My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law

Page created by Josephine Peterson
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
Engaging the Legal Community
Singapore Academy of Law
Annual Report
              2011 12    /
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law

OUR MISSION & VALUES                       ABOUT US
Building up the intellectual capital,
capability and infrastructure of members
of the Singapore Academy of Law and
promoting ESPRIT DE CORPS among the
members of the Singapore Academy of Law.

                                                      Our members The Singapore Academy of Law
                                                      (the “Academy”) has close to 10,000 members
                                                      comprising all persons who are called as
                                                      advocates and solicitors of the Supreme Court
                                                      or who are appointed as Legal Service Officers.
                                                      The membership of the Academy comprises the
                                                      Bench, the Bar, and large numbers of corporate
Contents                                              counsel and faculty members of the local law schools.

About Us                            01
                                                      Our work The work of the Academy is focused
Interview with the President, SAL   02
                                                      on three key areas: supporting the growth and
Our Leaders                         08
The Executive Committee             10
                                                      development of the Legal Industry; building up
Your Say                            14                the intellectual capital of the legal profession
Facts, Figures & Highlights         16                by enhancing Legal Knowledge; and improving
Legal Knowledge                     18                the efficiency of legal practice through Legal
Legal Industry                      26                Technology. The work of the Academy is driven by
Corporate Services                  34                these three core mandates. This in turn is directed
Key Executives                      36
                                                      towards raising the standard and quality of legal
Financial Review                    38
                                                      practice and building a strong and dynamic legal
                                                      community in Singapore.
MICA (P) 180/09/2012
ISBN: 1793 - 5679
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                                                                                        ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                          REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                           2011/12

INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT,                                                                    on land rights which was the foundation            has been written on the subject. That is why
                                                                                                 of economic growth in the past.                    academics who specialise in a particular
SINGAPORE ACADEMY OF LAW                                                                                                                            subject know more about that area of the
                                                                                                 A non-legal book worth reading is David            law than judges. The same reasoning applies
                                                                                                 Denby’s personal reflections on two                to counsel in a particular case, especially
                                                                                                 humanities courses (literature humanities          counsel who specialise in that area of the
                                                                                                 and contemporary civilisation), based              law. His practical experience makes his
                                                                                                 on the Western Canon, he re-studied                knowledge even more useful to his clients.
                                                                                                 in Columbia University entitled Great
                                         The HChief Justice                                      Books: My Adventures with Homer,                   As for understanding the law, you need
                                         the Sek Keong                                           Rousseau, Woolf, and Other Indestructible          more than knowledge and experience.
                                                                                                 Writers of the Western World.                      You need to know something about the vast
                                                                                                                                                    body of knowledge of human endeavour,
                                                                                                 Q: What book would you recommend a                 especially politics, economics, history,
                                                                                                 young lawyer to have on his bookshelf?             social science, and maybe literature. I leave
Mediation                                        and I thought that we could usefully make use                                                      out hard science and medicine which the
Q: You were visionary in mooting mediation       of mediation, and its many advantages, as       A: It is better for young lawyers to receive       lawyer has to learn and understand if related
in 1996 when it was a fairly unknown             a good way to resolve all kinds of disputes.    instruction rather than to read books on           issues arise in the cases he is handling.
concept outside the Subordinate Courts           When I found out that the Subordinate           instruction. Nothing sticks more in the mind
in Singapore. What was the impetus               Courts were already experimenting with          than scintillating oral instruction on how to      Continuing legal education
from either your personal experiences or         mediation in family law cases, I decided to     practise law. Young lawyers should read law        Q: How can SAL provide continuing legal
work in public service or private practice       float the idea of mediation for commercial      books for entertainment. Learning the Law          education that is engaging and relevant
that led you to introduce mediation?             disputes, and made the suggestion in my         by Glanville Williams is a favourite of many       especially to the more experienced lawyers?
                                                 Opening of the Legal Year speech                lawyers. How many young lawyers know what
A: There was no vision. In 1992, I was a         (as AG then) that SAL should set up a           “a wooden falsehood” is? A more recent book        A: SAL has helped to establish the
member of a judicial delegation to China         centre to do it. The idea was evolutionary.     by Alan Dershowitz called Letters to a Young       Singapore Institute of Legal Education.
where our Chinese hosts enacted a                                                                Lawyer is also worth the attention of young        SAL has also enhanced its own legal
mediation scenario which involved a female       Publishing and books                            court lawyers. Locally, I can think of no better   education plans to provide a richer
complainant who was a worker in a Chinese        Q: What is your favourite book?                 book than A Civil Practice: Good Counsel for       programme of seminars and conferences
medicine firm. Her complaint was that her        Why? Can you give examples of                   Learned Friends, a vade mecum that is so full      for all lawyers. If you want to learn, you
boss had failed to respect her as a person and   a legal and non-legal title?                    of wit and humour that it can only animate a       will learn. Providing courses, seminars,
discriminated against her. The mediation                                                         young lawyer to pursue his court craft with joy.   workshops will make it easier for those
ended with the boss apologising to the           A: I read too many books on too many                                                               who want to improve themselves to do so.
complainant. We were told that this was          subjects to have a favourite book. Re a book    Q: Many know you as a practitioner and             But, there is a limit to mandatory learning.
how the majority of employment and               with a legal title, my favourite book on land   Chief Justice with a deep knowledge of             I believe in the adage “You can lead a horse
other disputes were resolved in China            law is Introduction to the Law of Property      the law. What is your advice to someone            to water, but …”. Basically, except for those
as the China then did not have enough            by Frederick Henry Lawson. He explains          who wishes to acquire this same degree of          who have an interest in the law for its own
courts and a proper legal system.                the concepts of land law in clear and           knowledge and understanding of the law?            sake, most lawyers can and do succeed in
                                                 simple language. His exposition made                                                               their profession on a “need to know” basis.
Later, I read an article on the success of       me appreciate the genius of English land        A: To acquire knowledge of a particular area       There is no need to know what the law is,
mediation in family law disputes in the US,      law and its role in wealth creation based       of the law, you need to read everything that       unless it is relevant to the case in hand.
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                                                                                        ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                          REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                           2011/12

