Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921

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Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
Neurosciences Update
                                                                                    Neurosciences News From Mayo Clinic Vol. 18, No. 4, 2021

   SEPTEMBER 2021                                                  Novel Endovascular Therapy for
In this issue                                                      CSF-Venous Fistulas
3 Burr Hole Approach Offers Minimally                                  Mayo Clinic has reported the first case                          a quarter of people with a CSF leak, it’s
  Invasive Option for Resecting Brain                                  series of transvenous embolization of                            due to a fistula. That is a major subgroup,
  Lesions                                                              paraspinal veins to treat cerebral spinal                        and we expect it to grow as our diagnos-
                                                                       fluid (CSF)-venous fistulas. The innovative                      tic techniques advance,” says Jeremy K.
                                                                       therapy resulted in clinical and radio-                          Cutsforth-Gregory, M.D., a neurologist who
4 NF2 Clinic: Proactive, Coordinated,                                  graphic improvement and no permanent                             leads the CSF dynamics clinic at Mayo
  Multidisciplinary Care                                               complications in all participants in the                         Clinic’s campus in Rochester.
                                                                       small case series.
                                                                                                                                        The most effective treatment for a
6 Robot-Assisted Spinal Surgery Shows                                  “It’s a significant advance in the treatment                     CSF-venous fistula has been surgical
  Promising Initial Results                                            of CSF-venous fistulas,” says Waleed Brin-                       intervention that includes laminectomy,
                                                                       jikji, M.D., a neurointerventionalist at Mayo                    facetectomy and ligation of the nerve
                                                                       Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. “We are                          root and associated veins. Although
                                                                       able to fix these fistulas and send patients                     the procedure can ease the severe
                                                                       home the same day, without worrying                              headaches associated with intracranial
                                                                       about the complications that can occur                           hypotension, it requires a hospital stay
                                                                       with spinal surgery.”                                            and lengthy recovery.

                                                                       CSF-venous fistulas, first described in                          “Spinal surgery is significantly more
                                                                       2014, are increasingly recognized as a                           invasive than the endovascular inter-
                                                                       cause of spontaneous intracranial hypo-                          vention that we developed,” says Luis E.
                                                                       tension. “We are finding that, in at least                       Savastano, M.D., Ph.D., a cerebrovascular

