our courses. Reps are also part of influential groups such
                                                               as the Student Council and appear on behalf of the college at
                                                               events such as open events and parents’ evening.
 apprentices between 8:15am and 8:50am Monday
 to Friday (toast, cereal, tea and coffee available)
                                                               Student council
Volunteering and fund                                          The student council is made up of student reps, and meets
                                                               monthly to provide an exciting programme of activities, as well as
raising activities                                             looking at important issues which affect you.

Students on Next Steps have lots of opportunity to take
part in volunteering and fund raising activities. Activities   Student association
include helping out and raising money for our local            The association is affiliated with the National Union of Students
charities. These volunteering and funding activities are       (NUS). The NUS card is an exclusive high street discount card,
really good fun and students always come up with ideas to      which is available for £12. Visit for more details.
do more. Volunteering is a great way to develop
transferable skills and knowledge, improve your
employability and gain valuable experience towards your
course or future career. Visit to find out
more. The college operates a student ambassador scheme
                                                               Get Social
which allows you to support events at college and your         Follow us on Twitter: @NextStepsatDC
previous school.
                                                               Find us on Facebook: Nextstepsdc
                                                               Watch us on Youtube: Darlington College
                                                               Check us out on Pinterest: Darlingtonfe

06                       Next Steps Office 01325 503277                      
Next Steps at Darlington College 2019/20

parent and guardian information
It is time for your son or daughter to decide on their
future career, and we can help by leading them on
to the correct course of study. We want our
students to succeed in their chosen field, career or
university and will do all that we can to make sure
that they get on the right path.

Parents’ evenings                                                    Safeguarding
We keep in regular contact with parents and invite                   Students safety is always at the top of our agenda.
you in for discussions as-and-when required. A formal                The college has a safeguarding policy that is
parents’ evening is held in March every year, where                  rigorously enforced and all matters relating to it are
you’ll get the chance to meet tutors and ask any                     of the utmost importance to us.
questions you have. You will also receive a report
three times a year to give you an overview of your                   Every student matters
son/daughter’s progress.                                             We take the well-being and safety of all our students

                                                                     very seriously. We strive to ensure a safe and
                                                                     welcoming environment in college, and have

        R  M   E D
                                                                     safeguarding and anti-bullying policies in place to

                                                                     ensure that young people and vulnerable adults
                                                                     studying with us do so in a safe and secure

16-18 and 19+ Learner Support Fund
At Darlington College we aim to provide financial help to
                                                                     For further details,
students that need it the most. If you enrol on a full time course      speak to a member of the

and are aged between 16-18 you could receive help with cost of
studying through our 16-18 Bursary.

                                                                      Team on...
                                                                            01325 503037, or email
                         Next Steps Office 01325 503277                           07
Entry 3 Certificate in Introduction
to the Hospitality Industry

When I first came to Next Steps I was
over the moon. Not only was it a new
start for me but I also met up with my
old friends, whilst making new ones.
Overtime I got better with my English            LIAM
and maths, I also did work in the
garden. I am currently doing Catering            HETHERINGTON
and loving it. Coming on Next Steps has
really changed my life for the better.

                    Full time course and
                 Apprenticeship Open Events
                               Wednesday – 24 October 2018
                               Tuesday – 27 November 2018
                                Thursday – 24 January 2019
                                 Thursday – 21 March 2019
                                  Saturday – 15 June 2019

                 Visit: for more information

Darlington College
Central Park, Haughton Road,
Darlington, DL1 1DR
Call: (01325) 503050                                
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