LawNet                                           A: To continue to provide a forum for all       which has created a greater sense of            Law Society in its work in tangible ways.
Q: You were involved in LawNet from its          the stakeholders in our legal institutions      community within the legal community.           They do not compete with each other to
early days. Do you think that it has fulfilled   to meet and discuss, and to come up with        It is a popular site and is “watched” by many   duplicate services to the legal community.
its potential and what would be your advice      new ideas to improve our legal system and       at home and abroad. It has reached the          Any initial suspicion or unhappiness on the
for LawNet and the use of technology             ensure that it meets the needs of our people,   critical level of “spontaneous combustion”      part of the Law Society on the role of SAL in
for legal work in the next ten years?            our economy and social stability and law        as events are posted therein without            improving our legal system or law practice
                                                 and order. In the last two decades, SAL has     any prompting from the webmaster.               was wholly unwarranted. There were
A: LawNet has certainly fulfilled its            been able to do many things to improve the                                                      some members of the Bar who did not want
potential in making available, quickly and       standing of the legal profession. A good        Others who contributed are the Vice-            or could not see beyond the source of its
cheaply, all the Singapore and English           example of this is Singapore Law Watch.         Presidents of SAL and the chairmen of all the   origination. I believe that the majority of
case law that a Singapore lawyer needs           SAL will no doubt continue to formulate         SAL Committees, and our Chief Executive,        lawyers appreciate the role of SAL.
to know for his general practice. It has         and implement foundational and advanced         Ms Serene Wee. Every organisation, with         I should also acknowledge the invaluable
also made the provision of legal services        programmes to improve its services to           functions as important as those of SAL,         role of our two law schools in raising the
fast, convenient, and therefore very             its members and the legal community.            must relook every few years the continuing      standard of related law services provided
efficient. Quantitative improvements can                                                         relevance of its policies, practices and        by SAL to the legal profession. Without
still be expected with improvements in           Relevance of SAL in future years                programmes, to ensure that it is not            them, our Singapore Academy of Law
technology. What SAL needs to acquire            Q: Under your leadership, SAL underwent         falling behind in achieving its mission.        Journal (“SAcLJ”) would not have survived.
(or develop) is an accurate and reliable         a major restructuring in 2007 to focus on                                                       It is now a respected law journal.
voice recognition system that can reduce         three major areas of work – legal industry,     SAL and the Law Society
oral statements into print instantly.            legal knowledge and legal technology.           Q: There had been past criticism that           Role of young lawyers in SAL
                                                 Why was this necessary and will SAL             SAL is not necessary given that there is        Q: How would you like to see young
Law reform                                       need further changes/refinements to             already the Law Society? What are your          lawyers play a role in SAL?
Q: What role can SAL play in the area of         ensure that it continues to be relevant?        views on this and what are the dual and
Law reform?                                                                                      complementary roles that these two              A: I would like to see young lawyers play a
                                                 A: Full credit for the major restructuring      organisations can play to meet the needs        more active role in SAL. But, in the nature of
A: SAL has played an important role in           must go to Justice V K Rajah. I was only        of the legal profession in Singapore?           things, young lawyers have less experience
law reform, particularly in what we call         the Chairman of the committee that                                                              and knowledge of human and legal affairs
“lawyers’ law”. Even on laws involving public    approved his report. He has been the            A: The functions of SAL speak for themselves.   than senior lawyers, and therefore are more
policy issues, SAL can provide valuable          source and inspiration of most of the new       They are very extensive. Our current outreach   likely to defer to the views of their more
input to the Government in areas where           policies and programmes implemented             is far and wide, and our SAL Annual Lecture     experienced colleagues. The solution may be
its members have particular experience           by SAL during my tenure as Chairman.            and Distinguished Speakers Lecture series       for the chairpersons of the SAL committees
and expertise, eg, international arbitration,    The Promotion of Singapore Law Project,         are well regarded. The Law Society is doing     to encourage them, urge them to speak up.
commercial, financial and maritime laws.         one of his pet projects, has met with           a good job, given its very many constraints,
But, the utility of the role of SAL in law       considerable success. We read in the            but it would have found it difficult to start   Plans after November
reform depends very much on how much             press and also hear anecdotally that            and sustain a facility like LawNet, Academy     Q: What are your plans after November?
importance the Minister for Law places on it.    Singapore law is increasingly gaining           Publishing or the Singapore Institute of
                                                 acceptance in the region as an alternative      Legal Education, to name a few of SAL’s         A: I have not made any plans as yet.
Future of the legal profession                   to English/New York law. This would             important contributions to the legal sector
Q: You have been involved in SAL work            have been unthinkable a decade ago.             in Singapore. SAL has always considered the
in the past 24 years. What is the best                                                           Law Society as a valuable partner in these
role that SAL can play in the future of          Another success that SAL should be proud        endeavours, and continues to support the
the legal profession in Singapore?               of is its website – Singapore Law Watch –
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                              ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                REPORT
 OF LAW                                 2011/12

Chan Sek Keong
Chief Justice of Singapore AND
President of Singapore Academy of Law
11 April 2006 to 5 November 2012
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                                                                              ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                 2011/12


The Academy is governed by the Senate which is headed by the Honourable the            Standing from left to right (Row 1):   Justice Chan Seng Onn
Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong as President. On 30 July 2012, the Senate elected as      Justice Andrew Ang                     Justice Quentin Loh
Vice-Presidents of the Academy: The Honourable Attorney-General Steven Chong, SC;      Justice Woo Bih Li                     Professor Yeo Tiong Min, SC (honoris causa)
the Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice Chao Hick Tin; the Honourable Judge of Appeal   Justice Choo Han Teck                  Mr Lucien Wong
Justice Andrew Phang Boon Leong; the Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice V K Rajah;     Justice Judith Prakash                 Mr Leo Cheng Suan
the Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice Sundaresh Menon; President of the Law Society
                                                                                       Justice Philip Pillai                  Mr Lok Vi Ming, SC
of Singapore, Mr Wong Meng Meng, SC; and Dean of the Faculty of Law of the National
                                                                                       Justice Tan Lee Meng                   Ms Indranee Rajah, SC
University of Singapore, Professor Simon Chesterman. The Senate also comprises the
                                                                                       Justice Lee Seiu Kin
High Court Judges, the Solicitor-General, academia and the practising profession.
                                                                                       Justice Tay Yong Kwang                 Not in picture
                                                                                       Justice Belinda Ang Saw Ean            Justice Lai Siu Chiu
Seated from left to right:                Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong                                                        Judge of Appeal Justice Sundaresh Menon
Mr Wong Meng Meng, SC                     PRESIDENT                                    Standing from left to right (Row 2):   Judicial Commissioner
VICE-PRESIDENT                            Judge of Appeal Justice Chao Hick Tin        Professor Ng-Loy Wee Loon              Vinodh Coomaraswamy
Judge of Appeal Justice                   VICE-PRESIDENT                               Mr Lee Eng Beng, SC
Andrew Phang Boon Leong                   Judge of Appeal Justice V K Rajah            Mr Philip Jeyaretnam, SC
VICE-PRESIDENT                            VICE-PRESIDENT                               Mr Alvin Yeo Khirn Hai, SC
Attorney-General Steven Chong, SC         Professor Simon Chesterman                   Mr Giam Chin Toon, SC
VICE-PRESIDENT                            VICE-PRESIDENT                               Solicitor-General Mrs Koh Juat Jong
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                                                                                      ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                        REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                         2011/12

THE Executive CommiTtee                                                                         3. Judge of Appeal Justice
                                                                                                   Chao Hick Tin
                                                                                                                                                  1 August 2012. He served as the
                                                                                                                                                  Attorney-General from 1 October 2010
                                                                                                  Vice-President                                  to 24 June 2012. He joined the Singapore
                                                                                                  Justice Chao Hick Tin is the Vice-President     Legal Service as Judicial Commissioner
                                                                                                  of the Court of Appeal. Justice Chao            in 2006. After his stint at the Bench,
                                                                                                  returned to the Supreme Court Bench in          he returned to Rajah & Tann becoming
                                                                                                  April 2008, having served as the Attorney-      the Managing Partner of that firm in
                                                                                                  General from 2006 to 2008. He was a             August 2009, a position he held until his
                                                                                                  Judge of Appeal from 1999 to 2006.              appointment as the Attorney-General.
                    01                        02