Figure 1. Preoperative MRI of a participant in Mayo Clinic’s case        Figure 2. On the left, digital subtraction myelogram shows a large Figure 3. Postoperative MRI shows resolution of the brain
series shows signs of brain sag with flattening of the pons, reduced     CSF-venous fistula at right T4 with filling of the right T4 paraspinal sag and meningeal enhancement.
mamillopontine distance and effacement of the suprasellar cistern,       vein (red arrow). On the right, the patient underwent successful
as well as thick pachymeningeal enhancement.                             embolization of the vein (white arrow).
Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic’s campus in           in four patients and improved but did not
                                        Rochester. “In addition to long recovery          resolve in one patient.
                                        times, many patients also experience new          “Patient satisfaction has been very high, and
                                        numbness and pain at the surgical site            we are very rigorous in obtaining com-
                                        that lingers for months.”                         plete clinical and imaging follow-up on all
                                                                                          patients,” Dr. Brinjikji says.
                                        Existing minimally invasive treatment
                                        options, such as epidural blood patch and         Pain localized to the site of the emboliza-
                                        fibrin glue injection, have been effective in     tion was a common minor complication,
                                        only a tiny minority of patients with fistulas.   but no patient required narcotics. And the
                                        “Embolization seemed like a feasible              pain subsided in a matter of weeks for all
                                        alternative, as long as we could navigate         patients. No patient experienced permanent
    Waleed Brinjikji, M.D.              through the paraspinal venous system and          neurological complications. The researchers
                                        get our catheter to the exact right point,”       note that further studies are needed to
                                        Dr. Brinjikji says.                               confirm the technique and to validate the
                                                                                          treatment’s durability.
                                        Dr. Brinjikji had acquired a medical text-
                                        book from the 1970s on spinal phlebog-            An essential component of this procedure is
                                        raphy, a common diagnostic tool before            state-of-the-art imaging for the diagnosis of
                                        MRI. “We realized that if physicians could        CSF-venous fistulas.
                                        get into the paraspinal veins back then, we
                                        — with all the advances in catheterization        “Identifying the fistula is a major challenge,”
                                        — should be able to get into them and             Dr. Cutsforth-Gregory says. “DSM allows us
                                        block them off using our newer and safer          to locate fistulas that might otherwise be
                                        embolic agents,” he says.                         overlooked. It’s practice changing.” Cur-
                                                                                          rently, eight DSMs a week are routinely per-
                                        DSM TO LOCALIZE FISTULAS                          formed at the Rochester campus of Mayo
                                        As described in the May 2021 issue of Amer-       Clinic, making it one of the highest-volume
                                        ican Journal of Neuroradiology, the Mayo          CSF-leak practices in the world.
                                        Clinic case series included five patients with
    Jeremy K. Cutsforth-Gregory, M.D.   CSF hypotension secondary to CSF-venous           The development of innovative treatments
                                        fistulas. The patients’ fistulas were localized   is facilitated by Mayo Clinic’s multidisci-
                                        using lateral decubitus digital subtraction       plinary approach. “This new endovascular
                                        myelography (DSM). On MRI, all patients           treatment modality is the result of team-
                                        had evidence of CSF hypovolemia, including        work by highly skilled headache neurolo-
                                        brain sag and pachymeningeal enhance-             gists, interventional neuroradiologists and
                                        ment (Figure 1, see page 1) with no extradu-      endovascular neurosurgeons, as well as a
                                        ral fluid collection on total spine MRI.          radiology team at the forefront of medical
                                                                                          imaging,” Dr. Savastano says.
                                        The endovascular procedures — performed
                                        in August 2020 — involved catheterization         “Historically, endovascular approaches
                                        of the azygous vein, followed by selective        have been used to fix only vascular prob-
                                        catheterization and embolization of the           lems,” he adds. “This treatment represents
                                        paraspinal vein (Figure 2, see page 1).           a paradigm shift. We are now using
                                                                                          endovascular procedures to fix problems
                                        All patients had improved clinical and radio-     outside the vessels themselves.”
                                        logic findings (Figure 3, see page 1) after
    Luis E. Savastano, M.D., Ph.D.      the procedure. Four patients had complete         FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                        resolution of headaches, and one had a 50%        Brinjikji W, et al. A novel endovascular
                                        reduction in headache symptoms. Brain             therapy for CSF hypotension secondary to
                                        sag resolved in four patients and improved        CSF-venous fistulas. American Journal of
                                        but did not resolve in one patient. Similarly,    Neuroradiology. 2021;42:882.
                                        pachymeningeal enhancement resolved

Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
Figure. On the left, preoperative MRI shows a large cerebellar metastatic tumor. The center photograph shows the burr hole, measuring less than 14 millimeters, through which the large cerebellar tumor
was resected. On the right, postoperative MRI shows complete resection of the large tumor. The patient went home on the day following the procedure.