                                                                                                4. Judge of Appeal Justice                      7. Mr Wong Meng Meng, SC
                                                                                                   Andrew Phang Boon Leong                        Vice-President
                                                                                                  Vice-President                                  Mr Wong Meng Meng, SC is the President
                                                                                                  Chairman, Council of Law Reporting              of The Law Society of Singapore and
                                                                                                  Justice Andrew Phang, was appointed a           a Member of the Advisory Board of
                                                                                                  Judge of the Supreme Court in December          the Faculty of Law, National University
                                                                                                  2005, and appointed Judge of Appeal             of Singapore. He was also among the
                                                                                                  in February 2006. He was professor              pioneer batch of 12 Senior Counsel
                                                                                                  of law and chaired the department of            appointed in 1997.
                                                                                                  law in the business school of Singapore
                                                                                                  Management University before he was           8. Professor
                                                                                                  appointed Judicial Commissioner in               Simon Chesterman
                                                                                                  January 2005.                                   Vice-President
                    07                        08                        09
                                                                                                                                                  Professor Simon Chesterman is Dean of the
                                                                                                5. Judge of Appeal Justice                        National University of Singapore Faculty
                                                                                                   V K Rajah                                      of Law. He joined NUS Law in 2007, at the
                                                                                                  Vice-President                                  same time that he established the New
1. Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong                    2. Attorney-General                            Justice V K Rajah was appointed a Judge         York University School of Law Singapore
   President of the Singapore                         Steven Chong, SC                            of Appeal of the Supreme Court on 11 April      Programme and became its first Director
   Academy of Law                                    Vice-President                               2007. Prior to his elevation to the Bench       and Global Professor.
   The President became Chief Justice                Attorney-General Steven Chong, SC was        in 2004, he was the Managing Partner
   on 11 April 2006, having served as (a)            appointed as the Attorney-General on         of Rajah & Tann. He was also among the        9. Justice Lai Siu Chiu
   Judicial Commissioner from July 1986              25 June 2012. He joined the Supreme          first batch of lawyers in Singapore to be       Chairperson, Membership and Social
   to June 1988; (b) Judge of the Supreme            Court Bench as a Judicial Commissioner       appointed Senior Counsel in 1997.               Committee
   Court from July 1988 to April 1992; and           in 2009 and was made a Judge the                                                             Justice Lai Siu Chiu was appointed a
   (c) Attorney-General from May 1992 to             following year. Prior to his appointment   6. JUDGE OF APPEAL JUSTICE                        Judge of the Supreme Court on
   April 2006. He also holds concurrent              to the Bench, he was the Managing             SUNDARESH MENON                                2 May 1994 and has served as a Judicial
   appointments as the President of                  Partner of Rajah & Tann LLP.                  (CJ DESIGNATE)                                 Commissioner for three years from 1991
   the Legal Service Commission and                                                               Vice-President                                  to 1994. She was the first woman to be
   Chairman of the Presidential Council for                                                       Justice Sundaresh Menon assumed his             appointed to the Supreme Court Bench.
   Minority Rights.                                                                               new position as Judge of Appeal on
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                                                                                                  ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                                    REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                                     2011/12

                                                                                                              14. Justice Lee Seiu Kin                      17. Justice Quentin Loh
                                                                                                              Chairman, Electronic Litigation Systems         Chairman, Professional Affairs
                                                                                                              Committee                                       Committee and Promotion of Singapore
                                                                                                              Justice Lee Seiu Kin was appointed a            Law Committee
                                                                                                              Judge of the Supreme Court in April             Justice Quentin Loh was the Deputy
                                                                                                              2006. Between October 2002 and April            Managing Partner of Rajah & Tann LLP,
                      10                       11                        12                          13       2006, he was Second Solicitor-General           one of Singapore’s leading law firms.
                                                                                                              of the Attorney-General’s Chambers.             He was appointed Senior Counsel in 1999
                                                                                                              He also served as a Judicial Commissioner       and appointed as Judicial Commissioner
                                                                                                              between 1997 and 2002.                          on 1 September 2009. He was appointed
                                                                                                                                                              as Judge on 1 June 2010. He is a member
                                                                                                           15. Justice Chan Seng Onn                          of the Advisory Board to the School of
                                                                                                              Chairman, LawNet Management                     Law, SMU and Chairman of the Audit
                     14                         15                       16                           17      Committee                                       Committee of SAL.
                                                                                                              Justice Chan Seng Onn was appointed
                                                                                                              a Judge on 2 July 2007. He began his          18. Solicitor-General
                                                                                                              career in the Singapore Legal Service in          Mrs Koh Juat Jong
                                                                                                              1987 as a State Counsel in the Attorney-         Chairperson, Legal Education and
                                                                                                              General’s Chambers and served as Senior          Studies Committee
                                                                                                              State Counsel in 1994. He was appointed          Mrs Koh Juat Jong was appointed Solicitor-
                      18                                                                                      Judicial Commissioner on 15 October              General on 11 April 2008. From 11 April 2010
                                                                                                              1997, and Solicitor-General on 1 June 2001.      to 30 September 2010, she was also the
                                                                                                              He also serves as President, Industrial          Acting Attorney-General. She also served
10. Justice Judith Prakash                             University of Singapore in 1987 and Deputy             Arbitration Court since October 2007.            as Registrar of the Supreme Court from
   Chairperson, Publications Committee                 Vice-Chancellor at the University in 1992.                                                              2003 to 2008. Before that, she was the
   Justice Judith Prakash was appointed a                                                                  16. Justice Philip Pillai                           Principal District Judge, Family and Juvenile
   Judge in April 1995, having served as a           12. Justice Belinda Ang                                  Chairman, Law Reform Committee                   Justice Division in Subordinate Courts.
   Judicial Commissioner from April 1992.              Chairperson, Singapore Mediation                       Justice Philip Pillai was appointed as
   She was called to the Bar in 1975 and was           Centre Board of Directors                              Judicial Commissioner on 1 October            19. Mr Giam Chin Toon, SC
   in private practice, primarily in the areas of      Justice Belinda Ang was first appointed                2009, and appointed as Judge on 1 June           Chairman, Board of Commissioners for
   shipping and commercial law, for 18 years.          Judicial Commissioner in February 2002,                2010. Prior to his elevation to the Bench,       Oaths and Notaries Public
   She is a member of the Advisory Board to            and Judge in January 2003. Prior to her                he was the Managing Partner/Senior               Mr Giam Chin Toon, SC is currently a
   the School of Law, SMU.                             appointment, she was in private practice.              Partner of Shook Lin & Bok LLP from 1992         Director in the Board of the Singapore
                                                       She was appointed a Senior Counsel in 1998.            to September 2009. He was also Joint             Mediation Centre, and a legal assessor
11. Justice Tan Lee Meng                                                                                      Managing Partner of Allen & Overy Shook          with the Singapore Medical Council.
   Chairman, Annual Lecture Organising               13. Justice Andrew Ang                                   Lin & Bok JLV from 2000 to 2009.                 He was among the first group of lawyers
   Committee                                           Chairman, Legal Heritage Committee                                                                      to be appointed as Senior Counsel in 1997.
   Justice Tan Lee Meng was appointed a                Justice Andrew Ang was appointed as                                                                     He was a former President of the Law
   Judge of the Supreme Court in August                Judicial Commissioner on 15 May 2004,                                                                   Society of Singapore. He also serves as
   1997. Before his elevation to the Bench,            and appointed as Judge in the following                                                                 Singapore’s non-resident Ambassador
   he was Dean of the Faculty of Law, National         year. He was a Senior Partner at Lee & Lee                                                              to the Republic of Peru and High
                                                       prior to his appointment to the Bench.                                                                  Commissioner to Ghana.
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                                                                                                  ANNUAL
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 OF LAW                                                                                                     2011/12

Your Say

                Overall , how satisfied are you with                                                              Please select 3 areas Academy Publishing
                   SAL’s products and services?                                                                           should release titles on
The Academy carried out a survey in                  with SAL’s products and services. Another
March 2012 to gather feedback from                   36.4% were neutral. Only a small margin                Specialist Law Reports
members on four areas of its work: LawNet,           of 6.6% of respondents indicated a level of
                                                     dissatisfaction.                                        Practitioner-Oriented
Academy Publishing, Legal Education and
Membership Services.

                                                                                                                   Monographs on
More than 500 SAL members representing                                                                            Specialised Areas
law practitioners from large, medium, small
                                                                                                                      Court Precedents
firms, in house counsel and those in the legal
service participated in an online survey as
                                                             48.3%               36.4%                     Commercial Precedents
well as one-on -one telephone interviews.
                                                                                                           Black-Letter Law Books
57% of the respondents were either somewhat

                                                                                                            Annotated Legislation
satisfied (48.3%) or very satisfied (8.7%)

                                                                                                                                          0%   10%   20%     30%     40%      50%   60%     70%
                                      YOUR WISH LIST
 1. Content to be published in print by Academy Publishing and online via Lawnet: Commercial Precedents.
 2. Areas of improvement for LawNet: Breadth, depth and timeliness in content.
 3.	Yes to eBooks. Prefer to have this available on PC rather than tablet devices.
 4. SAL conferences or seminars: more emphasis on black-letter law subjects                                           Which conference subject matter would
 5. Membership activities: Have more entertainment-related events like movies and musicals.                                    you be interested in?

                    What type of membership events
                       are you likely to attend?                                                                                                           Black-Letter Law
                    Lifestyle                                                                                                                              Skills for Legal Professionals
                 Networking                                                                                                                                Emerging Areas of Law
    Charity-related Events                                                                                                               26%
                  Workshops                                                                                            51%
          Arts and Cultural                                                                                                              23%
                                 0%        10%      20%      30%      40%        50%     60%      70%
My SAL 2011/12 Engaging the Legal Community - Singapore Academy of Law
SINGAPORE                                                                                             ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                               REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                                2011/12

Facts, FigureS
and Highlights                                                           Events
                                                                         attended by
                                                                                                                                SLW subscribers                                       managed
                                                                         7,444 people
                                                                                                                                                                                      by SMC

                                 Legal materials &                                                                      New senior                                               Authentication
                                 cases uploaded on                         New                                          counsel                                                  certificates
                                 LawNet                                    publications                                 appointments                                             issued

EVENTS                                             • 2 Law Reform Committee Reports.                  HIGHLIGHTS                                       APPOINTMENTS
• 138 events on continuing education,              • 6 new Academy Publishing titles.                 • LawNet held an International Conference on     Commissioners for Oaths:
  including 15 social activities were organised.   • 6 volumes of Singapore Syariah Appeals             E-litigation. An iPad App on LawNet was also   • 567 (1 Oct 2011 – 30 Sept 2012).
                                                     Reports (1980 – 2010).                             launched at the conference.                    • 1,137 (1 Apr 2012 – 31 Mar 2013).
HIGHLIGHTS                                         • 1 Asian Journal on Mediation                     • The eLitigation System is targeted to be
• Mandatory Continuing Professional                • 1 Inter Se.                                        launched in phases starting with the           Notaries Public:
  Development (“CPD”) was introduced for           • 1 issue of Singapore Construction                  Supreme Court, followed by the Subordinate     • 169 (1 Oct 2011 – 30 Sept 2012).
  lawyers with post-qualification experience         Adjudication Review.                               Courts.                                        • 372 (1 Apr 2012 – 31 Mar 2013).
  of five years and less. A total of 313.35                                                           • The selection process for an e-Discovery
  CPD hours were awarded to the regulated          HIGHLIGHTS                                           service provider to offer cloud-based          NEW SENIOR COUNSEL
  lawyers.                                         • A new book focusing on arbitration awards          platform and services to law firms is          APPOINTMENTS
• The Academy, together with the Attorney-           based on Singapore Law was launched at             underway.                                      • First Senior Counsel (honoris causa)
  General’s Chambers, the Association of             Maxwell Chambers.                                • Page views of SLW hit an average of 379,255      appointed.
  Criminal Lawyers of Singapore and The Law        • The Criminal Procedure Code of Singapore           per month.                                     • 2 new Senior Counsel appointed.
  Society of Singapore organised the inaugural       – Annotations and Commentary was jointly
  Criminal Law Conference.                           launched by The Honourable the Chief             ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE                              AUTHENTICATION SERVICES
• Over 280 participants attended The Rule            Justice Chan Sek Keong and The Honourable        RESOLUTION                                       • 42,814 authentication certificates issued
  of Law Conference featuring 18 prominent           Attorney-General Sundaresh Menon, SC at the      • 186 mediations case-managed by Singapore         (inclusive of 4,830 submitted under the
  speakers and panellists.                           Supreme Court Viewing Gallery.                     Mediation Centre (“SMC”) (1 Apr 2011 –           Express Authentication Service).
• The 18th Singapore Academy of Law                • Minister for Muslim Affairs, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim     30 Jun 2012).
  Annual Lecture was delivered by The Right          launched the 6-volume Singapore Syariah          • 145 cases adjudicated under the Building and   STAKEHOLDING AND
  Honourable Tun Zaki Tun Azmi, former               Appeals Reports (1980 – 2010).                     Construction Industry Security of Payment      CONVEYANCING MONEY
                                                   • The Law Reform Committee Report on                 Act (1 Apr 2011 – 30 Jun 2012).
  Chief Justice of the Federal Court
                                                                                                                                                       • As at 30 Jun 2012: $512.4 million held.
  of Malaysia.                                       Limitation Periods in Private International
                                                                                                                                                       • 1 Jul 2011 to 30 Jun 2012: 11,451 cases paid in
                                                     Law resulted in the enactment of the new         HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                         10,573 cases paid out.
PUBLICATIONS                                         Foreign Limitation Periods Act 2012.             • SMC obtained pledges from 26 organisations
• 24 fortnightly parts of Singapore Law                                                                 after the launch of the Singapore Mediation
  Reports (“SLR”).                                 LEGAL DATABASES                                      Charter.
• 3 issues of Singapore Academy of Law             • 5,722 legal materials and cases were             • Two new mediation schemes were
  Journal (“SAcLJ”).                                 uploaded on LawNet.                                introduced: Premier Mediation Scheme and
• 1 issue of Singapore Academy of Law Annual       • More than 8,500 people have signed up to           the Neutral Evaluation Service.
  Review of Singapore Cases.                         receive daily news updates from Singapore                                                         All figures reported are for the period 1 Jul 2011 to
                                                                                                                                                       30 Jun 2012, unless otherwise stated.
                                                     Law Watch (“SLW”).
SINGAPORE                                                                                          ANNUAL
  ACADEMY                                                                                            REPORT
  OF LAW                                                                                             2011/12                                                                    Legal Knowledge

Legal Knowledge                                                                                    A series of four lectures and panel sessions     Singapore Academy of
                                                                                                   were conducted to equip and update the           Law Annual Lecture 2011
                                                                                                   criminal bar on developments in Criminal         The Annual Lecture Organising Committee
                                                                                                   Procedure and Practices. An average of           is chaired by the Honourable Justice
                                                                                                   150 participants attended each session.          Tan Lee Meng.