Burr Hole Approach Offers Minimally
Invasive Option for Resecting Brain Lesions
Mayo Clinic has successfully performed                              greater magnification and oblique visualiza-
a series of intra-axial tumor resections                            tion angles.
using a burr hole approach with exoscopic
visualization. The procedures, described in                         “Our goal in this surgical series, as with
a study published in the March 2021 issue                           all our patients, was to achieve maximal,
of Journal of Neurological Surgery, provide                         safe resection,” Dr. Chaichana says. “The
proof of concept for this minimally invasive                        exoscope, as opposed to the endoscope,
approach (Figure).                                                  hovers over the surgical field, not within
                                                                    the cavity. It provides a wider focus of view,
“This approach represents the extreme                               greater magnification and oblique visual-
boundary of keyhole surgery. We have                                ization angles that would be nonergonomic
been able to resect select tumors through                           compared with the surgical microscope.”                              Kaisorn L. Chaichana, M.D.
a 14-millimeter burr hole, similar to what is
used for a needle biopsy,” says Kaisorn L.                          The burr hole approach is suitable for
Chaichana, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo                             resecting superficial lesions. All tumors
Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. “Patients                          in the patients treated in the Mayo Clinic
generally go home the following day and                             series were in close proximity to the cortical
recover much faster.”                                               surface, with the most superficial part of the
                                                                    lesions located above the sulcal boundary in
Fourteen (93%) of the 15 patients in the                            the coronal plane.
Mayo Clinic study had gross total resection.
The tumor remaining in one patient was                              Patients with lesions presumed to be close
minimal and subsequently resected. None                             to eloquent areas had functional MRI and
of the 15 patients experienced complica-                            diffusion tensor imaging before surgery.
tions after the burr hole procedure, and a                          If access to the lesion required cortical or
majority went home the next day.                                    subcortical violation of eloquent areas, the
                                                                    burr hole approach wasn’t used.
“The incision is very small — about
three-fourths of an inch — and blood loss                           Among the patients studied, eight had
is much lower than with conventional                                metastatic brain tumors, four had low-grade
surgery,” Dr. Chaichana says.                                       glioma and three had high-grade glioma.
                                                                    Lesion diameter was typically limited to
Exoscopic visualization is the key to this                          4 centimeters. Dr. Chaichana notes that
approach. Compared with the endoscope,                              the burr hole procedure is also suitable for
the exoscope provides a wider focus of view,                        evacuating hematomas.

Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
“A minimally invasive approach means             FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                      patients heal faster, so they can start radia-   Marenco-Hillembrand L, et al. Bur hole-
                                      tion and chemotherapy sooner, if needed,”        based resections of intrinsic brain tumors
                                      Dr. Chaichana says. “We believe the burr         with exoscopic visualization. Journal of Neu-
                                      hole approach can be used for selective          rological Surgery. Part A, Central European
                                      lesions without compromising the extent of       Neurosurgery. 2021;82:105.
                                      resection or neurological outcomes.”

                                      NF2 Clinic: Proactive, Coordinated,
                                      Multidisciplinary Care
                                      Mayo Clinic has launched the multidisci-         of multiple tumors. Although nearly all
                                      plinary Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Clinic          patients have bilateral vestibular schwan-
                                      to provide comprehensive management              nomas, the number and type of additional
                                      of this uncommon genetic condition. The          tumors differ.
                                      initiative brings together providers in 12
                                      specialties for the diagnosis and treatment      “The phenotype is extremely variable,” Dr.
                                      of teenagers and adults with neurofibroma-       Carlson says. “A patient might be 70 years
                                      tosis 2 (NF2).                                   old and have no features of the disease
                                                                                       except two small vestibular schwanno-
                                      “Our mission is to offer highly coordinated      mas. But some people have a diagnosis
                                      care that addresses the multifaceted             in their teenage years or even earlier
    Matthew L. Carlson, M.D.          aspects of the disease,” says Matthew L.         and experience very severe disease. An
                                      Carlson, M.D., an otolaryngologist at Mayo       individual may have more than 50 tumors
                                      Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and director     spread throughout the brain, skull base,
                                      of the NF2 Clinic. “We are committed to          spine and peripheral nerves.”
                                      being not just reactive but proactive, to
                                      anticipate the future needs of patients and      Besides affecting the vestibulocochlear
                                      their families.”                                 nerves, schwannomas can develop in
                                                                                       other cranial nerves as well as in the spine
                                      Patients referred to the NF2 Clinic typically    and peripheral nerves. Cranial and spinal
                                      complete imaging tests and multispecialty        meningiomas are common; spinal ependy-
                                      examinations and start treatment within a        momas also can develop. The tumors can
                                      few days. Genetic testing is included.           lead to debilitating symptoms including
                                                                                       hearing loss, imbalance, facial nerve paral-
                                      “We use many new methods of genetic              ysis, swallowing and speech difficulty, limb
                                      testing on blood samples — and also often        weakness, and ocular problems.
                                      on available tumor tissue — to establish
                                      genetic variation,” says Dusica Babovic-Vuk-     “NF2 affects people in many different ways,
                                      sanovic, M.D., a medical geneticist at the       depending on where the tumors grow,” Dr.
    Dusica Babovic-Vuksanovic, M.D.   Rochester campus of Mayo Clinic.                 Carlson says. “Many patients develop hear-
                                                                                       ing loss to the point of being completely
                                      As a major tertiary center, Mayo Clinic uses     deaf, vision loss to the point of blindness
                                      cutting-edge imaging to monitor tumors           and motor difficulties to the point of losing
                                      associated with NF2. A range of systemic         the ability to walk.”
                                      and targeted treatment options are avail-
                                      able. Select patients might also be eligible     To address these needs, the NF2 Clinic
                                      for clinical trials. “Our goal is to be a com-   brings together specialists in:
                                      prehensive clinic that provides efficient,       • N eurology
                                      streamlined care,” Dr. Carlson says.             • N eurosurgery
                                                                                       • N euroradiology
                                      The Neurofibromatosis Clinic at Mayo             • N eurotology
                                      Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, provides mul-        • Audiology
                                      tidisciplinary care for children and adults      • R adiation oncology
                                      with neurofibromatosis type 1 and NF2.           • M edical oncology
                                                                                       • P ediatrics
                                      MANAGING VARIABLE AND COMPLEX                    • O phthalmology, including neuro-ophthal-
                                      PHENOTYPES                                          mology and oculoplastic surgery
    John (Jack) I. Lane, M.D.         NF2 is characterized by the development          • M edical genetics

Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
Figure. Overlays of MRI demonstrate the growth of bilateral vestibular schwannomas over an 18-month period in a patient with neurofi-
bromatosis type 2. The current tumor volume is shown in green, and the earlier tumor volume in red.

• Physical medicine and rehabilitation,                          On Wednesday morning, the specialists
   including physical therapy and occupa-                         gather to discuss patients’ care. “There
   tional therapy                                                 are two or three providers for each of the
• Psychiatry                                                     12 stakeholder specialties — so about 25
Specialists in peripheral nerve disorders,                        to 30 providers during every conference,”
speech pathology, and plastic and recon-                          Dr. Carlson says. “We start by describing a
structive surgery also are part of the treat-                     patient’s overall picture. Then we talk very
ment team as needed.                                              specifically about the patient’s tumor types
                                                                  and growth.”
Before arriving at Mayo’s NF2 Clinic, patients                    Volumetric measurements of tumors —
complete an online survey about their symp-                       obtained by segmenting and analyzing
toms — both physical and emotional — and                          patients’ MRIs in a 3D laboratory — are                           Michael J. Link, M.D.
their quality of life. Clinic visits typically start              assessed. “What might not be readily evi-
on a Monday morning, with comprehensive                           dent by visual examination of the MRI can
imaging of the cranial nerves and intracranial                    be detected with volumetric analysis,” says
space, skull base, spine, and other parts of                      John (Jack) I. Lane, M.D., a neuroradiologist
the body as needed.                                               at the Rochester campus of Mayo Clinic.

Later Monday or on Tuesday, patients have                         Unlike most tumors, which are generally
comprehensive neurological and audiological                       spherical or elliptical, NF2 tumors have
evaluations. “The audiology visit might involve                   highly irregular shapes. “As a result, a 2- or
just a hearing test, or evaluation or program-                    3-millimeter change on a linear scan can
ming for a cochlear implant or an auditory                        result in a 50% to 80% change in total
brainstem implant,” Dr. Carlson says.                             tumor size, which would be an indication
                                                                  that treatment is needed,” says Michael J.
Patients might also see a medical geneticist.                     Link, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic’s
About half of people with NF2 have a family                       campus in Rochester, Minnesota.
history of the disease, and half present with
a new mutation. As an autosomal dominant                          The specialists also evaluate overlays of a
genetic disorder, NF2 has about a 50%                             patient’s current scans and scans taken two
chance of being passed on to children.                            years earlier (Figure). “We can drop the previ-
                                                                  ous image right on top of the current image,
“Our genetic counseling can also include                          and then use a slide bar to pan between
referral to Obstetrics and Gynecology for                         them,” Dr. Lane says. “Often that analysis
specialized in vitro fertilization,” Dr. Babo-                    can be even more sensitive than volumetric
vic-Vuksanovic says. “If a patient already has                    changes in assessing tumor growth.”
a child at risk of NF2, we provide screening
and surveillance starting at age 12 because                       Based on these detailed evaluations, the
tumors associated with NF2 can occur at an                        group agrees on treatment recommenda-
early age.”                                                       tions. Patients whose tumors aren’t causing

Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
problems might have no active treatment.         participates with centers across the United
                          If only one tumor is growing, patients might     States and around the world in clinical
                          have localized surgical or radiosurgery treat-   trials of NF2 medications.
                          ment. Individuals with multiple, progressing
                          tumors typically have chemotherapy, guided       “We are looking for ways to apply systemic
                          by a neuro-oncologist, medical oncologist or     therapy to prevent the development of
                          pediatric oncologist.                            tumors,” Dr. Babovic-Vuksanovic says. “It
                                                                           is very important to find alternatives to
                          “Sometimes, treatments are done concur-          surgical therapy after tumors develop.”
                          rently,” Dr. Carlson says. “Patients who have
                          multiple tumors, including a large and active    The emotional health of patients and
                          tumor, might need surgery or radiation           their families is addressed throughout the
                          therapy on top of systemic therapy.”             process of care. “The secondary sequelae of
                                                                           NF2 are often overlooked,” Dr. Carlson says.
                          If surgery is recommended, Mayo Clinic           “Depression and anxiety are common.
                          neurosurgeons and neurotologists have
                          experience with minimally invasive tech-         We think it’s important to approach the
                          niques. The options for radiation therapy        patient holistically and to support the family
                          include stereotactic radiosurgery — Mayo         by bringing in a social worker or suggesting
                          Clinic has performed Gamma Knife radio-          family counseling when needed.”
                          surgery for 30 years — as well as intensi-
                          ty-modulated therapy and proton therapy.         Follow-up visits to the NF2 Clinic are sched-
                                                                           uled annually or more frequently as needed.
                          “The multidisciplinary approach is key           Mayo Clinic is committed to providing
                          because the best next steps for patients         lifelong care.
                          can vary so much. Everyone on our team
                          has a particular area of expertise,” Dr. Link    “The magnified care needed by people
                          says. Reconstructive surgery also might be       with NF2 requires the involvement of
                          needed to restore facial nerve function and      multiple stakeholders,” Dr. Carlson says.
                          eye closure.                                     “The cross-talk between specialties is
                                                                           seamless. In our model of care, every
                          Treatment can start as early as the following    provider from each contributing specialty
                          day, even if that need wasn’t anticipated        shares a singular goal of achieving the
                          before the patient’s arrival. “Certain NF2       best outcome for each patient.”
                          care providers have appointment slots set
                          aside. Patients who need radiosurgery, for       FOR MORE INFORMATION
                          example, can have it the next day in many        Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Clinic. Mayo Clinic.
                          cases,” Dr. Carlson says.              
                          Patients seen at the NF2 Clinic might            sis-type-2-clinic/overview/ovc-20481871.
                          qualify for clinical trials. Mayo Clinic

                          Robot-Assisted Spinal Surgery Shows
                          Promising Initial Results
                          Mayo Clinic has performed more than 200          postoperative revisions, according to a
                          robot-assisted spinal surgeries (Figure, see     study published in the May 2021 issue
                          page 7), with positive early outcomes and        of Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Two of the
                          declining procedural times.                      402 screws required revision intraoper-
                                                                           atively, and no complications related to
                          “Robotics has given us options to treat          screw placement were encountered in
                          patients more safely and effectively,”           any of the patients studied.
                          says Mohamad Bydon, M.D., a neuro-
                          surgeon at Mayo Clinic in Rochester,             “The robotic platform significantly
                          Minnesota.                                       enhances the accuracy of screw place-
                                                                           ment. It removes any human error that
                          Among 402 screws placed in 77 pa-                might be associated with fluoroscopi-
    Mohamad Bydon, M.D.
                          tients who had robot-assisted spinal             cally guided screw placement or even
                          surgery at Mayo Clinic, none required            with stereotactic navigation,” says Selby
Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
Figure. Selby G. Chen, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, performs robot-assisted spinal surgery.