                                                                                                   The third run of the Junior College Law          The Right Honourable Tun Zaki Tun Azmi,
                                                                                                   Programme (“JCLP”) was conducted                 former Chief Justice of the Federal Court
                                                                                                   from 28 November to 9 December 2011.             of Malaysia delivered the 18th Singapore
                                                                 Mr Mark Agrast and Pro            About 400 students from 23 pre-university        Academy of Law Annual Lecture on “The
                                                                 Brian Z. Tamanaha at
                                                                                      the          institutions completed the JCLP 2011.            Common Law of Malaysia in the 21st Century”.
                                                                 speakers’ dinner
                                                                                                                                                    The lecture was held on 28 September 2011
                                                                                                   Mr Philip Collins, Chairman, Office of Fair      at the Supreme Court Auditorium, and was
                                                               Rethinking Paradigms: Exploring     Trading, UK, gave the keynote address at         attended by about 500 people.
                                                               the Boundaries of the Rule of Law
                                                               discussion                          the Competition Law Conference, jointly
                                                                                                   organised with Competition Commission of
                                                                                                   Singapore and supported by the Singapore
Continuing Legal                                                                                   Business Federation. This conference was
Education and Studies                                                                              held over two days in July 2012.
The Committee on Legal Education and            Key highlights
Studies is chaired by the Honourable            Mandatory Continuing Professional
Solicitor-General Mrs Koh Juat Jong.            Development (“CPD”) was introduced in               The Ru le of Law
                                                                                                                       Conference featur
                                                                                                    18 prom inent sp                         ed
                                                1 April 2012 for lawyers with post-                                    ea kers and pa ne
                                                                                                    includ in g world                     llists,
In the period under review, the Committee       qualification experience of five years and                            renow ned academ
                                                                                                    Professor Joseph                        ics,
organised 18 continuing legal and public        less. In the months of April and May 2012,                              Wei ler and Profes                                          uding
                                                                                                   Bria n Ta manaha.                         sor                       guests incl
education events attended by a total of         a total of 313.5 CPD hours were awarded                                 The event was                     About 500 dges and judicial
2,876 participants, a 20% increase from the     to the regulated lawyers at legal education        jointl y orga nised                                    Malaysian ed the 18th
                                                                                                                       w ith the law                             rs a tt en d
previous year.                                  events organised by the Academy.                   schools of the Nat                                         n u a l L ec ture 2011
                                                                                                                       iona l Un iversity                  An
                                                                                                   of Si ngapore and
                                                                                                                       the Si ngapore
                                                The inaugural Criminal Law Conference was          Management Un
                 Con ference                                                                                         iversity.
                   er in terms of               held on 13 - 14 October 2011. 35 speakers,
th is year is bigg
                  d diversity of                panellists and chairpersons presented
participants an                   s
                   gapore Busines               on key developments in criminal law as
 topics. With Sin
                     rtner, we
 Federation as pa                               well as facilitated panel discussions at
                  ject a business
 were able to in                  d             the Conference. The Minister for Foreign
                   ould recommen
  component. I w                                Affairs & Minister for Law, Mr K Shanmugam
                     is a
  that we make th                               delivered the keynote address. The event
  bien n ial event.”                            was jointly organised with the Attorney-                                                     le
                              sistant Chief                                                                      The Right Honourab
         Mr Toh Han Li, As                                                                                                    mi   rec eiv in g
                       ga l & Enforcement       General’s Chambers, the Association of                  Tun Zaki Tu    n  Az
         Executive, Le                                                                                                            n fro m the
                               ion Commission                                                           a token of ap pre cia tio
         Division, Competit                     Criminal Lawyers of Singapore and The Law                                              Justice
                                                                                                            Honourable the Chief
         of Singapore                                                                                                   Ch  an   Se k  Keong
                                                Society of Singapore.
SINGAPORE                                                                                              ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                                REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                              Legal Knowledge    2011/12                                                                  Legal Knowledge

Law Reporting                                      The twelfth volume of the Singapore
The Council of Law Reporting is chaired by         Academy of Law Annual Review of Singapore
the Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice             Cases was published in June 2012.
Andrew Phang Boon Leong.                           36 contributors authored the 23 chapters.

Summary of work from 1 July 2011                   Law Books and
– 30 June 2012                                     Monographs
24 fortnightly parts of the Singapore Law          The Commissioning Panel is chaired by
Reports (“SLR”) were produced. A total of          the Honourable Judge of Appeal Justice
207 Supreme Court decisions were reported          Andrew Phang Boon Leong.                                                                                               The Honourable the Chief
comprising 135 High Court decisions and 72                                                                                                                                Justice Chan Sek Keong and
                                                                                                                                                                          the Honourable Attorney-
Court of Appeal decisions. As at 30 June           New titles published during the period                                                                                 General Sundaresh Menon, SC
2012, there were 203 subscribers (with 233         review:                                                                                                                with authors of The Criminal
                                                                                                                                                                          Procedure Code of Singapore
subscriptions) to the SLR.                         a. The Law of Torts in Singapore – Published
                                                      on 31 August 2011.
Three more sets of Singapore Law Reports                                                               e. A Treatise on Singapore Constitutional Law   Law Reform
(Reissue) (“SLR(R)”) were sold making a total      b. SAL Conference 2011: Developments in                – Published on 30 March 2012. The book       The Law Reform Committee (“LRC”)
of 88 sets sold. The breakeven for printing           Singapore Law between 2006 and 2012 –               was launched at the National University of   is chaired by the Honourable Justice
costs of the SLR(R) has been reached.                 Trends and Perspectives – Published on              Singapore, Faculty of Law, on 23 May 2012.   Philip Pillai.
                                                      23 September 2011.
Legal Journals                                                                                         f. The Law of Contract in Singapore –           Two reports were published on the
The Publications Committee is chaired by           c. Singapore Law on Arbitral Awards -                  Published on 22 June 2012.                   following matters:
the Honourable Justice Judith Prakash.                published on 30 November 2011. The book                                                          a. Opinion Evidence; and
                                                      is launched at Maxwell Chambers on               The current list of commissioned titles
New publications during period under review           31 January 2012.                                 (excluding published titles) numbers 28.        b. Reforming Legal and Professional
Two issues of Singapore Academy of Law                                                                 Upcoming titles for 2012 include volumes on        Privilege.
Journal published in September 2011 and            d. The Criminal Procedure Code of Singapore         Intellectual Property Law, Civil Procedure
March 2012. A special issue of the Singapore          – Annotations and Commentary –                   and Industrial Design Law.                      Matters considered by the Committee
Academy of Law Journal on Company Law                 Co-published with the Attorney-General’s                                                         included:
featuring 10 contributors was published in            Chambers on 15 March 2012. The book was          New area of work                                a. Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance
December 2011 with Professor John H Farrar            launched at the Supreme Court Viewing            Academy Publishing ventured into contract          Orders;
as guest editor.                                      Gallery on 28 March 2012.                        publishing with the publication of a backset
                                                                                                       of the Singapore Syariah Appeals Reports        b. Reforming the Inheritance (Family
                                                                                                       (1980 – 2010) for Syariah Courts/Majlis Ugama      Provision) Act;
                                                                                                       Islam Singapura. The 6-volume set (including
                                                                                                       one volume of tables and index) encapsulating   c. Building and Construction law;
                                                                                                       selected appeal decisions of the Syariah
                                                                                                       Appeal Board was published in March 2012        d. Choice of Court Agreements; and
                                                                              ,                        and launched by Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister
                                                                  Leng Sun
                                                     , Mr Chan               ok to
                                           The author               of the bo                          for Muslim Affairs in May 2012.                 e. Financial Products – As to Suitability
                                                      ting a copy -General
                                           SC, presen              ney
                                                       rable Attor                                                                                        Against Fitness For Purpose
                                            The Honou        on , SC
SINGAPORE                                                                                        ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                          REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                     Legal Knowledge       2011/12                                                                    Legal Knowledge

Seminars                                                                                         Legal Heritage                                      f. The Reception of English Law; and
To raise the visibility of law reform projects and to align with the Academy’s broad strategic   The Legal Heritage Committee is chaired by          g. The Development of Criminal Law and
objective of increasing the skills, knowledge and practice standards of the legal fraternity,    the Honourable Justice Andrew Ang.                     Criminal Justice.
the Committee, together with the Committee on Legal Education and Studies, organised two
seminars during the period under review.                                                         Oral history                                        Each of these sections feature write-ups,
                                                                                                 In the period under review, a total of 47 hours     photographs, images of key legal documents
a. “Recent Developments in the Law of Evidence” held on 10 April 2012. The seminar which         of oral history was recorded bringing the           and references as well as links to other
   sought to examine and explain the new amendments to the Evidence Act was attended by          total number of recorded hours to 182 since         relevant websites. For ease of access by
   324 participants.                                                                             the project began in 2005. Another seven            researchers, these sections will reside as
                                                                                                 oral history interviews were completed and          Wikipedia pages but hosted under a separate
b. “Amendments to the International Arbitration Act” held on 28 May 2012. A panel –              seven are in progress. The total number of          domain
   comprising Mr Chan Leng Sun, SC, Ms Valerie Thean, Mr Abraham Vergis and                      completed interviews as at 30 June 2012 is 29.      There is also a link from the SAL website
   Mr Ben Giaretta – who represented a cross-section of the arbitration community,                                                                   to these pages. To date, four sections:
   including those who have been closely involved with the amendments, explained                 Legal Heritage Database                             Constitutional History, the Legal Profession,
   and discussed the latest amendments to the International Arbitration Act.                     The work of building a database on legal            Legal Education and Development of the
                                                                                                 heritage materials has commenced.                   Court System have been completed and
Protocols established                                                                            The project team has identified seven major         uploaded. The target is to complete the other
In the period under review, the LRC established three protocols as standing processes.           sections which will be featured on the              three sections by the end of 2013.
                                                                                                 database. These are:
The first protocol is to elicit proposals from lawyers who, in the course of their work,                                                             A publication featuring oral history interviews
regularly come across minor deficiencies or errors in the statutes and regulations.              a. Constitutional History of Singapore;             with legal personalities collected by the
                                                                                                 b. Development of the Singapore Court               Academy and the National Archives Oral
The second protocol is to conduct an annual review of law reform/law revision initiatives           System;                                          History Centre will be published by end 2013.
in the major relevant common law jurisdictions.                                                  c. Legal Education in Singapore;                    It will be in an e-book format and the sale of
                                                                                                 d. The Legal Profession in Singapore;               the hard copy including a CD-Rom will be
The third protocol would be to act as a clearing house for law reform/revision by the legal      e. A History of the Singapore Legal Service;        available through a print-on-demand service.
profession, judiciary and academia. Apart from these protocols, the LRC would consider and
approve ad hoc law review projects as it may receive from time to time.
                                                                                                            w w w.sin g
SINGAPORE                                                                                                             ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                                               REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                         Legal Knowledge        2011/12                                                                 Legal Knowledge

LawNet                                                         Subscriptions fees for Legal Workbench were            E-Litigation
The LawNet Management Committee                                reviewed in consultation with the Law Society.         The Electronic Litigation Systems Committee is chaired by the
is chaired by the Honourable Justice                           Special care was taken to ensure that the              Honourable Justice Lee Seiu Kin.
Chan Seng Onn.                                                 increase for small law firms was kept at an
                                                               average of 10% while medium-sized law firms            The integrated Electronic System (branded as the eLitigation System) will be launched
Key highlights                                                 at an average of 23%. The increase for large           in phases starting with the Supreme Court in October 2012, followed by the Subordinate
The inaugural Electronic Litigation                            firms was capped at 40%. The subscriptions             Courts Civil Justice Division in 2013.
(“E-Litigation”) Conference, organised by the                  for standard rate users was increased by 35%
Singapore Academy of Law and supported by                      across all scales while ad-hoc usage via credit        The e-Discovery practice directions were reviewed in November 2011 and updated
the Supreme Court of Singapore was held                        card payment was increased by 45%.                     in March 2012.
on 11 – 12 August 2011 at Marina Mandarin                      The same charging mechanism of charging
Singapore. Close to 400 delegates from 33                      a lower rate for every subsequent hour(s)              In the period under review, plans were finalised for a cloud-based e-Discovery platform
jurisdictions; with more than 60 members of                    purchased will be retained. The new fees have          to be offered to the legal profession in Singapore. The Call for Collaboration (“CFC”)
foreign judiciaries attended the conference.                   since been approved by the President,                  was released in June 2012 to select a vendor to partner the Academy in offering
It was decided that a similar conference will                  and was implemented from 1 August 2012.                an e-Discovery cloud-based platform and services to law firms. To encourage law
be held once every three years so that there                                                                          firms to sign up for e-Discovery services, the Secretariat worked with the InfoComm
could be periodic updates on this rapidly                      The LawNet Secretariat finalised                       Development Authority of Singapore (“IDA”) to provide a funding package that would
evolving field. The next conference would                      specifications for LawNet3. This new system            allow firms to claim up to 70% of their e-Discovery subscription, training and
be held in 2014.                                               would rationalise the disparate sources of             consultancy expenses in the first two years of the initiative.
                                                               content in LawNet and streamline processes
The LawNet iPad application was launched                       to support the flow of information between
at the E-Litigation Conference. Feedback                       LawNet, its content providers and users.
from both lawyers and the Judiciary has been                   LawNet3 is targeted to be implemented by
                                                                                                                                                   E Y BE NEFITS
positive. About 35% of LawNet subscribers                      the fourth quarter of 2013.                                                       	K
have downloaded the app.                                                                                                                                      to use   web -based
                                                                                                                                                       Eas  y                               access
                                                                                                                                                                 and   customisable
                                                              Subscriber base                                                                          Secure
                                                              Growth in subscriptions to Legal Workbench was                                            via SingP
                      s an                                    consistent with that of the previous financial year.
                                                                                                                                                                    F iling   can be completed
    “LawNet … play                                                                                                                                      Flex  ible.                  submission
                                                              There was an increase of 3% for firms on preferential
                                                                                                                                                                      saved for
    essential role in                                         rate (including corporate counsel) and 6% for                                              online or time.
                      y work. …
    me deliver in m                                           corporations under the standard rate. As at 30 May                                         at a later                          and
                     to seeing                                2012, the subscriber base stands at 4,408.                                                                        y details
     I look forward                                                                                                                                                     . P art          y  have  to
                      ices in the                                                                                                                         Saves time           will onl same
     it grow its serv                                                                                                                                     case numbers                the
     years ahead.”                                                                                                                                                        once for
                                                ge                                                                                                        be entered
                      , Director – Kn owled
     Mr Lim Wee Teck             ve lop m en t) of                                                                                                        matter                                  are
                        ctice De
     Management (Pra                                                                                                                                                      . Court   documents      .
     Won gPar tn ership                                                                                                                                    Paperlessby electronic forms
                                                                                                                                                           replaced                                  in
                                                                                                                                                                             to  all documents
                                                                                                                                                            Full access                as the case
                                                         he                                                                                                         for     as long
                                              he d a t t                                                                                                    a case
                            p p w a s laun c eren ce                                                                                                                     active
                An iPa
                                    ti on C o
                                              nf                                                                                                            remains                          of case
                      y E -L itiga
                2 - da                                                                                                                                                      management      S MS and
                                                                                                                                                             Proactive            e -mail ,
                                                                                                                                                             files through  alerts
SINGAPORE                                                                                        ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                          REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                                           2011/12                                                                     Legal Industry


Promotion of Singapore Law
The Promotion of Singapore Law Committee (“PSL”) is chaired by the Honourable Justice
Quentin Loh and organised under three desks chaired by Mr Lok Vi Ming, SC (China Desk),
Mr Cavinder Bull, SC (India Desk) and Dr Wong Kien Keong (Indonesia Desk).