G. Chen, M.D., a neurosurgeon at Mayo                                “As a result of the minimally invasive ap-
Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida.                                     proach, patients have less pain and a lower
                                                                     need for pain medication,” Dr. Bydon says.
With the accrual of surgical experience,                             The procedure can be performed with the
operative time declined significantly during                         patient awake or under anesthesia. Among
the study period of Sept. 4, 2018, to Oct.                           patients in the Mayo Clinic study, the me-
16, 2019. During that period the number of                           dian length of hospitalization following the
procedures performed per week increased.                             minimally invasive surgery was two days.

“Although there is a learning curve with                             As an early adopter of robot-assisted tech-
this technology, it is surmountable,” says                           nology, Mayo Clinic is able to look ahead to
Matthew T. Neal, M.D., a neurosurgeon                                future applications. “We hope that as the
                                                                                                                               Selby G. Chen, M.D.
at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix/Scottsdale,                                technology advances, we will be able to
Arizona. “It is advantageous to develop                              apply it to the cervical spine as well as spi-
comfort and familiarity with the tech-                               nal decompression, disk preparation, the
nology at an early stage because we                                  insertion of interbody cages and deformity
anticipate the robot will have increasing                            correction,” Dr. Chen says.
capabilities moving forward.”
                                                                     Robot-assisted spinal surgery exemplifies
The majority of robot-assisted spinal                                Mayo Clinic’s patient-centered approach.
surgeries performed at Mayo Clinic                                   “The accuracy and efficiency of the robot is
are lumbar fusions and thoracolumbar                                 part of our strategy to help reduce patients’
fusions. Patients have preoperative and                              pain and enhance their recovery after
sometimes intraoperative CT imaging,                                 spinal surgery, which are of the utmost
which navigational software uses to help                             importance to us,” Dr. Neal says.
create a surgical plan. During surgery
the software guides a robotic arm into                               FOR MORE INFORMATION
position to ensure that the preoperative                             Bydon M, et al. Initiation of a robotic
plan is accurately translated to trajectory                          program in spinal surgery: Experience at
guidance in the surgical field.                                      a three-site medical center. Mayo Clinic
                                                                                                                               Matthew T. Neal, M.D.
                                                                     Proceedings. 2021;96:1193.

Neurosciences Update - MC5520-0921
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5th Annual Mayo Clinic Advances and
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Patient Care: Brain and Spine 2022              and-neurologic-surgery                      Robert J. Spinner, M.D.
July 27-30, 2022                                                                            Dean M. Wingerchuk, M.D.

Enchantment Resort Sedona, Sedona,                                                          Editorial Board:
                                                                                            Bernard R. Bendok, M.D.
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                                                                                            James F. Meschia, M.D.
                                                                                            Fredric B. Meyer, M.D.
                                                                                            Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, M.D.
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  EXPEDITED PATIENT REFERRALS TO MAYO CLINIC                                                Barbara J. Toman
                                                                                            Cover image:
                                                                                            Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes from
  While Mayo Clinic welcomes             • C
                                            erebral aneurysms                              neural stem cells. Credit: Yirui Sun
  appointment requests for all           • C
                                            erebral or spinal arteriovenous
                                                                                            Neurosciences Update (MC5520-0921) is pub-
  neurologic and neurosurgical             malformations                                    lished by ©2021 Mayo Foundation for Medical Ed-
  conditions, patients with the          • B
                                            rain, spinal cord or peripheral nerve tumors   ucation and Research. All rights reserved. MAYO,
  following conditions are offered       • E
                                            pilepsy with indications for surgery           MAYO CLINIC and the triple-shield Mayo logo are
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