Marketing activities
A number of marketing activities were carried out to promote the use of Singapore law as
                                                                                                                                                               Law studen
a neutral governing law in cross-border transactions and Singapore as a neutral venue for                                                                                 ts
                                                                                                                                                               University from Santa Clara
                                                                                                                                                                         interact wit
alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”). These include:                                                                                                                               h local law

a. Two seminars and a networking dinner in Jakarta from 20 – 22 July 2012. About 225
   people attended these activities, organised in partnership with the Indonesian Chamber
   of Commerce and Industry (“KADIN”).                                                           d. A tour to Supreme Court and a seminar on        such as Sunwu Co & Partners and New
                                                                                                    7 December 2011 for 50 Chinese officials        Talent Law Firm. A seminar on offshore
b. A workshop with Nanyang Technological University (“NTU”) Mayor’s Class on 20                     studying in the NTU Mayors’ Class. This         dispute resolution using international
   September 2011. The Committee was invited by NTU to brief 32 Chinese officials from              is the Committee’s second collaboration         arbitration was also held in Shanghai on
   Guangzhou city on the Singapore legal system, laws and dispute resolution.                       with NTU.                                       1 June 2012. This seminar was targeted at
                                                                                                                                                    Chinese in-house counsel and about 80 of
c. A roadshow to Zhejiang and Ningbo from 25 – 29 September 2011 led by three members            e. A series of small group feedback sessions       them attended the session.
   of the PSL China desk. They visited 10 Chinese law firms and legal-related institutions and      with Temasek-linked companies (“TLCs”)
   conducted a seminar each in Hangzhou and Ningbo. About 160 Chinese                               on 16 November 2011, 12 and 26 January        g. A presentation and networking reception
   lawyers and officials attended the two seminars.                                                 2012 and a dialogue session between              for 20 postgraduate law students from
                                                                                                    TLC and law firms on 14 May 2012. These          Santa Clara University on 5 June 2012.
                                                                                                    sessions were useful in reminding the TLCs       The networking reception offered a good
                                                                                                    to use Singapore law as the governing            platform for the postgraduate students
                                                                                                    law and Singapore as an ADR venue for            to interact with other PSL members and
                                                                                                    their cross-border contracts. The dialogue       lawyers from local law firms.
                                                                                                    session provided law firms with a clearer
                                                                                                    picture of the requirements of TLCs wishing   h. The Committee invited 10 legal luminaries
                                                    “With more Ch                                   to engage external legal assistance.             from foreign jurisdictions to Singapore
                                                                    inese and foreig
                                                    compan ies ag re                  n
                                                                      eing to have                                                                   from 10 – 13 June 2012 under its Singapore
                                                    their arbitratio
                                                                    ns ad min istere             f. A joint roadshow and seminar in Suzhou,          Law Visitors Programme. The objectives
                                                    by [the] Singapo                 d
                                                                      re International              Wuxi and Shanghai from 30 May – 1 June           of the programme are to give the guests
                                                    Arbitration Cen
                                                                     tre (“SI AC”),
 NTU May
           or’s                                    Singapore has                                    2012 with Rodyk & Davidson LLP. The              a more in-depth understanding of the
 Arbitration Class panel discussio                                 emerged as one
            and Media             n on             the most prefer                  of              committee members met up with                    Singapore legal sector and to provide a
                     tion in Sin                                    red venues in A
                                gapore             for dispute reso                  sia            members from the Suzhou and Wuxi Bar             platform for the exchange of ideas between
                                                  Mr Wan g Qian g,
                                                                   General Counsel,                 Associations, Wujiang Foreign Enterprises        members of the legal profession and/or
                                                  National Machine                   China
                                                                   ry Indu stry Corp                Association and some Chinese law firms,          Judiciary and the guests.
                                                  (SINOM ACH)                        oration
SINGAPORE                                                                                            ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                              REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                             Legal INDUSTRY    2011/12                                                                                Legal INDUSTRY

                                                                                                                                                                             The Honourable Justice Belinda Ang
                                                                                                                                                                             presenting a token of appreciation to
                                                              Panel discussion at the 1st National                                                                           the conference’s Guest of Honour, The
                                                              Conference on Construction                                                                                     Honourable Justice Lee Seiu Kin
                                                              Adjudication – Tactics & Strategies

Revamped SLW and SingaporeLaw websites                                                               b. The Neutral Evaluation Service was                     Training workshops
Singapore Law Watch (“SLW”) launched a revamped website with improved readability, earlier              launched on 2 May 2012. In the lead up to              From 1 April 2010 to 30 June 2012, SMC
news delivery and enhancements such as summaries of headline news and sharing capability                the launch, the Neutral Evaluation Rules               conducted 42 workshops in Singapore and
via Facebook and Twitter. SLW can now be read via iPhone and Android apps. Commentaries                 were drafted and a distinguished Panel was             overseas including Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei
also include contributions that cover the latest legal happenings on the international stage that       constituted.                                           and Sri Lanka.
may have an impact on Singapore law and business. The average number of email subscribers
and page views per month increased by 34.03% and 15.41% respectively compared to last year.          The 2009 volume of the Singapore                          Its retained earnings as at 31 March 2012 was
                                                                                                     Construction Adjudication Review (“SCAdjR”)               S$1,554,739.
A revamped SingaporeLaw website featuring enhanced content will be launched by end 2012,             was published on 20 August 2011 by Sweet
together with mobile applications for both iPhone and Android.                                       & Maxwell. The 2010 and 2011 volumes of                   Professional Affairs
                                                                                                     SCAdjR will be published by Academy                       The Professional Affairs Committee
                                                                                                     Publishing in the second half of 2012.                    (“PAC”) was chaired by the Honourable
Mediation & Other                                 a further 10 organisations have signed on to                                                                 Justice Steven Chong up to 24 June 2012.
Alternative Dispute                               the Singapore Mediation Charter.
Resolution Services                                                                                  Number of cases handled                                   The following activities of the various chapters
The Chairperson of the Board of Directors         The 1st National Conference on Construction                           1 April 2011 –   1 April 2012 –        and sub-committees of the PAC during the
                                                                                                      Work done        31 March 2012     30 June 2012
of the Singapore Mediation Centre                 Adjudication - Tactics & Strategies was held                                                                 period under review are highlighted:
                                                                                                      Mediation              144               42
(“SMC”) is the Honourable Justice                 on 20 October 2011 and attended by more             matters
Belinda Ang Saw Ean.                              than 180 industry professionals.                    Adjudication                                             a. Corporate Counsel Chapter: A small
                                                                                                      cases #                112               33
                                                                                                                                                                  working committee, which also includes
Key highlights                                    Two new schemes were implemented:                                                                               members of the Bar, was formed to study a
SMC launched the Singapore Mediation              a. Together with the Subordinate Courts                                                                         regulatory framework for in-house counsel.
                                                                                                     # SMC administers adjudication cases under the Building
Charter on 9 September 2011, obtaining               of Singapore, SMC developed a Premier           and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act.
pledges from 26 organisations to consider            Mediation Scheme, aimed at encouraging                                                                    b. Foreign Lawyers Chapter (“FLC”) focused
mediation as the first step in their dispute         disputants involved in higher-value civil                                                                    on developing plans to involve foreign
resolution needs. As of 30 June 2012,                suits commenced in the Subordinate                                                                           lawyers in pro bono work in Singapore.
                                                     Courts to mediate their cases using SMC.
SINGAPORE                                                                                             ANNUAL
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 OF LAW                                                                          Legal INDUSTRY        2011/12                                                                        Legal INDUSTRY

  FLC is studying the possibility of having        e. Young Members’ Chapter (“YMC”)                  Implementation of Strategic Direction
  foreign lawyers support the Pro Bono                organised the following events: The             A Strategic Directions Committee (“SDC”) chaired by President, SAL was set up on 30 May 2011,
  Clinic of the Law Society of Singapore in its       Revenue Business Cycle – Processes, Risks       to, inter alia, decide on the main strategic directions for the plans and activities of the Academy.
  administration or knowledge management.             & Controls, a joint seminar organised with      The SDC will also co-ordinate and synergise the efforts of the SAL Senate Committees.
                                                      the Institute of Certified Public Accountants
c. Professional Practice and Development              of Singapore (“ICPAS”) on 5 July 2011.          A Strategic Planning Brainstorming Exercise (“SPBE”) headed by the Honourable Judge of
   Chapter (“PDPC”) focused on the following                                                          Appeal Justice V K Rajah was carried out on 13 July 2011. Prior to this brainstorming exercise,
   activities:                                       YMC assisted with the organisation of the        a survey was carried out from 16 June 2011 to 5 July 2011 to gather views on the pressing issues
                                                     Mass Call on 27 August 2011. 257 petitioners     facing the legal fraternity. The SPBE resulted in a Rapporteurs’ Report which identified three
  i. Following up from its earlier initiative        were admitted as advocates and solicitors        strategic objectives for the Academy:
     to work with the Law Society on having          of the Supreme Court.
     more law firms to be Prime Law certified,                                                        a. Establishing a member-centric organisation;
     the Prime Law publication was circulated        The Christopher Bathurst Essay                   b. Raising standards of legal practice; and
     to all Law Society members by October           Competition 2011. Participants were asked        c. Growing Singapore’s legal industry – Developing and branding “Singapore Legal Inc”.
     2011.                                           to submit an essay of not more than
                                                     1,300 words on the topic “In International       The recommendations of the SDC were endorsed by the SAL Senate and the Heads of the
  ii. The second PAC Roundtable Forum on             Commercial Arbitrations, What System             Legal Industry and Legal Knowledge clusters met with the chairpersons of the various SAL
      Quantum and Transparency of Legal              of Law should the Arbitral Panel Apply to        Committees to finalise their work-plans based on these recommendations.
      Costs was held on 26 January 2012.             Resolve Disputes and Why?” The winning
      More than 50 participants attended.            essay was submitted by Mr Tng Sheng
                                                     Rong, Deputy Public Prosecutor, State            Appointment of Senior Counsel
  iii. A civil litigation checklist was prepared     Prosecution Division, Attorney-General’s         The Senior Counsel Selection Committee is chaired by the Honourable
       and circulated via the Academy’s              Chambers who won an all-expense-paid             the Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong.
       website. The checklist was also given         fortnight internship at Fountain Court
       to the Singapore Institute of Legal           Chambers in London.                              The Senior Counsel appointed for 2012 are Professor Yeo Tiong Min (honoris causa),
       Education, Temasek Polytechnic and                                                             Mr Kannan Ramesh and Mr Aedit Bin Abdullah, bringing the total number of persons who
       the National University of Singapore          A tea reception was hosted by the                have been conferred this distinguished title under section 30(1) of the Legal Profession Act
       (“NUS”) and Singapore Management              Honourable Justice Steven Chong for 13           (Cap. 161) to 63.
       University (“SMU”) law faculties for them     young lawyers (with post-qualification
       to consider using it as a training tool.      experience of 7 years or less) on 31
                                                     October 2011.
d. Professional Values Chapter (“PVC”)
   collaborated with the Academy’s                   The Developments and Realities of Legal
   Membership & Social Committee                     Practice in Singapore, a dialogue session
   to organise a dialogue with law                   for NUS and SMU law undergraduates
   undergraduates from NUS and SMU on 2              was held on 3 February 2012. The session
   September 2011. The panel consisting of           chaired by the Honourable Justice Steven
   legal professionals from private practice         Chong saw a high level of interaction
                                                                                                                                Senior Counsel:
   and the Legal Service shared their                between the students and the panellists                            Professor Yeo Tiong Min
                                                                                                           (honoris causa), Mr Kannan Ramesh
   experiences relating to professional values,      from private practice and the Legal Service.
                                                                                                                     and Mr Aedit Bin Abdullah
   practice and ethical issues.
SINGAPORE                                                                                            ANNUAL
 ACADEMY                                                                                              REPORT
 OF LAW                                                                             Legal INDUSTRY    2011/12                                                                                       Legal INDUSTRY

SAL Innovations and                              Authentication Services                             Membership and Social                                       ice cream making session and an ice cream
Ideas Scheme                                                                                         Activities                                                  buffet. The children also received gifts and
                                                 The number of authentication certificates           The Membership and Social Committee is                      NTUC vouchers. Members of the Academy
The SAL Innovations and Ideas Scheme             issued in FY2011/2012 totalled 42,814. Of the       chaired by the Honourable Justice Lai Siu Chiu.             and members from the ExotiCars Club
(“SALIIS”) was established in March 2012.        42,814 certificates, 4,830 were submitted                                                                       donated $24,134.06 which was chanelled to
The objectives of the scheme are to              under the Express Authentication Service.           The Committee organised 15 events for                       the Yellow Ribbon Fund to fund programmes
encourage members of the legal community         This is an increase of 10% over the number          members in the period under review.                         for children of ex-offenders and inmates.
to develop and implement new schemes/            38,822 of authentication certificates issued in
ideas that can benefit the legal industry and/   FY2010/2011.                                        The SAL Charity Project ‘Ice Cream + Charity =              SAL MEMBERSHIP
or wider community and to set aside funding                                                          A Sweet Combination’ was held on
to develop these ideas.                          SAL OVERSEAS                                        3 December 2011, in support of The Yellow                   SAL’s total membership as at 30 June 2012
                                                 ATTACHMENTS AND PRIZES                              Ribbon Fund/The Salvation Army Prison                       stood at 9,565, representing a 10% increase
A Committee for Innovation and Ideas (“CII”)                                                         Support Services - ‘Kids in Play’ Programme.                over the previous year’s figure of 8,703. Out of
was formed to oversee and manage the             In 2012, SAL Overseas Attachments were                                                                          the 9,565 members, 2,364 have been granted
scheme. CII is chaired by the Honourable         granted to Ms Ho May Kim, Ms Vimaljit Kaur,         48 beneficiaries, aged nine to twelve years                 a waiver of membership fees pursuant to Rule
Judge of Appeal Justice V K Rajah.               Ms Tan Weiyi and Mr Jordan Tan. The three-          old, were taken in a fleet of Ferraris, Porsches            4 of the SAL Rules.
                                                 month attachments were with Essex Court             and Lamborghinis from the ExotiCars Club
SALIIS funding is open to application from       Chambers and/or Fountain Court Chambers.            to Udders Ice Cream at Siglap for a hands-on
all SAL Ordinary, Associate and Associate-
Student members. Two proposals were              The winners of the SAL Prizes for 2011/2012 were:
received in the period under review.             a. Mr Xu Jiaxiong, Daryl, top final-year student
The CII met and interviewed the applicants          at the Faculty of Law, National University of
in July 2012.                                       Singapore;

Appointment of                                   b. Mr Dai Zhongyu, the top student in a
Commissioners for                                   Law Elective for the degree of Master
Oaths and Notaries                                  of Business Administration, Nanyang
Public                                              Technological University; and
The Board of Commissioners for Oaths and
Notaries Public (“the Board”) is chaired by      c. Mr Ng Guen Wen, Colin, the top
Mr Giam Chin Toon, SC.                              student in the Diploma in Law &
                                                    Management, Temasek Polytechnic.
In the year under review, 567 commissioners
for oaths and 169 notaries public were               “Very glad to vo
appointed for the period 1 October 2011 to 30                           lu nteer and hel
                                                     out in th is mea                     p
                                                                      n ingful event,
September 2012, and 1,137 commissioners for         cheer up the ch                     to
                                                                      ildren’s lives !!
oaths and 372 notaries public for the period        Sometimes, we
                                                                     th in k of the
1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013.                      misfortu ne of ot
                                                                       hers and our
                                                    ow n life pales
                                                                    in comparison.”                  The Honourabl
                                                   Mr John P. H. N                                                    e Justice Lai Siu
                                                                   g, Consultant,                    to the children                    Chiu handing
                                                                                                                     from The Salva                  out gifts
                                                   AsiaL egal LL                                     Services - ‘Kid                  tion Army Pris
                                                                 C                                                   s in Play’ Prog                on Support                                             of sports cars
                                                                                                                                     ramme                        The children were chauffeured in a fleet
                                                                                                                                                                                       to Udders Ice Crea m
                                                                                                                                                                  from ExotiCars Club
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